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21 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Quebec is enforcing the absence of a religious dress code.

There are barriers to entry in government.

Not everyone can serve in the military.  Not everyone can pass a security clearance check.  Not everyone can be a public servant by default.

Not everyone can work for the Government of Quebec.

Entirely within Quebec's rights, Quebec is not subject to the Charter, as Quebec has not signed the Canada Act.

Those who must have a religious dress code, are free to seek work elsewhere, in English Canada, or America perhaps.

As you said, Quebec is not subject to the Charter as Quebec did not sign the Canada act. Quebec is a declared unilingul french speaking province only. They have used the not withstanding clause a few times to avoid having to abide by some Canadian law that they not agree with. They have their own immigration department and gawd only knows what else they can do. 

So, the question here is? What the hell are they still doing in Canada? Why have they not left decades ago already? If they are not happy in Canada, then get the hell out of Canada. I am pretty sure that they will not be missed. The rest of the Canadian citizen's in Canada can then get on with life and save billions of their tax dollars from being used to force french down our English throats. If I do not see any more french on my corn flakes cereal boxes that will work just fine for me. Businesses can save money from not having to label their products in both English and french. Since the early sixties, Canada has left it's WASP ways of doing things, and has been forced to accept the french socialist ways of doing things.

If May or anyone else outside Quebec wants to win a fight against Quebec, she/they will lose. No one has or ever will win a battle against Quebec because it is pretty much a country on it's own in another country called Canada, and the french can do as they bloody well please.  We do live in a divided country? Quebec verses the rest of Canada. What needs to be made official about all of this is to put up border gates between the rest of Canada and Quebec. Might as well do it and get it over with. Quebec has already separated from the rest of Canada. It's just not been made official yet. ;)

2 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, the question here is? What the hell are they still doing in Canada? Why have they not left decades ago already?

The answer is quite simple.  Confederation is the ultimate entrenched interest of the Eastern Elites.

Through the inherently dysfunctional nature of Confederation are they able to rule Canada as a de facto one part state.

Centralizing power is the key to maintaining their grip, their Post National State Elite Consensus.

If Quebec leaves, the whole thing will unravel in the wake.

So they are bribing Quebec with everybody else's money to appease Quebec into not declaring independence, which Quebec doesn't really need to hold a referendum for.

I mean, duh.


I mean, Quebec could easily declare Independence fait accompli

Legault might have to seek an election mandate after, in the new Republic de Quebec, but they don't really need Ottawa's permission to leave.

American freedom; Declaration of Independence, Tabarnak to the British Crown and its mickey mouse referendums, Republic de Quebec rolls on without you.

What is Canada going to do?  Send in the army?

What army?  

Even if Canada had an army still, you might be able to send them in for the FLQ, but you can't send them in against Quebec National Assembly

Unless you are prepared for civil war, which Canadians aint.

21 hours ago, Argus said:

The English Canadian media, politicians and academics ARE a monolithic block on virtually every subject. Certainly they are on the subjects of immigration, multiculturalism and diversity (there can NEVER be too much of any of these). But polls consistently show this is wildly out of touch with most Canadians. Two thirds of Canadians tell pollsters immigrants aren't integrating fast enough. You'll not find a single English Canadian politician, federal, provincial or municipal who will agree. Likewise 61% of Canadians want immigration lowered, but there are NO politicians, not even one, who agrees.

They get away with this (the politicians) because while most Canadians want less immigration and multiculturalism those are not anywhere near their primary motivations in voting. And because the media is ferociously hostile to any voice which even suggests it and continually spews soothing streams of feel-good stories about immigration, refugees and diversity.

The People's Party of Canada has as a part of their platform do want less immigration and less multiculturalism and diversity. Maxine Bernier is the only Canadian politician in Canada who says this. Most of our Canadian politicians are, as far as I am concerned, pretty much a bunch of turncoats to Canada. They always appear to do their utmost to try and serve the rest of the world and their cultural ways and appear to want to put aside our Canadian culture and ways. Canadian politicians must say to new immigrants that if you immigrate to Canada then you must assimilate into Canadian culture immediately or else you can go back to where you came from if you choose not too. As an example? No private schools for Sikhs or for any other foreign cultures. We will not be using Canadian tax dollars to help pay for new immigrants to preserve their language, religion and culture in Canada. Become Canadian or get the hell out of Canada. Canada ceases to be a multicultural country any longer. The Canadian bought off media, like the CBC, are great at trying to promote nice stories about how some immigrants are doing well in Canada. They better start or find a job or leave. There will be no welfare aid for them. Why should foreigners receive aid from host tax paying Canadians when they have not put a nickel in the Canadian system. Enough already. It's my tax dollars also that is being wasted here also. Works for me. 

