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World Economic Forum (WEF) Influence on Canadian Policy

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Based on what though?  If a Green Energy Project fails does that mean that all Green Energy Projects will fail?

No. The video I watched on the WEF website does not mention what will back up all those wind turbines and solar panels. And the numbers they show are confusing. Other articles on the same website claim Germany breaks a record with 85% of energy supplied by renewables. Sounds really impressive until you read that it was just for one day. All those wind turbines take up a lot of space and have a limited lifespan. I have nothing against solar panels on rooftops either. It's just the fact we generally have to heavily subsidize them,much more than the actual cost of the electricity. 

Yes get rid of the coal fired plants and go nuclear. But that's unlikely to happen.

Disadvantages of Wind Energy | TurbineGenerator

I wish I had more answers instead of questions.

Currently, only a tiny fraction of solar panels are recycled due to the expense of taking them apart and the lack of recycling infrastructure in the United States, so most end up in landfills.

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4 minutes ago, ironstone said:

No. The video I watched on the WEF website does not mention what will back up all those wind turbines and solar panels. And the numbers they show are confusing. Other articles on the same website claim Germany breaks a record with 85% of energy supplied by renewables. Sounds really impressive until you read that it was just for one day. All those wind turbines take up a lot of space and have a limited lifespan. I have nothing against solar panels on rooftops either. It's just the fact we generally have to heavily subsidize them,much more than the actual cost of the electricity. 

Yes get rid of the coal fired plants and go nuclear. But that's unlikely to happen.

Disadvantages of Wind Energy | TurbineGenerator

I wish I had more answers instead of questions.

Currently, only a tiny fraction of solar panels are recycled due to the expense of taking them apart and the lack of recycling infrastructure in the United States, so most end up in landfills.

I think these are all important questions before placing blind faith in a guy who tells you how smart he is. 

Maybe start by having him answer the basic questions, such as how we are going to move to this corporate led utopia without killing a bunch of people due to lack of heat in their homes or lack of food

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That kind of superficial green strategy, building solar and wind turbines everywhere, would be costly and ensure dependence on fossil fuel to offset when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.  Nuclear and hydro are more realistic sources, but we need to retain a secure supply of oil and gas or we risk our very survival.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

So there's supposedly no, zero, zip, zilch, nadda connection between the World Economic Forum and the Canadian Government. Then why are they spearheading a digital ID program for international Air travel that's being adopted by the Canadian government? 


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4 minutes ago, West said:

So there's supposedly no, zero, zip, zilch, nadda connection between the World Economic Forum and the Canadian Government.

The question isn't whether there's a connection.  In a global economy, the Canadian is "connected" and "influenced" by a countless host of outside factors.  

The real question is why you keep wetting your pants over Charles Schwab and the WEF?  It's just another version of the Illuminati, the Free Masons or the Deep State - vague shadowy bogeyman for the conspiracy clowns to natter about.  

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5 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The question isn't whether there's a connection.  In a global economy, the Canadian is "connected" and "influenced" by a countless host of outside factors.  

Lobbyist influence has long been a factor, so of course there is influence.  Canada rises above the US in limiting the influence of hard money in this regard.  

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The question isn't whether there's a connection.  In a global economy, the Canadian is "connected" and "influenced" by a countless host of outside factors.  

The real question is why you keep wetting your pants over Charles Schwab and the WEF?  It's just another version of the Illuminati, the Free Masons or the Deep State - vague shadowy bogeyman for the conspiracy clowns to natter about.  

No the real question is whether or not the World Economic Forum should have any influence at all. In this case should the World Economic Forum develop a platform to store a bunch of data on the world's citizens? 

To control travel is basically to control commerce. After the past few years of tech and governments being able to shut off essentials for "unacceptable views" (not crime or terrorism but for simply stating that a vaccine isn't reasonable grounds for termination from employment), then yes I think we should all be concerned about foreign entities having a monopoly on travel and by extension commerce. 

