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Your views on Russia?

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Death to Russia is my slogan.

Not only they killed millions of their own people and started a stupid ideology which took the lives of many (communism) and created chaos in the world but they also colonized half of Europe, invaded independent countries and killed many and still they continue to do same.Unlike US and Britain they did not stop.They also help murderous regimes like Syria and Iran. Again Death to Russia.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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14 hours ago, Argus said:

The problems of the ME are not related to American interference but to Saudi money and Wahhabi influence.


Does that mean the Saudis paid the USA to invade the M.E. ? And why are we not holding the Saudi's accountable for those actions?

I guess we did not learn anything from 9/11.

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11 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Death to Russia is my slogan.

Not only they killed millions of their own people and started a stupid ideology which took the lives of many (communism) and created chaos in the world but they also colonized half of Europe, invaded independent countries and killed many and still they continue to do same.Unlike US and Britain they did not stop.They also help murderous regimes like Syria and Iran. Again Death to Russia.

It was not the Russian people that started up communism in Russia. It was the Wall Street zionist banksters like Armand Hammer that financed the Russian Bolchevik revolution that was responsible for the death of millions of innocent Russians. It's very strange as to why an American capitalist and Philanthropist like Hammer was known to have made many trips to Russia after the Russian revolution. According to the internet, Hammer formed the first communist party of America. Just punch in Armond Hammer communist on the internet and it will tell you this little known fact. These so called Philanthropists are a very strange bunch of people and people to watch out for. Pretty much most zionists are Philanthropists. I wonder why that is? Interesting indeed, isn't it? 

I often have wondered as to what the world would be like today if Hitler had won the war? After all, Hitler despised communism and wanted to overthrow Stalin and destroy communism. But unfortunately, we will never know now as America, Britain and communist Russia joined forces together to defeat Hitler. That was one big bad boo-boo for all those innocent Russians and Eastern block communist nations and it's people that had to live under Stalinist communism later on.

I don't think that Putin and Russia are any threat to the world. China, yes. Only the fake and lying left and right wing MSM want to make it appear as though Russia is a threat to the world. I do not fear Russia but I do fear China. They want control of the world. :(

Edited by taxme
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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Does that mean the Saudis paid the USA to invade the M.E. ? And why are we not holding the Saudi's accountable for those actions?

I guess we did not learn anything from 9/11.

It would appear as though the Saudis, Israel and America all worked together to invade the Middle East. Politics has very strange bedfellows. :unsure: 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was not the Russian people that started up communism in Russia. It was the Wall Street zionist banksters like Armand Hammer that financed the Russian Bolchevik revolution that was responsible for the death of millions of innocent Russians.

I often have wondered as to what the world would be like today if Hitler had won the war? 

..we will never know now as America, Britain and communist Russia joined forces together to defeat Hitler. That was one big bad boo-boo..

I don't think that Putin and Russia are any threat to the world. 

In regards to Taxme's first reference I simply refer people to www.wnd. com to expose his falsehood and where it comes from.

In fact Germany funded the Russian revolution not Jews. The Kaiser provided 50 million gold marks to finance Lenin as per the recommendations of Gilbert Von Romberg his Secret Service Director who assisted the Russian Marxists between 1915 to 1917 to get rid of the Kaiser's cousin, the Czar  in Russia. The Czar, King of England and Kaiser were all offspring of Queen Victoria. This was part of WW1 a fight between cousins. It had nothing to do with Jewish bankers.

More to the point why would any banker of any faith finance a legal system that makes banks illegal?

To expect Taxme to have any common sense of course is silly. Repeating false neo Nazi revisionist crap and waxing poetic about Hitler is to be expected though.

Next in regards to Taxme fantasizing out loud about  a world run by Hitler, I hope Taxme ywashed his hands after he was done with that exercise. 

As for sharing his  thoughts about Putin I feel better knowing Taxme has assured me he is harmless.

I am surprised Taxme forgot to mention Hitler got his trains to run on time ....especially the ones with Jews in them.




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On 9/19/2018 at 11:31 AM, Rue said:

In regards to Taxme's first reference I simply refer people to www.wnd. com to expose his falsehood and where it comes from.

