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If majority of Canadians hate America, why doesn't Canada ban everything American?

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"Hmmmm, I never thought of that and I really don't know what to respond to it."


Majority of Canadians, enough with the "we don't hate them but....." speech, already. I'VE HEARD IT ALL!!! EVERYTHING! Now, I want to talk about the solutions to your problems!


NOW, many Canadians hate the fact their country is being Americanized, that their country relies too much on the US, that Americans come over here and they expect everything to be the same in America, that Canadians want to feel what it's like to be Canadian but America keeps getting in the way...... sigh.


Canadians, there is always, ALWAYS, a solution to everything...... CANADA, come on!


Stop making things hard for yourselves.


Are you guys hating on them but are secretly in love with them?

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17 hours ago, Mike Utinne said:

"Hmmmm, I never thought of that and I really don't know what to respond to it."


Majority of Canadians, enough with the "we don't hate them but....." speech, already. I'VE HEARD IT ALL!!! EVERYTHING! Now, I want to talk about the solutions to your problems!


NOW, many Canadians hate the fact their country is being Americanized, that their country relies too much on the US, that Americans come over here and they expect everything to be the same in America, that Canadians want to feel what it's like to be Canadian but America keeps getting in the way...... sigh.


Canadians, there is always, ALWAYS, a solution to everything...... CANADA, come on!


Stop making things hard for yourselves.


Are you guys hating on them but are secretly in love with them?

I think and believe that all Canadians secretly would like to be an American. Canadians can never get enough of America. Even with our low Canadian peso dollar, we still go to America by the millions every year for our entertainment, our fun, and to holiday. If Canada banned everything American we would go belly up. America is our bread and butter. The only reason why so many Canadians hate America is because of our leftist liberal/socialist Canadian lying media who has brainwashed them into hating America. This is one Canadian that loves America. 

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:

I think and believe that all Canadians secretly would like to be an American. Canadians can never get enough of America. Even with our low Canadian peso dollar, we still go to America by the millions every year for our entertainment, our fun, and to holiday. If Canada banned everything American we would go belly up. America is our bread and butter. The only reason why so many Canadians hate America is because of our leftist liberal/socialist Canadian lying media who has brainwashed them into hating America. This is one Canadian that loves America. 

Yeah, that's what I think Mike's problem is.  He's probably tried many times to emigrate and become a US citizen and they just won't let him.  So he's all mad about it and he's letting it all out on here. 

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10 hours ago, taxme said:

This is one Canadian that loves America. 

Sir.... okay, fine, you love America but sir....... why can't you just respect what the majority of Canadians want? Isn't that the essence of democracy? It's not about what you want, it's about what the majority want and whether you are part of that majority or not is irrelevant, win or lose..... you're going to have to respect the results because that is how you create a functioning nation.


Why can't you and that guy starting with the letter y do that?


The majority of Canadians want to be free of the shackles of American imperialism and join their fellow believers in Europe!


How are you Canadians (I'm not taking to you anymore sir) going to do that if you are not going to stand up to them for Jesus sakes! I keep repeating this and nobody seems to be listening and I don't understand why!?


If you are scared that they might kill you if you do this, then Mr. and Mrs. Canadian..... sacrifices have to be made! Their will always be bloodshed when you want to fight off someone who doesn't want to let you go!


You complain about Trump, you don't want to do anything about him. You complain about the US's various wars, you don't want to stop them. You complain that your country is being Americanized, you don't want to throw them out.......



Edited by Mike Utinne
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11 hours ago, bcsapper said:

Yeah, that's what I think Mike's problem is.  He's probably tried many times to emigrate and become a US citizen and they just won't let him.  So he's all mad about it and he's letting it all out on here. 

Sir..... no.....  don't even go there please..... anyway here is something for you, I love how she goes unto a full on rant:


Is it true that Americans are all frowned upon in the UK? A friend of mine recently moved to the UK and claims that once it is discovered that they are American, usually due to their accent, they are immediately treated in a more aggressive manner?


