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Canada at the start of Delta dominated fourth Covid wave, so get vaccinated to save lives.

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Do you understand that even though those 12 to 50 year olds may not have died or even hospitalized (even though recently there are increasing number of young healthy people in hospitals due to Delta) BUT they could still transmit the virus to more vulnerable crowd of over 60 years or is it too hard to understand?

1) You didn't acknowledge that you understand what I told you. It's important for you to be able to think for yourself C_2015. Getting citizenship here is just a worthless passport swap if you're not going to think for yourself. You may as well be back in China or Iran where the gov't 'tells', and you just STFU and think what you're told to think.

2) Do you understand that the dbl-vaccinated are carrying covid at the same rate as the unvaxxed? 

Like I said before, they're not vaccinating kids to save them from covid, and they're not vaccinating them to stop them from spreading covid. Right now, dbl-vaxxing kids does 2 things:

1) It makes lobbyists (Big Pharma) a shitload of money 

2) It pads the vaccines' stats

Scientifically, it doesn't do anything. It is only known to do those two things that I mentioned



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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

"Pro-vaxxers" is an alternative way of saying "the people who believe everything that they are told without question."


Just remember - the Gov't of Ontario published a study that said that 92% of Ontarians who got sick with covid between Dec 14th and Aug 7th were unvaxxed, and they promote it as if it means something.



And anti-vaxers those who believe nothing rejecting all available scientific data and advice from best of expertise in the field and see it as a big conspiracy by all governments and experts to get a shot into their arms.

Why we have to go that far. Lets look at data since they start publishing on vaccinated versus unvaccinated (past few weeks). Roughly 70% of new infections and over 95% of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated who are less than a third of population of Ontario.

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) You didn't acknowledge that you understand what I told you. It's important for you to be able to think for yourself C_2015. Getting citizenship here is just a worthless passport swap if you're not going to think for yourself. You may as well be back in China or Iran where the gov't 'tells', and you just STFU and think what you're told to think.

2) Do you understand that the dbl-vaccinated are carrying covid at the same rate as the unvaxxed? 




Just to clarify 2015 in my name is the year I joined this forum as I have mentioned many times and it has nothing to do with citizenship. I am myself analyzing data and scientific evidence and reach my own conclusion. And I listen to those who are well known researchers in the field (as I am myself a researcher in a different field so I know a thing or two about data and publications)

May be so if since unvaccinated are infected at a greater rate then the risk of passing the virus by unvaccinated people is equally greater.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

And anti-vaxers those who believe nothing rejecting all available scientific data and advice from best of expertise in the field and see it as a big conspiracy by all governments and experts to get a shot into their arms.

That's just bullshit C2015 and you know it.

When I said the stats that the gov't of Ontario was pushing were bullshit I was 100% right.

If you have a beef what I said then state your case then do so, don't just make snotty insults.


Why we have to go that far. Lets data data since they start publishing on vaccinated versus unvaccinated (past few weeks). Roughly 70% of new infections and over 95% of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated who are less than a third od population of Ontario.

The Ont gov't was just proven to be intentionally deceptive. Did you look through that study to see if it was deceptive or did you just post their next round of stats without questioning them whatsoever? Let me guess, it's the latter.

Can you paste these latest, most excrement stats, C2015? 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

That's just bullshit C2015 and you know it.

When I said the stats that the gov't of Ontario was pushing were bullshit I was 100% right.

If you have a beef what I said then state your case then do so, don't just make snotty insults.

The Ont gov't was just proven to be intentionally deceptive. Did you look through that study to see if it was deceptive or did you just post their next round of stats without questioning them whatsoever? Let me guess, it's the latter.

Can you paste these latest, most excrement stats, C2015? 

I have posted available stats from Ontario every day the latest being today where it said 80% of new infections and 96% of hospitalization and 97% of ICUs are among unvaccinated people.

On Saturday, the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table reported that vaccination continues to massively reduce risk of infection, hospitalization and ICU admission.

They calculate full vaccination generates an 86 per cent relative reduction in risk of infection, 96 per cent relative reduction in risk of hospitalization and a 97 per cent relative reduction in risk of ICU admission.


This is more or less compatible with daily cases reported and I have pasted them from other sources in Ontario.

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Just to clarify 2015 in my name is the year I joined this forum as I have mentioned many times. I am myself analyzing data and scientific evidence and reach my own conclusion.

