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Current Events Evidence: The election, court rulings, etc.

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I was thinking recently that us conservatives could update each other in one thread.  There are dozens of threads here, and the evidence we find gets somewhat hidden with pages and pages of arguments, etc.  So lets help each other out and post events here that counter the official narrative that is starting to fall apart.  I'll start with a former mayor in Arizona changing  her plea to guilty concerning ballot harvesting in the 2020 election.  This was a direct result of the 2000 Mules documentary being released.  The makers passed along some of the evidence they had collected to various law enforcement officials around the country to follow up with.




If this type of topic helps out, I could see starting one regarding the election and perhaps a thread on global events that are pushing the globalist agenda.  Any other thread ideas?

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Evidence of what ?  She had less than a dozen ballots in a local election primary in August.

Are you worried about Arizona local politics now ?

That documentary is a conspiracy popcorn flick for gullible people who want to part with their money, nothing more.  Focus on your own life, the conspiracy shit is dying in a graveyard of ridicule...


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According to the link posted above, some 28.4 million mail in ballots have gone missing in the last four election cycles. That's a huge number and it clearly shows just how insecure the mail in ballot process is in the US.

Asking more questions is the best way to go with stories like this but too many people are content to keep their heads in the sand. Maybe ignorance really is bliss for them.

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29 minutes ago, ironstone said:

According to the link posted above, some 28.4 million mail in ballots have gone missing in the last four election cycles. That's a huge number and it clearly shows just how insecure the mail in ballot process is in the US.

That seems like about 3% of the total, not huge as a proportion.

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Every vote is important, especially in the swing states.

Biden beat Trump by less than 276,000 votes in key swing states | Fox News

So when millions or tens of millions of mail in ballots go missing that seems like a huge deal. Throw in the enormous amount of illegals flooding across the southern border and the fact that many of them may be getting to vote as well.

The truth about illegal voting | The Hill

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

1. So when millions or tens of millions of mail in ballots go missing that seems like a huge deal. Throw in the enormous amount of illegals flooding across the southern border and the fact that many of them may be getting to vote as well.

1. Missing ballots doesn't equate to Democrat votes.  The system has stood for years as a defence against systemic voter fraud... these stories amount to muddying the water in an attempt to steal the election for Trump.  Pence saw through it, and recognized what was happening.

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3 hours ago, sharkman said:

I was thinking recently that us conservatives could update each other in one thread.  There are dozens of threads here, and the evidence we find gets somewhat hidden with pages and pages of arguments, etc.  So lets help each other out and post events here that counter the official narrative that is starting to fall apart.  I'll start with a former mayor in Arizona changing  her plea to guilty concerning ballot harvesting in the 2020 election.  This was a direct result of the 2000 Mules documentary being released.  The makers passed along some of the evidence they had collected to various law enforcement officials around the country to follow up with.




If this type of topic helps out, I could see starting one regarding the election and perhaps a thread on global events that are pushing the globalist agenda.  Any other thread ideas?

Great idea.

Here's one that doesn't get enough ink. It's connected to the 2020 ballot box stuffing True the Vote pointed an unassailable finger at.

The Zuckerbucks, big money through NGO 501c's scam:

How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election


Tax-exempt foundations are barred from contributing their resources to election campaigns. There is no ambiguity in the law concerning this prohibition.


The existence of such a regulation is meaningless, however, if it is not enforced. Consequently, this ban on campaign activities by “charitable” organizations didn’t daunt Facebook billionaire and Democrat Party patron Mark Zuckerberg and his wife when they plotted a massive campaign to swing the 2020 presidential election in favor of the Democrat, Joe Biden. The Facebook couple donated $419.5 million to two leftwing tax-exempt foundations with the intention of tipping the result to Biden by launching “get-out-the-vote” campaigns focused on Democrat precincts in battleground states.

A rarely mentioned fact about the 2020 election is that Biden eked out a victory by perhaps the narrowest margin in history — .027% of the 159 million votes cast. This was a margin easily created by a strategic influx of campaign cash coupled with orders to spend the money on massive numbers of paper ballots, which could be harvested from “drop boxes,” which, as Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules shows, were repeatedly stuffed by Democrat operatives in the middle of the night.

