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1 hour ago, West said:

Carlson never said such things on air. He's always been skeptical of the Powell accusations

You fell for ot though didn’t you?  And you never clued in that this whole time that Tucker told you to support trump’s Tucker “hated Trump passionately” and thought Trump was a “disaster” and only “pretended” to support him. 

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Which Jan 6 report are you referring to? Have you read this report? Can you provide a link to the text of this report, so that we can read it and determine whether it is a “pack” of lies or not?

https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/january-6th-committee-final-report?path=/GPO/January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection

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55 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Dude are you slow or something?  What Rebound posted proves Tucker reports things to you that he knows are false.  The whole time he was saying those things in private and mocking the election conspiracies and insulting Trump, he was going on TV every night and whipping gullible suckers like you into a frenzy telling you the exact opposite of what he actually believes.

Why would you still believe anything he says?  Tucker clearly thinks viewers like you are dullards and in his own words he only cares about ratings and Newscorp’s stock price. 

Really? Ok show me what Carlson said on TV, that's got your panties in such a knot.

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56 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

You fell for ot though didn’t you?  And you never clued in that this whole time that Tucker told you to support trump’s Tucker “hated Trump passionately” and thought Trump was a “disaster” and only “pretended” to support him. 

I dont care about Trump, but found him hilarious as he trolled lefties and caused them to melt down. 

As for the rigged election, I have no doubt there was funny business

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

No, I told you exactly why he was locked up. It's not a farking mystery. It's right here in the charges and acknowledged in his guilty plea.

But he is clearly loon and he was certainly there to overturn the election. Honestly, I didn't think a real person would be dumb enough to argue that the rioters weren't trying to overturn the election. WTF do you think they were breaking down the doors and chasing legislators to do? 

He's locked up because the Dems and their hyper-partisan media flacks needed to gin their 'tards into a frenzy, so he was made America's #1 enemy.

If he was just a BLM rioter who helped overrun a police precinct by force of arms and then killed a 16-yr-old black kid while serving as a "BLM police officer", during the summer of love, he'd be a hero.


Fair enough. Remember that time I lied about the FBI releasing statements they never released, or that time I claimed repeatedly to have watched security footage 6 days before it was released, or that time I said that the Jan 6 mob wasn't trying to overturn the election? 

Dude, the FBI carefully plans all of their media statements. That's why they time their kidnapping lots, etc, to be unravelled right before an election. 

The footage of M Brown robbing that store was on Fox News the day of the riot. Whatever CNN told you about 'the availability of video' was just another one of their lies.

Are you honestly doubting that CNN would lie to you after al these years? 

The Jan 6th crowd was just a bunch of people who had every reason to be angry. They were told that somehow a retarded guy who averaged less than 200 rally attendees and only did two events per week got 84M votes.... It's absurd. 

No one thought that they could overturn the results of an election by dressing up like buffalo hunters and howling. Only total retards believe that. 


Sorry to stop you mid-rant, but why are you tagging words that are already correct? This one is a puzzle.

Leftards (including you, obviously) all use the word 'seditious' incorrectly because they all learned it on Jan 6th, when their media was using it incorrectly. 

A bunch of seditious people would just be planning an attack or encouraging others to do it, not engaging in it.

When workers are out pouring concrete or tying off rebar they aren't 'architecting', they're building. Constructing. 

Our language is changing now just by the sheer volume of leftards who use all kinds of words incorrectly:

"Vaccines" used to drastically increase one's chances of avoiding infection. Now anything you inject into your arm is considered a vaccine if you just wish it to be. Good news is, heroin addicts can't get covid now. (Don't tell Hodad that was a joke, I'm trying to get him hooked on heroin so he has less time to lie here).

"Anti-vaxer" used to refer to people who refused to get their children vaccines that were known to be extremely effective at preventing active (but rare) diseases that were very dangerous, now it means non-vaxtard.

Menstruating used to refer to a woman having her period, but now anyone pretending to menstruate means menstruating as well.

Being pregnant used to mean "carrying a fertilized embryo that's growing into a baby" but now it includes the delusional.

Being a man used to mean that you were born with the right type of naughty bits to get a woman pregnant, now it means "anyone who pretends to be a man" (good news for you, I guess).

