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Don Martin: The Trudeau tipping point is within sight

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No I find you amusing. Liars would not find liars amusing is what i said.  Jeez dude - that wasn't very complex, how did you manage to screw that up ;)    - see what I mean, liars are amusing!  :)

Yeah, I still don't get it.

I don't think you're a liar if that's what you mean.

You're starting to come across as a kind of court jester.  I kind of picture Poilievre in a suit with little jingle bells...

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5 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Harper had 1 balanced budget, which he inherited from the previous Liberals.  Point to another balanced budget by federal Conservatives?

Harper had three balanced budgets actually. And his last one was after the worst recession in the last year of his time in office so he didn't "inherit" that one for sure :)   You might argue his first one was but not his second.

So seeing as you got that wrong right off the bat, kinda feel like my point is made :)

Prior to that mulroney ran structural surpluses for most of his time in office but of course couldn't pay the interest off of trudeau (the firsts) massive deficits.

And chretien ran surpluses (if we don't include just downloading costs to the provinces) by stealing 70 billion from the EI fund but mostly from the GST and trade surplus from the free trade agreement that Mulroney brought in. Both of which he promised to scrap. So if you're talking 'inherited' then i guess we'll credit those to mulroney?

Meanwhile harper's surpluses didn't require the theft of any insurance premiums, and didn't require cutting services or funding to the provinces. In fact funding to the provinces went up.

Anyone with half a brain knows that we had surpluses because of the Conservatives. The liberals never run anything but deficits unless they steal from other gov'ts or people. No wonder they think budgets balance themselves, other people have always done all the work and they've never had to actually make it happen themselves :)

And NOW they've literally borrowed MORE money than EVERY OTHER PRIME MINISTER IN HISTORY COMBINED in just 7 years.

Yeah - i don't think anyone will be looking to them for a balanced budget :)  


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Let's be clear on Lil Pete...

Not a ding against him that he wore work boots with a suit for an afternoon with his usual business suit to show support for the convoy, or that they put him in a lumber shirt for an awkward commercial, or his LEF ties, or the fact that he's never worked off Parliament Hill, or that he's over represented LGBTQ in his inner circle.  Not a ding that he's a nerd.  Not at all.

All of that is ok.


What I'm waiting on is for this guy with a degree in economics to explain the specifics of how he's going to buck the worldwide trends.

There was that Bitcoin stuff but he's not talking about that stuff anymore.

I'm totally open for a new plan for Canada.

But I'm negative, as I have seen where heroes go.  



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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Let's be clear on Lil Pete...

Not a ding against him that he wore work boots with a suit for an afternoon with his usual business suit to show support for the convoy, or that they put him in a lumber shirt for an awkward commercial, or his LEF ties, or the fact that he's never worked off Parliament Hill, or that he's over represented LGBTQ in his inner circle.  Not a ding that he's a nerd.  Not at all.

All of that is ok.

oh good, i'd hate for you to suggest it was a negative or anything :)  Yeash!

9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:


What I'm waiting on is for this guy with a degree in economics to explain the specifics of how he's going to buck the worldwide trends.

Probably need to start paying attention then. He's put a number of things out there.  Obviously he's not stupid enough to go into extreme detail this far away from an election, that's death with the liberals. But - stop "printing" money to help ease inflation, we all get how that works (even tho there's no actual printing),  that makes a big difference. Address the home issues - that's not going to happen overnight but he's on the right track with it and if he follows through that will help. Cut red tape - that is a HUGE issue that holds us back, that's the so-called 'gatekeeper' issue. Get the various gov't departments working again. People should be able to get a passport or go to an airport. Address immigraiton, bringing it more in line with what our capacity is to make sure we dont' jack up rents and housing costs by bringing in more than we can absorb.

There's other things he can do as well but those are ones hes touched on. All of those would make a pretty big difference.

It wouldn't be the first time - Canada bucked the world wide trend during the Great Recession as well, when harper was in power. Worst recession worldwide in 80 years but Canada blew right through it.  No reason we can't do it again.


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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Let's be clear on Lil Pete...

Not a ding against him that he wore work boots with a suit for an afternoon with his usual business suit to show support for the convoy, or that they put him in a lumber shirt for an awkward commercial, or his LEF ties, or the fact that he's never worked off Parliament Hill, or that he's over represented LGBTQ in his inner circle.  Not a ding that he's a nerd.  Not at all.

all of that is ok.


