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Doug Ford - leader of Ontario PCs

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

It's funny that when someone is a liberal and runs for office they are never attacked and mocked and criticized for what they may have said or done in the past.

Uhh, Stephan Dion and Michael Ignatieff??? The media attacked and mocked them.

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Progressive Conservatives driving towards majority government, poll suggests

The Ontario election in June is “Doug Ford’s to lose,” according to the results of an exclusive poll. It also suggested Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals have less than half the number of “locked-in” voters as Ford.




Now, let's watch CBC and CTV nitpick and gloss over gaffes that'll be made by Ford - and yet they've been quiet all along about Wynne's deplorable divisive comment!



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Didn't Doug say he was going to sue the Globe and Mail for reporting he was a big hash dealer in the 80s, even though half his neighborhood confirmed he was a big hash dealer in the 80s? He wouldn't be someone who would blame the media or the police to try to distract from his own criminal activity, would he? Am I seeing a pattern?

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19 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Uhh, Stephan Dion and Michael Ignatieff??? The media attacked and mocked them.

Not before the election. They were the guys for the job with the liberal media. Conservative Doug is being attacked already while Wynne gets a pass for the bloody mess that she created for the taxpayer's of Ontario. Doug will be the one that will have to avoid the media and their attacks on him. 

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7 hours ago, betsy said:




Now, let's watch CBC and CTV nitpick and gloss over gaffes that'll be made by Ford - and yet they've been quiet all along about Wynne's deplorable divisive comment!



The liberal media party CBC/CTV/Global will be hounding Doug to death just like they did with his brother. Wynne will get an easy pass. No hard questions will be asked of her. 

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6 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Didn't Doug say he was going to sue the Globe and Mail for reporting he was a big hash dealer in the 80s, even though half his neighborhood confirmed he was a big hash dealer in the 80s? He wouldn't be someone who would blame the media or the police to try to distract from his own criminal activity, would he? Am I seeing a pattern?

If Doug were a big hash dealer did he ever get arrested for dealing in hash? If he were that big of a hash dealer one would think that Doug would be on the radar of the police. Even some of those late night talk show hosts like John Daly attacked and mocked Doug's brother over drugs. That alone tells me that Doug did not deal in hash. Those liberal hosts will attack anybody who is not of their liberal ilk to try and destroy them. As far as I am concerned those accusations are all made up lies by the lying liberal fake media. The only pattern you and me are seeing here is the typical liberal pattern of going out there and trying to destroy all things conservative. Liberals are such deplorable people. 

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There were way too many independently corroborated accounts for it to be fake. If it were fake, he would have sued them to clear his name like he promised he was going to do, not chickened out.

Your blaming of liberals and the media says more about you and your inability to accept facts you don't like. The G&M backed up their reporting with verifiable sources and facts. Why not just admit you don't care that he was once a drug dealer? Don't try to blame other people for his shortcomings. It just makes you look scared to face reality.

You (and Doug) are probably still blaming the Star reporters for reporting on his brother's crack tape. :lol: 

Edited by BubberMiley
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1 hour ago, taxme said:

The liberal media party CBC/CTV/Global will be hounding Doug to death just like they did with his brother. Wynne will get an easy pass. No hard questions will be asked of her. 

Doesn't the wise politician court the media to broaden their support? If you want to win votes, you first want to get the press on your side. 

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Doesn't the wise politician court the media to broaden their support? If you want to win votes, you first want to get the press on your side. 

It is for dam sure that no matter how much Doug tries to court the media it won't work. Doug will be the enemy and will not be getting the media party on his side for anything. All that Doug will get for his efforts are attacks and mockings from a bunch of media liars. The media today is an unreliable source for any kind of honest and truthful news. Just babble and lies. 

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On 3/21/2018 at 1:19 PM, BubberMiley said:

There were way too many independently corroborated accounts for it to be fake. If it were fake, he would have sued them to clear his name like he promised he was going to do, not chickened out.

Your blaming of liberals and the media says more about you and your inability to accept facts you don't like. The G&M backed up their reporting with verifiable sources and facts. Why not just admit you don't care that he was once a drug dealer? Don't try to blame other people for his shortcomings. It just makes you look scared to face reality.

You (and Doug) are probably still blaming the Star reporters for reporting on his brother's crack tape. :lol: 

1. Probably people who hated Ford's guts. If I hated your guts bad enough, I would probably want to do or say anything that would make you look bad. Maybe there was no one to sue because the story ended up being all hearsay. If Ford were a big dealer in hash then why has he not gone to jail yet? And why would the conservative party want to  have anything to do with him at all if Ford were a hash dealer? The lying fake and phony liberal media would go after Ford like a cat after a rat and jump all over it if the story were true. It always amazes me as to why people will just about believe everything that the liberal media tells them? The media says the guy/gal is a bad person and the people will eat it up like cake. They will no doubt try and fine out for themselves as to whether the story is true or not. Most Canadians are too lazy and naive to look into anything told to them by the government or the liberal media. They have this attitude that they don't want to get involved. Cowards or scaredy cats. 

2. And why are you so ready and able to accept "facts" that may just be lies? Do you know Doug Ford personally? So, because the liberal media says that what they are reporting are "facts" and that I am just suppose to just go along with what the media says without questioning it first? Again, why is Doug not been put in jail yet if he were the big drug dealer that you say he and the G&M say that he is? Why would the conservative party appoint him as their leader if he were a big time drug dealer? Please explain that one to me? I don't think that would go well with the people of Ontario if they knew that Doug was a big time drug dealer, would it? It is not me that has to face reality. It looks more to me that you do not want to face facts and reality. 