In fact Germany funded the Russian revolution not Jews. The Kaiser provided 50 million gold marks to finance Lenin as per the recommendations of Gilbert Von Romberg his Secret Service Director who assisted the Russian Marxists between 1915 to 1917 to get rid of the Kaiser's cousin, the Czar  in Russia. The Czar, King of England and Kaiser were all offspring of Queen Victoria. This was part of WW1 a fight between cousins. It had nothing to do with Jewish bankers.

More to the point why would any banker of any faith finance a legal system that makes banks illegal?

To expect Taxme to have any common sense of course is silly. Repeating false neo Nazi revisionist crap and waxing poetic about Hitler is to be expected though.

Next in regards to Taxme fantasizing out loud about  a world run by Hitler, I hope Taxme ywashed his hands after he was done with that exercise. 

As for sharing his  thoughts about Putin I feel better knowing Taxme has assured me he is harmless.

I am surprised Taxme forgot to mention Hitler got his trains to run on time ....especially the ones with Jews in them.




1. Website IHR.org would be a great website to get the other side of the story as well as website American Renaissance also. 

2. Things sure changed though when WW2 started where Hitler wanted to go after Communist Russia and get rid of Stalin. Does it make any sense to you as to why America and Britain would join forces with a well known communist dictator and enemy like Stalin to try and destroy Hitler? We all soon learned as to what happened after Hitler was defeated. Thanks to America and Britain siding with Stalin that eventually caused the enslavement and the millions of deaths of innocent Europeans thanks to joining up with that scumbag Stalin and communism. You appear to be quite happy about that here? 

3. Again, communism was financed by the zionist Western banksters which does not make any sense at all when communism was suppose to be their sworn enemy. The zionist banksters supported both sides of the war and made plenty of money doing so at the rest of the world's expense. Get busy reading as to what those two websites have to say. You may learn something. 

4. It can also be said that Rue could be lacking any common sense also and who only knows how to talk with lefty liberal zionist emotionalism and foolishness. Repeating false zionist Nazi crap is to be expected by you. 

4. I only questioned and have only thought about what the world would have been like if Hitler had won the war with the help of America and Britain to defeat Stalin. Would hundreds of millions of innocent people lives be saved if Stalin and communism were defeated. You see I would not ever have thought about this if it were not for those websites I mentioned above. They allowed me to get the other side of the story. You know the side of the story that you refuse to take the time to go too. but that is just you. A one sided fantasy story type guy. LOL.

5. I am harmless alright. It is the scum that you appear to support who are the ones the world should be all worried and concerned about. Putin has given me no indication to believe that he is a threat to the world but your buddies do. How is that for sharing my thoughts? 

6. Trains never run on time. Try taking VIA Rail sometime. But maybe you can answer this? How else was Hitler supposed to get prisoners off to prison yards if not for trains? A forced march maybe? There were not only Jews on those trains, silly. There were many other people from many different backgrounds and religions and even criminals on those trains, silly fool. But people like you always want to push the bull that only Jews were shipped off to prison yards. This is why I prefer to go to websites like I had mentioned because they do not talk silly and foolish emotional talk like you do. Go get real, will you. :unsure: 

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It's certainly revisionist all right and it sure has a fixation on Jews. Apparently Britain was responsible for WW2 and not Germany. Apparently Germany didn't invade neutrals  Denmark, Norway, Belgium,  Netherlands, Yugoslavia or Greece. 

People sent to death camps were just "prisoners". What were their crimes pray tell?

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/15/2018 at 10:45 AM, paxamericana said:


Russia subjugate neighboring countries and if you want evidence look at Georgia, Ukraine, and ESPECIALLY Chechnya. Plenty of human rights violation all around including their own people. Last I checked most America's enemies human rights aren't violated as much as Russia's own citizen.

Russia lacks the economic and geopolitical power the US has when the soviet union collapsed.Obviously they don't carry the same capability as a true super power.