1) OK then you tell me what it means to you when the gov't of Ontario posts 'stats' based on data collected between Dec 14th and Aug 7th of that year, and acts like there are some conclusions to be drawn from them? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN TO YOU C2015?

2) What do you think about the people who sad :"HCQ kills people and turns them blind, but the vaxxes that come out will be safe and effective"? It turns out that they lied about the first part, and they also lied about the second part, because the vaxxes are responsible for thousands of deaths. 

3) What do you think about the people who said that the vaccines would give us herd immunity, who have now walked their claim back to "they'll still allow the spread of covid just as fast as being unvaccinated does, but it will make it less likely for you to die."

4) What do you think about the study form Israel that shows that 60% of people in hospital with covid are dbl-vaxxed? 

Right now, from what I see, you're choosing to disregard most of everything, and just focus on some new study from the Ont Gov't after their first study was shown to be bogus. That's some pretty bizarre cherry-picking. You're like a woman who only trusts Bill Cosby to get her drinks. 

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I have posted available stats from Ontario every day the latest being today where it said 80% of new infections and 96% of hospitalization and 97% of ICUs are among unvaccinated people.

On Saturday, the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table reported that vaccination continues to massively reduce risk of infection, hospitalization and ICU admission.

They calculate full vaccination generates an 86 per cent relative reduction in risk of infection, 96 per cent relative reduction in risk of hospitalization and a 97 per cent relative reduction in risk of ICU admission.


This is more or less compatible with daily cases reported and I have pasted them from other sources in Ontario.

You're extremely eager to just put their sordid past behind you and focus on their juicy new shit. That's alarming.

Did you actually think about this before you started regurgitating it? I bet that you didn't.

Just for shits and giggles, how many times do you have to catch them lying before you start to question them?


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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) OK then you tell me what it means to you when the gov't of Ontario posts 'stats' based on data collected between Dec 14th and Aug 7th of that year, and acts like there are some conclusions to be drawn from them? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN TO YOU C2015?

I don't see any issue with that. Vaccinations in Ontario started in December and by August 7 about likely 70% of eligible population was vaccinated so lets say on average about 30 to 40% were vaccinated in that period on average and they calculated infections in that period among the 60 to 70% unvaccinated. What is the problem?

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26 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

That's not what I read. Already posted this link today, but this is for those who don't habla.

Israel was down to a handful of daily COVID cases
CBC News, Sept. 1 2021
Israeli health officials reported what appeared to be a waning efficacy of the vaccine, including among those who had been double vaccinated. Data showed that of the serious cases being admitted to hospital, around 60 per cent of patients were people who had been fully vaccinated.

As I posted yesterday:

COVID cases have risen steadily since mid-July in Israel. The government says that's mainly among unvaccinated children, but there are some breakthrough infections as well. 

Taking a sample from August 16, 2021:

154.7 severely ill patients in Israel were unvaccinated.

48.4 severely ill patients were partially vaccinated

And 19.8 severely ill patients were fully vaccinated


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49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) You didn't acknowledge that you understand what I told you. It's important for you to be able to think for yourself

Why would you advocate that when you're incapable of it yourself?

None of you has been able to suggest a reason why the entire medical and scientific world and every government as well as all mainstream media would collude in some kind of massive deception just to get you to wear a mask and have a vaccination. Give me a reason. Give me the motivation. Tell me how they could keep a conspiracy involving hundreds of millions of participants secret. Tell me how they even organized it.

Edited by Argus
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1 minute ago, Argus said:

As I posted yesterday:

COVID cases have risen steadily since mid-July in Israel. The government says that's mainly among unvaccinated children, but there are some breakthrough infections as well. 

Taking a sample from August 16, 2021:

154.7 severely ill patients in Israel were unvaccinated.

48.4 severely ill patients were partially vaccinated

And 19.8 severely ill patients were fully vaccinated


I'll go with CBC news in September, thanks. The data clearly shows a serious problem, that the "vaccine" does not last very long.

Not as you claimed-

1 hour ago, Argus said:

by far most of the cases are from the unvaccinated

not any more.

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15 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I'll go with CBC news in September, thanks. T

Oh, suddenly the CBC is the more credible news source! LOL

Well, here's another one you'll love. It explains that 60% figure for you.