E. May will be no different. She is an open borders politician who only has the environment as her platform. She does not talk about anything else except to save the trees. And her trying to take on Quebec is a joke. She will get her ass kicked big time. Who is she trying to kid here? Every Canadian politician in their right mind outside of Quebec should know by now that Quebec cannot be bought or told what to do. They are a country living in and being a part of another country and taking advantage of that country all the time. Such fools they are. :unsure:

19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The answer is quite simple.  Confederation is the ultimate entrenched interest of the Eastern Elites.

Through the inherently dysfunctional nature of Confederation are they able to rule Canada as a de facto one part state.

Centralizing power is the key to maintaining their grip, their Post National State Elite Consensus.

If Quebec leaves, the whole thing will unravel in the wake.

So they are bribing Quebec with everybody else's money to appease Quebec into not declaring independence, which Quebec doesn't really need to hold a referendum for.

I mean, duh.

The globalist liberal elite in Ontario needs Quebec to stay in power. Without Quebec the liberal globalist elite in Ontario would die off. Then maybe Western Canada can then go it alone and they will do quite well without Ontario, and especially Quebec. The west is wealthy in materials of all kinds and can become one big rich and wealthy country to live in. But as long as the West stays in this corrupt Ontario/Quebec system the West will suffer and pay thru the nose for their foolishness of remaining in Confederation.

It's not the easterners that are stupid. It is the people in the West that are stupid. They have been brainwashed by the eastern elite and their leftist liberal media machine into believing that without Quebec the West will become a ghost town. That would never happen. It is the east that could end up looking like a ghost town instead. As it has shown already? The east would not be able to survive without their constant stealing of the money from the taxpayer's of the West. May is just another eastern bone head who thinks that taking on a fight with Quebec that she will win. This alone should show anyone here or out there that she is just another dumb politically correct politician and not much of a pro smart and wise Canadian at all. All May is trying to do here is to try and make great waves for her surfer supporters in the hopes that she can drum up more wave surfers for her dumb ass Canadian political party. Shocking indeed.

Quebec will never declare independence from Canada. They are not stupid. That would be the last thing the french would do is to bite the hand in the rest of Canada that feeds them. Sad part is that the hand that feeds Quebec keeps getting bitten by Quebec but yet they keep feeding that Quebec beast. When will the western hand ever learn? :rolleyes:

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Quebec will never declare independence from Canada.

Yes they will.

Canada is sailing towards the shoals of existential financial crisis.

When Confederation hits the rocks of hard times again, the bow is gonna break.

Because Canada will be out of shekels to bribe Quebec with.

At which point the last remaining reason for them not to be their own Republic has gone.


Don't be fooled like so many of us in Europe have with these so-called greens. They are really watermelons; green on the outside, red on the inside. 

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Yes they will.

Canada is sailing towards the shoals of existential financial crisis.

When Confederation hits the rocks of hard times again, the bow is gonna break.

Because Canada will be out of shekels to bribe Quebec with.

At which point the last remaining reason for them not to be their own Republic has gone.

No, they won't. As I said already? Quebec cannot survive as a country without the rest of Canada supporting them. The shekel bribes will continue on. All our Canadian politicians will keep doing is keep borrowing more money from the globalist  international banksters to help keep Quebec afloat. Canada will go down the tubes if Quebec stays in Canada. All their many liberal socialist programs and agendas that have been foisted on the rest of Canada for decades now is the reason why the rest of Canada could hit the shoals. It is Canada that needs to get out of the country called Quebec. Otherwise, the rest of Canada will always be paying for Quebec's well being and have to keep listening to their constant whining and crying about how hard they are being done by from the rest of English Canada. I could see a mass exit from Quebec if they ever separated from Canada. Just keep your french language back in Quebec. There will be no bilingual services in Canada anymore. Speak English or go back to Quebec. Hey, works for me. ;) 

1 minute ago, taxme said:

No, they won't. As I said already? Quebec cannot survive as a country without the rest of Canada supporting them

Balderdash.  You're not that bright, Taxme.   No enemies on the right, I don't throw you under the bus, none the less, you are just as delusional as the next Anglo.

