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GUNTER: Indigenous female murder stats clash with 'woke' narrative (In most cases (86%), “the person accused of their homicide was also Indigenous.”)


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Statistics Canada produced an important report last week into the murders of Indigenous women and girls. It should have a significant impact on public policy in Canada, but almost certainly won’t because it conflicts with the “woke” narrative about who murders Indigenous women and why.

The report has several fascinating findings, but here is the key one: In most cases (86%), “the person accused of their homicide was also Indigenous.”

That means nearly all the solutions proposed so far by the Trudeau Liberals, by academics and by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) are destined to fail because they are seeking to solve the wrong problem – i.e. systemic white racism.

You may recall that when the final report of the $54-million MMIWG inquiry came out in 2019, it perpetuated the “progressive” stereotypes that white men murdered most Indigenous victims and white police did almost nothing about the crimes.

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And then there's this:


Indigenous women, girls killed at rate six times higher than non-Indigenous: StatCan

and i love this -

"But when the victim was Indigenous, police laid or recommended that charge half as often. The less-serious offences of second-degree murder and manslaughter were more common."


Because a) - the FN's shield them and,

b) there's no point in going for higher charges! The judge will just let them off!!!

And to the FN lady in the picture asking where her sisters are,  Ask your brothers! THey're the ones killing them!

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

But the FN's still refuse to do anything about this and in fact still blame whitey for it all. 

I see it similar to the black community in the US.

Being pacified by the government and sold their own victimhood, but nobody seems to want to actually help pick the community up.

Its easier to throw money at it, and let them eat themselves alive.

Nobody dares acknowledge the self inflicted issues holding it down. Thats racist.

Its far easier to shame Canadians for the past that they have nothing to do with. 

For the land grab they aren't responsible for.

I don't know. I don't believe in victimhood. I believe in empowerment. 

Very sad to see that the latter isn't what is pushed onto this community.

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Isn't it remarkable how right-wing and leftie woke come together in sweet harmony creating alternative realities - only with opposing signatures?

Ones try to shrug off, explain away and trivialize extreme brutality and inhumanity - only because their brains wouldn't let them think and decide for themselves, contrary to the messes of their Lying Idol.

And the others, impose on you non-existent obligations and guilt. "Everybody looking for something", as they say.

The brain has evolved for a reason. One can observe, understand and make their own decision. You always have this choice.

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I have been saying for a log time that the real MMWIG cannot be released in its entirety because of the backlash it would have.

Almost all missing and murdered (and raped and beaten) indigenous women were done so by their own men.

Nether Trudeau or PP  (or any other politician) are going to respond because it would be the end of their political careers.

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It sounds like a lot of native women were murdered when you hear "4,000 missing and murdered between 1956 and 2016!!!!!", but only 30% of homicide victims in Canada are even women, so the number of men is substantially higher.

Also, the missing/murdered are spread out over 10 provinces and 3 territories over 7 decades, that's basically like 91 decades (7 x 13) for one province. 910 years. 4,000 over 910 years = 44.

I.e., this is like if a province had 4 cases per year for 910 years. It's not at an astonishing level at all. It seems fairly normal.

4.4/year/province x 13 provinces x 70 years = 4000.

So, at a rate of 4.4 women per province per year do we really need our PM talking about it like it's a genocide? Do we really need all of these nasty websites out there pointing fingers as if this is some kind of horror show?





If 80% of the killers are from their own culture, that means that there are only .9 murders per year by non-natives per province... 

.9 murders/year by non-natives per province = IT'S A GENOCIDE!!!!!! AT THAT RATE THEY WILL BE GONE BEFORE THE GLACIERS!

Canadians need to wise up. The world is full of religious bigots and racists who hate us, and our self-loathing libbies love nothing more than pumping up their leftard dumpster cred via self-flagellation. 

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Ones try to shrug off, explain away and trivialize extreme brutality and inhumanity

Or accept that it has happened, but you can't change the past. You can only learn from it, and move forwards.

Am black. Slavery sucked, but all of my peers I grew up around were not directly affected by it. So, am supposed to feel sorry for them? Why?

Because their skin color matches the skin color of actual victims of slavery? That makes them entitled to something? 

That sounds like opportunistic people who don't genuinely care for what happened, but how they can benefit from it. 

Sorry, but I feel zero sympathy in that setting.

I deal with racism all the time.

