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Trudeau is now revealed a racist too?

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

No that’s about how most of us live, 


Really ???    Forgiveness and remorse are great to keep the money flowing to evangelical television hosts caught in sex scandals, but not prime ministers in political competition.   Trudeau's "base" cannot forgive him out of this latest mess, as he was already skating on thin ice.

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Every PM seems to have their moment of disgrace.    


...and most can survive it because they already had the gravitas to do so.

This PM doesn't....and never did.

To be felled by such a stupid action and deceit to his party is just amateur hour.

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8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

And if he gets re-elected?

If Trump gets re-elected?

same shitshow 


Has nothing to do with Trump....Trump turned bad behaviour into a virtue....the "Dark Side" won (pun intended).

Trudeau doesn't have that option.    If he wins, then it's because more Canadians vote for the grits, not forgiveness and penance for Trudeau.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's your go-to post, and I just called you out for being a racist 5 posts or so back.

No you were just calling out the cartoon character that you use to represent me to yourself - a bunch of hooey sloshing around your otherwise thin-skinned empty-headed skull that is.

You don't even know how or where to begin to address where I go-to - probably with some reference to commies and black helicopters or some such nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I actually think it might be. 


You think  voting for Trudeau would be a welcomed part of his rehabilitation process ?   

Like minded voters can virtue signal their full glasses of apology flavoured Kool-Aid®, drinking for restorative justice and Liberal values ?  

I guess that's possible, but they would still be left with a very weak and dishonest PM.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Sounds pretty status quo to me. But you would like us to look away, wouldn't you. After all, he catapults the leftist platform so well, doesn't he.

Of course I would. It would be best for everyone if he would resign - he makes it too easy for far far more important issues to just slide past the radar.

It's so status quo it almost makes you wonder if its all a big contrivance but no, its just Stupidville.



And now that he's been exposed, you can bet there'll be a sanctimonious backlash, a couple of orders of magnitude more than anyone else in the world. As atonement for his sins.

And the radar's gain, FTC and noise filters will be as useless as tits on a bull as far as more important things go.

I sure hope some of that atonement comes the Green's way.

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29 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


You think  voting for Trudeau would be a welcomed part of his rehabilitation process ?   

Like minded voters can virtue signal their full glasses of apology flavoured Kool-Aid®, drinking for restorative justice and Liberal values ?  

I guess that's possible, but they would still be left with a very weak and dishonest PM.

That’s Trump’s characterization.  A lot of Canadians disagreed with Trump, most actually.  

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9 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

That’s Trump’s characterization.  A lot of Canadians disagreed with Trump, most actually.  


Not so much any more.    (Trump is probably laughing his "orange" ass off over Trudeau's self inflicted troubles.)

But that is the comical karma beauty of the entire blackface fiasco.

The Liberals' smug superiority and Trump haters set up this dramatic Trudeau fall from grace.... because of "blackface".

You can't make this stuff up !

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Trudeau needs to be accountable for his repeated ethical failures, failed immigration and foreign policies, out of control spending and defcits he claimed he would not create, abandonment of war vets, sweet heart deal with Kadr, failed aboriginal policies, inability to resolve a pipeline issue, fondling of a female journalist and this latest bafoonery he claims he hid so he could become leader.

His being confused as to his identity, need to play drag drama queen, and being asked to be forgiven for every behaviour he does but  expects you to condemn in others makes it more imperative to call him of his bubble, closet, etc.

His posing himself as a victim of privilege to retract himself from what he does will not. He is going to continue to sabotage himself. If you want to continue enabling this brat vote for him.

Yesterday his government forced the military to a ceremony in Ukraine to commemorate a Ww2 Nazi collaborator group that murdered tens of thousands of innocent Poles and Jews and fought against Canada. The ceremony was held in the very city this group mass murdered Jews.

This is the same  Trudeau who commemorated a Holocaust memorial that made no mention of Jews and then Trudeau did the same in his speech.

His act is see transparent. Ethnic sensitivity my kosher ass he is.

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22 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Like Bernier also . . . . but at voting time, does the Canadian citizen take the chance on Bernier?  Does the voting citizen support Scheer because he's the best chance to dump Blackface ? Maxime Bernier has also made a tactical error in exiting the Conservatives when he would have been the powerhouse from within the party. This, I believe was a lapse of judgement combined with pride and ego.  There is no doubt that Bernier has policies and platforms that are very desirable when compared to Blackface and Scheer.  Our wonderful country is a rudderless ship at the moment.

Apparently, Bernier came very close to winning the leadership of the liberal conservative party. Bernier wanted a real and true conservative party for Canada, and not the one that Scheer wants for Canada. I think that Bernier did the right thing and left the party. At least this way he can now spread his ideas and policies around which he would not be allowed to do if he stayed in the liberal conservative party. We both know that Bernier would be told to shut up about his ideas and policies for Canada or get the hell out of the liberal conservative party. 

The election debates coming up soon will now give Bernier a chance to push his ideas and policies. I think that Bernier could do well after the debates and maybe get this rudderless Canadian ship back on course. He could jump right up there with the other two main liberal party's if he plays his cards right by speaking political incorrectness. PC along with other leftist liberal globalist programs and agendas is what is killing Canada today.

I have no choice but to back up my words and vote for Bernier, and dam the consequences because I cannot see Scheer being anything different to what this present prime mistake has done to Canada already. Scheer is just liberal light. With Scheer as the PM of Canada he will not make Canada great again. It will just be the same old, same old.  My opinion. :)

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22 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Trudeau's blackface scandal changes Canada's international reputation-

Trudeau's blackface exposes the truth: Canada is no racial haven

I would like to know as to what was so great about Canada's international reputation anyway? It would appear as though our reputation was already ruined a year after Blackface became the prime mistake of Chanuckistan. Racism is everywhere in every country on earth. Why anyone wants to make a big deal out of racism is beyond me. No one has been able to ever eliminate racism. Racism will always be around. Live with it because it ain't going away, pardner. Trudeau the diversity/multicultural boy wonder showed us that even some of our own leaders are racists. Personally, I think the word racist is being overplayed. It is starting to really have no meaning to most people anymore. Just saying. 

