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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

No, I'm not Jewish.  Actually German-English descent.  

There are lots of things I can see you do not understand about this whole thing.

You need to understand that taxme is a holocaust denier - his 'support' for Palestine is according to a different agenda and for whom Oct. 7th was a day for crying bullseye.

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On 10/30/2023 at 10:53 AM, Brigitte said:

 First, Canada does  have limitations on peaceful protests. Protesters can't block streets nor prevent people from going into a restaurants, nor harass specific people on order to prevent them doing things we all do in our daily lives , eg taking children to school.  However,  while these events being protested are about an external issue, I envision  how it can become an internal issue, one  that challenges how we in Canada deal with dissent. That is, what we are witnessing is protestors,  who live in Canada , celebrating and supporting what is considered IN OUR COUNTRY to be   terrorist's acts.  So, terrorism is justified. I ask- would that justify terrorism in Canada, if they felt it justifiable? 

Good questions.

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I started wearing my Remembrence Day Poppy today. This year it is not only to remember those who lost their lives defending our democracy but also to remember all those innocent defenseless Israeli women and children who lost their lives so violently by a bunch of barbatic violent son of the bit*th terrorists.

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On 10/10/2023 at 9:38 PM, blackbird said:

President Biden will win a lot of conservative support for his supportive comments about the barbaric Hamas attack.

US President Biden: Hamas’ ISIS-like slaughter of Jews is ‘pure evil’ (msn.com)


Biden couldn't win conservative support if he walked on water. American conservatives aren't really conservative and only care about hot button issues involving sex, guns and abortion. And cutting taxes, of course, no matter what that does to the government or who it hurts or kills.

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On 10/31/2023 at 3:10 PM, taxme said:

So, Israel has 400 nukes at it's disposal but gets all pizzed off when Iran wants to have their own nukes. What in the fkn hell does Israel need to have 400 nukes in it's arsenal for? 

It has a lot of enemies. And if it gets nuked I wouldn't doubt they'd nuke every one of them. Ie, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, West Bank, Yemen, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, etc.

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I see in the news how things are changing for the worse in big cities. Hasn't affected us much yet here in small-ville. We do have visibly more people wearing religious headgear around. They run all the Tim Horton's and Circle-K stores, and gas stations. Obviously these people had money when they came to Canada and started up their own business.

Good for them, I say. Welcome to Canada where you can prosper and live in safety, religious headgear irregardless.


But this angry mob faction, the ones who wear the black robes etc., have a lot to say and think they have the right to say it publicly. They don't. Not in the manner they're doing it that is. Far as I recall there are laws against organizing large public rallies/ demonstrations without a permit. Is that yet another law not being applied in some situations, while it is in others? Or, wtf is going on with these people. These authoritities. They don't seem interested in upholding law and order to maintain the peace.

Maybe it's time for some old-school Canadian boys to get together and go for a walk at night, through their towns and villages, each of them in their neighbourhoods, make sure everyone's having a nice and safe evening...

And if you've got a problem?


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On 10/31/2023 at 12:10 PM, taxme said:

So, Israel has 400 nukes at it's disposal but gets all pizzed off when Iran wants to have their own nukes.

You still don't get it.  Islamic theocracies like Iran are a threat to not just Israel but to the west.  They are not any kind of friend of Canada's or the west.  Why are you such an Islamic radical supporter?  Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism and one of the most dangerous Islamic theocracies in the world.  They brutally suppress their own people, especially women who do not follow their tyrannical decrees about what women shall wear and what they shall do.  They have threatened to wipe Israel off the map and call America Satanic.

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On 11/4/2023 at 7:31 AM, I am Groot said:

It has a lot of enemies. And if it gets nuked I wouldn't doubt they'd nuke every one of them. Ie, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, West Bank, Yemen, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, etc.

O, i get it now. So, if say Iran nukes Israel than Israel can nuke not only Iran back but the rest of the Middle East at the same time just to be on the cautious side or maybe just do it just for fun. Get rid of all of those pesky Arab countries at the same time for good. Problem solved for Israel. 

There is no reasonable justification for a country like Israel to have 400 nukes at it's disposal. How the hell did that ever happen? Why were they allowed to have 400 nukes in their arsenal? 

If Israel does have a lot of enemies then the question that needs to be answered here is WHY? Why Groot, why does Israel have so many enemies and needs 400 nukes? Well? 

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On 11/4/2023 at 9:55 AM, blackbird said:

You still don't get it.  Islamic theocracies like Iran are a threat to not just Israel but to the west.  They are not any kind of friend of Canada's or the west.  Why are you such an Islamic radical supporter?  Iran is a state-sponsor of terrorism and one of the most dangerous Islamic theocracies in the world.  They brutally suppress their own people, especially women who do not follow their tyrannical decrees about what women shall wear and what they shall do.  They have threatened to wipe Israel off the map and call America Satanic.

