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Conservatives Silent on Homosexuality

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You made a statement that was quite outrageous then declined to back it up, despite being asked twice.  How am I the one playing games, exactly?

Let the record show you were given a chance to make your case and didn't take it.

I don't care. It's people like you that enable the transsexual mass delusion amongst children. You call other people extremist, who raise these concerns, and you won't speak out against it, because you think it's perfectly fine. 100 years ago we didn't have hormones to turn boys into girls. Today we allow the government to let children mess themselves up. If any of you support this, you're sick. These kids couldn't get bullied, if we didn't allow for the sex change in the first place. Liberals enable this satanic crap.


Edited by Robert Greene
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6 hours ago, Robert Greene said:

1) I don't care. It's people like you that enable the transsexual mass delusion amongst children.

2) You call other people extremist, who raise these concerns, and you won't speak out against it, because you think it's perfectly fine. 100 years ago we didn't have hormones to turn boys into girls.

3) If any of you support this, you're sick. These kids couldn't get bullied, if we didn't allow for the sex change in the first place. Liberals enable this satanic crap.

1) Well YOU started the thread so you care enough to state an opinion, but I guess you just want people to agree with you.  For the record here it is again:

" Why do you feel conservatives are afraid to defend traditional values, and won't speak up about their concerns over the LGBT indoctrination? "

2) So here I am giving you a chance to explain yourself and you refuse to do it.  Do you have evidence that we are subjecting children to operations ?  To hormones ?  Or is this just about you stating theories of things that you are afraid of and labelling them 'extremism' ?  Extremists make shit up.  Did you make shit up ? 

Go ahead and raise concerns but if you are taking away rights then, yes, you are an extremist and I won't coddle you to make you feel better about that.

3) This section of your post is just lashing out.  I don't believe in Satan, so you have to convince me that what you are talking about is A: Real B:  Important and C: Your solution is effective.   

People are willing to listen, but you have to try to convince them.  And if you can't, well that's democracy...

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) Well YOU started the thread so you care enough to state an opinion, but I guess you just want people to agree with you.  For the record here it is again:

" Why do you feel conservatives are afraid to defend traditional values, and won't speak up about their concerns over the LGBT indoctrination? "

2) So here I am giving you a chance to explain yourself and you refuse to do it.  Do you have evidence that we are subjecting children to operations ?  To hormones ?  Or is this just about you stating theories of things that you are afraid of and labelling them 'extremism' ?  Extremists make shit up.  Did you make shit up ? 

Go ahead and raise concerns but if you are taking away rights then, yes, you are an extremist and I won't coddle you to make you feel better about that.

3) This section of your post is just lashing out.  I don't believe in Satan, so you have to convince me that what you are talking about is A: Real B:  Important and C: Your solution is effective.   

People are willing to listen, but you have to try to convince them.  And if you can't, well that's democracy...

I think I've done enough convincing, but none of it gets through your thick head.

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On 6/12/2018 at 6:07 AM, Michael Hardner said:


Rather than insulting, you could back up one of your claims.  You know, like the one that schools approve children having sex reassignment surgery ?

Yah I shouldn't be rude. I'm sorry to offend you, but I have the right to know if the person i'm interested in at the bar is really a female or not. What angers me, is the transexuals love deceiving straight guys. They will grind them up at a club, and if the guy us drunk enough, he will have no idea he's dancing with a dude.

I think LGB can be tolerated with limits, but the Transexual thing should be banned. How would you feel if you made out with a shemale, and had no clue?

Once a person becomes a girl, hardly any straight guy is going to want to date them. Lot's of transexuals end up living a life of loneliness, and end up committing suicide.

It's not natural. A 100 years ago, virtually no one wanted to become transgender. It only became a phenomenon, when the liberal movement started promoting the culture.

Transexuals doesn't cure a problem, it causes it.

How often did we head about Gender Dysphoria in the 19th century?

If someone is Gay or Bisexual, why does that have to do with using hormones and surgery to become the other sex?

If they really need to love the same sex, then they can remain in their natural body.

There's absolutely no need for Transsexuals.

