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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:


‘You’ll become Hindu’: Yoga remains banned in Alabama schools after senate vote

Alabama’s senate has rejected a bill that would have reversed a 28-year ban on practising yoga in public schools.

Alabama State Rep. Jeremy Gray’s bill was defeated in committee on Wednesday night, despite a provision that would have made bringing yoga back to Alabama public schools voluntary. Yoga was forbidden by the Alabama Board of Education in 1993 after opposition by conservative groups over its Hindu roots.



Republitard bigotry and right wing  cancel culture idiocy on full display 

Wait a minute!  That wasn't an April Fool's joke?  I had it up there with the spaghetti harvest!

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On 3/24/2021 at 6:47 AM, Infidel Dog said:

That may be what you desperately want to believe that's what they said but again you miss the context.

It's more like say I called you an asshole and you took me to court for defamation. I would say it was clearly my opinion, but nobody would be expected to believe it on its face as a literal truth, but I could offer facts to show what my opinion is based on. Opinion is protected speech. It is in America anyway. And if I were to defend myself that way in court it would in no way mean I had changed my opinion about you being an asshole. Get it?

In Powell's case the lawyer's make this point:


Given the highly charged and political context of the statements, it is clear that Powell was describing the facts on which she based the lawsuits she filed in support of President Trump. Indeed, Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims.” Id. at ¶¶ 2, 60, 97, 111. They are repeatedly labelled “inherently improbable” and even “impossible.” Id. at ¶¶ 110, 111, 114, 116 and 185. Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.

Furthermore, Sidney Powell disclosed the facts upon which her conclusions were based.


What the attorneys are trying to establish is that the circumstances surrounding her statements are protected as free speech because of three important factors. First, inflammatory and polarizing language are often used in political scenarios and reasonable people expect that to be the case. Second, her own lawsuits were based on facts that allowed for interpretation and reasonable people would understand that these were the opinions upon which she filed her suits. Third, and this is very important, she made her claims against Dominion Voting Systems based on facts that she disclosed in her lawsuit.

This is not in any way demonstrating that Powell is backtracking on her claims. Her attorneys are framing the situation in the best legal way possible for their client. The people who are taking the statements in the motion to dismiss out of context are either ignorant or being disingenuous in framing it as her reversing on her own opinions regarding the 2020 election and Dominion Voting Systems.

What makes this whole situation so sad is that the vast majority of people reading the out-of-context statements by Sidney Powell’s attorneys will never allow themselves to know the truth. They’re set on laughter or betrayal and refuse to reverse their stance.



yeah, its not about what was in her court documents that immediately got thrown out. it was what she was saying at media announcement after media announcement and regurgitating on fox news and having fox news people say over and over again that she said. in those statements she never ever says that the claims are "wild accusations", "impossible" or any of the rest of it.thats what Dominion is going to lean on... i'm calling it that she's toast.

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On 2/14/2021 at 4:54 PM, Infidel Dog said:

You say allegiance. I say support. Which term makes the user of the term sound more desperate? Insults (unless they're counter-punches) suggest desperation.

And all Trump has to do is hang on to the 75 million voters that supported him then make sure the next election is fair. That will be possible after the midterms. Republicans should sweep. Providing those midterms are not fixed as bad as the 2020 election was.

No it’s allegiance. You proclaim him to be infallible and any person or any government agency or any facts on this earth that dare disagree with him must be part of some vast conspiracy because to you it is impossible that Trump could be incorrect or misguided or have insincere motives on anything. That’s a cult. 

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'Allergic reaction to US religious right' fueling decline of religion, experts say

Percentage of churchgoing Americans is steadily falling, and the swirl of rightwing politics and Christianity is playing a key role

Mon 5 Apr 2021 07.00 BST

Last modified on Mon 5 Apr 2021 14.31 BST

Fewer than half of Americans belong to a house of worship, a new study shows, but religion – and Christianity in particular – continues to have an outsize influence in US politics, especially because it is declining faster among Democrats than Republicans.

Just 47% of the US population are members of a church, mosque or synagogue, according to a survey by Gallup, down from 70% two decades ago – in part a result of millennials turning away from religion but also, experts say, a reaction to the swirling mix of rightwing politics and Christianity pursued by the Republican party.

