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15 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Let's face it, if any of the claims made so far are legit, the election is not.

The election is, so they are not.

:lol: "I believe everything I see on CNN, and they announced that the election was legit right on election night!!!!!!!!" :lol: 

Look under your seat for a prize!


CNN for 4 years: "The 2016 election was a fraud! The complete lack of evidence of 2016 fraud - despite years of FBI investigations (with a reasonable number of necessary crimes by the FBI), pre-dawn assault-style raids, thousands of subpoenas, millions of pages of documents from the accused, the sworn testimony hundreds of people, and the coercion of witnesses for false testimony.... proves nothing."

CNN toadies and stooges: "OMG you're so right! We don't need to see any evidence at all to know the truth!"



CNN on election night 2020: "This election is hereby certified 100% legitimate. There's no need whatsoever for any investigations. Joe won fair and square, or at least he will, in a few days."  

CNN toadies and stooges: "OMG you're so right! It's important to destroy whatever evidence may exist of fraud, and to disregard what we already know, because we know in our hearts that no fraud was committed!"

Edited by WestCanMan
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24 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Holy crap. If the info from 2:09 - 2:40 in that video is legit, the election was not.

American Thinker (yes, little proggies, we know you hate it) has some more on how the rich and corporate of the new left funnel money through 501C's to manage elections.


The New Leviathan demonstrated using hard numbers that the Democrats had become the party of the rich and of corporate America and were using that power to fundamentally transform the country using their 'leviathan' of massive tax-exempt foundations. Even while pretending to be the party of the working class, their political organizations were outspending conservatives.


Today, the infrastructure of the New Leviathan, as the book warned, “extends into every aspect of the nation’s life.” It is a political machine that dictates the terms on which governments operate, as well as corporations, the media, and academia, using the resources of the network to function as a shadow government.

The shadow network of lefty non-profits allowed Big Tech billionaires to hijack local elections with their own private armies of activists and armed foreign governments with a direct pipeline into the heart of our political system by funding think tanks and other political nonprofits.



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And this little bit from that article will be interesting to people who noticed Fox News was being hijacked by the left:


In The New Leviathan, David Horowitz warned that the failure to 'sunset' foundations after 5 to 10 years had allowed radicals to take over conservative foundations and steer them into causes that the inventors and businessmen whose fortunes and names they were misusing would have violently opposed. He urged conservatives to work to change IRS rules for the 'leviathan' of leftist 501c3 nonprofits which act as political advocacy organizations before it's too late.

The 2020 election shows just how urgent this cause is.

The far left Salon gives us something to think about on that:

Rupert Murdoch’s son and daughter-in-law drop more than $2 million to help elect Biden and Democrats

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14 hours ago, sharkman said:

if they find evidence that the election apparatus was hacked, then this election will be null and void.

If either one were going to hack the election it would have been to keep that moron Trump in power.

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45 minutes ago, Argus said:

If either one were going to hack the election it would have been to keep that moron Trump in power.

That just doesn't add up.  The US has been instrumental in keeping the price of oil way down.  That hurts Russia, adds to their debt, cuts spending on their military, it must have Putin seething.  China?  Trump has singlehandedly brought their economy way down and showed the world that China can be roughed up(and this is before Covid, using the trade deals and tariffs).  So naturally they want to hack an election to make sure he stays in power...


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37 minutes ago, sharkman said:

That just doesn't add up.  The US has been instrumental in keeping the price of oil way down. 


Not by any policy of Trump's. US shale development and increased oil production helped keep the price down, along with fighting between the Iranian and Saudi camps of OPEC. None of this has a thing to do with Trump.


China?  Trump has singlehandedly brought their economy way down and showed the world that China can be roughed up(and this is before Covid, using the trade deals and tariffs). 

He has, huh? The Chinese trade surplus with the US hit a record $75 billion in November. It doesn't seem like anything Trump has done has caused them any harm at all.

Meanwhile, China has increased its power and influence throughout the world, and is pouring money into modernizing and expanding its military.

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6 minutes ago, Argus said:


He has, huh? The Chinese trade surplus with the US hit a record $75 billion in November. It doesn't seem like anything Trump has done has caused them any harm at all.

