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Is Leftism a kind of Religion?

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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Basically the only way that we can prove that we're not fascists is if we join her extremist group and do some rioting and looting with them.

Then you're a woke or former fascist.

The left does this all the time - they are huge fans of emotionally charged language rather than facts or reason so they will take a word with negative connotations and attempt to shoehorn it into every possible place they can. Remember when EVERYTHING including math was racists? They knew racism was percieved as a negative thing by virtually everyone so they just called anything they didn't like racist.

Remember when they came up with 'cultural genocide'? Have to get the word 'genocide' in there, that way we can become as big a victim as the jewish survivors.

remeber when trudeau said we should not tolerate the vax-hesitant.. not because of logical reasons or because they're wrong or because it's necessary for the greater good or the like but because 'they're bigots and misogynists', which we know are bad. :)


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22 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

What planet are you on?  You’re so blind to your own ignorance, so unaware of what Nazism means, and so committed to calling everyone who disagrees with you, including moderate people, Nazis, that you’re actually a very reckless person.

Bullshit. I even said I don't know if you're a Nazi, but you're repeating nazi propaganda. I've said that most Republicans aren't Nazis, they only use nazi propaganda because it sells with their audience.

You're resorting to blatantly lies now because you know you're wrong. Your idea of Marxism is incorrect and based on an old conspiracy theory created by the original Nazis.

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22 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re inserting your own Nazi narratives.  Eliminating local small-scale economies, the family being the most elemental, is a Marxist aim because the state authority is the only authority.  

OMG! Stop humiliating yourself by learning about Marxism from literal Nazis!

I'm going to be super charitable and say that you're probably not a Nazi. But everything you're saying comes from literal Nazi propaganda, not Das Kapital or the Communist Manifesto. Marxism is an anarchic ideology. The ultimate goal of the Marxist is the elimination of the state. You sound like a retard saying that the people who want anarchy think that the only authority that matters is the state. This is like saying Atheists think the only real law is God's law.


Bill Maher cleverly illustrated this.

That alone should tell you how stupid you're being.


Edited by Americana Antifa
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8 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

You can't address my points, so you have to lie about what I'm saying. The mark of the triggered.

You don't have 'points' (other than the one on top of your head). you just parrot what your tribal group tells you to.  It would be like trying to 'address the points' of one of those dolls where you pull the string and it talks. :)

There's no 'points' to address.

As to triggered - i see your'e already at the picture posting stage tonight so i guess we know who's triggered around here :)  


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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You don't have 'points' (other than the one on top of your head). you just parrot what your tribal group tells you to.  It would be like trying to 'address the points' of one of those dolls where you pull the string and it talks. :)

There's no 'points' to address.

As to triggered - i see your'e already at the picture posting stage tonight so i guess we know who's triggered around here :)  


Thank you for not making me a liar.

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The fact that Antifa Americana didn’t know that Marxism is atheist and that that Marx lived and wrote prior to the Frankfurt School indicates a very superficial understanding of history and political movements.  I don’t even judge her for this.  Her repetitive sloganeering sounds more shrill and mindless every time read it, which is why at this point I don’t argue with her because she doesn’t have enough understanding of the subjects debated to demonstrate a common understanding of what she’s trying to discuss.  It’s like arguing with a very partially educated 17 year old.  My only recommendation to her is to read much more and become more informed before attaching herself to an organization with a track record that’s dubious at best.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The fact that Antifa Americana didn’t know that Marxism is atheist and that that Marx lived and wrote prior to the Frankfurt School indicates a very superficial understanding of history and political movements.  I don’t even judge her for this.  Her repetitive sloganeering sounds more shrill and mindless every time read it, which is why at this point I don’t argue with her because she doesn’t have enough understanding of the subjects debated to demonstrate a common understanding of what she’s trying to discuss.  It’s like arguing with a very partially educated 17 year old.  My only recommendation to her is to read much more and become more informed before attaching herself to an organization with a track record that’s dubious at best.  

