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NDP leader Jagmeet Singh says the Constitutional Monarchy does not benefit Canadians

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12 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Are you a Canadian citizen now?  Living for free on the rez? Ever thought of moving along to some shit-hole country more to your standards?  Do you pay taxes? 

Interesting terminology. So how do we classify a country where media (like all of it, 100%) is smug and mum on an important for public health story for approximately a week? You thought of China or some "sh. hole third world" country, right?

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13 minutes ago, myata said:

... P.S. also a country that is happy to pay multi-million pensions and expenses to its past royal governors and such but cannot provide clean drinking water for decades to entire communities?

Uhhh.....clean drinking water in Canadian communities happens when the Canadian community gets off its ass and designs a system, raises the cost from tax and installs it.   If you don't have clean drinking water, the answer is to ask how it is your municipal government has failed miserably to do anything about it...other than whine to Whitey to bail your stupid ass out.

I can't speak for reserves outside of the area I know (MB/SK) but "first nations" (now THERE'S a load of pure BS) have been given enough ROC cash to buy casinos and hotels, lots of off-reserve businesses such as trucking companies and airlines.  They tend to burn down the schools, drink the hotels dry, let the trucks go to ruin and crash the airplanes.  You may not have noticed they do DIDDLY SQUAT to help themselves other than help themselves to endless cash that is for the most part squandered.  Many have also been given water treatment plants and infrastructure - which they are paid to manage and they simply watch it run to failure (as is the case with off-grid power generation) then call Whitey to come and fix it.   Now, instead, they call the CBC to play politics of guilt - as the result is gilded.


Edited by cannuck
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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

Uhhh.....clean drinking water in Canadian communities happens when the Canadian community gets off its ass and designs a system, raises the cost from tax and installs it.   If you don't have clean drinking water, the answer is to ask how it is your municipal government has failed miserably to do anything about it...other than whine to Whitey to bail your stupid ass out.


I've no problem with getting off .., but the contrast with the royal entourages collecting outrageous taxpayer millions for pretty much pageant performance is obvious. And absolutely it shows, like in look and see, the real priorities of the society whatever it likes to dream itself into.

And as pretty much any essential issue here it ends up in a "can of worms". On one hand, Federal Government insists on maintaining the Indian Act and with it, its responsibility for basic utilities in those communities. Get rid of the act and transition to real self-government? "Can of worms"... so forget it. Change is not possible.

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22 minutes ago, myata said:

I've no problem with getting off .., but the contrast with the royal entourages collecting outrageous taxpayer millions for pretty much pageant performance is obvious. And absolutely it shows, like in look and see, the real priorities of the society whatever it likes to dream itself into.

And as pretty much any essential issue here it ends up in a "can of worms". On one hand, Federal Government insists on maintaining the Indian Act and with it, its responsibility for basic utilities in those communities. Get rid of the act and transition to real self-government? "Can of worms"... so forget it. Change is not possible.

Yes, reserves ARE federal land, and technically - and practically - they are responsible for utilities.  Problem is: they DO put those in place in most cases - and the reserves are paid to operate them.  Of course, they fail to do any maintenance and seldom meet even the minimal needs of monitoring - never mind protecting the water source from contamination.   If you were not getting clean water and had access to virtually unlimited and unaccountable funds, wouldn't you just go out into the back yard and fix what's there or design and build something better?   After all, the technologies required are over-the-counter and available freely anywhere.  The hardware is also very simple and commonly available.

Here is an example of the problem:    https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/potlotek-first-nation-chief-hires-water-experts-from-ireland-to-assess-crisis-1.3588623   The Irish expert happens to be a personal friend of mine.

Now: as an example of what SHOULD happen:  The Chief at Potlotek got together with other bands and formed their own water security agency.   Now, here is another problem:  the Feds will gladly give any reserve pretty much anything they want, BUT - the contracts to do so are administered by the feds - and granted not on the basis of technical merit but more likely how much the kickbacks are to various federal employees and political entities.  Potlotek knows this (from working with my Irish friend) and intends to administer on their own.  EXACTLY what any responsible municipal government would do.