The evidence comes as Republicans in some states have pursued extreme “Christian nationalist” policies, attempting to force their version of Christianity on an increasingly uninterested public.

....David Campbell, professor and chair of the University of Notre Dame’s political science department and co-author ofAmerican Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, said a reason for the decline among those groups is political – an “allergic reaction to the religious right”.

“Many Americans – especially young people – see religion as bound up with political conservatism, and the Republican party specifically,” Campbell said.

“Since that is not their party, or their politics, they do not want to identify as being religious. Young people are especially allergic to the perception that many – but by no means all – American religions are hostile to LGBTQ rights.”

Research by Campbell shows that a growing number of Americans have turned away from religion as politicians – particularly Republicans – have mixed religion with their politics. Campbell says there has always been an ebb and flow in American adherence to religion, but he thinks the current decline is likely to continue.

“I see no sign that the religious right, and Christian nationalism, is fading. Which in turn suggests that the allergic reaction will continue to be seen – and thus more and more Americans will turn away from religion,” he said.

The number of people who identify as non-religious has grown steadily in recent decades, according to Michele Margolis, associate professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania and author of From Politics to the Pews. More than 20% of all Americans are classed as “nones”, Margolis said, and more than a third of Americans under 30.

“That means non-identification is going to continue becoming a larger share of population over time as cohort replacement continues to occur,” Margolis said. But she agreed another factor is the rightwing’s infusion of politics with theism.

“As religion has been closed linked with conservative politics, we’ve had Democrats opting out of organized religion, or being less involved, and Republicans opting in,” she said.

Christian nationalists – who believe America was established as, and should remain, a Christian country – have pushed a range of measures to thrust their version of religion into American life.


Alison Gill, vice-president for legal and policy at American Atheists, who authored a report into the creep of Christian extremism in the US, warned that the drop-off in religious adherence in America could actually accelerate that effort, rather than slow it down.

“Surveys of those who identify with Christian nationalist beliefs consistently show that this group feels that they are subject to more discrimination and marginalization than any other group in society, including Islamic people, Black people, atheists, [and] Jewish people,” Gill said.

“They are experiencing their loss of prominence in American culture as an unacceptable attack on their beliefs -- and this is driving much of the efforts we are seeing to cling onto power, undermine democracy, and fight for ‘religious freedom’ protections that apply only to them.”



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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

You proclaim him to be infallible and any person or any government agency or any facts on this earth that dare disagree with him must be part of some vast conspiracy because to you it is impossible that Trump could be incorrect or misguided or have insincere motives on anything. That’s a cult. 

Only in your politically perverted, progagandized imagination where what you'd like to believe becomes your facts.

I don't hate Trump. I support a lot of his policies. I believe he did a pretty good job. In fact it may have been a little amazing in few of the resistance he met. 

Now that goes through the Beave fact distorter which appears to be all that's left between the ears and comes out saying it equals cult member. 

Believe what you believe then Beave. It's always amusing.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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38 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Only in your politically perverted, progagandized imagination where what you'd like to believe becomes your facts.

I don't hate Trump. I support a lot of his policies. I believe he did a pretty good job. In fact it may have been a little amazing in few of the resistance he met. 

Now that goes through the Beave fact distorter which appears to be all that's left between the ears and comes out saying it equals cult member. 

Believe what you believe then Beave. It's always amusing.


Yeah don’t dial back your die-hard Trump supporting track record like the last 5 years never happened. As but one obvious example: You believe THE BIG LIE despite the fact that every state and federal official and judge has dismissed it, including lifelong Republicans with a solid Republican track record andTrump appointees who uave no reason to lie. You conclude that because they don’t support trump’s lie they mist he secretly colluding with Democrats and the only “evidence” you have is that they don’t support Trump’s lie. 

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25 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

So now you admit you don’t believe the election was stolen?  Somehow I doubt 

The 2020 election was rigged because common sense and a multitude of evidence that was never properly adjudicated in any trial by any judge says so. It was rigged in a way that included conventional fraud but even went beyond it to legal financial and media manipulation of the election infrastructure.

