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Vikek and Truth or Consequences

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25 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I would and do every time I'm asked. I am not afraid of these cult members. I know truth when I hear it and I know lies when I hear them. I will not worship Climate Change or war with Russia or masks and The Rona. I stand on my own 2 feet and no lifeless cult will alter my path.!

I meant "Who would admit to an adult that they watch CNN and think it's news?"

I've watched CNN before just to see what the 'tards are saying but I do so knowing that I will be lied to for the entirety of my time there. It's only for gits and shiggles. 

If I watch CNN and they don't lie at least 20 times it's like watching an episode of Jerry where there are no chairs thrown. 

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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I meant "Who would admit to an adult that they watch CNN and think it's news?"

I've watched CNN before just to see what the 'tards are saying but I do so knowing that I will be lied to for the entirety of my time there. It's only for gits and shiggles. 

If I watch CNN and they don't lie at least 20 times it's like watching an episode of Jerry where there are no chairs thrown. 


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

How about this. NO!

I will follow truth and my own senses. You can enjoy your reading of CNN and your other cult sites and sources. In other words...

You can be a sell-out. I will not.

Lol. You don't follow "truth," you follow your feelings. And it's a first class fool who believes his feelings over the hard data of the real world. 

You're boasting about what is, in essence, an inability and unwillingness to learn. That's not a recipe for survival. Like the Dodo bird, you're awkwardly stepping toward your own extinction.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

honesty and transparency isn't a winning formula in politics.


Its like the wife asking if she's fat in a dress she's wearing. Or a child showing you what looks like a horrible scribble, and telling you "I made it for you. Do you like it?"

Anyone stating honesty is best when dealing with delicate situations like the above, or running a country, have obviously never had to deal with dog house time for a significant amount of time. That or a child crying as you rip their drawing and tell them its the ugliest you have ever seen.

Sometimes, lying is best.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

they were told that the Aghan pullout was a smashing success

Technically he didn't lie. Everything crumbled behind them, as they fled the country, leaving billions of machines behind.

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The avg person doesn't even consider the truth, they'd rather not be forced to see it.

Ignorance is bliss.

Think about it.

If you only now realized the sky was blue after being told it was yellow your entire life, you wouldn't know how to act.

Living a lie is far easier.

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15 hours ago, Hodad said:

Lol. You don't follow "truth," you follow your feelings. And it's a first class fool who believes his feelings over the hard data of the real world. 

You're boasting about what is, in essence, an inability and unwillingness to learn. That's not a recipe for survival. Like the Dodo bird, you're awkwardly stepping toward your own extinction.

My own extinction? Oh my! More fear-mongering? What a shocker...

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16 hours ago, Hodad said:

Lol. You don't follow "truth," you follow your feelings. And it's a first class fool who believes his feelings over the hard data of the real world. 

You're boasting about what is, in essence, an inability and unwillingness to learn. That's not a recipe for survival. Like the Dodo bird, you're awkwardly stepping toward your own extinction.

Says the guy who still drives a car and thinks the carbon tax will save the planet.

The hypocrisy of the climate-doomsdayers is what brings you down in the end. Ohhh - we're going to go EXTINCT if we don't deal with this RIGHT NOW -  but in the meantime you refuse to actually do anything and support gov'ts that do nothing like biden's and even worse Trudeau's.  You DEMAND canada, who produces next to none of the world's carbon, do something IMMEDIATELY even if it means trashing the economy but are perfectly happy to give china a complete pass on it.

We're all in danger of death - but neither you nor the gov'ts you support actually take this seriously.  But we're supposed to.

I don't doubt climate change is real.  I don't doubt it's going to displace people and cause real problems and that mankind will have to find ways of dealing with the ever-changing climate.  But i'm not seeing anything that makes me think you actually want to try to solve the root problems.

Eventually the tech will become available that will help us address this  and then we can do so.  But right now it's obvious that you don't really give a crap and you don't have a real solution.

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Republican Debaters Agreed on One Thing: They Hate Vivek Ramaswamy


That was the biggest takeaway from the Fox News debate on Wednesday night. And who can blame them?