Oh, I got it alright. America has always been a state sponsor and supporter of terrorism in many countries for many decades now. I am not an Iran supporter. I despise their way of doing things and how they treat their women. Their women are brutally oppressed by a sick Islamic religious culture that still lives in biblical times. 

Iran could careless about the rest of the world. They are only concerned with Israel their real enemy. Thanks to Israel America has become satanic looking. Ariel Sharon once said in the Knesett that Israel owns America. Believe it or not. 


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29 minutes ago, taxme said:

America has always been a state sponsor and supporter of terrorism in many countries for many decades now.

I don't know how you figure that.  America was attacked on 9-11  and over 3,000 lost their lives to al Qaida.  America had a perfect right to go after al Qaida wherever they were in the world.  So they did take action against terrorists in the middle east and Afghanistan.  They had no choice.

America has had to fight against Communist dictatorships and terrorists in the world.  That is not being a sponsor or supporter of terrorism.  If they didn't act, you might be living under a totalitarian or Communist system now.  The Islamic extremists are very bold and will go into the west and attack if given the chance. 

America is a superpower and has to defend itself and its interests in the world or be taken over and pushed out by other superpowers or radical Islamic countries like Iran.  

Europe and America have struggled for a long time to maintain western interests in the middle east.  If they didn't China or Russia would just extend their control over the area and expand from there.  That is just how the world works.

The west sees Israel as a holy land for Jews and Christians and Muslims see it as theirs.  So it is a kind of focal point for much of the world.  Israel was formed again in 1948 and is not going to disappear because Muslims want it gone.  Their problem is they are not willing to accept it and live in peace.  So there is no solution.

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15 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I don't know how you figure that.  America was attacked on 9-11  and over 3,000 lost their lives to al Qaida.  America had a perfect right to go after al Qaida wherever they were in the world.  So they did take action against terrorists in the middle east and Afghanistan.  They had no choice.

America has had to fight against Communist dictatorships and terrorists in the world.  That is not being a sponsor or supporter of terrorism.  If they didn't act, you might be living under a totalitarian or Communist system now.  The Islamic extremists are very bold and will go into the west and attack if given the chance. 

America is a superpower and has to defend itself and its interests in the world or be taken over and pushed out by other superpowers or radical Islamic countries like Iran.  

Europe and America have struggled for a long time to maintain western interests in the middle east.  If they didn't China or Russia would just extend their control over the area and expand from there.  That is just how the world works.

The west sees Israel as a holy land for Jews and Christians and Muslims see it as theirs.  So it is a kind of focal point for much of the world.  Israel was formed again in 1948 and is not going to disappear because Muslims want it gone.  Their problem is they are not willing to accept it and live in peace.  So there is no solution.

It's strange about the twin towers owner, Silverstein. Almost every day Silverstein would have his breakfast on the top floor of one of the towers. But how convenient for him. He did not show up for 9/11 on that day for his breakfast. Some dare have said that this appeared to be some kind of a planned conspiracy event to blow up the buildings and the main reason why he did not show up that day. He was pretty lucky, eh?????????  It would appear as though America attacked itself. Hey, we never know, eh? Even the firefighters have said that they heard loud explosive like sounds coming from the garage area. They should know, they were there and heard those sounds. Very suspicious indeed. Believe it or not. ?


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16 minutes ago, taxme said:

It's strange about the twin towers owner, Silverstein. Almost every day Silverstein would have his breakfast on the top floor of one of the towers. But how convenient for him. He did not show up for 9/11 on that day for his breakfast. Some dare have said that this appeared to be some kind of a planned conspiracy event to blow up the buildings and the main reason why he did not show up that day. He was pretty lucky, eh?????????  It would appear as though America attacked itself. Hey, we never know, eh? Even the firefighters have said that they heard loud explosive like sounds coming from the garage area. They should know, they were there and heard those sounds. Very suspicious indeed. Believe it or not. ?


I don't believe in those conspiracy theories.  The evidence for the al Qaida terrorist 9-11 attack is overwhelming.  There is even video showing the planes flying into the twin towers.  They have recordings of the planes that were hijacked by the terrorists and people on the plane that called relatives on cell phones and gave information about the hijacking.  Documentaries showed a lot of the evidence.  Almost nobody questions it.  They have the history of the terrorists and what they were doing to prepare for the attack.  They also flew one plane into the Pentagon at the same time.  Another plane crashed into the ground.  Tons of evidence it was a terrorist attack involving a number of terrorists.