You'd rather have China and/or Russia be the new world's police? Human rights are non existence on their agenda. So as much criticism you give to America think of the alternative. America never claimed to be perfect, we do the best we can. America stands for a rule based order where the strong doesn't take advantage of the weak. We follow the rule of law, the Russian and Chinese much prefer the strong taking advantage of the weak. Look at their foreign policy for their neighbors. Their foreign policy is imperialism.



Oh dear... what a wonderful piece of... pure american propaganda. And those ppl realy belive in all that shit im sure.

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  • 1 month later...

I read the comments of people who:
1. Confuse the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the Russia of the 90s and modern Russia;

2. Do not distinguish between concepts: Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, Society and Economics;

3. Confuse the concepts of communism, socialism and capitalism.
That is, they mix Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, Society and Economics:

- Communism is a utopia, at the same time Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, Society and Economy which never existed, and therefore it is written in one word COMMUNISM to simplify understanding.

- Socialism is a Social concept that can exist in the Planned Economy (USSR) or Market Economy (Europe). Socialism may have the Ideology of Marxism or Adam Smith, the Philosophy of Marxism or Ricardo, the Policy of nationalism or internationalism.

- Capitalism does not exist in its pure form since the mid-19th century. Now there is a State-monopoly imperialism. In all countries

3.1 Communism is:
 - Ideology - Marxism-Leninism
 - Philosophy - Dialectical Materialism
- Planned Economy
- Politics - Internationalism
- Society - collectivism

Signs of Communism:
- compliance with the level of development of the "productive forces" - workers, peasants and "production relations" - the authorities ...
- Production of goods increases in a way that satisfies all human needs
- People’s awareness increases in such a way that people do not consume more than they need
- Money is canceled, as there are enough goods and people do not want to consume more

And what will people strive for?
The main incentive for competition will be Science, Culture, Sport. A person will increase his Education, rather than buying new products ...
- There is no inequality, crises, wars

As is known from the history of feudalism and capitalism, there are contradictions that lead to inequality, the exploitation of man by man, crises and wars ...
The idea of Communism is to make the conformity of the "productive forces" and "production relations" ...

Why in the world there is inequality, the exploitation of man by man and war?
- French philosophy says: "inequality is the result of private ownership of the means of production."
- Marxism agrees, but corrects: "inequality is the ability of private owners to create surplus value."

Therefore, when you say that private property is prohibited in the USSR or "under communism", this is wrong ...

Well, and so on ...
If interested, then you can continue ...

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 12:29 PM, Altai said:

Russia is just another country with a bloody history. Nowadays they are busy with massacring civilians in Syria.

Kind of like Turkey and it's  massacring of the Kurds

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On 8/31/2018 at 5:59 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Death to Russia is my slogan.

Not only they killed millions of their own people and started a stupid ideology which took the lives of many (communism) and created chaos in the world but they also colonized half of Europe, invaded independent countries and killed many and still they continue to do same.Unlike US and Britain they did not stop.They also help murderous regimes like Syria and Iran. Again Death to Russia.

Don't worry , for balance we support Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. While NATO got the former eastern block nations after the USSR fell, and then decades of messing up the entire M.E.

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On 12/14/2018 at 1:11 PM, Army Guy said:

Kind of like Turkey and it's  massacring of the Kurds

They have to make sure they don't massacre all the Kurds. The Kurds are the excuse Erdogan uses to imprisons tens of thousands of people and ban political parties. Without them what's he gonna do?

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19 hours ago, Argus said:

They have to make sure they don't massacre all the Kurds. The Kurds are the excuse Erdogan uses to imprisons tens of thousands of people and ban political parties. Without them what's he gonna do?

I always found it nauseating Turkey is able to use its strategic geographic location to remain in NATO as a supposed buffer against Putin. As for Trump looking the other way about the Prince in Saudi Arabia do the same people that accuse the US of looking the other way mention how Putin gave him that grand handshake one psycho to the other?

They both kill their political opponents. So does the head of China, Erdogan and the council in Iran and General or is it Colonel Sisi in Egypt aint exacly a pussy cat. The fact is the whole world is full of psychos and leftists only select the ones they don't like.

