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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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53 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Holy shit kid :)   So your arguement is that people think the vaccines are a great idea - and therefore because they think they're great they don't take them ;)

Nope.  That's just you making up what you want to argue against...again!  Too dumb to argue against anyone else, CdnFox can only argue against himself! 

Who will win?  CdnFox, "Loser of the Year" or CdnFox "Fullretard strawman"?  Even odds, I'd say.  

Edited by Moonbox
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12 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Nope.  That's just you making up what you want to argue against...again! 

Sorry kiddo -  but that's your claim.  You claim the fact that people refuse to get vaccinated now is somehow evidence that they still like the vaccines as much as they did when 80 percent of them wanted it :)  

It was a pathetic attempt on your part.  Clearly people's thoughts on taking the vaccine have changed. You were wrong.


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17 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


From a 2020 publication

"Myocarditis has been recognized as a rare complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccinations, especially in young adult and adolescent males."


2020?  Erm, okay.

Try to keep up - in the convening 4 years since then, multiple studies have shown that myocarditis is not RARE and much more likely to occur post-vax than from the virus itself.

Ask any reputable cardiologist - myocarditis is never "mild".  Stats are that 50% of those diagnosed with it, will die within 5 years.  

AND multiple studies have shown the mechanism for why young people are dying on sporting fields - the adrenaline rush, combined with undiagnosed heart issues post-vax induces heart attacks during exertion.

17 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Again - many newer studies are available.

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6 minutes ago, Goddess said:

2020?  Erm, okay.

Try to keep up - in the convening 4 years since then, multiple studies have shown that myocarditis is not RARE and much more likely to occur post-vax than from the virus itself.

Ask any reputable cardiologist - myocarditis is never "mild".  Stats are that 50% of those diagnosed with it, will die within 5 years.  

AND multiple studies have shown the mechanism for why young people are dying on sporting fields - the adrenaline rush, combined with undiagnosed heart issues post-vax induces heart attacks during exertion.

Again - many newer studies are available.

Honestly - he knows.  The mental gymnastics he and others are doing to dodge the simple facts is olympic, but at the end of the day they know they're wrong.

People were forced by threat to take a drug without knowing what the side effects were and without significant proof that it would safeguard anyone else's life.  And some died from that.


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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Honestly - he knows.  The mental gymnastics he and others are doing to dodge the simple facts is olympic, but at the end of the day they know they're wrong.

People were forced by threat to take a drug without knowing what the side effects were and without significant proof that it would safeguard anyone else's life.  And some died from that.


It's like a religion - evidence-free and entirely based on faith and hope, nary a fact in sight.

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39 minutes ago, Goddess said:

It's like a religion...

And it's foisted on others by people who excuse church burnings as "understandable."

Those who think mindless CHUDS are simply whining about Covid whilst enviously peering upward at their lofty intelligence might want to read this:


Not off topic for those who consider covid a symptom of the trajectory they're no longer willing to abide... as I do now. 

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yes actually  - well medical data anyway:


just 15 percent of canadians though the vaccines were a good idea in 2023. 

That's down from 80%.  And the doctors were still advising everyone to do it - signs were up at every pharmacy, heard it on the news quite a bit.

But people ain't buying it. Only those in  severe at risk groups. People no longer think the vaccines are a good idea at all.

Kind of goes to show the whole "choice" aspect of it was so much BS.

When the gov't doesn't have its jackboots on the necks of people, they seem to make different "choices".

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3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Kind of goes to show the whole "choice" aspect of it was so much BS.

When the gov't doesn't have its jackboots on the necks of people, they seem to make different "choices".

Precisely. And now that more data is available the choice is 'no'.

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49 minutes ago, Goddess said:

It's like a religion - evidence-free and entirely based on faith and hope, nary a fact in sight.

Hence why I never was on either bandwagon. Full of folks that I should listen to because they were talking. Supposed to trust them because they are adamant, outspoken, and passionate. Honestly, the louder someone barks.. the less I trust them. As for choice.. we did have it in the US. The mandate at my job was not absolute. If I had opted to not get the vax.. all that would have happened is that i would have to get tested once every friday (or about 22 times in total). Even then, I could have said no to the whole thing and just filled out some paperwork which would have eventually became obsolete. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Sorry kiddo -  but that's your claim.  You claim the fact that people refuse to get vaccinated now is somehow evidence that they still like the vaccines as much as they did when 80 percent of them wanted it :)  

Nope.  That's not my claim at all.  My claim is that it's possible to believe something is a good idea, but that people still might not do them for all sorts of reasons.  

