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Its official, Trump broke the law

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

The effect of which lowered the bar and changed what it is a President can and can't be impeached for.  Again I ask is there a credible Republican rebut to the implications of this new precedent going forward?

LMAO. When Clinton was impeached he was caught committing actual felonies (plural) and was disbarred from practicing law as a result. Still, people like Feinstein and Schumer voted against his impeachment. Now they voted to have Trump impeached for asking to have a proper investigation started. It was a farce.

Re: Clinton: how is it even possible for a person to be low enough that even lawyers won't allow you within their ranks but you can still be President? 

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Senate Republicans Say One Mistake Should Not Ruin The Life Of A Naive, Promising Young Man Like Trump

"WASHINGTON—Insisting that the impressionable youth wasn’t aware of any wrongdoing, Senate Republicans spoke out Thursday saying that one mistake shouldn’t ruin the life of a naive, promising young man like President Donald Trump. “Sure, withholding military aid to an ally in wartime in order to secure an investigation into a political rival isn’t the best, but it’s wrong to squander all of this bright young man’s potential over one little abuse of power,” said Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), explaining that it would be easy to look back and find a time in pretty much anyone’s life when they tried to compel a foreign government to interfere in a national election because they didn’t know any better. “It would be unfair to blemish this gifted young man’s record forever just because he committed a single high crime in his 70s. Just ask yourself: do we really want this one miscarriage of public trust in democratic institutions to follow him for the rest of his life?” At press time, McConnell was heartened that an acquitted Trump still had an entire life of undermining democracy for his personal benefit ahead of him."

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39 minutes ago, godzilla said:

Senate Republicans Say One Mistake Should Not Ruin The Life Of A Naive, Promising Young Man Like Trump

"WASHINGTON—Insisting that the impressionable youth wasn’t aware of any wrongdoing, Senate Republicans spoke out Thursday saying that one mistake shouldn’t ruin the life of a naive, promising young man like President Donald Trump. “Sure, withholding military aid to an ally in wartime in order to secure an investigation into a political rival isn’t the best, but it’s wrong to squander all of this bright young man’s potential over one little abuse of power,” said Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), explaining that it would be easy to look back and find a time in pretty much anyone’s life when they tried to compel a foreign government to interfere in a national election because they didn’t know any better. “It would be unfair to blemish this gifted young man’s record forever just because he committed a single high crime in his 70s. Just ask yourself: do we really want this one miscarriage of public trust in democratic institutions to follow him for the rest of his life?” At press time, McConnell was heartened that an acquitted Trump still had an entire life of undermining democracy for his personal benefit ahead of him."

You know that you're quoting the onion, right? 

Here's another story from the Onion: https://politics.theonion.com/thai-fishermen-find-iowa-caucus-results-in-stomach-of-t-1841501096



This is just more proof that CNN junkies eventually lose their BS filter after years of not using it.

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On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2020 at 7:55 PM, WestCanMan said:

You know that you're quoting the onion, right? 

Here's another story from the Onion: https://politics.theonion.com/thai-fishermen-find-iowa-caucus-results-in-stomach-of-t-1841501096


This is just more proof that CNN junkies eventually lose their BS filter after years of not using it.

Lol.  If it aint Fox it aint news...wait something is cutting in on my transmission.....

Image result for korean television

Glorious Leader The Annointed One Donald Trump the First, The Only, The Divine One

has fired two more traitors and sent their entrails to a processing plant for transformation to

sausages...here supervising this glorious operation is glorious comrade Kimmy Jong Un:

Image result for kim at meat processing plant

See the source image

In my administration every opponent ends up on your plate. MMMMM good.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

Lol.  If it aint Fox it aint news...wait something is cutting in on my transmission.....

Image result for korean television

Glorious Leader The Annointed One Donald Trump the First, The Only, The Divine One

has fired two more traitors and sent their entrails to a processing plant for transformation to

sausages...here supervising this glorious operation is glorious comrade Kimmy Jong Un:

Image result for kim at meat processing plant

See the source image

In my administration every opponent ends up on your plate. MMMMM good.

Wtf Rue?

The Onion actually is just a joke. They’re not pretending to be real news (unlike CNN). That story was just a lark, and sadly the people who watch CNN and CBC these days have suppressed their BS filter for so long that it doesn’t even work anymore. 


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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Wtf Rue?

The Onion actually is just a joke. They’re not pretending to be real news (unlike CNN). That story was just a lark, and sadly the people who watch CNN and CBC these days have suppressed their BS filter for so long that it doesn’t even work anymore. 


There are people on both sides taken themselves too seriously.

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14 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The onion isn’t on a side. It’s a joke. The guy just quoted a joke story which was obviously BS and he didn’t even notice. End of story.

I agree. It is why you can not take most people seriously( and probably not me when it comes to processing meat W). Although I would not eat hot dogs from the USA unless they are Levitt's. I appreciate Often Wrong's exasperation. People really do believe what they read  yes.

