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Terrorist Attack in Pittsburgh

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I will find plenty. 

I'll wait patiently.  Because I have also waited patiently for others to do exactly that but to this day, nothing has been put forth. Others have tried to pin anti-semitism on me and others when it was not warranted, but each time, they have all failed, and eventually they give up.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The connection to Trudeau was made several posts back. Try to keep up. Refresher - the rush was on for Democrats to politicize these deaths, like all others, and they started openly accusing Trump of being anti-Semitic and used that unsubstantiated allegation as the basis for the claim Trump was the reason for this type of violence hatred. I madeallegations against Dems and Liberals which were entirely supported by well-known and easily referenced facts. 

The connection attempt was made, but seemed to have failed. I can put a lot of blame on Trudeau for many things, but this is not one of them.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


You challenged me to support my claim that Trudeau made hate speech legal. I said he that he did something far worse - he made it acceptable by outright refusing to condemn it in it’s worst form. 

So you are wrong when you say Trudeau made hate speech legal. You've been challenged, and lost.


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42 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Head in the sand? 

Get a life boges. You know that everything you say is 100% biased with large helpings of disingenousness and ignorance. Where did Trump ever speak or act out against brown people?

The caravan IS the result of the Dems saying over and over again, in many different ways, that the border and legal US citizenship don’t mean squat. Why would they go all that way if they didn’t hear the Dems rolling out the welcome mat?

Sanctuary cities, abolish ice, no id for voting, voting rights for illegals, etc, etc. That’s why people are walking thousands of miles. The Dems are championing their cause. It’s pretty hard to argue that, and I’d love to see you make an equally strong argument that Trump is the reason lol. “He’s sending the army to greet us! Yay!”

So where was all this Caravan talk when Obama was in power? 

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31 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I'll wait patiently.  Because I have also waited patiently for others to do exactly that but to this day, nothing has been put forth. Others have tried to pin anti-semitism on me and others when it was not warranted, but each time, they have all failed, and eventually they give up.

The connection attempt was made, but seemed to have failed. I can put a lot of blame on Trudeau for many things, but this is not one of them.

So you are wrong when you say Trudeau made hate speech legal. You've been challenged, and lost.



Here ya go. Advocating genocide is supposed to be illegal. The Prime Minisiter failed to even acknowledge it as unacceptable. You lose again, but you're probably used to that by now.

TBH I don't even care about the legality of it, it's far worse that it was made acceptable. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I never heard the comment about the barbed wire, that must be new. 

I would never call Trump classy, a role model, or a thoughtful speaker, but I don’t think he’s a “dog whistler” either. Again, subtlety isn’t his thing. 

Dems are the all-time champions of using fear mongering and sowing division to get votes. 

CNN and the Dems started all this with the Trayvon Martin thing and the Michael Brown thing. CNN saw the gobs of money that they coukd make, the Dems saw the sharp division it created between them and the Republicans. They both saw it as a tool to get the Dems elected. They thought that extreme polarization would provide enough smoke to fool voters into just believing everything they say but luckily for the world, enough Americans saw through it last time at the polls. 

Right now CNN and the Dems are both doing everything they can to cash in on these dead people in Pittsburgh. It’s utterly pathetic and disgusting to see them scramble to label Trump anti-Semitic, in the face of all logic, just for their own cause. 

Trump always takes the bait and swings back. He’s a bit overreactive, but right now the entire world is behaving like there’s an overreactive US president. 

Well stated. The barbed wire statement was two days ago. Look I have to be clear. I do not immediately hate all policies of Trump. I don't know many. I really liked Nicki Haley in the UN I rthought she was amazing and badly needed and sad when she left. My concerns with Trump I will try explain in my next post to you and others like you on the forum because you are owed a better explanation from me then one that might appear unfounded.

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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

Well stated. The barbed wire statement was two days ago. Look I have to be clear. I do not immediately hate all policies of Trump. I don't know many. I really liked Nicki Haley in the UN I rthought she was amazing and badly needed and sad when she left. My concerns with Trump I will try explain in my next post to you and others like you on the forum because you are owed a better explanation from me then one that might appear unfounded.

I don't think Trump's policies are nearly as bad as his comments. For one thing, he's the biggest name-caller in the history of democracy. It's sad that someone won such a major election that way. It's just a really good thing that Hillary lost.

I can't find a serious fault with any of his actual policies, but whenever he opens his mouth I cringe.

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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

There wasn't even any caravan talk before the caravan started up. It just started. 

You'd think with all those open borders Democrats want, they'd have done it when they were in power. And under the GOP there'd be a wall by now. 

Seems the GOP are the ones that can't keep illegals out. 

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18 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Here ya go. Advocating genocide is supposed to be illegal. The Prime Minisiter failed to even acknowledge it as unacceptable. You lose again, but you're probably used to that by now.

TBH I don't even care about the legality of it, it's far worse that it was made acceptable. 

I get it, I called you out on it and now you don't care about the legality of it.  However these laws were made WAY before Justin Trudeau got into power.  Now you can blame A Trudeau, but that would be Pierre Trudeau who passed these laws in the 1970s.  That also would have been good to clarify.