It is inexcusable any nation approves of what China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea do. However with Trump a compromised cripple worried that Putin will expose pictures of him in his diapers being pissed on by Melania, we have no leadership from the Western world. Marcon? May? Trudeau? Weaklings. Crippled weaklings.

The West has been without a true leader since Ronald Reagan died. I didn't much like Reagan but he stood up to China and Russia. Since his death its all been toothless Western leaders. Bush Sr. and Clinton were knee deep in Chinese kick back contracts, Bush Jr. was controlled by Haliburton. Obama was clearly someone's idea of a Muslim Brotherhood stooge the US could control to control Middle East extremism and that blew up in the CIA's face. US Army Intelligence reluctantly backed Trump. The other choice was the corrupted Clinton. Now the Joint Chiefs of Staff have bailed on Trump. Out went Mad Dog the Defence Minister and Kelly the White House head, and now not one old time military man is there to control Trump. They all have bailed on him.

He's either assassinated or out of office. They are circling in on his kids to make a deal to not put them in jail if he leaves. Pence is knee deep in Russia collusion so just who is left?

The only coherent spokesperson in Trump's office to date was Nicki Haley. They could rush her in to replace Pence and then Trump which is what some are rumouring.

All I know is with all that instability Russia will do what the hell it wants.

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10 minutes ago, Rue said:

....The West has been without a true leader since Ronald Reagan died. I didn't much like Reagan but he stood up to China and Russia. Since his death its all been toothless Western leaders.


Why is it America's job to always be the one to lead opposition to Russia or China ?

There is zero credibility on this coming from a NATO deadbeat like Canada.

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20 minutes ago, Rue said:

The fact is the whole world is full of psychos and leftists only select the ones they don't like

There it is...blah blah blah the left blah blah.blah.  Day in day out post after post, thread after thread, forum after forum. Leftists blah blah blah...

Pinochet would puke if he could see what a bunch of useless whiners the un-left has become.

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16 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Why is it America's job to always be the one to lead opposition to Russia or China ?

There is zero credibility on this coming from a NATO deadbeat like Canada.

Do you really think a nation with  40 million is going to lead the world? What you think Canada is Israel? Ahahahahahah. You asked for that.

On a serious note get with the picture. The US is the largest of NATO countries and has always insisted in leading it. If you are saying

the US should withdraw from NATO and ally with Russia (say haven't they done that) and carry on as the dupe I mean ally of Russia, do

let me know. I am preparing a coups with Mad Dog et al. Seriously that whiny oh woe is me why is it always the US that must lead goes with

placing your best financial interests all over the world that require allied governments to protect them.


Awaa awaa awaa. You hear me crying about Justin? No I take it like a real "man". I go in my bathroom and vomit quietly. Ok sometimes its

projectile depending on what he has done.

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16 hours ago, eyeball said:

There it is...blah blah blah the left blah blah.blah.  Day in day out post after post, thread after thread, forum after forum. Leftists blah blah blah...

Pinochet would puke if he could see what a bunch of useless whiners the un-left has become.

Pinochet? Really? Pinochet? Lol. Oh come on comrade. What is the difference between Pinochet and Putin? Is that like a trick question? Lol. You really think I supported Pinochet? Lol.  

So let me get this straight( or gay please I don't discriminate) ..because I am not a trendy left wing puke artist... I supported Pinochet? Lol.  No I have no picture of Maggie Thatcher in my boudoir either. Golda Meir yes and in a bikini. You should see her tattoos. I also have one of Tippi Levni. Go find out who she was.  I do have one of Shania Twain. I am like the CBC... I do have some Canadian content.

Now getting back to Russia, and I mean Russia... not the Soviet Union, Karl Marx, Dialectics, its a pisshole. That is spelled PISSHOLE. It has no economy other than a black market run by a mob of psychopaths. They put the stooge Putin in as their government hitman-enforcer. He was bred for the job. He kills without remorse. He first started for the Stasny in East Germany killing people there, then moved on to Mayor of St. Petersburg soon to be Putingrad where he rose to power killing people and assuring the mob could run the city without harassment. He has had thousands murdered who oppose him. He thinks  nothing of murdering people in other nations. It is why he gave such a warm shake to his fellow murderer in Saudi Arabia for world cameras to see.

