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Vikek and Truth or Consequences

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3 minutes ago, Hodad said:

^^Happily destroying the habitability of the planet according to all scientific thinking. Yet, entirely lacking all self awareness, accuses others of a stream of sheer destruction. 

Again, a special kind of stupid to hear the scientific consensus and then just wave your hands claiming the opposite. Like going to 10 doctors, listening as 9 or 10 of them tell you that your cholesterol levels are killing you, and then eating a slab of bacon with a smile because some jackass on youtube says it's fine! 

It boggles the mind that you people haven't put your tongues in electrical outlets or drowned looking up at the rain. 

Inflation is not being driven by greening efforts. What part of that sentence confuses you? All of it? 

Dimwit...when you force the cost of energy up, you force the price of everything up. Thus...Dimwit...when you force up the cost of delivering goods for retail, with very poorly thought out actions, inflation occurs in spades.

Now obviously you don't have the intellect to see the indisputable connection, and should likley take up knitting or something where you can't hurt everyone all at once.

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53 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Dimwit...when you force the cost of energy up, you force the price of everything up. Thus...Dimwit...when you force up the cost of delivering goods for retail, with very poorly thought out actions, inflation occurs in spades.

Now obviously you don't have the intellect to see the indisputable connection, and should likley take up knitting or something where you can't hurt everyone all at once.

Dimwit, the cost of energy HAS NOT been driven up by any of our environmental policies. As has been explained to you with extreme patience many times:

  1. We are pumping oil out of the ground at record levels. Supply is plentiful.
  2. We are a net energy exporter, because in addition to record oil we're producing a crap ton of NG. We are producing plenty of energy. There is no domestic shortage to drive up costs.
  3. The addition of wind and solar is ON TOP of the record fossil fuel production. The contribution of renewables to the grid is increasing supply and LOWERING energy prices. The sale of EVs is increasing relative supply for oil and putting downward pressure on prices.

You have very strong (and rude) opinions for someone who clearly knows nothing about even basic supply and demand. 

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3 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Dimwit, the cost of energy HAS NOT been driven up by any of our environmental policies. As has been explained to with extreme patience many times:

  1. We are pumping oil out of the ground at record levels.
  2. We are a net energy exporter, because in addition to record oil we're producing a crap ton of NG. We are producing plenty of energy. There is no domestic shortage to drive up costs.
  3. The addition of wind and solar is ON TOP of the record fossil fuel production. The contribution of renewables to the grid is increasing supply and LOWERING energy prices. The sale of EVs is increasing relative supply for oil and putting downward pressure on prices.

You have very strong (and rude) opinions for someone who clearly knows nothing about even basic supply and demand. 

Ur a hopeless...mindless m0ron. There's no other way to describe you.

Oh...maybe brainwashed zombie.

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26 minutes ago, Hodad said:

I said that mans futile attempts to change the climate have produced nothing, which meant that the climate has not improved despite all the vain efforts to do so.

So after returning from Davos on the private jet which beachfront property did you buy?

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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Ur a hopeless...mindless m0ron. There's no other way to describe you.

Oh...maybe brainwashed zombie.

Another solid rebuttal. ^^ If you've ever wondered what it's like to watch someone drown, folks, this is pretty much it. 

Look, you know from experience that you are not qualified to have any sort of debate. You have no command of the facts or theories. The solution to that isn't adding more layers of bluster and tantrum. Go spend that time educating yourself. The library. Reputable parts of the internet. Audit classes. You've got options.

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5 minutes ago, Legato said:

I said that mans futile attempts to change the climate have produced nothing, which meant that the climate has not improved despite all the vain efforts to do so.

So after returning from Davos on the private jet which beachfront property did you buy?

As before, we have NEVER come close to meeting any of the targets set for sufficiently slowing, let alone reversing climate change.

It's like you're saying a fat guy's futile attempts to reverse his steady weight gain have all failed. Well, did he ever follow any of the diet and exercise targets that were prescribed? No? Well then of course nothing has changed. -- It's not that the efforts proved futile. It's that we've never made the prescribed effort.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

On the contrary, all scientific evidence points to the fact that we have successfully changed the climate. It's neither dream nor fantasy, yet science follows where the data leads.
Global map of temperature patterns combined with animated bar graph of yearly temperature anomalies from 1976 to 2022


We have never made a concerted effort sufficient to meet any target projected to reverse warming. In other words, we've never even tried. It's hard to gather any political will with you folks putting your heads in the sand and screaming about how the scientists are all wrong.

Ahhh - so it's OUR fault :)


Sorry sparky - Canada has a gov't that was elected on climate change - and the us does too.

They're not doing nothing because there's no political will. So.. why ARE they doing nothing? 

IF the science is so solid that we're all going to die or face drastic issues if we don't do something...  they're pretty relaxed about not doing anything

9 minutes ago, Hodad said:

As before, we have NEVER come close to meeting any of the targets set for sufficiently slowing, let alone reversing climate change.


