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Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Remove non-hunting purposed firearms from the general population in Canada while we still can. 

Non hunting firearms are not in the Canadian general population, the requirements to obtain a Restricted Class license are already quite strict, only a tiny minority of Canadians posses the Restricted Class FAC.

Canadian gun control is elitist, as it is in all racist apartheid states.

Moreover, it's not even up to you, the public in Canada does not have any input as to which firearms are prohibited, nor even their elected representatives in Parliament, as under Canadian law, that is entirely at the discretion of the RCMP, Canada being a police state in the end.

The AK47 used in that shooting is already prohibited in Canada btw.  Also, murder is already a crime,  problem solved, so back to your usual prattling about things you know nothing about, other than the Firearms Act that is.

Cowering effeminate academic fops spend all that money on their clown college degrees, yet don't even know what the law of the land is?  Shocking.

Edited by Dougie93
On 8/2/2019 at 4:24 AM, Zeitgeist said:

The idea that allowing civilians to carry weapons that have the sole purpose of killing people easily is an extension of freedom rather than an infringement of it due to the possibility and psychological terror of mass mass murder is an American idea that I hope we don’t have in Canada.  I prefer being free from the unbalanced sadist who decides to murder people and has the means to do it easily.

If we go down the Second Amendment road, in 10-20 years the conversation on here about guns will be that we can’t turn back the clock and further limit access to guns because there are too many of them in the wrong hands and people have to protect themselves.  In Europe, including the UK, people just shake their heads at a mentality that justifies mass murders of children and other innocents in the name of some Old West notion of freedom.  Gun proliferation is a public safety hazard in the 21st century and one that is still largely avoidable in Canada.  I hope we introduce further gun control in Canada.  


Dana Larsen: Media reports 8,851 Canadians killed by cannabis


Smoking kills 47,000 a year in Canada?


In 2014, road crashes claimed an estimated 2,297 lives. Based on testing of fatally-injured drivers, it may be estimated that 1,273 (55.4%) of these deaths resulted from crashes in which an individual was positive for alcohol and/or drugs.

  • 299 deaths, or 13%, occurred in crashes involving individuals who were positive for alcohol alone.
  • 618 deaths, or 26.9%, occurred in crashes involving individuals who were positive for drugs alone.
  • 356 deaths, or 15.5%, occurred in crashes involving individuals who were positive for both alcohol and drugs.


In 2017, an estimated:

  • 103,100 Canadian men were diagnosed with cancer and 42,600 men died from cancer.
  • 103,200 Canadian women were diagnosed with cancer and 38,200 women died from cancer.
  • On average, 565 Canadians were diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 221 Canadians died from cancer every day.

Read more: http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-101/cancer-statistics-at-a-glance/?region=on#ixzz5vaZWOpZZ


 suicides accounted for 9,919 of the 13,168 gun deaths in Canada from 2000 to 2016.


The statistic counter above is based on a rate of 722 gun deaths per year



Most gun deaths are self-inflicted and intentional

Because they tend to be private matters and not widely reported, suicides can often be overlooked in the discussion of firearms.

But self-inflicted injuries account for three-quarters of gun deaths in this country.


It's not that your disgusted by the people killed by a firearm, because Canadians are dying a lot fast and in greater numbers in hundreds of different ways...and yet the anti gun lobby does not mention them....no cry's for banning steak knifes, finding a cure for cancer, stopping the sale of Tabaco … Why is that....  

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

On 8/1/2019 at 7:55 AM, Dougie93 said:

Speech banning, gun grabbing, freedom hating racist apartheid Canadian police state delenda est.

Be strong.  Be of good courage. God bless America.  Long live the republic.

Do they stock and sell drugs alongside bullets or something?

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Do they stock and sell drugs alongside bullets or something?

The drugs are from the Government of Ontario, the bullets are Black Hills 77 grain match, yeeee-haw!




Y'know, Soy Boi Girly Men like Zeitgeist give the 6ix a bad name.

Where I grew up, there were AK47's all over the place, I even had one drawn on me at a West Indian BBQ in Flemingdon Park.