Vaccinated Israelis, like White Americans, are older as a group than unvaccinated Israelis. And that’s why they’re going to the hospital at a rate higher than you might naively hope. Among Israeli adults under 50, as of Aug. 15, 3.5 million were vaccinated and 1.1 million were not. That’s still a considerable number of vaccine holdouts. Among those 3.5 million vaccinated younger people, just 11 were hospitalized — about three per million. Meanwhile, of the unvaccinated in this age range, 43 were in the hospital, or 39 per million.

Now look at the population 50 and older. There are 2.1 million vaccinated Israelis over 50, and 290 were in the hospital Aug. 15. That’s 136 per million, a rate that dwarfs anything younger people are experiencing. And unvaccinated older Israelis? There are very few people in that category: just 186,000. But of that group, 171 were hospitalized — a grievously higher rate of 919 per million. In the older population, vaccinated people were less than one-sixth as likely to be hospitalized as the unvaccinated.

(Since Aug. 15, the picture has changed somewhat: Israel now has more unvaccinated hospitalized patients than vaccinated hospitalized patients, possibly related to the rollout of booster doses at the end of July.)


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1 hour ago, Winston said:

Questions pertaining to group testing data, transmission of viral load data, total infection data and underlying conditional medical infection data should be publicly addressed. 

I wish I could answer the mechanism question, but without more specific data this is difficult. 

For a private citizen it would be good enough, but for those claiming to be experts in the full knowledge of the situation? I don't think so. Either there's a huge change in the behavior of the epidemics, to think of it, over 100% jump in serious cases, all factors equal; or something interesting is going on with the data itself. And in either case, to leave it just so for the public to guess, can be seen as: unprofessional; misleading; and one could think, not compatible with the duties delegated and expected by the public, whose paycheck they receive.

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17 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

What a handwaving argument. Covid has always preferentially killed the elderly. Every virus would. Its the same demographic. 

Yes, and it's preferentially killing the elderly who are unvaxxed over the elderly who are vaxxed, and younger people who are unvaxxed over younger people who are vaxed.

What it was NOT doing was preferentially killing young, healthy, unvaxxed people over old, infirm people who are vaxed.

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17 minutes ago, Argus said:

What it was NOT doing was preferentially killing young, healthy, unvaxxed people over old, infirm people who are vaxed.

Sixty percent of people in hospital in Israel are double-vaxxed. Not like you said “majority are unvaccinated” at all.

Covid isnt a big threat to people who are healthy, of any age. Those who are unhealthy are at risk, of any age.


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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

More transmissible as well. By 60% more transmissible. Now you have all your answers.



By my calculation 1 X 100% of the population (when all were unvaccinated and we had the less transmissible strain) is more than 1.6 X 20%  (when only 20% are unvaccinated and you have the Delta strain  - which according to you is 60% more transmissible)

In other words, I still have no explanation.


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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I don't see any issue with that. Vaccinations in Ontario started in December and by August 7 about likely 70% of eligible population was vaccinated so lets say on average about 30 to 40% were vaccinated in that period on average and they calculated infections in that period among the 60 to 70% unvaccinated. What is the problem?

What is the problem???

I guess part of the problem is that you still don't get it? And that now you're interpreting the data with ridiculously flawed logic?

Hint: there wasn't even 1 person in Ontario that was dbl-vaxxed for the first two months of the study, and those are the two peak months for every flu season. There were 14M people who weren't dbl-vaxxed during those two months. Do you get it?

When people start to wear mittens, it's flu season. When people start to wear sunscreen, the flu drops off the map. 

By the time that there were a significant number of people who had been dbl-vaxxed and gone through the 14-day period at the end, the flu season was already in sharp decline.

Look for yourself at the covid numbers for both 2020 & 2021 (look at 'Daily New Cases in the United States' at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/). Covid infections in 2020 followed the exact same annual trend as the seasonal flu - high in fall and winter and declining sharply through spring and summer. Covid in summer of 2020 was next to nothing. 

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50 minutes ago, cougar said:

By my calculation 1 X 100% of the population (when all were unvaccinated and we had the less transmissible strain) is more than 1.6 X 20%  (when only 20% are unvaccinated and you have the Delta strain  - which according to you is 60% more transmissible)

In other words, I still have no explanation.


