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Immigrants cost Canada $30 billion per year


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30 minutes ago, taxme said:

Between the Sikhs and the Asians, both have pretty much bought up and are slowly taking over British Columbia altogether. The ordinary British/European citizen's living in BC are fast being put out to pasture by those two other ethnic groups of people. They both are taking over BC. It may come down to one day where those two ethnic people will be fighting it out for control of the BC turf. Hey, one never knows. :(

The Sikhs and Asians are just as British as Canadians, Canada and India in fact joined the British Empire on the same day, 10 February 1763.

British is not a race, and even if you insist that it is,  Britain was founded by Italians in AD 43, Paisano.

If Britannia be a person, she is Roman.   All who she conquered, she made Roman, that's what the Empire was all about, Roma Britannia rules the waves.


Edited by Dougie93
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On 8/25/2019 at 1:39 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I agree with first part of your paragraph and I said it myself but disagree with the second part. Though there are some immigrants who may be a burden on Canadians for a long time but they are not a majority (and they are mostly refuges not immigrants). As I said Canada must become more selective as who they are bring in. Adaptability must become a very important criterion for example. By adaptability I mean those who do not believe in freedom and western democracy and western values which includes respect and equality for women must be weeded out and the decision must be made on individual basis during carefully assessed personal interviews not regional selectivity as some are advocating. other assets (money and or education) and potential of contributions for future must also be the other important criteria but second to adaptability,

Statistics from independent sources indicate that Canada's population is aging and birth rate is falling so we do need young professionals as immigrants to come and support the aging population. So we must not stop immigration but enhance it by being more selective.

There were approx. 279,936 people that died in Canada in 2018. There were approx. 385,777 babies born in Canada. The birth rate in Canada far outweighs the deaths in Canada. This nonsense that Canada needs more new immigrants is all just a bunch of pro immigration lobby and globalist lies. Canada needs less new immigrants, and not more. Maxine Bernier is right. It is time to cut back on our massive immigration numbers. 

Just to add this. Recently there was a chicken plant raided by ICE in America and 600 people were removed from the plant because they were found to be illegals working and living in America illegally. A few days later the plant had to hire more people. All those people that had to be replaced were filled by Americans who were looking for and needed a job. Americans who we are always told would not want to do the job that illegals are willing to do. This was just another lie made up by the pro immigration lobby in America and the globalists who want those illegals so they can pay them cheap wages like it is done in Canada also. Canadians are willing to do the job. Just pay them a decent salary and they will work. Canada truly does needs a moratorium on immigration for a few years or maybe ever more so that Canada can get it's over populated immigration crap together. More immigration is not needed in Canada and it has become one big farce being played on Canadians in Canada which is costing the Canadian host people hundreds of billions in lost tax dollars. Liberalism? ???????

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I would agree that loading up on a bunch of Mexicans is not very British, but loading up on South Asians?

The essence of British, in 1867, half the British Army were Indian Sepoys, Canada was a frozen backwater, the Jewel of the Crown was in India.

The South Asians and Hong Kong Chinese are more British than the British, Canadians are Americans, the English are mostly Bolshies now.

Edited by Dougie93
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15 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The Sikhs and Asians are just as British as Canadians, Canada and India in fact joined the British Empire on the same day, 10 Febuary1763.

British is not a race, and even if you insist that it is,  Britain was founded by Italians in AD 43, Paisano.

If Britannia be a person, she is Roman


So, they joined the British empire way back when. So what? For those two mentioned above their population has been growing big time in Canada. Before the sixties Canada brought in their new immigrants from traditional countries like Britain, Europe and Australia which have since been cut back drastically. Approx. 15% of those traditional people are now being allowed to immigrate to Canada. The other 85% are all coming from the rest of the non Western nation countries of the world whom are slowly replacing the Western population of Canada. 

If being British is not being part of a race, I guess that Sikhs and Asians are not part of a race either even if you insist that they are? Britain was raided by the Romans. Eventually the British people gained back their country after the fall of Rome, Paisano.   Long live Britannia of today. ;)

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:


If being British is not being part of a race, I guess that Sikhs and Asians are not part of a race either even if you insist that they are? Britain was raided by the Romans. Eventually the British people gained back their country after the fall of Rome, Paisano.   Long live Britannia of today. ;)

That's not what the British people did, the British people set out to conquer the world, in the tradition of their Roman ancestors, to make the world Britannia.

At the zenith, 25% of the world was British, but they didn't insist on that, we did.   They didn't make themselves British, we made them British.

Not the Mexicans, but certainly the South Asians and Hong Kong Chinese we did.


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Bear in mind, I am a British chauvinist,  I am  not saying those who do not follow our British ways should be invited in, but those who are British, they are my people.

