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On 8/19/2023 at 6:07 PM, CdnFox said:

There are NO shelters to help men escaping abusive relationships

There also is a stigma.

My ex wife used to hit me when she would get mad. I felt fear towards her. If I argued back, she would escalate and put a knife to her throat and threaten to kill herself, paralyzing me from saying a thing.

People would ridicule me when I opened up, because I have a background in combat sports. A 1 -2 punch combo and she would have been out cold. I went to the gym a lot more, and so was much stronger than her.

This is where the problem lies. Am a black male. I hit her, I go to jail. No questions asked. Am a foot taller, a hundred pounds heavier. What kind of man...you know the drill.

She hits me, and I cower (because I don't want to hit her, and she takes it as fear of her), am somehow less than a man o_O

I can't stand women who play the victim, yet refuse to see how advantageous they have it in today's western society.

I have dated plenty of girls who felt they were awesome, and the best in bed, and every single one, turned out to be narssisstic, average in bed at best and lacking in self awareness.

I remember a woman I dated telling me how insanely skilled she was at sex, and she was a star fish in bed.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so told her she was the best I ever had.

I would have been better off with a fleshlight. Less weight to flip over.

Don't get it twisted. Star fishes are ok. But don't start talking you're some pornstar good, if you can't even ride your guy, or wanting to stop after 30 seconds because your knees are creaky.

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4 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I have dated plenty of girls who felt they were awesome, and the best in bed, and every single one, turned out to be narssisstic, average in bed at best and lacking in self awareness.

This is the reality of it.  I'm sure they genuinely think they're the best partner, best lover, the best 'catch' available. 

It's kind of a funny thing - young men are usually desperate to have girlfriends and partners when they're young, and as they get older if they lose their partner they are far less interested in finding a girl.  Girls are interested in dating and such when they're young but they seem more interested in finding a partner later in life than boys do.

At any rate - I know lots of guys out there  in their 50's that i'm sure most women would find to be a 'good catch' - good looking guys with solid jobs and money, own their home, etc.  But most of them are just not interested or at least not worried about it at all.  THere's very little upside for a man to put yourself out there these days.

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On 8/19/2023 at 7:08 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I won’t argue those finer points mainly because I think God is bigger than our conceptions of Him.  Organized religion is human made.  However, if we stop recognizing a higher authority than ourselves and the state, we are back in Egypt working as Pharoah’s slaves.

I do worry about Rome’s direction under Francis.  I think sometimes that the Church is afraid to provide the necessary guidance.  It can seem like an extension of the state.  

The Holy Scriptures are not just finer points.  God's word is the absolute truth.  There is no earthly priesthood who can offer sacrifice for sin today.  That ended at the cross when Jesus paid for sins or atoned for sins of mankind, once and for all time.

 Better study the New Testament and learn the truth. Salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ and that he died for you personally. There are no more offerings for sin possible. Read Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews. " 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. " Hebrews 9:28 In the Old Testament Jews had a priesthood offering sacrifice for sin, but it was only a picture looking forward to the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Once Christ came and offered himself, the earthly priesthood ended. There are no more earthly priests required to offer sacrifice for sin. " 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Hebrews 9:25, 26 "It is finished".

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

LOL - And so MODEST!  :) 

Yeah - it's not that there's no good  men. 


Women are to be self-deprecating and "know their place".

I know what I bring to the table and I'm just fine with eating alone if my efforts are not appreciated or taken advantage of.

How dare I !!

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9 minutes ago, Goddess said:


Women are to be self-deprecating and "know their place".

Right - because the only other option besides trumpeting how great you are and what a catch you are and how all men are wimps who want a mommy is to be meek and demure :)  LOLOL!


I know what I bring to the table and I'm just fine with eating alone if my efforts are not appreciated or taken advantage of.

I can see what you bring to the table and eating alone is probaby something you should get used to.


How dare I !!

