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Iran needs some democracy


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2 hours ago, marcus said:

John Bolton would agree with you.

Yes while standing outside the fire and witnessing your beloved ones burning in fire and asking them not to try to escape the fire or don't try to rescue them by any means until the fire fighters arrive and hence wait out till they burn alive in fire. Or alternatively rescue them by any means available even if it may result in injuries to the beloved ones before they burn to death in fire. This latter case in my position and the former is your position. Long live the Aryan nation.  Death to the enemies of Iran and enemies of Iranians.

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7 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes while standing outside the fire and witnessing your beloved ones burning in fire and asking them not to try to escape the fire or don't try to rescue them by any means until the fire fighters arrive and hence wait out till they burn alive in fire. Or alternatively rescue them by any means available even if it may result in injuries to the beloved ones before they burn to death in fire. This latter case in my position and the former is your position. Long live the Aryan nation.  Death to the enemies of Iran and enemies of Iranians.

Yes. It's bad. It needs to change, but your analogy does not match reality. Another over the top exaggeration, while in the other breath, you advocate the change "at any means". 

For a nationalistic Iranian, you sure don't have much faith in the Iranian people to make the change from within. That's your first mistake. Your second mistake is you downplay the potential for a war and full on destruction, despite what we have witnessed the U.S. and their allies do in the region in the past 60+ years.

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3 hours ago, marcus said:

Yes. It's bad. It needs to change, but your analogy does not match reality. Another over the top exaggeration, while in the other breath, you advocate the change "at any means". 

For a nationalistic Iranian, you sure don't have much faith in the Iranian people to make the change from within. That's your first mistake. Your second mistake is you downplay the potential for a war and full on destruction, despite what we have witnessed the U.S. and their allies do in the region in the past 60+ years.

It is not the Iranian people it is the regime TOO damn brutal. Iranian people tried to changed from within in 2009 in a peaceful manner and the result was many deaths and tortures and rapes in jail by the regime as regime thugs attacked people by knives, chains and clubs and guns. Remember Neda, God bless her soul? Iranian people need all the help they can get as they are under brutal occupation much worse than the enemies past 25 centuries.

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New Anti-regime demonstrations continued and the hated mullah flees for his life. While the crowd shouts the popular slogan:

Our enemy is right here. They lie and say it is America.


Meanwhile brave women of Iran fight back against the regime arrest of a teenage girl for simple dancing. The women are now dancing all over Iran in response and put their videos on social media.


Also more crack down on minorities in Iran and many arrested in province of Azarbayejan for opposition to regime....


This will lead to total disintegration of Iran as minorities in spite of their shared history and traditions will be fed up soon with remaining in Iran if the regime stays in power longer.


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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It is not the Iranian people it is the regime TOO damn brutal. Iranian people tried to changed from within in 2009 in a peaceful manner and the result was many deaths and tortures and rapes in jail by the regime as regime thugs attacked people by knives, chains and clubs and guns. Remember Neda, God bless her soul? Iranian people need all the help they can get as they are under brutal occupation much worse than the enemies past 25 centuries.

So why did the USA not step in there? They've gone into nations for less important reasons (mostly lies instead of reasons but whatever) and the results have not been good.

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On 1/2/2018 at 8:35 PM, GostHacked said:

Hey USA, UN et al,  DON'T turn Iran into the failed Iraq.   That is all.


So lots of protests and people getting killed, my timeline is 6 months before they get some 'democracy and freedom'.  What say you?



Hmm foreign entities causing trouble for Iran? Let's hope this ain't more fake news!

It's been almost 6 months now. 

I don't think Trump will enforce democracy on anyone.   That's not his plan.

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

It's been almost 6 months now. 

I don't think Trump will enforce democracy on anyone.   That's not his plan.

It's not his plan, but it is the Pentagon's plan. That much I am sure of.  Trump is simply another puppet in the White House, and like other POTUS before him, he will be told what nations will need 'democracy'. Iran has been on their radar for a long time, and the focus has not moved. Time will prove me right.

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Backlash against the regime on arresting a teenage girl who danced in HER bedroom.