No, lets be clear on Lil Justin

I really don't understand you guys in the center, you and many other on this site have time after time stated your not a Liberal. your a conservative.... Hard to tell from the liberal slant in your posts, but i have accepted your word as the truth.  And yet your not very supportive of the current Conservative party leader either. So much so you wasted 5 minutes of your life telling us what you find disturbing about PP, which is fair, you have to maintain your image.

And as i admire your work i thought i would follow in those same footsteps so we could compare who the better candidate is for the rest of the readers.  I spent more time than I really should have but I'm sure I have missed a sh*t ton of other gaffs made by our main man Justin fell free to fill in what i missed....

Pre political carear.... Black face not once but 3 times, all of them as an adult, once was when he was a teacher...

In August of 2000, the Creston Valley Advance wrote an editorial Trudeau had “groped” and engaged in “inappropriate handling” of one of the female reporters covering the Kokanee Summit music festival. The paper quotes Trudeau as saying to the reporter a day after the incident: “I’m sorry. If I had known you were reporting for a national paper I would never have been so forward.”

Only god really knows what went on in his private life, of his entitlement, there are many articles of his attitude while he attended school and his time on the debate team.  

political career

Known for many things inter nationally and here in Canada but one of the top ones is his socks, not many leaders are known for just their socks but Lil Justin is.

Lets not forget his entire trip to India, and how they played Mr. dress up, for the entire trip, while India's diplomates were in Suits...

After his death in late 2016, Trudeau lauded Castro as a “remarkable leader” and a “larger-than-life leader who served his people for almost half a century.”

 Canadian Joshua Boyle, his American wife Caitlan Coleman and their three children were released after years of being held by the Taliban. Not missing an opportunity for a photo op, pictures of Trudeau meeting with the family in the PMO were tweeted out. Ten days after the photo was issued, Boyle was arrested in Ottawa and charged with unlawful confinement and sexual assault against his wife.

SNC Lavin Yet Trudeau expelled former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould from the Liberal caucus in 2019 after she refused to grant a deferred prosecution agreement to SNC-Lavalin, a Montreal-based engineering company that faced criminal charges of corruption and fraud.

Jane Philpott, a trusted cabinet minister of Trudeau’s, resigned from her position as president of the Treasury Board citing the Trudeau government’s handling of the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

The term “fake feminist” trended for days after Trudeau announced former Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavennes would leave his caucus to sit as an independent.

Speaking to the Globe and Mail, Chavennes said Trudeau became hostile towards her when she told him she won’t be running again.

“He was yelling. He was yelling that I didn’t appreciate him, that he’d given me so much,” Chavennes told the Globe.

Trudeau has violated the Conflict of Interest Act twice since he became prime minister in 2015.

Canadian-born Omar Khadr was taken to Afghanistan when he was young by his al-Qaida-affiliated father.Khadr was detained by the U.S. and pleaded guilty to killing 28-year-old U.S. army medic Christopher Speer. He spent 10 years in Guantanamo Bay. And was paid out 10.5 million dollars...

In 2017, Trudeau skipped out on major talks regarding the Trans-Pacific. Rather than meeting with the heads of 11 countries in Viet Nam to negotiate and revise the TPP deal, Trudeau played hookey, avoiding the conference room altogether. Moments later, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe cancelled the meeting.

According to Global News, sources at the event reported that Trudeau had met Abe prior to the leaders’, and decided to meet with Facebook representatives rather than go to the leaders’ meetings.

Location: Trudeau town hall, Sherbrooke, QC, 2017

Question: Of particular concern in this area are services to minority populations. Most of the public services in this area are available in French only…I would really appreciate your comment on this subject.

And Trudeau says…
Merci. Thank you. (And switches to French). If you’ll allow me, I’ll respond in French, so everyone can understand. Thank you for using our country’s two official languages, but we’re in Quebec, so I’ll answer in French.

Context: Trudeau, in his pre-prime minister years as Liberal leader, launches a charm offensive, hosting a ladies only event dubbed: “Justin Unplugged.”

Location: Toronto

Question: Event host lobs Trudeau a softie about what country (besides Canada) he admires most.