9 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

Don't be fooled like so many of us in Europe have with these so-called greens. They are really watermelons; green on the outside, red on the inside. 

As opposed to conservatives who are just as stupid in Europe as they are here. 

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

5 hours ago, Argus said:

They didn't have French leaders. And they were known quantities. The people who fled the BQ were looking for something new and fresh - and left wing.

Jack Layton is so French.

30 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Jack Layton is so French.

They didn't have that alternative. Now they do.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Confederation is the ultimate entrenched interest of the Eastern Elites.

Through the inherently dysfunctional nature of Confederation are they able to rule Canada as a de facto one part state.

Centralizing power is the key to maintaining their grip, their Post National State Elite Consensus.

If Quebec leaves, the whole thing will unravel in the wake.

So they are bribing Quebec with everybody else's money to appease Quebec into not declaring independence, which Quebec doesn't really need to hold a referendum for.


Let Quebec play their games . . . stop all transfer payments from the west. What's Ottawa going to do if the west just says 'no more' . . . . ?  Kick the west out of Canada ?

We, the west, could have some real fun with the centralist fuk-tards . . . . they need the west more than the west need them.  Wake up West !

  • Thanks 1
7 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Let Quebec play their games . . . stop all transfer payments from the west. What's Ottawa going to do if the west just says 'no more' . . . . ?  Kick the west out of Canada ?

We, the west, could have some real fun with the centralist fuk-tards . . . . they need the west more than the west need them.  Wake up West !

Quebec will go first, but once they do and the sky does not fall, the whole ball of yarn will unravel.

What it will unravel to however, will be far more healthy wealthy and wise than this dysfunctional Confederation which has no national interest other than entrenched interests of the Eastern Elites in the Toronto - Montreal - Ottawa Iron Triangle.

Posted (edited)

Never forget, God, Queen, Country lives.  That is what is actually written, in the Canada Act.

There's no need to bear allegiance to a Post National State Hippie Commune People's Republic.

Nowhere is it actually written that Canada is that.

Canada lived, long before the shotgun marriage of 1867

Those Canada's fought to defend their interests far more than Confederation does now.

Confederation is a two nickel whore rotten to the core.

The Canada's were fearless in the face of usurpers.


Edited by Dougie93
53 minutes ago, Argus said:

They didn't have that alternative. Now they do.

You don't seem to realize that Québec skepticism against the traditional parties was unrelated to "muh french discriminate muh english" card but because many Québecers want out of the confederation.

Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

You don't seem to realize that Québec skepticism against the traditional parties was unrelated to "muh french discriminate muh english" card but because many Québecers want out of the confederation.

The problem is simply that English Canada is infantilized.

English Canada never grew up. English Canada is stuck in Washtington Mom's basement.    Failure to launch.

English Canada won't put its big boy pants on, English Canada prefers to be Pseudo-Americans.

Quebec is too old for that. 

Quebec is a real nation.

Quebec simply cannot be tied down by the English Canadian insecurities and lack of identity.

Canadians is afraid to take the next step, Quebec is not, time to cut the cord and leave mom's basement, Quebec will live free.

Quebec can do its own business, with America and Europe both.

Neither the Americans nor the Europeans have any respect for Ottawa anyways, it's not like Canada has any credibility.

Israel is a regional superpower, deals with the Americans and Europeans with ease, Quebec is larger and more prosperous,

Ottawa's weak shit dick sucking Anglos, who needs them? Buncha spineless cronies, may their children go blind.

The farm team for the Democrat Party Progs <spits tobacco juice>

Edited by Dougie93
22 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

You don't seem to realize that Québec skepticism against the traditional parties was unrelated to "muh french discriminate muh english" card but because many Québecers want out of the confederation.

So they voted for the NDP instead of the BQ?

I'm not aware of any time in history when Quebec voted for a party with an Anglo leader where another party had a French leader - except the Orange Wave, and they were clearly tired of the BQ and its games and failures.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

47 minutes ago, Argus said:

So they voted for the NDP instead of the BQ?

