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The Lawsuits

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

The list of sources the cult will follow is getting quite short.  FOX is off of it.  So if you quote facts they had better come from the cult members with their own FOX shows, OAN or NEWSMAX.

Also, McConnel, Romney, and even Pence are traitors.  But the MSM doesn't have the story.

Don't forget Supreme Court head John Roberts. He's to be arrested, too, along with Pence and McConnel.

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3 hours ago, Shady said:

To paraphrase somebody else from several years ago.  Voting machines can be altered.  Software can be altered. 

Indeed. Lots of things "can" be altered. But you still need some kind of evidence that happened, and you don't have it. Further, the voting machines in question were only used in a few places. Further to that, the makers are NOT Democratic supporters. I welcome evidence to the contrary.

By the way, why did Bill Barr say there was no evidence of fraud which would have made any difference in the election?

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5 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

The allegation is both were done. Phoney votes were added and real votes for Trump were disappeared.

Any idiot can make an allegation. You need evidence to make it anything more than that.

Paul Ryan, former speaker and vice presidential candidate wants the lawsuits stopped.

“The outcome will not be changed, and it will only serve to undermine our faith in our system of government, our faith in our democracy,” Ryan said Nov. 24 at Bank of America’s virtual European Credit Conference.

“I know firsthand what it’s like to lose a national election, and it is a terrible feeling,” he said. “But I think it’s really important that we’re clear about this, which is the mere fact that the president’s lawyers throw these sort of baseless conspiracy theories out at press conferences but offer no evidence of these in court tells you that there is not the kind of widespread voter fraud or systemic voter fraud that would be required to overturn the outcome of this election.”

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I can find you plenty who didn't say there wasn't.


Given the pressure from the Trump base it would take a brave Republican politician to just up and say there was no fraud. But they're still not cowed enough to say there was.

4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

 Court cases have been dismissed or denied based on procedural claims like standing or they're filed too late or too early. The mountains of evidence have yet to be considered in court.

What, every single one? You're telling me dozens and dozens of court cases were all dismissed without hearing the evidence? Because I already posted one where the judge clearly stated he'd heard the evidence and it was crap.

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A perspective on PhoneGate, or BlackmailGate, or WhatanincompetentloserGate, or whatever the hell they are going to call it when Trump gets his head shaved.




The Spectator USA - Right Center Bias - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Overall, we rate the Spectator USA Right-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that moderately favor the right. We also rate them mostly factual in reporting due to a failed fact check.

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I think a general grip on reality is being lost by both sides of this...disagreement.

Trump is right about something...they're coming for YOU...all of you. He just happens to be in the way...and some of you, oddly, just happen to think being 'got' is a virtue.

You're shit...you're dirt...scum...to these people. Remember that.


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11 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

I think a general grip on reality is being lost by both sides of this...disagreement.

Trump is right about something...they're coming for YOU...all of you. He just happens to be in the way...and some of you, oddly, just happen to think being 'got' is a virtue.

You're shit...you're dirt...scum...to these people. Remember that.


That's what you are to Trump.  Unless you can help him in some way.  And then you can be better than shit, for as long as you are helping him.  Then it's back to shit.


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6 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

That's what you are to Trump.  Unless you can help him in some way.  And then you can be better than shit, for as long as you are helping him.  Then it's back to shit.


Yep.  Has nothing to do with policy.  Policy trumps personality.  Pun intended.  Always has, always will.  Policy affects my life in a much bigger way than someone’s terrible personality.  Grow up and grow thicker skin.  Put on your big boy pants.

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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

I think it's high-time we all admitted to ourselves that we were ALL screwed.

No argument there.  I've figured so for years.  I'll probably be dead before the worst of it, but humanity's inexorable slide towards misery is inevitable, unless we come up with cold fusion, or a faster than light drive.

Doesn't matter.  We have no right to live happily ever after.