And Trudeau says….
There is a level of admiration I actually have for China, because their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime. (Side note: A straight-faced Tom Mulcair, former NDP leader, later responds to Trudeau comment. “I’m not a big fan of dictatorships, I rather prefer democracy.”)

Question: I was prepared to be killed in action, what I wasn’t prepared for, Mr. Prime Minister, is Canada turning its back on me.

And Trudeau says…
Thank you sir, thank you. Thank you for being here today to share your justifiable passion and frustration and anger with me…On a couple elements you brought up. First of all, why are we still fighting against certain veterans groups in court? Because they are asking for more than we are able to give right now.

When asked about his concern over deficits in 2014, Trudeau said that the government needed to commit to growing the economy.

“And the budget will balance itself,” Trudeau said, a much-mocked statement after his government’s deficits soared even before the pandemic.

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5 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

1.  i have accepted your word as the truth. 
2. And yet your not very supportive of the current Conservative party leader either.
3. So much so you wasted 5 minutes of your life telling us what you find disturbing about PP, which is fair, you have to maintain your image.

4. And as i admire your work
5. [Criticism of Trudeau's misdeeds]

1. Thanks
2. I'm not a party member nor do I automatically support anybody who calls themselves conservative.  I am an independent thinker.
3. No, I have wasted almost 20 years and 40,000 posts giving my opinion.  "Maintaining my image" isn't really on my mind. 
4. Why thanks !
5. I agree with this.

Unseating Trudeau would be easier if the Conservatives stuck with somebody and tried the "broad appeal" thing.  Doug Ford did that and won a whopping majority.

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I want to add two things:

-What is worse than a party that consistently holds power and refuses to use it to make real change ?  
-What kind of poster only criticizes things and never finds anything good enough to speak well of it?

The first question refers to our natural governing party and the second to my own flaws in discussing politics on here.

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12 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Thanks
2. I'm not a party member nor do I automatically support anybody who calls themselves conservative.  I am an independent thinker.
3. No, I have wasted almost 20 years and 40,000 posts giving my opinion.  "Maintaining my image" isn't really on my mind. 
4. Why thanks !
5. I agree with this.

Unseating Trudeau would be easier if the Conservatives stuck with somebody and tried the "broad appeal" thing.  Doug Ford did that and won a whopping majority.

Agreed, unfortunately the gods above have only supplied us with PP at the moment, i tried to talk my sons Ginny pig into running but he does not speak much English, or French. What is they say, when given lemons make lemon aid. 

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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Unseating Trudeau would be easier if the Conservatives stuck with somebody and tried the "broad appeal" thing.  Doug Ford did that and won a whopping majority.

If you're referring to his first election he most certainly did not.

If you're referring to his second one, he mostly won by just not showing up and letting everyone get a good look at the 'other choices' :)

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23 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Thanks
2. I'm not a party member nor do I automatically support anybody who calls themselves conservative. 
I am an independent thinker.
3. No, I have wasted almost 20 years and 40,000 posts giving my opinion.  "Maintaining my image" isn't really on my mind. 
4. Why thanks !
5. I agree with this.

Unseating Trudeau would be easier if the Conservatives stuck with somebody and tried the "broad appeal" thing.  Doug Ford did that and won a whopping majority.

The knee-jerk reaction is for anyone to say that they're "hard-working, honest, open-minded, etc..", but if you really think about it, can you recall any examples of where you've questioned a single LPOC narrative? Or where you've missed an opportunity to deride one of Trudeau's opponents?

You've said nothing about glaring gov't abuses of power, unholy gobs of taxpayer money sent to pamper sycophant media, unpopular media members assaulted by police, the hypocrisy of his global warming pontification from his dual jumbo jet campaigns, and you seem to think his scandals are unworthy of mention. 

You don't stop at just abiding and following though, you've gone so far as to pretend to have seen a sea of swastikas and confederate flags, although, when questioned, you were unable to produce a single picture showing even one

I don't need to read the Star to see Trudeau's official narrative, or to find imaginary evidence of it's perfection, I can just read your posts. 

Your critique of Poillievre for being too Trudeauesque, after you spent the last 8 years waxing poetic about La Turd's righteousness and glory, rings hollow.

