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Canada at the start of Delta dominated fourth Covid wave, so get vaccinated to save lives.

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Since modern digital man is entirely dependant on technology to exist, it makes sense that the majority put such faith in Glaxo-Smith-Kline et al. Silver bullet, that's a good one. We're praying for that miracle.

Yet it is baffling that we didn't take other steps to mitigate the damage of the virus. Those are still problems that could be dealt with and could improve our situation. Yet they weren't done. Presumably the politicos felt they were too expensive, not worth it. But that can't be it. The cost of societal harm is far greater. But that is going to be in the long term, so would be a problem for the next government to solve.  Another example how democracy  fails, in emergencies. In communist China, the government is the government now and tomorrow.

Therefore, De-mockracy.

Or is it more than just human stupidity that fails us. Is there malevolent intent to make sure these conditions persist for as long as possible? Who would benefit from that... answer- follow the money. Yep, please do that ye stooges.

Other than that I have no explanation.



Canada has truly become a "De-mockracy" country alright. Sadly, the majority of the stupid Canadians out there have allowed this to happen. Other than that I have no explanation also. ?

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47 minutes ago, taxme said:

"A $3,000 fine for not wearing a mask and showing symptoms". Why not make it $10,000 and a year in jail?

Because in my view it's a reasonable personal, that is, not uniform, indiscriminate and arbitrary accountability for irresponsible personal behavior that can seriously endanger others. Yes, there's any number of precedents and in my view, in contrast to indiscriminate measures of questionable legal grounds and efficiency, would be entirely justifiable.

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It’s time to shift the focus away from preventing the spread at all costs to treating the illness.  Singapore is doing this.  It’s probably the only way to lift restrictions and return to normal:

it is most likely as of now that countries will reach an alternative epidemiological endpoint, where COVID-19 becomes endemic and societies decide—much as they have with respect to influenza and other diseases—that the ongoing burden of disease is low enough that COVID-19 can be managed as a constant threat rather than an exceptional one requiring society-defining interventions. One step toward this endpoint could be shifting the focus of public-health efforts from managing case counts to managing severe illnesses and deaths. Singapore’s government has announced that it will make this shift, and more countries may follow its lead.20”

(from McKinsey and Company)

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

Here in BC, globalist comrade Bonnie Henry is back. As of Sept. 13, anyone who is not vaccinated will not be allowed to live and enjoy their lives anymore. If someone is not vaccinated they will not be allowed to enter sports events, casinos, restaurants, concerts and other venues. The non vaccinated will be forced to stand outside and only be able to look inside.

Just like in communist countries. If one is not a member of the communist party and pay their dues, then they are treated like second class scum. Welcome to communist Canada. Who would have ever thought that in just two years, Canada would become a communist country? 

Just when I thought that we had finally got rid of all of the BC covid emergency act nonsense, the biotch has brought it back again. I said and knew that this was going to happen. Just wait until fall gets here. Apparently, the biotch Henry could not wait until the fall. She had to do it right now or piss her globalist panties waiting. Impatient girl indeed. Now my biggest thrill in life will be a days trip to the grocery store or Walmart. 

This is discrimination par excellence and will be accepted and allowed here in BC. Why don't our traitorous politicians just tear up the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in front of us all and be done with it. They do hate freedom loving Canada, don't you know. 

Who ever thought that we would ever see the day in Canada where there would be two sets of class people. The vaccinated and the non vaccinated. This has now become a war between those lying comrade globalist politicians and their lying in bed with the MSM and we the people. Who will win in the end? I have to hope it will be the latter. ?



I thought that she said there was no way they will ever have a vaccine passport in BC.

No vaccine passports in B.C's future: Dr. Bonnie Henry

 May 25, 2021
Vaccine passports aren’t something B.C.’s top doctor sees in this province’s future. “This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports for services with public access here in British Columbia,” provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said.
She said that it’s her view, but it also has support from the Premier, the health minister and others.

“I do think it will be something that will be necessary to support international travel,” she said. “That is something we're working with our colleagues at the Public Health Agency at the federal level to make sure that Canadians have access to travel in the same way that other countries do as well. But it would not be my advice that we have any sort of vaccine passport within British Columbia.”

I was actually impressed with this when I first read it, but not at all surprised that she has since changed her tune. That';s how they do things, see. First a nice-sounding lie, then later explain how they just gotta do it for a little while you know, until things get better. Once they've got that in there is when the heavy pounding really starts.