That’s more likely because they’ve come over here with a privileged way of looking at the world, expecting it to all be about them, and generally grating on people’s nerves. Not that I’ve had experience of an American in my part of the UK or anything. Nope. Way for them to play victim, though, eh? Literally, I’ve heard Americans say this before, about us, about our attitude, but actually the problem is their attitude, the American attitude, and how important they think themselves to be in the scheme of things. America thinks itself more significant within the world than it actually is, it’s deluded itself into thinking that their way of thinking is right and everywhere else is wrong. It forgets that it’s a relatively new country, and rather than listening and learning from the rest of the world who know better and still misjudge things at times, it’s making its own mistakes left, right, and centre without a care in the world, but believing itself to be in the right. And it never learns as a nation. Guns are still highly sought after, yet everyone seems surprised when people end up dead, and can’t figure out what the problem is. Americans are never in the wrong, but everyone else always is. (I know not all Americans think or feel this way, but the majority do.)

Our attitude is fine if you come over here and respect our way of life, if you respect us, we respect you. If you come over here, shouting in place of talking at bearable levels, turning what should be a civil conversation with varying opinions into an argument and an all-out war every single time, and lording it about, then you’ll have problems, otherwise you’ll fit in great - I’ve seen it happen, not just with Americans, but with people from all over the world. But if you come here thinking you’re better than everyone else because that’s what your country has mislead you into believing without you even realising it, then you’re going to run into problems. I mean, sure, there’s always going to be that one dickhead who calls you out, because everyone has those, but otherwise people will welcome you with open arms, just, learn that our humour is also very different from yours, we don’t have a one-tone humour, and we do say awful things and make light of them, because that’s how we are, it’s how we deal with how rubbish the world can be sometimes, and Americans struggle to understand our humour, because theirs tends to be this same thing with that audience of fake laughter set to go off at moments when we look around and ask if we’re supposed to be joining in. Understand the humour, prepare yourself for it, because if you don’t get it, you probably will take it the wrong way, and you’ll take it personally, make it about you, when in actual fact you’re just misunderstanding our way of life because you refuse to accept that we’re not the same, different is good, we came first, and we won’t change just for you because you’re not that special, just like we have to blend in to your world when going over your way. I had a bad experience with an American, does it show? Yet we had a Canadian move here and he was a lovely bloke, fit in really well, and it was telling of how close two countries can be and be nothing alike.

Ask yourself, not what our problem is, but what the attitude was when coming over here. If you expected us to be like you, bow to your every whim, then you’ve got the wrong one. If you weren’t versed on our humour, how things are done here even on the shallowest level, then you’re going to struggle. If you come here from a less privileged country, as many do, then you’re more likely to fit in, you don’t expect us to change for you - I’ve known loads of Polish and Romanian people come through my town, and they’ve bent over backwards to adjust to us without once expecting us to suddenly change for them, and they fit in well, make loads of friends, get decent work, learn a lot, and it’s lovely to be part of, and the best part is that we get to learn from them, we try to, we reassure them they don’t need to change, just, live within our laws and it’s all good, understand our attitudes towards certain things, etc., while still having your own opinions. Americans? Different story every damn time. Either that, or they’re paranoid about other nations in general, again, because they’ve been taught to believe that they’re superior to everyone else. But the biggest thing I’ve found with Americans is that they believe there’s only one opinion, regardless of the situation, they will argue to the death over who is right and who is wrong without ever once considering that, shock-horror, both could be right or both could be wrong, or both could be partially right and a little bit wrong. Maybe it’s because we’ve been longer, but we’ve learnt to accept that there’s at least two sides to every story, and people have different opinions for a great many things, and rather than fighting to the point of starting wars over it, we learn from each other, ask questions, try to understand - it doesn’t mean we have to alter our own opinions, but we can still learn from others. There’s a huge clash right there before they’ve even walked in the door and we can hear them coming. There’s this collective holding of a breath, sighing, and trying to subtly get out of the way before it all kicks off. I’m not saying it happens with every single American that visits here, but this is a common thing, and a lot of bitched and moaned about us being the problem, like a whole nation should change for one person rather than the other way around. We have a lot to offer, but not if you can’t be bothered to hear it.


