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Canadian sport policy slammed after trans woman shatters female weightlifting record

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16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I suspect that a lot of the real female athletes do actually care, but are too afraid to speak out because of the usual repercussions from the loony left.

You cannot pin this on one side or the other. No one says anything lest they get called out.

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19 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I suspect that a lot of the real female athletes do actually care, but are too afraid to speak out because of the usual repercussions from the loony left.

because they are women

they are not evolved to kill & die for what they believe in

only males are evolved to do that

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27 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Canada was great when it was a Confederation of the British Empire

but now that Canada has rendered itself into a godless atheist left wing lunatic asylum run by imbeciles

I of course refuse to chain myself to that dead weight, and make no apologies for it

God save the King from the Communist treason of Canada

Rule Britannia

Whatever loser. 

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Just now, Dougie93 said:

Canada is the loser

the British rule the world, since even the Americans are more British than the Canadians

hence why Canada has such an inferiority complex in the face of us

No, you - the pretend wannabie soldier failure who  hates the very country that fed clothed and cared for him over the years while he did little to nohting ot make it better - are the loser.

But whatever - please do go on about how much canada sucks and prove my point, you pathetic excuse for a human. Maybe you can talk  neferious banana and army guy to come defend  you again when you cry.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

No, you - the pretend wannabie soldier failure who  hates the very country that fed clothed and cared for him over the years while he did little to nohting ot make it better - are the loser.

But whatever - please do go on about how much canada sucks and prove my point, you pathetic excuse for a human. Maybe you can talk  neferious banana and army guy to come defend  you again when you cry.

I only served Her Majesty The Queen

British soldiers are mercenaries for the Crown

Canada was neither here nor there

I didn't fail in any duty, I was decorated for my service

but that decoration is from the Commander-in-Chief at Buckingham Palace, not the government in Ottawa

Canada never cared about me, Canada has been nothing but a burden upon my neck

again, a godless atheist left wing lunatic asylum being run into the ground by imbeciles

I didn't destroy Canada, Canada destroyed itself

I am simply moving on from a Canada which hates itself and its own history

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3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:


I've converted to Christianity


...and the Lord sayeth unto Moses....Go forth and lifteth many weights until thyself become king of the weights and their lifters. Then and only then will the women come along and maketh thee a samhich.

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4 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The big divide opening up isn’t so much about left versus right or even the religious versus atheist or a clash of religions as it is about listening to nature and following wisdom versus tearing apart the traditional family and social mores   I think we had a middle ground that the revolutionaries will no longer accept, so now reasonable people are finally saying enough is enough: Not all of your failings can be blamed on the patriarchy, colonialism, race, normative gender, “Christi-fascism”, or other long established cross-cultural norms.  

see how you are a Protestant therein, Zeitgeist ?

Christian Fascism is a Romanist paradigm

the Fasces are Roman, not Evangelical

Christian Fascism is Franco & Pinochet

yet you are already spreading the Good News without the Inperator as your interlocutor

you are now at the threshold that Martin Luther reached, when he nailed his protest to the door

welcome, brother, we embrace you as one of our own

no tickets to Heaven sold to the poor

fall upon your knees to commune with the supernatural where you stand

just as the Nazarine did, alone in the desert

like Him, only there will you face the truth

see how Satan has come to rule, by the power of the endlessly intervening state

the government is Tiberius Caesar, plain to see

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

every other male is basically screwed, doomed to live a life alone with his internet porn Waifu

the system in Canada is stacked against the young males

I feel like men did this to themselves.

I'm single because every man in my age group isn't looking for a partner in life - they're looking for a mommy. Someone to do all the menial tasks that need to be done on a daily basis, so they don't have to do it themselves. Which is fine, except they feel entitled to women's labor for free and place no value on it.

Centuries ago, men decided that whatever THEY naturally drift to biologically is valuable, and whatever women drift to biologically has no value.

So jobs that women do - teaching, nursing, child care, care for the elderly, any kind of task or chore,is underpaid.

Men guffaw and denigrate a woman because she can't change on a tire on a car. I'm in my 50s and have had 1 flat tire in my life. 

But cooking, cleaning, looking after children and seniors....."women's work" is an endless daily tide of things that need to be done. But no one denigrates a  man who cant cook or lives in a sty or can't look after children because he doesnt know how to clean properly.

This daily tide of chores is necessary for life but men act like women have some gaping chasm in their knowledgebase if they can't change a tire.

