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What Big Tech’s Response to Russia Really Tells Us

Luz P.

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revived discussions of the foreign policy significance of the U.S. tech industry. Companies like Apple, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Meta have either threatened to shut down or have entirely shut down services in Russia. While immediate reactions have celebrated these companies for taking an active role in condemning the invasion and the ensuing humanitarian disasters, there are also some troubling implications when a few tech companies can conspire to shutdown critical digital services for an entire nation. These companies are so powerful that, if they were to cut services within the United States, we would be living in a digital desert. As long as a few companies have this much power, the old question remains: who watches the watchmen?



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It's a legitimate concern.


If companies like "Apple, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Meta" shut down maybe the internet would go all wild westy again like it was in the early 2000s.

I liked that.

It reminds me of that old song:

Got along without ya

before I met ya 

Gonna get along without ya now.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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It’s a very serious issue. A small percentage of the population may easily transition to a life without big tech, but for most it would hurt a lot.  Enough to comply with whatever edict that might be imposed on them.  

But then there is the new digital currency that most of the G7 nations, and the West, want to replace their money system with.
 It was bad enough when Canadians had their bank accounts frozen because they were involved in protests that were deemed illegal by the federal government.  No judge had ruled, no arrests been made.  But these folks could no longer buy food.

But with a ‘digital currency’ the government would have even more control over our lives.  And who watches the watchers?  Nobody, that’s what was demonstrated in front of our noses during the bank account seizures.

And since most of the people are simply sheeple today, or useless eaters, then they’ll comply with any edict to keep the food coming.  


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4 hours ago, Luz P. said:

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revived discussions of the foreign policy significance of the U.S. tech industry. Companies like Apple, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Meta have either threatened to shut down or have entirely shut down services in Russia. While immediate reactions have celebrated these companies for taking an active role in condemning the invasion and the ensuing humanitarian disasters, there are also some troubling implications when a few tech companies can conspire to shutdown critical digital services for an entire nation. These companies are so powerful that, if they were to cut services within the United States, we would be living in a digital desert. As long as a few companies have this much power, the old question remains: who watches the watchmen?



The big globalist tech industry is totally in a panic mode and are totally scared to death of Putin. This is why these cowardly pro censorship liars in the tech industry had to shut down RT.com because they were too frightened that too many people would be able to still get the other side of the story that those cowards don't want we the peasants to learn or know about when it comes to the Russian side of the story.

To know one side of the story, is to know nothing at all. We the peasants are only allowed to get one side of the MSM big tech globalist pro censorship side of the story, and not the other alternative media side of the story. Censorship is alive and well today, and it is only going to get worse. 

But thanks to Elon Musk buying out Twitter, there may finally be no more globalist leftist lieberal controlled censorship left on Twitter. Now anyone who belongs to Twitter can get both sides of a story for a change. From my understanding, the left is going bonkers over this buy out. It would appear as though leftist lieberal wokeism is now dead on Twitter. 

A victory for free speech. ☺️ A big loss for censorship. ?

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4 hours ago, sharkman said:

It’s a very serious issue. A small percentage of the population may easily transition to a life without big tech, but for most it would hurt a lot.  Enough to comply with whatever edict that might be imposed on them.  

But then there is the new digital currency that most of the G7 nations, and the West, want to replace their money system with.
 It was bad enough when Canadians had their bank accounts frozen because they were involved in protests that were deemed illegal by the federal government.  No judge had ruled, no arrests been made.  But these folks could no longer buy food.

But with a ‘digital currency’ the government would have even more control over our lives.  And who watches the watchers?  Nobody, that’s what was demonstrated in front of our noses during the bank account seizures.

And since most of the people are simply sheeple today, or useless eaters, then they’ll comply with any edict to keep the food coming.  


Mooo... LOL

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It tells me they're idiots. They let their fear of condemnation cut off data and opinions from the other side. They could have cashed in on a much larger audience and thus profit from encouraging information from all people who wanted to participate.


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