Emma Frost, lives in The United Kingdom



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I've noticed that not too many people answer my questions about if X or Y is true when why doesn't Z do this or that.... sigh.

Maybe because deep down..... they don't have any words, they never thought of it from this angle before.


But bring anything about Trump or Iraq.... people are all over it.

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13 hours ago, Mike Utinne said:

Sir.... okay, fine, you love America but sir....... why can't you just respect what the majority of Canadians want? Isn't that the essence of democracy? It's not about what you want, it's about what the majority want and whether you are part of that majority or not is irrelevant, win or lose..... you're going to have to respect the results because that is how you create a functioning nation.


Why can't you and that guy starting with the letter y do that?


The majority of Canadians want to be free of the shackles of American imperialism and join their fellow believers in Europe!


How are you Canadians (I'm not taking to you anymore sir) going to do that if you are not going to stand up to them for Jesus sakes! I keep repeating this and nobody seems to be listening and I don't understand why!?


If you are scared that they might kill you if you do this, then Mr. and Mrs. Canadian..... sacrifices have to be made! Their will always be bloodshed when you want to fight off someone who doesn't want to let you go!


You complain about Trump, you don't want to do anything about him. You complain about the US's various wars, you don't want to stop them. You complain that your country is being Americanized, you don't want to throw them out.......



There is just one thing for me to say here. In Canada the minority rule and the majority must accept what the minority wants and desires. This is not such a free country as you must think. Pretty much special interest minority groups do get to run this country. We have forced bilingualism, multiculturalism, massive third world immigration, metric, billions of tax dollars blown on foreign aid, and so many more liberal and socialist programs and agendas that the majority of Canadians never asked for. A minority gets to run and rule and ruin a country, and Canada has been pretty much ruined by a few. 

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

In Canada the minority rule and the majority must accept what the minority wants and desires. This is not such a free country as you must think. Pretty much special interest minority groups do get to run this country. We have forced bilingualism, multiculturalism, massive third world immigration, metric, billions of tax dollars blown on foreign aid, and so many more liberal and socialist programs and agendas that the majority of Canadians never asked for. A minority gets to run and rule and ruin a country, and Canada has been pretty much ruined by a few. 


Because you believe that majority of Canadians are with you on your racist laws and agendas. You believe that they want what you want when that is not the case and you get angry and you start pointing fingers.!


"In Canada the minority rule and the majority must accept what the minority wants and desires."


Blame the minorities, blame politicians, blame innocent people.


What you want is not democracy, you want a dictatorship that is ran by people who have the same mentality as you do and again, you get angry when you don't get what you want.

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14 hours ago, Mike Utinne said:


Because you believe that majority of Canadians are with you on your racist laws and agendas. You believe that they want what you want when that is not the case and you get angry and you start pointing fingers.!


"In Canada the minority rule and the majority must accept what the minority wants and desires."


Blame the minorities, blame politicians, blame innocent people.


What you want is not democracy, you want a dictatorship that is ran by people who have the same mentality as you do and again, you get angry when you don't get what you want.

Why are there so many people like you who always like to throw the word racist around to those you disagree with and who prefers to come back with an unintelligent reply instead? Can we so called "racists" be allowed to have an opinion and point of view w/o being called a racist? What is with people like you anyway? Hey, anyone like you and others can believe whatever the hell you and others want to believe and say, and you should give me the courtesy to believe what I want to believe and say. I may be right, and you wrong, or vice-versa, but don't try to tell me that you have all the answers to the questions. 

