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Tucker Carlson now says QAnon doesn't exist

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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Again: do you agree that pregnant women should be in combat roles?

of course not. wtf does that have to do with anything? do pregnant police officers participate in swat raids? what kind of silly argument are you making? is that the argument Tucker was making? i admit that i didn't catch that segment. would have loved to see it.

but now that i'm thinking about it... no problem with women operating combat drones pregnant. if thats a "combat role". or with bouffant hair! haha! as long as they hit the target.

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Just now, godzilla said:

of course not. wtf does that have to do with anything. do pregnant police officers participate in swat raids? what kind of silly argument are you making? is that the argument Tucker was making? i admit that i didn't catch that segment. would have loved to see it.


You are rather hostile. 

So we agree that pregnant women shouldn't be in combat. Do you think women in general should be combat roles?

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

I didn’t edit anything you dipshit thats the transcript 

Really? Here's where you edited his speech in your post in the morally & ethically repugnant way which has become your calling card:

11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. 

Here's the actual quote, unedited:


TRUMP: I do think there is blame – yes, I think there is blame on both sides. You look at, you look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. And, and, and, and if you reported it accurately, you would say. 

REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. 

TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

You think that "--" means "down as neo-Nazis" and it doesn't, at all.

This is where Trump specifically mentioned neo-Nazis, so you in fact did edit the quote. Do you think that I don't have the internet?

You edited the quote to substantially change it's meaning, then you lied in your next post and said that you didn't edit the quote.

WTF man? 

You're so pathetic that you can't write a post containing only 9 of your own words without telling a lie.


Then you lied by omission (which is pretty good by your standards) when you chose to leave out the part where Trump specifically mentioned who the fine people were:


You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue

The full effect of what you did was to substantially edit Trump's quote to try to make it look like it was supportive neo-Nazis when it was actually a condemnation of them. You also left out his very accurate and important commentary on the people who went there without any evil intentions at all, just to talk about the statues.

The bottom line is that you have been exposed for lying to malign someone's character yet again.

Do you understand why I consider you to be a morally and ethically repugnant person?

Honest to god, Trump has exposed himself as a crass, misogynistic person several times. You could tell the truth about Trump and score some big points against his reputation. Why don't you just do that instead of making yourself the lying scumbag in the equation? You're more disgusting than he is, by far.

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14 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


You are rather hostile. 

So we agree that pregnant women shouldn't be in combat. Do you think women in general should be combat roles?

i know nothing about it. just identifying that the people who DO know about it are telling people like Tucker who DON'T know about it to shut the fuck up. haha!

i'm obviously not a fan of Tucker. that man can thread a dump truck of bullshit through the eye of a needle and not even blink. his methods are so obvious. one, set up a bogus baseline of facts with "everyone knows that", "that should be obvious" etc... and, two, have those bogus assumptions prove some deranged hypothesis, "the others are trying to destroy our nation", "elites are in control of the government and are trying to destroy democracy", so "vote republican no matter what!". every segment follows the exact same script. laughable except that simpletons lap it up.

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59 minutes ago, godzilla said:

of course not. wtf does that have to do with anything? do pregnant police officers participate in swat raids? what kind of silly argument are you making? is that the argument Tucker was making? i admit that i didn't catch that segment. would have loved to see it.

but now that i'm thinking about it... no problem with women operating combat drones pregnant. if thats a "combat role". or with bouffant hair! haha! as long as they hit the target.

If you don't even know a combat role is then maybe you're the one who should stfu. 

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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you don't even know a combat role is then maybe you're the one who should stfu. 

of course i know what a combat role is. but i'm not an expert. are you an expert? didn't think so...

come on! both WCM and DOP are alluding to something... just say it. the military isn't for women! right?! thats what Tucker was saying. stop dancing around like pansies and man up! pun intended! haha!

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1 hour ago, godzilla said:

of course i know what a combat role is. but i'm not an expert. are you an expert? didn't think so...

come on! both WCM and DOP are alluding to something... just say it. the military isn't for women! right?! thats what Tucker was saying. stop dancing around like pansies and man up! pun intended! haha!

TBH, in a place like Israel where they need every soldier they can get, and where no one can escape if there's a war so they all need to be able to fight, it makes sense.

In a place like Canada, where (knock on wood) our wars are overseas, service is optional, and women can get out of going to a war zone by getting pregnant, it's a bad idea.


1) Just imagine a ship that has a mess with 50 women in it. They find out that they're deploying to the Persian Gulf in a few months, and 20 of them get pregnant. Now you either have to find 20 women to replace their exact jobs and get them all trained to peak performance before you sail (not gonna happen), or you get 50 men onboard and boot all of the women (how fair is that?), or you sail shorthanded. 