Yardie was testing me to see if I'd flinch.   I did flinch a bit to be honest, but whatever, they just laughed and went back to playing dominoes.


Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Y'know, Soy Boi Girly Men like Zeitgeist give the 6ix a bad name.

Where I grew up, there were AK47's all over the place, I even had one drawn on me at a West Indian BBQ in Flemingdon Park.

Yardie was testing me to see if I'd flinch.   I did flinch a bit to be honest, but whatever, they just laughed and went back to playing dominoes.


You’re not helping your cause, whatever that is.  Weed is mostly a self-inflicted poison not unlike alcohol.  Most people tolerate it for that reason. Guns in the hands of yahoos are something else entirely.  In the end I’ll stick with the elitists if it means keeping the yahoos at bay.  There are reasons, it turns out, for ranks.  I don’t need guns to prove my manhood.  My blackbelt works quite well.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re not helping your cause, whatever that is.  Weed is mostly a self-inflicted poison not unlike alcohol.  Most people tolerate it for that reason. Guns in the hands of yahoos are something else entirely.  In the end I’ll stick with the elitists if it means keeping the yahoos at bay.  There are reasons, it turns out, for ranks.  I don’t need guns to prove my manhood.  My blackbelt works quite well.  

I prove my manhood by being rich, nothing a woman likes more than having a house bought for her, cash on the barrel.

In terms of unarmed combat, I never did any of those belt course things, all my training for HTH was with the military, Unarmed Combat Course, and they brought RSM Bill Wolfe in to run his Combato Course, but that's techniques to kill people, so I would only employ it in extremis, reasonable expectation of threat to life and/or limb, as per the Queen's Peace.

Posted (edited)

In the end, I'm a big boy, so mostly I just muckle on to people and toss them around like rag dolls, buckling them with sheer size strength and agression, if I really get pissed off, I go into hockey fight mode and jackhammer people Wendel Clark style.

Not to say I've never lost a fight, in my younger days I got beaten to a pulp a few times, but hey, that's the only way to learn how to fight in the end. Darwinian forces.

The parking lot outside of Sassy's in Petawawa was the Ludus; Gladiator School.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)

Anyways, just to get back on topic, if you don't want to go Restricted Class, but you still want some tactical techniques to employ in extremis, check out Chris Costa and Travis Haley,  Magpul Dynamics The Art of Dynamic Shotgun.  America f*ck yeah.



Edited by Dougie93

Trying to ban the American Religion will simply lead to civil war, in fact, it already is a low intensity civil war right now.  

Which, in case you didn't know, is what the American Religion is all about.


Posted (edited)

Moreover, in the American Religion, Canada is a tyrannical enemy of America, because Canada is the British Crown, this still runs deep in the American Religion.

So if Canadians stick their noses in and get involved, it's entirely plausible that these Americans could start to attack Canada.

Remember how Canadian Confederation came about, it was in response to terrorists who fought in the Civil War invading Canada to attack the British Crown. 

Otherwise known as the Fenian Raids.

And Canadians are sticking their noses in, not just going online to try to provoke Americans with virtue signalling Anti-Americanism, but like Justin Trudeau sticking his nose into the American abortion war to virtue signal to his base in Canada, that's a dangerous game, because Americans are starting to take notice of Canada again, and to the American Right, it is as an enemy.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Ruski Redskin said:

Religion is a detriment to the future of the human race

I am advocating extermination of all religions.....

Well the last people to try that were of course the Bolsheviks.   It didn't work in Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church is more popular in Russia than ever.

In terms of how the American Religion reacted to it, it took the world to the brink of a thermonuclear exchange with upwards of twenty five thousand warheads.

So, you'd better start digging your bomb shelter and stockpiling iodine tablets now, if you're going to make war upon the American Religion, because they will go to war right back at you, and they are not to be trifled with, ask the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki about that.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Ruski Redskin said:

Like it or not religion is dying....a gentle push into its grave does not hurt my feelings

Well this is what Friedrich Nietzsche said, God is Dead, but he meant it as a warning, because his assertion was that without religion as the guiding force, the world would descend into barbaric wars on scales never seen before, which of course was proven right, in the 20th century.