You probably believe that exercise is a good idea, but you still spend 16 hours a day glued to your chair arguing on the internet.  Get it?  🤡

Once again, you're just arguing with yourself.  

Edited by Moonbox
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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

When uptake goes from almost 90% when forced and terror-driven by media fear-porn 24/7, down to 15% when given actual choice.....well.

Just like how so many folk don't play a sport or go to the gym as soon as highschool is over.  It's not because they think exercise is bad.  It's because they're lazy.  🙃

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11 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Just like how so many folk don't play a sport or go to the gym as soon as highschool is over.  It's not because they think exercise is bad.  It's because they're lazy.  🙃


If you think it's "laziness" that uptake fell from 90% to 15%, and that the massive decline is no way indicates people have become disillusioned with the claimed safety and efficacy of the shots.....I ain't gonna argue with you.

They still think the shots are miracles of science, but are just too "lazy".

Knock yourself out, man.

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33 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Nope.  That's not my claim at all.  My claim is that it's possible to believe something is a good idea, but that people still might not do them for all sorts of reasons.  

well then you'll have to prove that if you're going to claim that.

Most of the time if people think something is a good idea they do it. Especaily if it's free and available.

They did it before after all.

Sorry kiddo - people have changed their attitudes on the vaccine. It used to be a must have - now it's a 'dont' want'.

18 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Just like how so many folk don't play a sport or go to the gym as soon as highschool is over.  It's not because they think exercise is bad.  It's because they're lazy.  🙃

It's because they don't think exercise is as important as they used to, their life has changed and it's not worth it.  Their attitude towards exercise has changed.  Their opinion of it's value has changed.

Now people don't think the vaccine is worth it  But they used to. So their attitude has changed. Their opinion of it's value has changed.

Swing and a miss kiddo.

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On 4/9/2024 at 11:11 PM, Zeitgeist said:

but really lockdowns should’ve been questioned and the freedom of movement preserved throughout the pandemic.

I was just reading one man's experience of trying to visit his favourite 97 year old aunt recently.  She had denied his visits for the last 4 years, scared silly of the virus.



On Sunday night, Richie and I had visited Aunt Jane. On the drive in his SUV to her building on Sunday evening, Richie told me his Mom had told him she only wanted me to visit if he brought me there. Lowering my expectations, he said she wouldn’t want me there for more than 15 minutes. Too many germs flying around after that.

While Jane is a very pleasant person, she always struck me as appropriately skeptical and instinctively countercultural. On visits when we were all younger, she would wave her hand to dismiss stuff about which other people got excited and even make fun of it in her folksy twang. On the ride over on Sunday night, Richie agreed with this assessment of his mother.

I asked him why, then, she uncharacteristically bought into Coronamania. Richie was also mystified. He said she wasn’t afraid for the first few weeks. But then, as if someone had flipped a switch, she suddenly got spooked by a thing she called “CO-vee.” I suspect her fear derived from the histrionic TV Covid coverage, or from something the people in her building saw on TV and told her about.

After the fear set in, Richie said, Jane only went outside for those drive-up meetings with Sharon. And she’d only let Richie inside briefly to deliver stuff and run the vacuum.

When Richie and I arrived, we climbed the stairs to Jane’s third floor unit. Jane opened her door. She gave me a long hug and began to cry. Richie and I went in and sat on a small sofa facing Jane as she sat on a chair.

Jane is 98 now, four years older than the last time I saw her. She’s still remarkably, almost unbelievably, sharp. She also hears well, unaided.

Fifteen minutes came and went without anyone noticing that it had. We ended up talking for two and a half hours. Jane was fully locked on the whole time. She responded immediately and appropriately to everything Richie or I asked or said. In return, she intermittently asked us a bunch of fitting questions. She shared the conversation flawlessly and never repeated herself. Jane is more conversationally adept than are most people much younger than she is. Though she says her balance isn’t so good anymore.

Jane dropped out of school in the sixth grade to raise her siblings. Even as an adult, she never had much money. But here she is, outliving 99% of Americans and being more coherent than are many people in their seventies and eighties with college degrees. I’m sure Jane never did any aerobics or ate any sprouts.

When I asked Jane how she’d been since I last saw her, she said she stays in her apartment all day, every day. This isn’t how she used to be. Even at 94, she used to walk down hilly streets to buy food and go to church, and not just on Sundays. And then back up those hills.

Before the Scamdemic, she also used to go each day to a common room in her high-rise to hang out with other tower dwellers. Two of Jane’s sisters lived in the building, though one died last year. She doesn’t go to that gathering place anymore to see her surviving sister or anyone else. She has seen her beloved adult grandchildren and their kids, i.e., her three great-grandchildren, only once or twice in the past four years.