My guess is that it’s the same group of people before and after the vaccines came out who are being infected. They do not follow reasonable precautions, and have a superstitious fear of western medicine.

I’m saying its predominantly the same group of people, and the virus is now more infectious. 

All the others, majority, were never at high risk and now that they’re vaxxed, makes no difference.

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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

All the others, majority, were never at high risk and now that they’re vaxxed, makes no difference.

If you have a huge percentage of vaccinated people and they supposedly do not transmit the virus, we should be seeing a drop in overall infections - simply there will be less susceptible people interacting with one another and passing the infections along.

If the vaccinated still get the virus and transmit it, what are they complaining about?  They should let the unvaccinated be. 

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Why would you advocate that when you're incapable of it yourself?

None of you has been able to suggest a reason why the entire medical and scientific world and every government as well as all mainstream media would collude in some kind of massive deception just to get you to wear a mask and have a vaccination. Give me a reason. Give me the motivation. Tell me how they could keep a conspiracy involving hundreds of millions of participants secret. Tell me how they even organized it.

Big Pharma is one of the biggest lobbyists in the western world. This wasn't the first big push to get everyone vaccinated against the 'big, bad seasonal flu'. 

How did the WHO get everything so wrong when they only have 1 fucking job, and it's a job that almost any mom on the planet would have dne better at in 2020? 

Why did the ridiculous pangolin theory remain so popular when there was a BSL4 lab right beside the wet market that was testing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses? Why was it so fucking racist to even talk about the lab leak theory?

Why are 12 year olds being vaccinated when they aren't at risk from covid and they can still carry the virus anyways? 

Can you tell me how leftists somehow knew in advance that HCQ was going to kill people when that hadn't been the case for 60+ years? They were wrong about that, but who cared? Why did two of the world's largest and 'most-respected' medical journals public fake science to discredit HCQ? "Uh, due to privacy concerns, we can't back any of that shit up." Where was the coverage of that? Where was the anger when 'science' lied? How many times has 'science' been wrong now?

Can you imagine if the leftists who went berserk to discredit HCQ the second that they heard about it had put that same level of effort into fighting covid back in January of 2020? C19 wouldn't have had a chance in hell to get here. Instead of telling people to ride the subway like normal they'd be telling them to find alternative modes of transportation or even stay home whenever possible. Instead of telling them not to wear masks they'd say keep your mouth and nose covered at all times. Instead of calling travel restrictions against people coming out of China "racist" they would have been very keen to stop the virus at its source. Instead of putting out a video about how awesome it is to hug strangers in a huge crowds in Chinatown, Pelosi would have been promoting all races to fight covid together. We would have kept our N95s here at the beginning of the outbreak but we still don't have access to them. Weird. Why doesn't our country try to start manufacturing them? We earmarked $900M for We Charity instead of making an N95 mask facility. No one gave a fuck. Why?

Can you tell me how those exact same leftists somehow knew in advance that the hastily prepared and not properly tested vaccines were going to be perfectly safe? They were wrong about that. Lots of people died. But we never really heard the anecdotes about those deaths. The MSM was silent. That's weird, because the MSM just LOVES covid stories. They go out of their way to find covid stories to talk about, but when young healthy people were killed by the vaxx it wasn't a story. Why? They told us about a 59 yr-old dude from England who 'had no underlying health conditions' and died from covid. Anecdotes are a big deal. But we have to ignore vaxx death stories. Stories about teenage jocks who got extremely serious side-effects from the jab are not for public consumption. 

Can you tell me where the rumour that Trudeau was a covid hero came from? He told Canadians "covid won't get here". Then he gave away all of our PPE. When we still had no covid here he let tens of thousands of people fly in from covid hotspots and wander freely without screening, quarantine, masks, or any other measures to protect Canadians. Our medical experts told us not to wear masks. He turned his nose up at American vaxxes, put us at the back of that lineup, then he had to poach 2,000,000 vaxxes from the 3rd world charity pool. Canada has the world's 39th-largest population, we're 189th in pop density, we're an ocean away from the origin of covid, but we were in the top ten to hit 5,000 covid deaths. Trudeau held press conferences with fake C19 safety (he was socially distanced but maskless MSM stooges huddled together under a tent to film his propaganda). Trudeau told people not to cross provincial borders then he went to Quebec a week later. He said that Canadians have to Quarantine when they came back to Canada then he didn't quarantine himself. Trudeau literally botched every single facet of covid defence imaginable, but he has unfalteringly been proclaimed a covid hero from the onset. How is that not some kind of conspiracy?