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3 minutes ago, Shady said:

Yep.  Has nothing to do with policy.  Policy trumps personality.  Pun intended.  Always has, always will.  Policy affects my life in a much bigger way than someone’s terrible personality.  Grow up and grow thicker skin.  Put on your big boy pants.


I think we're literally witnessing a coup. But it isn't the coup we think it is. When the smoke clears, I think we'll find that Joe & Donald are really minor players and our true masters have yet to reveal themselves fully.

The NWO, baby...

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2 minutes ago, Shady said:

Yep.  Has nothing to do with policy.  Policy trumps personality.  Pun intended.  Always has, always will.  Policy affects my life in a much bigger way than someone’s terrible personality.  Grow up and grow thicker skin.  Put on your big boy pants.

Don't you have some fingers you want to show me...?

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1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

No argument there.  I've figured so for years.  I'll probably be dead before the worst of it, but humanity's inexorable slide towards misery is inevitable, unless we come up with cold fusion, or a faster than light drive.

Doesn't matter.  We have no right to live happily ever after.


Being the middle class...I assume...you will have to go under.

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2 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Being the middle class...I assume...you will have to go under.

Well, they'll have to find me first.  But I disagree with your contention that such is the coup we are immediately faced with.  Later maybe, who knows.  Least of our problems, really.  They'll have to get in line.

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2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Well, they'll have to find me first.  But I disagree with your contention that such is the coup we are immediately faced with.  Later maybe, who knows.  Least of our problems, really.  They'll have to get in line.


Like Silvio says...


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29 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


I think we're literally witnessing a coup. But it isn't the coup we think it is. When the smoke clears, I think we'll find that Joe & Donald are really minor players and our true masters have yet to reveal themselves fully.

The NWO, baby...

The real coup so far is the collusion between the Democrats, mainstream and big tech.  They most certainly put their thumb on the scale in an unfair way this election.  Now, if it happened in favour of Trump, the Trump Hater hypocrites would be screaming bloody murder.  But it happened against him, so they’re fine with it.  Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

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9 minutes ago, Shady said:

The real coup so far is the collusion between the Democrats, mainstream and big tech.  They most certainly put their thumb on the scale in an unfair way this election.  Now, if it happened in favour of Trump, the Trump Hater hypocrites would be screaming bloody murder.  But it happened against him, so they’re fine with it.  Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.


I think it goes MUCH further than that. The Democrats & friends...media, Neocons, etc...are willing to play along with "the Great Reset"...such a benign sounding thing, eh?

Now who is going to be Big Brother in this situation? Joe? Kamala?? Lol...

He's probably stroking his white Persian kitty as we converse...

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1 hour ago, Shady said:

The real coup so far is the collusion between the Democrats, mainstream and big tech.  They most certainly put their thumb on the scale in an unfair way this election.  Now, if it happened in favour of Trump, the Trump Hater hypocrites would be screaming bloody murder.  But it happened against him, so they’re fine with it.  Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

How do you feel about a sitting president pressuring a secretary of state with criminal prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes to overturn an election, and slurring his words while doing so? You have no option but to pretend it never happened or call me a psychopath for mentioning it. Which do you choose this time? :lol:

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19 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

How do you feel about a sitting president pressuring a secretary of state with criminal prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes to overturn an election, and slurring his words while doing so? You have no option but to pretend it never happened or call me a psychopath for mentioning it. Which do you choose this time? :lol:

They don't care.  They really don't.  The true meaning of Trump derangement syndrome, perhaps.