The people pushing it, are the big media and entertainment companies who profit off sexual sensationalism.


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35 minutes ago, Robert Greene said:

A 100 years ago, virtually no one wanted to become transgender. It only became a phenomenon, when the liberal movement started promoting the culture.

Transgender people have always been here.  100 years ago, they shut up about it, lived a life of shame and confusion and many likely committed suicide.  To make people like you feel better.

Is that what you want to go back to?  Just so you don't accidently flirt with a trans person in a bar?

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3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Transgender people have always been here.  100 years ago, they shut up about it, lived a life of shame and confusion and many likely committed suicide.  To make people like you feel better.

Is that what you want to go back to?  Just so you don't accidently flirt with a trans person in a bar?

You seem to be taking this personally. I don't know if your trans, or got trans friends. I would ban hormone treatment and surgery going forward, and let the current trans people die of old age.

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9 minutes ago, Robert Greene said:

You seem to be taking this personally.

I didn't start the topic.  You did.  You seem to be the one taking it personally.


10 minutes ago, Robert Greene said:

I don't know if your trans, or got trans friends.

Why would it matter if I was trans or not?  I have lots of gay friends and I have one friend whose daughter transgendered from female to male before he was out of high school.  Like your video of the 14 year old girl, he was fortunate to have parents who supported him and a school that tolerated no bullying.

14 minutes ago, Robert Greene said:

I would ban hormone treatment and surgery going forward, and let the current trans people die of old age.

That's really sad.  All because you're so insecure in your masculinity that you can't just smile and say "No, thanks, I bat for the other team" should a trans person ever flirt with you.........


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6 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I didn't start the topic.  You did.  You seem to be the one taking it personally.


Why would it matter if I was trans or not?  I have lots of gay friends and I have one friend whose daughter transgendered from female to male before he was out of high school.  Like your video of the 14 year old girl, he was fortunate to have parents who supported him and a school that tolerated no bullying.

That's really sad.  All because you're so insecure in your masculinity that you can't just smile and say "No, thanks, I bat for the other team" should a trans person ever flirt with you.........


I'm just making my argument. I don't want trans people to be bullied or harassed. I just want the medical procedures banned, so no one is able to become a trans going forward. The trans that already exist, should be giving discrimination protection, access to employment etc.

I would also impose severe consequences on any media outlet deliberately promoting transgender culture for entertainment.

I'm going to stop talking about this, and move onto another subject.

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36 minutes ago, Robert Greene said:

I'm just making my argument. I don't want trans people to be bullied or harassed. I just want the medical procedures banned, so no one is able to become a trans going forward. The trans that already exist, should be giving discrimination protection, access to employment etc.

I would also impose severe consequences on any media outlet deliberately promoting transgender culture for entertainment.

I'm going to stop talking about this, and move onto another subject.

How about promoting Christianity?

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On 6/11/2018 at 4:06 PM, betsy said:


Add to that, I think they can now take away kids from parents who refuse to have their kids have transgender surgery upon request!  I don't think parents are allowed anymore to tell their kids that homosexuality  is a sin.

There's intimidation from the government against speaking negatively about LGBTQ, and abortion!

It's a lunatic bin we now live in.   A lot of them may seemed to have resigned themselves - and just go along "if you can't lick them, join them."




I heard that before, but please post some examples. I was trying to get some information for Michael, but I had a bad migraine and I kinda snapped on him. I don't think most liberals are aware of the laws Kathlenn Wynne passed.

If i'm right, if a kid demands hormone therapy, in Ontario law the kid can be put in a foster home, if the parents refuse to accommodate him.

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On 6/11/2018 at 2:06 PM, betsy said:

I don't think parents are allowed anymore to tell their kids that homosexuality  is a sin.

Hahaahaa, you can tell them anything you want.  But sooner or later they will find out the truth.  There is no god, no one gives a crap if you get a tattoo, eat lobster or get laid before marriage.  But I suspect you Christians already know that, since you get tattoos, eat lobster and get laid before marriage.