The Nazis and the Bolsheviks were fundamentally Nietzschean, that doesn't mean Nietzsche would have agreed with them, the Nazis and Bolsheviks is what Nietzsche was warning was coming, but the Nazis and Bolsheviks embraced God is Dead as the Way of the Future, thus why liquidating millions of people was no longer taboo, God is Dead, so there is no ultimate judgement,  so there's no compunction about going completely genocidal, the ends justify the means.

Edited by Dougie93
11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re not helping your cause, whatever that is.  Weed is mostly a self-inflicted poison not unlike alcohol.  Most people tolerate it for that reason. Guns in the hands of yahoos are something else entirely.  In the end I’ll stick with the elitists if it means keeping the yahoos at bay.  There are reasons, it turns out, for ranks.  I don’t need guns to prove my manhood.  My blackbelt works quite well.  

What works for one place in this vast country simply doesn't work for them all.  You and Dougie are a perfect example of the contrasts on a very small scale.  You both make a vaild case that in each of your minds is perfectly reasonable, but when you put them side-by-side, they are radically different.  In the grand scheme of things, though, what the very Liberal/liberal Toronto and Southern ON find appropriate is completely disconnected from the values and beliefs of most of the ROC.  As I pointed out, even though SK leads the country in gun crimes and deaths per capita, any kind of gun control meets with strong opposition for a large number of reasons.  I sit here with my guns (not fired in decades) in the house and can state clearly that any attempt to invade my personal life, property and possessions ESPECIALLY INCLUDING MY GUNS would be seen as an act of aggression that would not go unchecked if you are a thief or the state - makes no difference.  Now like Dougie, I am trained to use weapons to kill people, but my 7.62 mm training is behind my 105 and 155mm training.  The weapons I keep are not in any way comparable to military stuff but intended to keep pests down on the farm (so some will get used again maybe next year) or just plink at targets.  IF the state were to become any more invasive and restrictive than they already are, though, I would start adding weapons I can defend myself from the Crown with - as I can easily relate to the US second amendment and the very reasons it exists.

BTW: another way to look at it - if you take away their guns, what will the genuine fruitcakes (such as the Texas guy from yesterday) do?  You think that in any way is going to stop them?  It would take about 10 minutes to poison a water supply, or a bit longer to figure out how to unleash a deadly virus.   A whack job is a whack job.   How they express their insanity is merely a matter of their choice, but they WILL chose to do their deeds regardless of what "gun control" (that as has been noted will be totally ineffective for illegal arms) is in place.  You will notice that several recent terrorist killings are being done with motor vehicles.  In Canada, about 10,000 people a year die from motor vehicles, whereas only a couple hundred perish at the hands of gunshots fired in anger or mistake.  If you really want to be effective in saving lives, ban the cars.

Posted (edited)

See, for most of human civilization, war was the province of kings and emperors, they where the Godheads, the representatives of God, or The Gods for the Pagans.

These Godheads for the most part fought each other, with armies, on small fields of battle, when one kings army lost, he could sue for terms.

Napoleon Bonaparte ended all that when he invented Mass Mobilization, the entire population of countries mobilized for war.

These leads directly to  Nietzschean wars of total annihilation, peaking on the Eastern Front in the Second World War.

And the ultimate expression of this total war of annihilation, is of course the hydrogen bomb, which allows you to do it at the push of a button with no army required.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, cannuck said:

You and Dougie are a perfect example of the contrasts on a very small scale. 

Me and Zeitgeist are not actually diametrically opposed on this.

I am half American, I subscribe to the American Religion, none the less, am a Loyalist still.

I do not assert a second amendment in Canada.

What I assert in Canada, is the right to bear arms within the allowance of the law, under the English Bill of Rights of 1689 which is foundational to all British, and therefore Canadian constitutional law.

Allowance of the law includes gun control, so if those with Parliamentary Supremacy were to ban automatic rifles, I would turn my rifles in.

I wouldn't like it,  I think it would backfire on those who enacted it, but ultimately I will obey my Commander-in-Chief, Elizabeth Windsor.  God save the Queen.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)

But this is why the Liberals wont do it.   Because the Liberals are aware that it would backfire.

