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Trudeau says intelligence shows India was behind slaying of Sikh leader in Surrey, B.C.


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9 hours ago, betsy said:






For all we know - it was CHINA that's behind the assassination!


For what?


Exactly for this!


C'mon, that is crazy talk. Now, the Khalistan movement leans forward to the Khalistan referendum which I believe China, Russia, the USA and other South Asian countries like, a move that put India in a very uncomfortable position, who knows, maybe Khalistan will turn into another Bangladesh. So, maybe Sikhs who are supporting the referendum and condemn the actions of KTF behind it.

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18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Bit  you claimed you did. In fact that's the whole premise of  your argument.  We were harbouring a known terrorist so this was fine.

I'm not conceding that there's a chance that he's 100% innocent. I'm conceding that I don't know if he's "A" or "The" KTF leader. 

Is there even a 1% chance that Nijjar has no information about KTF and other terrorist groups over here

No, there isn't. And seeing as the gov't of India doesn't consider him a valuable asset for gathering intel on terrorists, guess what? At the very, very, very least he's aiding and abetting, which in Canadian law makes him... a terrorist.

He also travels to Pakistan to meet with terrorists. When was the last time you flew overseas to meet with terrorists? Who does that, aside from terrorists and spies, and he's not a spy or India wouldn't have 'allegedly' killed him.

I have zero doubt that he is involved with terrorism at a leadership level. Anyone who says that they know otherwise is a liar. 


as to the rest:

There are many who admit being associated with an organization that has committed acts of terror - especially before they are listed as a terror group. Happens all the time. Trudeau and Jagmeet have even met with some of them.


Those guys both met with known terrorists after they were well-known to be terrorists.

Your comment left room for them to only be guilty of fraternizing with terrorists before they were known to be terrorists and that ship has sailed.


Obviously we can trust the canadian gov't more than the indian gov't. The canadian gov't (until trueau's trip anyway) had less motive to lie, and investigated him previously and very obviously didn't think he was a terrorist.

OMG, I swaer you're one brain cell away from voting Liberal.

1) The Canadian gov't has an extensive history of mollycoddling terrorists and being completely unable to convict them or prevent their attacks. 

2) The Canadian gov't has proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy on every topic under the Sun. I might not have great reason to 'trust' the Indian gov't, but they are under serious threat from terrorist groups like KTF all the time, and if they're serious enough about a Canadian citizen to kill them I absolutely believe that they have their reasons. 

Nijjar is absolutely meddling in Indian politics at a completely unacceptable level, and at the very least he's aiding and abetting terrorists (he's a terrorist). 

F. Him. 

1.4 billion people want him, specifically him, dead, now he's dead. I dunno, maybe don't make that many enemies in your next life Mr. Nijjar? Let's move on. Let's be friends with India, catch some of our resident terrorists, and try and make both of our countries safer and more prosperous. 


Modi wants to kill ANYONE who's a thorn in his side.  Terrorist, activist whatever - as long as he thinks he can get away with it. And what better way to start than by casting your opponent as a 'terrorist'.

That's a big accusation. It requires a weighty cite from a very credible source.

Should I go ahead and guess what you don't have....?

Before you provide me with a link from CTV/Global/CBC, just remember that our alt-left MSM calls anyone to the right of full-leftard a racist, misogynist, extremist, etc


Modi thinks he can do whatever he can get away with.  HE did one - if he gets away with it - he'll do more.  And frankly he's done one we know of - how many we don't?



So - YOU want to let him get away with it. YOU want him to continue to do it as long as it's people he says are terrorists.


One Sikh terrorist was killed twenty years ago, now Nijjar.

1 per twenty years is basically just a message to terrorists who are hiding behind Trudeau's skirt. It's not a bad habit or a big concern. It's a bit of help, TBH. I like help. I hate terrorists. 

When it comes to terrorists I'm ok with a shoot first, ask questions later policy, within reason. "Undemocratic ?", "extrajudicial killings ?", meh.


Unless you have a document from him that says "i promise to keep it to a reasonable number of killings only AND only people i'm sure are a terrorist", then we have to take EVERY ONE as being DEADLY serious and utterly unacceptable. Period. If proof comes out they did it then there must be serious reprocussions,

IIRC Modi sent me a PM and said "i promise to keep it to a reasonable number of killings only AND only people i'm sure are a terrorist" a day or two ago from one of his alias accounts, and I trust him to that extent.


