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Faisal Hussain - the evolving story

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The apologists (CBC and The Star) have been working overtime - jumping on the "family issued" statement given by Muslim activist Mohammed Hashim who acted as spokesperson for the family (a separate link is provided below on Hashim). I thought I'd raise a separate topic on Faisal as the onion of truth begins to be peeled back.

Tarek Fatah has already provided some interesting tidbits on Faisal - and I'm sure more will be forthcoming as the ramparts of political correctness are breached:



No sooner was it revealed that the Toronto mass murderer was a 29-year-old Muslim of Pakistani descent, ‘consultants’ and ‘experts’ lined up on various TV networks twisting themselves into halal pretzels, trying to avoid the elephant in the room staring at them — a Muslim hate crime.....................................

The most apt response to the hours of political correctness came from an Australian Islamic cleric, Imam Mohammed Tawhidi who has been to Canada and is familiar with the Islamist networks in the country. He tweeted: “If you think all these Jihadi terrorists kill because they have a mental illness, then perhaps you are the one with a mental illness. It’s not mental illness, it’s their allegiance.”

Also upset at the endless hours of banality on TV was Ensaf Haider, the Canadian wife of Saudi-held prisoner of conscience, Raif Badawi. She tweeted: “Politically correct reporters keep saying murderer Faisal Hussain suffered ‘mental illness’. Which Islamic terrorist was NOT mentally ill? These jihadis hate women and Faisal aimed at and shot the woman. He’s a jihadi, no doubt about it Shame on @CBCNews for covering up the truth.”................................................................

In the meantime, Warmington reports that “files being reviewed by police include concern Hussain expressed “support” for a website that was “pro-ISIL” and his visits to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

There are questions that remain unanswered – like which mosque Hussain attended, who scrubbed his social media presence and how it was that his name was withheld until the family issued their polished statement.


Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/fatah-mentally-ill-the-media-or-the-murderer?video_autoplay=true

Story on the spokesperson: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/furey-meet-the-spin-doctor-behind-the-hussain-family-statement?video_autoplay=true


Edited by Centerpiece
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1 hour ago, Centerpiece said:

The apologists (CBC and The Star) have been working overtime - jumping on the "family issued" statement given by Muslim activist Mohammed Hashim who acted as spokesperson for the family (a separate link is provided below on Hashim). I thought I'd raise a separate topic on Faisal as the onion of truth begins to be peeled back.

Tarek Fatah has already provided some interesting tidbits on Faisal - and I'm sure more will be forthcoming as the ramparts of political correctness are breached:


I'm not sure what to think about the situation at this point. Our mainstream media seem for the most part to wait to take their cues from government officials, which in this country means that a lot of information is spun through the lens of political correctness before we hear much other than speculation. Reportedly, the police have said the shooter was known to them due to prior instances related to mental illness, although some news reports have indicated that according to some who knew him he had displayed no apparent recent signs of overt mental illness. Mental illness alone, though, doesn't explain, address or negate his actual motives or triggers. During the trial of the Quebec City mosque shooter it became apparent that he, too, had suffered mental illness but in my recollection this wasn't portrayed as mitigating his actual hateful motives, which were very publicly assessed, discussed and reported on from the outset. And it also seems to me that we got specific information about the Yonge St. van attacker faster than has been the case with the Danforth shooter. No doubt, the police will comb through his computer and cellphone data to ascertain his specific motive(s). But will the public be informed of their conclusions? I won't hold my breath. Public officials seem to be handling this situation with kid gloves.

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23 minutes ago, turningrite said:

some news reports have indicated that according to some who knew him he had displayed no apparent recent signs of overt mental illness. 

This shouldn't come as any surprise in a society that profoundly stigmatizes mental illness thereby giving people suffering from it cause to not make their illness public.



Mental illness alone, though, doesn't explain, address or negate his actual motives or triggers.

Actually it does. While there may well be triggers and such that are rooted in the real world outside a mentally ill person's psychosis it is the psychosis itself that is at issue.  

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

The apologists (CBC and The Star) have been working overtime - jumping on the "family issued" statement given by Muslim activist Mohammed Hashim who acted as spokesperson for the family (a separate link is provided below on Hashim). I thought I'd raise a separate topic on Faisal as the onion of truth begins to be peeled back.