All these millions of Zuckerberg dollars, underwritten by American taxpayers, drew no attention from I.R.S. Commissioner Charles Rettig or the I.R.S. investigating teams whose responsibility it was to see that taxpayer supported operations like the Zuckerberg “charities” were not intervening in American election campaigns with the idea of shaping their outcomes.

The CEIR/CTCL grants were not awarded as gifts that the recipient cities and counties could use in whatever way they saw fit. The Zuckerberg organizations extended formal invitations to the targeted communities encouraging them to apply for the Zuckerberg funds, which in turn would be doled out with many strings attached. Strict conditions were laid down as to how the recipient jurisdictions could use the money and administer their respective elections. “It was a pay-to-play scheme, where in exchange for taking this money, the CTCL gets to tell them how to run the election,” observed Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kaardal.

Using COVID-19 fears as an excuse, CTCL required that its grant money be used to: (a) suspend existing election laws in order to promote universal mail-in voting, a practice singled out by the bi-partisan Carter-Baker Commission as particularly vulnerable to fraud and corruption; (b) eliminate or weaken signature-matching requirements and ballot-receipt deadlines for mail-in votes; (c) expand opportunities for “ballot curing” (i.e., “fixing” wrongly cast ballots to remove their disqualification); (d) cover the very considerable expenses associated with massive bulk mailings and “community outreach” programs administered by private activists; (e) enable the proliferation of unmonitored ballot drop boxes which would make it impossible to ensure a transparent and secure chain-of-custody trail for all ballots; (f) create unprecedented opportunities for illegal ballot harvesting; and (h) greatly increase funding for the hiring of temporary poll workers, which, as The Federalist points out, “supported the infiltration of election offices by paid Democratic Party activists, coordinated through a complex web of left-leaning non-profit organizations, social media platforms, and social media election influencers.” In other words, the Zuckerberg/CTCL funds were used to conduct and support multiple practices that are widely recognized as practices that make election fraud possible.

Zuckerberg’s donations to CEIR were used to promote objectives similar to the CTCL priorities cited above. But because CTCL received so much more money from the Facebook founder than did CEIR, the 2020 elections were impacted much more powerfully by CTCL. Zuckerberg’s “coordinated assault on in-person voting generally favored Democrat Party voters who preferred to vote in advance, while placing Republicans, who preferred to vote in person, at a disadvantage,” according to former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline in his December 2020 report titled The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding in Federal and State Electoral Processes, published by the Thomas More Society's Amistad Project. That assault helped to create “a two-tier election system favoring one demographic while disadvantaging another demographic.” Kline’s report was also critical of CTCL for generally viewing state election-integrity laws as nothing more than “obstacles and nuisances to be ignored or circumvented.”

Additional ways in which CTCL grants were used in various states and cities across America:

  • CTCL encouraged elections departments in multiple states to use its grant money for the purchase of vehicles to transport “voter navigators” to the places where their services were needed — services like: (a) registering voters; (b) helping people apply for absentee ballots; (c) helping voters, potentially at their front doors, to fill out their ballots; (d) witnessing absentee ballot signatures; and (e) “curing” absentee ballots that had been filled out incorrectly.
  • CTCL grants in Georgia were used to: (a) expand curbside voting and conduct “voter outreach” campaigns designed to “promote absentee voting and encourage higher percentages of our electors to vote absentee”; (b) dispatch CTCL agents to train poll workers; and (c) fund “Happy Faces,” a temporary staffing agency affiliated with the Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams, to count the votes on election night in Fulton County.
  • CTCL grants to Philadelphia were used to pay election judges and various other election officials, and to increase the number of polling locations, mobile ballot-pickup units, and ballot drop boxes in the city.
  • CTCL grants helped Delaware County, Pennsylvania — a heavily Democratic area — put one drop box in place for every 4,000 voters and every four square miles of land. By contrast, in the 59 Pennsylvania counties that Trump had won in the 2016 election, there would now be just one drop box for every 72,000 voters and every 1,100 square miles of land. “Government encouraging a targeted demographic to turn out the vote is the opposite side of the same coin as government targeting a demographic to suppress the vote,” Phill Kline wrote in the Amistad Project report. “This two-tiered election system allowed voters in Democrat strongholds to stroll down the street to vote while voters in Republican strongholds had to go on the equivalent of a ‘Where’s Waldo’ hunt. These irregularities existed wherever Zuckerberg’s money was granted to local election officials.”
  • CTCL gave $443,000 to Lansing, Michigan, whose elections department used that money to purchase additional absentee-ballot drop boxes and to mail absentee-ballot applications to every registered voter.
  • Election officials in Lorain County, Ohio used CTCL funds to pay an $8,100 Verizon phone bill and to purchase a $24,000 van that was used to transport equipment between a warehouse and the elections department.
  • The Boone County, Missouri elections department used $3,000 of CTCL’s COVID grant to produce a rap video and purchase radio spots that, according to County Clerk Brianna Lennon, would “appeal to younger, first-time voters” — a demographic strongly inclined to support Democrat candidates.
  • When CTCL gave $100,000 to Racine, Wisconsin in May 2020, the organization directed Racine’s mayor to recruit the leaders of four additional cities — Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, and Milwaukee — to collaboratively draft a grant request for CTCL funds as well. On June 15, those four cities together submitted a “Wisconsin Safe Election Plan” to CTCL and were quickly approved to receive $6.3 million to put their plan into action. As Amistad Project director Phill Kline points out, CTCL “retained the right, in the grant document, to, in its sole discretion, order all funds returned if the grantee cities did not conduct the election consistent with CTCL dictates. Effectively, CTCL managed the election in these five cities.”

All told, CTCL in 2020 made 26 separate grants of $1 million or more to cities and counties in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. Twenty-five of those grants, totaling a combined $85.5 million, went to places that Joe Biden ultimately won in the 2020 presidential election. The vast majority of CTCL’s money also went to places that had voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in 2016. By contrast, the lone Trump-supporting CTCL grant recipient of $1 million or more in 2020 — Brown County, Wisconsin — was given just $1.1 million.

        Below are some additional examples of the enormous imbalance in CTCL’s grants to Democrat areas vs. Republican areas:

  • In Texas, counties that Biden won in 2020 received CTCL grants that amounted to $3.22 per capita, whereas counties that Trump won received just 55 cents per capita..
  • CTCL gave $2.8 million to the heavily Democratic Webb County, Texas, thereby helping total registrations in that jurisdiction increase by approximately 10,000 over the corresponding figure from 2016 — and helping Biden beat Trump by a two-to-one margin.
  • In Virginia, grants to pro-Biden counties accounted for over 90% of all CTCL grants in that state — far more than the corresponding 9.6% that was given to Trump-supporting counties.  
  • CTCL gave $1.4 million to the Democrat stronghold of Fairfax County, Virginia, helping to increase Democrat voter turnout there by 65,458 above the 2016 figure. By contrast, Republican turnout in Fairfax County increased by only 10,564 above the 2016 figure.
  • In Arizona, a state with 15 counties, fully 83.6% of all known CTCL grants were poured into just 3 counties that Biden won in 2020.
  • The total dollar amount of CTCL grants to pro-Biden counties in Arizona was 5.8 times greater than the dollar amount given to pro-Trump counties in that state.
  • In Pennsylvania, grants to counties that Biden won in 2020 received $3.11 per capita, vs. just 57 cents per capita to counties that Trump won. More specifically, CTCL grants to rural, Republican-leaning Pennsylvania counties like Mercer and Luzerne amounted to an average of about 75 cents per registered voter, while Democrat-majority areas like Delaware and Chester Counties received $5.17 and $6.73 per registered voter, respectively.
  • CTCL gave $20.8 million in grants to 10 (of the 13) Pennsylvania counties that Biden won in 2020. Those 10 CTCL-funded counties provided Biden with nearly 73% of all the votes that he received statewide. By contrast, CTCL awarded grants to 12 (of the 54) Pennsylvania counties won by Trump, and those dozen grants totaled a combined $1.73 million. In other words, the combined value of CTCL’s grants to pro-Biden counties in Pennsylvania was 12 times greater than the value of its grants to pro-Trump counties.
  • CTCL gave $42.4 million in grants to 17 (of the 31) Georgia counties won by Biden — a figure amounting to more than 94% of all CTCL funding in that state. Those 17 CTCL-funded counties provided Biden with almost 73% of all the votes that he captured statewide. By contrast, a mere $2.6 million — less than 6% of all CTCL grants distributed across Georgia — were allotted to 26 (of the 128) counties won by Trump. Put another way, CTCL’s grants to pro-Biden counties were 16.3 times greater than its grants to pro-Trump counties.
  • In Wisconsin, CTCL grants to 20 separate pro-Biden counties amounted to more than 90% of all of the organization’s grants in that state.
  • CTCL awarded eleven massive grants in Michigan, ten of which went to cities that Hillary Clinton had won in the 2016 presidential election. The total number of dollars given to those Democrat strongholds was 14.7 times greater than the corresponding amount given to the lone Republican jurisdiction.
  • The Wisconsin legislature gave the heavily Democratic city of Green Bay approximately $7 per voter to manage its 2020 elections, vs. just $4 per voter to the state’s Republican rural counties. Then, after CTCL got through allocating Zuckerberg’s money in Wisconsin, the Green Bay figure ballooned to an astronomical $47 per voter, while the figure for most of the state’s rural areas remained steady at just $4 per voter.