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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't think Trump's policies are nearly as bad as his comments. For one thing, he's the biggest name-caller in the history of democracy. It's sad that someone won such a major election that way. It's just a really good thing that Hillary lost.

I can't find a serious fault with any of his actual policies, but whenever he opens his mouth I cringe.

I think he must be doing those things on purpose. He enters a room and immediately presses all the social hot-buttons, forcing people to react. Seems to be pretty successful in business contracts. It is a very divisive way to run a country, however. Anyway, pity about that terror attack in Pittsburg, and stuff...

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Let's bring it back to the topic a bit.  I think the shooting in Pittsbugh is indicative of a larger problem in the US which is also transpiring in Canada and Europe.                                                               

I think in the case of the US its exasperated by how easy it is to get a weapon.

The common psychiatric or psychological profile of mass killers is that:

1-they feel powerless

2-not appreciated

3-externalize the qualities in themselves they do not like or the conflicts in themselves they can not resolve and externalize them by projecting those qualities on others they think are a threat to them in some way

4-they try cleanse their feelings of powerlessness, not being appreciated, feeling  unfairly treated, etc. by projecting them on to an external group called a scapegoat and then attacking that scapegoat-the attack and destruction of the scapegoat acts out the literal excising of the evil from themselves.

When you examine the profile of mass killers whether they attack Christians in a church, Muslims in a Mosque, Jews in a Temple, Women in a university, gays in a bar, they all have these repeating  elements above. The gun serves as their expression of potency-the shooting and killing is taking back control by extinguishing those things the shooter feels he is not in control of.

Remarkably the overwhelming majority of mass killers are men suggesting a tie in to bio-chemical reference to levels of testosterone a male hormone.

That said,  I would contend Trump is a politician who rose to power using rhetoric that incites peoples fears and in particular these fears:

1-fear of failure (make America great again)

2-fear of weakness ( idolization of Putin, Kim of Korea, belittling and insulting people)

3- fear of difference ( Mexicans, immigrants, Middle Easterners,  the press, anyone who disagrees with Trump)

4-fear of the future ( a future without Trump in control must mean crime).

Fear is the strongest of human emotions and the easiest to incite and control to influence how people will then behave and react.

Combine fear with crowds( crowds are a powerful agent that triggerthe frontal lobe to act in unison with others in the crowd and lower inhibitions that would otherwise restrain anger) and you have the ideal mob mentality that appeals to hateful messages.

All politicians use crowds and fears to exploit and rile to some extent. Its much easier to be a politician engaging in fear mongering (pointing out what is wrong and what could go wrong) as Trump does then being a politician like Martin Luther King or Bobby Kennedy or Ghandi.

We live in a time where the planet has shrunk because of advanced travel by plane and where borders are collapsing due to migrant movement and conflicts brought on by  climate changes causing draught, desertification, flooding, increased competition for natural resources.

A politician like Trump came to power much like Mussolini or Hitler did. They start as a fringe group exploiting the feelings of anxiety of their time, lack of jobs, uncertain times, confusing moral messages-and such politicians appeal by referring to us against them themes and role playing themselves as saviours. Putin, Trump, are no different than Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, Gamal Nasser, Gustav Pinochet, Napoleon, Alexander, Attila the Hun, in the sense of appealing to the masses through references to might and power via feelings of patriotism and loyalty to them as individuals.

Trump like the others I mentioned create cult followings. They cultivate personal groupies and a cult of adoration for them as people. Loyalty is to the leader, not the state.

Thus Trump can reject all the classic state symbols that call for being accountable to ALL people. In his state, its a partial state, not the United States, but the State of Trump and if you do not care to live in the State of Trump within the United States, you are not legitimate and a source of hatred to target.

That to me is the best way I can explain why I think his method of communications and vision of politics has divided the country and fuels unstable people who feel that way to take control and act out their version of the Trump male they think he is telling them to be.

Hitler had a cult of power by being able to cultivate groupies around him to carry out his orders through fear and accusations if you did not agree with him, you were an enemy of the state which was synomous with an enemy of Hitler. There was no German state unless it was something to do with Hitler.

I think the person who shot the Jewish people in the synagogue was yet another male feeling marginalized and weak and who struck out to express the manhood he felt he could not otherwise achieve in the US.

That said and to be fair, Trump is not the first American politician to fan the flames of patriotism to get a vote. Chauvenism, the expression of patriotism through military might  is at the essence of American society. To understand the US is to understand its collective psyche was determined by the use of a gun and militias, the use of firing a gun to get control of not just land, but power over others.

The destiny of the US as a society and its relation to the gun as an expression of that collective identity is deeply fused and I don't think anyone right now has the ability through rhetorical appeal to challenge Americans to drop the gun.

As for the divisions and fear of difference, we see it in every country across the word not  just the US. Its part of our primal pack behaviour and disrusting those outside our pack. The more we evolve the more we continue to be controlled as we always have been, by alpha-make apes.

So I would not go so far as to simply blame Trump. I think he reflects the collective US psychosis, but I don't think he started it or will end it.