Here's a handy graph I keep for just such a thread:


Trump did really well around January 2020 but that was while the trade war was on and Trump was using taxpayer dollars to pay farmers to not sell soybeans.

But there's also the policy disasters, like Trump telling China he'd go soft on Hong Kong.

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Di Dongsheng vice dean of the School of International Relations at the Remnin University of China and Vice Director and Secretary of the center for Strategic studies of China disagrees with this idea China would prefer Trump over Biden.

He and his audience are quite pleased about the return of their boy Biden, AKA "The Big Guy." Di Dong and the Chinese in the audience didn't seem to enjoy four years of the Donald. Di Dong will tell you why:


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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

:lol: "I believe everything I see on CNN, and they announced that the election was legit right on election night!!!!!!!!" :lol: 

Look under your seat for a prize!


CNN for 4 years: "The 2016 election was a fraud! The complete lack of evidence of 2016 fraud - despite years of FBI investigations (with a reasonable number of necessary crimes by the FBI), pre-dawn assault-style raids, thousands of subpoenas, millions of pages of documents from the accused, the sworn testimony hundreds of people, and the coercion of witnesses for false testimony.... proves nothing."

CNN toadies and stooges: "OMG you're so right! We don't need to see any evidence at all to know the truth!"



CNN on election night 2020: "This election is hereby certified 100% legitimate. There's no need whatsoever for any investigations. Joe won fair and square, or at least he will, in a few days."  

CNN toadies and stooges: "OMG you're so right! It's important to destroy whatever evidence may exist of fraud, and to disregard what we already know, because we know in our hearts that no fraud was committed!"

A good rant, and one to be proud of, but it doesn't change anything at all.  There was no fraud, the election was won by Joe Biden, and Trump is a loser for the ages, more so because of his pathetic refusal to acknowledge such.

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Trump won. It was a record win. The steal was a coup by fraud. Whether the fix turns out to just be an attempt or it's a success Trump still won to anybody who chooses not to ignore the obvious.

It's looking like Trump is running out of options though. You Biden supporters may very well be enjoying the ol' Chinese curse of "May you live in interesting times" for the next four years of Biden or Harris. I'd be careful about being too happy about that though, if I were you.

  • Haha 1
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31 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Trump won. It was a record win. The steal was a coup by fraud. Whether the fix turns out to just be an attempt or it's a success Trump still won to anybody who chooses not to ignore the obvious.

It's looking like Trump is running out of options though. You Biden supporters may very well be enjoying the ol' Chinese curse of "May you live in interesting times" for the next four years of Biden or Harris. I'd be careful about being too happy about that though, if I were you.

No, Trump didn't win.  He's a loser.  A great, big, foot stamping loser.  He put people on the courts for one reason, and they had too much integrity (I'm sure that's a puzzlement to him.  Integrity?) to actually do the job for which he put them there.  I was pleasantly surprised at that.

I would have wanted anyone on the other side to beat him.  Even if it was AOC with Omar as Veep.  ( I realize the age thing)

I could then look forward to them having their arses kicked next time.  Just so long as Trump got his well and truly kicked this time.

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57 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

  Integrity?) to actually do the job for which he put them there.  I was pleasantly surprised at that.


Why were you surprised ?   Did you expect otherwise ?   If so, why ?



I would have wanted anyone on the other side to beat him.  Even if it was AOC with Omar as Veep.  ( I realize the age thing)


Trump already had his ass kicking fun...back in 2016.   

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Not by any policy of Trump's. US shale development and increased oil production helped keep the price down, along with fighting between the Iranian and Saudi camps of OPEC. None of this has a thing to do with Trump.

He has, huh? The Chinese trade surplus with the US hit a record $75 billion in November. It doesn't seem like anything Trump has done has caused them any harm at all.

Meanwhile, China has increased its power and influence throughout the world, and is pouring money into modernizing and expanding its military.

What?  Of course it wasn't a Trump policy, what the hell are you talking about?  It's like you only come here to rack up your damn post numbers.  Go rack up your numbers with someone else, I am here to discuss reality, not become poster of the day.  Is there an ignore button in this freaking forum??

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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Why were you surprised ?   Did you expect otherwise ?   If so, why ?


I know, my bad.  I just watched all the loony religious types applauding the picks and assumed they would be somewhat biased.  Awful of me, and I'm very ashamed.