Well then we're obviously never going to.  China isn't listening, the us isnt' much -and even trudeau who says it's so important it keeps him up at nigths has done absolutely nothing

You'd think that they'd have access to the best science on the subject. But they clearly don't care and aren't concerned.  Soooooo  - what do they know we don't'?

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8 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Yesterday...while the sun was out and the temperature was up over 30...my boys had a couple girls over for a swim and visit. I heard all 4 of them say they had no intentions of having kids because they simply cannot afford them. They are all 22 and depressed because they can't even afford an apartment for themselves and have to live with their parents.

Libbies...there is gonna come a day...soon I hope...when the younger voters are going to realize what you destructive id1ots have done to the entire global economy and their are going to go wild with rage. A rage that will be directed at id1ots who trash fossil fuels in the name of your Gawd...Climate Change.

In the meantime...Biden now knows the only way he can hold onto power is to start a real war with Russia. If that happens...we all die.

You people are fcking disgusting and frankly...I hope you all face the music.

Oh and @NYLefty - You are a racist pig.! Beneath contempt.! Slime.!

Good Lord you're confused, misdirected and simply stupid.

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

Another solid rebuttal. ^^ If you've ever wondered what it's like to watch someone drown, folks, this is pretty much it. 

Look, you know from experience that you are not qualified to have any sort of debate. You have no command of the facts or theories. The solution to that isn't adding more layers of bluster and tantrum. Go spend that time educating yourself. The library. Reputable parts of the internet. Audit classes. You've got options.

You think I'm debating with you? You. A blind-assed rat? LOL...poor Libbie.

Here's what I have command of. My own senses. My own mind. I'm not some common rat destroying everything I touch...your precious feewings excepted. There is no sense in actually debating with the likes of you. You've already sold yourself to hatred, lies and destruction. A religious man would examine your...position on things, and conclude you've give in to pure evil.

I would only say I see you better then you'd like. And that what I see is despicable. A deplorable in the basket. A poisoned spirit.

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39 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

You think I'm debating with you? You. A blind-assed rat? LOL...poor Libbie.

Here's what I have command of. My own senses. My own mind. I'm not some common rat destroying everything I touch...your precious feewings excepted. There is no sense in actually debating with the likes of you. You've already sold yourself to hatred, lies and destruction. A religious man would examine your...position on things, and conclude you've give in to pure evil.

I would only say I see you better then you'd like. And that what I see is despicable. A deplorable in the basket. A poisoned spirit.

No, I definitely think you are NOT debating. You're not equipped for it. I think you mostly come on a here to vent about your senses and feelings and shake your fist at the sky in impotent fury. Meanwhile, the modern, fact-based world moves on without you. 

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24 minutes ago, Hodad said:

No, I definitely think you are NOT debating. You're not equipped for it. I think you mostly come on a here to vent about your senses and feelings and shake your fist at the sky in impotent fury. Meanwhile, the modern, fact-based world moves on without you. 

Fact based world? Is that where you figure you are? Good Lord but you are fully immersed in your cult group think, aren't ya. Here's some fact based world for ya there slug-slime.

Latest polls put Biden Vs. Trump at 46-46.

Were gonna expose you freaks for the destructive rats you really are.

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7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Fact based world? Is that where you figure you are? Good Lord but you are fully immersed in your cult group think, aren't ya. Here's some fact based world for ya there slug-slime.

Latest polls put Biden Vs. Trump at 46-46.

Were gonna expose you freaks for the destructive rats you really are.

Sure you will. 



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On 8/22/2023 at 1:59 PM, WestCanMan said:

It will be like when Trump referred to MS-13 as animals and the leftard world accused him of saying that about immigrants in general

Vivek made a comment about how he intends to run on honesty and transparency. 

Almost as if taking a swipe at Joe Biden, who ran on the same promises, only to do the complete opposite. The complete shit show that was the Afghanistan pullout, is his presidency in a nutshell.

A blatant lack of communication, competence and finger pointing vs owning your own mistakes. 

Ramaswamy is aware he will have to eat his words later, and there is a reason why politicians do what they do. However, he knows his tactics will work for him. 

He's nonetheless a breath of fresh air. 

On 8/22/2023 at 1:59 PM, WestCanMan said:

We'll see. It would be nice if he could stick around long enough to shake things up. 

I agree. The status quo clearly isn't working, far left woke agendas are clearly destroying what it is to be American. 

At least with Trump, you knew what you were getting, which still makes that sad.

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7 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Vivek made a comment about how he intends to run on honesty and transparency. 

Sad thing is that I believe him, and honesty and transparency isn't a winning formula in politics.

People would rather hear "Everyone gets a new car, and the other guys are all racists!" than "This isn't the time for a massive increase in gov't spending, and we can't continue to hamstring our energy sector. We need to increase our focus on mental health issues, homelessness, and drug addiction because those issues are important to Americans and our inactivity is costing us more than we need to spend to address those issues up front."