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10 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Sounds good. So now I am going to take over some of the unoccupied land for myself. There is plenty of it available. 

Finders keepers, losers weepers right?

That's the way it would be if we didn't now live within the borders of an integrated society where every scrap of land is already owned by someone, and with a governmental structure which will enforce that ownership.

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35 minutes ago, cannuck said:

Yes, reserves ARE federal land, and technically - and practically - they are responsible for utilities.  Problem is: they DO put those in place in most cases - and the reserves are paid to operate them.  Of course, they fail to do any maintenance and seldom meet even the minimal needs of monitoring - never mind protecting the water source from contamination.   If you were not getting clean water and had access to virtually unlimited and unaccountable funds, wouldn't you just go out into the back yard and fix what's there or design and build something better?   After all, the technologies required are over-the-counter and available freely anywhere.  The hardware is also very simple and commonly available.

Ok, what is the backlog to build those facilities where there's none, as of now (and decades back)? And how much are we paying annually for all those royal pensions, expenses, travel, security and etc and yada?

And I said nothing about unlimited and unaccountable public funds, it's just two sides of the same coin, and the only way the bureaucracy can and operates here: inept, inefficient, grossly overpaid and underperforming by any reasonable standard.

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7 hours ago, myata said:

You thought of China or some "sh. hole third world" country, right?

He was just using my own terminology from a post in another thread.  Just can't get over the fact he might be currently living in a sh. hole country.

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There's generations of First Immigrants that really don't know how to work, don't know the responsibility of applying for a job-and working at it, have never been employed, have no idea how income is generated, and most of all - having the pride to look after themselves and their family.

Show me where First Immigrants have left the reserves and gone on to participate in the well being of this country and themselves . . . . and gone back to the reserves to do nothing except hold their hand out for someone else's money.  It just doesn't  happen.

Jagmeet Singh is 'deadwood' . . . . . along for the ride. Nothing more.

Where did you immigrate from Cougar?  Citizen?

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30 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Where did you immigrate from Cougar?  Citizen?

I am a citizen.  20 years in the country.  Worked all this time except for some time spent on EI in 2006 and some time spent at university where I got recycled by the system.  Looking after my family and yes, paying my taxes and property taxes too.  Appealing the assessments as they come.  That is enough good info for you.

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20 hours ago, myata said:

Ok, what is the backlog to build those facilities where there's none, as of now (and decades back)? And how much are we paying annually for all those royal pensions, expenses, travel, security and etc and yada?

And I said nothing about unlimited and unaccountable public funds, it's just two sides of the same coin, and the only way the bureaucracy can and operates here: inept, inefficient, grossly overpaid and underperforming by any reasonable standard.

If I had no other obligations in life and someone gave me a month of absolute authority to fix Canada:  government would be reduced to doing NOTHING outside of legislation, regulation and enforcement.  Partisanship and lobbying would be illegal within government.  Elected offices subject to recall.  Deficit budgets would be impossible without an emergency.  ANYTHING granting privilege of ANY person or company over another would not be permitted.  Speculative gain would be taxed out of existence and dividends would never be taxed.  You may find this strange, but most social services would be eliminated, replaced by GAI (taxed back at flat rate above the basic exemption level). 

Obviously, in my world, the aboriginal situation would change drastically.  The system of government would retain the GG and links to UK royals...but no money would change hands.  Dumping Bay Street and Wall Street would give the economy back to real business. Aboriginals, immigrants, ANYONE would be free to join the economy or remain at a very low level EQUAL to everyone else at the GAI level (which, with elimination of speculation could find that places to live with stable, low costs could be found).

My Manifesto.

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27 minutes ago, cannuck said:

If I had no other obligations in life and someone gave me a month of absolute authority to fix Canada:  government would be reduced to doing NOTHING outside of legislation, regulation and enforcement (includes defense).  Partisanship and lobbying would be illegal within government.  Elected offices subject to recall.  Deficit budgets would be impossible without an emergency.  ANYTHING granting privilege of ANY person or company over another would not be permitted.  Speculative gain would be taxed out of existence and dividends would never be taxed.  You may find this strange, but most social services would be eliminated, replaced by GAI (taxed back at flat rate above the basic exemption level). 