Similar funding disparities — favoring Democrat areas over Republican areas — occurred in and near Democrat citadels such as Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Flint, Dallas, and Houston.

The Zuckerberg grants dwarfed the amount of election-related money normally spent by the various Democrat cities that were recipients of those grants.

This one in particular needs more consideration:

"(b) dispatch CTCL agents to train poll workers; and (c) fund “Happy Faces,” a temporary staffing agency affiliated with the Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams, to count the votes on election night in Fulton County."

I don't believe it was limited to Georgia and it would explain so much.

I saw videos of election staff being trained on how to push poll watchers out of the way and such. Basically counting operations could be financed by illegal Zuckerbucks. It would explain things like poll watchers and media being forced out of buildings. The windows to counting stations being blocked off by staff, the mysterious plumbing explosion that turned out to be a plugged toilet and allowed some very mysterious activity by a mother and daughter team of counters in Georgia and was never properly investigated. Swarms of ballot holders appearing early in the morning in Philadelphia after the polls had closed...stuff like that. If you run the counting stations you can pretty much do whatever you want.

There should be a RICO investigation but don't expect that under a Biden administration.

I worry they're going to do it again in the midterms. If they get away with that. Forget about it. There's no such thing as fair elections in America.

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13 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Missing ballots doesn't equate to Democrat votes.  The system has stood for years as a defence against systemic voter fraud... these stories amount to muddying the water in an attempt to steal the election for Trump.  Pence saw through it, and recognized what was happening.

Missing ballots can certainly have an effect on elections in favour of one party or the other. Every missing Republican ballot helps the Democrats and vice versa. How so many ballots did go missing over such a period of time shows that the system is far from being secure and when Democrats and their allies in the MSM state categorically that the 2020 election was the most secure ever, that's just fantasy. US elections are not at the same level of tinpot dictators that routinely get 99% of the vote but they are also not infallible.

I believe some Republicans tend to not want to put the country through the turmoil of disputing election results believing that it's not good for the country. Democrats have never been reluctant to dispute election results that don't favour them and this fact seems to be conveniently forgotten by the people that are outraged that Trump dared to challenge the 2020 results.

Voter Fraud | The Heritage Foundation

Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

Voter fraud does happen and nobody can be 100% certain they catch each and every infraction.

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"A rarely mentioned fact about the 2020 election is that Biden eked out a victory by perhaps the narrowest margin in history — .027% of the 159 million votes cast."

Yet still greater than the 2016 election... 


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28 minutes ago, ironstone said:

1. Missing ballots can certainly have an effect on elections in favour of one party or the other.  

2. I believe some Republicans tend to not want to put the country through the turmoil of disputing election results believing that it's not good for the country.

