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New Speaker McCarthy to remove Jew Hating Ilhan Omar from committee assignment

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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Unfounded claims just make you sound like one of those nuts who rely on them.

They also allow you to divert from the actual claim.

There was a video and on that video a guy was claiming how he bought or bullyragged ballots from the weaker elements of his immigrant community. 

Show me why we can't believe that without relying only on general smear and slur of the guys offering the evidence. Can't do it, can you? 

So really all you've got is some bad mouthing of an organization your progressive propagandizers don't like. I'll bet you think you've impressed someone. You haven't.

Well… when the “journalist” who created the video has been CONVICTED OF FELONIES for creating his “journalism,” then his work is pretty questionable.  

Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets. This guy might be telling you what you want to hear, but how can you trust that it’s true? If it is true, the person is confessing to crimes, so why wasn’t he prosecuted? And where’s the proof that he’s related to he congresswoman? 

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On 11/20/2022 at 6:31 PM, Rebound said:

You saw a video of a guy claiming to be her cousin. 
Even if he is her cousin, and he probably isn’t, that isn’t HER. 

Things are a bit sketchy with Ilhan Omar and her family. Remember the husband/brother controversy? Who knows how many relatives are working for her and in what capacity?

Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed yet again for ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets (nypost.com)

It's not a secret that she hates Israel among other things.

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16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Things are a bit sketchy with Ilhan Omar and her family. Remember the husband/brother controversy? Who knows how many relatives are working for her and in what capacity?

Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed yet again for ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets (nypost.com)

It's not a secret that she hates Israel among other things.

Not surprising that she dislikes Israel; she's Palestinian. 

I am a strong supporter of Israel, but I also believe that Israel needs to create a pathway towards an eventual two-state solution. The current state of affairs is inhumane and not a long-term solution at all.

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5 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Unfounded claims just make you sound like one of those nuts who rely on them.

They also allow you to divert from the actual claim.

There was a video and on that video a guy was claiming how he bought or bullyragged ballots from the weaker elements of his immigrant community. 

Show me why we can't believe that without relying only on general smear and slur of the guys offering the evidence. Can't do it, can you? 

So really all you've got is some bad mouthing of an organization your progressive propagandizers don't like. I'll bet you think you've impressed someone. You haven't.

No, what he has is a HISTORY of O'Keefe and Veritas editing videos and misrepresenting what happened.

If you followed stories about Veritas, you would know about it, too.

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5 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


In a 2018 opinion in the Supreme Court case Carpenter v. United States, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that when the government "tracks the location of a cell phone," it "achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone’s user."

And Engelbrecht points out in the movie that the data in Georgia was used by law enforcement as a test case to help law enforcement solve a cold murder case of a young girl."


The technology was also used to identify many of defendants charged January 6. So are you saying you want to let all those go free now because the technology can't be trusted? Bet you're not.


IF they have GPS data, it is accurate. 2000 Mules used tower pings, which are NOT ACCURATE.

That is the difference between what LEO can do with a cell phone NUMBER and what propagandists can do when they BUY the anonymous cell phone ping data.

Conned again.

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23 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Floridians are more intelligent than any other Americans. If you don't like it, you shouldn't have dropped out of the third grade, IMBECILE

Put down the crack pipe.

Nooooope. Not even close. Not based on educational attainment, IQ, literacy, numeracy or any other metric. 

But you can help them improve those poor marks: move to another state. 



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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

IF they have GPS data, it is accurate. 2000 Mules used tower pings, which are NOT ACCURATE.

That is the difference between what LEO can do with a cell phone NUMBER and what propagandists can do when they BUY the anonymous cell phone ping data.

Conned again.

What are you talking about? They say they used GeoFencing technology. 

