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‘It’s just not translating’: New Democrats worry about party’s performance under Jagmeet Singh’s leadership


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53 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Somewhere along the way it must have dawned on you how ridiculous your claim there was zero, nada, zilch benefit to be realized by anyone from the dental care program Jagmeet secured and so you dug this inflation rabbit hole to explain it all away.

Looks like Moonbat disagrees with you - he's absolutely frantic to distract from it :) 

You iknow it's true  and i know it's true. That's why the ndp members are getting pissed.   I'm sorry that the truth isn't to your liking, but that doesn't make it less true. Facts and feelings right :)

Even without the inflation element it's helping next to no one and when you add inflation it's of no benefit whatsoever.  If justin had focused on getting rid of inflation, which would have been pretty easy, then he'd actually have put more money in parent's hands for their kids for dental work or anything else.

I'm sure if we scour the country we'll find one person somewhere who managed to get some tiny benefit but lets get real - it's not a  'dental' program.

Sorry kiddo.  Jaggers sold his party out for nothing.  THat's why his approal in the party is going down, that's why his members are giving him pretty damn clear marching orders -  "You said we'd get a dental program, you said we'd have pharmacare, that was supposed to happen by the end of 2023 and we have NOTHING. "

Jaggers is going to be out on his ass pretty soon if he doesn't actually do something besides be Justin's House boy and wait for his pension to kick in.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

So Harper's stellar economic response was responsible for the reduction of the industrial output in Canada that led to lower CO2 emissions?

Well i didn't even bring that up actually - i talked about his response to the eocnomic crisis you mentioned. The worst one the world had seen in 80 years at the time - and how his response meant canada did fantastic and came through with flying colours.  Trudeau's response to difficult times has sunk the country for a generation. You see the difference :)

But sure - emissions went down under harper significiantly - they've only gone up under justin and thats even with shutting the economy down.



Okay, if you say so.

Well.. me, and history and the facts and sane people who can read...  y'know.


  We already now you don't think the closure of a huge coal fired electrical generating plant in Ontario that year had anything to do with it. Have it your way.

Sure, because i said that ever anywhere.  LOL

Man you're as bad as Moonbat - at the first sign of truth you don't like - LIE AND MAKE SOMETHING UP!!!!!!

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15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yawn - kid, I know you're wrong, you know you're wrong, everyone here knows you're wrong, the entire country knows you're wrong and can't wait to kick justin to the curb.

No muppet, what I know is that you're clueless on this topic, that you pull numbers out of your ass and that a quick citation from actual economists proves how full of shit you are.  Everything else in this thread is just more of your performative jackassery.  ?

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

No muppet, what I know is that you're clueless on this topic, that you pull numbers out of your ass and that a quick citation from actual economists proves how full of shit you are.  Everything else in this thread is just more of your performative jackassery.  ?

LOL - wow - you  have no idea how desperate you look :)

50 percent of the INITIAL causes of inflation were within trudeau's power to address, they weren't exterior forces. And the bank even told him how to do it. That's the simple fact, THAT is what the ACTUAL economists said.  And trudeau did the opposite of what they said - and our inflatino/interest rates suffered accordingly.  It's his fault

NOW - its a hell of a lot worse.  Now one of the biggest driving factors for inflation is immigration and he's still raising that. AND he's still increasing the spending the bank told him he needed to cut.

inflation/interest rates are mostly, bordering on entirely, justin's fault and it pisses you off to no end :)


AND - justin's dental rebate is useless. 

He's a failed leader, a failed husband,  a failed prime minister.  That's what you get when you vote 'Woke'. :)   get ready for 10 years of real leadership

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20 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The worst one the world had seen in 80 years at the time - and how his response meant canada did fantastic and came through with flying colours. 

We came through better because we have far more robust regulations when it comes to banking - we're better at resisting letting our financial system become a casino. These regulations were in place well before Harper's term in office.

As I recall conservatives are usually pretty hot for the sort of economic deregulation many of our partners prescribe.

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14 minutes ago, eyeball said:

We came through better because we have far more robust regulations when it comes to banking.

Nope.  Didn't hurt but didn't save us.  (the banking system and laws set up by .. dun dun daaaaa.... conservatives under mulroney btw).



- we're better at resisting letting our financial system become a casino. These regulations were in place well before Harper's term in office.