3. Democrats have never been reluctant to dispute election results that don't favour them and this fact seems to be conveniently forgotten by the people that are outraged that Trump dared to challenge the 2020  

1. "Can" ... meaning it's possible but there's no evidence it means anything.
2. And others lie and storm the capital to unseat an elected president.
3. Like the 2000 election ?  Nobody denies a party's right to challenge, to exact a recount when warranted but the Trump team went over the line in attempting to overturn results.  

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3 hours ago, ironstone said:

According to the link posted above, some 28.4 million mail in ballots have gone missing in the last four election cycles. That's a huge number and it clearly shows just how insecure the mail in ballot process is in the US.

Asking more questions is the best way to go with stories like this but too many people are content to keep their heads in the sand. Maybe ignorance really is bliss for them.

I believe that I can safely say that MH has had his head in the sand since he was five. Just saying. 

The movie Two Thousand Mules explained it all very well as to the fraud that took place in the last American election. Sadly, there are some members here, no names will be mentioned, believes that conspiracies do not exist when in reality, conspiracies have and will always be a apart of this shitty world and they happen pretty much every day. Anyone who believes otherwise has to be just plain stupid. Just saying. 

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41 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Missing ballots can certainly have an effect on elections in favour of one party or the other. Every missing Republican ballot helps the Democrats and vice versa. How so many ballots did go missing over such a period of time shows that the system is far from being secure and when Democrats and their allies in the MSM state categorically that the 2020 election was the most secure ever, that's just fantasy. US elections are not at the same level of tinpot dictators that routinely get 99% of the vote but they are also not infallible.

I believe some Republicans tend to not want to put the country through the turmoil of disputing election results believing that it's not good for the country. Democrats have never been reluctant to dispute election results that don't favour them and this fact seems to be conveniently forgotten by the people that are outraged that Trump dared to challenge the 2020 results.

Voter Fraud | The Heritage Foundation

Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation

Voter fraud does happen and nobody can be 100% certain they catch each and every infraction.

You are pretty much wasting your time with MH. He appears to me to be a die hard NDP socialist and supporter. It's hard for me not to believe that he is just a troll here. Just my opinion of course. ?

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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. "Can" ... meaning it's possible but there's no evidence it means anything.
2. And others lie and storm the capital to unseat an elected president.
3. Like the 2000 election ?  Nobody denies a party's right to challenge, to exact a recount when warranted but the Trump team went over the line in attempting to overturn results.  

You have a very cavalier attitude about the effects of voter fraud. Nothing to see here , just move along.

Not just the 2020 election, many elections.

Gee, Why Can’t Trump Accept Defeat Like the Democrats? - Ann Coulter

I'm not in the camp that believes the Jan 6 insurrection was the most egregious, horrible undemocratic travesty in the entire history of the US. A relative handful of nutjobs got out of control and it wasn't an orchestrated coup by Trump. They are being severely punished as well as others that were acting peacefully.

Judge asks prosecutors why Jan 6 protesters are being treated worse than BLM rioters (bizpacreview.com)

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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

You are pretty much wasting your time with MH. He appears to me to be a die hard NDP socialist and supporter. It's hard for me not to believe that he is just a troll here. Just my opinion of course. ?

I used to listen a lot to Lowell Green on CFRA radio in Ottawa and I often heard people calling in with the suspicious "You know, I'm a Conservative but I really have to call out Harper (or any Conservative policy) for going too far!" 

I couldn't help but shake my head at the obvious trolling?.

I made a mistake in a previous post in that I incorrectly referred to Jan 6 as an insurrection, my bad.

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34 minutes ago, taxme said:

You are pretty much wasting your time with MH. He appears to me to be a die hard NDP socialist and supporter. It's hard for me not to believe that he is just a troll here. Just my opinion of course. ?

Because I believe in business, trade deals, elections, the courts and universities I am a Conservative.

You ... I don't know what you are but you are not like me.  Too bad.

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21 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

When Trump went after established Republicans to perpetuate his fraud, a normal person would have been suspicious.

That's how you authorize voter fraud is it?  By mocking outrage at Trump wanting the RINOs and Neo-con Republicans to support voter integrity and investigate an obviously rigged election.

As far as suspicion goes I notice you have none as to how a guy who couldn't fill an auditorium during his campaign could get a historical record number of votes in the actual election.