And zero appreciation for anything women do.

I'm talking in general.

I don't know why men would want to be women.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

I feel like men did this to themselves.

I'm single because every man in my age group isn't looking for a partner in life - they're looking for a mommy. Someone to do all the menial tasks that need to be done on a daily basis, so they don't have to do it themselves. Which is fine, except they feel entitled to women's labor for free and place no value on it.

Centuries ago, men decided that whatever THEY naturally drift to biologically is valuable, and whatever women drift to biologically has no value.

So jobs that women do - teaching, nursing, child care, care for the elderly, any kind of task or chore,is underpaid.

Men guffaw and denigrate a woman because she can't change on a tire on a car. I'm in my 50s and have had 1 flat tire in my life. 

But cooking, cleaning, looking after children and seniors....."women's work" is an endless daily tide of things that need to be done. But no one denigrates a  man who cant cook or lives in a sty or can't look after children because he doesnt know how to clean properly.

This daily tide of chores is necessary for life but men act like women have some gaping chasm in their knowledgebase if they can't change a tire.

And zero appreciation for anything women do.

I'm talking in general.

I don't know why men would want to be women.

Yeah - i'm sure the guys that are out looking for women (if you're older than 35) are like that. BUt more and more i see the vast majority of guys aren't looking for a relationship.

Why would they? In this day and age, put a foot wrong and you could get sued, if you're not careful they get half your stuff, loyalty and sticking together through tough times is a thing of the past and what 'suckers' do as far as a lot of women are concerned  

So what's in it for the guy? Wnat sex? that's easy to come by and moreso as you get older.  Companionship? Get a dog and have a few friends. Lots of guys around my age have made their money, they're set up and happy with their lives, Why would they put all that at risk for some flakey woman that might run off with half of it tommorrow because she feels "Underappreicated" but doesn't actually want to have a conversation about it with the guy?

As to the work women do being underpaid - give me a frakkin' break. Nurses are paid very well - teachers are paid very well, and there's men who do BOTH of those.  Don't llike a nurses pay? Be a doctor then!  Women can be doctors.  My doctor is a woman. 

And i love this 'centuries ago men decided..."  yeah, we had a big meeting and all came to this conclusion....

Honestly - you spout that kind of drivel and wonder why nobody wants to date you? Other than nancy-boys who want someone to baby them?  Yeash!

Men die in war in vastly larger numbers than women. Men do most of the dangerous jobs where people get hurt or killed. Men commit suicide at a higher rate. Men have a shorter life span.  If you see a homeless person, most likely it's a man. There are NO shelters to help men escaping abusive relationships and the one that was started shut down after the owner killed himself after relentlessly being bullied by women's groups. .

If nobody's dating you it's not because good men aren't out there.  Sorry.


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43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Honestly - you spout that kind of drivel and wonder why nobody wants to date you?

I think Goddess is actually a lovely woman

I know what she looks like, and she is very cute for an older broad

I am totally devoted to my wife, but if I was single, I would date Goddess

she's just never met a guy like me

I would take her to Andalusia in the South of Spain

to enjoy Tapas at the Plazas in the shadow of the Alhambra in Grenada

then on to the bullfights at Cordoba

I actually work with a fit 65 year old Spaniard who could show Goddess a good time

I should hook them up

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4 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

see how you are a Protestant therein, Zeitgeist ?

Christian Fascism is a Romanist paradigm

the Fasces are Roman, not Evangelical

Christian Fascism is Franco & Pinochet

yet you are already spreading the Good News without the Inperator as your interlocutor

you are now at the threshold that Martin Luther reached, when he nailed his protest to the door

welcome, brother, we embrace you as one of our own

no tickets to Heaven sold to the poor

fall upon your knees to commune with the supernatural where you stand

just as the Nazarine did, alone in the desert

like Him, only there will you face the truth

see how Satan has come to rule, by the power of the endlessly intervening state

the government is Tiberius Caesar, plain to see

Interesting and persuasive 

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8 hours ago, Goddess said:

I feel like men did this to themselves.

I'm single because every man in my age group isn't looking for a partner in life - they're looking for a mommy. Someone to do all the menial tasks that need to be done on a daily basis, so they don't have to do it themselves. Which is fine, except they feel entitled to women's labor for free and place no value on it.

Centuries ago, men decided that whatever THEY naturally drift to biologically is valuable, and whatever women drift to biologically has no value.