Nope.  While we didn't have the same defaults we also had no money. Our banks rely on international lenders and that dried up completely. Harper pulled some TRULY innovative stuff to resolve that.


As I recall conservatives are usually pretty hot for the sort of economic deregulation many of our partners prescribe

That's because your brain doesn't work very well.

Mulroney brought in our current system, harper actually toughened mortgage and banking laws considerably over his time reversing a trend towards more relaxed laws that the libs had started which came into force very early in Harper's term and which he shut down a short time later.

So... kinda got it backwards there little guy.

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Mulroney brought in our current system, harper actually toughened mortgage and banking laws considerably over his time reversing a trend towards more relaxed laws that the libs had started which came into force very early in Harper's term and which he shut down a short time later.


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23 minutes ago, eyeball said:



Bank act - 1991.   Mulroney was prime minister till 1993.  Did you need a cite for that too, or are you able to handle looking up our list of prime ministers? :)  ROFLMAO!!

As to harper - these were all his:

December, 2015: High Ratio Down payments

The government increased the minimum down payment for high ratio insured mortgages on homes valued over $500,000 from 5% to 10%.

June 2012: 4 new restrictions

  • Stress Test – GDS/TDS:  The government changed the maximum GDS to 39% and TDS to 44% for insured mortgages.
  • Maximum Amortization: Reduced to 25 years from 30 years
  • Maximum Refinance: Reduced to 80% loan to value from 85%
  • Maximum Property Value: High ratio insurance limited to properties valued at less than $1 million

January, 2011: 2 new restrictions

  • Maximum Amortization: Reduced to 30 years from 35 years
  • Maximum Refinance: Reduced to 85% loan to value from 90%

February, 2010: 2 new restrictions

  • Maximum Refinance: Reduced to 90% loan to value from 95%
  • Non-owner-occupied insured mortgages: 20% down payment required

July, 2008: Maximum Amortization

  • The maximum amortization was reduced to 35 years from 40 years

[1] CMHC, https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/media-newsroom/news-releases/2020/cmhc-reviews-underwriting-criteria

[2] OSFI, http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/eng/osfi-bsif/med/Pages/b20_dft_nr.aspx

[3] Ontario Ministry of Finance, http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/bulletins/nrst/nrst.html


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30 minutes ago, eyeball said:


Did you honestly not know all that stuff? So you've basically been talking out of your ass with absolutely zero comprehension of the subject.

But - Gotta defend that boyfriend of yours right?  :)  lolol Well he's single now so maybe you've got a shot :)  

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On 10/14/2023 at 6:44 AM, CdnFox said:

“I think politically, Jagmeet Singh has been better than I was expecting him to be in a lot of ways,” said Miles Krauter, an active member of the NDP for the past decade.

“But for whatever reason, it’s just not translating electorally for us … he might say a lot of good things, but it doesn’t always seem connected to a broader vision, a transformational vision for society.”

Is this the language of NDP voters?

I thought that they said things more along the lines of "Omar Khadr you have more class than the whole f'ing cabinet!"...

Or at least that what their leaders say. 

What "transformational vision of society" does this guy want from the NDP? He needs to look around and see what the rest of the world looks like. The entire ME is a collection of shithole countries. Some more murdery than others, but all of them are hotbeds of violent religious bigotry. 

Russia and China aren't exactly what we want to transform into... NoKo... Indonesia...

Is there a country in Africa we should be emulating?

I'm really not sure what Canada should be transforming to. I don't see any good role models out there for us. I wish he'd name a country or culture that we should look up to. 

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54 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Is this the language of NDP voters?

I thought that they said things more along the lines of "Omar Khadr you have more class than the whole f'ing cabinet!"...

Or at least that what their leaders say. 

Well - that was the green party actually :) but... .

There is an inherent duality to the NDP.  There's the "socialist" ndp which is all about workers' rights and labour law, and the worker and the average blue collar guy and wants health care and good wages etc etc etc.    That group likes a broad vision.

Then - there's the "woke" or "activist" ndp which is all about ideology, making statements,  Omar good, isreal bad, the rich are evil, we should pay reparations to all non whites, no oil should ever be produced, etc etc. That group doesn't care about the broader vision, they want instant gratification for their echo-chamber ideology.