I also think Trump's ego is so large its made debating any of his policies impossible. The moment you challenge him,  he necesarily responds with a personal insult, escalarting personal responses back, not that much different then what goes on sometimes on this political forum.







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18 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I get it, I called you out on it and now you don't care about the legality of it.  However these laws were made WAY before Justin Trudeau got into power.  Now you can blame A Trudeau, but that would be Pierre Trudeau who passed these laws in the 1970s.  That also would have been good to clarify.



I got called out and everything I said was true. Thanks. And I said right from the beginning that making it acceptable was worse than just making it legal.

Lots of things that are amoral are legal. Our age of consent is low. You can intentionally kill a person and eventually you get to go free. A woman can kill an unborn, healthy baby for no better reason than "she just feels like it". And now you can openly talk about committing genocide against a group of people that you don't like and our government is a-ok with that. It was illegal, now it's pretty hard to say that it is illegal, and Liberals think it's not a big deal. Got it? I don't see how anything has changed since my original statement.

Was illegal.... apparently not illegal now.... and EVEN WORSE - quite acceptable according to our PM (aka the village idiot) who just happens to be masquerading as the world's leading virtue signaller. Done.

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I appreciate this thread and all others should not be used as a platform to engage in personal attacks. Its hard sometimes not to get sucked into them but I would be remiss without addressing specific words, not persons.

Onn this thread a particular individual came on and chose to take a topic about the shooting of innocent Jews as a platform to say Jews create victims too. I would suggest that was doneas a classic example of inversion, i.e., turning the target of violence into the creator of violence. I would suggest these device of inversion was designed to deflect from the actual target of attack and blame Jews collectively for the attack in a weak effort to say Jews deserved the atack since they victimize others.

I was told by that person he is not a white supremacist and does not support the KKK and he asked me to show him the words evidencing that. I feel that is inappropriate and another effort to deflect from the actual topic to the individual's ego and inability to dettach his ego from the issues he discusses but I think it important to take just a few words from this individual that date back to when he first began writing on this board, to show the anatomy of bigotry or hatred.

I would contend the words show that the actual target of the hateful remarks is cloaked with a reference to something other than the actual target so as to veil the reference or make the attack on its actual target seem politically respectable.

I would suggest the words I will now list show how the blurring of lines between hateful references to Jews by phrasing them or couching them, or masking them as criticism of Israeli policies, in fact is a very common cause of anti-semitic attacks including one on the synagogue in Pittsburgh. By using a reference to the word Zionist or Israel instead of Jew, the attacker can enable and legitimize the attak not as hateful or bigoted, but as innocent criticism. In fact the attacker then ca go so far as to portray himself as the victim if his words are questioned.

I believe as part of the profile of a hater, is a bully, someone who act out hating others and resenting them, but in fact is deeply afraid of them and fears they might ight back or defend themselves and so I would suggest to you such bullies or haters only attack when they are sure the odds are completely in their favour, i.e., their targets they believe can not defend themselves.

Now take a look for yourself in a few months time span how the target of attack switches from Zionist to Jew, and then people who do not look the same as the attacker who initiates references to himself as white and openly states he supports the views of anti-semites including David Duke the former leader  Grand Wizard of of the KKK and referred to himself as a white nationalist and today brands himself as a patriotic conervative. I would suggest the re-branding is part of the individual's fear of being called out and having is true targets and views identified and brought out in the open.

I have deliberately not brought up the person's name because I only want to focus on the words.

As for the exercise of blurring Zionists  and Jews and Zionists with mass killers and white supremacists, I say this susinctly. Zionism does not define Jews as a race, a superior people, a beter people. It did not define government as being run by one person and a military authority or allegiance to specific religious beliefs. Zionism redefined Jews as a collective people in need of a state to protect them from extinction. It viewed the state as an agent to offer refuge and protection in reaction to Christian and Muslim staes whose states were not seperated from their religious beliefs, and used their religions through their state organs as the source of thought to justify discrimination and oppression an ultimately the holocaust.

Zionism was a political reaction to being powerless in a state whose religion was expressed through the state as being hostile to the existence of Jews as a people.

I would suggest in the words below, they evidence the antipathy for Israel is in fact the questioning of why Jews should be able to form a protective collective through a state to assure our survival.

I would suggest that antipathy fuels a necessary attack on all Jews if we  not define ourselves in a specific way.

I also wish to make it crystal clear, the fact that we are the source of a continuous existential attack from extremists including extremist Muslims does not mean all extremists hate us or that all Muslims or anyone else hates us and that we are attacked for choosing our identity the same way gays are for having their collective identity or other nationalities or religious oor perceived social groups are and so the solution entails us all joining together to respect our choice of identities.  Attempts to suggest we are victims for saying we are targets of attack is bullshit. We are not victims. Zionism is the exercise of not being a victim-it is the positive existential respose to  those who want us to be their victims.