For now, anyway.

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17 hours ago, bcsapper said:

A good rant, and one to be proud of, but it doesn't change anything at all.  There was no fraud, the election was won by Joe Biden, and Trump is a loser for the ages, more so because of his pathetic refusal to acknowledge such.


You blurt that out like it's a statement of fact and literally every human on earth who has grade ten math or higher knows that it's a lie. 


Trump is a loser for the ages, more so because of his pathetic refusal to acknowledge such.

After 4 years of lying and baseless accusations from your cult of 2016's leftist losers this is obviously the most hollow accusation in the history of mankind Sap.


FYI BCSapper the Dems stooped to the point of having the FBI do an assault-style pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's home with 17 fully-automatic assault rifles locked & loaded, then they frog-marched him out while CNN had the cameras rolling on him.

That same station won't even politely ask Joe Biden why he lied, numerous times on video, about his knowledge of Burisma & China. 

It's a 100% fact that Biden lied about that, he even admitted to it. Hunter admitted that he only had the Burisma job and other board positions because of his father's position. Joe shut down the investigation using the weight of his VP position in a blatant quid-pro-quo, which is apparently the worst thing that a politician can do, according to CNN.

We all know that some very concerning things happened surrounding both of those scandals, and CNN won't even ask Joe politely about it because "The allegations are so dastardly and unfounded!" Yet they were there for that freak-show of an arrest on a 75 yr old man in his underwear who was just sleeping with his wife lol. 


You have the least credibility of any human on earth sapper. Your hypocrisy is over the moon. 

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22 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


You blurt that out like it's a statement of fact and literally every human on earth who has grade ten math or higher knows that it's a lie. 

After 4 years of lying and baseless accusations from your cult of 2016's leftist losers this is obviously the most hollow accusation in the history of mankind Sap.


FYI BCSapper the Dems stooped to the point of having the FBI do an assault-style pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's home with 17 fully-automatic assault rifles locked & loaded, then they frog-marched him out while CNN had the cameras rolling on him.

That same station won't even politely ask Joe Biden why he lied, numerous times on video, about his knowledge of Burisma & China. 

It's a 100% fact that Biden lied about that, he even admitted to it. Hunter admitted that he only had the Burisma job and other board positions because of his father's position. Joe shut down the investigation using the weight of his VP position in a blatant quid-pro-quo, which is apparently the worst thing that a politician can do, according to CNN.

We all know that some very concerning things happened surrounding both of those scandals, and CNN won't even ask Joe politely about it because "The allegations are so dastardly and unfounded!" Yet they were there for that freak-show of an arrest on a 75 yr old man in his underwear who was just sleeping with his wife lol. 


You have the least credibility of any human on earth sapper. Your hypocrisy is over the moon. 

What are you trying to do here?  I already gave you credit for a rant!  There's no need to try and outdo yourself with even more ridiculous fabrication and blind eye turning.

Take your credit and have done with it.  Even though your support of Trump makes you a loser and a liar by association, you can take refuge in the fact that only we know it, and you are anonymous anyway.


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18 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Tucker tells the story behind the Di Dongsheng video:


When I see things like this it makes me wonder wtf people are talking about when they say that Fox News has shifted left.

If CNN, CBC & CTV saw Biden, Trudeau and Xi dancing on a pile of American & Canadian corpses they would do their best to bury the story. Fox still reports on everything that they should be reporting on.


The story about Fox News shifting left is reminiscent of the CBC's attacks on Scheer. After an election loss by Scheer/Trump, the alt-left news starts trying to create division on the other side. Eg in Canada, they said "Scheer should never have lost to Trudeau, with all his scandals!" (the scandals that CBC played down, and the ones that they kept on showing polls about which seemed to indicate that Canadians didn't think the scandals were an issue). 

Now when the GOP lose an election the theory comes out that "Fox News called Arizona too quickly, they're godless commies!" 

I still consider Fox News to be - by far - the most reliable news network in North America. Possibly the only actual news network.

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I think it's more Fox 'is shifting' than 'has shifted.'

But yeah, when Caputo feels he can get away with cutting off Kayleigh McEnany because he doesn't like what she's saying, they call Arizona early (it seems to influence future voting,) they hire Donna Brazile, and Chris Wallace doesn't think twice about becoming the 2 in a 2 on 1 debate against Trump...stuff like that, then yeah, people are going to start to notice something is up.