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14 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s time to shift the focus away from preventing the spread at all costs to treating the illness.  Singapore is doing this.  It’s probably the only way to lift restrictions and return to normal:

... shifting the focus of public-health efforts from managing case counts to managing severe illnesses and deaths. Singapore’s government has announced that it will make this shift, and more countries may follow its lead.20”

(from McKinsey and Company)

When it'll become even more and absolutely unavoidably obvious (and some more public dozens of billions are spent in a permanent struggle) they'll make the shift here too. Not to worry, you are in good hands - if only because there aren't any others.

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23 hours ago, myata said:

Because in my view it's a reasonable personal, that is, not uniform, indiscriminate and arbitrary accountability for irresponsible personal behavior that can seriously endanger others. Yes, there's any number of precedents and in my view, in contrast to indiscriminate measures of questionable legal grounds and efficiency, would be entirely justifiable.

Why don't you just admit that you are a communist and be done with it. There is nothing reasonable or just about fining anyone for not wearing a mask. Do you believe in choice and freedom or not? To force people to wear a face diaper mask all day long is criminal. Masks will eventually make respiratory problems for those who have to wear a mask all day long. 

After tests were taken on grownups and children's face diaper masks after they had been forced to wear a face diaper mask for eight hours, all kinds of unhealthy bacteria were found to be sitting on those masks. The grownups and children were breathing in bad bacteria back into their lungs. Instead of breathing in 100% pure oxygen, they were only breathing in 50% oxygen, the rest that they were breathing in was their own released carbon dioxide. Humans were not meant to live solely on carbon dioxide. They were meant to breathe in 100% oxygen. It is crazy people like you that keep this mask bull chit going. You have nothing to offer anyone but sickness and death. Just my opinion of course. ?

And don't forget to take the many booster shots that will be coming to your town very soon. Enjoy these wonderful conversations that we are having together. Sadly, they won't be lasting very longer for you. You may soon not be around, if what I have been reading and listening to is true. Just saying.  ?


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16 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I thought that she said there was no way they will ever have a vaccine passport in BC.

No vaccine passports in B.C's future: Dr. Bonnie Henry

 May 25, 2021
Vaccine passports aren’t something B.C.’s top doctor sees in this province’s future. “This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports for services with public access here in British Columbia,” provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said.
She said that it’s her view, but it also has support from the Premier, the health minister and others.

“I do think it will be something that will be necessary to support international travel,” she said. “That is something we're working with our colleagues at the Public Health Agency at the federal level to make sure that Canadians have access to travel in the same way that other countries do as well. But it would not be my advice that we have any sort of vaccine passport within British Columbia.”

I was actually impressed with this when I first read it, but not at all surprised that she has since changed her tune. That';s how they do things, see. First a nice-sounding lie, then later explain how they just gotta do it for a little while you know, until things get better. Once they've got that in there is when the heavy pounding really starts.

The biotch lied to us all again. Bonnie is a psychopathic liar. When she told us all that there would be no vaccine passports here in BC, that was a signal that there would be vaccine passports coming soon. 

The good news is that on one of my websites that I enjoy visiting is called awakecanada and action4canada. Apparently, comrade globalist Bonnie Poo thinks that she can get away with forcing vaccine passports on we the people, but she cannot. And besides, didn't just Bonnie Poo recently rescinded pretty much all of the covid emergency act orders a couple of months ago. Now the liar is trying to bring them back but it will not work.

It's all just a bluff folks to try and get those not vaccinated, vaccinated. I guess that the liar is not getting enough money from her dividends that she has with big pharma. It's all about the money with her, don't you know.  I recommend to all here to go visit awakecanada and action4canada websites. Just saying. ?

PS: Now the liar has once again forcing people to have to wear masks indoors in public places. This lying pos needs to be arrested and charged and jailed for her crimes against BC'rs and crimes against humanity. Nothing less will do. Works for me! 

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4 hours ago, taxme said:


All in all, I don't think we can overlook or play down the importance of this issue. Imposition of mandatory in fact if not letter continuous vaccinations without broad debate and consensus in the society, especially matter-of-factly, by rule or policy could be tantamount to a departure from the principles of democracy. We dreamed our way right up here, instead of creating an active and vigorous democratic system where important and critical decisions are made with participation of citizens and in their interests. The events of a century back could have been a wake up call. But we preferred to keep dreaming.