In that sense I say it again, if we as Jews can not find a way to reach out to peaceful Muslims and Christians and form alliances, so that we all can live in peace, we have not yet finalized our identity as Jews under the Zionist ideology. Zionist ideology envisioned peaceful coexistence not war with anyone. It envisions mutual respect and dignity. Until that is achieved it is not complete. So this is why I believe openly that we need to find a way to find a solution so Palestinians can live next to Israel peacefully just as we need to find new ways to find a way to live with one another of different groups.

I just don't see Trump doing that. I think Teddy Roosevlet, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, MLK, RFK had visions for that but since the kiling of the Kennedy brothers and MLK I think the US has been void of vision makers. As for Canada, we haven't really had one. With the exception of aboriginal people vision makers and visions of identity are not particularly expressed in our common psyche. We tend to avoid collective references and gravitate to expressions differently rather than collectively. We haven't yet gone to a level of defining a collecive identity (with the exception of our aboriginals who define their collective identity as a collective of collectives all inter-connected in a holistic definition that is both collective and individualistic at the sae time-something the rest of us have not yet grasped...probably due to our entrenched material beliefs that make us hard to see abstract holistic concepts.


April 2, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

Try listening to Brother Nathaniel on Youtube. This is where I can safely say that I get all of my information about that wonderful democratic country called Israel.

April 7, 2016 – Canadians Fear Trump Big Time

..the media should shut up about what Trump may have said about women or minorities. I get sick and tired of hearing from the media about the plight of women and minorities all the time.

April 13, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

I share the views of politically incorrect people. The people who listen to and read and get the other side of the story. Those patriots are the real hero's of this country. Not the PC people who constantly attack them because they don't like what they have to say or have written. Those PC people who are on a mission to destroy this country's heritage, culture and traditions, and replace this country with the rest of the world and their problems.

May 31, 2016  - The Three Issues Everyone Is Warning

The white man and woman's tax dollars down the drain in trying to help them out. They don't appreciate anything the white man/woman does for them. They take us for suckers because they know that they can. Just shout racism, and the white politicians run like the politically correct cowards that they are.

August 6, 2018 – Canadians Fear Trump Big Time

Indeed there was something wrong in the beginning where America drew the most immigrants from Britain and Europe and Canada did not. And we do see today that America is sizzling and Canada is fast becoming un-sizzled. LOL. 

June 4, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

The only country that one cannot seem to be able to criticize is Israel or Judaism, and out come the trolls. Hey, you never know.

June 7 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

Are you able to dispute what is being said about Jewish conspiracies on the internet? Can you show us that it is all just antisemitism nonsense?

June 30 – 2016 -Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

That is it? I am being anti-semitic? What a comeback. Nice to see that you cannot come back with anything better than that. You just reinforced what I have been saying all along, and that is that jews cannot take any criticism about who or what they say or do. When one does they are labeled anti-semitic and attacked as people like Paul Fromm, Doug Christie or Doug Collins have found out. Well that is just to darn bad for you. Sob-sob.

Ezra is no different to any other jew. I have never heard him once ever criticize Israel or zionism. But then if he did, his program called The Rebel would be quickly labelled and attacked as being anti-semitic. Some whiney zionist group in Canada would see to that. They just go on and on.

June 30, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

Oh look, some body said something not so nice about jews or Israel. Boo-hoo.

July 4, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

So, what is wrong with being a "white nationalist"? And it looks like we are not alone. There are black nationalists, proud gays/lesbians, proud muslims, proud Native Indians, proud Jews and gawd only knows who else is proud of who they are. So then, I guess that we can pretty much put all of those groups into the same "swastika-wearing heil Hitler" dumbo brigades catagory as well, uhmm? I must admit that people like yourself always give me a good laugh. I can bet that if any of those groups came out here and said the same thing I said, you would clam up tight like a clam shell. Your true colors are starting to show.

July 23, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

It's not the ordinary Jew that is disliked, it is the zionist Jew that nobody has anything good to say about. The average Jew is being led down the garden path as they say like the gentiles are.

July 29, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

I just don't get it as to why Jews get all upset over anyone saying anything negative about Israel, especially if it is true.

August 1, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

Fourth: No, please don't change your name to an Anglo sounding name. Please. Just stay as you are and keep your Jewish sounding name. I don't want to make it appear as though you and I may be related. That would be a sad day indeed for me.

August 5, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

I also read on the internet that the Holocaust as told for decades was a bit of an hoax. Hey, you never know. Doug Collins once called it the Holohoax. Even Norman Finklestein wrote a book called "The Holocaust Industry". Interesting, eh? And he is Jewish. Uhmm.

August 21, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

Now post some anti-Israel demonstrations and editorials not just the pro-Israel ones. The Zionist cancer is everywhere. But you know that, right? And maybe you can tell me as to why some European countries have laws where no one is allowed to criticize or question the Holocaust. And if they do, they will end up in the gulag. One can question or deny any historical event and no one need fear retaliation from the government. The Holocaust is the only exception. Over to you. 

August 28, 2016 – The Origin of the Conflict Against the Jews of Israel

Zionism crying again, and trying to gain sympathy as usual. There has been many countries through out history where we have seen in the past many countries kicking the Jews out. Did they just kick the Jews out because they just didn't like their looks or was there a good reason for that to happen?