South Asians and Hong Kong Chinese are my British kin.

Not everybody is British, but they are more British than Americanized Canadians now, Canadians are mostly de facto republicans, most of them Bolshies.

Edited by Dougie93
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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I would agree that loading up on a bunch of Mexicans is not very British, but loading up on South Asians?

The essence of British, in 1867, half the British Army were Indian Sepoys, Canada was a frozen backwater, the Jewel of the Crown was in India.

The South Asians and Hong Kong Chinese are more British than the British, Canadians are Americans, the English are mostly Bolshies now.

A Western country loading up on people who are not from their traditional Western source countries, as it once was, is a country headed for a turf war disaster. 

I guess that half of the British army were of Indian soldiers, who were soldiers for Britain in India, and not half of them were soldiers in Britain. Canada was just as important to Britain as India was. Maybe even more important. The British fought hard to keep Canada in British hands. 

How can the South Asians of HK be more British than the British people themselves? Britain today is slowly becoming a non-British country. HK was a country that belonged to Britain by conquest but the people of HK only benefitted from being a part of the British empire. They were still Asians of Asian decent. I will bet that today the people of HK wish that they were still a part of Britain and not a part of China today. Some of those Asians now would like to have  the British come back, and try and save them from communist China, the other Bolsheviks. 

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The Europeans you are wanting, are not British, the British don't even want them, the Europeans are mostly bolshies, hence why Brexit.

Hong Kong is the most British place on earth, look at them bravely fighting the Communists to protect their Britishness.

Look at the Canadians selling themselves down the river to that regime in Beijing.

More British than the British in Hong Kong, more commie than the Commies in Canada now.

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15 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

That's not what the British people did, the British people set out to conquer the world, in the tradition of their Roman ancestors, to make the world Britannia.

At the zenith, 25% of the world was British, but they didn't insist on that, we did.   They didn't make themselves British, we made them British.

Not the Mexicans, but certainly the South Asians and Hong Kong Chinese we did.


As far as my knowledge goes with Britain history the real British people were the people that the Romans conquered who had lived in the British Isles for centuries long before the Romans ever came along. If not, who were those people that the Romans conquered then? Asians? ;)

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22 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I know the onus is on Argus to provide a source, but it does seem convenient that when numbers are provided they are no good, or Fraser ins numbers are bogus, the list of excuses goes on forever.......So what are the numbers if the right can't seem to find them perhaps the left can give them a little help...

He knows it's true. He just doesn't care. He's a globalist. The more immigrants the better. If the Liberals said they'd bring over a million a year he'd be happy.

Kenney said the number of older immigrants allowed into Canada must be limited because of the burden they place on the health-care system and other social resources. A set of grandparents could cost the system $400,000, he noted.

Aside from health-care costs, Kenney said a growing number of sponsored seniors are ending up on welfare and this is a concern to the government. The sponsoring family must cover income support costs for the first 10 years of residency, but after that, Kenney says more than 25 per cent are receiving welfare benefits.


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Just the other day there was a demonstration in downtown Vancouver where there were Asians who were fighting for the freedom of the people of Hong Kong. In there also were a bunch of Chinese communist protesters who were demonstrating against those pro Hong Kong freedom fighters and being pro-Chinese communism. Who would believe that there are Chinese people living in Canada and fighting for communist China. This is how bad Canada has become. Those demonstrators that were fighting for communist China should be rounded up as traitors to Canada and arrested. And where was our alt-left Canadian media on this? They should have been condemning those commies for what they were doing. Those commies are the enemies of Canada. But those commies get a pass by the media while some pro white nationalist group gets condemned for what they stand for? Freedom from Canadian communism. It is sure not hard to see as to how far Canada has gone left these days. Canadians are selling themselves down the river to the Chinese Communists of Beijing.  Shameful indeed. 

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20 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:



Borjas, though, has a highly cited paper on economic effects:


That's in the US where they don't select via a points system, ie. less educated immigrants than Canada.  

And yet US immigrants have lower unemployment rates than American born while Canadian immigrants have a higher unemployment rate than Canadian born.
Most of the economic analyses of immigration shows it increases the size of the GDP by increasing the size of the population but does nothing much for the people here. Look at when Mulroney proposed a big increase in immigration back in the 1980s he wasn't able to produce any evidence it would help the economy. From the article:

But a major study of immigration by the Economic Council of Canada questions the over-all impact. ECC economist Neil Swan told the Commons committee that his tentative results suggested that “the economic impacts of immigration are not nearly as large as the public generally perceives them to be, whether positive or negative.” He said decisions about immigration should be made on non-economic grounds.