And believe it or not, the stooges who want to force you to use their made-up words because they're just fascists who need to have their own way, also want people to stop saying things like "mother" because 'mothers' don't get to be called the word that they prefer. Makes sense? Of course not. It's your retarded group that's doing it. 


Wow, you are rarely at a loss for words. Between the endless bloviating and incessant lying the words practically tumble from your fingertips like verbal diarrhea. 

I'm sure your schtick plays great with the rest of the nutters, but back in the land of rational thought we just look at your fact-free, paranoid conspiracy garbage and laugh at you. It takes a "special" kind of person to keep at it. How you find the perseverance to get up in the morning, strap on your velcro shoes and sandwich board and trudge down to a busy intersection and hand out pamphlets is truly inspiring.

I'm not at a loss for words, I'm just trying to find a gentle way to help you understand how stupid your comments are, and letting you know that not everyone believes your lies. 

If you have some video that shows as strong a police presence outside the capitol on Jan 6th as we routinely saw at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, then why don't you show us? 

Dear God, are you trying to say that Trudeau is somehow smarter than Pelosi? Or that Canadians just have more personnel on hand to defend their capitol than the Yanks? I mean, I guess there was a nearly successful coup attempt involving a few hundred unarmed people there. 

Man, the US army sure has gotten a lot weaker since the war of 1812. If they just had a squad of redcoats on Jan 6th they most likely coulda sealed the deal. 


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2 hours ago, West said:

I dont care about Trump

Hilarious lie. Look yourself up on this sote. You’ve been on this site a little over a year and you have 84 posts where you mention Trump by name, each one is you defending his record from accusations, repeating election lies etc.  So more people han once per week and that’s not counting the times where you didn’t happen to mention his name.

Now that Trump’s becoming irrelevant his supporters conveniently are having trouble remembering that they supporting him. From the very beginning I predicted this, just like Republicans did with their war on drugs, Dubyas Iraq invasion and some Republicans can’t remember being raging climate deniers just the day before yesterday.  

You’re probably already rehearsing your new lines in front of the mirror:

“ Republicans never supported Trump! He was never a Republican he was actually a Russia-colluding, KKK-endorsed white supremacist New York Democrat who invited the Clintons to his wedding. He killed Epstein to keep the Trump-Clinton child sex trafficking ring a secret!”  

Of course it is an actual fact that Trump was until fairly recently registered as a Democrat which you will of course show as you “proof”. 


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Dang, I found proof that the capitol was actually quite heavily guarded.

Look at the rows upon rows of anti-sedition ? tactical units, the concertina wire, pillboxes, machine gun nests, snipers, etc that the seditious [sic], ravaging horde laid waste to on their murderous path to the capitol. 

This is proof that there was a massive amount of hateful, warlike rhetoric coming from Trump, and the whole world was braced for shock.

Video of Ashley Babbitt storming the capitol, and the brave last stand of the police:

If you watch 'til the end of the video you can see what was left of the capitol. Now I know why they say that Jan 6th is only comparable to Pearl Harbour, 9/11, Nagasaki, and all of the Toronto Maple Leaf's playoff runs since 1967. 

My God, just imagine what a racist hellhole America would be right now if not for that brave cop, hey Hodad? 

Edited by WestCanMan
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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Hilarious lie. Look yourself up on this sote. You’ve been on this site a little over a year and you have 84 posts where you mention Trump by name, each one is you defending his record from accusations, repeating election lies etc.  So more people han once per week and that’s not counting the times where you didn’t happen to mention his name.

Now that Trump’s becoming irrelevant his supporters conveniently are having trouble remembering that they supporting him. From the very beginning I predicted this, just like Republicans did with their war on drugs, Dubyas Iraq invasion and some Republicans can’t remember being raging climate deniers just the day before yesterday.  

You’re probably already rehearsing your new lines in front of the mirror:

“ Republicans never supported Trump! He was never a Republican he was actually a Russia-colluding, KKK-endorsed white supremacist New York Democrat who invited the Clintons to his wedding. He killed Epstein to keep the Trump-Clinton child sex trafficking ring a secret!”  

Of course it is an actual fact that Trump was until fairly recently registered as a Democrat which you will of course show as you “proof”. 