Unwarranted arrogance combined with a tendancy to blame others for your own issues would be my guess.   Sorry Charlie. (you're probably old enough to remember those commercials) :)

It's not men's fault that you're not attractive to men who aren't babies.  It's not men's fault if you get called out for being arrogant or ignorant about how "badly" women are treated when it's really not true.  Quit blaming men and look at your own self.  Or were you waiting for a man to do that for you?

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On 8/19/2023 at 10:34 AM, Dougie93 said:


I've converted to Christianity



On 8/19/2023 at 11:48 AM, Dougie93 said:

Jesus of Nazareth



On 8/19/2023 at 1:10 PM, Dougie93 said:



On 8/19/2023 at 1:49 PM, Dougie93 said:

again, a godless atheist left wing lunatic asylum being run into the ground by imbeciles



On 8/20/2023 at 10:05 AM, Dougie93 said:

I only follow the Nazarene Himself



On 8/20/2023 at 1:41 PM, Dougie93 said:

then he became the Lord


And in all your claims to "christianity", for you to hero worship and idolize and defend and making excuses for Clayton Matchee, a torturer and murderer and Kyle Brown, also torturer and murderer, is really quite non christian.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Women are to be self-deprecating and "know their place".

Its not about knowing your place, but rather understanding what men want.

I could be the best man on the planet. Its irrelevant, if I don't understand what women want. 

You clearly have a penchant for men who don't have their s*** together, if that is what you see as what men bring to the table. 

I used to have a penchant for emotionally unavailable women, until I saw a counselor, and drew the comparison to my deadbeat dad, with the type of love I felt I deserved as a result. This wasn't a women issue. It was a me issue.

I dated a few women that sounded like you.

I hadn't mentioned my car to one, and we wanted to go to another place on our first date.

She ranted about how men wanted women to be their taxis, and so few had their own place let alone car. I just let her rant.

I then cut her off and asked her if she wanted to hop into my car. I wanted her to see my ride just to slap her ego, and she then became humble. Money isn't an issue to me. I was just raised humble.

She was shocked I didn't want a second date, or the fact I didn't hesitate in offering to cover all expenses and her ride home. Why would I want to be with someone who do nothing but force me to jump through hoops because she saw me as lesser than?

Issue here, is tons of men are little boys. Society has stated being a man is bad, so we try to feminize men, then feminists complain men aren't man enough o_O 

There lies part of the issue. If one doesn't know what they want, it makes finding out what others want that much more difficult.

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

And in all your claims to "christianity", for you to hero worship and idolize and defend and making excuses for Clayton Matchee, a torturer and murderer and Kyle Brown, also torturer and murderer, is really quite non christian.

I certainly idolized the Airborne Regiment in 1993

they were Canada's most elite infantry formation, the best of the best

so I could not understand how the events a Belet Huen occurred

Why did they do this ?  What was their motive ? Why did they think they could get away with it ?

then the facts came out in the Somalia Inquiry

they had been ordered to do it by the chain of command

torturing prisoners had come down from on high as a mission

furthermore, they had been given an experimental drug

not cleared for human consumption by Health Canada, because it was known to cause psychosis

in terms of Christianity ; salvation is not by acts, but by faith alone

Jesus of Nazareth will save you, even if you have murdered someone

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13 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I certainly idolized the Airborne Regiment in 1993

they were Canada's most elite infantry formation, the best of the best

so I could not understand how the events a Belet Huen occurred

Why did they do this ?  What was their motive ? Why did they think they could get away with it ?

then the facts came out in the Somalia Inquiry

they had been ordered to do it by the chain of command

torturing prisoners had come down from on high as a mission

furthermore, they had been given an experimental drug

not cleared for human consumption by Health Canada, because it was known to cause psychosis

in terms of Christianity ; salvation is not by acts, but by faith alone

Jesus of Nazareth will save you, even if you have murdered someone

Yup, says the guy that posted well over a dozen times defending the murderers.

You have no credibility anymore and mow you claim to having seen the light LOL

HE won't help you LOL

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18 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Yup, says the guy that posted well over a dozen times defending the murderers.

