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On 10/9/2022 at 10:57 PM, sharkman said:

Here’s a discussion of 35,000 manufactured votes.  

image.thumb.png.6065dad6341eb6fd44db0dcae347e4c1.pngMark Finchem is a Democrat.

Just another Republican making up another implausible big conspiracy lie with zero evidence, and just demanding we take his word for it. That’s what they do. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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Interesting read on the Republican party’s journey to unhinged extremism:

The Moment the Republican Party Lost Control

The GOP believed it could appeal to its extremist fringe, without succumbing to it.


Though the shadow of Donald Trump hangs over Partisans, Hemmer does not focus on the last president. Instead, she shifts the lens to a set of much bigger questions. How did one of America’s two major parties become dominated, not just by vicious, public attacks that used to be the province of undercover dirty-tricks specialists, but by a proud rejection of democracy itself? How did virulent nativism, homophobia, and racism spread from the far-right, where the Republican Party successfully contained it for decades, to take over a whole political party? When did culture wars, promoted between both right-wing pundits acting like politicians and right-wing politicians acting like pundits, stop simply motivating voters and shift the center of gravity in the GOP to conspiracism and illiberalism?

Partisans is a story about politicians who learn to be media figures, and media figures who learn to be politicians. It’s about a Republican Party that came to believe so little in policy and governance that in 2020, for the first time in its history, amid a crumbling economy caused by the worst pandemic in a century, the GOP failed even to produce a party platform. “Rather than deal with these issues,” Tom Wheeler of the Brookings Institution wrote in August of that year, “rather than tell the American people and foreign governments what it stands for, it appears as though the Republican Party has codified that it is for whatever Donald Trump wants to do.”



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Republican fake news outlets proliferate thanks to their billionaire patrons  Every day they try to make America look a little more like Russia or Belarus 


That Fake Newspaper in Your Mailbox Was Paid For by Peter Thiel

The Grand Canyon Times isn’t a traditional newspaper. It’s part of an opaque media organization that recycles right-wing news articles across a network of hyperlocal-sounding news websites, which are padded out with press releases. As the 2022 midterm elections approach, conservative campaigns have tapped the network to send realistic-looking (and unsolicited) newspapers to voters in critical districts.

In publications like the Grand Canyon Times, the line between newspaper and political advertisement can be porous. At least two print editions of the paper, reviewed by The Daily Beast, contained disclaimers that described the contents as “paid for by the Saving Arizona PAC.” The PAC, which supports Masters’ Senate campaign, has received more than $13 million from conservative billionaire Peter Thiel.

The PAC did not return a request for comment. Nor did the Grand Canyon Times, which lists a single email address on its “contact us” page. It’s not even clear the Grand Canyon Times has a newsroom in Arizona. Instead, it’s an affiliate of Metric Media, a network of conservative websites tailored to look like local news outlets. Metric Media runs at least 15 other local-sounding outlets in Arizona, including the North Pima News and the Tucson Standard. All promote a curious blend of conservative talking points and reprinted press releases.

Metric Media is not a new operation. It’s run by Brian Timpone, a former news anchor-turned-political spokesman. For more than a decade, Timpone has run a network of media companies with names like Journatic, Pipeline Media, and Local Government Information Services (LGIS). Years of exposés from the likes of NPR, The New York Times, and Columbia Journalism Review have accused Timpone’s companies of dubious practices like plagiarism, fake quotes, using algorithms to write articles, and outsourcing local news to freelancers in the Philippines who used fake names. (Timpone did not return a request for comment.)





Edited by BeaverFever
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J. D. Vance and the collapse of dignity


Every nation has fringe candidates and public spectacles in its political life, but today, the American right celebrates the abandonment of dignity and virtue.

Americans once expected politicians to carry themselves with a seriousness that indicated their ability and willingness to tackle problems, whether poverty or war, that were too difficult for the rest of us. We elected such people not because we wanted them to be like us but because we hoped that they were better than us: smarter, tougher, and capable of being leaders and role models.

…Today, we no longer expect or even want our politicians to be better than we are. The new American right, however, has blown past the relatively innocuous populism of the past 40 years and added a fetid cynicism about almost everything related to public life. Not only are the MAGA Republicans seemingly repelled by the idea of voting for someone better than they are; they support candidates who are often manifestly worse people than the average citizen, so that they may slather their fears about their own shortcomings and prejudices under a sludgy and undifferentiated hatred about almost everyone in public office.