Am I entitled to a sympathy cake?

I can't stand someone telling me they can't get ahead in life because they are black. Its bullshit. 

Because they are female.

I know it's garbage when they get angry at being asked what they did. Because its usually a whole lot of nothing.

One of my alcoholic relatives complained to me that he couldn't get a job because of racism. I repeat. My alcoholic relative. 

People who get ahead in life, literally don't have the luxury to feel sorry for themselves. To blame a soul for their settings. They put this on their own shoulders.

Pointing fingers as to why some communities succeed and rise up and others struggle to, often has more to do with the 3 fingers pointing right back at it, than any outside factors.



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54 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

My recollection about the controversy is that the murders and disappearances simply weren't given enough attention.

Kind of like murders in the black community?

Welcome to the club.

We all do it. 

See a gorgeous white woman who also volunteers on the side get shot dead by a stray bullet, and now all of a sudden, gun violence is abhorrent.

If she "wanted to help others when she grows up", the story would go viral, and the internet would break.

There is nothing controversial about a woman who is native who gets killed and there are crickets in the media. Many of us do it. There are assumptions about certain demographics of people, and while unfair, some who have the most prominent voices within them, don't help their cases.

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2 hours ago, myata said:

Isn't it remarkable how right-wing and leftie woke come together in sweet harmony creating alternative realities - only with opposing signatures?

Ones try to shrug off, explain away and trivialize extreme brutality and inhumanity - only because their brains wouldn't let them think and decide for themselves, contrary to the messes of their Lying Idol.

And the others, impose on you non-existent obligations and guilt. "Everybody looking for something", as they say.

The brain has evolved for a reason. One can observe, understand and make their own decision. You always have this choice.

Reading your poor excuse for english, What's amazing for most of us is that you get can get your shoes tied without help or a helmet.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I guess what we are saying is that disappearances and murders need not be investigated if they are done by ones' own kind ?  Or... ? 

My recollection about the controversy is that the murders and disappearances simply weren't given enough attention.

That was the claim but it ignored a number of realities. I had some candid talks with some actual officers about that - for the most part it wasn't about 'racism' per se.

For whatever reason in those communities it's common for young people including girls to just decide to take off and vanish for a week or three. The parents don't seen to care or attempt to control their kids the way you would see in other cultures. So cops would very frequently investigate such 'disappearances' only to find the girl just decided to take off with friends or to have her turn up on her own later.  IF that's happening almost all the time, pretty soon it's a case of the boy who cried wolf.  They don't want to spend the time and resources which are already scarce till there's some reason to believe it's a genuine crime or the like.  

ANd i'm sorry but that's fair. If you let your kids just do whatever they want and vanish without contacting you and you haven't raise them to keep in touch then you can't expect police to be at your beck and call to track them down every time you happen to realize they didn't come home for a few nights.

And the other problem is that even if they catch the bad guy and solve the case, in the vast majority of cases it's a first nations person and the courts will do next to nothing and the FN's will try to protect them. So the cops get treated badly for doing the job.

Funny story - whip a dog every time he tries to do a thing, pretty soon he gives up on doing that thing.


They don't need to investigate their own kind. but they need to hold their own kind to account and not hinder investigations, and maybe raise their kids a little better.

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

I have been saying for a log time that the real MMWIG cannot be released in its entirety because of the backlash it would have.

Almost all missing and murdered (and raped and beaten) indigenous women were done so by their own men.

Nether Trudeau or PP  (or any other politician) are going to respond because it would be the end of their political careers.

I agree... but most women are assaulted/murdered by a partner anyway.  To point that out as having relevance in the case of MMIW would be the end for any politician.

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

See a gorgeous white woman who also volunteers on the side get shot dead by a stray bullet, and now all of a sudden, gun violence is abhorrent.

Not really.

A "white woman" called the police down in the States (Minneapolis iirc), went out in her housecoat to talk to the cops, and she was shot by a male, dark-skinned muslim cop... No big deal. 

In fairness to him, he failed that part of the shooting course where the targets pop up and you're supposed to only shoot the guys pointing guns at you. He pumped ten rounds into a target baby, and then tea-bagged it. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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Classic straw man argument. The alleged “woke narrative” that the OP claims the left is making doesn’t really exist.  