Vivek actually mentioned that it might be time to consider some form of institutionalized care for people with mental health issues but that makes him an easy mark for bleeding hearts. They will contend (and it's true) that people who have been institutionalized for mental health reasons in the past have suffered the worst fates imaginable (but don't worry - you can always trust doctors), but living on the streets is arguably worse and the cost to the country is quite high when high-rent retail areas become needle- and shit-scattered slums.


Almost as if taking a swipe at Joe Biden, who ran on the same promises, only to do the complete opposite. The complete shit show that was the Afghanistan pullout, is his presidency in a nutshell.

That doesn't score any points with leftists: they were told that the Aghan pullout was a smashing success by no less than Joe Biden himself so that's all that they will ever believe. Anything that went even a teensy bit wrong was 100% Trump's fault. Next.

Transparency? CNN told American voters everything that they needed to know, right?

Joe campaigned in front of less people than most small-town mayoral candidates, he didn't take any real pre-election interviews, and all of the questions that he was asked on the campaign trail were pre-scripted softballs from pre-selected 'reporters' and yet he still got "84 million votes". If that doesn't dispel the myth of "voter appreciation of transparency" then nothing will. 


I like Vikek and it would be awesome if voters valued truth, transparency and common sense, but just look at this forum... The people who come here are easily the top 10% of 'educated' voters - they spend far more time researching and discussing political issues than the avg voter - but they still say things like "No one was forced to vax", "The FBI just committed a few small crimes, it wasn't a really big deal at all" and "Americans were convicted of Russian collusion". Where's the truth, transparency or common sense in any of that? They're like Manchurian candidates armed wth megaphones. Their "beliefs" don't even meet the standard of drivel, they're bald-faced lies, and they can't get enough of them. Some people even graduated from CNN to MSNBC where the lies come with a heaping side of racism.  

The avg person doesn't even consider the truth, they'd rather not be forced to see it. They want snake oil injections and confirmation of their biases and Vikek isn't selling any of it. As far as possible voters are concerned, Trump already captured the imagination of people who are fed up with the status quo, and he really did do a great job as president, I don't think Vikek can draw from that voter pool. 

I'd love to shake the guy's hand, but I think he has a 1% chance in 2024. 

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15 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Fact based world? Is that where you figure you are?

To be fair, Hodad is completely immersed in the "CNN-'facts'" world, so he actually does figure that what he's saying is 100.0% true 100.0% of the time. 


Latest polls put Biden Vs. Trump at 46-46.

Polls are just the MSM way of saying "All the cool kids are still voting for the brain-damaged pedophile who sold out to China and a Yanukovich crony. They think he's doing swell."

It backs their false narratives in a way, because it basically says "people believed all of the horse-shit that we've been feeding them." 

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40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

To be fair, Hodad is completely immersed in the "CNN-'facts'" world, so he actually does figure that what he's saying is 100.0% true 100.0% of the time. 

Polls are just the MSM way of saying "All the cool kids are still voting for the brain-damaged pedophile who sold out to China and a Yanukovich crony. They think he's doing swell."

It backs their false narratives in a way, because it basically says "people believed all of the horse-shit that we've been feeding them." 

Hodad is a sell-out. He follows lies and worships lies. That's his failing.

Not everyone believes CNN. In fact...I don't know personally, anyone who does believe them anymore.

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37 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Hodad is a sell-out. He follows lies and worships lies. That's his failing.

Not everyone believes CNN. In fact...I don't know personally, anyone who does believe them anymore.

But who would admit to it in the real world? Only anonymous posters would do that. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

But who would admit to it in the real world? Only anonymous posters would do that. 

I would and do every time I'm asked. I am not afraid of these cult members. I know truth when I hear it and I know lies when I hear them. I will not worship Climate Change or war with Russia or masks and The Rona. I stand on my own 2 feet and no lifeless cult will alter my path.!

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59 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Hodad is a sell-out. He follows lies and worships lies. That's his failing.

Not everyone believes CNN. In fact...I don't know personally, anyone who does believe them anymore.

Haven't had TV service for most of the last 15 years. Don't watch CNN and never have. And I don't worship anything. But I am capable of academic research and working to that standard. I am capable of finding, reading and understanding most original sources. You should try it sometime. 

How about this, instead crafting a search phrase designed solely to confirm your bias, why don't you try a general informational search? That way instead instructing Google to scrape up op-eds from bizarre outliers and weird sites you can survey the breadth of actual information. 

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4 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Haven't had TV service for most of the last 15 years. Don't watch CNN and never have. And I don't worship anything. But I am capable of academic research and working to that standard. I am capable of finding, reading and understanding most original sources. You should try it sometime. 

How about this, instead crafting a search phrase designed solely to confirm your bias, why don't you try a general informational search? That way instead instructing Google to scrape up op-eds from bizarre outliers and weird sites you can survey the breadth of actual information. 

How about this. NO!

I will follow truth and my own senses. You can enjoy your reading of CNN and your other cult sites and sources. In other words...

You can be a sell-out. I will not.

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