You have no credibility anymore and mow you claim to having seen the light LOL

HE won't help you LOL

Saul of Tarsus was like Clayton Matchee

he was a Pharisee and a Zealot

he had committed many murders

he persecuted the Christians

then he saw the light over Damascus

upon which he proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth to be the Son of God and the Messiah

then he became Paul the Apostle

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45 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Saul of Tarsus was like Clayton Matchee

he was a Pharisee and a Zealot

he had committed many murders

he persecuted the Christians

then he saw the light over Damascus

upon which he proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth to be the Son of God and the Messiah

then he became Paul the Apostle

Oh gawd...no instead of old regiment shit you will carry on with evangelical crap. You and blackbird should cloister yourselves and stroke one another LOL.

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

Oh gawd...no instead of old regiment shit you will carry on with evangelical crap. You and blackbird should cloister yourselves and stroke one another LOL.

it's all interrelated

as The 48th Highlanders of Canada is inherently Evangelical

raised from the congregation of St Andrew's Church on King Street West in Toronto on 16 October 1891

by Presbyterian Loyalist Orangemen of Upper Canada

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

You clearly have a penchant for men who don't have their s*** together, if that is what you see as what men bring to the table. 

I wouldn't say a "penchant" for men who don't have their shit together.

It just seems a lot of them don't. And a lot feel ENTITLED to have a woman care for their needs, wants, desires and preferences while putting her own on the back burner.

I think it's because that's what they saw modelled by their own parents.

In my mother's generation, women couldn't have a credit card or a mortgage without a man. In my grandmother's generation, women were trapped financially in relationships with abusive men. So women had no choice but to serve and cater to men. 

That's not the case any more. Men can't get away with the shit they used to.

I'm not saying men are "bad". They just need to evolve.

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:


You still worshipped and idolized a pair of tortures and murderers and then claim you are a devout christian...

What is interrelated is your contradictions. Lowlife.

I idolized the Canadian Airborne Regiment as Canada's most elite infantry formation

my Recce Course was taught by the Airborne Regiment Patrol Pathfinders

my Platoon Warrant was Ed "Chuck" Barnsley

I won't dismiss them as being torturers & murderers by nature

rather I recognize that the breakdown of discipline was incited by the chain of command

there are no bad soldiers, only bad leaders


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16 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I wouldn't say a "penchant" for men who don't have their shit together.

It just seems a lot of them don't.


It's likely that the ones who do have no interest in you particularly.  So it SEEMS like 'many' don't.



In my mother's generation, women couldn't have a credit card or a mortgage without a man.

Bullshit.  Unless your mom had you VERY late in life she absolutely could.  THe whole "Mortgage" thing was resolved by the mid 60's and credit cards were avaialble to anyone who had a job.  So maybe when your mother was BORN that was the case but it was not the case when she was of childbearing age.   Unless she waited till she was in her late 30's to start having kids or something


That's not the case any more. Men can't get away with the shit they used to.

Yeah. We're crushed.


I'm not saying men are "bad". They just need to evolve.

You are alone becuase you're an intolerant sexist and bigot. Not because men need to evolve.  We're just fine thanks.

To steal from Twain - your faults are not in your stars, they're in yourself.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

It just seems a lot of them don't. And a lot feel ENTITLED to have a woman care for their needs, wants, desires and preferences while putting her own on the back burner.

a good wife to care to your every want & need

constant companion, even walking you to your grave in the end

literal bliss, heaven on earth

tho she will require her husband to buy her a fully detached dream home

small price to pay

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

I idolized the Canadian Airborne Regiment as Canada's most elite infantry formation




No, you went berserk and on and on and worshipped and idolized and defended Matchee and Brown in more than a dozen posts.

Don't try and deny is. You would be just plain lying if you did.

You are a perfect example of a hypocrite.




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Just now, ExFlyer said:


No, you went berserk and on and on and worshipped and idolized and defended Matchee and Brown in more than a dozen posts.