I'm not aware of any time in history when Quebec voted for a party with an Anglo leader where another party had a French leader - except the Orange Wave, and they were clearly tired of the BQ and its games and failures.

Funny considering Brian Mulroney and John James Charest aka Jean Charest.

Why are you trying so hard at making it seem the French hate the English?

Because as I know reality as it is, I as a French speaking person, speak English, like most of the francophones in Québec. When I go to Ontario, even eastern Ontario, or even in some neighborhoods in Montréal, the anglophones have such disdain and disrespect for their counterparts they're not able to ask where the closest bathroom is. I went so Spain for one week and could fare better in Spain than most Anglophones in rural Québec who lived in Canada their whole life.

The truth is that you hate us. And when I mean you, is including you too Argus.

1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

The problem is simply that English Canada is infantilized.

English Canada never grew up. English Canada is stuck in Washtington Mom's basement.    Failure to launch.

English Canada won't put its big boy pants on, English Canada prefers to be Pseudo-Americans.

Quebec is too old for that. 

Quebec is a real nation.

Quebec simply cannot be tied down by the English Canadian insecurities and lack of identity.

Canadians is afraid to take the next step, Quebec is not, time to cut the cord and leave mom's basement, Quebec will live free.

Quebec can do its own business, with America and Europe both.

Neither the Americans nor the Europeans have any respect for Ottawa anyways, it's not like Canada has any credibility.

Israel is a regional superpower, deals with the Americans and Europeans with ease, Quebec is larger and more prosperous,

Ottawa's weak shit dick sucking Anglos, who needs them? Buncha spineless cronies, may their children go blind.

The farm team for the Democrat Party Progs <spits tobacco juice>

Norway is 3m people, Switzerland about the number Québec has.

The two countries are super rich, because they never integrated the EU.

Our EU here is Canada.

Canada is an unhappy, toxic marriage. A bad mix that will eventually turn against itself.

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Norway is 3m people, Switzerland about the number Québec has.

The two countries are super rich, because they never integrated the EU.

Our EU here is Canada.

Canada is an unhappy, toxic marriage. A bad mix that will eventually turn against itself.

Quebec is 8 million plus people with a GDP over $400 billion USD.

That's Austria.   Austria is its own county.  No problemo.   Austria has a better military than Canada too.

In terms of the EU, that path is open to Quebec too.

If Austria can an independent republic within the European Union, so could Quebec  EUFOR.

In fact, Europe would love to have a foothold in North America so the Republic of Quebec would be welcomed with open arms.


Edited by Dougie93
11 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Funny considering Brian Mulroney and John James Charest aka Jean Charest.

Mulroney beat a pair of Anglos - Turner and Broadbent. Not sure what you're referring to with Jean Charest. He was never a federal party leader and is a Francophone.

11 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Why are you trying so hard at making it seem the French hate the English?

Hate is too strong a word. Disdain is more the general consensus. I've said before that if Quebec ever discovered oil they'd separate from Canada the next year. Only economics, not love of country or loyalty holds them here.

11 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

The truth is that you hate us. And when I mean you, is including you too Argus.

Hate is too strong a word. Disdain is more accurate.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

4 hours ago, eyeball said:

As opposed to conservatives who are just as stupid in Europe as they are here. 

Europe is already lost in the hands of islamists and progressives. The conservatives there are looking at us to defeat the globalist elites.


Quebec is actually sitting pretty,

Hydroelectric superpower.  That electricity into the American economy is sustainable and worth more than the oil in Alberta.

Quebec has the seaport at Montreal, access to the world markets.

Quebec has the infrastructure for its own military; Citadel, Valcartier, Bagotville, Mirabel, St. Jean, Point-a-Carcy, St. Hubert, Farnham

And if Quebec joined the EU, Quebec would be the other superpower in North America alongside the Americans, Canada would be the pipsqueak.



Quebec has the best shipbuilder in Canada, Chantier-Davie at Champlain Dock; can build its own navy.

Quebec has the best aerospace indiustry in Canada with Airbus i situ already; can build its own air force.

Quebec has Rheinmetall at St. Jean-sur-Richelieu; can build its own army.

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