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11 hours ago, Robert Greene said:

I heard that before, but please post some examples. I was trying to get some information for Michael, but I had a bad migraine and I kinda snapped on him. I don't think most liberals are aware of the laws Kathlenn Wynne passed.

If i'm right, if a kid demands hormone therapy, in Ontario law the kid can be put in a foster home, if the parents refuse to accommodate him.





Bill 89 – Another Attack on the Family by the Province of Ontario


Premier Wynne previously forced children to submit to her personal sexual values by forcing a shocking sex-education curriculum on all the children in this province. She is now extending her reach by taking control of the unfortunate children brought under the supervision of Children’s Aid Societies (CAS).  In doing so she is targeting the traditional family and its values.

Bill 89 was introduced in the Ontario legislature just before Christmas break. It is entitled Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2016 and replaces the Child and Family Services Act dealing with child protection, foster care and adoption.


It appears to effectively give wide jurisdiction to the State to control the lives of children in the CAS, and in doing so, interfere with the parent/child relationship. This occurs by defining the “best interests of the child” so broadly as to include: the child’s physical, emotional, mental and developmental needs, as well as the child’s race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

That is, these broad sweeping provisions in the legislation make every family vulnerable to the removal of their children from their home on the basis of the ambiguous provisions listed in the bill as defined by the government, especially by regulations, which require no public debate or approval by the legislature.

For example, this proposed legislation permits the CAS to withdraw a child from its family if it is determined the child is likely to suffer emotional or mental harm, or for a parent’s failure to provide the child with services or treatment. If a child decides he/she is of a gender other than his/her biological gender, the parents are required by this legislation to provide transgender medical services to the child or risk the child being removed from the home.


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13 hours ago, Goddess said:

Hahaahaa, you can tell them anything you want.  But sooner or later they will find out the truth.  There is no god, no one gives a crap if you get a tattoo, eat lobster or get laid before marriage.  But I suspect you Christians already know that, since you get tattoos, eat lobster and get laid before marriage.

Are you gay?  What else should I ask?  I can't ask if by any chance you've skipped the med.......

It seems anything about gay issues - especially when it involves Christian doctrine on homosexuality, and even just by simply informing Robert about the existence of the thread  - is kinda like a humongous  trigger that sets you off like a geyser, spouting irrelevant statement.   

I kinda imagine you with a demented grin - drooling and foaming right now - as I read your post.  :)


So, it's just to let Robert know that not all conservatives are silent on homosexuality.  With me, it's about religion.   Nothing more.

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3 hours ago, betsy said:

This article is written to inflame.  Inflammatory languange in any article is a signal that its short on facts and seeks to mislead rather than inform.  

If you have a credible source that provides facts instead of manufactured outrage, please share.  Otherwise, continue being seen as gullible tool of someone else's agenda.

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5 hours ago, betsy said:

Are you gay? 

No, I'm not.  But I support the gay community.  

5 hours ago, betsy said:

It seems anything about gay issues - especially when it involves Christian doctrine on homosexuality, and even just by simply informing Robert about the existence of the thread  - is kinda like a humongous  trigger that sets you off like a geyser, spouting irrelevant statement.   

I kinda imagine you with a demented grin - drooling and foaming right now - as I read your post.  :)

That's funny, Betsy.  I haven't started ONE topic for or against homosexuality - but you start one almost weekly.  So I beg to differ on which of us is the one "drooling and foaming" at the mouth about homosexuality.



With me, it's about religion.   Nothing more.

Same for me.  :)

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On 6/11/2018 at 2:06 PM, Robert Greene said:

I don't care. It's people like you that enable the transsexual mass delusion amongst children. You call other people extremist, who raise these concerns, and you won't speak out against it, because you think it's perfectly fine. 100 years ago we didn't have hormones to turn boys into girls. Today we allow the government to let children mess themselves up. If any of you support this, you're sick. These kids couldn't get bullied, if we didn't allow for the sex change in the first place. Liberals enable this satanic crap.


