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Florida goes . . . Florida

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

Can people be arrested and fined for gathering in groups and all staying six feet apart or are we now not even allowed to get together and do something like this? There should be no problem? Then people can get together outside in the great outdoors and socialize while keeping their social distance nonsense intact. Works for me! 

In Ontario all parks are closed. You can only walk through. 

This outbreak isn't getting any better. 

Soon we'll only be allowed out if we have a good reason. 

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

In Ontario all parks are closed. You can only walk through. 

This outbreak isn't getting any better. 

Soon we'll only be allowed out if we have a good reason. 

It is getting better.  Social distancing and other similar policies like school closures, non-essential closures have been in place for a few weeks now.  We can't quantitatively see the results yet, especially with the testing backlog.  But the virus would be spreading less quickly.  It'll be another couple of weeks probably before it's actually measurable.

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2 minutes ago, Shady said:

It is getting better.  Social distancing and other similar policies like school closures, non-essential closures have been in place for a few weeks now.  We can't quantitatively see the results yet, especially with the testing backlog.  But the virus would be spreading less quickly.  It'll be another couple of weeks probably before it's actually measurable.

DoFo is going to release some stark models he's been seeing today. Models JT refuses to release. 

Many aren't taking this serious enough. See crowded parks every day. 

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1 hour ago, Tdot said:

The law you quoted, might be n/a to public safety during national emergencies wherever the religious gathering can cause harm to citizens in a non-religious way.


Only if government invokes such measures with mandatory quarantines, martial law, and overriding state interest at the federal or state level.   Local authorities typically need state approval for such measures (hence the reason NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio could not shut down the city without Gov. Cuomo's approval).

Japanese-Americans' constitutional rights were violated during WW2 (internment camps) because the western U.S. was considered a war zone and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the racist decision by FDR.    Would not happen today.

Churches can voluntarily shut down all services if they wish.

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34 minutes ago, Boges said:

DoFo is going to release some stark models he's been seeing today. Models JT refuses to release. 

Many aren't taking this serious enough. See crowded parks every day. 

"Stark message coming" reads the news headline. Like the Grim reaper is about to give a speech of what's coming next. Or rather, what may come next if ye sin. The virus as new religion. Death cult rising. Revere the most powerful thing that has unleashed itself upon us. Demiurge , demon, demagogue. Invisible but everywhere at once. It knows when you are sleeping. It knows when you're awake.

JT is now the shy voice of reason, only cause he's not saying. It is notably ironic that DoFo et al, even Trump, are on the wrong bandwagon here, taking all of us to hell, and you people follow along dutifully, completely without understanding.

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26 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

JT is now the shy voice of reason, only cause he's not saying. It is notably ironic that DoFo et al, even Trump, are on the wrong bandwagon here, taking all of us to hell, and you people follow along dutifully, completely without understanding.

You're the one that's not understanding. 

This shit is serious. 

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JT is taking heat for not really answering any question. Why bother have these briefings if he's not going to say anything? 

His Ministers do a better job afterwards. 

DoFo is doing a great job here. He thinks we should see the numbers he's seeing. 

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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

JT is taking heat for not really answering any question. Why bother have these briefings if he's not going to say anything? 

His Ministers do a better job afterwards. 

DoFo is doing a great job here. He thinks we should see the numbers he's seeing. 


I know....that's why I can't wait for Doug Ford to upstage Trudeau's fear and trepidation.

Ford is looking great through all this.     Trudeau...not so much.

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

DoFo is doing a great job

Reality inverted.

I on the other hand think he always sucked and still does. 

I’m talking to medical professionals, the nurses and they can’t figure out what the heck is going on. They’re working with their standard influenza protocol, nothing special or new here. But nobody can get a sensible word out due to the never-ending mantra of virus, virus, virus.

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19 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Toronto mayor was threatening a $5000 dollar fine for some kids who jumped a fence to play soccer on a closed soccer field. Kids want to go outside and play, they know they need fresh air and exercise just like our mommas told us. They have roped off all the playgrounds, even though kids apparently hardly are getting the virus at all, and if they do almost none of them have died.

kids are kids and they need to play. Kids need to get out and play and exercise with their peers instead of keeping them in their homes to play games all day long for weeks on end. This is what some will call total insane madness being created by our dear comrade leaders. Right now we are all living in a created made up mad world where so many people are starting to act like they have gone mad in the head. Our mad politicians and the media have created so much panic and fear on TV where some people are now so scared to go outside, and where some people have now become good little comrades and have started squealing on people who will not go along with their insane madness and stay inside or get to close to someone else.  