You folks are obsessed and make lunatic allegations. More anti lunatic than pro Trump 

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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Dude are you slow or something?  What Rebound posted proves Tucker reports things to you that he knows are false.  The whole time he was saying those things in private and mocking the election conspiracies and insulting Trump, he was going on TV every night and whipping gullible suckers like you into a frenzy telling you the exact opposite of what he actually believes.

Why would you still believe anything he says?  Tucker clearly thinks viewers like you are dullards and in his own words he only cares about ratings and Newscorp’s stock price. 

I think you should produce quotes by Carlson, that show he said anything you're so convinced he lied about.

G'head G'head...

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22 hours ago, Hodad said:

How much would would a woodchuck chuck? 

Your inane questions and naive suppositions are pretty damn tiresome. It's like talking to a child. You have video evidence. You have statements from witnesses--politically friendly witnesses, I might add.  You have multiple reports from multiple investigations. They all indicate that Byrd acted reasonably and properly--perhaps heroically--in defending our legislators.

The bottom line is that when people can't retreat any further, they have every right to defend themselves. Police (and regular citizens) operate under that principle and will be uncharged or acquitted all day every day in any jurisdiction in this country. If you don't accept that basic right to self defense, fine. I don't care much. You just end up looking foolish.

Enjoy your armchair quarterbacking. Then go pound sand. 

Ah name-calling, I guess you’ve run out of arguments.

Why couldn’t the cops have arrested Babbitt instead of killing her? I know you are eager to murder her for disagreeing with you, but try to be reasonable.

And why are you so afraid of my question: If Byrd had been white and Babbitt black and left wing would you still justify her murder?

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On 3/14/2023 at 9:37 AM, Rebound said:

Once the barricade was breached and a mob started streaming through, it would have been impossible to arrest them.  

I notice the phrase would have been. You are acknowledging that at the time of Babbitt’s murder it was not impossible. You are speculating about the course of future events.

Wouldn’t it have been better to arrest Babbitt instead of killing her?

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5 minutes ago, Mako said:

I notice the phrase would have been. You are acknowledging that at the time of Babbitt’s murder it was not impossible. You are speculating about the course of future events.

Wouldn’t it have been better to arrest Babbitt instead of killing her?

You are an utter ldiot. 

She could not have been arrested AFTER the barricades collapsed. We agree on that, yes? 

She could not have been arrested BEFORE the barricades collapsed because the officers defending the barricade was on the OTHER SIDE OF THE BARRICADE. How do you handcuff someone who’s on the other side of a wall? It’s impossible.  Do you pass them handcuffs and tell them to put them on?

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On 3/13/2023 at 8:42 PM, Aristides said:

What about the 50 guys  behind her, one cop is going to put zip ties on all of them as well? 

"Wait your turn guys, just line up over there while I send for more zip ties."

Reality is not one of your specialities.

There were other heavily armed cops on either side of the door.

Do you acknowledge that people should have been arrested at least until they ran out of zip ties?

Deadly force should be used as a last option: do you agree?

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

You are an utter ldiot. 

She could not have been arrested AFTER the barricades collapsed. We agree on that, yes? 

She could not have been arrested BEFORE the barricades collapsed because the officers defending the barricade was on the OTHER SIDE OF THE BARRICADE. How do you handcuff someone who’s on the other side of a wall? It’s impossible.  Do you pass them handcuffs and tell them to put them on?

Cops were on both sides of the door.

Let’s leave the fetid swamp of your imagination and consider reality. How many people did the Jan. 6 protesters actually kill?

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2 hours ago, Mako said:

Ah name-calling, I guess you’ve run out of arguments.

Why couldn’t the cops have arrested Babbitt instead of killing her? I know you are eager to murder her for disagreeing with you, but try to be reasonable.

And why are you so afraid of my question: If Byrd had been white and Babbitt black and left wing would you still justify her murder?

No, you're just not interested in arguments. You've dismissed the assessment of everyone on scene at the time as well as multiple follow-up investigations. Instead you prefer your fantasy re-enactment. 

Nobody is "afraid" of your questions. They're just stupid questions that don't merit any response. If you think self-defense is based on race you've got bigger problems than immunity to information. 

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

He's locked up because the Dems and their hyper-partisan media flacks needed to gin their 'tards into a frenzy, so he was made America's #1 enemy.