At different times, one group or the other tends to hold sway.  In Layton's time it was the 'socialist' group who held sway,  after that it fell back to the 'activist' NDP who care more about symbology over substance.

At the moment-  neither group is happy and there's a bit of a 'lull' as to who's in charge.  Jaggers isn't doing NEARLY enough to be an activist - he didn't immediately call for the burning of isreal and expulsion of all jews for example. He hasn't done much of anything for lgbtqlmouse+-/* poeple (the letter mafia).  But he also hasn't done anything for the worker.  The dental plan is a flop, no pharmacare has happened,  and hasn't tried anything else.

So - everyone's just kind of not impressed but nobody's really 'in charge' so they're all just milling around.

Which is why they're bleeding to the CPC at the moment.  The CPC actuallly does have a vision for young people to help with their lives and the kids are DESPERATE for that. 


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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Mulroney brought in our current system, harper actually toughened mortgage and banking laws considerably over his time reversing a trend towards more relaxed laws that the libs had started which came into force very early in Harper's term and which he shut down a short time later.

So... kinda got it backwards there little guy.


6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Bank act - 1991.

Like I said, long before Harper

None of the links you provided as evidence that Harper saved the day go anywhere.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:


Like I said, long before Harper


Like i said - a conservative gov't created our solid banking structure


None of the links you provided as evidence that Harper saved the day go anywhere.

There was only one link - the rest is just text. In any case it cites the specific changes he made.

So - Conservatives created our stable banking system - then after the liberals 'relaxed' the rules harper tightened them and kept tightening them with the last of his chagnes coming into force just after his defeat, so literally kept making changes right up till the very end.  And all of them tightened the rules.

 And once again you prove you're an uneducated slob who doesn't understand the subjects he brings up :)  Well done. Canada has the conservatives to thank for its' robust banking system - and harper to thank for taking the rather extrodinary steps to get us out of the worst economic downturn in 80 years largely unscathed.

And justin to thank for screwing it all up

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Like i said - a conservative gov't created our solid banking structure

I never said they didn't. I simply said it wasn't Harper. All the things you claim he did that saved Canada's ass from the banking collapse that correlated with his eco miracle were done years after the collapse/miracle. I guess that's why your links were bogus.

So....swing and a miss there kiddo as they say.

This is why no one trusts your arithmetic.

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I never said they didn't. I simply said it wasn't Harper.

Nope - after i pointed out it was mulrioney you demanded a cite, meaning you didn't believe it.  Sorry kiddol you fail again


All the things you claim he did that saved Canada's ass from the banking collapse that correlated with his eco miracle were done years after the collapse/miracle

Sorry kiddo but 2008 (the first one) is before the collapse even started and the rest still strengthened our system whcih YOU Claimed conservatives didnt like to do and i've proved they did.

I actually was the one that said that while the banking systgem helped that's not what saved us and it was the things harper did which did save us.  Soooo  trying to pretend now that i said that the bank system was what saved us is a lie. How shocking - you resort to dishonestly when cornered, who'd have guessed!!  :) 

So....swing and a miss there kiddo as they say. - guess you were talking to yourself  :) 



This is why no one trusts your arithmetic.


This is why everyone calls you a liar :) 

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57 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Nope - after i pointed out it was mulrioney you demanded a cite, meaning you didn't believe it.  Sorry kiddol you fail again

As you may note, again, it was I who first pointed out that our stronger banking rules going into the year of the banking collapse are what protected us from the worst of its effects. Ever the knee jerk contrarian you are however you automatically reacted by saying that actually had nothing to do with it.

I suppose you realized I was right after all and now you're trying to salvage your pathetic face by lecturing to me that it was our stronger banking rules that protected us from the worst effects of the collapse.?

You know damn well Harper had little to nothing to do with it. He was just lucky the banking rules...oh never mind.

Recall how you started burrowing into this stupid rabbit hole of your's because of some compulsion you had to put Harper's reduction of CO2 emissions on a pedestal to compare to what....wait for it....Trudeau's dismal performance!?

Like I've said many time to you, you don't have to try so hard to criticize Trudeau, we're actually with you.  You're only tying yourself up into knots.

57 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

This is why everyone calls you a liar


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27 minutes ago, eyeball said:

As you may note, again, it was I who first pointed out that our stronger banking rules going into the year of the banking collapse are what protected us from the worst of its effects.