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On 3/2/2023 at 1:02 PM, CdnFox said:

Well what are we defining as 'radical right wing menus'? Balanced budgets? Less red tape and beurocracy? more homes being built? whcih of the current policies on the table are 'radical right wing' ?

Balanced budgets are fine. Economic reform is fine too and young people want more houses in our big cities, yes please. As I’ve said before, if Poilievre can sort out health care in this country, more power to him. However, Bitcoin isn’t fine and convoys aren’t fine. The whole Bernier agenda ain’t fine. Canada is not the US and even down there Republicans are a shrinking minority. 



On 3/2/2023 at 1:02 PM, CdnFox said:

And chretien ended badly if you'll recall.

Not really. In the absence of premature retirement, all political careers fail. 



On 3/2/2023 at 1:02 PM, CdnFox said:

And they're going to want to see that for a while.  I don't know if you're old enough to remember the 70's and 80's but this is a classic repeat. Trudeau back then racked up huge debt and drove inflation through the roof and by the time he was gone the public was ready for 8 years of tories. In fact - Mulroney won more than 50 percent of the vote, first time in forever.

He did what he had to in order to get things under control - but he didn't sell it well. If PP can do a better job that way he can not only win 2 terms but he'll have a reasonable shot at 3 - especially if he can get the media message under control.

I arrived in Canada during Mulroney’s time, a Progressive Conservative whose Finance Minister was concerned about the debt. PT and JC still define Canadian politics and we are overdue a shift to the right on fiscal matters. However, any conservative who gets too far to the right from the Mulroney/Chrétien/Harper consensus will have a short time at the helm. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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15 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I arrived in Canada during Mulroney’s time, a Progressive Conservative whose Finance Minister was concerned about the debt. PT and JC still define Canadian politics and we are overdue a shift to the right on fiscal matters. However, any conservative who gets too far to the right from the Mulroney/Chrétien/Harper consensus will have a short time at the helm. 

the economy at this point is entirely debt based

it is a massive exponential bubble, totally reliant on inflating the money supply to pay the bills

money is no longer even money, money has been replaced by credit

that is not sustainable

but any attempts to impose fiscal conservatism in a panic as inflation burns out of control

will simply result in a deflationary spiral

if not into a technical depression, at the the very least a generational secular bear market

then the Liberal - Conservative consensus will collapse

and American style right wing populism will rise in the wake

whatever happens in America, comes to Canada in the end

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15 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

 young people want more houses in our big cities, yes please.

even if they build more homes, the inflation will make those homes un-affordable for young people

as the inflating cost of building a home far outstrips what they can afford to pay

wage increases won't offset the costs, since the construction workers wages will rise in lockstep

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16 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I arrived in Canada during Mulroney’s time, a Progressive Conservative whose Finance Minister was concerned about the debt.

no he wasn't

the Mulroney Conservatives ended up running the largest deficit in Canadian history

which became a crisis when the international bond markets downgraded Canada's ratings

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16 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

However, Bitcoin isn’t fine and convoys aren’t fine. The whole Bernier agenda ain’t fine. Canada is not the US and even down there Republicans are a shrinking minority.

as the working & middle classes become ever more desperate in the face of a melt up inflationary economy

increasing agitation against the failing ancien regime is inevitable

all these attempts to crush dissent by martial law simply throws gasoline on a fire

we now have banana republic governance in Canada

banana republic instability & civil disorder will be the inexorable product

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22 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

However, Bitcoin isn’t fine and convoys aren’t fine. The whole Bernier agenda ain’t fine. Canada is not the US and even down there Republicans are a shrinking minority. 

Bitcoin is perfectly fine, that got twisted by the media all out of shape. But there really is no difference between bitcoin and the stock market. Name one critisizm of the one that doesn't apply to the other. OTHER than crypto isn't officially regulated, which is all that PP proposed.

And supporting the convoy's right to protest is fine. As it turns out a lot of people changed their tune on that. And nobody is going to say "ohhhh i love his economics and i do want a house and less red tape and stuff would be great and i know he'll deliver that but... man, he DID say that he supports the convoy's right to protest and that any individual who breaks the law should go to jail.

Nobody likes how justin managed that so it's not like he can hold it up as an example. There's nothing "radicaly right wing' about allowing peaceful protest. There's nothing radically right wing about supporting crypto currency regulation.