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

Lobbyist influence has long been a factor, so of course there is influence.  Canada rises above the US in limiting the influence of hard money in this regard.  

In this case they are developing the platform and essentially will have a monopoly on travel and by extension all commerce. 

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8 minutes ago, West said:

No the real question is whether or not the World Economic Forum should have any influence at all. 

Question it all you want, but whatever conclusions you make and want to present need to be based on real stuff, rather than made-up conspiracy trash.  

10 minutes ago, West said:

In this case should the World Economic Forum develop a platform to store a bunch of data on the world's citizens? 

Develop a platform along with a bunch of governments and travel authorities.  Maybe.  I don't really know.  You're pretty vague on details here (as usual) and haven't really explained what's so awful about this and why the WEF in particular is such a nefarious partner.  

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18 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Question it all you want, but whatever conclusions you make and want to present need to be based on real stuff, rather than made-up conspiracy trash.  

Develop a platform along with a bunch of governments and travel authorities.  Maybe.  I don't really know.  You're pretty vague on details here (as usual) and haven't really explained what's so awful about this and why the WEF in particular is such a nefarious partner.  

... a third party controlling commerce. You don't see any potential issues with that?

Not vague at all. You just lack any critical thinking ability. 

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2 hours ago, West said:

In this case they are developing the platform and essentially will have a monopoly on travel and by extension all commerce. 

Doesn't Facebook already have all the data on you ?  And since they sell it to many corporations, then they all do ? 

That's oligopoly I think

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2 hours ago, West said:

... a third party controlling commerce. You don't see any potential issues with that?

That's the conclusion you draw from this - that the WEF would control all travel and commerce?  Explain the process to me here. Please.


The leap in logic you make there is about....5000 miles long.  

2 hours ago, West said:

Not vague at all. You just lack any critical thinking ability. 

I'm asking questions for which you obviously don't have answers.

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5 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

That's the conclusion you draw from this - that the WEF would control all travel and commerce?  Explain the process to me here. Please.

But... firstly... explain the motivation.  Why do they want to do this, or to try to do this ?  

If it's actually to be taken literally 'control' rather than just 'profit from' then I am at square 1 on the playing board, which is "Why ?"

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6 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

That's the conclusion you draw from this - that the WEF would control all travel and commerce?  Explain the process to me here. Please.


The leap in logic you make there is about....5000 miles long.  

I'm asking questions for which you obviously don't have answers.

Are you serious? A third party, at the direction of the World Economic System would control the development of a third party Digital ID system for travel. 

An organization that believes that race based hiring and wealth redistribution are essential are going to control a system which allows people to travel. 

After what we've witnessed where corporations can develop one sided "terms of service" why should we not ask the basic questions? 

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1 minute ago, West said:

Are you serious? A third party, at the direction of the World Economic System would control the development of a third party Digital ID system for travel. 

Why is the WEF in control, rather than a joint venture by all parties involved, who'd be bound by electronic privacy laws in both Canada and Europe?  

1 minute ago, West said:

After what we've witnessed where corporations can develop one sided "terms of service" why should we not ask the basic questions? 

Ask the questions, by all means.  If you're going to make conclusions, however, you have to be able to explain them properly, rather than referring vaguely to other unrelated issues that have little/nothing to do with this one - especially when the conclusions you draw on those other issues are equally poorly explained and rationalized.   

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3 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Why is the WEF in control, rather than a joint venture by all parties involved, who'd be bound by electronic privacy laws in both Canada and Europe?  

Ask the questions, by all means.  If you're going to make conclusions, however, you have to be able to explain them properly, rather than referring vaguely to other unrelated issues that have little/nothing to do with this one - especially when the conclusions you draw on those other issues are equally poorly explained and rationalized.   

Why is the WEF involved at all? 

Poorly explained eh. No you just lack any ability to think critically

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14 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

That's the conclusion you draw from this - that the WEF would control all travel and commerce?  Explain the process to me here. Please.

There are people who can describe the process to you. They've been studying it since Agenda 30 was called Agenda 21.