Ms McDougall acknowledged that the measurable impact of more immigration may not be large, “but what doesn't show up in the economic measures is energy, optimism, capacity to work hard and all of those things that immigrants bring wherever they come from. . . . I don't think you can measure that, whatever the academics might say.”

Two recently published studies conclude that a shift in the qualifications of recent immigrants means that earlier calculations about economic impact should be reassessed.Shirley Seward, director of research for the Institute for Research on Public Policy, told the Commons committee that she had changed her mind about the adaptive capacities of immigrants after studying the most recent census.

Because of the shift from independent immigrants (who are selected on their ability to contribute to the Canadian economy) to family-class immigrants, “there are groups which will face difficulties,” Ms Seward said.

She said many of today's immigrants are now employed in declining industries, and she questioned whether they have the skills or the language capacity to find new jobs easily. Donald DeVoretz, an economist at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, has developed statistics that question the traditional assumption that immigration is an engine for economic growth.  Because most of the immigrants who have come to Canada since 1978 (when the family class was introduced) are less educated and less able to speak English or French than their predecessors, their earnings have dropped dramatically.


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10 minutes ago, Argus said:

He knows it's true. He just doesn't care. He's a globalist. The more immigrants the better. If the Liberals said they'd bring over a million a year he'd be happy.

Kenney said the number of older immigrants allowed into Canada must be limited because of the burden they place on the health-care system and other social resources. A set of grandparents could cost the system $400,000, he noted.

Aside from health-care costs, Kenney said a growing number of sponsored seniors are ending up on welfare and this is a concern to the government. The sponsoring family must cover income support costs for the first 10 years of residency, but after that, Kenney says more than 25 per cent are receiving welfare benefits.


This is why Canadians must demand a stop to family reunification from being allowed to continue by new immigrants to Canada who do want to be able to bring their old parents and grandparents too Canada down the road. If they are brought here than the family must pay for those parents and grandparents and not left to the host Canadians to have to foot their hospital bills for them. If they refuse to pay their bills then send them back home. And I do not care as to how long they have been living here. If you have not paid any taxes in this country than you should not get any kind of social or medical assistance. This family reunification has become such a farce and we can only thank the liberals and NDP socialists for creating this bloody mess. This is one reason why liberals and socialists should not be allowed to run this country we call Canada. Liberalism and socialism stinks to high heaven. I am getting tired of having to hold my nose every day from their terrible stench. :D

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17 minutes ago, taxme said:

God bless America and Trump. :)

God bless America,  they are not afraid of freedom, if the Chinese Communists want a soapbox,  by all means, let them state their case, if the Chinese Communists try to overthrow that freedom, no problemo, then you can shoot them.

The Second Amendment protects the First Amendment, if you don't follow the First Amendment, you will be dead, problem solved.

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

There were approx. 279,936 people that died in Canada in 2018. There were approx. 385,777 babies born in Canada. The birth rate in Canada far outweighs the deaths in Canada. This nonsense that Canada needs more new immigrants is all just a bunch of pro immigration lobby and globalist lies. Canada needs less new immigrants, and not more. Maxine Bernier is right. It is time to cut back on our massive immigration numbers. 


So Canada's population will be increasing by one hundred thousand a year based on your own statistics and that is enough? Considering that globally population will be increasing much faster?

Canada's economic growth will be adversely affected too. A lot of growth coming from immigration. Someone cited the Vancouver rapidly housing prices (and elsewhere in Canada). All economists will tell you that rising housing prices is a good thing and brings growth to the economy and confidence as people spend more and stimulate growth. There is nothing worse than falling housing prices for any economy.

You are mistaken. I am not pro-immigration. I want immigration to be cut in half and adaptability become the main criterion. I am just not going extreme asking it to be stopped or be selected based on skin color.  I lost a very good high paying job myself two decades ago to a new arrival who worked like a donkey. At first I was mad but later after I overcame my anger I told myself maybe he deserved it. I left at 5 after my 8 hours work was over. He stayed and work overtime  and did better. So he replaced me.

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23 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

My immigration ideas follows my own doctrine. Immigration levels were increased during Harper conservatives and Selectivity based on adaptability never became a main criterion.

Why is it that liberals have got to mention Harper in all their answers you do know he is retired from politics right....,...I was not talking about harper, I was talking about the con lights and PPC party that just so happens are following your doctrine....

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

So Canada's population will be increasing by one hundred thousand a year based on your own statistics and that is enough? Considering that globally population will be increasing much faster?

Canada's economic growth will be adversely affected too. A lot of growth coming from immigration. Someone cited the Vancouver rapidly housing prices (and elsewhere in Canada). All economists will tell you that rising housing prices is a good thing and brings growth to the economy and confidence as people spend more and stimulate growth. There is nothing worse than falling housing prices for any economy.