22 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Not really. In the absence of premature retirement, all political careers fail. 

They fail but they do not fail badly. Harper didn't fail badly. But chretien got thrown out by his own people, and his successor was destroyed by  an upstart party that just got created at the polls, sinking the libs into a decade of being in a  political backwater despite the fact they were the natural ruling party for decades.

He failed BADLY.

22 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

However, any conservative who gets too far to the right from the Mulroney/Chrétien/Harper consensus will have a short time at the helm. 

And none are proposing to do so.  The fact that this is even a comment being made is more proof of how the left wing media can lead people by the nose. Economically PP has been about identical to harper in his proposals, arguably slightly LEFT of him.  Yet he's painted as a 'right wing radical'. 

The people of Canada better wake up. Because if they keep turning away moderate candidates then sooner or later a TRULY radical one will get in and they'll regret that. Or the country will just collapse like greece.

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6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

no he wasn't

Yes he was.

6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

the Mulroney Conservatives ended up running the largest deficit in Canadian history

Every prime minster runs up the largest debt in history - the costs of things go up and the number of people go up.

However - mulroney ran mostly structural surpluses.  Meaning what he brought in for revenue was greater than what he put out in expenses.  But  - he couldn't deal with that debt.

Remember he STARTED with the largest debt in our history. And that debt was clocking in at closer to 20 percent interest. That was to fight the runaway inflation of the time due to trudeau's massive borrowing.  There was no way to service that debt.

So he did all he could to reasonably cut expenses, the negotiated the free trade agreement and they brought in the GST as a specific deficit killer. And they continued on their way to forcing down inflation and interest rates.

It is a complete lie of epic and biblical proportions to suggest they weren't concerned about the debt. That's ALL they worked on for the most part.

6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

which became a crisis when the international bond markets downgraded Canada's ratings

No, it was a crisis before then. And not one of mulroney's making.

COMPLETE swing and a miss there. You are way off base with your recolleciton of those events.

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28 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Yes he was.

Every prime minster runs up the largest debt in history - the costs of things go up and the number of people go up.

However - mulroney ran mostly structural surpluses.  Meaning what he brought in for revenue was greater than what he put out in expenses.  But  - he couldn't deal with that debt.

Remember he STARTED with the largest debt in our history. And that debt was clocking in at closer to 20 percent interest. That was to fight the runaway inflation of the time due to trudeau's massive borrowing.  There was no way to service that debt.

So he did all he could to reasonably cut expenses, the negotiated the free trade agreement and they brought in the GST as a specific deficit killer. And they continued on their way to forcing down inflation and interest rates.

It is a complete lie of epic and biblical proportions to suggest they weren't concerned about the debt. That's ALL they worked on for the most part.

No, it was a crisis before then. And not one of mulroney's making.

COMPLETE swing and a miss there. You are way off base with your recolleciton of those events.

the PC performance on fiscal conservatism was so ineffective

that literally the Liberals had to come in and be the fiscal conservatives

it was Jean Chretien & Paul Martin who cut the budgets, after Mulroney failed to get anything done that way

the biggest cuts to the social welfare system in Canadian history, was under Chretien & Martin

it was the biggest cuts to government across the board, the military was cut to the bone too

Chretien & Martin put the Republicans to shame, when it came to actually cutting the budget

Newt Gingrich didn't cut nearly as deeply

the Liberals will do whatever it takes to be in office

they swung to the right in the 90s, now they've swung to the left of the NDP

the Liberals have no principles. no ideology, other than clinging cravenly to power

when they sensed that Mulroney had dropped the ball on fiscal restraint, the Liberals pounced

when they sensed that Harper lost the room, in terms of handing out money, the Liberals pounced

this is how the Liberals are the Natural Governing Party, they do whatever is necessary to win

and since the PC's don't have the courage of their convictions, are not actually conservative

the Liberals easily run circles around them

the Liberals beat the PC's at their own game, now they are beating the NDP at their own game

the Liberals can be all things to all people, that is their enduring strategy;  just win, baby

Edited by Dougie93
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19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the PC performance on fiscal conservatism was so ineffective

that literally the Liberals had to come in and be the fiscal conservatives

Really. And how did they do that.