I heard that happened on the Protecteur when they went to the Gulf in the '90s. I never verified it, but it could easily be true.

2) Let's say Shelia and Tony's platoon is ambushed and they are running to cover. 225 lb Tony is shot in the leg. WTF does 130 lb Sheila do? She can't even budge him with all of their combined gear on. Tony is screwed. He'll lay there screaming and the enemies can camp out and wait to pick off the people who try to come to his aid.

3) Who's screwing whom? How does it affect morale (don't underestimate the value of morale)? If the platoon takes shelter in an abandoned building and Sheila's BF is there, do they have sex? How does that affect morale? Does big boobBetty ever go on point? Does it help her chances of not going on point if she's having sex with Sarge? Does she always end up on point if she's not having sex with Sarge? What if big boob Betty "gets lost in the woods" and fails to join an attack? Does she get blindfolded and shot for desertion like Tony would? What if she's pregnant when she's supposed to get shot? How long can their hair be when they're in a jungle environment, and unable to maintain proper hygiene (Men have to have buzzcuts, women are currently allowed much longer hair)?

4) If Tony and Sheila both apply to be crewman (tank) and Sheila gets the job, so Tony becomes a civilian electrician, what happens when a war breaks out 5 years later and Tina decides to get pregnant? The military just lost 5 years worth of training. Now maybe Tony will have to be drafted, and he's not good for sweet FA yet. 

5) Can women be drafted then, just like men? Dude, since we're all involved in the struggle for equity, I guess that white men no longer need to serve anymore. Fair's fair, right? White men are being treated as second class citizens at universities and jobsites around the country now because they got too many good jobs in the past, so should they also be blocked from dying in all of our wars as well? It's someone else's turn to die on wars, right Bubber?  Should we draft women and coloured folk exclusively in Canada to make things fair?

6) Rhonda Rousey has trained in MMA for a decade or more, I bet that 75% of men between 20 and 45 could kick her ass. I know I could, and I'm over 50 with no formal training as a boxer or in BJJ. How much bang for the buck (no pun intended) do you get for training women, compared to men?

7) Can women really carry their weight? https://mwi.usma.edu/the-overweight-infantryman/ 


The Infantry has a weight problem. The amount of weight soldiers or Marines are asked to carry has grown exponentially while their ability to carry that load has not. This issue was brought to the forefront recently when retired Army Col. Ellen Haring wrote an opinion piece for the Marine Corps Times in which she was critical of the requirement for Marine Corps infantry officers to carry a load of up to 152 pounds for more than nine miles, at a twenty-minute-per-mile pace—a standard that Haring argues is unrealistic and prevents women from successfully completing the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course. At first glance this may seem like a reasonable argument: 152 pounds seems like more than most humans can carry.

Body armour alone weighs over 20lbs. At a minimum, a soldier would have to carry about 60 lbs if they wear body armour (the article I linked put the testing requirement for U.S. Marines at 152LBS). How many women could run in sand carry that? Almost zero. 


It actually is a really bad idea to have women in combat roles unless there's absolutely no other option GZ. You have to make believe that it's not.

Edited by WestCanMan
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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Really? Here's where you edited his speech in your post in the morally & ethically repugnant way which has become your calling card:

Here's the actual quote, unedited:

You think that "--" means "down as neo-Nazis" and it doesn't, at all.

This is where Trump specifically mentioned neo-Nazis, so you in fact did edit the quote. Do you think that I don't have the internet?

You edited the quote to substantially change it's meaning, then you lied in your next post and said that you didn't edit the quote.

WTF man? 

You're so pathetic that you can't write a post containing only 9 of your own words without telling a lie.


Then you lied by omission (which is pretty good by your standards) when you chose to leave out the part where Trump specifically mentioned who the fine people were:

The full effect of what you did was to substantially edit Trump's quote to try to make it look like it was supportive neo-Nazis when it was actually a condemnation of them. You also left out his very accurate and important commentary on the people who went there without any evil intentions at all, just to talk about the statues.

The bottom line is that you have been exposed for lying to malign someone's character yet again.

Do you understand why I consider you to be a morally and ethically repugnant person?

Honest to god, Trump has exposed himself as a crass, misogynistic person several times. You could tell the truth about Trump and score some big points against his reputation. Why don't you just do that instead of making yourself the lying scumbag in the equation? You're more disgusting than he is, by far.

Beave you really need to answer to this. I'm not gonna let you weasel out of this one.

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Beave, what you did was sick and wrong dude. Not only did you lie, but you lied for the worst of all possible reasons: just to malign the reputation of another person.