Not 'meh'.   You are WAY better than the crap you've been spouting over this. You need to give this some thought and re-evaluate.

Yeah, honestly it's "meh". I'm so done with waiting for our gov't to do the right thing that I'm almost willing to let Iran's mullahs give it a go here.

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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not conceding that there's a chance that he's 100% innocent. I'm conceding that I don't know if he's "A" or "The" KTF leader. 

well then you're just being silly and delusional. 

If you really think this guy from bc was smuggling in weapons to india with paragliders or whatever with zero proof or even any evidence then all i can say is that's very disappointing.

You're a bad canadian You should be ashamed of your stance here, arguing that Modi can be trusted blindly above all others 

Well there's no arguing with religious fanatics and clearly facts aren't an issue for you.  Carry on with your delusions but dont' expect anyone to take you seriously next time you whine about the gov't not being honest about a vaccine,

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

well then you're just being silly and delusional. 

If you really think this guy from bc was smuggling in weapons to india with paragliders or whatever with zero proof or even any evidence then all i can say is that's very disappointing.

You're a bad canadian You should be ashamed of your stance here, arguing that Modi can be trusted blindly above all others 

Well there's no arguing with religious fanatics and clearly facts aren't an issue for you.  Carry on with your delusions but dont' expect anyone to take you seriously next time you whine about the gov't not being honest about a vaccine,

Where did I say that "every single story the Indian gov't told about Nijjar was 100% correct"? 

Where did I say that Modi could be trusted blindly? I don't even have any doubts that he crosses the same kind of lines that Trudeau does, but at least he's [theoretically] doing it to fight terrorism and not because he wants to force 19 yr olds to take a pseudovax that they don't need. 

Literally everything that we know about Nijjar tells us that at the very least he has all the juicy dirt on terrorists. No one could make the case that he doesn't. 

If he's not an asset to the Indian gov't in anti-terrorism intelligence then he's a terrorist. 

Face it, you know that he's guilty enough to that the Indian gov't had good reason to act against him, just like you know that the Canadian gov't hasn't done anything to curb Khalistani terrorism. Our PM literally carries water for them. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Where did I say that "every single story the Indian gov't told about Nijjar was 100% correct"? 

Pretty much everywhere. Iike i said - your whole position is based on it


Where did I say that Modi could be trusted blindly?

See above.


Literally everything that we know about Nijjar tells us that at the very least he has all the juicy dirt on terrorists.

No evidence suggests that.

Like the vax-nazis, and climate nutbars, and other religious zealots you say that knowing its false but desperate to justify your sad little point of view.

The only actual evidence we have is that india made accusations, the cops investigated and found them to be false, and that his life and his actions do not match up with the accusations in the slightest.

But modi says otherwise - and that's 100 percent proof for you. Because i guess indian gov'ts don't lie?


I hear Modi is pro -vaccine.  Better run along and get your shot, he wouldn't lie to you.

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14 hours ago, taxesanddeath said:

C'mon, that is crazy talk. Now, the Khalistan movement leans forward to the Khalistan referendum which I believe China, Russia, the USA and other South Asian countries like, a move that put India in a very uncomfortable position, who knows, maybe Khalistan will turn into another Bangladesh. So, maybe Sikhs who are supporting the referendum and condemn the actions of KTF behind it.




Without anything to back the allegation - we're all free to speculate!


Why would it be "crazy talk?"  Depends on which scenario benefits China the most - Khalistan referendum or western nations having a fall-out with India?  Mind you, I know practically nothing about China's interest (Khalistan) in India. ?

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

The only actual evidence we have is that india made accusations, the cops investigated and found them to be false, and that his life and his actions do not match up with the accusations in the slightest.



Can you cite your source that says cops had investigated him and found them false.

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Do you stand in the House of Commons and make such a public announcement against an important ally and trade partner of an................

No matter how credible it is?

Let's face it.
It could've been handled diplomatically.