He runs a shithole. His people are miserable. They have chronic rates of alcoholism and their infrastructure is in ruins while the revenue he does get from a locked in oil deal with China is spent on his military that can not properly feed itself or engage in logistics. His country has the largest amount of natural resources and fresh water in the world neither being exported as the mob has no idea how to do that. The oil deal they locked themselves into with China sells their oil at far below the price they could have received had they exported the oil to Europe but hey the mob did not want to share with the West. With China the kickback when dealing with just one corporation (the Chinese Communist Party) is far easier than dealing with all the oil conglamorates. His air force is full of pilots who are good but do no trust the jets they fly due to improper maintenance on the ground by some of the worst air mechanics in the world. His navy? Great on paper. Problem is they barely feed their sailors or soldiers. Logistics man, its a bummer dude when you want to feed your boys and you have no money to do that.

Russia's national sport. Other than taking steroids, its drinking vodka. . It has chronic rates of prostitution and pedophilia. Foreigners visit, screw Russia's young women and children with full government awareness as they tap all the hotels and Putin's boys get compromising photos of them like they did with Trump. You have to be an idiot to bed a Russian escort in Moscow.

Russia has rampant rates of aids, sexually transmitted diseases, depressive illness, tuberculosis, pneumonia, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver and kidney disease all from alcohol related illnesses and go look at how many people are in jail for political crimes.

Its press is a joke. Say anything even remotely critical of Putin you get a visit and if you don't stop, you vanish.

Russia? Its been the site of countless corrupt, chauvinistic dictators called Czars then Commies. It always has had a tradition of chauvinism no different than the US. It can't go a year without invading and conquering someone.  It has never been democratic and never will. Its culture is one of psycho dictators.

So why beat around the bush (no wait he died) about it. 

I support the young students of Russia who want a democracy not Putin and his mob stooges or the trolls or kids that show up on political forums chirping about how great Russia is. Its a large herpes sore. Putin and Trump are one dysfunctional chunk of manure trying to run the world. Putin through his dirt on Trump has him flapping about doing Putin's bidding. First it was staying quiet about the invasion in Crimea and Russia's continued support of Assad, now its the pullout from Syria. You think now that Mad Dog Matthis has left, Trump is long for this world. Matthis was his sole link to the US Armed Forces keeping him in power as a default to the old Obama and Bush regimes which continually ignored the US Armed Forces head officers on certain foreign initiatives. Pulling out of Syria sealed Trumps' fate. Not even he will survive that decision.

Putin played his last hand. By calling in his blackmail on Trump to get him to pull out of Syria, that is a sure sign Putin thinks Trump is on his way out so Putin is cashing in his Trump card before its too late.

ISIS is not dead. It has splintered into cells all across Syria and there are thousands of suspects arrested in Europe of having ISIS connections soon to be released from jail. They will escalate their war in Syria when the US pulls out. Because the US pulls out, the Kurds, the no.1 force fighting ISIS and Assad will be forced to pull out as it leaves Erdogan free to attack the Kurds in Syria and elsewhere. Erdogan is in bed with Putin now. Putin has given him the greenlight to attack Kurds in Syria in return for not fighting Assad. Iran supports Assad and hates the Kurds, so it is happy to have its proxy army carry on wiping out both Kurds and ISIS and it will escalate without the US presence.

This will force Israel to be more active inside Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, with Hezbollah, Isis, Al Quaeda that is openly financed and supported by Turkey.

Russia for now has a carte blanche to operate as it does in the Middle East. Israel has a very precarious relationship with Russia but has shot down Russian missiles and a fighter or two straying into Israel. Its tense. Trump has not helped it at all. Without a US counter presence to Russia on the world stage, Putin does what he wants and that suits China just fine as they own him.

Russia is a captive poverty state of Putin and the mob.

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20 minutes ago, Rue said:

Do you really think a nation with  40 million is going to lead the world? What you think Canada is Israel? Ahahahahahah. You asked for that.

On a serious note get with the picture. The US is the largest of NATO countries and has always insisted in leading it.