It is good though, that who's ever behind the shift at Fox still has enough self-interest to keep Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham on. Hopefully when it gets so bad they dump those 3 and recast the Five with 4 progs and a token right-winger, NewsMax will take all the discarded from the right on. Then there will be a new Fox, hopefully even better than the old one.

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5 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

What are you trying to do here?  I already gave you credit for a rant!  

It was actually just a quick explanation of what's going on and an honest look at how easily you're led around by propagandists, for your own benefit. Not a rant by any reckoning of the word. 

Grab a dictionary and look up the word 'rant' sapper. It only has 4 letter for gawd's sake. You should be able to at least use those ones correctly.


Take your credit and have done with it. 

One of the highest compliments one can have is to be accused of being wrong by you, and I thank ya kindly for that.


 makes you a loser and a liar  

FYI I was disagreeing with you sapper.  I'm not on your side here on this issue and I'm not sure what gave you that impression. 



If you had some facts to blurt out, we all know that you'd do it, just like I did. Instead you're reduced to a series of baseless allegations with a smattering of sandbox insults. That's life on the left though, so I know you're used to it. 


How about of you list off all the things that I was wrong about and I'll happily rehash the laundry list of times that you were sucked in by left-wing propaganda which was eventually proven to be a bunch of lies? 

Wanna go Sapper? Care to try to throw down some actual facts kiddo? Or do you just have some more sandbox insults up your sleeve?

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5 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I think it's more Fox 'is shifting' than 'has shifted.'

But yeah, when Caputo feels he can get away with cutting off Kayleigh McEnany because he doesn't like what she's saying, they call Arizona early (it seems to influence future voting,) they hire Donna Brazile, and Chris Wallace doesn't think twice about becoming the 2 in a 2 on 1 debate against Trump...stuff like that, then yeah, people are going to start to notice something is up.

It is good though, that who's ever behind the shift at Fox still has enough self-interest to keep Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham on. Hopefully when it gets so bad they dump those 3 and recast the Five with 4 progs and a token right-winger, NewsMax will take all the discarded from the right on. Then there will be a new Fox, hopefully even better than the old one.

Fox isn't afraid to have people present the alternative viewpoints on their shows, unlike the sycophants-only alt-left networks in North America. They never have been for as long as I've been watching.

They don't present their facts and opinions in a vacuum or an echo chamber, they like to humiliate leftists while they do it, much like cats toy with mice before they go in for the kill.  

Some of the leftists are pretty dishonest and annoying, like Tarlov and Williams, but that can't really be helped if you're drawing from the left side of the aisle. Brazille is likeable and usually reasonable though imo.

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It is interesting to think how media might change if the Corporate Left does get away with their coup and the puppet team of Biden/Harris does take over.

I suspect push-back from the right that will manifest in the media. Social and other.

I expect Trump to either just leave Twitter or get kicked off, then go to Parler. I hope there's something to this rumor about Trump creating another Facebook. Woke media like Netflix can be a problem but I'm starting to see a pushback where people just don't want stuff like 'Cuties' anymore, so they just leave. Hopefully that grows. "Get woke, go broke' seems to be hitting sports like NFL Football and Basketball now. Hopefully it will happen enough to smarten them up. 

I disagree with you on the idea of the Fox shift, but I don't think it matters if Newsmax, Right Side Broadcasting and OAN take over.

A lot is going to depend on whether the Corporate left and their Progressive Socialist thug arm are able to fix the Senate runoffs in Georgia the way they did the Presidential.

If they succeed forget everything I just said. There is no hope. There will be an Oligarchy that will tolerate no resistance. It's just a matter of what it will look like.

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19 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Tucker tells the story behind the Di Dongsheng video:


Does 'Tucker' also explain how it was that Trump inexplicably  ordered the sanctions against ZTE removed, startling the American intelligence community and his aids? Does he wonder about how this was done after China invested half a billion in a development the Trump's were overseeing in Malaysia, and then another billion after the sanctions were lifted?

Nope. I bet 'Tucker' has never even mentioned that.

Trump is China's bitch. His whole life has been that of a guy who'll do anything for a buck, and China has lots of bucks.

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