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Complicit in War Crimes

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Just now, Gaétan said:

They do it the wrong way and you can see the genocide of palestinians on TV

Think about the long game here...

And I know that it doesn't sound like a game to you, because people are dying, but it's nothing but a game to the people who are pulling the strings...

In 1948 some 700,000 people were displaced from their homes in Israel. That's less than 10% of the people who were displaced in India, and about 1/4 of the people who were displaced by islamic state when Obama was president.

All of the Syrians and Iraqis who were refugees have been re-settled. Why not the Palestinians? Why is it that the last 4 generations of Palestinian children grew up in refugee slums? Why is it that not even one Palestinian refugee has been re-settled in one muslim country in the last 75 years? 

Germany took in 800,000 refugees in one year. If 20 muslim countries took in 5,000 refugees a year for 7 years that would have been enough to re-settle all of the Palestinian refugees.

Where's the humanity? What was the point of leaving entire generations of children to grow up wallowing in poverty and hate?

The amount of money that Iran has spent on weapons for terrorists would have built entire cities by now. 

Just think about that for a minute, then I'll address the subject of terrorist propaganda... 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Think about the long game here...

And I know that it doesn't sound like a game to you, because people are dying, but it's nothing but a game to the people who are pulling the strings...

In 1948 some 700,000 people were displaced from their homes in Israel. That's less than 10% of the people who were displaced in India, and about 1/4 of the people who were displaced by islamic state when Obama was president.

All of the Syrians and Iraqis who were refugees have been re-settled. Why not the Palestinians? Why is it that the last 4 generations of Palestinian children grew up in refugee slums? Why is it that not even one Palestinian refugee has been re-settled in one muslim country in the last 75 years? 

Germany took in 800,000 refugees in one year. If 20 muslim countries took in 5,000 refugees a year for 7 years that would have been enough to re-settle all of the Palestinian refugees.

Where's the humanity? What was the point of leaving entire generations of children to grow up wallowing in poverty and hate?

The amount of money that Iran has spent on weapons for terrorists would have built entire cities by now. 

Just think about that for a minute, then I'll address the subject of terrorist propaganda... 

Crimes committed outside Israel don't justify crimes committed by israelis, the reasons why Israel has problem with their neighbours is because they commit crimes all the time and it is too late now to save their country because they killed too many palestinians, they have now to leave Israel.

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28 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

They do it the wrong way and you can see the genocide of palestinians on TV

This is the  only way to do it.  And the Palestinians can stop it at any moment. They started the war, they continue the war - are you saying they are 'genociding' themselves?

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18 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

This is the  only way to do it.  And the Palestinians can stop it at any moment. They started the war, they continue the war - are you saying they are 'genociding' themselves?

They were in conflict with the palestinians and now they are in conflict with Iran can't you see that what they are doing is wrong?

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11 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

They were in conflict with the palestinians and now they are in conflict with Iran can't you see that what they are doing is wrong?

I can see what the palestinians did was wrong, and i can see what the iranians have done is wrong.  Hamas gets it's weaponry and money and support from iran. Iran picked a fight and now it's getting a black eye for it. If they're smart theyll back off and learn a lesson. If they're dumb they'll wind up getting their ass 'gaza'd'.

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2 hours ago, Gaétan said:

Crimes committed outside Israel don't justify crimes committed by israelis,

Surely not to you and I, BUT, the people who cheered for muslims to get a sovereign state in Pakistan, at the cost of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 lives and 13M people expelled from their homes (on both sides of that conflict) shouldn't be upset for 80 years when someone else gains a homeland with 0% of the deaths (actually 0.03% of the deaths, so way less than 1% of the deaths) and 1/20th the number of people expelled from their homes.

Get it?

The muslims who are shrieking with rage, and are advocating genocide against Israel, are hypocrites of the most bigoted order.


Imagine this: someone kills your entire family; your kids, your parents, your sisters and brothers, your cousins, all your grandparents, and all of your best friends, and forces everyone in your home town to move elsewhere, taking nothing with them. A group of people - let's call them the Iranians - watch all that and then just make friends with the new homeowners, the Pake Family. They act like nothing ever happened, and even sing Kumbaya with them while all the people you loved are rotting in the ground. 

Then the Pake family, who killed off your town, go out and kill off an even bigger city 20 years later. No problem. The Iran family is still besties with the Pake family despite those massive bloodbaths.