Don't try and deny is. You would be just plain lying if you did.

You are a perfect example of a hypocrite.

well Clayton Matchee has never stood trial

so he is innocent until proven guilty

which suits the chain of command just fine

since if Clayton Matchee had ever testified

he would have brought the chain of command down therein

Veterans urge another look at Clayton Matchee case in light of malaria drug's side effects

Author of the article:
Sheila Pratt
Published Nov 14, 2016  •  3 minute read
Some of his fellow soldiers and a prominent U.S. medical expert now believe Clayton Matchee, shown here at a 2004 hearing in Saskatoon, was experiencing severe psychological side effects of the controversial antimalarial drug mefloquine when he was involved in the beating death of Somali Shidane Arone in 1993.Some of his fellow soldiers and a prominent U.S. medical expert now believe Clayton Matchee, shown here at a 2004 hearing in Saskatoon, was experiencing severe psychological side effects of the controversial antimalarial drug mefloquine when he was involved in the beating death of Somali Shidane Arone in 1993. Photo by Richard Marjan /Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Former Canadian Airborne soldier Clayton Matchee lives in a North Battleford home afflicted with brain damage from a suicide attempt — a desperate act after he was charged in the murder of a Somali teenager.

That was more than 20 years ago, during Canada’s ill-fated Somali mission. Since then, Matchee’s name has carried the shame of that episode of Canadian military history.

But there’s a move afoot to change that view. Some of his fellow soldiers and a prominent U.S. medical expert now believe Matchee was experiencing severe psychological side effects of the controversial antimalarial drug mefloquine when he was involved in the beating death of Somali Shidane Arone in 1993.

Those veterans urged federal MPs on the parliamentary committee on veterans affairs to consider re-examining the incident in light of new research on the drug’s harmful side effects. 

Saskatchewan veteran Dave Bona, who served on the Somali mission, planned to take that message to the Matchee family on Remembrance Day. 

“It was a huge step forward to get MPs to hear our case and I will be with the Matchee family on Remembrance Day. We want to lift the family up,” he said.

Former Airborne soldiers like Claude Lalancette previously blamed Matchee for the beating death that helped lead to the disbanding of the Airborne regiment.

Lalancette changed his mind after learning of new research into the side effects of mefloquine, which include heightened aggression, paranoia, anxiety and vivid dreams.   


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9 hours ago, Goddess said:

It just seems a lot of them don't.

A lot of women don't, either. A woman without her s*** together is not as frowned upon, socially. 

If she looks like a supermodel and makes a low salary or is broke taking the bus, I just don't see too many men batting an eyelid at this. Let's be real here. It would be the least of their concern.

Socially, women still want some traditional roles from men, but also are destroying what used to be seen as manhood, by labeling much of it as toxic as a means of eradicating it, socially or shaming it.

Like, if I were to check a woman out in the gym, this is now perceived as shameful behavior. Worthy of being flogged on social media, and damn near doxxed for it. It is now expected to ask permission in some circles, before kissing a woman. Making the read she wants to be kissed and pulling back when your read was off, is considered disgusting and toxic. This used to just mean being a man.

My wife would check my pants for a vagina down there, if I did this to her. Pardon my French. 

I see a sexy woman at the beach, and I will check her out. I have no shame in this. My wife is beautiful, but she also knows I will check other women out. I just don't do it in a  disrespectful fashion when with her (IE she wouldn't be any wiser that I had done it). She will playfully call me on it. "Wow, what a beautiful woman!" What woman? *gives me the "yeah okay, bullshit" look*

But then would complain about men not being bold enough to approach them, or to make life decisions to ascend regarding high levels of success, which take a lot of balls to do. You (am talking about society here) turn men into b*****s socially, then want real men back? 

10 hours ago, Goddess said:

And a lot feel ENTITLED to have a woman care for their needs, wants, desires and preferences while putting her own on the back burner.

