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Elon Musk Buys Twitter

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Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated, I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential — I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.

Elon Musk

Well well well...looks like Twitter will become a site for ALL opinions and ALL facts.

This, of course, concerns the hell outta most of the media.



This deal is dangerous for our democracy. Billionaires like Elon Musk play by a different set of rules than everyone else, accumulating power for their own gain. We need a wealth tax and strong rules to hold Big Tech accountable.


Dangerous for Democracy Lizzy?...you dried up old prune. Where was this danger for the last 6 years? You dumb-ass skeleton.

LIBBIES: How many times have I and others told you...you morons started a war you can't win. The right wing may not be as hormonally imbalanced as you lot...we may not gang together for nice screams at the sky...or call burning whole swaths of towns down, "peaceful protests"...but we have 2 things you sick, blackhearts never will...

Truth and Morals.

Have a warm and fuzzy day...Twitterverse...LOL.

Edited by Nationalist
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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You know... You just need to Google before you post...


"On the left, Senator Elizabeth Warren has called repeatedly for using antitrust enforcement to inject competition into the tech space."



Ya know...I don't care. Pocahontas is a sell-out. Like many I've seen lately.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

You're admitted that you were wrong about something?  I have.  It feels great.

What feels great is the prospect free speech being reintroduced to the internet. 

This sick utopian dream of globalist crap is crumbling. CNN is a fading and CNN+ is a 300 million dollar failure. Europe is being torn apart by the edicts of the EU.  Here in Canada our PM is an international joke.

I am enjoying watching Libbies squirm and whine. To me the icing on top would be to see Trump win a second term in 2024 an Pixie-Dust utterly destroyed. 

Logical come-upins...was always inescapable. 

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

What feels great is the prospect free speech being reintroduced to the internet. 

This sick utopian dream of globalist crap is crumbling. CNN is a fading and CNN+ is a 300 million dollar failure. Europe is being torn apart by the edicts of the EU.  Here in Canada our PM is an international joke.

I am enjoying watching Libbies squirm and whine. To me the icing on top would be to see Trump win a second term in 2024 an Pixie-Dust utterly destroyed. 

Logical come-upins...was always inescapable. 

Yes, let's encourage the free speech aspect of it but then have those 'libs' focus on Decultivating religious people's irrational thinking instead. I'm not sure how we can succeed competing against those who believe intrinsically in deception as the Conservatives do though. The anti-liberal campaign that you hold is also troubling given you don't actually believe in 'free speech' per se. In fact, it IS your extremist ways of thinking that has created the fear of misinformation given you pander to dumbing people down more in order to manipulate them easier. 

What pisses me off most here is that the political extremes of the Right to BE cultural puritanicalists make them MORE dangerous then the collective fascists that infiltrate the Left. Those 'Libbies' you complain about also think like you....they just figured out how to CAPITALIZE on joining up with the Left, not because they believe in liberal democracy but precisely because they SHARE the same intolerance of those arrogant religious nuts on the Right like you. They are only on the 'Left' to as a tentative decision. The problem with politics here is the fucking religious people who think in terms of 'cults'. Unfortunely, for the actual majority of INDIVIDUALS not tied to one of your cults, we have no fucking representation anywhere. 

Edited by Scott Mayers
Added to a sentence and fixed a spelling error.
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3 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

Yes, let's encourage the free speech aspect of it but then have those 'libs' focus on Decultivating religious people's irrational thinking instead. I'm not sure how we can succeed competing against those who believe intrinsically in deception as the Conservatives do though. The anti-liberal campaign that you hold is also troubling given you don't actually believe in 'free speech' per se. In fact, it IS your extremist ways of thinking that has created the fear of misinformation given you pander to dumbing people down more in order to manipulate them easier. 

What pisses me off most here is that the political extremes of the Right to BE cultural puritanicalists make them MORE dangerous then the collective fascists that infiltrate the Left. Those 'Libbies' you complain about also think like you....they just figured out how to CAPITALIZE on joining up with the Left, not because they believe in liberal democracy but precisely because they SHARE the same intolerance of those arrogant religious nuts on the Right like you. They are only on the 'Left' to as a tentative decision. The problem with politics here is the fucking religious people who think in terms of 'cults'. Unfortunely, for the actual majority of INDIVIDUALS not tied to one of your cults, we have no fucking representation anywhere. 