No, he's locked up because of his actions, and because he listened to liars. It is insane for you to suggest that individuals in a mob that broke into the capital to overturn an election are being unfairly persecuted when they are punished for their crimes. 


Dude, the FBI carefully plans all of their media statements. That's why they time their kidnapping lots, etc, to be unravelled right before an election. 

The FBI did not release any statement about Hunter Biden's laptop prior to the election. That was a lie you told.


The footage of M Brown robbing that store was on Fox News the day of the riot. Whatever CNN told you about 'the availability of video' was just another one of their lies.


You claimed multiple times that you saw the footage on FOX the day Brown was shot. That was a lie. And don't think people won't notice that you are now moving the goalpost to "the day of the riot," you snake.


The Jan 6th crowd was just a bunch of people who had every reason to be angry. They were told that somehow a retarded guy who averaged less than 200 rally attendees and only did two events per week got 84M votes.... It's absurd. 

No, it's absurd to assume that all the polls were wrong and that a very unpopular president was somehow entitled to win in a landslide. Although the news sources they consume probably didn't share that reality. And then it's utterly insane to buy into some stolen election conspiracy without even an ounce of proof. Not even your fictional news network believed the lies the were telling. You people are just gullible nutters.


No one thought that they could overturn the results of an election by dressing up like buffalo hunters and howling. Only total retards believe that. 

A. Why do you think your offensive slur doesn't apply to those in the mob?

B. Yes, they absolutely DID think they could overturn the results of the election. That was the express and explicit intent. How do you not get that? 


Leftards (including you, obviously) all use the word 'seditious' incorrectly because they all learned it on Jan 6th, when their media was using it incorrectly. 

A bunch of seditious people would just be planning an attack or encouraging others to do it, not engaging in it.

I know you're not much of a thinker, let alone a lateral thinker, but those aren't mutually exclusive. Many of the people in that mob (and a number who lacked the cajones to participate) had been planning and promoting the insurrection. Making it distinct from a protest turned violent or a spontaneous riot. 



<snip pathetic rant about evolving language>

You may be surprised to know that language has always evolved and, indeed, is in a constant process of evolution. I'm sorry it's hard for you to adapt to changing norms. 


I'm not at a loss for words, I'm just trying to find a gentle way to help you understand how stupid your comments are, and letting you know that not everyone believes your lies. 


Well, you said you were at a loss for words. Please try to keep up. And you're not trying to be gentle, you're just short on cleverness. I'm sure you have many other fine qualities though...

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I'm still waiting for someone...anyone...to show that Tucker Carlson lied about anything.

What is it that's got all you Libbies so wound up? I mean...you really should be used to lies by now...having promoted the NYT, WAPO and CNN so many times.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

I'm still waiting for someone...anyone...to show that Tucker Carlson lied about anything.

What is it that's got all you Libbies so wound up? I mean...you really should be used to lies by now...having promoted the NYT, WAPO and CNN so many times.

Really, it's be harder to try to find something about which he has been honest. You clearly don't care that he and his colleagues pushed the "stolen election" lie--and it's going to cost FOX bigly--but how about the fact that he's lying to you RIGHT NOW with these bizarrely edited bits of footage and his personal commentary from the Jan 6 attack. Even top Republicans are calling him on his bullshit. 

Edited by Hodad
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30 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Really, it's be harder to try to find something about which he has been honest. You clearly don't care that he and his colleagues pushed the "stolen election" lie--and it's going to cost FOX bigly--but how about the fact that he's lying to you RIGHT NOW with these bizarrely edited bits of footage and his personal commentary from the Jan 6 attack. Even top Republicans are calling him on his bullshit. 

OK...show me where Carlson said the election was stolen.

RINOs are opposed to this. 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

OK...show me where Carlson said the election was stolen.

RINOs are opposed to this. 

Omg. The gaslighting from your lying kind is unbelievable.

Are you honestly trying to claim that Tucker never said the election was stolen?  That’s practically all he’s been saying for the last 2+ years and he’s still saying it!  Here’s what I found in just 10 seconds of searching:

Published November 23, 2020 10:20pm EST

Tucker Carlson: Yes, the election was rigged for Joe Biden. Here's how

How Democrats, Big Tech and the mainstream media waged an unfair fight in 2020




Tucker Carlson: "January 6th I think is probably second only to the 2020 election as the biggest scam in my lifetime."