Oct. 2, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

You should listen to Brother Nathaniel, David Duke and James Edwards for a change. You might learn something like I have.

Oct. 3, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

C'mon, not every body is stupid, don't you know. Thanks to people like David Duke, James Edwards and Brother Nathaniel, the truth has been set free.

Oct. 6, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

The Jews are lucky that they own America as Shimon Peres said in the Knesset many years ago.

Oct. 6, 2016- Israel War Crimes

North America can be included in there also in always being more concerned about Jews than their own people. Politicians know who butters their bread.

Oct. 8, 2016 – Our New Syrian Refugee Immigrants

Canada needs to remain Canada, and not become and start to look like the rest of the world. Works for me.  

Oct. 12, 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

It's interesting as to why most of the worlds refugees are being dumped on Caucasian countries like those in Europe and North America. I see a conspiracy going on here

Oct. 16, 2016 – New Syrian Refugee Immigrants

Harper doesn't make up the rules for Canada or Canadians. The globalist elite do that. Harper is just there to carry out the programs and the agendas for the ruling globalist elite

Dec. 12 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

You are the one that keeps kidding himself by constantly listening to the western phony and fake lying media and politicians, and too the elite puppet masters that pull their strings. You obviously only want too listen too and get one side of the story. You don't like RT then go to Global Research website then. Try them out for a change. 

Dec.12, 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

James Edwards of the Political Cesspool website is one of my favorites. He is another politically incorrect person that is enjoyable to listen too

Jan.15, 2017- Syrian Refugee Immigrants

The white British people came from Britain to North America to get away from the oppression of the ruling monarchy elite rule and tyranny. It's not only Jews and non-whites that lived under oppression and wanted to escape from it. I guess it would probably be safe to say that the British were once refugees also

Jan.16, 2017 –  Syrian Refugee Immigrants

I like how you said that Roosevelt stood up for your people? Jews I would assume, right? So, why then do you have a problem with me standing up for my gentile Caucasian people?  You call me a white supremacist all the time for doing so. There is something wrong with this picture that you have painted here.  


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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't think Trump's policies are nearly as bad as his comments. For one thing, he's the biggest name-caller in the history of democracy. It's sad that someone won such a major election that way. It's just a really good thing that Hillary lost.

I can't find a serious fault with any of his actual policies, but whenever he opens his mouth I cringe.

I think I feel the same way. Has he even enunciated a policy? Some say to date he has not. I am hard pressed to find one.

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24 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Holy essay Batman. 

I'll definitely read that and respond later. Too busy now


Don't bother. Its just a sign of respect to you and others who embrace the issues. Its also my attempt at explaining to Casper once again I have questioned specific words and references he has used as anti semitic. He as a person I do not call an anti semite. His words at times certainly. I try to clearly now dettach he person from the issues. It takes time.

Lol. Long winded yes.

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57 minutes ago, Boges said:

You'd think with all those open borders Democrats want, they'd have done it when they were in power. And under the GOP there'd be a wall by now. 

Seems the GOP are the ones that can't keep illegals out. 

Well you are accurate. Walls started to be built in Obama's regime. Trump did not start the building of them, Obama did.

I am not sure if any wall is going to work. They dig under when they can't go over the top.

I also think geographically building the wall is tatamount to what China once did. It has to end at the ocean.

Sadly the only thing that is going to stop mass migration is mutually beneficial political policies-easier said than implemented.

Some people claim the caravan is being funded by Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, as a way to destabilize  the US.

I do find the timing of the carvan very coincidental to the mid term elections. Too coincidental.

Some people feel a showdown coming in Venezuela and Nicaragua i.e., civil wars. Could the leaders of these countries be pulling the Castro stunt of emptying  their poliical opponents? What if instead of calling themselves poor migrants, these migrants called themselves victims of communism? What would Trump say?


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So I would not go so far as to simply blame Trump. I think he reflects the collective US psychosis, but I don't think he started it or will end it.

I also think Trump's ego is so large its made debating any of his policies impossible. The moment you challenge him,  he necesarily responds with a personal insult, escalarting personal responses back, not that much different then what goes on sometimes on this political forum.


I blame Tump for what he does. He didn't start it but he manipulates it to stroke his own ego. He knows exactly what he is doing and could care less about the long term consequences because it is all about him.

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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

Well you are accurate. Walls started to be built in Obama's regime. Trump did not start the building of them, Obama did.


Nonsense...U.S. southern border walls/barriers go way back to at least 1990 thru several administrations.


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53 minutes ago, Rue said:

I appreciate this thread and all others should not be used as a platform to engage in personal attacks. Its hard sometimes not to get sucked into them but I would be remiss without addressing specific words, not persons.

So can you tell me why you engaged in personal attacks in this thread? Not sure how to address this without Charles deleting my posts without warning.  And I notice you have some sense of ivility in your posts since the warning.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I got called out and everything I said was true. Thanks. And I said right from the beginning that making it acceptable was worse than just making it legal.