Well gee whiz Scotty...this might even make sense...were I religious.

That's right son...i belong to no man's religion. Not Christian, Jew nor Muslim. Not even Budhism.

But do keep trying son. Hell your first half-sentence was on the mark.

Swing...an' a miss...

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11 hours ago, Nationalist said:

1. What feels great is the prospect free speech being reintroduced to the internet. 

2. This sick utopian dream of globalist crap is crumbling.

3. CNN is a fading and CNN+ is a 300 million dollar failure. Europe is being torn apart by the edicts of the EU.  Here in Canada our PM is an international joke.

4. I am enjoying watching Libbies squirm and whine. To me the icing on top would be to see Trump win a second term in 2024 an Pixie-Dust utterly destroyed. 


1. But you are putting your faith in a man, not a principle that all are to follow.  Where in our laws does it say that someone should be allowed to own 'speech' ?
2. Well... ok but every billionaire is bought in to globalism.
3. Yes, these are all things that are happening.  But ... are you saying FOX (international globalist media) is thriving ?  That Sweden and Finland and Switzerland are not getting closer to Europe ?  That Biden, Macron, Johnson and Putin are all respected ?
4. You have been sold on a fake game that you think is reality.  They are all playing you.  Some of them want you to kick your national institutions to the curb because it serves their interests.

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16 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. But you are putting your faith in a man, not a principle that all are to follow.  Where in our laws does it say that someone should be allowed to own 'speech' ?
2. Well... ok but every billionaire is bought in to globalism.
3. Yes, these are all things that are happening.  But ... are you saying FOX (international globalist media) is thriving ?  That Sweden and Finland and Switzerland are not getting closer to Europe ?  That Biden, Macron, Johnson and Putin are all respected ?
4. You have been sold on a fake game that you think is reality.  They are all playing you.  Some of them want you to kick your national institutions to the curb because it serves their interests.


1. "The First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause affords special protection to certain places traditionally open for speech activities, such as sidewalks and public ways, placing a heavy burden on any government attempt to restrict speech in what the Court has identified as “traditional public fora.” But even in a public forum, the government may impose reasonable restrictions on the time, place, or manner of protected speech—so-called time-place-manner restrictions—provided those restrictions are justified without reference to the content of the regulated speech, that they are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and that they leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information." - https://www.law.cornell.edu/supreme_court_of_the_united_states_2013–2014_term_in_review/first_amendment_freedom_of_speech

The question becomes, 'Have Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc...cut any number of US citizens, from access to a forum in which to express their opinions? Also...have they instituted restrictions on free speech, with complete justification without reference to the content of the regulated speech? Have they "funnelled" their platforms to "tailor" them to serve a political interest?

In all cases, the answer to these questions supply an obvious venue for indictment of Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc...on 1st Amendment grounds.

2. Every business person will, if they are doing their job, take advantage of cost cutting. It is the government's responsibility to regulate the advantage such that the advantage is clearly a benefit to it's citizenry.

3. I'm saying that "The World's News Source" is now the world's news media joke. I'm also saying that CNN has engaged in self-inflicted wounds with their willingness to lie consistently. That FOX News is one of the few main stream media sources which presents an America First policy instead of the all to common Liberal First policy. Hence...FOX News is thriving.

I'm not sure about Switzerland but Sweden and Finland are engaged again with NATO. Perhaps the Russians have them a tad concerned?

Biden, Macron, Johnson and Putin are respected by some. Trump, LePen, and I'm sure there's some Brit and Russian who are respected by some. What's your point?

5. And I would expect nothing less from you. But the jig is up. There's enough hard evidense now to clearly show these vaunted institutions are...working at cross purposes to the general well being of the population. In essence...they've GROSSLY overplayed their power and must be 'cut off at the knees' before they sell out the last remnants of what it is to be Canadian...or American.

The Libbies started this "culture war". And I'm sorry but...I am not in the habit of running from a fight...and I do not like to lose.

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If anyone believes Corporations are for anything but profits, I suggest they stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Musk will do whatever’s best for the bottom line and a high ROI.

