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Doug Ford - leader of Ontario PCs

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Yes it's true, none of the options are very good, and this probably benefits Ford. Hard to say at this point whether a Ford premiership will be good for Ontarians or not, we don't know yet what his political platform will be. Not that it matters much, they do what they want once they get in power. We live in times when a politician's personality matters foremost, not the platform they represent.

Sadly so yes.

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On 3/16/2018 at 12:21 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

My money is slowly drifting toward Sheer. I expect JT will enact the carbon pricing on resistant provinces in Sept. Ford may bluster, but by the time Sheer takes office, I don't think he will reverse it. It will be something he can hammer the grits with for a while. Remember how the GST was going to be reversed after the election?

I think you are right but I hope you are wrong.

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On 3/16/2018 at 11:21 AM, Centerpiece said:

That will be interesting. There is a federal election next year. There is a good chance that Jason Kenney will be Premier of Alberta and Ford will be Premier of Ontario. They will both strongly oppose Carbon Taxes - along with Saskatchewan. Let's see what happens when Trudeau tries to IMPOSE a carbon tax on Ontario while trying to win Ontario's votes. And make no mistake, Ford will make it clear that's what Trudeau will try to do. In my opinion, that's the elephant in the room - either way, Trudeau will lose a lot of seats in Ontario if Ford gets in. If Trudeau imposes the tax, he'll lose. If he tries to walk away from it, his track record of lies will bite him. Interesting indeed.

Very good point and I think the above is inevitable and we will see that troika cause Justin a very hard time splintering the country like it was when his father (no not Fidel the other "father" Pierre) was Prime Minister.

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3 hours ago, capricorn said:

I heard an interesting take on the comparison made between Trump and Ford. The pundit said the more outrageous are the actions of President Trump, the more moderate Ford looks. I agree with that observation.

More importantly, Ford appeals to ethnics, and most of the ethnics in Canada come from patriarchal societies. A 'strong man" who unapologetically stands up for 'values' and wants to cut back spending is going to strongly appeal to the mass of them which lives in the 905 area code around Toronto.

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On 3/10/2018 at 9:10 PM, ?Impact said:

It looks like it is official, Doug Ford is now the leader of the Ontario PCs. He had the worst attendance record of any City of Toronto councilor, and the city integrity commissioner found he broke the city council code of conduct in his business dealings with two of customers of Deco labels. The biggest point however will be his past as a drug dealer. According to John Stackhouse, editor of the Globe and Mail which broke the story in 2013, their investigation took 18 months before publication. Reporters were sent back multiple times to corroborate details and further authenticate information provided in previous interviews. More than 100 people were approached. Many refused comment. Many referred to second-hand information about the Fords’ role in the illegal drug trade. The reporters searched only for people with direct knowledge – those who had purchased hashish from Doug Ford, supplied him with hashish or witnessed him possessing large amounts of the drug. Eventually, the reporters located and interviewed 10 people who said they had such knowledge.

No doubt a bunch of paid off liars. If Ford were that bad and was into dealing in drugs than why have the leftist liberal media already not make a big deal out of it? If the story were true there is no way that Ford would have become the leader of the party. It amazes me as to how many people will believe anything that the leftist liberal fake Canadian media will tell them. Even his brother helped many people in some poor areas get into sports and get them off the streets. What the hell did Wynne ever do for society that got her elected? She got the leadership and the premiers job because of her probably being a woman and a lesbian. Otherwise what other traits did she have that were all that great except for also being politically correct? 

The Premier of Ontario Wynne goes into a mosque and allows herself to be made to look and be treated like a fool. Personally, she is one classless politically correct puppet on a string politician. But hey, she is the people's choice. Sad indeed. 


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On 3/13/2018 at 5:01 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

Ford's considerable task is to stay upright, act normal and avoid unseemly squabbles with journalists. 