Tarek Fatah has already provided some interesting tidbits on Faisal - and I'm sure more will be forthcoming as the ramparts of political correctness are breached:

Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/fatah-mentally-ill-the-media-or-the-murderer?video_autoplay=true

Story on the spokesperson: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/furey-meet-the-spin-doctor-behind-the-hussain-family-statement?video_autoplay=true


Thanks for that update.  


I noticed too from the watching the news, the people behind the reporter at the scene has placards that says "Love for all, hatred for no one"  - it's amazing how they can organize in an instant - ready for such events!


just heard that ISIS is claiming responsibility - but officials are saying that ISIS doesn't offer any evidence.


A man with the name Singh said that he came face to face with the shooter in an alley.  The shooter reassured him "do not worry, I'm not gonna shoot you."  Singh speculates that it's probably due to his brown skin.


Goodale looks like he's sweating bullets, and speaking through constipation - trying to avoid the term "terrorism."

Edited by betsy
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16 minutes ago, eyeball said:

This shouldn't come as any surprise in a society that profoundly stigmatizes mental illness thereby giving people suffering from it cause to not make their illness public.

Actually it does. While there may well be triggers and such that are rooted in the real world outside a mentally ill person's psychosis it is the psychosis itself that is at issue.  

Mental illness in its own right doesn't constitute a substitute for motivation and to argue that it does is a disservice to the mentally ill, a vast majority of whom are not a threat to public safety. We didn't permit the mental illness suffered by the Quebec City shooter to negate the specific motives for and targeting of his attack. Nor should we have done. There are people, of course, who suffer psychotic breakdowns and act out indiscriminately like the guy out West who beheaded another passenger on a Greyhound bus a few years ago. But this type of crime generally involves no planning or specific targeting. The Quebec City attack was planned, as was the Yonge St. van massacre, and from all appearances the Danforth shooting appears to have been as well. At the very least, the shooter went to the trouble of acquiring a handgun and apparently knew how to use it. It doesn't appear to have been a split second decision on his part. Mental illness may well be a contributing factor but it doesn't explain or negate the actual motives. 

Edited by turningrite
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2 minutes ago, betsy said:

The friends of the shooter gave a different view about him - they say he was a happy guy.   They never suspected he had any mental illness.

Robin Williams looked happy too till he killed himself.  At least one friend said they were aware of his issues.

But of course this thread isn't about truth, accuracy or understanding:  its about vilifying people Conservatives don't like - the Liberal Government and Muslims.

Carry on.

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7 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Robin Williams looked happy too till he killed himself.  At least one friend said they were aware of his issues.

But of course this thread isn't about truth, accuracy or understanding:  its about vilifying people Conservatives don't like - the Liberal Government and Muslims.

Carry on.

hello?  What conspiracy are you on about?




In the meantime, Warmington reports that “files being reviewed by police include concern Hussain expressed “support” for a website that was “pro-ISIL” and his visits to Pakistan and Afghanistan.



What jihadist isn't mentally ill?  I suppose you think it's just normal to want to kill non-Muslims, eh?

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

The apologists (CBC and The Star) have been working overtime - jumping on the "family issued" statement given by Muslim activist Mohammed Hashim who acted as spokesperson for the family (a separate link is provided below on Hashim). I thought I'd raise a separate topic on Faisal as the onion of truth begins to be peeled back.

Tarek Fatah has already provided some interesting tidbits on Faisal - and I'm sure more will be forthcoming as the ramparts of political correctness are breached:

Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/fatah-mentally-ill-the-media-or-the-murderer?video_autoplay=true

Story on the spokesperson: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/furey-meet-the-spin-doctor-behind-the-hussain-family-statement?video_autoplay=true


The cover up has begun. The CBC and the politicians and the rest of the liberal left wing Canadian politically correct media will do whatever they can to make it appear as though this guy just flipped his lid. I wonder as to who were all the people who he shot? Show us their faces. I will bet you dollars to donuts that they were all Western looking white women. It must be nice to belong to an Islamic religion and can get away with being made out to be "mentally ill" when one is not. Just saying and wondering about it all. 

Tarek Fatal would be the man to listen too. Tarek is pretty much up on these so called Islamic "mentally ill" sickos. 


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22 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Hear that, people?

You're all Islamophobes!

That is not what I said, nor was it what I thought. 