That is such a silly and stupid thing to say. Why should a minority of ten be allowed to dictate to the majority and rule over that majority of say 500? That is not democracy, that is tyranny. No special interest minority groups of people in Canada should be allowed to dictate and force the majority to accept and live with what the minority wants and desires, to the detriment of the majority. It was a minority of communists that gave the world communism, and that power given to those communists pretty much was responsible for hundreds of millions of innocent deaths. If this country allows a minority of special interest groups the right to run and rule the majority's rights, then we are indeed in trouble in Canada, and that is what is happening in Canada today. Tyranny by the communist minority. 

I blame just about all of the politicians that Canada has ever had, especially the ones in power after the 1980's election of old man Trudeau. They have all pretty much turned Canada into a bloody basket case and mess and debt that Canadians will never be able to get out of or be repaid. The majority of the Canadian taxpayer's are the real innocent victims here. They have been taken over by minorities. Believe it or not. 

What you appear to want is no democracy at all in Canada. What you appear to want is minority communist dictatorship rule. I am pretty sure that I speak for many who have the same opinions and points of view that I have. Canada is now being run by people who have the mentality of thinking that the minority must rule and run Canada no matter at what cost to the majority or country. This has to change to save Canada from getting any worse off than what it is today. I don't get angry, I get bloody mad at what is going on in this once great nation called Canada. You do not like to hear that, well that is too dam bad for you. Live with it, as I have to live with you and your leftist liberal opinions and points of view. :(

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Why are there so many people like you who always like to throw the word racist around to those you disagree with and who prefers to come back with an unintelligent reply instead.


Because you are racist; there can be no intelligent argument with you.


You want to limit or probably, deep down, ban immigrants, aka minorities, in a land that is not yours and in which foreigners have built!

You judge immigrants on hearsay, pointing out that they are the cause of most of the problems in Canada and that white people are simply victims.


That is racist right there and for all we know, most of these problems could be caused the white people.


2 hours ago, taxme said:

Can we so called "racists" be allowed to have an opinion and point of view w/o being called a racist?


You can, just don't say it out in public otherwise you would be ostracized.


2 hours ago, taxme said:

I may be right, and you wrong, or vice-versa, but don't try to tell me that you have all the answers to the questions.



No..... with your racist agendas, everyone is right to fight you.


2 hours ago, taxme said:

Why should a minority of ten be allowed to dictate to the majority and rule over that majority of say 500?



Since when has that happened in Canada? I'm pretty sure if it did, Canada would be up in arms.


Maybe you say these things because you never tasted real dictatorship, real tyranny, starvation, poverty, disease, a truly corrupt government who blatantly and shamelessly uses your tax dollars to go shopping in New York, buying cars in Germany and/or holidaying in Canada..... you know...... things that you and your neighbor are great at setting up?


And please stop with the "It's going to happen to Canada real soon" speech.


2 hours ago, taxme said:

They have been taken over by minorities. Believe it or not. 


There you, you finally admitted it..... 


"I am pretty sure that I speak for many who have the same opinions and points of view that I have."


I don't think so sir because if that were the case...... you wouldn't be losing.

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I'm not sure why Canadians even bother with criticizing us. They should just accept their role as America's little brother. Its not like anyone else would trust another country to actually run the world. Does anyone really want China to be the next hedgemon? The reason why america is better than any other country is not its military or imperialism. Its much more than that. Something call american exceptionalism. Our country is unique in history because it was the first country to protect the individual from its own government. There's a reason why freedom of speech is not the third or fourth ammendment. 

Same with our guns which you all seem to hate. There's a reason why the second ammendment is second only to the first. Speech and a well a regulated militia spells out significant distrust of a tyrannical government. 

Think about it Canucks, who establishes a government with a founding principle of limiting its own governance? No one except uncle sam. 

This is why America's constitutional republic is superior to the european and canadian democracy.  

The propensity of government is to become larger and more tyrannical, there needs to be a system of checks and balance to limit this. 

If you think the main reason America is better than any other country is because of its military and imperialism then you haven't really thought through the low hanging fruits offered by the postmodern leftist. 

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7 hours ago, paxamericana said:

I'm not sure why Canadians even bother with criticizing us. They should just accept their role as America's little brother.