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What the Progressive Socialists and their Corporate allies are feeding their gullibles about the Trump/Raffensperger phone conversation is a false claim:

"After first saying they wouldn’t, the Washington Post released the full recording and transcript of President Trump’s conference call with Georgia secretary of state Raffensperger. What is clear is that the Washington Post selectively edited their initial release and gave it a misleading headline, ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor.”  Now that you can see the full transcript below what becomes obvious is that Trump was not asking  Raffensberger to cheat or commit voter fraud. He went over each of the claims of miscounting and voter fraud in Georgia and asked the Secretary of State to explain why he didn’t believe them to be legitimate"


Trump Raffensperger call

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I'll just give you trump's opening. If you want more it's at the link above. There should be enough below to show this claim above is true:

"Trump was not asking  Raffensberger to cheat or commit voter fraud. He went over each of the claims of miscounting and voter fraud in Georgia and asked the Secretary of State to explain why he didn’t believe them to be legitimate"


Trump: OK, thank you very much. Hello Brad and Ryan and everybody. We appreciate the time and the call. So we’ve spent a lot of time on this and if we could just go over some of the numbers, I think it’s pretty clear that we won. We won very substantially in Georgia. You even see it by rally size, frankly. We’d be getting 25-30,000 people a rally and the competition would get less than 100 people. And it never made sense.

But we have a number of things. We have at least 2 or 3 — anywhere from 250-300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County, which hasn’t been checked. We think that if you check the signatures — a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged. And we are quite sure that’s going to happen.

Another tremendous number. We’re going to have an accurate number over the next two days with certified accountants. But an accurate number — and that’s people that went to vote and they were told they can’t vote because they’ve already been voted for. And it’s a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the number’s large. We’ll have it for you. But it’s much more than the number of 11,779 that’s — The current margin is only 11,779. Brad, I think you agree with that, right? That’s something I think everyone — at least that’s’ a number that everyone agrees on.

But that’s the difference in the votes. But we’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots that we’re able to actually — we’ll get you a pretty accurate number. You don’t need much of a number because the number that in theory I lost by, the margin would be 11,779. But you also have a substantial numbers of people, thousands and thousands who went to the voting place on November 3, were told they couldn’t vote, were told they couldn’t vote because a ballot had been put on their name. And you know that’s very, very, very, very sad.

We had, I believe it’s about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list, so it’s 4,502 who voted but they weren’t on the voter registration roll which they had to be. You had 18,325 vacant address voters. The address was vacant and they’re not allowed to be counted. That’s 18,325.

Smaller number — you had 904 who only voted where they had just a P.O. — a post office box number — and they had a post office box number and that’s not allowed. We had at least 18,000 — that’s on tape we had them counted very painstakingly — 18,000 voters having to do with [name]. She’s a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler [name]. That was the tape that’s been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you me and everybody else.

Where they got — number one they said very clearly and it’s been reported they said there was a major water main break. Everybody fled the area. And then they came back, [name] and her daughter and a few people. There were no Republican poll watchers. Actually, there were no Democrat poll watchers, I guess they were them. But there were no Democrats, either and there was no law enforcement. Late in the morning, early in the morning they went to the table with the black robe, the black shield and they pulled out the votes. Those votes were put there a number of hours before the table was put there. I think it was, Brad you would know, it was probably eight hours or seven hours before and then it was stuffed with votes.

They weren’t in an official voter box, but they were in what looked to be suitcases or trunks, suitcases but they weren’t in voter boxes. The minimum number it could be because we watched it and they watched it certified in slow motion instant replay if you can believe it but slow motion and it was magnified many times over and the minimum it was 18,000 ballots, all for Biden.

You had out of state voters. they voted in Georgia but they were from out of state, of 4,925. You had absentee ballots sent to vacant, they were absentee ballots sent to vacant addresses. They had nothing on them about addresses, that’s

And you had drop boxes, which is very bad. You had drop boxes that were picked up. We have photographs and we have affidavits from many people.

I don’t know if you saw the hearings, but you have drop boxes where the box was picked up but not delivered for three days. So all sorts of things could have happened to that box including, you know, putting in the votes that you wanted. So there were many infractions and the bottom line is, many, many times the 11,779 margin that they said we lost by — we had vast I mean the state is in turmoil over this.