Nobody has suggested that Canada lead anything....Syria is just one example of the larger issue that Trump has railed against since the beginning....NATO members (including deadbeats like Canada) insisting that the United States continue to bear the most burden in blood and treasure when clearly it cannot afford to continue doing so.   Unlike many NATO members, the U.S. maintains separate commands and alliances, principally for Asia and Oceania.   Just because Chrystia Freeland (small population... but big mouth) begged Trump to continue defending the "post WW2 order", doesn't mean he has to do it.

NATO has already encroached on Russia and needs to back off.   NATO is an obsolete alliance that continues to try and justify its existence, engaging wars along the way, because "western" nations were more than happy to bypass the UN using NATO (backed by raw American military power).

Trump is right to challenge this and test other nations' commitment to defense spending, just as other presidents have done.


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15 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Nobody has suggested that Canada lead anything....Syria is just one example of the larger issue that Trump has railed against since the beginning....NATO members (including deadbeats like Canada) insisting that the United States continue to bear the most burden in blood and treasure when clearly it cannot afford to continue doing so.   Unlike many NATO members, the U.S. maintains separate commands and alliances, principally for Asia and Oceania.   Just because Chrystia Freeland (small population... but big mouth) begged Trump to continue defending the "post WW2 order", doesn't mean he has to do it.

NATO has already encroached on Russia and needs to back off.   NATO is an obsolete alliance that continues to try and justify its existence, engaging wars along the way, because "western" nations were more than happy to bypass the UN using NATO (backed by raw American military power).

Trump is right to challenge this and test other nations' commitment to defense spending, just as other presidents have done.


No US President has ever committed the treason Trump has. Spin all you want no US President has isolated the US from all its closest allies and turned and formed alliances with national leaders ridiculing everything the US stands for as Trump has done. I stand by the letter Gen. Matthis sent out when he resigned. May I suggest you read it.

The days of supporting Trump's sell out dupe act for Putin are coming to an end. He and Pence are going bye bye. It is not tenable for the US through Trump to continue to do Putin's bidding s everyone is aware of. He signed his exit with the pull out from Syria. Whether he goes out in a box or with a flurry of twitters remains to be seen. I think the latter as he is forced to make a deal to avoid his children going to jail. Pence is next, then Trump. Buh bye.

The deflection with the wall, right. You think it has worked? You think no one noticed he is pulling out of Syria? You think Americans support that? Really? You think Americans who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gulf States, Syria, knowing ISIS is operating in Syria want to leave? You think he has the support of his armed forces or the average American? You think a President running from terrorists at the bidding of Putin has support? 

This is the President who said he would go all over the world fighting terrorists unlike Obama..to cheers from his audience. What.... are you and they so stupid as to buy this bullshit act of running out and pretending the war is over just like they did in Vietnam? Really? I don't think so. Mad Dog's letter was intense, biting and directly to the point. It will get through to a large rump of his supporters who are ex military. Watch and weep. The US is a military state. Have it run from conflict as its leader Trump jhas done and you are done like dinner.  Commander in Chief my ass.The US has many quirks but having a coward as a Commander in  Chief is not something Americans  will abide by of either political party. He's toast. You can smell the panic on him with his latest tweets against Mad Dog. Every day someone quits on him. What a sad farse and I have news for Putin: Vlad you called in your last Trump card with the Syria pull out. You went too far this time. Listen Vlad, you hear that tune?  Yah its the USMC song...by the way Vlad, you tread on the snake one to many times. Trust me on that. You pissed off someone real good inside the USMC let alone the US Army. Bad move. Buh bye.


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7 minutes ago, Rue said:

No US President has ever committed the treason Trump has. Spin all you want no US President has isolated the US from all its closest allies and turned and formed alliances with national leaders ridiculing everything the US stands for as Trump has done. I stand by the letter Gen. Matthis sent out when he resigned. May I suggest you read it.


Nonsense....President Eisenhower went after the UK, France, and Israel during the Suez Crisis, threatening to destroy their economies.   Also, FDR was an ally of Joseph Stalin during WW2...but you conveniently ignore that to feed a hatred for Trump.   Trump gave Sec'y Mathis six months to get out of Syria...he failed to do so.