Then the Iran family see one guy get murdered by the Izzy family, and see one family of four - the Pali family - forced from their home, and they stay boiling mad at the Izzy family for 80 years. Why are they so mad at the Izzies and so comfortable with the Pakes who murdered all your family members? Does that make sense? On top of that, they leave the Pali family - the one family that they're theoretically feeling so much pity for - living on the street for 80 years. Why is the Pali family still living on the street after 80 years if the Iran family really cares so much about them?  

The Iran family tells the Pali family "We love you guys soooo much, but you gotta live on the street forever. We'll give you some weapons to go commit as many murders as you can, and we'll cheer whenever you manage to burn some children to death, but we're gonna hang out with the Pakes while you suffer and kill."


Do you get it? 


If Israel was all alone in their barbarity then I could understand all the hate from the muslim world, but they're small-timers compared to Pakistan, and zero muslims are mad at Pakistan. None. The genocidal rage that the whole muslim world feels against Israel is quite out of place when you compare it to the way that they feel about Pakistan. 

All ^that' above is the full explanation of why I feel like the people who are angriest at Israel are just bigots. Otherwise they'd be even madder at Pakistan, seeing as the Pakistanis killed fourteen hundred times as many people when they took over.


Again: the Pakistanis have murdered anywhere from 3 million to 4 million people in two separate genocides. The Iranians are 100% cool with what the Pakistanis did. "Chuck those millions of Sikhs and Hindus into a hole so that we don't have to smell their decaying corpses and we're all good, brother!"

The Israelis killed less than 500 people in 1948, and that one 'genocide' was enough to keep Iran in frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs for 80 years.


Look all this up for yourself if you don't believe me. Check into the actual number of people killed by the Israelis when they got their sovereignty (Deir Yassin being the largest, at 105 people), and just remember, they were being attacked by 5 foreign armies at that time. No foreign armies were attacking Pakistan when they murdered 700,000 people. 

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14 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Surely not to you and I, BUT, the people who cheered for muslims to get a sovereign state in Pakistan, at the cost of 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 lives and 13M people expelled from their homes (on both sides of that conflict) shouldn't be upset for 80 years when someone else gains a homeland with 0% of the deaths (actually 0.03% of the deaths, so way less than 1% of the deaths) and 1/20th the number of people expelled from their homes.

Get it?

No, you seem to implying that Israel might exist elsewhere or not at all if Palestine had been as populated as Pakistan - is this because the death/displacement toll would have been higher than Israel could stomach? 


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The elected representatives of the most corrupt country in the world voted to send $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine and Israel, a sign that it is the arms lobbies that are running the US government and the end of the world is approaching.

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1 hour ago, Gaétan said:

The elected representatives of the most corrupt country in the world voted to send $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine and Israel, a sign that it is the arms lobbies that are running the US government and the end of the world is approaching.

No - just the ukraine.  They haven't sent any to israel.

The most corrupt  'elected' representatives in the world are Russian.  But yes they did send arms to ukraine.  Technically.

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1 hour ago, Gaétan said:

The elected representatives of the most corrupt country in the world voted to send $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine and Israel, a sign that it is the arms lobbies that are running the US government and the end of the world is approaching.

You should dig a deep hole in moms back yard, hey get some of your Hamas friends to come over i heard they are good at digging tunnels...better hurry i heard there not many left.....besides their terrorist just not very good at fighting thats all...well against real soldiers that is , they like unarmed women and children....supporting terrorism is not illegal's here in Canada, not yet any ways..

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20 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

You should dig a deep hole in moms back yard, hey get some of your Hamas friends to come over i heard they are good at digging tunnels...better hurry i heard there not many left.....besides their terrorist just not very good at fighting thats all...well against real soldiers that is , they like unarmed women and children....supporting terrorism is not illegal's here in Canada, not yet any ways..

Your attitude is a sign of weakness in the face of what astral rot is putting in your head, especially the Canadian military.

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3 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

Your attitude is a sign of weakness in the face of what astral rot is putting in your head, especially the Canadian military.

My attitude does not include supporting a terrorist organization or it's people....thats all you and a few other readers here...there will be no peace in Palestine with these terrorists holding on to power....and a major attitude change of its people...and that will never happen...