So jobs that women do - teaching, nursing, child care, care for the elderly, any kind of task or chore,is underpaid.

Men guffaw and denigrate a woman because she can't change on a tire on a car. I'm in my 50s and have had 1 flat tire in my life. 

But cooking, cleaning, looking after children and seniors....."women's work" is an endless daily tide of things that need to be done. But no one denigrates a  man who cant cook or lives in a sty or can't look after children because he doesnt know how to clean properly.

This daily tide of chores is necessary for life but men act like women have some gaping chasm in their knowledgebase if they can't change a tire.

And zero appreciation for anything women do.

I'm talking in general.

I don't know why men would want to be women.

So no doubt that women do much of life’s important work.  They should be honoured and paid well for it.  The problem for men is that they’re generally only valued for their employment and earnings. If a woman doesn’t work and is a stay at home mom or even a wealthy housewife, she doesn’t lose her identity.  In fact not having to work becomes a point of pride.  If a man doesn’t have a good job or isn’t employed, he’s generally seen as unacceptable, even as a stay at home dad.

Men aren’t faring well now.   Fewer men than women are attending higher education and buying homes.  Some women are foregoing men altogether because some are having kids on their own and super charging their careers 

Both genders have their challenges.  Women menstruate and give birth and, and often face additional work at home that some men dodge.  Men are usually the ones who go to war and harm’s way or become workaholics to justify themselves.

 I also think each gender has different proclivities generally.  Women tend to embrace caregiving.  Men tend to want to find resources outside the home and use them to provide.  Both forces are necessary.  It’s Jung’s anima and animus.  It’s yin and yang. 

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9 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Until the Ukrainians come here fleeing war and we turn their kids trans.  It’s a spiritual battle, I believe.  Politics are downstream from the spiritual.  I’m not sure the West has moral leadership anymore, not that it’s clear any other places have it.  I’m concerned about how to restore it.  I’m not sure it’s possible and the Plan B for me is to do what I can for my family and social circle if nothing can be done politically.  

The world is in a spiritual battle between truth and error, good and evil, God and Satan.  God has given us his written revelation in the Holy Bible, in English, the King James Version 1611.  It is based on the Received Text and is absolutely accurate.  Even many Christians have been deceived by the workers of darkness, or evil spirits in many areas of life.  Politics is a losing area.. as it is part of the world system and cares little for Biblical truth.  Rome or Romanism is something you should be aware of is part of the world system of the anti-Christ.  Some believe Rome will be the leading force behind a one-world religion of the anti-Christ which many say is prophesied to come at some point.  But you are right, if you are a Bible believer /redeemed Christian by the blood of Christ, you best hope is in your family and circle if you can convince them about the gospel of salvation in Christ.  Often the hardest people to convince about biblical truth is our closest relatives and family members.  If they are not willing to listen, you may have to just pray for them and leave it with God.  But the most important thing is to realize Rome or a church cannot save anyone.  Salvation is only by faith in Christ and his sacrifice.  Ephesians 2:8, 9,  Romans, Hebrews, and the gospel of John.

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The world is in a spiritual battle between truth and error, good and evil, God and Satan.  God has given us his written revelation in the Holy Bible, in English, the King James Version 1611.  It is based on the Received Text and is absolutely accurate.  Even many Christians have been deceived by the workers of darkness, or evil spirits in many areas of life.  Politics is a losing area.. as it is part of the world system and cares little for Biblical truth.  Rome or Romanism is something you should be aware of is part of the world system of the anti-Christ.  Some believe Rome will be the leading force behind a one-world religion of the anti-Christ which many say is prophesied to come at some point.  But you are right, if you are a Bible believer /redeemed Christian by the blood of Christ, you best hope is in your family and circle if you can convince them about the gospel of salvation in Christ.  Often the hardest people to convince about biblical truth is our closest relatives and family members.  If they are not willing to listen, you may have to just pray for them and leave it with God.  But the most important thing is to realize Rome or a church cannot save anyone.  Salvation is only by faith in Christ and his sacrifice.  Ephesians 2:8, 9,  Romans, Hebrews, and the gospel of John.

I won’t argue those finer points mainly because I think God is bigger than our conceptions of Him.  Organized religion is human made.  However, if we stop recognizing a higher authority than ourselves and the state, we are back in Egypt working as Pharoah’s slaves.