These populists not only look past the sins of their candidates but also defend and even celebrate them. Let us leave aside the cult around Trump, which has now reached such levels of weirdness that the specter of Jim Jones is probably pacing about the netherworld in awe. Instead, consider how many people cheer on unhinged cranks such as Marjorie Taylor Greene or allow themselves to be courted by smarmy opportunists such as Vance and Ted Cruz.

This new populism, centered in the modern Republican Party, has no recognizable policy content beyond the thrill of cruelty and a juvenile boorishness meant largely to enrage others. The GOP’s goals now boil down to power for its elected royalty and cheap coliseum pleasures for its rank and file. Republicans, therefore, are forced to lower their—and our—standards for admission to public office, because the destruction of dignity is the only way they can find the candidates who will do what decent men and women will not, including abasing themselves to Donald Trump.

….I’m an adult. I get it. Our elected officials aren’t saints, and only rarely are they heroes. But must they now be a cavalcade of clowns and charlatans, joyously parading their embrace of vice and their rejection of virtue? The Republican Party seems to think so.



https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/10/j-d-vance-and-the-collapse-of-dignity/671704/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_content=20221011&utm_term=The Atlantic Daily

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On 10/9/2022 at 10:57 PM, sharkman said:

Here’s a discussion of 35,000 manufactured votes.  

image.thumb.png.6065dad6341eb6fd44db0dcae347e4c1.pngMark Finchem is a Democrat.

Didn’t Arizona hire CyberNinjas, and comb through every single ballot with all their secret machinery, at a cost of millions, only to conclude that Joe Biden won by MORE votes than the official total published? 

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Didn’t Arizona hire CyberNinjas, and comb through every single ballot with all their secret machinery, at a cost of millions, only to conclude that Joe Biden won by MORE votes than the official total published? 

I see the MSM and google make it impossible to find what the Ninjas discovered.  Ridiculous.

They found that 284k ballots could not be matched to their electronic images.  This is because the forensic images on the ballot machines were either corrupted or missing.

They also found evidence that the machines were connected to the internet.  

The election results data bases and thousands of security log files were all deleted.  These are all supposed to be kept for 2 years.

So the digital evidence that would verify the paper ballots’ authenticity was tampered with.  Isn’t that interesting?

Edited by sharkman
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7 minutes ago, sharkman said:

I see the MSM and google make it impossible to find what the Ninjas discovered.  Ridiculous.

They found that 284k ballots could not be matched to their electronic images.  This is because the forensic images on the ballot machines were either corrupted or missing.

I'm sure there's a reason you FAILED to cite ANY source for ^this. And it ain't "the MSM."

When "the MSM" fails to report significant "findings," it's because they cannot be verified.

Like when the Hunter's laptop story broke in that Murdoch tabloid rag.

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23 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I'm sure there's a reason you FAILED to cite ANY source for ^this. And it ain't "the MSM."

When "the MSM" fails to report significant "findings," it's because they cannot be verified.

Like when the Hunter's laptop story broke in that Murdoch tabloid rag.

That info was still on telegram, but what's the point?  You aren't going to believe anything that the propaganda machine doesn't have.  But take it from me.  The election conspiracy people hold those things to be true, so at least you know what we are thinking.

The MSM is disgusting.  What they are reporting on Ukraine is actually criminal.

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25 minutes ago, sharkman said:

I see the MSM and google make it impossible to find what the Ninjas discovered.  Ridiculous.

They found that 284k ballots could not be matched to their electronic images.  This is because the forensic images on the ballot machines were either corrupted or missing.

They also found evidence that the machines were connected to the internet.  

The election results data bases and thousands of security log files were all deleted.  These are all supposed to be kept for 2 years.

So the digital evidence that would verify the paper ballots’ authenticity was tampered with.  Isn’t that interesting?

Baloney.  After bilking Arizona’s Republican politicians for millions without producing results going way over budget and way past all deadlines,  the comically incompetent ultra-partisan cyberninja clusterf-ck clown-show and employee sexual harassment fiesta (aka “audit”)  actually barfed up a report that found that Biden won by a larger margin than the actual official election count.

Then to appease their obviously enraged Republican patrons, they added a list of more dubious unproven or disproven claims and fled town as quickly as they could.  The angry Republican politicians demanded to see the data that cyberninjas used but cyber refused to provide because obviously it’s just a shitshow of fake and fudged numbers that don’t make sense. A judge fined them $50,000 per each day they don’t turn over the data and so the ultra Republican millionaire head of the company declared the company bankrupt and defunct and is now fighting to avoid being held personally liable. 