The vaxxes were pimped as safe (lie), they'd get us to herd immunity (lie), vaxxed carry far less covid (lie - vaxxed and unvaxxed carry covid at the same rate), they said that dbl-vaxxed people dont get very sick (that'a a lie, they were dying right from the beginning), we get bogus science discrediting competing treatments (why the fuck would we be against testing other means of fighting covid?), our government puts out misleading stats to promote the vaxx...


I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm reminding you of all the things that you already know, and putting them together in a post. Just look at all that shit and try to tell me that you're not sick of getting lied to......

The only thing that you know for sure is that Big Pharma is winning the war on turning the seasonal flu vaccine into a mandatory shot, and that people between the ages of 12 and 59 have to get the jab to pump up the vaccines' success stats. 

What else do you actually know for certain Argus? What can you tell me that you'd bet your life on? 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Big Pharma is one of the biggest lobbyists in the western world. This wasn't the first big push to get everyone vaccinated against the 'big, bad seasonal flu'. 

How did the WHO get everything so wrong when they only have 1 fucking job, and it's a job that almost any mom on the planet would have dne better at in 2020? 

Why did the ridiculous pangolin theory remain so popular when there was a BSL4 lab right beside the wet market that was testing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses? Why was it so fucking racist to even talk about the lab leak theory?

Why are 12 year olds being vaccinated when they aren't at risk from covid and they can still carry the virus anyways? 

Can you tell me how leftists somehow knew in advance that HCQ was going to kill people when that hadn't been the case for 60+ years? They were wrong about that, but who cared? Why did two of the world's largest and 'most-respected' medical journals public fake science to discredit HCQ? "Uh, due to privacy concerns, we can't back any of that shit up." Where was the coverage of that? Where was the anger when 'science' lied? How many times has 'science' been wrong now?

Can you imagine if the leftists who went berserk to discredit HCQ the second that they heard about it had put that same level of effort into fighting covid back in January of 2020? C19 wouldn't have had a chance in hell to get here. Instead of telling people to ride the subway like normal they'd be telling them to find alternative modes of transportation or even stay home whenever possible. Instead of telling them not to wear masks they'd say keep your mouth and nose covered at all times. Instead of calling travel restrictions against people coming out of China "racist" they would have been very keen to stop the virus at its source. Instead of putting out a video about how awesome it is to hug strangers in a huge crowds in Chinatown, Pelosi would have been promoting all races to fight covid together. We would have kept our N95s here at the beginning of the outbreak but we still don't have access to them. Weird. Why doesn't our country try to start manufacturing them? We earmarked $900M for We Charity instead of making an N95 mask facility. No one gave a fuck. Why?

Can you tell me how those exact same leftists somehow knew in advance that the hastily prepared and not properly tested vaccines were going to be perfectly safe? They were wrong about that. Lots of people died. But we never really heard the anecdotes about those deaths. The MSM was silent. That's weird, because the MSM just LOVES covid stories. They go out of their way to find covid stories to talk about, but when young healthy people were killed by the vaxx it wasn't a story. Why? They told us about a 59 yr-old dude from England who 'had no underlying health conditions' and died from covid. Anecdotes are a big deal. But we have to ignore vaxx death stories. Stories about teenage jocks who got extremely serious side-effects from the jab are not for public consumption. 

Can you tell me where the rumour that Trudeau was a covid hero came from? He told Canadians "covid won't get here". Then he gave away all of our PPE. When we still had no covid here he let tens of thousands of people fly in from covid hotspots and wander freely without screening, quarantine, masks, or any other measures to protect Canadians. Our medical experts told us not to wear masks. He turned his nose up at American vaxxes, put us at the back of that lineup, then he had to poach 2,000,000 vaxxes from the 3rd world charity pool. Canada has the world's 39th-largest population, we're 189th in pop density, we're an ocean away from the origin of covid, but we were in the top ten to hit 5,000 covid deaths. Trudeau held press conferences with fake C19 safety (he was socially distanced but maskless MSM stooges huddled together under a tent to film his propaganda). Trudeau told people not to cross provincial borders then he went to Quebec a week later. He said that Canadians have to Quarantine when they came back to Canada then he didn't quarantine himself. Trudeau literally botched every single facet of covid defence imaginable, but he has unfalteringly been proclaimed a covid hero from the onset. How is that not some kind of conspiracy?