Obviously, in my world, the aboriginal situation would change drastically.  The system of government would retain the GG and links to UK royals...but no money would change hands.  Dumping Bay Street and Wall Street would give the economy back to real business. Aboriginals, immigrants, ANYONE would be free to join the economy or remain at a very low level EQUAL to everyone else at the GAI level (which, with elimination of speculation could find that places to live with stable, low costs could be found).

My Manifesto.


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41 minutes ago, cannuck said:

The system of government would retain the GG and links to UK royals...but no money would change hands. 

My Manifesto.

You mean, GG volunteering or almost? And without outrageous lifetime pensions and expenses paid by the taxpayers? A nice dream! But first we'll need to figure out about the clean water and that seems to be decades in coming. "Such a can of worms"...

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23 hours ago, Argus said:

That's the way it would be if we didn't now live within the borders of an integrated society where every scrap of land is already owned by someone, and with a governmental structure which will enforce that ownership.

"We never got that memo."

- Hiawatha

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11 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

It opens the door for payola. That's why communism is a failure.

No, just cut them off completely.  What kind of "payola" would you expect would work since the GG's office and UK royalty have no effective power outside of incidental failure of government ????

BTW: sort of why communism fails.  ANY system will fail given access to power that allows unlimited granting of privilege.  This is why Casino Capitalism will take out the economy of the world.  No difference between commie leaders scalping their countries or Wall Street robbing the world blind.  NEITHER has much of a track record of creating one penny of wealth - BOTH do little more than simply re-distribute it...into their own back pockets.

It's not communism that makes communism fail, it's people...greedy people.  Any time greedy people have the power to grant themselves and their friends privilege over the rest of us, they will ultimatly consume themselves and their hosts with their greed.

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On 3/12/2021 at 7:02 PM, Army Guy said:

Is that what we are calling the left now commies, as much as i dislike the left i would not pigeon hole them as commies dicks maybe but not commies.. As far as having no moral principles, take a good look around and what is happening in this country, and we have little left of traditional Canadian morals and values on both sides.... for the most part Canadians don't give a shit about anything, well with the exception of the NHL, poggy checks, CERB checks now, and what time does the liquor store close.. it is the land of free money and benefits .... nothing more.  There is very little patriotism, millions of immigrants are paper Canadians only with more loyalty to their home countries than Canada. Most only want the passport, our free money and benefits.

And it is this way because most Canadians want it this way, how else can you explain Justins  continued status as PM... with all the drama that he has brought to this country.. They don't give a F****, 

I am not the one that needs to rethink anything, i have no more love for this country than they do, that was beaten out of me a long time ago.... 


Canada died in 1980 when comrade old man Trudeau was elected dictator of Canada. When making his victory speech to they the dumb ass people that voted for that commie buffoon, the first words out of his comrade mouth were "welcome to the new Canada". Now we can all see today as to what that commie buffoon really meant when he mentioned those words above. Canada as we once knew it will soon be gone and it will be replaced by the millions of people from the third world that have been allowed into Canada already with more to come.  

Canada was once a great mostly conservative British European country with real and true values, traditions, morals and decency. Common sense and logic and loyalty ruled those days. Today, look we have as a country. A country that is being filled with way too many other foreign cultures and religions and traditions by "paper Canadians" who do not really give all that much of a dam about this country. If they did they would all become Canadian and stop acting like they are still back home. All they want to do these days is to try and get all of their family members as many as they can to immigrate to this country so they can make Canada become even more of a multicultural and diversity messed up country to what it is already today.

All this was started by that old communist Trudeau and his punk globalist communist kid who is trying to finish off the old Canada that we all once knew. Buffoons like Singh is more than happy to help comrade Trudeau finish his destruction of Canada. Liberalism, socialism and communism have done a wonderful job of trying to destroy the old British/European Canada to be replaced with a new third world multicultural Canada.