Not to mention a metaphorical, tropical rainstorm of suspicious activity and outright contradictions to historical precedent in elections and just plain common sense.

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

When Trump went after established Republicans to perpetuate his fraud, a normal person would have been suspicious.

Fraud my arse. Obviously, you do not see a man like Trump that stood up for America and it's citizen's. Instead, you prefer to see and believe what the lying MSM has to say about Trump all the time. Trump was starting to make America great again. Bidumb reversed all of Trump's accomplishments. Thanks to Bidumb, there is now higher fuel prices, empty baby formula shelves, border crisis, crimes on the rise and inflation gone wild in America. Trump did not create those disasters. Bidumb did. 

Trump went after and criticized those many traitors in the Republican party or who are also known as RINO's. It is those RINO's in the GOP that were always trying to make life miserable for Trump when he was the President. I wish that I could say that you were normal, but in all honesty, I cannot. I am very suspicious about you. Just my opinion of you. ?


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22 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Because I believe in business, trade deals, elections, the courts and universities I am a Conservative.

You ... I don't know what you are but you are not like me.  Too bad.

You a conservative? My butt. You give me no good reason to believe that you are a real and true conservative. If you were a conservative you would have come on here and attacked Marxist Trudeau for all that he has and is still doing to Canada and Canadians. I do it all the time here, and way more than you ever have. That is because I am a real conservative. I have attacked the dictator in Ottawa every chance I get, and you have not from what I have noticed so far. 

A conservative would be attacking and mocking everything this Marxist liberal party in Ottawa has been doing for over two years now in this country. Come on, man, let's see you mock and attack and call the puppet on the WEF globalist string out for what he really is. A very dangerous and menace Marxist dictator to Canada and Canadians. I just want to see you say those words just for myself, conservative????????. Well?  

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21 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

1. That's how you authorize voter fraud is it? 
2. By mocking outrage at Trump wanting the RINOs and Neo-con Republicans to support voter integrity and investigate an obviously rigged election.
3. As far as suspicion goes I notice you have none as to how a guy who couldn't fill an auditorium during his campaign could get a historical record number of votes in the actual election.
4. Not to mention a metaphorical, tropical rainstorm of suspicious activity and outright contradictions to historical precedent in elections and just plain common sense.

1. You arrive at the discussion convinced that there IS voter fraud.
2. See #1.  I listened to the Republican governments explaining the integrity of the vote.  As expected, they indicated that the vote was not systematically stolen.  I expected Republicans to listen to their own kind.  Instead, the indoctrinated listened to dear leader.
3. They don't count votes by Covidiots who are willing to pile into to closed spaces to get sick with their fellow cult members.
4. The rainstorm is there on the dark conspiracy sites only, not in common spaces where people examine issues rationally.

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On 6/7/2022 at 12:28 PM, Michael Hardner said:

That seems like about 3% of the total, not huge as a proportion.

So...if it's just small election tampering and cheating...that's ok? Just a case of degrees of impact? Hmmm...

So if I tear out just one of your toenails...that should be ok too?

For someone who claims fealty to institutions...you don't seem to very principled about it.

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. You arrive at the discussion convinced that there IS voter fraud.

Of course there is. The only question is "how much was there in the 2020 American election?"

I would answer, a lot more than you seem able to recognize. I'll give you a pass as a gullible easily swayed by the Regressive left's secretarial pool in the MSM and the post modern narrative though.

BTW, you're no part of a conservative. The reason why not is in the title. "Conserve." The Prog God that pulls the gullibles' strings is for bringing things down around all our ears. They sold you poor saps on the lie they can or even want to "build back better" once they've ripped it all down. Whatever they actually have planned though, it's not "conserving."

Edited by Infidel Dog
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And here's another Democrat found guilty of Election/ballot crimes.  Michael J Myers.





A former Congressman from Philadelphia pleaded guilty Monday to charges related to stuffing ballot boxes for Democratic candidates between 2014 and 2018.


And I suspect that these types of cases are a way of building a solid base around the country of established judicial decisions and responses to criminal activity surrounding elections.  In preparation of more serious cases related to the 2020 election.  

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