Interesting. I haven't read this whole thread [going backwards] but though I disagree with you on this Robert, I get that there does seem to be a confusion about whether people are born as some gender or not . I think that this kid in this particular video may be 'fit' for transgender reassignment but that this CAN realistically be a function of HOW people are raised more than any actual genetic condition. It is Darwinian-fit that ONCE one is 'fit' (matched) to their environment, they CAN succeed in it. But there is a realistic concern if one interprets this fitness as 'appropriate' any more than better or less advanced by the confusion of the word 'fit' by Darwin that Herbert Spencer because it is, has, and will be used to also JUSTIFY bullying against those who are not gay but look it. After all, if one is 'born' gay, then there has to be a phenotype associated to the genes that indicate one's preferences of some such behavior so complex.

One can say that they were 'born' to love someone and should not be denied them because they in fact do so with clear enough determination that their apparently irrational choice being denied them by the one they obsessively love must be as a form of 'bullying' if they refuse to love them back!! 

Personally, CHOICE is perfectly fine with me. What irks me but gets overlooked is that many of the ones fighting to demand legal reforms basing it on 'genetic' arguments are actually just legal ways that attempt to alter the religions themselves through forceful laws. I say abandon the religious altogether instead. People have a right to choose their lifestyle. If the religions insist they CAN 'choose' their sexual preference and thus can be altered of their internal evil desires, I say AGREE......then send them to a camp to be converted or de-religionized. Let them then try to prove whether there is a Christian gene that makes them require believing in Jesus to qualify as being legitimately acceptable. 

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3 hours ago, Goddess said:


No, I'm not.  But I support the gay community.  

That's funny, Betsy.  I haven't started ONE topic for or against homosexuality - but you start one almost weekly.  So I beg to differ on which of us is the one "drooling and foaming" at the mouth about homosexuality.


Same for me.  :)


You lying now?

What weekly homosexuality topics have I started?   That's news to me.   Cite them!

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On 6/11/2018 at 3:05 PM, Robert Greene said:

If the perverts want to groom our kids and a young age, and you don't speak out, you're the extremist for not speaking out against their behavior.

I was no fan of the Wynne government, but had no issue with its sex-ed curriculum. I believe its intent was, at least in part, to give young people the knowledge they need to be able to identify and resist those who might try to exploit and groom them. Parents, as it turns out, aren't always very good at this. I don't know much about the transsexual issue but I don't believe liberals or activists (although I don't consider myself to be either) are trying to promote transsexuality. I think the intent is to let young people know that it's okay to be different. Is that really extremist?

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2 hours ago, betsy said:


You lying now?

What weekly homosexuality topics have I started?   That's news to me.   Cite them!

"Exaggeration for emphasis"

The point - which you conveniently dodged, as usual -  is that you are the one foaming at the mouth about homosexuals most often.

As a side point, I've noticed for many years now that the ones who foam at the mouth consistently about homosexuals often are the ones who are closet homosexuals and end up in the news for getting caught in....errr.....compromising positions.

So let me ask you, Betsy - are you gay?  Are you sure? :)

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

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On 6/11/2018 at 8:27 AM, Robert Greene said:

Let's do an experiment. Do any of you have concerns over this video? Am I aloud to post it? It shows nudity.


Some members here seem to feel that this is just oh so normal looking. This is liberalism for you. Go out there and create all the indecency and immorality that you can muster up. :rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, turningrite said:

I was no fan of the Wynne government, but had no issue with its sex-ed curriculum. I believe its intent was, at least in part, to give young people the knowledge they need to be able to identify and resist those who might try to exploit and groom them. Parents, as it turns out, aren't always very good at this. I don't know much about the transsexual issue but I don't believe liberals or activists (although I don't consider myself to be either) are trying to promote transsexuality. I think the intent is to let young people know that it's okay to be different. Is that really extremist?

I believe that the reason that parents are not as you said "very good at this" is because they probably find it offensive and a bit ridiculous to have to explain to their children some of the vulgar and perverted acts that the LGBT community try to foist on their children. Parents of children have a right to resist indecency and immorality. It's okay to be different as long as you do not try and push it on others. Forcing woman to have to go into the washroom with a man who wants to pretend to be a woman that day is trying to promote transism and should not be acceptable. There should be no teaching to young children that a man dressing up like a woman is quite okay. It's not normal to want to do so.