Edited by Rue
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On 2/6/2020 at 12:54 PM, taxme said:

 Try listening to Trump sometime at one of his rallies. Tens of try to get into the arena where he is about to speak. Many have to stay outside and listen to him on loud speakers.

There is excellent documentation that shows Trump is a prolific liar.  Why people choose to listen to him is an interesting question for psychologists and sociologists.  However, I'd point out that lots of lying sociopaths, including Hitler, had huge followings.  Just because people listen to you doesn't make you right.  It just means that people aren't very rational.


Trump was "aquitted" of all charges against him, and thus Trump broke no law.

Yes, "acquitted".  LMFAO.  Do you even know what scare quotes are?

Trump was indeed "acquitted" in a "trial" that didn't allow witnesses. Sounds like a Soviet-style trial.

If he was innocent, why was the White House trying so hard to block the first-hand witnesses from testifying?  It doesn't really make a lot of sense, does it?

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21 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

There is excellent documentation that shows Trump is a prolific liar.  Why people choose to listen to him is an interesting question for psychologists and sociologists.  However, I'd point out that lots of lying sociopaths, including Hitler, had huge followings.  Just because people listen to you doesn't make you right.  It just means that people aren't very rational.

Yes, "acquitted".  LMFAO.  Do you even know what scare quotes are?

Trump was indeed "acquitted" in a "trial" that didn't allow witnesses. Sounds like a Soviet-style trial.

If he was innocent, why was the White House trying so hard to block the first-hand witnesses from testifying?  It doesn't really make a lot of sense, does it?

Agreed, lots of lying sociopaths have huge followings.  Justin Trudeau’s is also quite large, and also has members of the media.

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1 hour ago, ReeferMadness said:

There is excellent documentation that shows Trump is a prolific liar.  Why people choose to listen to him is an interesting question for psychologists and sociologists.  However, I'd point out that lots of lying sociopaths, including Hitler, had huge followings.  Just because people listen to you doesn't make you right.  It just means that people aren't very rational.

Yes, "acquitted".  LMFAO.  Do you even know what scare quotes are?

Trump was indeed "acquitted" in a "trial" that didn't allow witnesses. Sounds like a Soviet-style trial.

If he was innocent, why was the White House trying so hard to block the first-hand witnesses from testifying?  It doesn't really make a lot of sense, does it?

There has been plenty of documentation to prove that the morons like Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi are nothing more than prolific liars themselves and a bunch of crybaby losers. Why there are so many idiots out there who choose to listen to those mentioned above is an interesting question for psychologists and sociologists to try and figure out as to how their brains have become so warped. Everybody likes to use Hitler as an example for everything. Why they never use murderers like Mao, Stalin or Pol Pot is beyond me. I guess that if one is a murdering communist than they best not be mentioned. 

Live with it. Trump has been found innocent of all charges, and has now been acquitted of those fake and phony trumped up stupid democratic charges made against Trump. sure, if Trump said that it was going to be sunny today, but it rained instead, Trump would be called a liar by the dumbocrats and their dumbo leftist liberal media. Anytime those screwballs mentioned get to call Trump a liar over nothing they will do so just for spite. Where has Trump lied anyway that was really something serious to be concerned about? Pray tell, will you. 

Trump was not allowed any witnesses in his so called trial that was dreamed up by the lying demorats. 

Anyone who believes that Trump is the bad guy here does not have very much common sense or logic running around in their brainwashed CNN heads. It makes no sense to me as to why Trump haters still believe that Trump is still guilty of a crime when he has been acquitted of any crimes. Those so called "woke' people out there need to really start to "woke'"up. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, Shady said:

Agreed, lots of lying sociopaths have huge followings.  Justin Trudeau’s is also quite large, and also has members of the media.

Emperor Trudeau has many crazy in the head followers in Canada. Emperor Trudeau also has the CBC and the rest of the bought off leftist liberal media in his slimy liberal hands. There will never be a great again Canada until liberalism is totally eradicated from the face of this country. The Libranos have not done a bloody thing for Canada since they have been around. Both the Trudeau's have done a great job of trying to destroy this once great British/European nation. the Libranos have proven themselves time after time that they are nothing more than a bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths in everything they say and do. They are trying to drive us all crazy just like their are. Help abolish the disease called liberalism now.

Works for me. :D

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29 minutes ago, taxme said:

There has been plenty of documentation to prove that the morons like Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi are nothing more than prolific liars themselves and a bunch of crybaby losers.

False equivalence.  However much they might stretch the truth, it isn't even remotely in the same league as Trump.  He tells lies almost every time he speaks and they are easily disproven.  The comparison is really idiotic.