MMIW was never about white men killing FN women. It is primarily about police, courts and other authorities ignoring, minimizing and downplaying reports of such cases   Secondarily, it is about the dire socioeconomic conditions many FN people live in which are a major driver of crime, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. 

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2 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Classic straw man argument. The alleged “woke narrative” that the OP claims the left is making doesn’t really exist.  

MMIW was never about white men killing FN women. It is primarily about police, courts and other authorities ignoring, minimizing and downplaying reports of such cases   Secondarily, it is about the dire socioeconomic conditions many FN people live in which are a major driver of crime, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. 

Not true.

Hence all the sites called CulturalSurvival.org, FemicideInCanada.ca, etc.

The number of deaths was supposed to be out of this world. 

Google search entry: "How many Indigenous women are missing and murdered in Canada?"


4000 in 30 years, like at the top, or 4000 between 1956 and 2016 (only 60 years, my bad, I did the math based on 7 decades up top.)

In any event, that topic brings up a plethora of sites alleging it's some kind of unreal massacre.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I agree... but most women are assaulted/murdered by a partner anyway.  To point that out as having relevance in the case of MMIW would be the end for any politician.

The interesting thing tho is with the indiginous it's not always their partner.  Family members or aquaintences make up  a higher proportion than other ethnic groups - which may explain the higher homicide rate i guess.  They get all the spousal murders other cultures get AND a bunch of others from friends and family on top.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Classic straw man argument. The alleged “woke narrative” that the OP claims the left is making doesn’t really exist.  


Oh it absolutely does

In fact the report - which you obvously haven't read - specifically highlights white men as being a threat, including temporary workers building oil piplelines and such.  It's quite clear in the report.


MMIW was never about white men killing FN women.

Yeah, it was. go read it. Slowly.


It is primarily about police, courts and other authorities ignoring, minimizing and downplaying reports of such cases  

That certainly is a factor as well, which gives us the 'one two whammy' of first they put is in danger, then they wont investigate.

Even better - remember that whitey is responsible for the 'genocide' of the first nations, and they blame THAT as the REASON so many of their people kill. So even when it's NOT whitey - it's whitey.



Secondarily, it is about the dire socioeconomic conditions many FN people live in which are a major driver of crime, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. 

Not really. It barely touches on that. It does claim there are 'root causes' which the gov't should fix somehow (because it's not the job of the first nations to fix the first nations).

If you look at the recommendations, the vast vast majority do not involve changes to investigation - only a few do.  A very large percent do address violence tho, but most are too vauge to be of any use.

There is a strong narrrative that white people do the harm - white people are responsible when FN's do the harm.  Ergo all violence is whitey's problem to fix.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Not really.

A "white woman" called the police down in the States (Minneapolis iirc), went out in her housecoat to talk to the cops, and she was shot by a male, dark-skinned muslim cop... No big deal. 

In fairness to him, he failed that part of the shooting course where the targets pop up and you're supposed to only shoot the guys pointing guns at you. He pumped ten rounds into a target baby, and then tea-bagged it. 

Imagine. For a beautiful white woman to get shot to death by a cop, you would have to get an insanely incompetent one.

Like room temperature IQ, level of incompetence.

With a cop with nerves like that, they likely would have shot at the house, the woman and the trees for insurance.

Most cops would have seen her as a victim. 


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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Imagine. For a beautiful white woman to get shot to death by a cop, you would have to get an insanely incompetent one.

Like room temperature IQ, level of incompetence.

With a cop with nerves like that, they likely would have shot at the house, the woman and the trees for insurance.

Most cops would have seen her as a victim. 

Maybe she had some of that horrible greasy crap on her face, some rollers in her pink hair, and she was screaming like a Karen. It's possible that he did it for all of us. 

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16 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I see it similar to the black community in the US.

Being pacified by the government and sold their own victimhood, but nobody seems to want to actually help pick the community up.

Its easier to throw money at it, and let them eat themselves alive.

Nobody dares acknowledge the self inflicted issues holding it down. Thats racist.

Its far easier to shame Canadians for the past that they have nothing to do with. 

For the land grab they aren't responsible for.

I don't know. I don't believe in victimhood. I believe in empowerment. 

Very sad to see that the latter isn't what is pushed onto this community.

That's because those in charge or have real power in those communities benefit from the victimhood. They have a conflict of interest I'd argue, when the government funds the cycle endlessly. 

The government gets to look like they are doing something, while really doing nothing useful. And all parties are to blame

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