Well i don't think she's going to take your advice. There are some people who are happiest when in a cult like environment and i think that's her happy place. Repeating the wokeisms of the day and calling all 'others' a nazi seems to keep her going. I dont' think there's any danger of logic or reason being a motivating  factor.  And really, who are we to say that's wrong.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Well i don't think she's going to take your advice. There are some people who are happiest when in a cult like environment and i think that's her happy place. Repeating the wokeisms of the day and calling all 'others' a nazi seems to keep her going. I dont' think there's any danger of logic or reason being a motivating  factor.  And really, who are we to say that's wrong.

It’s very much the profile of the naïve activist.  I think the problem today is that such people have been given the airtime and authority to shout off and cancel good and intelligent people.  People are scared of saying “back off” to these “activists.”  Many climbers in academia and political circles are using the same shrill mindless rhetoric as the “activists” and encouraging them.  To some degree we all have to give them a “safe space” to make their points in order to protect free speech.  Unfortunately often the content of that speech is weak.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s very much the profile of the naïve activist.  I think the problem today is that such people have been given the airtime and authority to shout off and cancel good and intelligent people.  People are scared of saying “back off” to these “activists.”  Many climbers in academia and political circles are using the same shrill mindless rhetoric as the “activists” and encouraging them.  To some degree we all have to give them a “safe space” to make their points in order to protect free speech.  Unfortunately often the content of that speech is weak.  

It is a problem. And i would theorize about another problem today that kind of flies under the radar.

In the past family ties and ties to your community were stronger - for better or worse.  People belonged to the local church and knew the neighbours in the community and there were MUCH stronger bonds there.  That was people's "identity" - i'm part of my community.  So when one person from that community was a conservative and one was a liberal they could have some pretty intense discussions but at the end of the day, their sense of belonging included each other and it was quickly forgotten.

A threat to that community (such as flood or the like) would generate a strong response to attack the problem.

Now -  i regularly see and hear that there is less of that - and people WANT to belong to a community. So - people like her can very easily be attracted to a community like antifa or the far left, and it fills a strong need.

And of course - all other ideologies are percieved as a threat - and they attack.

I think that as long as this kind of politics is where kids feel safe and at home, we're going to see less and less logic and tolerance and more and more intolerance and division.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

In the past family ties and ties to your community were stronger - for better or worse.  People belonged to the local church and knew the neighbours in the community and there were MUCH stronger bonds there.  That was people's "identity" - i'm part of my community.  So when one person from that community was a conservative and one was a liberal they could have some pretty intense discussions but at the end of the day, their sense of belonging included each other and it was quickly forgotten.

I grew up in a whole bunch of different places and don't recall much if any of this at all.  I suppose I might have felt a little pang on occasion when it came time to move again but I always made new friends.

I've lived in the same place for 50 years now in a house I built nearly 40 years ago - I've been here long enough my community is part of me.

Notwithstanding my 1st Nation neighbours next door, I've seen many many people come and go over all those years and I'm pretty sure the place you're talking about is rarer than you imagine.      

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42 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I grew up in a whole bunch of different places and don't recall much if any of this at all. 

Sure  and look at you -  desperately clinging to your echochamber ideas and identity issues. You literallly lie on the internet as part of your core identity.  A prime example of someone who grows up without it and is looking for somewhere to belong.

42 minutes ago, eyeball said:


I've lived in the same place for 50 years now in a house I built nearly 40 years ago

er....   i'm just going to assume you worded that improperly.

42 minutes ago, eyeball said:

- I've been here long enough my community is part of me.

Notwithstanding my 1st Nation neighbours next door, I've seen many many people come and go over all those years and I'm pretty sure the place you're talking about is rarer than you imagine.      

It was pervasive. it was quite common.  And it's not really a surprise that that would be the case - humans instictively feel a NEED to belong to a group. We are a 'pack' type animal. And if we don't have one readily available we will FIND one to belong to.