Here's Rosa Koire with a taste, for example:


The goal of Agenda 21 is ultimately one world government total control from a central unit.   The aim is to destroy representative Government and move it into Government by unelected Boards and Commissions.  The EU have already moved to that position, it is an erasure of jurisdictional boundaries, an erasure of national boundaries that is the goal.  You cannot just impose globalisation in one movement you have to do it incrementally and the way to do that is through regionalisation.

Every nation that signed up to Agenda 21 has its own Local Agenda 21 plan (from global to local) through public/private partnerships.  The way it is implemented on the ground is through the joining together between Corporations, Non-Governmental organisations and Governments in order to cut out the individual voter and take it to a level that we literally cannot penetrate – this is already far progressed in Europe. 

The 3 pillars of UN Agenda 21 are Economy, Ecology and Equity – everyone believes they know what that means the idea of social equity must mean everyone is going to have access to clean water and clean air and no one’s property is going to be used as the dumping ground because they are at poverty level – but what social equity is really about is impoverishing huge portions of the population and bringing down developed nations.   

The idea that something this drastic, this radical is happening world wide without people knowing what is happening seems far fetched but all you have to do is look at austerity measures, restrictions on transfer of wealth, additional restrictions on land use lack of ability to produce your energy, your water your industry all of this is happening in developed nations, so when you have your infrastructure attacked like this it is going to have a tremendous impact on your ability to prosper, everything we are looking at right now is destined to collapse our economies, this is a corporatocracy, a totalitarian state being developed right now all over the world.  

What major corporations want in this fascist development is to be able to have full movement of workers without borders, to be able to move their goods without restrictions and to reduce wages and so this is the goal of social equity.  This is a plan to exploit and control to have populations tightly packed in condensed areas, such as smart cities where they can be easily surveilled monitored and managed.

The people in rural areas will step by step have their services cut, energy cut, school services cut, libraries and banks closed, roads neglected or turned to gravel cutting you off, you will have to move into the town or city and then pretty soon you will have the “wildlands project” which is predicated on moving people out of the rural areas.”

There are links to more information at the bottom of the article Here.

The UN's Agenda 30/21, the EU, The WEF - all different parts of the same animal.

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Just now, West said:

Why is the WEF involved at all? 

Why not?  Maybe they thought it was a good idea and other people agreed.  Why are we worried about the WEF being involved again?  I'm still waiting on an answer for that.  

Just now, West said:

Poorly explained eh. No you just lack any ability to think critically

I'm asking questions and you can't answer any of them.  

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Why not?  Maybe they thought it was a good idea and other people agreed.  Why are we worried about the WEF being involved again?  I'm still waiting on an answer for that.  

I'm asking questions and you can't answer any of them.  

I'm worried about any third party being the gatekeepers to international borders. Why would you not be?

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Just now, West said:

I'm worried about any third party being the gatekeepers to international borders. Why would you not be? 

Sure, but you can't explain how they'd end up being the actual gatekeepers.  Rather than it being a joint effort between the Netherlands and Canada (and other partners that join), why is the WEF the one in charge?  

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Sure, but you can't explain how they'd end up being the actual gatekeepers.  Rather than it being a joint effort between the Netherlands and Canada (and other partners that join), why is the WEF the one in charge?  

Your joking right? 

A prime example would be the banks. They can lock down your account without any sort of due process. People during the protest had their accounts locked down for the crime of giving to a charity that the government doesn't approve of.

So if, say, they ask for access to your Facebook, your Gettr, your Gab for "safety" and maybe you made a comment about Trudeau being a man-child and they see that as an "unacceptable view", what's stopping them from locking down your passport and not allowing you to leave? 

They'll claim its not a "charter violation" because companies can set their own terms of service...

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4 minutes ago, West said:

A prime example would be the banks. They can lock down your account without any sort of due process. People during the protest had their accounts locked down for the crime of giving to a charity that the government doesn't approve of.

Okay, what does that have to do with the WEF?  

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