There can be no doubt about all of this madness that has been created by the globullists billionaires who have truly created a global pandemic exercise all planned to happen in 2020. My wife and me went for a walk in a park the other day. I was surprised to see that the dear comrade leaders in that city did not, as of yet, roped the park off from people entering. And if Doug Ford has said that there will be no more conventions, meetings, concerts or parades until June. Is he trying to tell us that this created pandemic will be around for another three more months? I can see a lot more madness being created in we the sheeple if we have three more months of this goat droppings.  

Do you think that this will do more harm than good by locking down millions of Canadians in their homes with nowhere to go and nothing to do anymore for the next three months even in Florida? Personally, I can see a rebellion happening if our dear comrade leaders try and keep this going for another three months.  What think you? :) 

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6 hours ago, Tdot said:


I just tried really, really hard but I simply can NOT disagree with this.

With what? That I cannot but beer and wine in grocery stores here in socialist British Columbia? :D

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

In Ontario all parks are closed. You can only walk through. 

This outbreak isn't getting any better. 

Soon we'll only be allowed out if we have a good reason. 

The aim of the globullists and our comrade politicians and the bought off media is to see just how much the lemmings can take before they will call it all off. If Dougie Ford boy wants to try and pretty much shut down everything,  I think that he is setting himself up for a rebellion by the lemmings. Even trying to lock all the lemmings down for maybe up to three months will eventually I believe have to cause people to say enough already. I cannot take it anymore. I have had enough of this globullist cow manure. One can only hope that day will happen. :unsure: 

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16 minutes ago, taxme said:

With what? That I cannot but beer and wine in grocery stores here in socialist British Columbia? :D

The Save-On in Kamloops has a good selection of wine.


I do agree with your freedom sentiments.



Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin


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3 hours ago, pinky tuscadero said:

The Save-On in Kamloops has a good selection of wine.


I do agree with your freedom sentiments.



I believe that they are only allowed to sell BC wines. The grocery stores that I go to in Blaine and Bellingham, Wash. sells all kinds of beers and wines and hard stuff. Now that is what I am waiting to see happen one of those days here in socialist BC. 

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Do you think that this will do more harm than good by locking down millions of Canadians in their homes with nowhere to go and nothing to do anymore for the next three months even in Florida? Personally, I can see a rebellion happening if our dear comrade leaders try and keep this going for another three months.  What think you? :) 

I think that's why they're calling in the army.

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28 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I think that's why they're calling in the army.

Yup, you may just be right on that one. Defy the dyktators orders and you could get shot on site. Madness has now taken over our politicians weak brains. I suggest that you and me had better stock up on some more toilet paper and plenty of food just in case. It could be a long three months. Hey, we never know, eh?  Whatever the planners have in store for us it is not going to be all that pleasant for much fun. Aw well, we must play the game now no matter what the end game will be. ;) 


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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Yup, you may just be right on that one. Defy the dyktators orders and you could get shot on site. Madness has now taken over our politicians weak brains. I suggest that you and me had better stock up on some more toilet paper and plenty of food just in case. It could be a long three months. Hey, we never know, eh?  Whatever the planners have in store for us it is not going to be all that pleasant for much fun. Aw well, we must play the game now no matter what the end game will be. ;)

Apparently getting arrested just for breaking the quarantine can get you a year in prison. At least you wouldn't be in isolation, because the prisoners are still doing the same thing as ever. Can't get no social distancing in a jail.

Planners are allowing this, or it wouldn't happen simple as that. Whatever happens, the planners have sanctioned it. Made it happen is more likely. Right now the bullionaires are moving their investments around. They've already got them somewhere safe out of the way while the market is being destroyed. Then they will make more money, so this works for them in some positive way. You can bet your food bank coupons on that.

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11 hours ago, dialamah said:

This situation is really hard on everyone, and we all wish things were different, leaders had done better somehow and that we weren't looking forward to months of staying home and the economic fallout that is coming.  But why do so many conservatives have to be so stupid about it?    Deal with it like adults, for God's sake.  Blame, accusation, whining or offering "older people" as sacrifices to capitalism is just dumb. 

This isn't about conservatism or being adult. I'll reserve my judgement for now but what I heard today from Doug Ford substantiates my belief that the quarantine is going too far, is useless in some ways and also harmful in others. Like what I've been saying about the psychological impact. those of us who have reserve cash are not as scared as people who live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of young people struggle with part-time jobs, having two jobs or more, not structured permanentworkwe enjoyed and they have no reserves, not eligible for EI. To say people should have to suck it up is not good enough, not responsible leadership.

I know they say they'll pony up the welfare money but its weeks away at a minimum. It won't be enough. In the meantime the problem many have is now, today. Not 6 weeks.