But that is just liberalism for you. Geez, that is to normal looking today, let's make it immoral looking tomorrow. Sad. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I believe that the reason that parents are not as you said "very good at this" is because they probably find it offensive and a bit ridiculous to have to explain to their children some of the vulgar and perverted acts that the LGBT community try to foist on their children. Parents of children have a right to resist indecency and immorality. It's okay to be different as long as you do not try and push it on others. Forcing woman to have to go into the washroom with a man who wants to pretend to be a woman that day is trying to promote transism and should not be acceptable. There should be no teaching to young children that a man dressing up like a woman is quite okay. It's not normal to want to do so.

But that is just liberalism for you. Geez, that is to normal looking today, let's make it immoral looking tomorrow. Sad. 

I believe homosexuality constituted a small aspect of the Wynne government's sex-ed program. And parents today can't stop their kids from seeing an awful of stuff on the internet whether or not it might be considered offensive. Isn't it better to address such materials in an environment where they can be discussed in an open and rational fashion? As I recall, a big focus of opposition to the curriculum emerged in religiously conservative immigrant communities, as I believe was noted during the debate. I think this illustrates a weakness in our multicultural model. And it brings to mind the tragic murder of dozens of people in Orlando Fl. by a young man many believe may have been motivated by a fundamental conflict between his sexual and cultural identities. Most in mainstream Western societies accept the science, which indicates the strong likelihood that sexual orientation is determined by biology and as such shouldn't be addressed as a moral issue. Even if one is religious, the facts suggest it IS part of God's plan. As I said previously, I know little about transsexuality, but there are likely young people out there who are gender conflicted, even if it's a tiny minority. Is it the role of the education system in a compassionate society to make them feel isolated or self-reproachful for having these feelings?

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12 hours ago, Goddess said:

"Exaggeration for emphasis"

The point - which you conveniently dodged, as usual -  is that you are the one foaming at the mouth about homosexuals most often.

As a side point, I've noticed for many years now that the ones who foam at the mouth consistently about homosexuals often are the ones who are closet homosexuals and end up in the news for getting caught in....errr.....compromising positions.

So let me ask you, Betsy - are you gay?  Are you sure? :)

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

never mind that "protest to much."  :rolleyes:   What sensible person wouldn't protest when you're trying to tarnish  with a lie?

You're making claims against me that you can't support!   You've made it up on the assumption that you wouldn't be challenged.  

Cite those topics which you said I've created weekly against homosexuality!  You can't.   Because what you said, is an outright lie.  The only recent titles I can remember about homosexuality is about that California Ruling (Baker), and Homosexuality according to the Bible.   I had to create the Bible thread on homosexuality since certain ignorant posters keep derailing any homosexuality discussions with ignorant claims about Christ teachings! 


Me-thinks you're a bold-faced liar.   :)   And, you're not even ashamed of it.   There!   That's a gauntlet thrown smack in your face.  Prove that you're not a liar.

  Cite the threads you referred to.





That's funny, Betsy.  I haven't started ONE topic for or against homosexuality - but you start one almost weekly.  So I beg to differ on which of us is the one "drooling and foaming" at the mouth about homosexuality.

Obviously, you are!   You are the one drooling and foaming - otherwise, we wouldn't be arguing about this right now!  Duh!


heck, all I did was explain to Greene that I have not been silent.   Do you read at all?  Here's the title of the thread!


Conservatives Silent on Homosexuality



I have to enlarge it.....just in case you're hard of seeing!   If you've got comprehension issues - which I think you do have - that, I can't help you with!


And yes, your response is more than just being a supporter of LGBTQ. You're being irrational.  You disrupt, and take the discussion on a personal level because you don't like it.  


  You're taking this personally, like as if we're poking at you!   You're overly sensitive - paranoid!   No one is poking at you! 


  This is a forum!   Don't try to stifle discussions on LGBTQ.    You don't have to read them. 

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