Carlson’s show on Monday night featured the debut of Jan. 6, 2021, security footage that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) controversially decided to give to him first. But before he got to the footage, Carlson declared without evidence — almost as an aside — that those assembled on Jan. 6 were righteously upset because the 2020 election had, indeed, been compromised.
The protesters were angry: They believed that the election they had just voted in had been unfairly conducted. And they were right,” Carlson said. “In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy. Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it.”



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5 hours ago, Hodad said:

No, he's locked up because of his actions, and because he listened to liars. It is insane for you to suggest that individuals in a mob that broke into the capital to overturn an election are being unfairly persecuted when they are punished for their crimes. 

BS. You listen to liars exclusively and you're not in jail.

BLMers and ANTIFAs listened to liars, committed assaults, murders, burned down communities, overran police stations, attacked the WH, and they got almost no jailtime. 

What damage did Chansley do that compares to a slow night for BLM? 


The FBI did not release any statement about Hunter Biden's laptop prior to the election. That was a lie you told.

Of course they did.

They let their highest ranking ex-members use weight of their name with their intended lies. It's the exact same thing.

If ex-FBI members came out and said that the FBI has evidence that Biden raped children it wouldn't take a month to set the record straight. 

The FBI absolutely spread the message that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, they just did it by proxy. 

People who are stupid like you had no idea that it wasn't their official message, you still think Trump referred to immigrants as animals, and that Jussie was attacked by "MAGA RADICALS!!!!".


You claimed multiple times that you saw the footage on FOX the day Brown was shot. That was a lie. And don't think people won't notice that you are now moving the goalpost to "the day of the riot," you snake.

The very same day Brown was shot, the footage was on Fox. Period. I'm not moving any goalposts anywhere, stupid. 


No, it's absurd to assume that all the polls were wrong and that a very unpopular president was somehow entitled to win in a landslide.

Polls aren't 'wrong', polls are intentionally misleading. The people who post polls know how easy it is to control people like you just by saying "This is what the cool kids think". No joke.


Yes, they absolutely DID think they could overturn the results of the election. That was the express and explicit intent. How do you not get that? 

Stop believing everything you see on CNN, or hear from Schiff/Pelosi. So goddamned stupid.


I know you're not much of a thinker, let alone a lateral thinker, but those aren't mutually exclusive. Many of the people in that mob (and a number who lacked the cajones to participate) had been planning and promoting the insurrection. Making it distinct from a protest turned violent or a spontaneous riot. 

1) Sedition has ONE meaning, and 2) it's ridiculous to say that everyone in the group was a planner or leader. Is everyone who builds a house an architect? Some people, like you, are just followers and they will never think for themselves or have an original idea that doesn't come from above. 


You may be surprised to know that language has always evolved and, indeed, is in a constant process of evolution. I'm sorry it's hard for you to adapt to changing norms. 

I actually said that right in my post. The word "vaccine" was changed just to make room for things that barely work at all, or maybe not even. Now using the word 'vaccine' is like measuring the 'velocity' of a sloth. 

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43 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Look, he got you to post the truth for once. He's a genius. 

 Yeah except unbeknownst to you, the scam is people like you being scammed by people like him  

Even Tucker has privately admitted doesn’t believe his stolen election lies, but he knows brainwashed suckers like you will fall for anything 

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23 hours ago, WestCanMan said:



Dang, I found proof that the capitol was actually quite heavily guarded.

Look at the rows upon rows of anti-sedition ? tactical units, the concertina wire, pillboxes, machine gun nests, snipers, etc that the seditious [sic], ravaging horde laid waste to on their murderous path to the capitol. 

This is proof that there was a massive amount of hateful, warlike rhetoric coming from Trump, and the whole world was braced for shock.


Do you see why it's hard to believe that "there was so much violent, insurrectionist rhetoric from Trump and far-right terrorist groups that it was inevitable that tens of thousands of armed insurrectionists were going to storm the capitol" but at the same time Pelosi was thinking: "A handful of cops sprinkled across a long area should cover it"?

Wait a sec, now the border makes sense.... Dems might really be so stupid that they're not always lying when they open their mouths. 

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