Take a look at yourself and ask if that's the person that you really want to be, or that you want your kids to grow up to be: despicable liars.

As far as I'm concerned you're probably irredeemable, but an admission of guilt would go a long way. Even if it's just to yourself, so that you can change. "This above all..." 

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On 3/11/2021 at 1:42 PM, Infidel Dog said:

Blah, blah, blah, Beave. I scanned through your opus of a reply looking for something like a rebuttal of the claim you were supposedly replying to. That what their calling "covid relief" is more just democrat flavored pork.

Didn't see anything like that. Does that mean you concede? 

More of your reverse onus bullshit you Republicans are famous for:  You people throw out unsupported accusations and then expect the other person to spend hours on research trying to prove you wrong.....and as if you’re someone who’s swayed by facts.  That’s a well documented Republican strategy to make the other side waste their time responding to YOUR agenda rather than working on their own. 

Here’s what I will say:  The COVID relief bill is a big bill but there’s no evidence that proportionately it has any more pork than any other bill. Every single bill ever passed in Washington has pork in it, that’s how Washington works. If you want to claim otherwise, the onus is on YOU to prove otherwise, with EMPIRICAL not ANECDOTAL evidence (do you even know what those words mean?)


Also do you really think struggling American families should be denied relief of $1400 plus $300 per child because elite lawmakers in the capital are ideologically opposed to the abstract concept of “pork”spending?   Some “party of the people”!


Also it looks some Republican hypocrites are already trying to mislead their supporters and take credit for the bill they voted against:

Republican senator tries to take credit for measure in Covid relief bill – despite having voted against it

‘You can have your cake and eat it too, apparently,’ Colorado representative Steven Woodrow says

Louise Hall2 days ago

A Republican senator has faced criticism after touting certain measures from Joe Biden’s $1.9trn (£1.4trn) coronavirus relief bill despite having voted against it in Congress.

Republican Senator Roger Wicker lauded the bill’s $29bn ($20.5bn) grant provisions for the hard-hit restaurant industry on Wednesday, tweeting it would help them “survive the pandemic”

“Independent restaurant operators have won $28.6 billion worth of targeted relief,” Senator Roger Wicker celebrated in the tweet.

“This funding will ensure small businesses can survive the pandemic by helping to adapt their operations and keep their employees on the payroll,” he added.

The senator did not mention in the tweet that he had voted against the legislation, with a number of commenters swiftly pointing out the detail in criticism.

“You voted against it,” one person saidwhile another argued that the lifeline had come “with NO thanks you and every Republican.”

Colorado representative Steven Woodrow said: “Restaurants where you can have your cake and eat it too, apparently.”

“Why did you vote against this? Sorry, you don’t get to take a victory lap due to something you opposed,” one user asked.

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15 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Beave, what you did was sick and wrong dude. Not only did you lie, but you lied for the worst of all possible reasons: just to malign the reputation of another person.

Take a look at yourself and ask if that's the person that you really want to be, or that you want your kids to grow up to be: despicable liars.

As far as I'm concerned you're probably irredeemable, but an admission of guilt would go a long way. Even if it's just to yourself, so that you can change. "This above all..." 

i gave you 3 different links to the transcript, you  dickhead. None have what you claim he said. Try to keep up

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On 3/11/2021 at 4:39 PM, WestCanMan said:

TBH, in a place like Israel where they need every soldier they can get, and where no one can escape if there's a war so they all need to be able to fight, it makes sense.

In a place like Canada, where (knock on wood) our wars are overseas, service is optional, and women can get out of going to a war zone by getting pregnant, it's a bad idea.


1) Just imagine a ship that has a mess with 50 women in it. They find out that they're deploying to the Persian Gulf in a few months, and 20 of them get pregnant. Now you either have to find 20 women to replace their exact jobs and get them all trained to peak performance before you sail (not gonna happen), or you get 50 men onboard and boot all of the women (how fair is that?), or you sail shorthanded. 

I heard that happened on the Protecteur when they went to the Gulf in the '90s. I never verified it, but it could easily be true.

2) Let's say Shelia and Tony's platoon is ambushed and they are running to cover. 225 lb Tony is shot in the leg. WTF does 130 lb Sheila do? She can't even budge him with all of their combined gear on. Tony is screwed. He'll lay there screaming and the enemies can camp out and wait to pick off the people who try to come to his aid.