We see on TV just about every week where a so called racial incident has occurred in Canada, and these incidents appear to be increasing. Maybe someone is able to explain to me as to why this is happening? I think that I have an answer. Do you have an answer? Let me know. 

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22 hours ago, jacee said:

What I mean is that Lib-Con governance is indistinguishable: both toady to the powerful corporations. So the elections focus on mudslinging on superficial 'dog whistle' issues, jousting of interest to political strategy junkies, but not real issues of significance to Canadians. 

Gutter politics with no substance, because both Liberals and Conservatives have nothing to offer but the status quo.

The people of Canada need to ask themselves this question? Am I better off today since Blackface became the dictator of Canada? I am not any better off today. Are you? Unless one wins the lottery, Canadians are becoming poorer by the day. A country that worry's more about the rest of the world, like Blackface does, and gives away billions of we the people's tax dollars just to look good and feel great is a country that is being controlled by big time spenders who do show that they have no respect for our Canadian tax dollars. Foreign aid has cost the Canadian taxpayer's trillions of their tax dollars and all those tax dollars have gone down the drain. This throwing away of our tax dollars has been going on for several decades now. But do you care? NOPE. Blackface is your boy, and there is nothing that is going to make you see or change your mind that he is not there for you and me. Blackface is a globalist. I am a nationalist. And sadly, that is what Canada is missing? More pro nationalist Canadian politicians, like Bernier,  who truly does believe in trying to make Canada great again. The libs/procons will not. They only know as to how to make things not so great. Canada should be a wealthy country with a great par dollar with America but thanks to the fools that have been allowed to run and ruin this country for so many decades now, have all of we the people scraping the barrel to try and survive. More taxes, more government/red tape, and less freedom is not a way to help make Canada great again. But the fools who vote for the same fools over and over again really do not care. If they did they would have done something about it decades ago. Aw well.  

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Liberal MP are pressing to have Mad MAX  kicked out of the debates because they might have a neo Nazi as a candidate….this coming from the party who has lost 3 party members due to racist remarks and mr dress up who not once but 3 times that we know off painted his face....how does a 29 year old not know that was racist.....thats not being privileged thats being retarded....

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On 9/22/2019 at 7:19 PM, eyeball said:

No you were just calling out the cartoon character that you use to represent me to yourself - a bunch of hooey sloshing around your otherwise thin-skinned empty-headed skull that is.

You don't even know how or where to begin to address where I go-to - probably with some reference to commies and black helicopters or some such nonsense.

Here's your stupid, racist, unsubstantiated allegation again just in case you forgot:


Will this will make it harder for Conservatives to get tough on immigrants with brown faces?


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How did Canadians react to Trudeau's blackface photos? With a big meh, polls find



Forty-two per cent of those polled by Abacus Data said they weren’t really bothered by seeing the prime minister in brownface and blackface

Almost one-quarter — two-thirds of whom were Conservative voters — said they were “truly offended” and that it damaged their view of the PM.



Why on Earth would so many conservatives say that?

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That was a question.


It was a racist allegation in the form of a question. Like if I said: "Eyeball, why are you guys so bigoted against Jews?"

It just skips right past the whole part about making statements substantiating the claim that your group is bigoted against Jews, and goes right to the part where you're supposed to defend your reasons for being a bigot or to try and show that you aren't one.

The onus should always on the accuser in the beginning, but it's a huge liberal/democrat tactic to flip that around. Like for example having zero actual evidence that there was a crime committed against Dr Ford and forcing him to try to prove that he didn't do anything, zero actual evidence of collusion and acting like Trump has to prove that he's guilty, or Trudeau's statement that "Canadians are still too discriminatory against women of colour even though the hijab cutting incident was phoney".

The Dem have taken the new position that "the accuser HAS TO BE believed" lol. But they never applied that standard to Clinton when there was actual physical evidence and witnesses.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

How did Canadians react to Trudeau's blackface photos? With a big meh, polls find

Why on Earth would so many conservatives say that?

I guess that those questioned who said that they had no problem with Blackface doing what he did must mean that they were mostly Blackface supporters and racists. This must show that maybe racism(42% worth of racism)is alive and well in Canada today. I wonder why?  The liberals are the only ones that appear to be obsessed with racism. Maybe to try and cover up their own tracks? But yet their dear leader says that he is not a racist but has shown us all that he is a racist. The liberals enjoy attacking the conservatives and like calling them racists but yet they cannot back any of those lies up. Has Scheer or Bernier ever said anything racist as of yet that we know of? Looks to me like Blackface is alone on this one. :D

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On 9/22/2019 at 5:29 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Really ???    Forgiveness and remorse are great to keep the money flowing to evangelical television hosts caught in sex scandals, but not prime ministers in political competition.   Trudeau's "base" cannot forgive him out of this latest mess, as he was already skating on thin ice.

Of all the apologizing that Blackface has been doing over the years he finally gets to apologize for himself. Hopefully, it will be his last apology that we have to ever listen too. Canada has become one of the most apologetic and the most offended nations on earth. Canada is full of offended people. Canadians cannot stop being offended over something. Canadians have become offended over everything that is said or done it seems in Canada. We cannot stop feeling offended all the time. All most ever keep saying is that I am sorry, I am offended, I am apologetic. What a country of wimps. :unsure:

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