Why Trudeau would make such a grandstanding move - that of course, would result in a spat with Modi - that's anyone's guess. ?
(note:  sorry.  can't minimize the font.)
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20 hours ago, taxesanddeath said:

C'mon, that is crazy talk. Now, the Khalistan movement leans forward to the Khalistan referendum which I believe China, Russia, the USA and other South Asian countries like, a move that put India in a very uncomfortable position, who knows, maybe Khalistan will turn into another Bangladesh. So, maybe Sikhs who are supporting the referendum and condemn the actions of KTF behind it.

The Khalistan movement is not even a major threat to Indian security any more. There are bigger insurgencies in that country at the moment. 

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The FBI is obliged to inform US citizens of any credible threat to their lives and that is what it is doing at the moment:


Pritpal Singh, a 69-year-old US citizen who serves as a coordinator for the American Sikh Caucus Committee, confirmed to the Guardian that he and two other associates were called by the FBI just days after the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the Canadian citizen who was ambushed on 18 June just outside his place of worship in Surrey, British Columbia.


In an interview in which he publicly revealed details of the threat for the first time, Amarjit Singh said the initial call from the FBI was followed up a few weeks later by a longer in-person meeting, at which point he said it was obvious that authorities were warning against a possible threat on his life by India.

“It was a warning. They said no travel, just keep yourself safe,” he said. Amarjit Singh said he only decided to go public with his account after Trudeau revealed Canada’s conclusion about Nijjar’s murder.



Some more details on the killing. Given the number of people involved and shots fired, this doesn’t sound like a feud between Sikhs. 


New details emerged on Monday about the killing of Nijjar. Citing a security video that captured the murder, the Washington Post reported that at least six men and two vehicles were involved in Nijjar’s killing, in what the newspaper said was a larger and more organised assassination plot than has previously been reported. The assailants fired about 50 bullets, and 34 hit Nijjar.





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7 hours ago, betsy said:


Can you cite your source that says cops had investigated him and found them false.

It's mentioned above in the cbc story actually, but you can find plenty of references about it. The indian gov't made several accusations to the canadian gov't about how he was smuggling weapons using gliders ( :)  ) and how he was a terrorist and how he had a firearms terrorist training camp operating in BC, etc.   The cops say they looked into it - and not only did they not find anything but when they became aware of intelligence that the indian gov't might be targeting him they went and told him to consider a vest and to stay out of public sight for a bit. Not exactly the kind of favour you pay to someone you suspect of terrorism.

And interestingly as near as i can tell nobody anywhere actually put forward any evidence at all of 'terrorism' or that he was the leader of any particular group.  Other than when he visited india he met with actual known members of that group.  But given that he was a political activist and they weren't a banned or 'terrrorist' labelled org at the time that's not too surprising.

It's POSSIBLE he was some sort of terrorist but nobody has put a single bit of evidence on the table for it that genuinely points to that  And - some of the claims of the indian gov't didn't prove out when investiated and some are just insane - who smuggles weapons with a paraglider?

But he is a political pest and very active organizer - the indian gov't has EVERY reason to lie to discredit him as much as possible.  Govts do that. Remember the truckers were actually trying to overthrow the gov't :)

So in the absence of evidence or mere accusations from sources that have every reason to lie it is patently insane to claim he was likely a terrorist.

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No evidence suggests that.

He travelled to all the way to Pakistan meet with top-level terrorists. So there's that.


Like the vax-nazis, and climate nutbars, and other religious zealots you say that knowing its false but desperate to justify your sad little point of view.

One guy was killed here. Keep things in perspective ffs. I'm not trying to justify a genocide here.

The gov't of India, a country of 1.4 billion people, really wanted a guy dead. He's a guy who mingles with terrorists leaders and clearly interferes in their politics. 

Buh-bye Nijjar. I don't want my country to miss out on a trade deal with India because of you. 


The only actual evidence we have is that india made accusations, the cops investigated and found them to be false, and that his life and his actions do not match up with the accusations in the slightest.

Our cops never find terrorists or crooked politicians.


But modi says otherwise - and that's 100 percent proof for you. Because i guess indian gov'ts don't lie?

I had to scratch "Fly all the way to Pakistan to meet with terrorist leaders" off of my holiday wishlist because Modi is such an a-hole. 