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7 hours ago, myata said:

All in all, I don't think we can overlook or play down the importance of this issue. Imposition of mandatory in fact if not letter continuous vaccinations without broad debate and consensus in the society, especially matter-of-factly, by rule or policy could be tantamount to a departure from the principles of democracy. We dreamed our way right up here, instead of creating an active and vigorous democratic system where important and critical decisions are made with participation of citizens and in their interests. The events of a century back could have been a wake up call. But we preferred to keep dreaming.

Or they knew all about the social problems their shutdowns would create, but didn’t give a ****. Money is what really matters. Thats why they arent investing in anything like more covid treatment facilities.

That doesn’t stop them from virtue signalling about how wonderful they are, with the hair and the smiles and weeping for causes de jour, that some punk tweeted and went viral, but all that noble effort is just hot air.


Like my pappy said, These people think their crap don’t stink, but their farts give them away.


Edited by OftenWrong
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8 hours ago, myata said:

All in all, I don't think we can overlook or play down the importance of this issue. Imposition of mandatory in fact if not letter continuous vaccinations without broad debate and consensus in the society, especially matter-of-factly, by rule or policy could be tantamount to a departure from the principles of democracy. We dreamed our way right up here, instead of creating an active and vigorous democratic system where important and critical decisions are made with participation of citizens and in their interests. The events of a century back could have been a wake up call. But we preferred to keep dreaming.

We will never get broad consensus on vaccination because there is a core of anti-vaxxers who do not listen to reason.  I know several of them personally.  I tried to talk to several and it is like beating your head against a brick wall.  Some of them are Dutch immigrants and some are their children.  Others are not Dutch.  One boasts he proudly will not put a poison in his body.  This is something the rest of us, perhaps 90% of the population, will just have to live with.  I don't believe in mandatory vaccination for the general public, but I believe certain professions, occupations, and companies, medical profession, should make vaccination mandatory.  So let's not waste time worrying about them or trying to convince those kind of people.  It is a waste of time and energy.  I believe the government that is mandating vaccination for health care workers and certain others is doing the right thing.  I think if Canada achieves 85% or more they will be doing well.  But we may have to live with Covid in our society indefinitely.  I don't see any reason why it will disappear when we have people including unvaccinated children who will continue spreading it.  That means masks, social distancing, and certain restrictions will exist indefinitely.

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

We will never get broad consensus on vaccination because there is a core of anti-vaxxers...

This is not about labeling people who think differently but finding an accommodation and compromise so both can coexist. This is what we're famous for after all. Is it what we really are though, in fact and reality, or is it only another self-painted pretty myth in a piping dream?

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Latest data in Ontario on the effectiveness of vaccines:

Elliott said that of the 781 new cases, 634 involved people who were unvaccinated or had only one dose, while 147 involved fully vaccinated people.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated people make up 34 per cent of Ontario’s population but 81 per cent of Friday’s cases.

The latest, continuously updated Ontario data indicates vaccination is associated with massive relative risk reductions in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and possible ICU admission.



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This notion that not enough people are infected to lift restrictions, whether through getting the virus or vaccines, is the biggest pandemic-related problem that we face.   There’s a vocal segment of society who will push for continued restrictions because their threshold for vaccination rates and safety are unreasonably high.  Sadly, they are in our public health authorities and governments, so unless this group is essentially overridden, expect to live under restrictions forever.  

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Elliott said

If vaccinations are as effective as said, arbitrary restrictions have to come down. Either they're coming down and the method is effective as claimed. Or something is wrong with the claims. Both aren't credible at the same time. Saying it is not doing it and showing it.

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12 minutes ago, myata said:

If vaccinations are as effective as said, arbitrary restrictions have to come down. Either they're coming down and the method is effective as claimed. Or something is wrong with the claims. Both aren't credible at the same time. Saying it is not doing it and showing it.

Did you read the data? Apparently you don't read or think even about the data before you post!!!!. Data released said that 81% of new infections are among the 34% unvaccinated people as well as overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths. 

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That would be arithmetical and physical impossibility because the fraction of vaccinated (all types) in Ontario is approximately 75% (all ages), another 15% are children under 12 (with very low rate of serious complications) another unknown but likely significant part is non vaccinated recovered from Covid. That would make way over 90% of population with very strong (if claims to be believed) protection against Covid and there would be no reasons to keep arbitrary and unjustified restrictions in place (no matter the amount of exclamations).