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4 minutes ago, sharkman said:

That info was still on telegram, but what's the point?  You aren't going to believe anything that the propaganda machine doesn't have.  But take it from me.  The election conspiracy people hold those things to be true, so at least you know what we are thinking.

The MSM is disgusting.  What they are reporting on Ukraine is actually criminal.

How do you know that what the MSM is reporting is false and what you believe is true?  Honestly do you really think Putin is an honest trustworthy guy and the MSM is part of an evil worldwide conspiracy to tale down good guys like him?


You are the one who is brainwashed by propaganda my friend.  Same for your ridiculous BIG LIE election conspiracies which don’t even have enough substance or coherence to be called a “theory”. More like a “fantasy” or “superstition”. 

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25 minutes ago, sharkman said:

That info was still on telegram, but what's the point?  You aren't going to believe anything that the propaganda machine doesn't have.  But take it from me.  The election conspiracy people hold those things to be true, so at least you know what we are thinking.

The MSM is disgusting.  What they are reporting on Ukraine is actually criminal.

Really? What is being reported in Ukraine that is "criminal" besides Putin's invasion, which really is criminal?

And what is YOUR gold standard for news?

Edited by robosmith
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4 hours ago, sharkman said:

I see the MSM and google make it impossible to find what the Ninjas discovered.  Ridiculous.

They found that 284k ballots could not be matched to their electronic images.  This is because the forensic images on the ballot machines were either corrupted or missing.

They also found evidence that the machines were connected to the internet.  

The election results data bases and thousands of security log files were all deleted.  These are all supposed to be kept for 2 years.

So the digital evidence that would verify the paper ballots’ authenticity was tampered with.  Isn’t that interesting?

If the State of Arizona paid the CyberNinjas, why isn’t this report hosted on a website of the State? Or even a website hosted by CyberNinjas?

I did find the CyberNinja final report on the AZ Republicans website, which is still a little sketchy but it looks like the actual report. 


Here’s the report summary, quoted from the source:

”there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official election canvass results for Maricopa County. This is an important finding because the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.”

So that’s their conclusion: Biden beat Trump in Arizona. As for the issues you mentioned, CyberNinjas listed how many of those votes were Trump and how many were Biden votes, and they were basically split down the middle, so they had no impact on the outcome. 

Edited by Rebound
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  • 2 weeks later...

Two cases reported, both in Arizona.


A southwestern Arizona woman who pleaded guilty to illegally collecting four early voting ballots in the 2020 primary election has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and two years of probation


The Arizona Attorney General’s Office announced the indictments Wednesday, noting that Torres is alleged to have collected seven ballots from Lizarraga-Mayorquin, who is also known as Nadia Buchanan. For her part, Lizarraga-Mayorquin collected at least one ballot from a third party, the AGO stated.


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20 hours ago, sharkman said:

Two cases reported, both in Arizona.


A southwestern Arizona woman who pleaded guilty to illegally collecting four early voting ballots in the 2020 primary election has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and two years of probation


The Arizona Attorney General’s Office announced the indictments Wednesday, noting that Torres is alleged to have collected seven ballots from Lizarraga-Mayorquin, who is also known as Nadia Buchanan. For her part, Lizarraga-Mayorquin collected at least one ballot from a third party, the AGO stated.


This is not evidence of Trump’s BIG LIE.

The absentee ballots were legitimate votes, it’s just in this PARTICULAR state a third party other than a family member cannot deliver the ballot on the voter’s behalf. It’s perfectly legal in other states. 

Also notice that charges in this case were made with the assistance of the FBI, kinda blows a hole in your whole FBI conspiracy theory doesn’t it?

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On 10/11/2022 at 3:49 PM, BeaverFever said:

Interesting read on the Republican party’s journey to unhinged extremism:

The Moment the Republican Party Lost Control

The GOP believed it could appeal to its extremist fringe, without succumbing to it.


Though the shadow of Donald Trump hangs over Partisans, Hemmer does not focus on the last president. Instead, she shifts the lens to a set of much bigger questions. How did one of America’s two major parties become dominated, not just by vicious, public attacks that used to be the province of undercover dirty-tricks specialists, but by a proud rejection of democracy itself? How did virulent nativism, homophobia, and racism spread from the far-right, where the Republican Party successfully contained it for decades, to take over a whole political party? When did culture wars, promoted between both right-wing pundits acting like politicians and right-wing politicians acting like pundits, stop simply motivating voters and shift the center of gravity in the GOP to conspiracism and illiberalism?