Just like the leftist liberal media attacked and mocked his brother so will Doug be hounded by them also. And the sad part is that most people of Ontario will believe what the fake media will tell them about Ford. The fake liberal media does not want a conservative kind of guy like Doug in power. People like Wynne is their choice for the job. 

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On 3/11/2018 at 1:55 AM, betsy said:

Remember all the negative things they said about Trump?


Congratulations, Doug Ford.

And the fake and phony lying media are still hard at it trying to make Trump look like he was Satan's right hand man. I always say Betsy that when the media attacks someone constantly and tries to make them out to be real bad people than that is the person people should be listening to. Doug is going to be attacked by the media constantly, especially the CBC, and this is the guy people should be listening to not the CBC. 

Indeed,  good luck Ford,  you have one hell of a task ahead of yourself in trying to deal with this gang of leftist liberal media hounds.  

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On 3/11/2018 at 6:07 AM, BubberMiley said:

It's impressive that Ontario Conservatives would elect someone who, rather than get his brother the help he needed, instead attacked the people who said they saw the video of him smoking crack and called them liars. He didn't care about Toronto, he didn't care about his brother, and he only cared about power. At what point did the conservative movement become overtaken by so many people of such low character that they consistently elect pieces of shit to represent them?

I didn't think it was possible that Wynne would get four more years. Now it seems very, very likely. 

I guess the same could be said that "at what point did the liberal movement become so overtaken by so many people of such low character that they consistently elect pieces of shit like Wynne to represent them". 

If Wynne gets back her job after the election than the people of Ontario deserve all the shit that the liberals can pile up and get thrown at them. I hope that the people of Ontario are not going to be that stupid enough to want to have that fool around for another term a woman who has destroyed just about all things decent and moral that once was Ontario. And how much more gender crap are people going to put up with? Cannot the moral and decent people of Ontario see what Wynne and the leftist politically correct liberals have done to Ontario for decades now. How much more butt kicking are the people of Ontario going to take from those liberal fools before they finally start to wake the hell up and start using some common sense and logic for a change? 

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On 3/11/2018 at 9:01 AM, Argus said:

I would have voted for Mulroney, or barring her Elliott. But Ford is what we've got (sigh). 

What I like about Ford:

He's brash, plain spoken, doesn't talk down to people, and seems to have that 'common touch' that most politicians can't find with a barge pole.

What I don't like about Ford:

He's an idiot. Okay, that's maybe harsh. He doesn't seem to be as dumb as Trump but he's thin skinned and doesn't doesn't have much knowledge about how government works, nor much ambition to learn.  He says stupid things because he doesn't do his research and talks off the top of his head. His very big fat head.

In the end I will certainly vote for the PCs. Because it's really hard to see how Ford could do worse than Wynne and McGuinty, who have screwed up just about every damned file from roads and highways to energy to health care, to the environment and business.

You must be also talking about the 99% of Canadians who also do not have any kind of knowledge as to how government works, nor the ambition to learn anything about government. The only time Canadians ever get involved with politics is on voting day. After that it's off to the mall or some tea cup party or sports event.  

Maybe what Canadians need is less government. With all the bureaucracies and all the other involvements that the government is in it is no wonder that it is so hard to keep up with politics and what our bureaucrats and politicians are doing. The bigger the government the more confused the people become. 

What Canada needs is a Trump. What Canadians have been getting for decades now have been nothing more than a bunch of cheats, thieves and liars who have no interest in Canada. Their only interests it would appear is what will be good for them in the end. Trump wants less regulations, less taxes while our Canadian politicians want more government and more taxes. For me that is not the sign of someone who is "dumb" but someone who shows he has smarts and wants to help his people get rid of big government and off their backs. Ford could be that man. Only time will time. 

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19 hours ago, taxme said:

Just like the leftist liberal media attacked and mocked his brother so will Doug be hounded by them also. And the sad part is that most people of Ontario will believe what the fake media will tell them about Ford. The fake liberal media does not want a conservative kind of guy like Doug in power. People like Wynne is their choice for the job. 