The Star is not a rag that I would want to touch with a twenty foot pole. It is a liberal/communist rag that should only be used for the cats litter box. Just saying. :D


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You can't charge someone with drug dealing based on dozens of people saying you sold them drugs 30 years ago. You can, however, believe that he was a drug dealer based on that.

But so what? It shows his entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risks. It was also a youthful indiscretion. So it's nothing to make yourself look ridiculous over, denying the obvious.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

Bah. That's the least of my problems with Doug Ford. Blaming and attacking the media for reporting on seeing his brother's crack tape was far worse than selling people a product they want.

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17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

Hey now  One is not guilty until proven guilty. Kadr was no terrorist or criminal for that reason. So using that  reasoning one cannot say such things about the Big D. Now one last thing. If he was a drug dealer (which no doubt he was) isn't it ironic if Wynne or any  Liberal opens their mouth about the big D selling cannabis, they explain why they are all for legal sales of it.  So it seems that topic is self-defeating for anyone trying to turn it into a moral righteous attack  against Big D

Yes it is kind of ironic they threw out Pat Brown with allegations of sexual immorality and then they put in someone who sold drugs illegally and enabled his bro's addiction, yah, true but I doubt anyone is gonna touch the hash issue for the reasons I said-it will blow up in their face  given all 3 parties want dope sold in Ontario. As for his municipal politics role as a bully and enabler of his brother, I note the press  has stayed away from it. Naively I thought his municipal role would have tainted him but he seems to be riding a get Wynne out wave that will pretty much put up with anyone other than the NDP and LIberal leaders.

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17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

He was arguably a criminal 30 years ago. Is here any evidence he's sold drugs lately? And isn't the Ontario government about to get into the business of selling drugs for profit?


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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Although you would have had to be the kind of guy who is comfortable doing lots of illegal business with bikers to be a weed dealer in the 1980s. 

I know a woman who was a skinhead working in a travelling carnival and living with a coke addict twice her age when she was young. She did some stripping too. Now she's a respected, married middle-manager with the government and has two kids. 

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7 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Somehow I don't think Ford has grown as a person, given his more recent behaviour.

Maybe not but he's all we've got so we'll have to see. Hard to imagine him doing worse than Wynne and McGuinty.

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23 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

You can't charge someone with drug dealing based on dozens of people saying you sold them drugs 30 years ago. You can, however, believe that he was a drug dealer based on that.

But so what? It shows his entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risks. It was also a youthful indiscretion. So it's nothing to make yourself look ridiculous over, denying the obvious.

So, if the liberal media or whomever says that Doug was dealing in drugs 30 years ago, why is it being brought up now that Doug is running for premier after all these years? "Saying" or hearsay what someone said about what someone did 30 years ago does not mean that they did sell drugs 30 years ago. The liberal media despises Doug because he is no friend of their's. Doug won't play or go along with their liberal lies and media bull chit. 

Maybe it is you who is being led down the prickly patch and who is being fed lies and being made to look ridiculous into believing that Doug was at all dealing in drugs. If Doug were running for the liberal party for premier drugs would never come up. Think about that for awhile. 

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23 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

So, Doug is a criminal, eh? What charges has Doug been charged with that has made him a criminal and has given him a criminal record?   Just curious.  

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On 3/23/2018 at 3:36 PM, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

I see that you just got me banned for a week on that other website that you frequent also, eh?  I guess that it just shows that you do not believe that I have a right to my own opinions and points of view that conflict with yours, eh? Sad indeed. 

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On 3/23/2018 at 6:36 PM, Michael Hardner said:

He's a criminal.  The one thing PCs held on to against the Liberals was their moral high ground.  That was arguable, until now.

Too funny (in a sad way).  There really is NO moral "high" ground in politics today - only a question of how low a party or leader can sink. Witnessing the Liberals fiscally disastrous last 10 years and their frantic efforts to buy the upcoming election on the back of yet more debt is a testament to the depths that these Liberal rascals can stoop to. Add that to the overt lies that catapulted the fresh, new "transparent" Trudeau government to power and Doug Ford is looking like a breath of fresh air.

By the way - there's been a lot of speculation and second-hand information that Ford was somehow involved in dealing hash 30 years ago - but the fact is, he was never even charged with anything, let alone being accused of being a criminal.

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1 minute ago, Centerpiece said:

1. Doug Ford is looking like a breath of fresh air.

2. By the way - there's been a lot of speculation and second-hand information that Ford was somehow involved in dealing hash 30 years ago - but the fact is, he was never even charged with anything, let alone being accused of being a criminal.

1. Actually, I think a little of the very-old-way-of-business a la Bill Davis would go a long way right now.  Scandalous populists are bullshit, IMO.  John Tory is polling at 70% in Toronto, and 65% among provincial NDP voters.  He's in his 60s which is pretty fresh.

2. Wasn't he a young offender at the time ?

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Actually, I think a little of the very-old-way-of-business a la Bill Davis would go a long way right now.  Scandalous populists are bullshit, IMO.  John Tory is polling at 70% in Toronto, and 65% among provincial NDP voters.  He's in his 60s which is pretty fresh.

And yet he got hammered by the Liberals. Wasn't he the guy who proposed funding Muslim schools? Which let the Liberals run a 'scary Muslim' campaign which the Left completely accepted?

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