Why there are so many idiots out there who choose to listen to those mentioned above is an interesting question for psychologists and sociologists to try and figure out as to how their brains have become so warped. Everybody likes to use Hitler as an example for everything. Why they never use murderers like Mao, Stalin or Pol Pot is beyond me. I guess that if one is a murdering communist than they best not be mentioned. 

Sure - you could compare Trump to any of them.  Take your pick.


Live with it. Trump has been found innocent of all charges, and has now been acquitted of those fake and phony trumped up stupid democratic charges made against Trump. sure, if Trump said that it was going to be sunny today, but it rained instead, Trump would be called a liar by the dumbocrats and their dumbo leftist liberal media. Anytime those screwballs mentioned get to call Trump a liar over nothing they will do so just for spite. Where has Trump lied anyway that was really something serious to be concerned about? Pray tell, will you.

Trump wouldn't allow people from his own fuqqn administration to testify.  Why not??  What is he trying to hide??  What is it about people in his cult that can't wrap their heads around how wrong this is?  Maybe that's where the psychologists and sociologists should focus their efforts.

Oh, wait.  They already are.


Anyone who believes that Trump is the bad guy here does not have very much common sense or logic running around in their brainwashed CNN heads.

Bad guy?  Lemme see.

He's refused to rent to black people, making him a raving racist.  I guess that's not a problem for many of his followers.  He has a long record of ripping off contractors. I guess his followers don't mind if he's a crook.  He used charities to enrich himself. I guess you must be OK with that.  His multiple bankruptcies show him to be shitty at business so he's a fraud.  Tony Schwartz, the person who actually wrote "Art of the Deal" called him a "scared child" and has repeatedly warned people about his narcissistic personality.  He's a blatant misogynist.  He's cozied up to the world's worst authoritarians including MbS, Kim Jong Un, Putin, Erdogan and Duerte.  His fraudulent university ripped off thousands of people.  He's defended and been defended by white nationalists and white supremacists.  He and his family have used his presidency to enrich themselves.  He's divided the country and encouraged racism.

Bad?  I don't know quite how delusional you need to be not see see him for what he is.  Maybe you can share.

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2 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

False equivalence.  However much they might stretch the truth, it isn't even remotely in the same league as Trump.  He tells lies almost every time he speaks and they are easily disproven.  The comparison is really idiotic.

Sure - you could compare Trump to any of them.  Take your pick.

Trump wouldn't allow people from his own fuqqn administration to testify.  Why not??  What is he trying to hide??  What is it about people in his cult that can't wrap their heads around how wrong this is?  Maybe that's where the psychologists and sociologists should focus their efforts.

Oh, wait.  They already are.

Bad guy?  Lemme see.

He's refused to rent to black people, making him a raving racist.  I guess that's not a problem for many of his followers.  He has a long record of ripping off contractors. I guess his followers don't mind if he's a crook.  He used charities to enrich himself. I guess you must be OK with that.  His multiple bankruptcies show him to be shitty at business so he's a fraud.  Tony Schwartz, the person who actually wrote "Art of the Deal" called him a "scared child" and has repeatedly warned people about his narcissistic personality.  He's a blatant misogynist.  He's cozied up to the world's worst authoritarians including MbS, Kim Jong Un, Putin, Erdogan and Duerte.  His fraudulent university ripped off thousands of people.  He's defended and been defended by white nationalists and white supremacists.  He and his family have used his presidency to enrich themselves.  He's divided the country and encouraged racism.

Bad?  I don't know quite how delusional you need to be not see see him for what he is.  Maybe you can share.

The democrats lied about Trump and Trump was acquitted of those lies. What more do you want to see? Trump was found not guilty. Live with it. 

Again, Trump was denied being allowed to have his own witnesses. Trump knew that the whole trial was a farce and all about trying to get Trump on something. So, why give them any more of the witnesses that they wanted when they would not allow Trump's witnesses to testify? Hello! I am of the opinion that people who hate Trump are a bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths liars anyway. Schiff being one of them big time. 

What Trump does on his own property is his own bloody business. Why would Trump want to rent to anyone whom he probably knows will not make good tenants? Trump has hired many black people and many of those black people never felt like Trump was being racist towards them at all. This racist shit is all leftist liberal democratic shit. As if billionaires like Bloomberg or G. Soros have never ripped off contractors before either, eh? Pretty much all politicians and billionaires donate to charities for the write offs and to try and make themselves look like they give a dam. Besides you only go by the lies and bull chit being spread by the likes of CNN and MSNBC and the CBC. Not much to believe from those liars. You have no proof about anything on Trump. I refuse to go on with all of the other bull shit that you wrote because you seem to feel that the only bad person here is Trump and not people like Hillary and Obama or Nadler or Pelosi or Schukster who were and probably still are just as crooked as you say Trump is supposed to be. In business lot's of shit goes on. Wake up will you and get that thru your thick liberal skull. I have "woke" up and now it is time for you to "woke" up. How is  all that for sharing? Lol. 

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