Believe me, I had nothing to fear from our own gov't if I did that. They might even give me a humanitarian award when I came back. 



I hear Modi is pro -vaccine.  Better run along and get your shot, he wouldn't lie to you.

Being pro-vax comes with a free propaganda package that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising.

Being neutral cuts off that massive revenue stream, following the actual stats/science is like saying "I like burning torches in my front yard and pitchforks in my arse". 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

He travelled to all the way to Pakistan meet with top-level terrorists. So there's that.

One guy was killed here. Keep things in perspective ffs. I'm not trying to justify a genocide here.

The gov't of India, a country of 1.4 billion people, really wanted a guy dead. He's a guy who mingles with terrorists leaders and clearly interferes in their politics. 

Buh-bye Nijjar. I don't want my country to miss out on a trade deal with India because of you. 

Our cops never find terrorists or crooked politicians.

I had to scratch "Fly all the way to Pakistan to meet with terrorist leaders" off of my holiday wishlist because Modi is such an a-hole. 

Believe me, I had nothing to fear from our own gov't if I did that. They might even give me a humanitarian award when I came back. 

Being pro-vax comes with a free propaganda package that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising.

Being neutral cuts off that massive revenue stream, following the actual stats/science is like saying "I like burning torches in my front yard and pitchforks in my arse". 

All this has been explained to you.  You cling to lies and half truths harder than the VAX-mandate crowd does

blah blah blah, yeah we get it, you don't care about rights or sovereignty, you think Modi would never lie to you, your feels don't care about facts, blah blah blah.

It's just disappointing to see you throw all your supposed principles in the garbage can on behalf of another nation just because you don't like a guy like that.


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If India didn’t do it what’s the alternative theory? The only half-sensible ones would be local Sikhs involved in some sort of feud or a row with criminals like this seems to have been.


If you were gamblers, sorry, ‘gamers’, which theory would you put your own money on? 

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2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

If India didn’t do it what’s the alternative theory? The only half-sensible one would be local Sikhs involved in some sort of feud. If you were gamblers, sorry, ‘gamers’, which theory would you put your own money on? 

well truth be told there are actually a few other sikh groups he was in some pretty intense fights with apparently. He may or may not have been a terrorist, but he was definitely a provocative dick :P 

So i suppose it's possible one of them might have but i think the indian gov't had the biggest beef. He was causing political issues for them

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24 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

well truth be told there are actually a few other sikh groups he was in some pretty intense fights with apparently. He may or may not have been a terrorist, but he was definitely a provocative dick :P 

So i suppose it's possible one of them might have but i think the indian gov't had the biggest beef. He was causing political issues for them

An attack by other Sikhs would have to be kept in a very small circle to avoid detection. As for a criminal cause, no offence to the local hit-man community but 34 shots reaching their target doesn’t sound like them. 

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

All this has been explained to you.  You cling to lies and half truths harder than the VAX-mandate crowd does

blah blah blah, yeah we get it, you don't care about rights or sovereignty, you think Modi would never lie to you, your feels don't care about facts, blah blah blah.

It's just disappointing to see you throw all your supposed principles in the garbage can on behalf of another nation just because you don't like a guy like that.


Stop it with the straw-man arguments already.

I never said that he flew explosives around on a hang-glider or anything remotely like it, my point isn't predicated on him doing anything that you saw on Mission Impossible. He just consorts with terrorists and interferes in Indian politics in a dangerous/incendiary manner. 

My principles never change. The primary function of gov't is to keep their citizens safe from threats, and the actions of Nijjar represent a serious threat to the gov't and citizens of India. If he wants to make interfering in Indian politics his life's work he needs to do it from there. Canada isn't a staging grounds for terrorism and dangerous activism. F him. 

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I notice - suddenly - all seems quiet with Trudeau regarding INDIA. 

Could his lips been zipped...........................by other allies? 




Or. maybe.....he's been given a break.

Must be because of the new scandal - the accusation that now - we're not only harboring terrorists - but also honoring, giving standing ovations to ..................................................

................NAZIS! ?


And, Poland might want to extradite. Oh, boy.