Entitlement is a two way road. My wife is beautiful. If I had approached her, talking 50/50 on a first date, she would likely have laughed, and ditched me then and there.

She knows she's very attractive, and if a man wants to be with her, to her--he must pay for the first date. She knows her worth.

Fast forward, if he doesn't put a diamond ring on her finger, and wants to just have her sit there and cook and clean, again--she likely would reassess her options here.

My wife is humble however, so wouldn't judge me by the size of the rock, but rather by me wanting to commit to spending the rest of my life with her.

Nonetheless, I socially felt the need to get her a nice diamond ring. I knew she was a keeper, when she scolded me on the expense, as "my goodness, we could have put that towards our business or travel". I didn't care, as wanted to show her how serious I was when I proposed.

I have dated a lot of women, and from my experience, the most beautiful ones who had high confidence, were just as entitled if not more, regarding what they expected from men. The list you would get, would be bullet form, and have chapters to it. 

IE salary, type of car for some, or just how you spoiled her and the like.

Point am making, is dating sucks right now. You have a point on this. But its two parties that messed it up.

10 hours ago, Goddess said:

I'm not saying men are "bad". They just need to evolve.

Hard to evolve when society tells you how horrible you are, constantly. 

I guess am lucky that I was raised by a woman who was a tomboy. So I was taught to do laundry, clean, cook and bake even sew. But also learned how to do wiring, fix things and I still remember my mother ordering me to retaliate on a kid who had called me the N word, and spit in my face.

I refused. She held him and ordered me to spit on his face.

Now, my mom was a crazy immigrant mother, so I just dug deep, and spat out the nastiest loogie ever, in his face.

I also was taught that I should be willing to die to protect those I love. 

Am seeing what you're seeing in men, as most women I dated, ranted about it heavily. 

However man, didn't bring much to the table, either. If you do, good on you, but again--dating right now, is a s*** show.

I told the wife if we don't work out, we should remain friends, and I would just buy a couple cats, and call it a day. 

I would rather die, than date again o_O, so don't blame you any.

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11 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

well Clayton Matchee has never stood trial

so he is innocent until proven guilty

which suits the chain of command just fine

since if Clayton Matchee had ever testified

he would have brought the chain of command down therein



Well, here you go again... defending and making excuses for a torturer and murderer.

No, he never stood trial maybe because his conscious got to him first.

Some christian you are, defending the scum.

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20 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

There also is a stigma.

My ex wife used to hit me when she would get mad. I felt fear towards her. If I argued back, she would escalate and put a knife to her throat and threaten to kill herself, paralyzing me from saying a thing.

People would ridicule me when I opened up, because I have a background in combat sports. A 1 -2 punch combo and she would have been out cold. I went to the gym a lot more, and so was much stronger than her.

This is where the problem lies. Am a black male. I hit her, I go to jail. No questions asked. Am a foot taller, a hundred pounds heavier. What kind of man...you know the drill.

She hits me, and I cower (because I don't want to hit her, and she takes it as fear of her), am somehow less than a man o_O

I can't stand women who play the victim, yet refuse to see how advantageous they have it in today's western society.

I have dated plenty of girls who felt they were awesome, and the best in bed, and every single one, turned out to be narssisstic, average in bed at best and lacking in self awareness.

I remember a woman I dated telling me how insanely skilled she was at sex, and she was a star fish in bed.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so told her she was the best I ever had.

I would have been better off with a fleshlight. Less weight to flip over.

Don't get it twisted. Star fishes are ok. But don't start talking you're some pornstar good, if you can't even ride your guy, or wanting to stop after 30 seconds because your knees are creaky.

Lol...I've experienced the same. I have a high-strung Euro-babe for a wife. She hits all the time. And her scream could wake Joe Biden.

But once...quite a few years ago now...she hit me so hard it hurt. I reacted without thinking and found myself staring down at her with one hand on her throat and the other cocked. I caught myself and let her go. The rest of that evening was spent in silence but, she never hit me again.

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