Lots of things that are amoral are legal. Our age of consent is low. You can intentionally kill a person and eventually you get to go free. A woman can kill an unborn, healthy baby for no better reason than "she just feels like it". And now you can openly talk about committing genocide against a group of people that you don't like and our government is a-ok with that. It was illegal, now it's pretty hard to say that it is illegal, and Liberals think it's not a big deal. Got it? I don't see how anything has changed since my original statement.

Was illegal.... apparently not illegal now.... and EVEN WORSE - quite acceptable according to our PM (aka the village idiot) who just happens to be masquerading as the world's leading virtue signaller. Done.

Hate speech is not legal in Canada and I would say Trudeau is not making it acceptable. But this is not about Trudeau or Canada.

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4 hours ago, Boges said:


Christians who stick to religious rules and rituals are as bad as the Pharasees who called for his Christ's in the first place. 

So, why don't the Jews forgive their past German enemies? We should all be able to see that Zionist Hollywood is always making movies that mock and attack Germans. On TV just about every night there is another show about the evils of Hitler and Nazism. C'mon, give it up. Hollywood should be reminding us all more about the evils of communism every night instead. It seems that the Zionists still want to keep the war going. It never ends with them. 

It is the same for just about all religions. They all pretty much are just as bad as the next religion and they all pretty much stick to their religious sometimes archaic and ancient evil rules and rituals. They pretty much are all in the same boat together. All religions pretty much keep people at each others throats by constantly saying that my God is better than your God. One has to wonder as to just how many God's are there? I am a non practicing Christian and I do not call myself an athiest. I play on the safe side though by calling myself an agnostic. If there is no God than I have nothing to lose. But if there is a God than I may have a good chance of going to the promised land. :D 


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

I appreciate this thread and all others should not be used as a platform to engage in personal attacks. Its hard sometimes not to get sucked into them but I would be remiss without addressing specific words, not persons.

Onn this thread a particular individual came on and chose to take a topic about the shooting of innocent Jews as a platform to say Jews create victims too. I would suggest that was doneas a classic example of inversion, i.e., turning the target of violence into the creator of violence. I would suggest these device of inversion was designed to deflect from the actual target of attack and blame Jews collectively for the attack in a weak effort to say Jews deserved the atack since they victimize others.

I was told by that person he is not a white supremacist and does not support the KKK and he asked me to show him the words evidencing that. I feel that is inappropriate and another effort to deflect from the actual topic to the individual's ego and inability to dettach his ego from the issues he discusses but I think it important to take just a few words from this individual that date back to when he first began writing on this board, to show the anatomy of bigotry or hatred.

I would contend the words show that the actual target of the hateful remarks is cloaked with a reference to something other than the actual target so as to veil the reference or make the attack on its actual target seem politically respectable.

I would suggest the words I will now list show how the blurring of lines between hateful references to Jews by phrasing them or couching them, or masking them as criticism of Israeli policies, in fact is a very common cause of anti-semitic attacks including one on the synagogue in Pittsburgh. By using a reference to the word Zionist or Israel instead of Jew, the attacker can enable and legitimize the attak not as hateful or bigoted, but as innocent criticism. In fact the attacker then ca go so far as to portray himself as the victim if his words are questioned.

I believe as part of the profile of a hater, is a bully, someone who act out hating others and resenting them, but in fact is deeply afraid of them and fears they might ight back or defend themselves and so I would suggest to you such bullies or haters only attack when they are sure the odds are completely in their favour, i.e., their targets they believe can not defend themselves.

Now take a look for yourself in a few months time span how the target of attack switches from Zionist to Jew, and then people who do not look the same as the attacker who initiates references to himself as white and openly states he supports the views of anti-semites including David Duke the former leader  Grand Wizard of of the KKK and referred to himself as a white nationalist and today brands himself as a patriotic conervative. I would suggest the re-branding is part of the individual's fear of being called out and having is true targets and views identified and brought out in the open.

I have deliberately not brought up the person's name because I only want to focus on the words.

As for the exercise of blurring Zionists  and Jews and Zionists with mass killers and white supremacists, I say this susinctly. Zionism does not define Jews as a race, a superior people, a beter people. It did not define government as being run by one person and a military authority or allegiance to specific religious beliefs. Zionism redefined Jews as a collective people in need of a state to protect them from extinction. It viewed the state as an agent to offer refuge and protection in reaction to Christian and Muslim staes whose states were not seperated from their religious beliefs, and used their religions through their state organs as the source of thought to justify discrimination and oppression an ultimately the holocaust.

Zionism was a political reaction to being powerless in a state whose religion was expressed through the state as being hostile to the existence of Jews as a people.

I would suggest in the words below, they evidence the antipathy for Israel is in fact the questioning of why Jews should be able to form a protective collective through a state to assure our survival.

I would suggest that antipathy fuels a necessary attack on all Jews if we  not define ourselves in a specific way.