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Opinion: Trudeau’s fumble on India


What has surprised critics is that Trudeau made the allegations public before the police investigation was completed. That has angered the Indian government, which is demanding that Ottawa show the evidence.





Trudeau must be desperate to distract from all the current problems CANADIANS are facing due to his incompetence!

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We've become the laughing stock in the global community!



Trudeau isn’t being taken seriously about India

Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dropped his bombshell assassination accusation against India, the world has waited for him to back it up.
But Ujjal Dosanjh says that when it comes to credibility on this file, Trudeau — and Canada — don’t have much. And the unserious way in which Trudeau has handled allegations surrounding

the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar hasn’t helped.
Dosanjh, a former Liberal cabinet minister and B.C. NDP premier, joins host Brian Lilley this week to explain what’s really going on with the allegations, Indian diaspora politics
and how Ottawa has undermined Canada’s global reputation with its shallow approach to the significance of India and the issue of Khalistan separatists in Canada. (Recorded Sept. 21, 2023)




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The governments in power in Canada are to blame for this whole fiasco because they brought these radicals into Canada in the first place and have done nothing to stop them from using Canada as a base for their activism and extremism. 

Canada has built an international reputation for harbouring extremists and terrorists and has done nothing about it.

This from an article June 10, 2010:


A four-year inquiry into the 1985 bombing of an Air India flight is due to be published. The inquiry was ordered after the acquittal of two suspects and allegations of a bungled investigation by the Canadian police and intelligence services.   unquote

"After charges against Parmar were dropped in 1985, the next embarrassment for the investigation came with the news that the Canadian secret services (CSIS) had destroyed tapes of telephone calls made by Sikhs suspected of involvement in the Air India case.

The judge in the 2005 trial described this as "unacceptable negligence" but it was regarded as far more serious than that by members of parliament calling for an inquiry."

Unravelling Canada's 1985 Air India investigation - BBC News

Can we really blame India for holding the view that Canada harbours terrorists and is completely untrustworthy when they look at the situation that has existed in Canada for decades including the botched handling of the Air India bombing?

This is not the only issue that reveals Canada's negligence in the world of extremism and terrorism.  We have been watching how Canada mis handled al Qaeda terrorists for years.  There is the ten million dollar payout to someone who went over to fight for al Qaeda in Afghanistan as a teen ager and killed an American serviceman.  Then there is the issue of the wives of ISIS fighters who are released in Canada.

We must not forget how Canada has allowed China to creep into our institutions and society and establish serious foreign interference that may be beyond the point of even stopping it.

Then there is the fact Canada will not put Iran's Revolutionary Guard on it's terrorist list.

The U.S. did it. The EU might. Why Canada won't put Iran's revolutionary guard on its terrorist list | CBC News

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4 hours ago, blackbird said:

"After charges against Parmar were dropped in 1985, the next embarrassment for the investigation came with the news that the Canadian secret services (CSIS) had destroyed tapes of telephone calls made by Sikhs suspected of involvement in the Air India case.

How was that even a consideration? 

This country is so messed up it's embarrassing. 

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10 hours ago, betsy said:

Opinion: Trudeau’s fumble on India


What has surprised critics is that Trudeau made the allegations public before the police investigation was completed. That has angered the Indian government, which is demanding that Ottawa show the evidence.





Trudeau must be desperate to distract from all the current problems CANADIANS are facing due to his incompetence!

I had heard a rumour that a reporter (the same one who busted the chinese interference) was going to run a story and trudeau asked them to wait 24 hours so he could announce it himeself - but i don't see any works or stories that lends credibility to that. 

I thought perhaps his hand had been forced because it was such horrible timing  - but it's looking more that he's just an !diot.

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  • 1 month later...

Looks to me like a pattern is emerging…


A prominent Sikh activist who was reportedly the target of a foiled assassination attempt on US soil has accused India of “transnational terrorism” after Washington raised concerns the Indian government may have had knowledge of the plot.

The Financial Times reported on Wednesday that the US had thwarted the plot to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an American and Canadian citizen, after the June murder of another Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in a Vancouver suburb.


Washington has raised concerns with New Delhi that the Indian government may have had knowledge of the plot.



I’m more than happy to blame China when appropriate but this ain’t one of those times.

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