You've been told all this before and not just by me. You know that's what I believe. Pretending you're hearing something else now only plays in Beaveville.


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"THE BIG LIE" (German: große Lüge; often the big lie) is a propaganda technique used for political purposes, defined as "a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body".[1] 

it's a general term.

I don't believe you don't already know this. Or are you thinking that you've earned exclusive right to the term by nature of being a frequent practitioner?

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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

The 2020 election was rigged because common sense and a multitude of evidence that was never properly adjudicated in any trial by any judge says so. It was rigged in a way that included conventional fraud but even went beyond it to legal financial and media manipulation of the election infrastructure.

You've been told all this before and not just by me. You know that's what I believe. Pretending you're hearing something else now only plays in Beaveville.


See that’s what I mean. How can you claim the evidence says so when literally every authority including trusted Republican ones and Trump-appointed ones says otherwise?  

It’s because Trump says so and everyone else disagrees with Trump then it mist mean there’s an anti-Trump conspiracy even though there’s zero evidence of such - especially involving these Republicans. Yet because your Dear Leader is infallible and cannot be wrong, Republicans who simply disagree with dear leader is the only proof needed that they’re conspiring with Dear Leaders enemies.  Like really Mike Pence is collaborating with Democrats? 


You don’t see the circular logic?  

1) Trusted Republican contradicts Trump

2) Trusted Republican should be ignored because he’s conspiring with the enemy

3) The only proof he’s conspiring with the enemy is the fact that he contradicted Trump 

4) start over at 1

That is the epitome of cult thinking 


Let me put it to you this way, Trump being human, what if he was wrong about something, how would you know?  Who would you believe if they told you that?  The answer is nobody because you would never believe it no matter who told you. 

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


it's a general term.

I don't believe you don't already know this. Or are you thinking that you've earned exclusive right to the term by nature of being a frequent practitioner?

Trumps lie about the election is now commonly referred to as The Big Lie. If you ask me, it’s an understatement considering how many big lies he’s told and his attempt to end American democracy in a coup is so much more serious than simply a lie. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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13 hours ago, Shady said:

The future is bright. ☀️?


I'm guessing you didn't read the article. It just refers to the historical tendency of voters to vote against whatever party has the presidency in the midterms. It does not factor in the scorched earth murderous insurrection attempt, which may still be fresh in people's minds. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Neo-Cons like Cheney are Liberals. RINOs like the Lincoln project have gone full-Prog. 

The core Right are constitutional Republicans who believe in rights of the individual. Equality over Equity. Opportunity over outcome.

Time for the clown-show of leftist party hijackers like Cheney, Romney, KInsinger, Mcarthy et al to go.

It will become evident even to them in the midterm primaries that any power they thought they had is gone.

The days of the Frank Luntz Republican are over.

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36 minutes ago, godzilla said:

And Trump replied:


I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country.

She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy.

She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country’s history.

I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!" 


You got fired bitch. Go take your next job with the Corporate left where you belong and move on


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There's no question that at some point populist and authoritarian crowd lacking even a shred of critical ability toward their leaders no matter what they claim (it is a confirmed fact now) would win some elections and return to power. And in their own words, the law and the Constitution work only as long as they work for them. And this is a path that has few good outcomes. We should know that from the history if we cared to remember and not repeat it.

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22 minutes ago, myata said:

There's no question that at some point populist and authoritarian crowd lacking even a shred of critical ability toward their leaders no matter what they claim (it is a confirmed fact now) would win some elections and return to power. And in their own words, the law and the Constitution work only as long as they work for them. And this is a path that has few good outcomes. We should know that from the history if we cared to remember and not repeat it.

Hearing a leftist talking about 'critically thinking' about anything political in nature is a hoot.

You guys get sucked in by every idiotic story to come out of CNN, and then when the illusion has finally faded and the truth is out, they distract you by sucking you in again with the next BIG [BULLSHIT] THING! If that's not bad enough, then they wait a few months and start referring back to the old bullshit things as if they still had some credibility. "Remember Brianna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Dr Ford, Michael Brown, and Russian collusion? Now those were some stories with TRACTION!"

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