‘I’m the only person on the stage who isn’t bought and paid for,’ Vivek Ramaswamy boldly declared after calling climate change a ‘hoax.’ This broadside was arguably the moment that Ramaswamy became the most hated person on the debate stage, at least by his Republican adversaries…

Out of the gate, he looked pompous and oleaginous, with what can only be described as a smarmy, shit-eating grin that belied his sharp elbows. Regarding the slickness, Christie observed that he sounded ‘like ChatGPT.’ And regarding the elbows, at one point, even Sen. Tim Scott—you know, the optimistic guy who has a reputation for being too nice—even accused him of ‘being childish.’ 


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4 hours ago, robosmith said:

‘being childish.’

If you're not prepared to go to war, you're in the wrong arena, regarding debate.

They hate him, because he came in locked and loaded. Stood his ground,  and made seasoned vets look average. 

I mean when you have the media putting hit piece after hit piece on him, I don't blame him to approach things the way he did.

It just holds a double standard and voters can see through it. It just boosts his standing.

if anything, the more the better.

You would think one would learn with Trump.

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36 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

If you're not prepared to go to war, you're in the wrong arena, regarding debate.

They hate him, because he came in locked and loaded. Stood his ground,  and made seasoned vets look average. 

I mean when you have the media putting hit piece after hit piece on him, I don't blame him to approach things the way he did.

It just holds a double standard and voters can see through it. It just boosts his standing.

if anything, the more the better.

You would think one would learn with Trump.

For all his bravado, he ONLY comes across as FAKE with NO SUBSTANCE to anyone who looks beyond his very thin veneer. Style over substance has ONLY worked for Trump, and the public is catching on to his schtick, too.

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The hypocrisy of the climate-doomsdayers is what brings you down in the end.

Ed Begley Jr is the only famous person that I can even think of who cares about the environment and practices what he preaches. 

Trudeau, Gore, DiCaprio, Kerry, Clinton, Gates, Sanders, Suzuki, etc all pontificate to us from private jets, mega-yachts and/or one of their many houses.

Some of these guys have the carbon footprint of a small town but they want to force you to sell your Civic and ride a bike in the winter. 

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

he ONLY comes across as FAKE with NO SUBSTANCE

Didn't Biden say he would bring back transparency to the white house?

Openness with the press?

That he would be a uniting force?

Essentially, this in itself meaning you wouldn't tell people how they should think?

More importantly, respecting a difference of opinion?

Ramaswamy has seemed more open than Biden, in that he has faced withering pressure from his opposition.

Biden has had softballs at best, and has had full on meltdowns several times, when truly challenged.

Calling a politician fake as an insult, is akin to calling a used car salesman a liar.

It comes with the position.

Find me the fakest, greasiest lying d-bag that existed, and I would vote for them every day of the week, if their mission statement is being strong on policy and all for the prosperity of people like me.

I couldn't care less about woke talking points, niceties and the like.

People want someone who will get the job done.

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Vivek Ramaswamy’s ldiotic play for airtime is working, God help us


You may have noticed that Vivek Ramaswamy is the political flavor of the moment, thanks to his super-caffeinated performance at the Aug. 23 GOP political debate.

By constantly interrupting his fellow would-be presidential aspirants with a firehose of cocksure imbecilities, Ramaswamy captured the attention of the political chattering classes. [and posters here]

There is no reason to give charlatans like Ramaswamy and Kennedy uncritical airtime on cable or column inches in print or online except that they’re shiny objects that cable shows and political pundits think will draw viewers and readers. They offer no legitimate policy proposals, back up their claims with no facts. The result is a series of encounters in which (to quote Joan Didion) “measurable cerebral activity is virtually absent.”

It’s possible that as fringe candidates Ramaswamy and Kennedy will cancel each other out. But that may only leave a vacuum to be filled by the next glittery charlatan to catch the media’s attention.

After the debate, I described Ramaswamy as an “attention whore.” The label applies equally to RFK Jr. But what does that say about the news organizations that put them on the air? 


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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

But what does that say about the news organizations that put them on the air? 

What does it say about the news that run extensive hit pieces on them, but lob softballs at best to Joe Biden?

There is a reason why so many more are so susceptible to conspiracy theories. The media is constantly telling you how to think.

No longer reports with objectivity. This doesn't provide views. Doesn't sell.

One seemingly would have to watch left, right and centrist news, to get any semblance of information.

The fact you're concerned about their integrity on giving air to someone like Ramaswamy, vs deliberately being about clickbait and divisive rhetoric for a significant portion of them, speaks volumes.

Am more surprised at your disappointment with the media doing what they do best, with their handling of Ramaswamy. 