But the rhetoric is solid and what most want to hear. I do like the idea of getting rid of bots, let’s see if he follows through…

Edited by Luz P.
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2 hours ago, Luz P. said:

If anyone believes Corporations are for anything but profits, I suggest they stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Musk will do whatever’s best for the bottom line and a high ROI.

But the rhetoric is solid and what most want to hear. I do like the idea of getting rid of bots, let’s see if he follows through…

Agreed. The bots should be redone to simply crawl through posts for people breaking the law. Death threats and that sort of nonsense.

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Somewhere along the line, Americans lost sight of founding free speech principles, and I would hope that the Twitter acquisition by Musk will help restore some bedrock tenets in the private and public square:



I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Evelyn Beatrice (Voltaire's biographer)


And yes, that includes hate speech...sorry Canada.   Twitter will still have content limits for economic and legal reasons, but causing "progressive" meltdowns should not be one of them.

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38 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

1. I would hope that the Twitter acquisition by Musk will help restore some bedrock tenets in the private and public square:



2. And yes, that includes hate speech...sorry Canada.  

3. Twitter will still have content limits for economic and legal reasons, but causing "progressive" meltdowns should not be one of them.

1. Agree
2. Disagree
3. Hmmmm

MOSTLY agree... and good to see you 

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In the late 1990s, the DOJ (under Clinton) took Microsoft to court under Anti-Trust legislation - (Windows/Internet Explorer).

Bill Gates wasted a lot of time in this litigation.

Then, Warren Buffet bought the Washington Post. (Buffett became friends with Gates and loved private equity.)

Later, Buffett sold the Washington Post to Bezos.

Musk has realized too late that a seat at the table is expensive. 

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23 hours ago, Nationalist said:
On 4/26/2022 at 1:25 AM, Scott Mayers said:

Yes, let's encourage the free speech aspect of it but then have those 'libs' focus on Decultivating religious people's irrational thinking instead. I'm not sure how we can succeed competing against those who believe intrinsically in deception as the Conservatives do though. The anti-liberal campaign that you hold is also troubling given you don't actually believe in 'free speech' per se. In fact, it IS your extremist ways of thinking that has created the fear of misinformation given you pander to dumbing people down more in order to manipulate them easier. 

What pisses me off most here is that the political extremes of the Right to BE cultural puritanicalists make them MORE dangerous then the collective fascists that infiltrate the Left. Those 'Libbies' you complain about also think like you....they just figured out how to CAPITALIZE on joining up with the Left, not because they believe in liberal democracy but precisely because they SHARE the same intolerance of those arrogant religious nuts on the Right like you. They are only on the 'Left' to as a tentative decision. The problem with politics here is the fucking religious people who think in terms of 'cults'. Unfortunely, for the actual majority of INDIVIDUALS not tied to one of your cults, we have no fucking representation anywhere. 


Well gee whiz Scotty...this might even make sense...were I religious.

That's right son...i belong to no man's religion. Not Christian, Jew nor Muslim. Not even Budhism.

But do keep trying son. Hell your first half-sentence was on the mark.

Swing...an' a miss...

I was commenting on your ignorance about where the problems originally lie: the right and those, like Trump, who believe intrinsically in deception. Extreme capitalists believe in exploiting what another doesn't know and what they can get out of them in terms of profiting on the deception. As such, your anti-liberal campaign is a fraud given the faults that lie on the Left are due to those who are aslo 'Nationalistic' (the original reference of this refers to one's FAMILY, race or clan, ...their 'nationality', not their 'pride of country' that patriotism refers to.) The problem of democracy is that people regardless of which side of politics they are on are PREDOMINANTLY 'nationalists' and this nationalism is what is creating the problems on the left as MULTIPLE groups. The Right is being 'capitalized' by the extremes who believe in ONLY serving their own....which defaults to minimally mean, one's tribal or racial associations. 

Trump's success of getting stupid people to follow him like blind obediant sheep is based upon a form of religiousity itself. And the deception that is favored there is what Putin recognized and is not exploiting himself. ...because of the 'success' of the Right to prove that lying is functionally able to prevent people from determining what is or is not true or real. This is intended. 