And I know you would like to get to the bottom of it, although I saw you on television today and you said that you found nothing wrong. I mean, you know, And I didn’t lose the state, Brad. People have been saying that it was the highest vote ever. There was no way. A lot of the political people said that there’s no way they beat me. And they beat me. They beat me in the … As you know, every single state … we won every state. we one every statehouse in the country. We held the Senate which is shocking to people, although we’ll see what happens tomorrow or in a few days.

And we won the House, but we won every single statehouse and we won Congress, which was supposed to lose 15 seats, and they gained, I think 16 or 17 or something. I think there’s a now difference of five. There was supposed to be a difference substantially more. But politicians in every state, but politicians in Georgia have given affidavits or are going to that, that there was no way that they beat me in the election that the people came out, in fact, they were expecting to lose and then they ended up winning by a lot because of the coattails. And they said there’s no way that they’ve done many polls prior to the election. There was no way that they won.

Ballots were dropped in massive numbers. And we’re trying to get to those numbers and we will have them.

They’ll take a period of time. Certified. But but they’re massive numbers. And far greater than the other thing, dead people. So dead people voted and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters.

The bottom line is when you add it all up and then you start adding, you know, 300,000 fake ballots. Then the other thing they said is in Fulton County and other areas. And this may or may not … because this just came up this morning that they are burning their ballots, that they are shredding, shredding ballots and removing equipment. They’re changing the equipment on the Dominion machines and, you know, that’s not legal.

And they supposedly shredded I think they said 300 pounds of, 3,000 pounds of ballots. And that just came to us as a report today. And it is a very sad situation.

But Brad if you took the minimum numbers where many, many times above the 11,779 and many of those numbers are certified, or they will be certified but they are certified. And those are numbers that are there that exist. And that beat the margin of loss, they beat it, I mean by a lot and people should be happy to have an accurate count instead of an election where there’s turmoil.

I mean there’s turmoil in Georgia and other places. You’re not the only one I mean we have other states that I believe will be flipping to us very shortly. And this is something that — You know, as an example, I think it in Detroit, I think there’s a section a good section of your state actually, which we’re not sure so we’re not going to report it yet. But in Detroit, we had, I think it was, 139 percent of the people voted. That’s not too good.

In Pennsylvania, they had well over 200,000 more votes than they had people voting. And uh that doesn’t play too well, and the legislature there is, which is Republican, is extremely activist and angry. I mean, there were other things also that were almost as bad as that. But, uh, they had as an example, in Michigan, a tremendous number of dead people that voted. I think it was I think, Mark, it was 18,000. Some unbelievably high number, much higher than yours, you were in the 4-5,000 category.

And that was checked out laboriously by going through, by going through the obituary columns in the newspapers.

So I guess with all of it being said, Brad, the bottom line and provisional ballots, again, you know, you’ll have to tell me about the provisional ballots, but we have a lot of people that were complaining that they weren’t able to vote because they were already voted for. These are great people.

And, you know, they were shellshocked. I don’t know if you call that provisional ballots. In some states we had a lot of provisional ballot situations where people were given a provisional ballot because when they walked in on November 3 and they were already voted for.

So that’s it. I mean, we have many many times the number of votes necessary to win the state. And we won the state and we won it very substantially and easily and we’re getting, we have, much of this is a very certified, far more certified than we need. But we’re getting additional numbers certified, too. And we’re getting pictures of dropboxes being delivered and delivered late. Delivered three days later, in some cases, plus we have many affidavits to that effect.

It's clear Bubber just read the misleading WaPo title somewhere. 

bcs posted the audio but he obviously didn't actually listen to it or he wouldn't think he had a gotcha.



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Then there's this:


Georgia Republican chairman David Shafer later announced that President Trump and his team filed two lawsuits against Secretary of State Raffensperger.

David Shafer: President Donald Trump has filed two lawsuits – federal and state – against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. This was after Raffensperger secretly recorded the “confidential settlement discussion” of that litigation that is still pending. The audio published by the Washington Post is heavily edited and omits the stipulation that all discussions were for the purpose of settling litigation and confidential under federal and state law.


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