They didn't learn with Trump.

You smear him, give him air, you just grow his brand.

He is media savvy, so will gladly use them to continue doing so.

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I just find it funny those who point to stuff he has done in the past which makes him a horrific person.

Biden clearly stated marriage was between a male and a female, and has been seen on record making homophobic and racist comments throughout his political career.

People don't take the media seriously anymore, because one will have a difficult time taking you seriously, if you will admonish based on political alignment, vs actions and statements which should be the universal standard to be followed.

I remember an era where any politician doing something repugnant, had their feet put to the fire for it. 

How it should be.

If you hit me with the "well he's a far more horrible person because of (insert the statement made that triggers me)", you lose my attention.

Ramaswamy clearly has a smug and arrogant aura to him.

He also calls out the double standard in today's politics.

Sounds commendable to me.

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4 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Ramaswamy clearly has a smug and arrogant aura to him.

He also calls out the double standard in today's politics.

Sounds commendable to me.

Sadly about 80% of politics is charisma. 

Gavin Newsom has a good chance of becoming president one day just because he has good hair, a nice grille, he looks good in a suit, and he slithers calmly with a winning smile on his face. 

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45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Gavin Newsom has a good chance of becoming president one day just because he has good hair, a nice grille, he looks good in a suit, and he slithers calmly with a winning smile on his face. 

Ramaswamy's hairline is receding faster than Justin Trudeau's approval rating in Canada. 

He doesn't stand a chance o_O

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On 9/6/2023 at 6:05 PM, Perspektiv said:


Its like the wife asking if she's fat in a dress she's wearing. Or a child showing you what looks like a horrible scribble, and telling you "I made it for you. Do you like it?"

Anyone stating honesty is best when dealing with delicate situations like the above, or running a country, have obviously never had to deal with dog house time for a significant amount of time. That or a child crying as you rip their drawing and tell them its the ugliest you have ever seen.

Sometimes, lying is best.

Technically he didn't lie. Everything crumbled behind them, as they fled the country, leaving billions of machines behind.

Ignorance is bliss.

Think about it.

If you only now realized the sky was blue after being told it was yellow your entire life, you wouldn't know how to act.

Living a lie is far easier.

Perhaps you’re right. 
Certainly, you can’t serve for ten years without contradicting yourself. 

But Trump, lies nearly every time he speaks. He lies more then he speaks the truth, and when he’s not lying, he’s speaking an incomprehensible mishmash of nonsense.  

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5 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I would agree.

There just shouldn't be a double standard about it.

Would you? I just read through CNN's list of Trump's top 15 lies. Number 1, he lied about the weather at his inauguration. If I remember correctly, it began to drizzle after he was inaugurated and began giving a speech. The rest of this is just silliness. Libbie hatred and desperation.

Biden spins yarns about stupid shit constantly. Corn Pop...truck driving...apparently raised by jews and Hispanics...yes, Joe's a habitual liar. But the lie that's destroyed his credibility completely is...

"I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,"


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  • 1 month later...

Vivek has a plan to build a big, beautiful wall on America’s northern border. That noise you hear is Canadian feathers being ruffled:


…one Republican presidential hopeful, Vivek Ramaswamy, wants to take the idea even further. His proposal: a wall along the 5,500 mile long (8,900km) US-Canada frontier. 

At Wednesday's primary debate in Miami, the 38-year-old candidate argued that enough fentanyl crossed the border last year to "kill three million Americans".


Jason Kenney, a former Alberta Premier and MP who also served as Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and later Minister of Defence, said that he sees Mr Ramaswamy's proposal as "completely nuts".

"Building such a wall is completely, obviously unfeasible," he told the BBC in a statement. "Doing so would likely take decades and cost at least hundreds of billions of dollars".

As regards stopping the flow of fentanyl into the US, the potential benefits seem fairly modest:


But statistics show that the scale of fentanyl trafficking along the US-Canada border - the world's longest - pales in comparison to the US-Mexico border. 

According to data from US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), just under two and a half pounds - about a kilogram - of fentanyl were seized at the Canadian border in the 2023 fiscal year. 


The figure represents well under 1% of the 26,718 lbs (12,119kg) of fentanyl seized at the southern border during the same time frame. 

The previous fiscal year, the figures stood at 14lbs (6.3kg) along the Canadian border, compared to 14,104 lbs (6,397kg) along the US-Mexican border.


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