A regime who ignores and likely encourages public thefts and widespread corruptions (all done by regime insiders or supporters) and nobody has yet charged with any of those majors offenses (public theft and corruptions) and a regime who ignores mass rapes of girls and women in Iranshar in Baluchestan province (because it was carried out by sepah and basij)  and tries to cover up the crimes and then same regime who goes after a teenage girl who dances innocently in the privacy of her bedroom and arrests her!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of regime would do all these? And who or what type of people (or prostitute governments in EU) would support this kind of regime or promote this regime by falsely blaming the mass dissatisfaction and oppositions on actions by US or CIA? A regime who shoots people who ask for clean water and shoots those who oppose them in slightest manner or kidnape and jail, kill and rape them after mass arrests? Who will support any of these by trying to distort the facts as they really are. Yes to enemies of Iran it is always the US of A trying to change the regime and not Iranian people.

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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

So why did the USA not step in there? They've gone into nations for less important reasons (mostly lies instead of reasons but whatever) and the results have not been good.

Because a fuckhead called Obama was the president who shock hands with the devil instead of siding with Iranian people. Same as Carter the peanut brain in 1979. Democrat cowards. Trump will change all that.

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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Because a fuckhead called Obama was the president who shock hands with the devil instead of siding with Iranian people. Same as Carter the peanut brain in 1979. Democrat cowards. Trump will change all that.

Well I'll give Trump a chance, but I think yer gonna be disappointment with the results.

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Because a fuckhead called Obama was the president who shock hands with the devil instead of siding with Iranian people. Same as Carter the peanut brain in 1979. Democrat cowards. Trump will change all that.

You don't speak for Iranian people.

Majority of Iranians were happy about the nuclear deal.


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On 7/9/2018 at 12:19 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Backlash against the regime on arresting a teenage girl who danced in HER bedroom.


This is terrible. She is a popular instagram vloger. A beautiful dancer and a talented gymnast. Hopefully this will be more motivation for the people to rise against tyranny. I feel that these extremists are coming close to the end of their power. They're losing control. The boiling point within the Iranian people has been reached! 


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1 hour ago, Hudson Jones said:

You don't speak for Iranian people.

Majority of Iranians were happy about the nuclear deal.

No, you don't speak for Iranian people. 

I was talking about the 2009 mass uprising and the regime's massive crack down by mercenary thugs when many hundreds were killed and thousands jails and many raped in jails not nuclear deal!!!!!!!.

Yes majority of Iranians were also happy about the islamic COUP in 1979 too at the time and now the sons and daughters of same fools curse their parents for raising their hands and shouting slogans against the Shah in 1979.

It shows how little you know about Iranian politics. After living 4 decades under tyranny and extreme repression and absolute isolation and poverty Iranian people were hopeful at the time that maybe with the nuclear deal isolation and sanction ends and eventually the regime opens up the world and reforms and their economic and social lives gets better and were optimistic with caution and started celebrating the deal initially at the time especially with election of someone who pretented to be reformist (after thousands of those who were even in the slightest manner may have been not fully supportive of hardliners in the regime) but soon after they found out that AS USUAL with this regime who lies and plays political games they realized all promises were gone and whatever money came out of tje deal and end of sanctions were stolen by the regime insiders or given away to Arab terrorists like Assad and Hezbolah oor Houties and the masses of people remain poor and became even poorer. Then they realized that this regime is not reformable and in no bloody way they would open up to the world and end Iran's isolation as the survival of the regime is their ONLY goal and the well being of the nation and national interest is the least and last on their mind as they only feed on hate and war and survive with extreme repression and isolation and hence will never end either or they will be toppled.


Hopefully this will be more motivation for the people to rise against tyranny. I feel that these extremists are coming close to the end of their power. They're losing control. The boiling point within the Iranian people has been reached! 

But here you do speak for Iranian people.

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Iranian woman sentenced to 20 years in jail just for removing her imposed forced hijab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Another reason out of millions of State of absolute dictatorship which must come to an end by ANY MEANS.