Yes, And i pointed out you were wrong.  I further pointed out that it was the conservatives who instituted those stronger banking rules after you claimed conservatives don't like strong banking rules.

So - you were wrong twice.

  Somehow - in your teeny little mind my pointing out (correctly) that this wasn't what saved us AND pointing out that it was conservatives who did it despite your claims  somehow means that ive "realized i'm wrong".

what it actually makes me realize is you're a delusional !diot who probably shouldn't be allowed to cross streets unattended :).

Our strong banking isn't want saved us.  It would have floundered as well because the international supply of money dried up. It was a desperate situation and Harper pulled a never before done trick out of his tuckas which kept the country afloat.

Then he used extremely targeted spending to stimulate the economy till the world recovered.  Then he re balanced the books over a planned 5 year time period, hitting his goals each year.

And he turned over a thriving economy and zero deficit and strong trade agreements etc, which trudeau promply screwed up.


Sorry kiddo. If you thought the  banking system was what saved us you're wrong. It sure didn't hurt, it kept the defaults to a minimum, but it wasn't what caused us to do so well. 

yeash :)   You sure are desperate these days. I guess wathcing PP's popularity soar is making you a little cranky and emotional

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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

50 percent of the INITIAL causes of inflation were within trudeau's power to address, they weren't exterior forces.

No they weren't, because:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

Trudeau can't control US inflation, commodity prices or movements in the exchange rate.  Since we're not a communist command economy, he also can't do much about supply chains.  This is all the proof we need that you're a clueless buffoon, ranting about shit for which you have no understanding or knowledge.   ?


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On 10/17/2023 at 10:00 PM, CdnFox said:

Frankly i think if we're going to have universal health care we should have pharmacare - paying for the guy who can tell you what you need but not paying for what  you need sounds stupid to me - but most provinces already have some version of it, and most people have it through work.  I'm not sure the average person will see a big difference.


Some of the working poor don’t have it which sends a terrible message. I saw a newly arrived doctor from the UK prescribing fertility medication here and finding out to his amazement that the patient couldn’t afford it. 


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The FPTP voting system punishes small national parties like the NDP and favours regional ones like the BQ. People understand that and tend to vote for the large party nearest their interests when a general election comes around. The question for left-wingers becomes an unpalatable one: do you want Trudeau or Poilievre? 

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35 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The FPTP voting system punishes small national parties like the NDP and favours regional ones like the BQ. People understand that and tend to vote for the large party nearest their interests when a general election comes around. The question for left-wingers becomes an unpalatable one: do you want Trudeau or Poilievre

The NDP being a small national party is totally the NDP fault. If they cannot even make it like a regional; party then i suggest the NDP re-thinks it's mandate LOL'

The question for Canadians becomes an unpalatable one: do you want Trudeau or Poilievre?  We certainly do not want a socialist one like NDP.


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36 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

The question for Canadians becomes an unpalatable one: do you want Trudeau or Poilievre?  We certainly do not want a socialist one like NDP.

Trudeau is the unpalatable choice.  Poilievre is as yet an unknown.  For some reason, eastern voters seem more tolerant of Trudeau's multiple failings on every political/ethical/personal level.  Go figure.

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

No they weren't, because:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.



Says right there i'm correct. Bank also told him how to fix it  - spend less, and the problem goes away and he didn't.

Black and white.

And justin's dental program is still a flop :)  

Which is why the ndp voters are starting to get pissed with Jaggers.


I do notice this trend tho - the more PP tends to do well in the polls the  more desperate and emotional you become :)   it's funny to watch :)    Everyone everywhere knows justin's policies are responsible for the majority of our inflation/interest rates  and the scotiabank reports say it clearly.   But you desperately cling to the lie that they're not by trying to twist the meaning of words and make false claims.  Even as you post proof i'm right :) 

LOL - but hey keep going - it's a true pleasure to watch you lefties melt into the ground as your hero crumbles in front of you :)

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1 hour ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Trudeau is the unpalatable choice.  Poilievre is as yet an unknown.  For some reason, eastern voters seem more tolerant of Trudeau's multiple failings on every political/ethical/personal level.  Go figure.

Key word...unknown. So was Scheer and O'Foole

Maybe Trudeau has more to offer than the previous conservative offerings?

Gotta say though, ABT. (Anybody But Trudeau)

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