They are told to go to the bank and ask for a loan. A loan would have to be at least five to ten grand to be useful, cover rent and and food for a few months for couple or small family. These people are in shock today. Not only fear of virus, no job. No rent money. No grocery money. And now you suddenly owe the bank ten grand.

If you can wear those shoes sister go ahead, then tell me how this is all smart and good.

And didn't your mom ever say, it's cold and flu season, go outside and get some fresh air? Or that doctors explain the reason influenza spreads is because people spend more time indoors in winter? Pretty sure I used to be told that but maybe the information has changed today. But I remember it. I have a memory.

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27 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Apparently getting arrested just for breaking the quarantine can get you a year in prison. At least you wouldn't be in isolation, because the prisoners are still doing the same thing as ever. Can't get no social distancing in a jail.

Planners are allowing this, or it wouldn't happen simple as that. Whatever happens, the planners have sanctioned it. Made it happen is more likely. Right now the bullionaires are moving their investments around. They've already got them somewhere safe out of the way while the market is being destroyed. Then they will make more money, so this works for them in some positive way. You can bet your food bank coupons on that.

But try and get the lemmings to listen to what you and me are saying here? We have some sky is falling down members here who can easily be convinced enough with plenty of endless media brainwashing to believe that the sky is really falling down.  When there are still people who believe that the earth is flat walking around, the sane ones really have to worry about how much sanity is left on earth? The earth is coated with many of those mindless lemmings and we can only see things getting worse and not better for the future with so many of those fools walking around. 

The globulists will always win because of those mindless lemmings. Even in Florida the politicians are trying to shut down all the beaches. Now how insane is that? There are plenty of miles of beaches where people can quite easily keep their silly azz social distance from one another. We can't even play golf anymore even though the game is played outside and easy enough to keep your social distance. insanity is truly taking over alright. Lol. 


PS: The fines or jail are a bit too much. A possible fine of up to $5.000 for not keeping your social distance? Just how gawd dam stupid are most of our politicians becoming?  

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Even in Florida the politicians are trying to shut down all the beaches. Now how insane is that? There are plenty of miles of beaches where people can quite easily keep their silly azz social distance from one another. We can't even play golf anymore even though the game is played outside and easy enough to keep your social distance. insanity is truly taking over alright. Lol. 

You want insane? Stay tuned it's still coming. Here's one for today- People who were planning to receive medically assisted induced death are having it postponed by the hospitals, because of coronavirus. I guess those with a terminal illness will just have to wait until the virus passes before they're allowed to die.

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

This isn't about conservatism or being adult. I'll reserve my judgement for now but what I heard today from Doug Ford substantiates my belief that the quarantine is going too far, is useless in some ways and also harmful in others. Like what I've been saying about the psychological impact. those of us who have reserve cash are not as scared as people who live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of young people struggle with part-time jobs, having two jobs or more, not structured permanentworkwe enjoyed and they have no reserves, not eligible for EI. To say people should have to suck it up is not good enough, not responsible leadership.

I know they say they'll pony up the welfare money but its weeks away at a minimum. It won't be enough. In the meantime the problem many have is now, today. Not 6 weeks.

They are told to go to the bank and ask for a loan. A loan would have to be at least five to ten grand to be useful, cover rent and and food for a few months for couple or small family. These people are in shock today. Not only fear of virus, no job. No rent money. No grocery money. And now you suddenly owe the bank ten grand.

If you can wear those shoes sister go ahead, then tell me how this is all smart and good.

And didn't your mom ever say, it's cold and flu season, go outside and get some fresh air? Or that doctors explain the reason influenza spreads is because people spend more time indoors in winter? Pretty sure I used to be told that but maybe the information has changed today. But I remember it. I have a memory.

Maybe we need to blame it on the liberals instead seeing that they are in power right now. These people like him/her do not care about what happens to other people. They are okay and that is all that matters to them. It is conservatives who do give more of a care and concern then liberals ever have or ever will. 

There is no bank that is going to loan any money to anybody who does not have a job. I do not need to try and wear some other person's shoes. I care and understand. Our politicians are going to give themselves a pay raise when so many have lost their jobs. Most of our politicians have become a bunch of scumbags.  How else can one describe them now. 

Indeed, it is still the season for the flu and going outside is a lot better than staying inside. The cold weather will never make things any worse for a cold  That information told to you in the past has now been replaced and altered by the you know who and they probably want most of us to get sick and die. They only think of us as cannon fodder anyway. To be discarded when we are of no use anymore. Deplorable inhuman beings. 

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

There is no bank that is going to loan any money to anybody who does not have a job.

No of course not. It's in their policy.

Not only do these people not have a job, they have no collateral. No reserves in the bank, no car, no home (they rent). All they have is their furniture and the clothes on their back. they can't even get the goddam pogey.

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