What the Liberals do is turn the whole thing over to the RCMP, the RCMP decides what guns are banned, arbitrarily, they just make up whatever rules they want, on a whim.

And of course like all gun grabbing, the RCMP arbitrary rules are nonsensical, over and over; two practically identical guns, one is banned,  one is not, breed bans are utterly fallacious.

For example, the FN FAL is Prohibited in Canada, while the AR15 is allowed, why?   The functioning of the weapons is practically identical, both are "military assault weapons", one is the old Canadian Forces service rifle the other is the newest Canadian Forces service rifle, so the RCMP just undermines their credibility by apparently knowing not much about the guns they are supposed to be regulating.

That's the best of both worlds for the Liberals, they can pander to the gun grabbers, without taking any responsibility for it in the end, and the RCMP is knee jerk authoritarian, so the Liberals rely on them to ban first ask questions later.

It's frankly a national embarrassment, because the RCMP are supposed to be an elite paramilitary Gendarmerie,  an armed force as much as the army is, yet unlike the army, the RCMP doesn't appear to know its business, they appear to operate on their feelings and fallacious nonsense as much as the most ignorant gun grabbing left wing kooks do.

Edited by Dougie93
41 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I am half American, I subscribe to the American Religion, none the less, am a Loyalist still.

Sorry to hear about your affliction.or should i say afflictions   I am half American, I subscribe to the American Religion, none the less, am a Loyalist still.

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Ruski Redskin said:

Sorry to hear about your affliction.or should i say afflictions   I am half American, I subscribe to the American Religion, none the less, am a Loyalist still.

The Duality of Man.  It's a Jungian thing.


Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)

But also, in fairness, the United Empire Loyalist Orangemen of Upper Canada are Americans.

Ontario was not founded by Britons from the United Kingdom, Ontario was founded by American Loyalists fleeing the Revolution.

To include Benedict Arnold, who was given land in Upper Canada by the Crown.

We all come from the same Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the House of Orange.

The American Revolution simply took the revolutionary Protestant Enlightenment one step further, when the Crown became a burden to them rather than a boon.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)

Furthermore, as a classical liberal limited government conservative, I only have fealty to the state by mutual contractual agreement, consent of the governed.

Those who are absolutely loyal to their sovereign, without question nor reason, are what are referred to as Totalitarians.

And they are extremely dangerous, existentially dangerous in fact, again, see; the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, two sides of the same totalitarian coin.

If God is dead, and the Queen is not the country, then there is no Canada in the end, Canada will have become a lawless totalitarian regime with no basis for soveirenty over these land by the Treaty of Paris 1763, Dieu et mon droit.

And that is in fact what is happening in Canada right now, the Post National State which is only loyal to the Liberal Party of Canada, as a Loyalist, I am by nature counterrevolutionary against that, if no God, Queen, and County there be, then all bets are of course off and I fall back on my American heritage by default.

It's not me trying to overthrow the Crown and install myself as a pretender to the throne, that's the Liberal Party of Canada doing that, slowly but surely, since about 1965.

And it's becoming increasingly totalitarian as it goes, as failing to adhere strictly to the dogma of the Liberal Party of Canada, is now a thought crime.

It is said the Liberals are selling us down the river to the Chinese Communists, and does seem to be the case, the Chinese seem most outraged right now, by the fact that the Liberals would dare to defy them, when it wasn't actually the Liberals, the Liberals obviously wouldn't defy them, it is the Americans stepping in to drive a wedge between Canada and Beijing.

The Liberals don't even bother to maintain the facade of a free press in Canada anymore, all MSM in Canada is now literally state bought, paid for, and run, same as it is in Putin's Russia. Just like in Putin's Russia, the MSM is who the government chooses to be MSM, and the government chooses based on who is loyal to Putin or not, same as the Canadian press is now being government funded based on who is loyal to Trudeau or not.   It's creepy and Orwellian.

To resist the Liberal totalitarianism, is what being a Loyalist is all about, the Liberals are the revolutionary fifth column, to defy them is counterrevolutionary in the face of it.

Edited by Dougie93

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