Ford’s problems go beyond policies. He has to demonstrate a new level of personal maturity in this campaign. 

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19 hours ago, taxme said:

I always say Betsy that when the media attacks someone constantly and tries to make them out to be real bad people than that is the person people should be listening to.

So, since the media doesn't attack you and make the false claim you are a bad person, we shouldn't be listening to you? ;)

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

So, since the media doesn't attack you and make the false claim you are a bad person, we shouldn't be listening to you? ;)

That doesn't follow.  What does follow is that the media will not attack "real bad people".  If you follow how they covered the racist marchers last summer, you can come to the conclusion that truth tellers do: the racist marchers were some very fine people.

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6 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Ford’s problems go beyond policies. He has to demonstrate a new level of personal maturity in this campaign. 

You're beating the wrong drum. Like with Trump - but not LIKE Trump - a growing sector of the public is sick and tired of the politically correct drivel that comes out of the mouths of people like Wynne and Trudeau. Ford has the common-man skill of keeping things simple - and repeating 3 or 4 things that connect with people. When pressed on where he would find "efficiencies" - he said he'd find 4 cents on the dollar. People can relate to that - it's simple - and they can imagine doing that with their own budgets. The more the Liberals gang up with personal attacks - the more his simple approach will ring true. The high-brow crowd will never understand - but just watch it unfold. 















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 ...a growing sector of the public is sick and tired of the politically correct drivel that comes out of the mouths of people like Wynne and Trudeau. Ford has the common-man skill of keeping things simple - and repeating 3 or 4 things that connect with people.

I think a fair trade off would be to push discussion of social politics out of the public sphere.  I don't see what purpose it serves anyway, as there's no "debate" to be had.  These are values that people either have or they don't.  

So one side doesn't get to tout their moral superiority, and the other side shuts up about their outrage over values that most people have anyway.  Then we can go on to discuss things that are truly not discussed enough, such as economic restructuring.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same. Mike Harris came to power with two landslide majorities on the heels of  David Peterson and Bob Rae's disastrous terms that spiraled Ontario into a deficit/debt crisis that arguably was even worse than today. Much the same medicine - certainly the same fiscal mindset - will be needed to get Ontario back on track. Harris ultimately failed because after getting the books in order, he could not bring himself to move towards Compassionate Conservatism - maintaining fiscal responsibility in order to provide efficient services and look after the most vulnerable . So his legacy was a mixed bag of important accomplishments and residual pain.

Lets hope that Doug Ford can learn from history.



Mr. Harris's greatest contribution to political life has been to crack the mindset too many Ontarians had of entitlement and limitless public resources. He has taken an axe to the fiscal deficit. He has been prepared to suffer the opposition of many to create a more accountable and cost-efficient public sector for all. 

But he will also be remembered for the discord his government fed -- urban against rural, haves against have-nots, public schools against private -- and for the scorn with which he treated dissent, making politics a meaner place. That is the legacy he did not speak of yesterday.

In 1995, the Ontario voters, having tried David Peterson's spendthrift Liberals and Bob Rae's nanny-state New Democrats and found both wanting, turned to Mr. Harris's Conservatives. Although the party was an unknown force -- the Tories had fallen far since the heady days under Bill Davis in the 1970s and 80s -- Mr. Harris and those around him devised a radical strategy. They would tell voters what they planned to do if elected, and, once elected, would keep their promises.


Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/mike-harriss-legacy/article763723/

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On 2018-03-18 at 9:01 PM, Centerpiece said:

You're beating the wrong drum. Like with Trump - but not LIKE Trump - a growing sector of the public is sick and tired of the politically correct drivel that comes out of the mouths of people like Wynne and Trudeau. Ford has the common-man skill of keeping things simple - and repeating 3 or 4 things that connect with people. When pressed on where he would find "efficiencies" - he said he'd find 4 cents on the dollar. People can relate to that - it's simple - and they can imagine doing that with their own budgets. The more the Liberals gang up with personal attacks - the more his simple approach will ring true. The high-brow crowd will never understand - but just watch it unfold. 