That's going to make a lot of them angry but if it helps to push them towards China's embrace, that's fine with me.


7 hours ago, paxamericana said:

Does anyone really want China to be the next hedgemon? 


Yes, there a lot of people who do.


Why? Because according to a lot of people, China builds up the world whereas the US only wants to bomb it.


7 hours ago, paxamericana said:

Something call american exceptionalism.


A lot of people hate this exceptionalism. To them, it is the source of arrogance and ignorance of Americans.


That is one of the many reasons why so many people don't want the US to be the super power anymore and want it to collapse.


7 hours ago, paxamericana said:

Same with our guns which you all seem to hate.


According to them and Europeans, guns are bad it, is only used for mass murders.


Ma'am, may I also ask, why waste money, manpower and resources on them despite them hating you?

A lot of them don't even acknowledge that you helped Europe rebuild after WW2 or your men and women who died for them.

All they see in you are a bunch of fat, arrogant, ignorant, stupid, loud imperialists.


They are happy to accept what you give them and they are more than happy to stab you in the back after.


If I found out that people I helped in real life were talking behind my back, I would slap them so hard numerous times and then spit in their faces and enjoy watching them suffer.

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8 hours ago, paxamericana said:

I'm not sure why Canadians even bother with criticizing us. They should just accept their role as America's little brother. Its not like anyone else would trust another country to actually run the world. Does anyone really want China to be the next hedgemon? The reason why america is better than any other country is not its military or imperialism. Its much more than that. Something call american exceptionalism. Our country is unique in history because it was the first country to protect the individual from its own government. There's a reason why freedom of speech is not the third or fourth ammendment. 

Same with our guns which you all seem to hate. There's a reason why the second ammendment is second only to the first. Speech and a well a regulated militia spells out significant distrust of a tyrannical government. 

Think about it Canucks, who establishes a government with a founding principle of limiting its own governance? No one except uncle sam. 

This is why America's constitutional republic is superior to the european and canadian democracy.  

The propensity of government is to become larger and more tyrannical, there needs to be a system of checks and balance to limit this. 

If you think the main reason America is better than any other country is because of its military and imperialism then you haven't really thought through the low hanging fruits offered by the postmodern leftist. 

To most Canadians the Right to Bear Arms is the downside of America.  We like the dynamic economy and creativity, but the combination of weaponry and neglect of the have-nots has created a climate of fear and danger that no sensible people should want.  You say Canadians should embrace big brother America.  Most of us do, but if you bully weaker powers through unreasonable tariffs, such as the ones on Canadian steel and aluminum, eventually little bro won’t want to come to family gatherings.  There are still many positive connections with the US, but Canadians have been given reason to question the reliability of that relationship in recent years.  

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Do you not think that Americans have had the right to question Canada's actions in the last 30 to 40 years, shrieking many of our responsibilities, such as living up to our end of all the defensive packs we have signed on to, such as NATO, NORAD, ABCAZ, not to mention our UN obligations to peace keeping ,or even responding to world disasters.. Defense of North America is suppose to be a joint effort one would think any ways...and yet we cheap out on all of that, and not just for a couple years But decades on end.. That would not erode a friendship/ trust/ respect /would it....

And for riding all those years on the cheap, when they do ask us to pony up , by spending 2 % of our GDP, we as a nation have a heart attack.....NOPE, no way, ain't doing it....that was pretty close to what our PM said was it not....That would not sway any bad feelings would it...

Lets not even talk about NAFTA, and our silly attempts to protect what the dairy cartel....all that fuss and we still gave them a slice of dairy....and what did we gain ? 

Slamming the American leadership on Canadian public media is a really smart idea, as well....I think we got lucky with just those little tariffs being added...

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41 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Do you not think that Americans have had the right to question Canada's actions in the last 30 to 40 years, shrieking many of our responsibilities, such as living up to our end of all the defensive packs we have signed on to, such as NATO, NORAD, ABCAZ, not to mention our UN obligations to peace keeping ,or even responding to world disasters.. Defense of North America is suppose to be a joint effort one would think any ways...and yet we cheap out on all of that, and not just for a couple years But decades on end.. That would not erode a friendship/ trust/ respect /would it....