And you can't blame Communism for it given both Russia and Ukraine are 'capitalists' now. [Their own problems begun when they transfered to private property given only the leaders had the power to choose WHO gets the properties] 


As to this topic, the free speech extreme is fine for me but your assumption of the fault is deeper than the mere collectivism of those cults on the left who rob the 'democratic' power from the independent individuals there, ...especially the poor who have no religion or 'nationality' they associate with. This is true of the Right too but they are just more minimalized to the fewer BUT MORE POWERFUL cults that agree in general to PROMOTE religion. 


I am FOR some forum to be 'free' but it is unlikely regardless. Elon Musk is known to have shut out (ie, ''censored") those who disagree with him which raises questions about whether he would change that. Also since his belief in 'ownership' is absolute too, there is NO guarantee nor means to assure whether he WOULD support real 'free speech',...certainly if it threatens his own power. We are all still required to 'have FAITH' in those like Musk to NOT abuse such power. But even just the fact of his wealth status suffices to assure us that he becames successful by excessive exploitation. [You can't become a Billionaire without this, regardless of where you sit politically).

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16 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

I was commenting on your ignorance about where the problems originally lie: the right and those, like Trump, who believe intrinsically in deception. Extreme capitalists believe in exploiting what another doesn't know and what they can get out of them in terms of profiting on the deception. As such, your anti-liberal campaign is a fraud given the faults that lie on the Left are due to those who are aslo 'Nationalistic' (the original reference of this refers to one's FAMILY, race or clan, ...their 'nationality', not their 'pride of country' that patriotism refers to.) The problem of democracy is that people regardless of which side of politics they are on are PREDOMINANTLY 'nationalists' and this nationalism is what is creating the problems on the left as MULTIPLE groups. The Right is being 'capitalized' by the extremes who believe in ONLY serving their own....which defaults to minimally mean, one's tribal or racial associations. 

Trump's success of getting stupid people to follow him like blind obediant sheep is based upon a form of religiousity itself. And the deception that is favored there is what Putin recognized and is not exploiting himself. ...because of the 'success' of the Right to prove that lying is functionally able to prevent people from determining what is or is not true or real. This is intended. 

And you can't blame Communism for it given both Russia and Ukraine are 'capitalists' now. [Their own problems begun when they transfered to private property given only the leaders had the power to choose WHO gets the properties] 


As to this topic, the free speech extreme is fine for me but your assumption of the fault is deeper than the mere collectivism of those cults on the left who rob the 'democratic' power from the independent individuals there, ...especially the poor who have no religion or 'nationality' they associate with. This is true of the Right too but they are just more minimalized to the fewer BUT MORE POWERFUL cults that agree in general to PROMOTE religion. 


I am FOR some forum to be 'free' but it is unlikely regardless. Elon Musk is known to have shut out (ie, ''censored") those who disagree with him which raises questions about whether he would change that. Also since his belief in 'ownership' is absolute too, there is NO guarantee nor means to assure whether he WOULD support real 'free speech',...certainly if it threatens his own power. We are all still required to 'have FAITH' in those like Musk to NOT abuse such power. But even just the fact of his wealth status suffices to assure us that he becames successful by excessive exploitation. [You can't become a Billionaire without this, regardless of where you sit politically).

So...if I read this correctly...you figure conservatives live by deception? That a "nationalist" is nothing more than a racist? If this is what you think...

I'm afraid you've shown your TDS affliction. Tell me...what deception do you figure Trump employed? Was it the work his administration did to improve conditions for black Americans?  For Latinos or even women? Those denominations faired pretty well under Trump. So which clan might we be talkin' 'bout here?

TDS is a strange condition. I've never understood it. But it appears to have driven you to make some pretty wild assumptions. 

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51 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

So...if I read this correctly...you figure conservatives live by deception? That a "nationalist" is nothing more than a racist? If this is what you think...

I'm afraid you've shown your TDS affliction. Tell me...what deception do you figure Trump employed? Was it the work his administration did to improve conditions for black Americans?  For Latinos or even women? Those denominations faired pretty well under Trump. So which clan might we be talkin' 'bout here?

TDS is a strange condition. I've never understood it. But it appears to have driven you to make some pretty wild assumptions. 

Don't know what your "TDS" stands for. I'm not affiliated with any party and prefer the American's First Amendment clause that separates church and state. Favoring 'culture' is just a con to PREVENT us from adopting that separation. That's why we have a system that predominantly protects the Catholic school system. By the way, our system is shunned in the U.S. (as well as other countries) precisely for permitting what they call, "vouchers" for the Catholics to transfer their tax dollars away from the normal public school system (or to those other cults that the Catholics permit). 