Partisans is a story about politicians who learn to be media figures, and media figures who learn to be politicians. It’s about a Republican Party that came to believe so little in policy and governance that in 2020, for the first time in its history, amid a crumbling economy caused by the worst pandemic in a century, the GOP failed even to produce a party platform. “Rather than deal with these issues,” Tom Wheeler of the Brookings Institution wrote in August of that year, “rather than tell the American people and foreign governments what it stands for, it appears as though the Republican Party has codified that it is for whatever Donald Trump wants to do.”



You’d think they could just attract normal people.  

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On 10/11/2022 at 4:57 PM, BeaverFever said:

Republican fake news outlets proliferate thanks to their billionaire patrons  Every day they try to make America look a little more like Russia or Belarus 


That Fake Newspaper in Your Mailbox Was Paid For by Peter Thiel

The Grand Canyon Times isn’t a traditional newspaper. It’s part of an opaque media organization that recycles right-wing news articles across a network of hyperlocal-sounding news websites, which are padded out with press releases. As the 2022 midterm elections approach, conservative campaigns have tapped the network to send realistic-looking (and unsolicited) newspapers to voters in critical districts.

In publications like the Grand Canyon Times, the line between newspaper and political advertisement can be porous. At least two print editions of the paper, reviewed by The Daily Beast, contained disclaimers that described the contents as “paid for by the Saving Arizona PAC.” The PAC, which supports Masters’ Senate campaign, has received more than $13 million from conservative billionaire Peter Thiel.

The PAC did not return a request for comment. Nor did the Grand Canyon Times, which lists a single email address on its “contact us” page. It’s not even clear the Grand Canyon Times has a newsroom in Arizona. Instead, it’s an affiliate of Metric Media, a network of conservative websites tailored to look like local news outlets. Metric Media runs at least 15 other local-sounding outlets in Arizona, including the North Pima News and the Tucson Standard. All promote a curious blend of conservative talking points and reprinted press releases.

Metric Media is not a new operation. It’s run by Brian Timpone, a former news anchor-turned-political spokesman. For more than a decade, Timpone has run a network of media companies with names like Journatic, Pipeline Media, and Local Government Information Services (LGIS). Years of exposés from the likes of NPR, The New York Times, and Columbia Journalism Review have accused Timpone’s companies of dubious practices like plagiarism, fake quotes, using algorithms to write articles, and outsourcing local news to freelancers in the Philippines who used fake names. (Timpone did not return a request for comment.)





You mean… Fake News?

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On 6/7/2022 at 10:26 AM, Michael Hardner said:

Evidence of what ?  She had less than a dozen ballots in a local election primary in August.

Are you worried about Arizona local politics now ?

That documentary is a conspiracy popcorn flick for gullible people who want to part with their money, nothing more.  Focus on your own life, the conspiracy shit is dying in a graveyard of ridicule...


Conspiracy theories come from those goose stepping rags like Salon. It doesn't take a whole lot of those Dozen Ballots people to overturn a legitimate close race.

2000 Mules is based solely on facts.

Since you're so big on documentation,




The folks at True the Vote also suspected that something was wrong, very wrong. The founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, working with Gregg Philips and a team of computer analysts, came up with a very clever way to determine whether there was fraud. They suspected as much, thanks to the way in which Democrats in key states used COVID as an excuse to increase absentee voting. That included states which allowed only absentee voting with drop boxes across cities and towns, where there had been massive ballot harvesting. That is, people, both real and fake, didn’t fill out their own ballots. Instead, they were collected, completed, and put into drop boxes by partisan and paid activists.

To prove this theory, True the Vote obtained geo-tracking information for major urban areas in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, allowing them to follow cell phone signals. They marked all the drop boxes and all the facilities for left-wing non-profits. They then looked for cell phones that traveled between the non-profits and drop boxes at least ten times (to be sure to winnow out statistical noise). Through FOIA requests, they also obtained as many videos as they could showing people stuffing multiple ballots into the drop boxes, a completely illegal act.