So nonsense and bull seems to be the only argument. OK, thanks that much is clear. And that is information in its own right.

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4 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Latest data in Ontario on the effectiveness of vaccines:

Elliott said that of the 781 new cases, 634 involved people who were unvaccinated or had only one dose, while 147 involved fully vaccinated people.

Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated people make up 34 per cent of Ontario’s population but 81 per cent of Friday’s cases.

The latest, continuously updated Ontario data indicates vaccination is associated with massive relative risk reductions in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and possible ICU admission.



The cited data indicates that more unvaccinated individuals are hospitalized than fully vaccinated individuals. More fully vaccinated individuals are hospitalized than partially vaccinated individuals. This data supports partial vaccination status not full vaccination. Based on the data, one is better off being partially vaccinated.  If I were to guess, this data does not provide enough detail to support such a ridiculous claim. The data would need to include age, underlying medical conditions and severity of condition. 

A vaccinated person, with underlying medical conditions should not be measured against a healthy unvaccinated person with no underlying medical conditions. 

A vaccinated person who is 80 years old, should not be measured against a unvaccinated person who is 30 years old. 

If unvaccinated young individuals entire the ICU with no underlying medical conditions, this is far more concerning than elderly individuals entering the ICU with underlying medical conditions. 


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4 minutes ago, Winston said:

This data supports partial vaccination status not full vaccination. Based on the data, one is better off being partially vaccinated. 

No this is not true. Please analyze data carefully before posting misleading conclusions.

There are far more fully vaccinated people in Ontario (83% of eligible people) than partially vaccinated (less than 8.3%). In other words there are 10 times more fully vaccinated people than partially vaccinated people. So if you calculate per population it is far less for fully vaccinated people.

4 minutes ago, Winston said:



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12 hours ago, blackbird said:

We will never get broad consensus on vaccination because there is a core of anti-vaxxers who do not listen to reason.  I know several of them personally.  I tried to talk to several and it is like beating your head against a brick wall.  Some of them are Dutch immigrants and some are their children.  Others are not Dutch.  One boasts he proudly will not put a poison in his body.  This is something the rest of us, perhaps 90% of the population, will just have to live with.  I don't believe in mandatory vaccination for the general public, but I believe certain professions, occupations, and companies, medical profession, should make vaccination mandatory.  So let's not waste time worrying about them or trying to convince those kind of people.  It is a waste of time and energy.  I believe the government that is mandating vaccination for health care workers and certain others is doing the right thing.  I think if Canada achieves 85% or more they will be doing well.  But we may have to live with Covid in our society indefinitely.  I don't see any reason why it will disappear when we have people including unvaccinated children who will continue spreading it.  That means masks, social distancing, and certain restrictions will exist indefinitely.

We the non vaccinated have a right to decide as to what we want to inject into our bodies. No one has the right to force anyone to take any vaccines if they chose not to. We the non vaccinated ones are not against anyone who wants to inject themselves with vaccines, especially experimental gene therapy vaccines, that have not been proven as of yet whether they are safe to take or not. There are plenty of horror stories on the internet about people who have become seriously ill or have died after they took the covid shot. 

I still cannot understand as to why those that are vaccinated are all upset and scared that they will get the covid bug after they have been vaccinated and were already told that once vaccinated they are safe from catching the covid bug from the non vaccinated. Results are starting to show that more people that took the covid vaccines are the ones now getting covid and are now ending up in the hospital with respiratory problems. The non vaccinated are not the ones ending up in the hospitals. 

why the sudden rush now to try and force people to get vaccinated? At one time all we needed was to get 70% of the people vaccinated and then we could all get back to the good old normal days. Then it went up to 80% to get back to normal. now I have heard that the politicians want 90% of the people to get vaccinated to get back to normal. Now it looks like they want to reach 100% before we can be allowed to get back to normal. 

Sweden is the only country that did not do anything about this covid bug. Sweden has had less sick people or deaths compared to Canada who after administering so many vaccinations are still having more people become sick and dying from covid. Hello out there. Are you still going to believe that vaccinations work when so many people are still getting covid after they take the jab. 

This is not and never was about a covid virus bug at all. It was all about trying to get as many fools and suckers out there into a state of fear and panic by their lying politicians to go get take your vaccine jab or you will not be allowed to travel. Nice con job indeed and it worked. 