The 'deception that is intrinsic' to the Right refers to the literal ideology that conserves wealth by any means. We advertise with lies, utilize TRICKS to get people to buy as though this is appropriate behavior placing the onus on the ones being conned to require finding means to NOT be conned alone. Thus, yes, the Right believes intrinsically based upon their philosophy. You promote a right to DECEIVE because it is ONLY by such that enables one to take more than they give. The term 'profit' means "more than fit", for instance. 

Trump used deceptive language with utmost extremes by very intention to steal the election. He used clever indirect methods of manipulation. [I even know what his particular Machivellian tactics are and what sources he is using based upon his methods. They are like someone knowing how a magician does his (or her) tricks!]

Putin has recognized this and why he too is exploiting deception so faithfully now. He has learned from the Rightwingers of this world just how effective gaslighting and other deceptive tactics are. He is practicing one major tactic: being so BOLD as to threaten the whole world with nuclear annihilation. He is the perfect Right-wing capitalist now wiliing to treat the world like it is some 'game' just for fun. 


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6 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

Don't know what your "TDS" stands for. I'm not affiliated with any party and prefer the American's First Amendment clause that separates church and state. Favoring 'culture' is just a con to PREVENT us from adopting that separation. That's why we have a system that predominantly protects the Catholic school system. By the way, our system is shunned in the U.S. (as well as other countries) precisely for permitting what they call, "vouchers" for the Catholics to transfer their tax dollars away from the normal public school system (or to those other cults that the Catholics permit). 

The 'deception that is intrinsic' to the Right refers to the literal ideology that conserves wealth by any means. We advertise with lies, utilize TRICKS to get people to buy as though this is appropriate behavior placing the onus on the ones being conned to require finding means to NOT be conned alone. Thus, yes, the Right believes intrinsically based upon their philosophy. You promote a right to DECEIVE because it is ONLY by such that enables one to take more than they give. The term 'profit' means "more than fit", for instance. 

Trump used deceptive language with utmost extremes by very intention to steal the election. He used clever indirect methods of manipulation. [I even know what his particular Machivellian tactics are and what sources he is using based upon his methods. They are like someone knowing how a magician does his (or her) tricks!]

Putin has recognized this and why he too is exploiting deception so faithfully now. He has learned from the Rightwingers of this world just how effective gaslighting and other deceptive tactics are. He is practicing one major tactic: being so BOLD as to threaten the whole world with nuclear annihilation. He is the perfect Right-wing capitalist now wiliing to treat the world like it is some 'game' just for fun. 


TDS...Trump Derangement Syndrome. Its bad and I'm afraid...you got it.

I asked you to show or exemplify the "deceptions" Trump employed...you can't answer with anything more than..."deceptive language". Yet can you site any of this "deceptive language"? Not as yet.

Can you explain the great Russia Russia Russia campaign? How about Schiff's constant lies about said non-issue? Or Pelosi and her Ukrainian phone call BS? Or the seething lie that the January 6th riot was some sort of "insurrection"?

There are a few "truths" about messaging. One of the main ones is that everything you hear about products, be they a coffee maker or a politician, the message will be crafted to accentuate the positive and ignore the negative. Hence the saying, "Buyer beware".

Catholic schools are not a problem and they are certainly not predominantly protected. The public school system consistently tries to do away with them and private schools.

Try living in REALITY. Its not easy but, the challenge is what makes it satisfying.

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10 hours ago, August1991 said:

Honestly. Is Twitter worth US $45 billion?

The market cap of McDonalds is about US $180 billion.


What is Musk buying?  

Ad revenue.

MacDonalds has a massive number of employees to pay, they pay utilities and taxes on properties all over the world, they buy all kinds of food, process it, ship it around, pay for marketing, etc. Their costs are quite high. If every poster here pooled all of our money we probably couldn't afford to buy all the straws that they use in a month. 

Twitter is on everyone else's phone/computer. They use their own electricity to go on Twitter. Then they look at ads and Twitter gets money for it. It's a pretty sweet deal for Twitter. 

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