You know? This:


In response to the 2016 Supreme Court case, Carpenter v. United States, Justice Roberts wrote a 2018 opinion in which he describes the level of precision tracing afforded by pinging a cellphone using geofencing technology. “Accordingly, when the Government tracks the location of a cell phone,” writes Roberts, “It achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone’s user.” Two of the most striking paragraphs from his 2018 opinion are captured below:

What are you talking about? If it's the same thing why are you claiming to know so much more than the research Supreme Court Justice Roberts was using. 

If you are talking about something different  show how it differs and show me why you believe they were using that as opposed to what they claimed they were using.

Don't just strut and posture. Give us a reason to believe you have a clue what you're talking about.

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

What are you talking about? They say they used GeoFencing technology. 

You know? This:

What are you talking about? If it's the same thing why are you claiming to know so much more than the research Supreme Court Justice Roberts was using. 

If you are talking about something different  show how it differs and show me why you believe they were using that as opposed to what they claimed they were using.

Don't just strut and posture. Give us a reason to believe you have a clue what you're talking about.

Geofencing ONLY means they established a boundary warning notification, not that tower pings give accurate location.

And Roberts is not a tech expert, he is a LAWYER.

GPS is very accurate. Tower pings DEPEND on how many towers and are not nearly as accurate even with triangulation.

Anonymous purchased location data based on tower pings is hit or miss with NO CONTROL by the purchaser.

You MIGHT get some relevant evidence IF you knew for what to search.



There are multiple methods of locating a cellular device. Their deployment depends on the landscape and money.

  1. Cell location. Easy and cheap - page the device, note in which cell it answers - but very low accuracy, a cell can cover hundreds of square km / miles. Always available.
  2. Cell location + timing advance. As above but also provides a rough (+/- 500m or so) estimation of distance from the tower.
  3. GPS - ask the device to fire its own GPS and return the coordinates. Cheap, pretty accurate in open space (a few meters), bad in forests or city landscape, unusable in many indoors scenarios. Recent proposals (Apple, Google) allow the device to use other location sources like WiFi. Pretty popular.
  4. Network computed GPS - ask to device to return satellite readings and compute coordinates in the network. Same precision as above but avoids the need of a warm start or A-GPS. I know of no commercial implementations.
  5. Device based Time Of Arrival Differentials - ask the device to measure the delay from different cells and triangulate in network. Again, no known commercial implementations since phones don’t implement it.
  6. Network triangulation - send arming command to specialized listening stations then page the device, measure arrival time of the device response and triangulate in network. Decent precision (tens of meters) but expensive since it needs extra hardware installed - the cellular network only triggers the identifiable device transmission. Deployed in cities of developed countries.

Multiple location sources can be or become available for the same device. It is common for emergency calls to initially provide only the cell and later the GPS location once the device manages to get a fix.

Read and LEARN.

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11 hours ago, Contrarian said:

so then why are all sources not including Florida in the top 10? Is all a conspiracy? 

I don't smoke crack, but drinking and debating -> that I can do. Any day.

Show me a source where Florida is at the top academically. 

Asked and answered.

Governor DeSantis.

Senator Rubio.

Only the best educated population would choose them over Nazis Crist and Demings.

Compare that to the Einstein states that produced AOC, the black lesbian mayor of Chicago, Retard Fetterman.

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8 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

She is?  What part of Palestine is Somalia in?

Oh? My mistake. 
As a supporter of Israel, I agree with her about 50% on the subject. I think those who say that Israel should not exist are irrational; it cannot go away.  

On the other hand, Israel is not above reproach and criticism.  They have been walking away from the direction of bringing the conflict to an end. I disagree with that. 

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

And Roberts is not a tech expert

Are you? I'm still waiting to see this superior information showing me how True the Vote used an inferior tech to the ones that are showing all these superior results including at court trials and to acquire the nabs of Jan 6 defendants.

Because that's the tech True the Vote said they used.

And you puff yourself and direct me to a site that uses nobodies to answer users' questions about pretty much anything, telling me there are different methods of digital identifying tech and some better than others Great find, Sherlock.