3) Who's screwing whom? How does it affect morale (don't underestimate the value of morale)? If the platoon takes shelter in an abandoned building and Sheila's BF is there, do they have sex? How does that affect morale? Does big boobBetty ever go on point? Does it help her chances of not going on point if she's having sex with Sarge? Does she always end up on point if she's not having sex with Sarge? What if big boob Betty "gets lost in the woods" and fails to join an attack? Does she get blindfolded and shot for desertion like Tony would? What if she's pregnant when she's supposed to get shot? How long can their hair be when they're in a jungle environment, and unable to maintain proper hygiene (Men have to have buzzcuts, women are currently allowed much longer hair)?

4) If Tony and Sheila both apply to be crewman (tank) and Sheila gets the job, so Tony becomes a civilian electrician, what happens when a war breaks out 5 years later and Tina decides to get pregnant? The military just lost 5 years worth of training. Now maybe Tony will have to be drafted, and he's not good for sweet FA yet. 

5) Can women be drafted then, just like men? Dude, since we're all involved in the struggle for equity, I guess that white men no longer need to serve anymore. Fair's fair, right? White men are being treated as second class citizens at universities and jobsites around the country now because they got too many good jobs in the past, so should they also be blocked from dying in all of our wars as well? It's someone else's turn to die on wars, right Bubber?  Should we draft women and coloured folk exclusively in Canada to make things fair?

6) Rhonda Rousey has trained in MMA for a decade or more, I bet that 75% of men between 20 and 45 could kick her ass. I know I could, and I'm over 50 with no formal training as a boxer or in BJJ. How much bang for the buck (no pun intended) do you get for training women, compared to men?

7) Can women really carry their weight? https://mwi.usma.edu/the-overweight-infantryman/ 

Body armour alone weighs over 20lbs. At a minimum, a soldier would have to carry about 60 lbs if they wear body armour (the article I linked put the testing requirement for U.S. Marines at 152LBS). How many women could run in sand carry that? Almost zero. 


It actually is a really bad idea to have women in combat roles unless there's absolutely no other option GZ. You have to make believe that it's not.

Women have been in The military for decades now. Get over it. You lost this culture war a long time ago 

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Yeah nice try Beave. Now for the truth bomb.

Someone from your side of the aisle was outraged that Republicans would dare vote against the covid relief bill.

I explained to him the reason it would never get Republican support was because it's more Democrat Pork than anything else. 

This apparently outraged you and you did this - Q796QSn.gif

According to you there was no pork yet you offered no evidence of that claim, embarking instead on a two page diversion of blather on why you don't like me personally or something like that...I'm not sure I dozed off.

Waking up, I thought to myself, 'Gee, I think Beave needs some evidence of all the pork in the bill' - or as you referred to it "the bull" 2cQsJ15.gifThen I offered you some examples.

Did you thank me? No. Instead you bilged out on how offended you were that I might expect some sort of evidence from you as to your contention the bill is pork free.

In absence of anything like evidence, I suspect what you're really hoping for is another offering of your theme song in reply to this new delusion you're suffering from that the Dem bill is not just the Covid version of the Dem's old Porkulus bills from the Obama/Biden era.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

i gave you 3 different links to the transcript, you  dickhead. None have what you claim he said. Try to keep up

I got that transcript from politifact, which you actually linked liar.

I showed where you edited out the words 'Neo-Nazis' when Trump talked about 'really bad people' liar.

I showed where you deleted 'statue debaters' when he was talking about 'very fine people' liar. 

Face it: you' truly are a pathetic and disgusting liar, and all 3 of your links just reinforce that fact that, and so now you're doubling down with more lies, sandbox insults and swearing :lol:

I feel sorry for your kids if you throw tantrums and lie and swear at them when you're the one who's blatantly wrong at home, like you do when you're here.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Women have been in The military for decades now. Get over it. You lost this culture war a long time ago 

Women have been around since 1989, how many bullets have they ever actually put into bad guys? What have they really done aside from draw paycheques? TBH, their actual contribution in active duty in combat roles is still exactly nothing; ergo, the culture war was not 'lost long ago'.

How many women have actually earned medals?

Since 2000 there were 158 Canadians KIA, only one was a woman and she was in an LAV, not boots on the ground.

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EXCLUSIVE: Kurdish woman fighters are finishing ISIS, smashing patriarchy -  The Week

Perhaps not in the third trimester, but other than that, enough said.  I'd rather they were on my side than Tucker fucking Carlson.  Tosser!

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24 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Pictures of girls with guns in a war? Of course you white imperialists don't mind.

I thought this was about Qanon, how the hell did you guys get from that to here.

It's simple.  Anyone who believes Qanon is a complete tosser.  Anyone who thinks women can't fight is a complete tosser.  Tucker Carlson is a complete tosser.  You see how it all comes together?

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