I also wish to make it crystal clear, the fact that we are the source of a continuous existential attack from extremists including extremist Muslims does not mean all extremists hate us or that all Muslims or anyone else hates us and that we are attacked for choosing our identity the same way gays are for having their collective identity or other nationalities or religious oor perceived social groups are and so the solution entails us all joining together to respect our choice of identities.  Attempts to suggest we are victims for saying we are targets of attack is bullshit. We are not victims. Zionism is the exercise of not being a victim-it is the positive existential respose to  those who want us to be their victims.

In that sense I say it again, if we as Jews can not find a way to reach out to peaceful Muslims and Christians and form alliances, so that we all can live in peace, we have not yet finalized our identity as Jews under the Zionist ideology. Zionist ideology envisioned peaceful coexistence not war with anyone. It envisions mutual respect and dignity. Until that is achieved it is not complete. So this is why I believe openly that we need to find a way to find a solution so Palestinians can live next to Israel peacefully just as we need to find new ways to find a way to live with one another of different groups.

I just don't see Trump doing that. I think Teddy Roosevlet, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, MLK, RFK had visions for that but since the kiling of the Kennedy brothers and MLK I think the US has been void of vision makers. As for Canada, we haven't really had one. With the exception of aboriginal people vision makers and visions of identity are not particularly expressed in our common psyche. We tend to avoid collective references and gravitate to expressions differently rather than collectively. We haven't yet gone to a level of defining a collecive identity (with the exception of our aboriginals who define their collective identity as a collective of collectives all inter-connected in a holistic definition that is both collective and individualistic at the sae time-something the rest of us have not yet grasped...probably due to our entrenched material beliefs that make us hard to see abstract holistic concepts.


April 2, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

Try listening to Brother Nathaniel on Youtube. This is where I can safely say that I get all of my information about that wonderful democratic country called Israel.

April 7, 2016 – Canadians Fear Trump Big Time

..the media should shut up about what Trump may have said about women or minorities. I get sick and tired of hearing from the media about the plight of women and minorities all the time.

April 13, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

I share the views of politically incorrect people. The people who listen to and read and get the other side of the story. Those patriots are the real hero's of this country. Not the PC people who constantly attack them because they don't like what they have to say or have written. Those PC people who are on a mission to destroy this country's heritage, culture and traditions, and replace this country with the rest of the world and their problems.

May 31, 2016  - The Three Issues Everyone Is Warning

The white man and woman's tax dollars down the drain in trying to help them out. They don't appreciate anything the white man/woman does for them. They take us for suckers because they know that they can. Just shout racism, and the white politicians run like the politically correct cowards that they are.

August 6, 2018 – Canadians Fear Trump Big Time

Indeed there was something wrong in the beginning where America drew the most immigrants from Britain and Europe and Canada did not. And we do see today that America is sizzling and Canada is fast becoming un-sizzled. LOL. 

June 4, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

The only country that one cannot seem to be able to criticize is Israel or Judaism, and out come the trolls. Hey, you never know.

June 7 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

Are you able to dispute what is being said about Jewish conspiracies on the internet? Can you show us that it is all just antisemitism nonsense?

June 30 – 2016 -Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

That is it? I am being anti-semitic? What a comeback. Nice to see that you cannot come back with anything better than that. You just reinforced what I have been saying all along, and that is that jews cannot take any criticism about who or what they say or do. When one does they are labeled anti-semitic and attacked as people like Paul Fromm, Doug Christie or Doug Collins have found out. Well that is just to darn bad for you. Sob-sob.

Ezra is no different to any other jew. I have never heard him once ever criticize Israel or zionism. But then if he did, his program called The Rebel would be quickly labelled and attacked as being anti-semitic. Some whiney zionist group in Canada would see to that. They just go on and on.

June 30, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

Oh look, some body said something not so nice about jews or Israel. Boo-hoo.

July 4, 2016 – Zionism’s Influence Over Western Politics

So, what is wrong with being a "white nationalist"? And it looks like we are not alone. There are black nationalists, proud gays/lesbians, proud muslims, proud Native Indians, proud Jews and gawd only knows who else is proud of who they are. So then, I guess that we can pretty much put all of those groups into the same "swastika-wearing heil Hitler" dumbo brigades catagory as well, uhmm? I must admit that people like yourself always give me a good laugh. I can bet that if any of those groups came out here and said the same thing I said, you would clam up tight like a clam shell. Your true colors are starting to show.

July 23, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

It's not the ordinary Jew that is disliked, it is the zionist Jew that nobody has anything good to say about. The average Jew is being led down the garden path as they say like the gentiles are.

July 29, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

I just don't get it as to why Jews get all upset over anyone saying anything negative about Israel, especially if it is true.

August 1, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

Fourth: No, please don't change your name to an Anglo sounding name. Please. Just stay as you are and keep your Jewish sounding name. I don't want to make it appear as though you and I may be related. That would be a sad day indeed for me.

August 5, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

I also read on the internet that the Holocaust as told for decades was a bit of an hoax. Hey, you never know. Doug Collins once called it the Holohoax. Even Norman Finklestein wrote a book called "The Holocaust Industry". Interesting, eh? And he is Jewish. Uhmm.