Then you tell me to read and learn. Z29TD6E.gif

Give it up. You're a joke.


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55 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Are you? I'm still waiting to see this superior information showing me how True the Vote used an inferior tech to the ones that are showing all these superior results including at court trials and to acquire the nabs of Jan 6 defendants.

Because that's the tech True the Vote said they used.

And you puff yourself and direct me to a site that uses nobodies to answer users' questions about pretty much anything, telling me there are different methods of digital identifying tech and some better than others Great find, Sherlock.

Then you tell me to read and learn. Z29TD6E.gif

Give it up. You're a joke.


Honestly, I think you do have a misunderstanding of how these scenarios differ from one another. Yeah, ping locations aren't that accurate because of the limitations of the technology, but even if they were you'd be talking about a very different process.

True the Vote accessed a massive tranche of data and presumably used AI to spot travel patterns in it, and then without substantiation proclaimed that the patterns represented a specific activity. It's a ton of data, so it's not difficult to imagine that there are a lot of people who fall into the pattern as a coincidence based on live/work/school/ locations etc. And not a single person was shown on the video going to multiple boxes or returning to the box. And not a single person was investigated and referred for prosecution--and several were investigated and exonerated. They've somehow convinced you without a shred of actual evidence. 

Contrast that with the way ping data is typically used in an actual investigation. There is a suspect. They know aspects of the crime(s) happened at locations X, Y, Z and the times that they happened. They look at the ping history of suspected individuals and can then align them to see that the individual was either in the identified areas at the right times or was elsewhere. And only as additional, directional information or circumstantial support. It's not reliable enough to be "proof" on its own. They are not creating suspects, but rather investigating them. 

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Honestly, I think you do have a misunderstanding of how these scenarios differ from one another. Yeah, ping locations aren't that accurate because of the limitations of the technology, but even if they were you'd be talking about a very different process.

True the Vote accessed a massive tranche of data and presumably used AI to spot travel patterns in it, and then without substantiation proclaimed that the patterns represented a specific activity. It's a ton of data, so it's not difficult to imagine that there are a lot of people who fall into the pattern as a coincidence based on live/work/school/ locations etc. And not a single person was shown on the video going to multiple boxes or returning to the box. And not a single person was investigated and referred for prosecution--and several were investigated and exonerated. They've somehow convinced you without a shred of actual evidence. 

Contrast that with the way ping data is typically used in an actual investigation. There is a suspect. They know aspects of the crime(s) happened at locations X, Y, Z and the times that they happened. They look at the ping history of suspected individuals and can then align them to see that the individual was either in the identified areas at the right times or was elsewhere. And only as additional, directional information or circumstantial support. It's not reliable enough to be "proof" on its own. They are not creating suspects, but rather investigating them. 

Oh goody. More faux tech blather from another sudden expert as of this morning who found something somewhere but is not brave enough to link it to us.

Very well Doctor Digital tech as of this morning. I have a few questions for you.

The supreme court tells us this:


What evidence do you have that is not the same tech True the Vote is using. Link please. True the Vote claims it is the same tech.

They claim they bought data for specific areas in specific cities. How is that different from the data the FBI acquired for Washington to track down and charge Jan 6 attendees. Perhaps the political prisoners of Jan 6 need to acquire you as a technical expert to show the court how the tech is flawed? How would you do that? In a court, I mean. You couldn't just blather. You'd have to show the technical evidence for what you claim to know.

I could go through your post point by point but let's start with this one:


And not a single person was shown on the video going to multiple boxes or returning to the box.

So use your newly found technical expertise on digital cell data spying and explain to us how you know True the Vote is lying when they tell us this:


According to Engelbrecht, they set out to allow the “data to tell the tale.” Phillips explains in the movie, “We put together a plan to see where the data would take us. Our final decision was that the traffickers had to have been to a dropbox space and five or more visits to one of the one or more of these organizations.” Engelbrecht adds, “Those were the outliers. It was such an aberrant pattern.” Phillips introjects, “The fact of the matter is, these techniques are used every single day by law enforcement, intelligence community, [and] the Department of Defense.”