And for riding all those years on the cheap, when they do ask us to pony up , by spending 2 % of our GDP, we as a nation have a heart attack.....NOPE, no way, ain't doing it....that was pretty close to what our PM said was it not....That would not sway any bad feelings would it...

Lets not even talk about NAFTA, and our silly attempts to protect what the dairy cartel....all that fuss and we still gave them a slice of dairy....and what did we gain ? 

Slamming the American leadership on Canadian public media is a really smart idea, as well....I think we got lucky with just those little tariffs being added...

Yeah when I read comments like this I can’t help but wonder how many fake Canadians are on here trying to shape public opinion.  Many international organizations have target contribution amounts, such as the UN on foreign aid of .7 of Gross National Income.  Canada contributes .28 of GNI.  The US contributes .17.  

The US spends about 4.5% of GNP on defence   Why?   It’s more than double the percentage of the second place donor country.  NATO has been drawn on to support the US after it was attacked on 9/11.  No doubt the military force available to attack the Taliban far outstripped the need.  Cut the US military expenditures in half and, when combined with NATO allies, the military might is formidable and beyond what China and Russia have at their disposal.

Should Canada spend more on military?  Yes, but Canada made four times the contribution of the US to accepting refugees from Syria.   What actions and contributions pay the biggest dividends in terms of peace and stability?  Canada is still the sixth largest contributor to NATO:




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17 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The US spends about 4.5% of GNP on defence   Why?   It’s more than double the percentage of the second place donor country.  NATO has been drawn on to support the US after it was attacked on 9/11.  No doubt the military force available to attack the Taliban far outstripped the need.  Cut the US military expenditures in half and, when combined with NATO allies, the military might is formidable and beyond what China and Russia have at their disposal.


Why stop at only half the expenditures ?   Do you still expect the United States to bear the largest NATO burden in blood and treasure ?



Should Canada spend more on military?  Yes, but Canada made four times the contribution of the US to accepting refugees from Syria.   What actions and contributions pay the biggest dividends in terms of peace and stability?  Canada is still the sixth largest contributor to NATO:


Syrian refugee counts in Canada are tiny compared to the total number of immigrants and refugees admitted by the U.S. for many, many years.

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11 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


...and that is why Americans will fight so hard to keep 2nd Amendment and other rights that Canadians do not have....the "downside" of Canada.


Fearing for personal safety going for a walk at night is hardly an expansion of freedom.  It’s a reduction of it.  

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

Fearing for personal safety going for a walk at night is hardly an expansion of freedom.  It’s a reduction of it.  


Giving up liberty for safety is a Canadian value...not American.

More immigrants still choose America...and always have.

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14 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Why stop at only half the expenditures ?   Do you still expect the United States to bear the largest NATO burden in blood and treasure ?



Syrian refugee counts in Canada are tiny compared to the total number of immigrants and refugees admitted by the U.S. for many, many years.

In real numbers, not just percentages, Canada accepted more Syrian refugees than the US.  It’s America’s enslavement to its military industrial complex that has led to her excessive military spending, which is more than double what NATO requires.  America’s excessive military spending is an American choice.  I wonder how many social ills could be solved by diverting some of that military spending.  

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

In real numbers, not just percentages, Canada accepted more Syrian refugees than the US.  It’s America’s enslavement to its military industrial complex that has led to her excessive military spending, which is more than double what NATO requires.  America’s excessive military spending is an American choice.  I wonder how many social ills could be solved by diverting some of that military spending.  


...and tiny Jordan accepted far more than either...combined.    Sorry Canada....not so brave after all.

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada is freer than America, safer too. 


That's great...but more people from around the world are still voting far more with their feet....for America.

Hell, many Canadians flee "safer" but frozen Canada each year for the USA...just like you do.

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