There will never be an end to having to take vaccines. They are already telling the people out there that everyone will need to take a booster shot every 6 months to pop up you protection from the many covid viruses coming our way. The pro vax people are going to end up having their arms turn black and blue from all of the covid jabs that they will take. And if you do not take your booster shots, then you will not be allowed to travel or enjoy your life just like the non vaccinated now have to learn to do.

We the non vaccinated have now become 2nd class citizen's and are now going to be discriminated against every day of our lives from now on. Sadly, people like you probably could careless as to what happens to the non vaccinated. It will be people like you that will keep this hoax covid virus conspiracy going. Thanks, mac. 

Just remember that comrade Fidel and no doubt many political leaders and their so called health experts and maybe even doctors have investments in big pharma. The more vaccines that they can force on we the people the more money they can make. It's all about the money and nothing more. Wake up, suckers because even though you are vaccinated does not mean that you are safe from those lying politicians and the media. You are just being what is called a bunch of useful idiots whom are willing to go along to get along. The globalists and your politicians could careless about your well being and health. They despise people like you because they now look and see people like you as suckers and fools whom will never question or challenge anything they do. My opinion of course. ?



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3 hours ago, myata said:

If vaccinations are as effective as said, arbitrary restrictions have to come down. Either they're coming down and the method is effective as claimed. Or something is wrong with the claims. Both aren't credible at the same time. Saying it is not doing it and showing it.

The vaccines are not effective one bit. Many people who took the covid vaccine jabs have still ended up getting covid. People like you are being made asses of by your comrade pro globalist politicians every day, and you still do not get it. They do not like you, they despise you. If you keep listening to those communist liars it will be you who will suffer also just as they are now going to try and make the non vaccinated peoples lives suffer. If you think that your comrade political politicians care about you then you have to be one bloody fool.

Sadly, from what I am seeing here, the majority of Canadians are just plain politically stupid. They do not believe that some people should be free from having to take the jab. They will try and blame the up surge in covid numbers and it will be all due to we the non vaccinated. I think that you need to worry more about the vaccinated ones. They are the ones still spreading covid even though vaccinated. Hello out there. Are you trying to get it yet, fools? ? 

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Let's try to think about it objectively, and why not? 1. According to PH statistics, from 66 to 74% are vaccinated in Ontario (depending on fully or partially).

Why the higher number should be taken? Because among the partially vaccinated there would be a significant group with strong natural immunity, by recovering or being exposed to infection, knowingly or not.

2. Next, children under 12 are about 15% of population, with a very small risk of complications.

3. The next group are non vaccinated with immunity protection: Wait, not scary anti aiii!, not yet. For example, those who had Covid or were exposed to it and had it confirmed by a test and for that reason delayed vaccination. And those who do regular testing that confirmed their immunity. We do not know how large this group is (why do we not know it? was it not sufficient time, or public money to find out?) but it has to be significant. The case count in Ontario is close to 5% of the adult population and one can guess that 20-30% of the recovered, so 1-2% of the population can be in this group.

4. And yet another group is non vaccinated (aiiii!!) to whom it cannot be recommended for medical reasons. These people would be very careful and would have a lower risk of infection. Estimate: 1-3% of the population.

By this time we're have approximately 95% of the population with a small risk of complications and we haven't met the anathema "antivaxxer" yet. Hold your breath. Because everyone in the remaining 5% isn't necessarily out to get you, but may for example, just believe that they have naturally strong immunity and made a conscious choice to rely and depend on it.

So how well is the notion "the restrictions must remain because of those scare antivaxxers" is grounded in the facts and reality? Is it still a thinly stretched version of it, or already accomplished nonsense and attempt of manipulation? The decision is yours because these are just numbers and the numbers and logic do not lie. Can the same be said of the bureaucrats protecting their chairs though?


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25 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No this is not true. Please analyze data carefully before posting misleading conclusions.

There are far more fully vaccinated people in Ontario (83% of eligible people) than partially vaccinated (less than 8.3%). In other words there are 10 times more fully vaccinated people than partially vaccinated people. So if you calculate per population it is far less for fully vaccinated people.


So, maybe you can explain to me as to why so many people that have been vaccinated are still getting covid? They are now also spreading covid around and not even know it. So, go ahead, and make your day. ? 

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2 minutes ago, myata said:

Let's try to think about it objectively, and why not? 1. According to PH statistics, from 66 to 74% are vaccinated in Ontario (depending on fully or partially).