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8 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:


Oh goody. More faux tech blather from another sudden expert as of this morning who found something somewhere but is not brave enough to link it to us.

Very well Doctor Digital tech as of this morning. I have a few questions for you.

The supreme court tells us this:

What evidence do you have that is not the same tech True the Vote is using. Link please. True the Vote claims it is the same tech.

They claim they bought data for specific areas in specific cities. How is that different from the data the FBI acquired for Washington to track down and charge Jan 6 attendees. Perhaps the political prisoners of Jan 6 need to acquire you as a technical expert to show the court how the tech is flawed? How would you do that? In a court, I mean. You couldn't just blather. You'd have to show the technical evidence for what you claim to know.

I could go through your post point by point but let's start with this one:

So use your newly found technical expertise on digital cell data spying and explain to us how you know True the Vote is lying when they tell us this:


Donald Trump called and said your pants are on fire. And surely they are, because Trump said so. 

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Just now, Contrarian said:

so wait, you think all Jews view the world as pro-Israel and no backing down from this tribalism? ? Talk to your rabbi, see what he says. Mention to him -> also the name of Rabin. Make sure you step into a conservative or reformed shull, do not go into the orthodox or they might talk like you. 

No, I think it's bullshit to pretend that Jews are a voting block and they all support her.

Her support comes from people with an IQ under 50 and that's about it.

Do you honestly respect that woman? 

Do you think I'm Jewish just because I don't like anti-Semitism? (dumb word, I know) 

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6 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

so wait, you think all Jews view the world as pro-Israel and no backing down from this tribalism? 

Regarding "Israel" itself, non-support of Israel is the epitome of tribalism, religious bigotry.

Anyone who isn't offended by the existence or bigotry of Pakistan but tries to make the case that Israel has "issues" is a religious bigot, pure and simple.  

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2 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

3. No, I do not, but also is important to give voices to people that do not agree with the status quo. If you do not -> then you have the real extremism on your hands. 

Not bigots. It's actually pretty important that people who are openly bigoted aren't in positions of power.


4. No, you said to me one time that you are not Christian, something about forgiveness  seeking, so by process of elimination, I made an assumption. 

I'm not religious at all, I believe there's not a god FWIW, but I have RCs in my family. 

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5 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

 So in a way you are a beacon of light for the Jewish community. As my grandma used to say, the amount of shekel is rare to find. ?

I don't care about the Jewish community, I care about people and Jews are people. 

The "war crimes" and "bigotry" that people shriek about in Israel is like a kindergarten naptime compared to the war crimes" and "bigotry" of Pakistan. 

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11 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Yes, I agree about Pakistan. and Saudi Arabia too. also North Korea.

Saudi Arabia and NoKo are definitely bad, and NoKo might be the scariest clown car on earth right now, but no one is as atrocious as Pakistan. There's a special place in hell for people who are neutral towards Pakistan and hopping mad about Israel.

IMO it's like someone just randomly going off about FDR while they're getting a swastika tattooed on their chest.

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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


Oh goody. More faux tech blather from another sudden expert as of this morning who found something somewhere but is not brave enough to link it to us.

Very well Doctor Digital tech as of this morning. I have a few questions for you.

The supreme court tells us this:

What evidence do you have that is not the same tech True the Vote is using. Link please. True the Vote claims it is the same tech.