The vaxxes were pimped as safe (lie), they'd get us to herd immunity (lie), vaxxed carry far less covid (lie - vaxxed and unvaxxed carry covid at the same rate), they said that dbl-vaxxed people dont get very sick (that'a a lie, they were dying right from the beginning), we get bogus science discrediting competing treatments (why the fuck would we be against testing other means of fighting covid?), our government puts out misleading stats to promote the vaxx...


I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm reminding you of all the things that you already know, and putting them together in a post. Just look at all that shit and try to tell me that you're not sick of getting lied to......

The only thing that you know for sure is that Big Pharma is winning the war on turning the seasonal flu vaccine into a mandatory shot, and that people between the ages of 12 and 59 have to get the jab to pump up the vaccines' success stats. 

What else do you actually know for certain Argus? What can you tell me that you'd bet your life on? 

Good summary. There is so much that has happened.

Argus et al naively think this requires conspiracy. Maybe there is one, there surely are powerful financial forces that would like the covid emergency to keep going. Human greed is surely a factor.

Edited by OftenWrong
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12 minutes ago, cougar said:

If the vaccinated still get the virus and transmit it, what are they complaining about?  They should let the unvaccinated be. 

Here's the deal with covid. If you're saying things that promote covid fear, or provide support for Big Pharma's vaxxes, you get a star. It's not enough to get vaxxed yourself now, you have to try to ostracize people who don't mindlessly follow the bizarre new message of the day, every day. 

If you own a business and you want to keep it open, you need to enact a bunch of COVID SAFETY rules and put mentions of covid in people's faces at every opportunity.

Make rules like "If people lean on this railing at the ballpark, you have to sanitize it". Ding! You can play baseball now!

Or: "All the people who come to the grocery store have to walk in and out through the same set of doors, the other ones will spread covid!"

Or: "You can riot and loot without spreading covid, but you can't sit on your own blanket in the park."

The Covid Karens are Big Pharma's useful idiots. 

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2 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Good summary. There is so much that has happened.

Argus et al naively think this requires conspiracy. Maybe there is one, there surely are powerful financial forces that would like the covid emergency to keep going. Human greed is surely a factor.

I think that 2020 was 'the perfect storm' for covid hysteria. (I think that the age of the baby boomers is also a factor that I hadn't even considered until I was near the end of this very post. The baby boomers have always sparked 'the new economic trend" such as toys in the '50s, cars in the '60s & '70s, etc, and now they're at the 'oldies requiring vaccines' stage of life.)

1) There was anti-Trump hysteria, and covid was just another way to attack Trump. And like everything else, the accusations didn't have to make sense, they just had to be believed or you were a racist. 

2) China was pissed off at Trump, and the Chinese gov't had their own guy installed as the head of the WHO. What better time for a virus to leak out that kills old, fat people (aka yank-boomers). 

3) Big Pharma has always wanted the seasonal flu jab to be mandatory, but the nurse's union fought them off successfully when they got to their high-water mark previously. They know that if they can get the vaxx into the 12-59 yr old demographic they can pump out some sweet-looking stats. 

4) The MSM's ability to control people in 2019 was through the roof. Never before were as many Americans as easily led around by the nose as they were during the collusion delusion. 

5) Boomers - see above

6) The tough thing about speaking out against covid hysteria is that everyone was shit-scared of saying the wrong thing just in case all of the liars were right. When the Karens in the MSM kept yelling "it kills everyone" we could see the stats ourselves: the avg age of death was 78 and in most cases there was 1 or more co-morbidity, but it's hard to give advice that could be fatal if it eventually turned out to be wrong


The vaxx companies can be wrong though. They can literally kill you and get away with it. You still have to sign a waiver to take their shit, and as soon as the stats come in that say 'the jab isn't working' they can say "Delta threw us a curve. Theta threw us a curve. The I Ata Pi threw us a curve. Tau threw us a curve..." Soon they'll be on to Swahili, then Cyrillic, then Chinese characters, then they'll finally just use the dollar sign and tell us to stfu and take the jab. 


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