 Mad Dog's letter was intense, biting and directly to the point. It will get through to a large rump of his supporters who are ex military. Watch and weep. The US is a military state. Have it run from conflict as its leader, you are done like dinner. The US has many quirks but having a coward as a leader is not something Americans abide by. He's toast.


More nonsense devoid of U.S. history.   Go look up what Truman did to General Douglas MacArthur.

Canadian "leaders" like Trudeau have been forced to face the reality that America's president will not always back them up, same as Diefenbaker and Trudeau Sr. found out long before Trump.

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11 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Nonsense....President Eisenhower went after the UK, France, and Israel during the Suez Crisis, threatening to destroy their economies.   Also, FDR was an ally of Joseph Stalin during WW2...but you conveniently ignore that to feed a hatred for Trump.   Trump gave Sec'y Mathis six months to get out of Syria...he failed to do so.



More nonsense devoid of U.S. history.   Go look up what Truman did to General Douglas MacArthur.


Eisenhower was able to defuse Nasser from invading Israel and in fact bolstered Israel's economy. He was a good friend of Israel and they were grateful he put a stop to the whole thing. In hindsight he did what a good ally does, provide an alternative to a war..something Trump is unable to do. To compare what Eisenhower did to Trump is bullshit and you know it. He never turned on France or Britain. He provided them an alternative that reopened the Suez Canal. Eisenhower was able to do what he did precisely because everyone trusted him. They respected his military role in WW2 and his total awareness of the Soviet threat in the Middle East.

What a joke to try suggest Eisenhower turned on Israel let alone turned on his allies and is the same as Trump. I call bullshit. Read the history of how Israel benefitted from his intervention. No one understood Israel as well as he did. This is a man who sent the US Engineering Corps into the camps after WW2 to film them so no one would ever forget. That made him as righteous a gentile as you can get in Israel. Its precisely why he is the only foreign  leader Israel has ever taken orders from in regards to standing down militarily. Its precisely because of his military standing and his role in WW2.

Trump was a coward draft dodger and you put him on a pedestal with Eisenhower? Are you suggesting he has a command of military strategy an détente? Right5.  Eisenhower called on his military expertise and engaged in true military strategy to avoid a conflict in the Suez Canal crisis precisely because of his military education and experience something Trump does not have and never did. Are you suggesting  Eisenhower alleid with North Korea or the Soviet Union and praised them? What a joke to try spin history to equate what Eisenhower did and stands for as equivalent to Trump's sell out to Putin.  Come on.

Then you compare Trump to Truman probably the greatest US President for the decisions he had to make? Bad enough you compare Trump to Eisenhower now Truman?  You want to suggest his Defence Minister Matthis is a Douglas McArthur because of his views? Lol. What Matthis is running or office like McArthur was? Matthis proposed invading Russia and using nuclear weapons? Lol Matthis?

Come on that was bad. Now you have Trump on a pedestal  equivalent to Truman and Eisenhower. Wow. 



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Just now, Rue said:

Eisenhower was able to defuse Nasser from invading Israel and in fact bolstered Israel's economy. He was a good friend of Israel and they were grateful he put a stop to the whole thing. In hindsight he did what a good ally does, provide an alternative to a war..something Trump is unable to do. To compare what Eisenhower did to Trump is bullshit and you know it. He never turned on France or Britain.


I agree...your post is BS.




Then you compare Trump to Truman? Bad enough you compare Trump to Eisenhower now Truman?  You want to suggest his Defence Minister Matthis is a Douglas McArthur because of his views? Lol. What Matthis is running or office like McArthur was? Matthis proposed invading Russia and using nuclear weapons? Lol Matthis?

Come on that was bad. Now you have Trump on a pedestal  equivalent to Truman and Eisenhower. Wow. 


No, I just gave you a free U.S. history lesson.   Even you are confirming an utter dependence on the U.S. president and his policies, no matter who it is.   Such is the life and role for a weak NATO deadbeat.

...and right now...Donald Trump is President of the United States.

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