Look, unless you're a real luddite I think there's some willful ignorance at play here. None of it is secret. I've not given you any real technical information. I'm not a telco engineer, just a person who has lived in the era of smartphones. Have you really never heard LEOs or attorneys talk about this stuff? Have you never had an app on your phone ask you about your location? The app will tell you up front that if you want to share your location with Uber you need to turn on your location services- GPS and WiFi. Or are you aware of the complications of calling 911 from a cell phone vs a landline? A cell signal doesn't cut it. Or, if you know anyone who does digital marketing ask them about location-based marketing. I've been involved in those operations on a few occasions and the location is just okay, varying a lot based on which data broker you use and the software in play.

But fine, if you've never encountered this stuff in the real world, consider the application for emergency responders via 911 (is it the same in Canada?) But really, why aren't YOU trying to figure out if True the Vote (as shady as Project Veritas) is telling you the truth. Why would you just believe them? Is there any barrier to you looking up this information?

Industry white paper

GPS accuracy varies and could incorrectly place the victim’s location at their neighbor’s home.  When outdoors, GPS accuracy can be affected by available satellites, atmospheric effects, sky blockage, WAAS corrections, and receiver quality.  GPS signals can also be affected by multipath issues, where the radio signals reflect off surrounding terrain; buildings, canyon walls, hard ground, etc. These delayed signals can cause measurement errors that are different for each type of GPS signal due to its dependency on the wavelength.  When indoors, GPS satellite signals can be easily blocked inside of buildings and homes.  Using cell towers to detect location is not as accurate as GPS.  

Locating a mobile phone based on a single cell tower can place the mobile phone in a broad area, but it cannot pinpoint it.  As the phone connects to more towers, the accuracy improves.  By using cell tower triangulation (3 towers), it is possible to determine a phone location to within an area of about ¾ square mile.  In densely populated urban areas, the cell towers are close together, and a much closer estimation of phone location can be made than in a rural area, where the towers are far apart. If the nearest cell tower is busy, the cell signal would be picked up by the next nearest tower which could decrease location accuracy to beyond ¾ square mile or 30 meters of that cell tower.  Sometimes, the diverted signal may go to a cell tower that is out of the PSAP’s jurisdiction.

Wi-Fi-based positioning system (WPS) or WiPS/WFPS is used where GPS is inadequate due to various causes including multipath and signal blockage indoors.  Wi-Fi positioning takes advantage of the rapid growth of wireless access points in urban areas.   The Wi-Fi hotspot database gets filled by correlating mobile device GPS location data with Wi-Fi hotspot MAC addresses.  The possible signal fluctuations that may occur between the phone and the access point can increase errors and inaccuracies in the path of the user.  Additionally, in a power outage scenario, W-Fi detection may not be possible. 




They claim they bought data for specific areas in specific cities. How is that different from the data the FBI acquired for Washington to track down and charge Jan 6 attendees. Perhaps the political prisoners of Jan 6 need to acquire you as a technical expert to show the court how the tech is flawed? How would you do that? In a court, I mean. You couldn't just blather. You'd have to show the technical evidence for what you claim to know.

They won't even reveal where they bought the data or how exactly it was processed but sure, you can trust 'em! 

I think I made this pretty clear in my last post and there was nothing technical about it. Location data can be a a tool to help build a case but the actual investigation has to secure the evidence. And remember that of the 2,000+ alleged mules and the millions of minutes of video footage there is not a single piece of evidence that shows ballot stuffing or mule activity, and not a single person has been referred for prosecution. 

Honestly, this story is so preposterous it should not be fooling grown adults. No evidence of a single person stuffing ballots, but this makes sense to you? WTF?


I could go through your post point by point but let's start with this one:

So use your newly found technical expertise on digital cell data spying and explain to us how you know True the Vote is lying when they tell us this:

Well, True the Vote is lying because that's just what they do. They know their audience does not ask questions so they don't have to work very hard. Even if the data were perfect (it isn't) they are finding patterns and making wild allegations, not providing evidence. From all those minutes of video footage and allegations of "mules" visiting the boxes 20 or 30 times, they couldn't get even one person on tape making 2 trips? FFS, how are you buying any of this?

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