August 21, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

Now post some anti-Israel demonstrations and editorials not just the pro-Israel ones. The Zionist cancer is everywhere. But you know that, right? And maybe you can tell me as to why some European countries have laws where no one is allowed to criticize or question the Holocaust. And if they do, they will end up in the gulag. One can question or deny any historical event and no one need fear retaliation from the government. The Holocaust is the only exception. Over to you. 

August 28, 2016 – The Origin of the Conflict Against the Jews of Israel

Zionism crying again, and trying to gain sympathy as usual. There has been many countries through out history where we have seen in the past many countries kicking the Jews out. Did they just kick the Jews out because they just didn't like their looks or was there a good reason for that to happen?

Oct. 2, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

You should listen to Brother Nathaniel, David Duke and James Edwards for a change. You might learn something like I have.

Oct. 3, 2016 – Israel War Crimes Part 2

C'mon, not every body is stupid, don't you know. Thanks to people like David Duke, James Edwards and Brother Nathaniel, the truth has been set free.

Oct. 6, 2016 – Israel War Crimes

The Jews are lucky that they own America as Shimon Peres said in the Knesset many years ago.

Oct. 6, 2016- Israel War Crimes

North America can be included in there also in always being more concerned about Jews than their own people. Politicians know who butters their bread.

Oct. 8, 2016 – Our New Syrian Refugee Immigrants

Canada needs to remain Canada, and not become and start to look like the rest of the world. Works for me.  

Oct. 12, 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

It's interesting as to why most of the worlds refugees are being dumped on Caucasian countries like those in Europe and North America. I see a conspiracy going on here

Oct. 16, 2016 – New Syrian Refugee Immigrants

Harper doesn't make up the rules for Canada or Canadians. The globalist elite do that. Harper is just there to carry out the programs and the agendas for the ruling globalist elite

Dec. 12 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

You are the one that keeps kidding himself by constantly listening to the western phony and fake lying media and politicians, and too the elite puppet masters that pull their strings. You obviously only want too listen too and get one side of the story. You don't like RT then go to Global Research website then. Try them out for a change. 

Dec.12, 2016 – Syrian Refugee Immigrants

James Edwards of the Political Cesspool website is one of my favorites. He is another politically incorrect person that is enjoyable to listen too

Jan.15, 2017- Syrian Refugee Immigrants

The white British people came from Britain to North America to get away from the oppression of the ruling monarchy elite rule and tyranny. It's not only Jews and non-whites that lived under oppression and wanted to escape from it. I guess it would probably be safe to say that the British were once refugees also

Jan.16, 2017 –  Syrian Refugee Immigrants

I like how you said that Roosevelt stood up for your people? Jews I would assume, right? So, why then do you have a problem with me standing up for my gentile Caucasian people?  You call me a white supremacist all the time for doing so. There is something wrong with this picture that you have painted here.  


And I stand by everything I said above. In all of it there is not one word that I said above can be seen as racist. It is only racist when one tries to interpret in their own mind or to try to take words out of context that they can find racism in anything that I have said. Just because in some I have mentioned white people does not mean that I am a racist. What? Is anyone mentioning the words white people they some how have to be racists? Get real for a change. Where have I ever said that I hate nonwhites or Jews or that I am a card carrying member of some white Nazi group? I have been waiting to hear from you for eons now to show me something and you have not shown me anything at all. You lie. You not nice person. 

The reason for your deflection of not answering my questions is because you cannot find anywhere in any of my posts where I have said that I hate Jews or anybody for that matter and that I am supposed to be a member of some KKK white racist outfit. I gotcha and you know it. So, you have no credibility with me anymore. You act like so many other leftist liberal emotional ranters here who when you have been cornered and cannot win the argument than they resort to the Zionist tactics of name calling and attacks or put me on ignore. You are not very good at covering your tracks. You have been caught and now you must live with that. :D

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11 minutes ago, Boges said:

So start a war that killed tens of millions of people is just water under under the bridge? 

And I don't care about your religion. I'm just commenting on anyone who would actually blame Jews for the death of Jesus. 

So, which religion are you referring too?

Maybe you ought to go about learning and reading and educating yourself a little more before you give silly ass looking comments like that above. Christians and Jews alike know that The Jews were responsible for Christ's death. it's a well know fact which you cannot deny. Hey, I did not write the bible but it is there written in the bible. But I am pretty sure today that the new bibles coming out will have omitted this well known fact so as to appear politically correct. Just saying. 

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

A moving interview by Bill Maher. Jews take it from both the Right and the Left. Liberals can't hold the high-ground on Anti-Semitism. Bashing Israel is as anti-Jewish as Yokels who think that Jews are bringing in Mexicans to replace them. 


Okay, so who are the Yokels supposed to be anyway? Just asking?  Over. 

So, what's with posting this video anyway? Bill Maher, what a laugh that leftist liberal fool is. LOL. 

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23 minutes ago, taxme said:

Okay, so who are the Yokels supposed to be anyway? Just asking?  Over. 

So, what's with posting this video anyway? Bill Maher, what a laugh that leftist liberal fool is. LOL. 


Bill Maher gets it on Islam but would gladly convert if it meant putting the boots to Trump.


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