Their data revealed 2,200 mules in just five cities, visiting between 20 and 45 drop boxes each, at which they dropped off an average of five ballots. When you do the math, the numbers are staggering:

They only get worse when you contemplate the fact that 10 trips per mule is an exceptionally high bar and that these were just mules in five cities. When one considers the small margin by which Biden “won” in the disputed states, had these mules not been active, Trump would have won the election by a medium to huge margin.

D’Souza also speaks to Hans von Spakovsky about the various methods of committing election fraud and to a think-tank head (whose name I forgot to note down) who explains how various leftist non-profits, helped with Zuckerberg’s $419,000,000 handout, focused on creating voters, rather than promoting their candidate.


Joe did NOT win. And he is going to be impeached.

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10 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

This is not evidence of Trump’s BIG LIE.

The absentee ballots were legitimate votes, it’s just in this PARTICULAR state a third party other than a family member cannot deliver the ballot on the voter’s behalf. It’s perfectly legal in other states. 

Also notice that charges in this case were made with the assistance of the FBI, kinda blows a hole in your whole FBI conspiracy theory doesn’t it?

There was no big lie. Trump is the most honest president in history. That election WAS stolen.


The riveting ‘2000 Mules’ proves there was massive election fraud

Those are the facts, and


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5 minutes ago, reason10 said:

There was no big lie. Trump is the most honest president in history. That election WAS stolen.


The riveting ‘2000 Mules’ proves there was massive election fraud

Those are the facts, and


2,000 mules is a hilarious joke and if you can’t see the gaping plot holes you seriously lack critical thinking skills. The “evidence” for Trumps unproven election lies is another collective of unproven lies, in a documentary made by a partisan Republican operative who’s previously been convicted of election fraud.

Yet we’re supposed to just take his word over the word of non-partisan cellphone experts over the accuracy of geolocation data. We’re also supposed to just take his word that: - -his team somehow inexplicably filtered out all the innocent and legitimate passersby (he won’t tell anyone how),

- that the addresses these alleged “mules” repeatedly visited belong to Democratic NGOS (he won’t tell us the addresses or name the NGOs) 

- that he has camera footage showing the same “mules” returning over and over again (he only shows each visiting “mule” once)

- that any of these “mules” deposited anything other than legitimate ballots. Even if these were “mules” - which they’re not - How do we know these weren’t Trump mules who failed to turn the tide?  No fake, altered or otherwise illegitimate ballots have been found and you kinda need that to prove that there were fake, altered or otherwise illegitimate ballots. 

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21 hours ago, reason10 said:

Conspiracy theories come from those goose stepping rags like Salon. It doesn't take a whole lot of those Dozen Ballots people to overturn a legitimate close race.

2000 Mules is based solely on facts.

Since you're so big on documentation,


Joe did NOT win. And he is going to be impeached.

i believe you made your debut here by trying to seriously reference a satirical The Onion-style article that was actually poking fun at your position, so I think your ability to critically analyze media is already pretty well established, but the film you're referencing is pure propaganda and has been thoroughly debunked by people across the political spectrum. There's nothing factual about it.

D'Souza has made a lot of money selling pure, distilled crap to people dumb enough to buy it, and he'll continue to make more until you stop buying it. If you're into fiction, there are a lot of better options out there.

Edited by Hodad
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4 hours ago, herbie said:

You have no credibility whatsoever. Go away Russian troll.

You are an idiot. I have never been near Russia. I do not speak Russian. I just have a better education than you and the rest of the low information idiots here.

I have more credibility than all you retards combined.

Russian Troll? Why would a Russian (who speaks no English and is living in a communist shithole want to come to this place? What would be the point?

Pissing off and embarrassing American idiot liberals like you is more of an American practice. People from across the pond have better things to do, especially since in Asia the vast majority of them are starving to death, (especially in places like China and India.)

Grow a brain, Snowflake.

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8 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You are an idiot. I have never been near Russia. I do not speak Russian. I just have a better education than you and the rest of the low information idiots here.

I have more credibility than all you retards combined.

Russian Troll? Why would a Russian (who speaks no English and is living in a communist shithole want to come to this place? What would be the point?

Pissing off and embarrassing American idiot liberals like you is more of an American practice. People from across the pond have better things to do, especially since in Asia the vast majority of them are starving to death, (especially in places like China and India.)

Grow a brain, Snowflake.

The point would be that Putin is paying the Internet Research Agency agents to create the kind of chaos and division with LIES like the kind YOU POST HERE. 

You're so over the top ignorant that you're failing cause NO ONE takes YOU seriously. LMAO

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