I do worry about Rome’s direction under Francis.  I think sometimes that the Church is afraid to provide the necessary guidance.  It can seem like an extension of the state.  

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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Interesting and persuasive 

because you are experiencing it in real time

everything that happened in Roman Judea

is happening here and npw

the church & state fallen to a pagan satanic cult

the money lenders in the temple

this is the desert

you are alone in the desert

there is nothing between you and God now

you are experiencing what the Nazarene experienced

thus how you know that it is all true

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11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

 It can seem like an extension of the state.  

it is a state

it is all that is left of the Roman Empire

the Pontifex Maximus is the last remaining office of the Roman Imperator

that is not Jesus

that is Tiberius Caesar

do you really believe that Jesus of Nazareth would choose to come to you

by way of the Roman Principate which crucified Him ?

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22 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

it is a state

it is all that is left of the Roman Empire

the Pontifex Maximus is the last remaining office of the Roman Imperator

that is not Jesus

that is Tiberius Caesar

do you really believe that Jesus of Nazareth would choose to come to you

by way of the Roman Principate which crucified Him ?

The Church I grew up with never hesitated to take a public stand against government policies that ran counter to the Catechism.  Now the Church is silent on a lot of policies that have serious social and ethical impacts, from MAID to gender ideology.  It’s hard not to feel like the organization either doesn’t believe in its own theology or lacks the courage to challenge the state.  Without strong guidance, the flock will look elsewhere and fragment, I think. 

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7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The Church I grew up with never hesitated to take a public stand against government policies that ran counter to the Catechism.  Now the Church is silent on a lot of policies that have serious social and ethical impacts, from MAID to gender ideology.  It’s hard not to feel like the organization either doesn’t believe in its own theology or lacks the courage to challenge the state.  Without strong guidance, the flock will look elsewhere and fragment, I think. 

I only follow the Nazarene Himself

tho He gives me strength in the face of tyranny

it is not ultimately about that

ultimately, we were born to die

we will all be crucified in some way at the end

yet it is not about this world

this is just a childhood

it is about the next world to come ; soul making machines

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29 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

see His intelligent design : crucible

these are the times that try men's souls, Thomas Paine said

it is a privilege to live in these Biblical end times

to go into a pagan wilderness to have your soul tested

this is what it is all about

Israel means : those who struggle with God

what is the struggle ?

is He real ?

is it all true ?

once you are convicted that He is real,  and it is all true

then you are Protestant full of zeal

I try not to get lost in the woods of this or that denomination, but societies create laws and enforce them.  It’s irresponsible not to take a stand when something doesn’t sit right with your conscience and doesn’t pass the test of thoughtful debate.  Too many policies are implemented without thorough public scrutiny and debate.  We’re seeing the fallout, which is tearing apart the social fabric and threatening our social contract.  

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I try not to get lost in the woods of this or that denomination, but societies create laws and enforce them.  It’s irresponsible not to take a stand when something doesn’t sit right with your conscience and doesn’t pass the test of thoughtful debate.  Too many policies are implemented without thorough public scrutiny and debate.  We’re seeing the fallout, which is tearing apart the social fabric and threatening our social contract.  

I deeply respect and admire you

I can see your soul in your excellent words

I am convinced that you are fundamentally good

I would not follow the Pontifex Maximus, but I would follow you

because I can see Him there, standing right behind you

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On 8/19/2023 at 12:24 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I’m not sure I share your confidence, Dougie.  I wish I did.

the Nazarene was full of doubt & fear

He did want to be the Son of God, He recoiled from it

He was the Carpenter, who made crosses for the Romans to crucify His own children

then He became the Fisherman, who drew the Apostles to Him

then he became the Lord

when He was crucified by Pontius Palates for treason against Rome ; for casting the money changers out of the temple

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On 8/19/2023 at 4:07 PM, CdnFox said:

If nobody's dating you it's not because good men aren't out there.  Sorry.

I'm actually quite a catch and have probably 4 or 5 men who would marry me tomorrow if I said yes. ?

I either don't care for them in that way or I see the red flags.

I'm a very easy going type person but I also don't accept certain behaviours  in my life.

I give them the option of staying as a friend and for some reason, they all choose to be in my life as friends, knowing there's extremely little chance for a different kind of relationship. Even my ex-husband, we remain good friends. He knows I'd do anything for him and I also consider him a person I can rely on if I ever need help.

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