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21 minutes ago, taxme said:

It's strange about the twin towers owner, Silverstein. Almost every day Silverstein would have his breakfast on the top floor of one of the towers. But how convenient for him. He did not show up for 9/11 on that day for his breakfast. Some dare have said that this appeared to be some kind of a planned conspiracy event to blow up the buildings and the main reason why he did not show up that day. He was pretty lucky, eh?????????  It would appear as though America attacked itself. Hey, we never know, eh? Even the firefighters have said that they heard loud explosive like sounds coming from the garage area. They should know, they were there and heard those sounds. Very suspicious indeed. Believe it or not. ?


Oh God. Get out the tinfoil hats, folks!

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On 11/5/2023 at 8:20 PM, DUI_Offender said:

Oh God. Get out the tinfoil hats, folks!

No taxme has pretty much covered his entire body with tinfoil, he does not want to miss the next signal from the supreme leader...or grand wizard of the KKK not sure which one.

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Iranian Canadian politician condemns pro Hamas rallies (many Iranians here really are Canadian Iranians because they have been here most of their lives and their loyalty goes first with Canada).


I personally believe that those who clearly support Hamas and have chosen Canada as the country to live and contribute should be send back to the hell hole they love so much.

Trudeau get the hell out, It was your immigration policies to have brought in Islamo-fascists to this country.

Keep the dirt out of Canada,

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45 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

To answer the original post and thread title. No. Hamas supported rallies must be banned because supporting terrorism and terrorist organizations must be illegal, but rallies demanding ceasefire and peace and stop killing children by both sides should be allowed.

What is a cease fire going to accomplish, please feel free to use the hundreds of previous cease fires as an example...The only way to solve this issue is to remove Hamas forcefully from Gaza which means a ground offensive...Terrorist respond only to the use of force it is what they know it is what they understand...

47 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Iranian Canadian politician condemns pro Hamas rallies (many Iranians here really are Canadian Iranians because they have been here most of their lives and their loyalty goes first with Canada).


I personally believe that those who clearly support Hamas and have chosen Canada as the country to live and contribute should be send back to the hell hole they love so much.

Trudeau get the hell out, It was your immigration policies to have brought in Islamo-fascists to this country.

Keep the dirt out of Canada,

Canada is a haven for terrorist of all strips, CSIS has warned Canadians many times, they just don't want to believe that this could be true....Canadians don't care...

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

What is a cease fire going to accomplish, please feel free to use the hundreds of previous cease fires as an example...The only way to solve this issue is to remove Hamas forcefully from Gaza which means a ground offensive...Terrorist respond only to the use of force it is what they know it is what they understand...

Canada is a haven for terrorist of all strips, CSIS has warned Canadians many times, they just don't want to believe that this could be true....Canadians don't care...

Ceasefire will allow humaneterian help reaches the desparate people trapped in Gaza msjority of which are women and childrem. Israel ground offensive can resume after a brief ceasefire.

It is the wrong immigration policies mainly since Trudeau was elected. Keep Islamists out of Canada or we all will pay heavy price. Keep the trash out. Canadians do care but afraid to speak out. Afraid of being accused of racism. Now that Trudeau has brought in Islamophobia laws is even worse.

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On 11/5/2023 at 5:31 PM, taxme said:

If Israel does have a lot of enemies then the question that needs to be answered here is WHY? Why Groot, why does Israel have so many enemies and needs 400 nukes? Well? 

Because they're Jews, and people like you hate Jews.

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5 hours ago, Army Guy said:

The only way to solve this issue is to remove Hamas forcefully from Gaza which means a ground offensive

I'm curious, is there any limit to how much collateral damage it'll take to accomplish this?

50,000? We'll probably be there by Christmas.

How about 250,000 half of them kids?

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'm curious, is there any limit to how much collateral damage it'll take to accomplish this?


 But really you should be asking hamas.  The collateral damage stops the moment they stop hiding behind the civvies or they surrender.

But otherwise - no.  it will be whatever is necessary to wipe hamas out.

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'm curious, is there any limit to how much collateral damage it'll take to accomplish this?

50,000? We'll probably be there by Christmas.

How about 250,000 half of them kids?

You make it sound like it is just this conflict that collateral damage happens, it has been happening in Ukraine, and every where else  since the beginning of time  and i do not see the same outcry for them, maybe Palestine has a much larger media machine, or maybe you don't like Ukrainians, maybe just Palestinians , there is a lot of maybes which one is it....

You should ask Hamas how many more are going to die...it is after all THEM that are hiding among the population like cowards...It is them that are forcing the population to remain in the strike zones... 

Where are you getting your numbers from Gaza authority, the same organization that said 500 were killed at the hospital by that rocket which turned out to be theirs, not Israelis. Ya, great source... 

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