But why don't you try looking at what is already been said: the guy is an Islamist, is not mentally ill, Trudeau, the gov't, the media is trying to hide the truth and anyone who says differently is part of that conspiracy.

I repeat, there is no desire here for real information, facts, honesty or discussion.  The only agenda is to indulge in conspiracy theories and criticize "those liberals".  

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28 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Mental illness in its own right doesn't constitute a substitute for motivation and to argue that it does is a disservice to the mentally ill, a vast majority of whom are not a threat to public safety. We didn't permit the mental illness suffered by the Quebec City shooter to negate the specific motives for and targeting of his attack. Nor should we have done. There are people, of course, who suffer psychotic breakdowns and act out indiscriminately like the guy out West who beheaded another passenger on a Greyhound bus a few years ago. But this type of crime generally involves no planning or specific targeting. The Quebec City attack was planned, as was the Yonge St. van massacre, and from all appearances the Danforth shooting appears to have been as well. At the very least, the shooter went to the trouble of acquiring a handgun and apparently knew how to use it. It doesn't appear to have been a split second decision on his part. Mental illness may well be a contributing factor but it doesn't explain or negate the actual motives. 

It sure is starting to look like Canada and Canadians do have an Islamic jihadist problem alright. These sickos have no regrets in going around and shooting at as many innocent people as they can to kill or running down innocent people en masse to try and kill. It is beginning to look like we have an Islamic Muslim problem where it may be time to think about not allowing any more Muslims into the country for the safety of all non Muslim Canadians. This is needed to hopefully stop these inhumane crimes of killing innocent people especially little girls. Just about all of our politically correct politicians over the decades are the ones responsible and are to blame for these killings of innocent Canadian citizens. The writing is on the wall but ask them if they care? As far as I am concerned, this creep was not suffering from any kind of mental illness as he appeared to be looking for a certain people to shoot. 

I would sure like to know as to who this creep shot? What ethnic background were they? This would pretty much then clear up and tell us if this creep was out to just shoot people or did he have a certain race or gender in mind. Just curious. 

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34 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Robin Williams looked happy too till he killed himself.  At least one friend said they were aware of his issues.

But of course this thread isn't about truth, accuracy or understanding:  its about vilifying people Conservatives don't like - the Liberal Government and Muslims.

Carry on.

So, we will just try and overlook all the massive shootings and the running down of innocent people that has happened in Canada as just another poor little Arab boy who just lost it, right?

It is not the conservatives who are the problem here. It is the liberals that are to blame here. They keep bringing in more of these Muslims who clearly do not want to have anything to do with our Canadian culture and how we do things here and the liberals appear to be asking for more of this killing of innocent Canadian people by bringing in more of them. There comes a time when our politicians have to say enough already and that we have a problem here with that this certain religious group of people need to be looked at more seriously. Works for me. 

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1 minute ago, turningrite said:

. I don't believe, however, that they have any moral or practical right to kill others.

I agree.  I am disappointed that he is dead because he escapes justice in our legal system, regardless of how paltry it may be.  

But in my opinion to compare such a situation to the case of a mass shooter and/or killer is repugnant. You should be ashamed of yourself for even alluding that such an analogy might apply.

FFS.  The only point is that people often don't recognize mental illness in friends or even family until its too late and they've killed themselves or others as the case may be.   Hussain's family apparently did, as did at least one friend.  Pointing these two things out makes no difference of course.

I repeat, for the third time, accurate information and real discussion is not wanted here.  Its just an opportunity to bash Liberals/indulge in theories about coverups.

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14 minutes ago, dialamah said:

1.)That is not what I said, nor was it what I thought. 

2.) I repeat, there is no desire here for real information, facts, honesty or discussion.  The only agenda is to indulge in conspiracy theories and criticize "those liberals".  


1.) Of course it is. Let me quote you from your previous post: "its about vilifying people Conservatives don't like - the Liberal Government and Muslims." Care to explain?

2.) I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here. People want real information but many suspect they won't get it. The longer it takes for public officials to communicate information about the shooter's connections, online activities and possible motives, the more likely it is many will conclude that an agenda to suppress details is afoot. How long did it take before we (quite reasonably) heard public condemnations of the motives involved in the Quebec City mosque attack and the Yonge St. van massacre. Hours, maybe? Public officials are so far only telling us what they think it is not. Hmmm....

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11 minutes ago, dialamah said:

I agree.  I am disappointed that he is dead because he escapes justice in our legal system, regardless of how paltry it may be.  