By bringing in the GST, one of the major contributors to wiping out the deficit? ER,... no, they campaigned against that. They promised to scrap it. They lied, and kept it because that was one of the best ways to deal with the deficit.

By lowering interest rates? No - that was done by mulroney after trudeau racked it up. They fell from about 20 percent down to about 5 percent. So they didn't do that.

By singing a trade deal with the US that greatly benefitted us? NNNNOoooppe! Again that was mulrioney, again they campained on scrapping it, again they kept it because it was doing the job.

By seriously slashing EI benefits and then stealing 70 BILLION dollars from the EI fund which paid for every single one of their surpluses? 

Yep. that money is literally more than all their surpluses combined.  That was not 'tax' money, that was insurance money but they just went ahead and stole it.

AND they downloaded a bunch of costs to the provinces. So the provinces went into debt instead of the feds. But there's only one taxpayer - so while it LOOKED good it was actually trash.

So they did NOTHING except just stick to the plan that the PC had already started.


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24 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the biggest cuts to the social welfare system in Canadian history, was under Chretien & Martin

Nope. THey cut FUNDING to the PROVINCES for it - but the actual costs remained. THey just said someone else should pay for it. That's not 'cutting the cost", that's just passing the bill.

25 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

when they sensed that Mulroney had dropped the ball on fiscal restraint, the Liberals pounced

Nope. THey knew he hadn't. In fact- that's what they ran on. THey literally ran on the idea that the PC were going TOO FAR on fiscal restraint. The GST? Unfair! We'll get rid of that!  Trade with america? No way - we'll scrap that. We don't need those things! We don't need fiscal restraint!!!

THey get in - guess what gets kept.

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Really. And how did they do that.

By bringing in the GST, one of the major contributors to wiping out the deficit? ER,... no, they campaigned against that. They promised to scrap it. They lied

that worked out great for them, as they were in office for twelve years after

then Harper came in and did jack shit for nine years

then Justin Trudeau resumed the endless age of total Liberal domination, by remaking themselves into the NDP

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

that worked out great for them, as they were in office for twelve years after

Sure - liberals have often had great success with lying. The east loves itself a good liar. It's practically a prerequisite.

And of course the PC picked a fight with the west, who decided to start another party which esentially ended any threat to the Liberals for quite some time. As soon as that got settled tho...  powdie.


1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

then Harper came in and did jack shit for nine years

Harper did a huge amount. In fact some of the most radical new ideas came during his time, tho they were often downplayed. His handling of the recession was brilliant.

Of course he had a minority for most of his time, and no deal with the ndp to prop him up, but he still got a craptonne done and did it without cutting payments to the provinces.

1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

then Justin Trudeau resumed the endless age of total Liberal domination, by remaking themselves into the NDP

LOL - so much so that even the ndp thinks it's the liberals now ;)

Not so much on the 'endless domination' thing i suspect. Two full terms worth of time in office is about normal. Historically the liberals did better than that but it looks like those days are pretty much over. Justin will probably be gone next election. And PP will probably get two terms out it before he has to go. possibly more.


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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Nope. THey cut FUNDING to the PROVINCES for it - but the actual costs remained. THey just said someone else should pay for it. That's not 'cutting the cost", that's just passing the bill.

Nope. THey knew he hadn't. In fact- that's what they ran on. THey literally ran on the idea that the PC were going TOO FAR on fiscal restraint. The GST? Unfair! We'll get rid of that!  Trade with america? No way - we'll scrap that. We don't need those things! We don't need fiscal restraint!!!

THey get in - guess what gets kept.

bro, don't get upset with me, just because the Liberals dominate with no real opposition

nobody believes in the Progressive Conservatives of Canada, everybody knows they are a fake opposition

don't brame me, roundeye, I'm a Republican, Party of Lincoln

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Just now, Dougie93 said:

bro, don't get upset with me, just because the Liberals dominate with no real opposition

Bro, don't pretend people are upset with you just because you're wrong and they successfully point that out.

I can't help your complete misunderstanding of history. All i can do is correct you when you're wrong. You should be thanking  me, not getting upset.

If you read a little more i woudln't have to help you out. But next time if you don't know the answers just ask, i'm happy to explain the actual facts as they actually occurred to prevent you being wrong in the future.

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