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3 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

My attitude does not include supporting a terrorist organization or it's people....thats all you and a few other readers here...there will be no peace in Palestine with these terrorists holding on to power....and a major attitude change of its people...and that will never happen...

I was catet in the canadian army and all they were saying to motivate soldiers is that russian were an ennemy, and now they found another ennemy the so called terrorist but they were wrong terrorists are vigilentes.

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17 hours ago, Gaétan said:

I was catet in the canadian army and all they were saying to motivate soldiers is that russian were an ennemy, and now they found another ennemy the so called terrorist but they were wrong terrorists are vigilentes.

No they were right. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trudeau refused to agree to Palestinian entry into UN for the sake of Jewish money. He must be tried for his complicity in the genocide, but the Canadian justice system is corrupt, a small criminal with a heavy sentence, a big criminal...

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3 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

Trudeau refused to agree to Palestinian entry into UN for the sake of Jewish money. He must be tried for his complicity in the genocide, but the Canadian justice system is corrupt, a small criminal with a heavy sentence, a big criminal...

The only genocidal one around here is you. 

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After causing tens of thousands of deaths and the total destruction of Gaza with American weapons and their veto against a ceasefire now, Antony Blinken says that it will have been useless, as it was easy to predict. It's time to put him in jail with his boss.

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7 hours ago, Gaétan said:

After causing tens of thousands of deaths and the total destruction of Gaza with American weapons and their veto against a ceasefire now, Antony Blinken says that it will have been useless, as it was easy to predict. It's time to put him in jail with his boss.

OR - they could give the israelis a couple of nukes and this could be over tomorrow :) 

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3 hours ago, Gaétan said:

The international judges immediately brought charges against Putin but no charges against Netanyahu after months of his crimes, so it is very clear that these judges are corrupt English lords.

Your mistake is thinking that Netanyahu is Putin in this story.  He's not. He's Zelenskyy.  His county was invaded by a hostile force and his people killed. and now he's fighting back. 

The international judges didn't bring charges against zelenskyy and they didn't bring charges against netanyahu.  They will bring charges against putin and the hamas leaders if they get their hands on them. 

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The problem with many people is they think this all started on October 7th, 2023.

It actually started in the late 40s and if you go further back, the late 10s.

And what Israel is doing is worse than what the Nazis did. In fact Amnesty International calls for Israel to put an end to apartheid. Strange how people forget about the definition of apartheid.

You'll never find a fair criminal tribunal when it is run by those that commit crimes. Hell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have been good candidates.

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17 minutes ago, exPS said:

The problem with many people is they think this all started on October 7th, 2023.

The problem with many people is that they don't realize that it actually started on October 7th 2023.

On that day hamas and Gaza made a decision to start a war. Prior to that they were not at war.


It actually started in the late 40s and if you go further back, the late 10s.

It actually did not. Regardless of what happened before, no matter what occurred to get them to that point, no matter what you might think of the history, on October 6th 2023 there was no war and on October 7th there was prior to the attack they had many choices as to how they would like to move forward. They could have chosen peace. They did not.


And what Israel is doing is worse than what the Nazis did. In fact Amnesty International calls for Israel to put an end to apartheid. Strange how people forget about the definition of apartheid.

Nothing the Israelis are doing is even remotely close to anything that the germans did. Israel was attacked and is defending itself


You'll never find a fair criminal tribunal when it is run by those that commit crimes. Hell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have been good candidates.

Well thank god we have you to tell us what is correct seeing as you are apparently the only sane human being on the planet according to you. :) 

The current war is happening because gaza chose violence. It's that simple. Everything else is excusing terrorist behavior. You are literally apologizing for people who slaughtered women and children by intent without warning and raped and mutilated them. That would make you the bad person, not Israel.

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On 4/20/2024 at 5:41 PM, Gaétan said:

Your attitude is a sign of weakness in the face of what astral rot is putting in your head, especially the Canadian military.

You have literally nothing Gaetan. No facts, no insights, no worthwhile commentary at all.

You can't participate in any thoughtful, sincere dialogue, you just spew bigotry and stupidity like a diarrhea firehose. 

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On 10/18/2023 at 12:09 PM, Army Guy said:

What are the war crimes you think Israel is guilty of...

I went back to look at how this thread started, and your post was the most relevant and first... that went unanswered. 

Imagine that. 

Like the claims of genocide, those who claim war crimes are never quite able to support their assertions and explain themselves. 


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