Why the higher number should be taken? Because among the partially vaccinated there would be a significant group with strong natural immunity, by recovering or being exposed to infection, knowingly or not.

2. Next, children under 12 are about 15% of population, with a very small risk of complications.

3. The next group are non vaccinated with immunity protection: Wait, not scary anti aiii!, not yet. For example, those who had Covid or were exposed to it and had it confirmed by a test and for that reason delayed vaccination. And those who do regular testing that confirmed their immunity. We do not know how large this group is (why do we not know it? was it not sufficient time, or public money to find out?) but it has to be significant. The case count in Ontario is close to 5% of the adult population and one can guess that 20-30% of the recovered, so 1-2% of the population can be in this group.

4. And yet another group is non vaccinated (aiiii!!) to whom it cannot be recommended for medical reasons. These people would be very careful and would have a lower risk of infection. Estimate: 1-3% of the population.

By this time we're have approximately 95% of the population with a small risk of complications and we haven't met the anathema "antivaxxer" yet. Hold your breath. Because everyone in the remaining 5% isn't necessarily out to get you, but may for example, just believe that they have naturally strong immunity and made a conscious choice to rely and depend on it.

So how well is the notion "the restrictions must remain because of those scare antivaxxers" is grounded in the facts and reality? Is it still a thinly stretched version of it, or already accomplished nonsense and attempt of manipulation? The decision is yours because these are just numbers and the numbers and logic do not lie. Can the same be said of the bureaucrats protecting their chairs though?


You are just so full of hot air. You just keep continuing to parrot the medias lies and bullshit statistics. You have no idea as to what you are talking about. All you go by is what your lying politicians and the lying media keeps telling you. You need to get away from those buffoons and start to do your own homework before you come on here and try to spread untruths. You are not a medical expert or doctor. Personally, I think that you are just another one of those fools out there who can easily be convinced with enough brainwashing that the sky is starting to fall down. LOL. 

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5 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No this is not true. Please analyze data carefully before posting misleading conclusions.

There are far more fully vaccinated people in Ontario (83% of eligible people) than partially vaccinated (less than 8.3%). In other words there are 10 times more fully vaccinated people than partially vaccinated people. So if you calculate per population it is far less for fully vaccinated people.


"Please analyze data carefully before posting misleading conclusions." - They are not misleading if you only look at the raw data cited, but you are correct it is misleading to just use the raw data and that is my point. If Elliott is using raw data, it can be misleading. Using data this way as a method of interpreting vaccination efficiency and infection rate numbers may be incorrect.  

cite https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/case-numbers-and-spread

Unvaccinated 485 ( out of how many were tested?)

Partially vaccinated 83  ( out of how many were tested?)

Fully vaccinated 147 ( out of how many were tested?)

If we use the numbers cited, partially vaccinated is lower than fully vaccinated, we could claim that you are posting misleading statements based on this data. Again I am not in support of such claim because the data is generalized.

However, the point is that this data does not make good comparisons. We need to be able to compare similar individuals before making statement on this data. I would estimate that if we segregated individuals who have underlying medical conditions from those that do not, the vaccinated hospitalization numbers would drop to possibly 0 for healthy individuals. 

In regards to generic population infection rate, how many individuals who are vaccinated are tested? How many individuals who are unvaccinated are tested? 

Why I ask this question.

If 1000 vaccinated individuals are tested, and 100 come out positive that would be a 10 % positivity rate.

If 100 unvaccinated individuals are tested, and only 10 come out positive that would be a 10% positively rate.

Even though they have the same rate, just looking at the numbers, 10 vs 100 it would appear more vaccinated people tested positive, which is incorrect. Without this data, general infection rates are unknown.


I am all for vaccinations, but we need to stop presenting raw data as though they are comparable.


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2 minutes ago, Winston said:

I am all for vaccinations, but we need to stop presenting raw data as though they are comparable.

We need to start analyzing the problem and the data may help us in that. But proving preordained conclusion by whatever mean possible just to confirm it correctness is a faulty method that isn't likely to produce the best solutions. Such an environment isn't productive for finding effective solutions.

And then, there can be unforeseen and unintended risks to ongoing mass vaccination over extended time and possibly, very serious ones. In the absence of the ability and methods of careful and objective analysis of risks and benefits for the society, making such decisions ad hoc, based on assumed validity is at a minimum risky and can easily turn dangerous. And we seem to be drifting right there, to the cheerful march.

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