Sadly, it is working well for the likes of those two fools because white people don't appear to give much of a chit about this country either anymore. It's all about me-me-me and what can I get out of Canada. :unsure: 

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On 3/16/2021 at 6:49 PM, cannuck said:

No, just cut them off completely.  What kind of "payola" would you expect would work since the GG's office and UK royalty have no effective power outside of incidental failure of government ????

BTW: sort of why communism fails.  ANY system will fail given access to power that allows unlimited granting of privilege.  This is why Casino Capitalism will take out the economy of the world.  No difference between commie leaders scalping their countries or Wall Street robbing the world blind.  NEITHER has much of a track record of creating one penny of wealth - BOTH do little more than simply re-distribute it...into their own back pockets.

It's not communism that makes communism fail, it's people...greedy people.  Any time greedy people have the power to grant themselves and their friends privilege over the rest of us, they will ultimatly consume themselves and their hosts with their greed.

It's not the GG and Constitutional Monarch that are wrecking Canada.  It is the elected politicians, particularly the left and liberals that are wrecking everything.  The GG has no power to make laws and policies;  it is only the government that does that.  Capitalism is the best system in the world by far and has given the countries that have it the greatest wealth and prosperity in the world.  Capitalists invest their money in industries that produce wealth and create thousands of jobs.  Socialism is inefficient and creates a huge bureaucracy that wastes the nation's wealth.  Nothing wrong with having a few privileged royals to ensure our democracy and freedom survives.  It is a focal point for unity.  That's why the Queen is basically a non-political office.  People think the royals are consuming far more than everyone else, but many people forget the staff that look after the royals are highly-desired positions that are jobs created.  The royals eat the same amount as everyone else.  The jobs looking after them and transporting them create employment for a lot of people, which is a good thing.

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On 3/16/2021 at 7:11 AM, OftenWrong said:

It opens the door for payola. That's why communism is a failure.

Politicians are the problem and never the solution. They create problems and then they try to pretend that they are going to try and fix those problems up. And when they try to pretend that they will fix things up they create even more problems. It never ends with these losers that we call politicians. We do not have real and true political leaders in this country anymore. We are stuck with a bunch of leftist spend crazy buffoons who are out to destroy this once great country rather then try to create something worth while for Canada and Canadians. We get what and who we vote for. It seems that most people in Canada want more chaos and havoc rather than for more peace, less government and more freedom. :rolleyes:

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On 3/14/2021 at 4:56 AM, AntiConservative said:

Don't tell me that you're one of those conspiracy nuts.


You bet your sweet bippy I do. Conspiracies go on every day in Canada and in the rest of the world. No one who has at least 1/2 an ounce of brain cells in their head can be stupid enough to believe that conspiracies do not exist. Our dear Trudeau comrade leader of Canada and his old comrade daddy Trudeau have been conspiring to destroy Canada for decades now. Believe in that conspiracy or not. Who gives a chit what you think. LOL. 


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6 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

That arrogant prick in Ottawa has tossed your kids, grandkids, and their children under his out of control bus. He's scared off any investment in this country, divided the country along racial, economic, and regional lines . . . but, he has nice hair.  That fucker was voted in.  Go figure.

And knowing how the average non intelligent Canadian thinks in Canada these days they will probably vote for that buffoon again. Most Canadians are just suckers for punishment. They never learn from their mistakes.

Even after a year of this hoax virus bull chit and after losing over a year of their lives and freedoms they still go along with this virus foolishness. Their fake and lying politicians, the media and their so called health officials probably have one dam good laugh on those fools every day. But I must admit that I have a good laugh at their expense also. :lol:


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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

If we want royals we could easily find our own like the Brits themselves did when William and Mary failed to do the business or Norway when it became independent. We were lucky with QEII and her longevity has enabled us to deny we have a problem, as we do with most things. 

We don't have a problem. They're an ocean away. They occasionally come visit. 

That's not a problem.

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