Any candidate for high office has to expect some scrutiny. That’s not ganging up on Ford. Some of the remarks in that interview were childish. His solutions sounded simplistic rather than simple and this rich ‘common man’ has had a lot of time to prepare them. 

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Seen wynne being interviewed and the reporter ask her why are you running when everyone wants you gone. Her answer, I am doing it for the people and families. She is so out to lunch. And ford is not trump or his brother, he is not stupid either. He will do well, but the attacks on him are going to be relentless and paid for by foreign money. Welcome top ONT politics.

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It is refreshing to see an election where voters have a clear choice. It appears that, rather than a bidding war like we had between Premier Devine and Roy Romanow, Premier Wynne and Mr. Ford will present a real choice between the styles of government. As H.L. Menken said, Democracy is the philosophy that people should get the government they want...good and hard.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

It is refreshing to see an election where voters have a clear choice. It appears that, rather than a bidding war like we had between Premier Devine and Roy Romanow, Premier Wynne and Mr. Ford will present a real choice between the styles of government. As H.L. Menken said, Democracy is the philosophy that people should get the government they want...good and hard.

Deserve to get it good and hard. He was scathing about democracy:


Look at the second last one on that list.


Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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On 3/18/2018 at 10:31 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

So, since the media doesn't attack you and make the false claim you are a bad person, we shouldn't be listening to you? ;)

Well, they have not attacked me yet. But if I were to get involved in politics and say run for office somewhere the left wing liberal media will be looking into my past to see what they can nail this conservative on. It's funny that when someone is a liberal and runs for office they are never attacked and mocked and criticized for what they may have said or done in the past. Only conservative minded people get the scrutiny. You do not have to listen to me at all but try listening to some of the many websites that I have mentioned here and listen to what they have to say. They won't bite you for doing so. They do have something to offer that does fill the void with much more common sense and logic than what most liberal websites will. They mostly live on emotional and silly talk and lies. But hey, that is up to you. 

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19 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Any candidate for high office has to expect some scrutiny. That’s not ganging up on Ford. Some of the remarks in that interview were childish. His solutions sounded simplistic rather than simple and this rich ‘common man’ has had a lot of time to prepare them. 

It will be Ford who will be scrutinized and ganged up on, not Wynne. Wynne made a mess of Ontario and put that province into billions more of debt. But that will never be mentioned by the liberal media. Wynne is the darling of the elite liberal establishment and it is this liberal elite that pretty much owns all of the Ontario and Canadian left wing media. The CBC will try and crucify Doug at every moment that they can. Doug will cough at an interview and he will probably be accused of trying to spread his cold onto others. Doug is for the common man. The liberals appear to be more for the elite. Just saying. 

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5 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Deserve to get it good and hard. He was scathing about democracy:


Look at the second last one on that list.


Government "IS" the problem, never the solution. This is quite evident all over the world. The politicians have been allowed to take the power away from the people to be kept in and under their control. The sheeple are the slaves, the politicians are now the masters. This needs to change if we are ever going to have a fair and decent and moral world without poverty, hunger and wars. This is why Canada needs to implement Citizen Initiated Referendums, the Right to Recall like they have it in Switzerland and many American states. Politicians need to be told as to who really is the boss around here. 

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7 hours ago, PIK said:

Seen wynne being interviewed and the reporter ask her why are you running when everyone wants you gone. Her answer, I am doing it for the people and families. She is so out to lunch. And ford is not trump or his brother, he is not stupid either. He will do well, but the attacks on him are going to be relentless and paid for by foreign money. Welcome top ONT politics.

Liberals try and destroy people and families, not prop them up. Liberalism is anti-people and anti-family as far as I am concerned. Why do people still vote and support liberalism is beyond me. They have shown us for decades that they do not have a clue as to what they are doing. Sad indeed. 

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