I didn’t ask Jane why she had become reclusive or directly try to talk her out of hiding. I just wanted to accompany her for a few hours. I only mentioned, when it felt appropriate, that the virus wasn’t so bad, that I didn’t hide from it or take the shots and had been fine. I hoped that saying so might help to put her mind at ease.

Jane’s apartment is nice enough and very neatly kept. But it’s very simply appointed, with neutral-colored walls. And it’s tiny, with an eight-foot ceiling and insufficient window area. It’s a place to shelter, cook and eat food, read, watch some TV and sleep. It’s not a place to be 24/7/365.

But for four years, Jane has never left except for the odd doctor’s appointment. It’s downright painful to imagine this.

It’s been deeply cruel for the government and newscasters to scare the elderly into such isolation during the past four years. Even at her age, Jane was 95+% likely to survive infection. More to the point, infection or no, at 98, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Nor at 97. Or 87, Or 77. Or 67.

Life is too short to live in fear of dying. Under what conditions does life become not worth living?

It was great to share that recent time with Jane. But it was tragic for someone who enjoys other peoples’ company to have spent so much time alone over the past four years. Her absence has also been a big loss to the others with whom she would have spent time if she hadn’t feared for her life. Being around Jane makes me happy. I’m sure she used to make others feel the same way.

When I left, Jane and I hugged and she teared up again. I concluded that her reaction to my arrival and departure showed how deeply, cumulatively she missed the face-to-face human contact that she’s been terrorized into avoiding.

Multiply her Scamdemic isolation by billions of people, old, young and in-between. Many insisted that lockdowns protected the elderly. But locking down took the limited time that the old had left and made their final years miserable.

There’s no punishment too severe for the evil opportunists who stoked such unwarranted fear and loneliness.



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17 minutes ago, Goddess said:

If you think it's "laziness" that uptake fell from 90% to 15%, and that the massive decline is no way indicates people have become disillusioned with the claimed safety and efficacy of the shots.....I ain't gonna argue with you.

I'd argue it's more like climate change - people are giving up giving a shit about it - the end goal of misinformation.

Good job, you're winning. It must be a real vindication.

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As for why fewer are getting the vaccine.. simple recency bias. It is no longer the first story on the news.. not even close. Those who were going to get it.. have already done so. There is no data to suggest that we are going to see an uptick in the number of cases (especially as we hit the summer) so there is no urgency. Technically, both my wife and I could get boosters but we are not going to. Why? There is no urgency. It is not a matter of anyone doubting its efficacy. Simple do not need it. 

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

2020?  Erm, okay.

Try to keep up - in the convening 4 years since then, multiple studies have shown that myocarditis is not RARE and much more likely to occur post-vax than from the virus itself.

Ask any reputable cardiologist - myocarditis is never "mild".  Stats are that 50% of those diagnosed with it, will die within 5 years.  

AND multiple studies have shown the mechanism for why young people are dying on sporting fields - the adrenaline rush, combined with undiagnosed heart issues post-vax induces heart attacks during exertion.

Again - many newer studies are available.

Just showing that in the beginning there were issues that were contemplated. Myoctarditis was a known issue from the beginning as opposed to claims is it was not.

Your ilk keeps bringing up "old" links and I can play that game too LOL

Yes, newer studies are available, I linked to ones that used 99 million patients.

I am being civil and not belittling or looking for arguments.

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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'd argue it's more like climate change - people are giving up giving a shit about it - the end goal of misinformation.

That would still be a change in opinoin


Good job, you're winning. It must be a real vindication.

This has been explained to you.  We didn't "win".  We lost - and you got your chances to do things your way.

It failed. You failed. Wokeism has failed.  And now people see that your ideas lead to poverty and sickness.

So they're joining our side in buckets.  We didn't win - you just failed and failed hard.  There's a difference

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

This has been explained to you.  We didn't "win".  We lost

Emissions are up...jabs are down...economic disparity is increasing...

And you people still whine like babies. It's phenomenal really.

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20 minutes ago, Goddess said:

"old" links from the experts I was following, have all been proven to have been accurate.

Just sayin'

Old links from experts and new links from experts.

You pick your experts and I will pick mine LOL

You argue just for argument sake or are you trying to impress westconman and cdnfux...they already converted you and have you under their thumbs  so... LOL

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Just now, Goddess said:

"old" links from the experts I was following, have all been proven to have been accurate.

Just sayin'

If he has seen those links, then why is he still pretending to believe all of the 2020/early 2021 vax-propaganda? 

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