You are mistaken. I am not pro-immigration. I want immigration to be cut in half and adaptability become the main criterion. I am just not going extreme asking it to be stopped or be selected based on skin color.  I lost a very good high paying job myself two decades ago to a new arrival who worked like a donkey. At first I was mad but later after I overcame my anger I told myself maybe he deserved it. I left at 5 after my 8 hours work was over. He stayed and work overtime  and did better. So he replaced me.

Canada population has net gain 105,837 in 2018, with 385,777 new born , and 279,940 deaths.. 



Sure there is a lot of growth coming from immigration, but would we not get the same benefits if we could increase births right here in Canada. So there is more than one way to skin a cat...30 bil dollars we pay out annually for immigration would more than pay for any incentive to Canadian parents would it not...

Housing prices are rising in Vancouver and other major cities because of criminals laundering money, and thats growth we do not need, but then again liberal doctrine suggests it's ok to break the law if it creates new jobs...

Which party wants immigration based on skin color ? 

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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Canada population has net gain 105,837 in 2018, with 385,777 new born , and 279,940 deaths.. 

Sure there is a lot of growth coming from immigration, but would we not get the same benefits if we could increase births right here in Canada. 

Housing prices are rising in Vancouver and other major cities because of criminals laundering money, and thats growth we do not need, but then again liberal doctrine suggests it's ok to break the law if it creates new jobs...

Which party wants immigration based on skin color ? 

That was what I was saying. 105,837 is not nearly enough.

How force people to have more sex? Or have children they can't afford?

Immigration is not illegal so why you are comparing with criminals I can't understand!!

Not any party but I have read here from individuals suggesting that.

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20 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

So Canada's population will be increasing by one hundred thousand a year based on your own statistics and that is enough? Considering that globally population will be increasing much faster?

Canada's economic growth will be adversely affected too. A lot of growth coming from immigration. Someone cited the Vancouver rapidly housing prices (and elsewhere in Canada). All economists will tell you that rising housing prices is a good thing and brings growth to the economy and confidence as people spend more and stimulate growth. There is nothing worse than falling housing prices for any economy.

You are mistaken. I am not pro-immigration. I want immigration to be cut in half and adaptability become the main criterion. I am just not going extreme asking it to be stopped or be selected based on skin color.  I lost a very good high paying job myself two decades ago to a new arrival who worked like a donkey. At first I was mad but later after I overcame my anger I told myself maybe he deserved it. I left at 5 after my 8 hours work was over. He stayed and work overtime  and did better. So he replaced me.

It's government statistics. Global population is exploding and why should Canadians be forced to take in and help those countries relieve them of their over population births? Tell those countries to start doing something about their massive birth rates. More population into Canada only means more infrastructure needed, more social and medical services required, and more damage to the Canadian environment which the crazy environmentalists seem to not want to talk about. They appear to want more jobs lost and gone. More immigrants won't help that cause. No way are you going to convince me that higher housing prices are good for Canada or Canadians. The only ones that will make plenty of money from with more higher prices is the government and the globalist banksters. The average Canadian is up to his head in debt thanks to high prices and high taxes. 

So, you lost your job to a foreigner. I do not feel sorry for you at all nor do I feel sorry for any other Canadian who loses their job to a foreigner. Canadians have been warned for decades now about massive third world immigration but yet they have refused too listen to the warning signs. Now you have paid the price for your neglect. Canadians have been convinced for years now that if you are against immigration then you must be a racist and anti-immigrant. If a moratorium had been put in place several decades ago, you would probably still have your high paying job. Now a foreigner has your job. But your aw well attitude is the typical attitude of most Canadians. But you are only one of the many other Canadians who I believe have also lost their good jobs to foreigners here in massive immigration Canada land. This has been going on in this country for decades now. And if globalist Trudeau gets re-elected, host Canadians can kiss their country goodbye and their good paying jobs. The globalists will get richer while stunned who cares attitude Canadians will get poorer.  

Recently, Maxine Bernier of the PPC had billboards put up all over Canada saying that there must be a stop too massive immigration. The leftist globalist liberals in Canada and many other pro-immigration leftist lobbies called for and have had all those signs removed. Shocking. I guess that must mean that globalist Trudeau must be scared to death of anyone daring to want to talk about and debate massive immigration into Canada. A vote for anyone but Bernier is a vote for more massive legal and illegal immigration and possibly more Canadians losing their jobs to foreigners. It's now or never to try and save Canada from being taken over by foreigners. An aw well attitude will not save Canada.  Just saying. 

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