That's how cults and far left and far right groups work. They find people who have no such anchor and who feel disconnected and they offer them a connection to cling to and boom.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

well i think it has more to do with the fact you said you just lived 50 years in a house you built 40 years ago but sure. 

That's a fact is it? Try reading it again. Here's a clue, the house is in the same place I've been for 40 years.

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's a fact is it? Try reading it again. Here's a clue, the house is in the same place I've been for 40 years.

Sigh. What is english, your 3rd language? 4th?

You said you lived in the same place for 50 years in a house you built 40 years ago. If you just built the house 40 years ago you can't have been living in the 'same' place for 50 years, You were living in a different place for 10 years then began living in the current house 40 years ago

that's how english works.

Now - i assumed you meant you lived in the same area for 50 years, or perhaps there was some other dwelling on the property for the first 10 years, or whatever and you just said it poorly. Which is why i said i'll just assume you didn't word that well.

But now you're displaying your stupidity to the world by doubling down on it.

If you built the house 40 years ago - you havent' lived in it for 50 years. so you weren't living in the same place for 50 years.  Damn you're dumb.

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

If you built the house 40 years ago - you havent' lived in it for 50 years. so you weren't living in the same place for 50 years.  Damn you're dumb.

No you're just being pedantic and instead of going with the naturally reasonable assumption about other dwellings you chose to be a quibbler and escalate things from there. Your shtick is as worn out as it is obvious because you really suck at it.  Of course the only thing you leave anyone to work with when you act like this is their own assumptions which naturally lead most to conclude that you do it because you're a plugged-up sphincter.

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Just now, eyeball said:


Yes what i said is 100 percent true. You can't live for 50 years in a place that's only been there 40 years.

So it's not pedant, what you said isn't possible. Which is why i was kind and said 'i think you misspoke a litlte'.  Apparently that's not the case and you're just retarded and don't know what numbers mean.

God you are dumb.

well everyone knows you're a liar - you probably were just lying about where you live and screwed up the numbers and now you're mad at me for pointing it out.  What a tard.

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12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Speaking the truth? Well - more of a devotion than a religion but sure.

The fact you would consider that to be a pejorative thing says a hell of a lot about you :)

The fact you believe you speak it %100 is pretty hilarious. So that's all the time as well?

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

That's how cults and far left and far right groups work. They find people who have no such anchor and who feel disconnected and they offer them a connection to cling to and boom.

If you're a young person walking alone on a college campus you'll constantly be asked to come to this meeting or that. Some are activist groups, some are religious groups, etc. 

They know that a lot of the new kids there are a long way from home and that they don't have a feeling of 'belonging' yet. The temptation for them to just join a group and have a bunch of instant friends is like being offered crack if you're a junkie. 

In a university setting impressionable kids are required to learn by rote all day long and then fill in blanks for checkmarks, and their profs are telling them to say "Orange man bad", and if they don't the girls yell at them. All they have to do to fit in with those girls is join a group and suddenly they feel like they might lose their virginity before they get their BA.

Next thing you know they're shrieking "Vaccines don't have to prevent infection or death! Sometimes they barely provide any protection at all! If you don't take it you should lose your job!" and they can't stop or they'll be outsiders again. 

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Another recent example of leftist zealotry was our resident domestic terrorist trying to pretend that M Brown wasn't portrayed as a 'gentle giant' by the alt-left MSM. 

A quick google search of "Michael Brown Gentle Giant" shows every MSM media outlet in the USA referring to him by that name. Even the NYPost did it, and that was on the day of his funeral - long after the video of his violent robbery came out. 

Every single leftist in NA ran with the gentle giant narrative for months and months, it was part of their daily rage routine. For them to start pretending like it was never even a thing now is astonishing. 

Bill Maher finally acknowledged that the GG narrative was false in Oct, two months later. 

Leftists are a joke. Not just a little bit of a joke, they are a complete farce as human beings. 

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