FFS.  The only point is that people often don't recognize mental illness in friends or even family until its too late and they've killed themselves or others as the case may be.   Hussain's family apparently did, as did at least one friend.  Pointing these two things out makes no difference of course.

I repeat, for the third time, accurate information and real discussion is not wanted here.  Its just an opportunity to bash Liberals/indulge in theories about coverups.

Let me repeat: Mental illness is not an indicator of a propensity to commit atrocities and where an act that's been carried out was in fact planned mental illness, if it does apply, is almost always a contributing rather than causal factor. The public does want accurate information and now that ISIS has reportedly claimed the Danforth shooter as a soldier in its cause (likely conveniently) even more will demand that public officials be open about the situation. Cynicism is not a plot. I believe it's a healthy character trait that serves one well in a democracy. Among my favorite quotes is the advice to "never believe anything until it's been officially denied."

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1 minute ago, capricorn said:

We should all be troubled that the state broadcaster has inserted itself into this specific case. The CBC has turned into a propaganda machine. It was the CBC that aimed the spotlight on the mental illness issue and gun crime to divert from the aspect of a potential Muslim hate crime against average Canadians.

I don't think the CBC has been alone in this approach, although by yesterday other news outlets were addressing statements made by people who said they didn't think the Danforth shooter was exhibiting overt signs of mental illness. Obviously, there appear to have been indications of mental illness in his past, to the extent that the police were aware of this. It might be too early to assess whether it was a hate crime, but it's not unreasonable for Canadians to demand that public officials tell us everything they know. Just because he wasn't on CSIS' radar or known to be an active member of a identifiable and problematic group doesn't mean he might not have been radicalized in some fashion or have independently acted on some grudge, in which case one suspects evidence of such a motive will at some point be discovered by the relevant authorities. I just don't think we should rule things out at this point, or blithely chalk the incident up to mental illness, as doing either is a disservice to the broader public interest.

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21 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Let me repeat: Mental illness is not an indicator of a propensity to commit atrocities and where an act that's been carried out was in fact planned mental illness, if it does apply, is almost always a contributing rather than causal factor.

What in the flying fuck are you babbling about now? Planned mental illness?

You have zero business weighing in on anything to do with mental illness, at all.

Planned mental illness.../facepalm.  


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41 minutes ago, dialamah said:

I agree.  I am disappointed that he is dead because he escapes justice in our legal system, regardless of how paltry it may be.  



FFS.  The only point is that people often don't recognize mental illness in friends or even family until its too late and they've killed themselves or others as the case may be.   Hussain's family apparently did, as did at least one friend.  Pointing these two things out makes no difference of course.

I repeat, for the third time, accurate information and real discussion is not wanted here.  Its just an opportunity to bash Liberals/indulge in theories about coverups.

Hey, the taxpayer in the end has won by being able to save hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for this creeps trials and than jail time if he were kept alive. I too would like to see this killer of innocent people spend the rest of his miserable life in jail but thanks to him killing himself the Canadian taxpayer's now dodged the tax dollar bullet and can now have those tax dollars being better spent on other things that are more important to Canada and Canadians. That killer did all Canadians a favor by killing himself. The taxpayer saved a lot of tax dollars and got rid of another creep among our midst. Victory. :D



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16 minutes ago, turningrite said:

I don't think the CBC has been alone in this approach, although by yesterday other news outlets were addressing statements made by people who said they didn't think the Danforth shooter was exhibiting overt signs of mental illness. Obviously, there appear to have been indications of mental illness in his past, to the extent that the police were aware of this. It might be too early to assess whether it was a hate crime, but it's not unreasonable for Canadians to demand that public officials tell us everything they know. Just because he wasn't on CSIS' radar or known to be an active member of a identifiable and problematic group doesn't mean he might not have been radicalized in some fashion or have independently acted on some grudge, in which case one suspects evidence of such a motive will at some point be discovered by the relevant authorities. I just don't think we should rule things out at this point, or blithely chalk the incident up to mental illness, as doing either is a disservice to the broader public interest.

Let's be honest here. The longer the guessing game goes on the less interest will be shown by we the people. This will surely be forgotten in a few weeks and no one will care anymore. Even here it will become a non topic anymore. Life goes on and so who cares. As long as I am alright that is all that matters, right? 

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