Actually she was given two years jail sentence and 18 years on probation for protesting the mandatory veil requirements earlier this year. Nevertheless it’s very sad news....


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5 hours ago, kactus said:


Actually she was given two years jail sentence and 18 years on probation for protesting the mandatory veil requirements earlier this year. Nevertheless it’s very sad news....


How low these mullah cockroaches can go (I apologize to cockroaches for insulting them by resembling them to mullahs).

They made the teenage girl to cry on public TV admitting that dancing is a crime!!!!!


The US must bring back sanctions on the IRIB (mouthpiece of fascist regime) immediately where so much crimes and acts of terror are being committed.


Regime change by ANY MEANS.

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On 7/9/2018 at 7:08 PM, Hudson Jones said:

 They're losing control. The boiling point within the Iranian people has been reached! 

Yes when the nation they are repressing is so boldly and couragously mocking the idiot ruling cleric on social media so publically in spite of all threats and extreme measures to repress they are utilizing then yes they must be losing control and I hope that they will be soon losing their heads too separated from their dirty necks.


Iranians are protesting and mocking clerical rulers on social media after the arrest of a teenage girl for posting videos of herself dancing on Instagram.

Iranian authorities may have intended her arrest as a warning to the public, but it has also inspired an outpouring of support from Iranians, many of whom use the hashtag, #dancingisnotacrime. Women posted videos of themselves dancing, or wrote messages in support of Hojabri.The Times reported on the thousands of online protests:

criticism was sharp and bold. 'In this land corruption, rape or being a big thief, animal or child abuser, not having any dignity, is not a crime,' Roya Mirelmi, an actress, wrote under a picture she posted of Ms. Hojabri that got 14,133 likes. 'But in my motherland, having a beautiful smile, being happy and feeling good is not only a crime but a cardinal sin.'"


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Love this post by Dr. Golbarg Bashi.

There are a myriad of problems in Iran and no one knows about them better than those paying the price for trying to eradicate them within Iran. These problems range between extreme poverty, chronic unemployment, suffocating pollution, lack of water, street children, prostitution, political corruption and tyranny, inhuman, degrading treatment and punishment of prisoners, capital punishment, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, race and overt gender apartheid in family and criminal law. I am aghast at the fact that Orientalism's greatest fascination, preoccupation with women's bodies has become the focus of now progressive media's attention on Iran (even in the age of Trump). Women's right to dress is among the many, many problems facing Iranians once their bellies are full, they are breathing relative fresh air, have access to health care etc etc. And they themselves are fighting for gaining this right among the many others since the mid 19th century CE. So if you think charlatans “fighting” from behind their laptops, funded by the U.S. government, making grand gestures of bravado (oh wow, look at my hair) is something to celebrate, report on…then be my guest. Iranian and American labor unions, women's rights activists, lawyers, millions of girls working the streets in Iran, they all thank you very much. They are surely waiting for you to report on their country in the same outlets that used the legitimate cause of women's rights to wage war on Afghanistan and Iraq. They'll be sending their special thanks for the bombs that are yet to liberate them and "re-build" their nation from their ashes, just like in neighboring Iraq...

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On 7/9/2018 at 10:33 AM, betsy said:

It's been almost 6 months now. 

I don't think Trump will enforce democracy on anyone.   That's not his plan.

You are right, it is not Trump's plan. It is the military's plan. And that is all that matters.

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13 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It's sad when women participate in their own oppression.

I related a story here once from a friend of mine in Canada who worked with a lot of hijab'ed ladies.  One didn't wear the hijab (she had to pray an extra 5 times a day to make up for her sin of "vanity") and my friend supported her when all the other hijab'ed ladies in the office harrassed her daily for not wearing it.  I was told here that my friend is a liar and Muslim women don't do this to each other because it's a "choice". 

But they do.  And they do it here in Canada, too.

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When it comes to violence Iran regime (islamic Republic) don't discriminate based on Gender!!!!!!


Only when it comes to rights and equality.

So sad that a nation who brought in the very first Charter of Human riights 2500 years ago and whose culture was based on Zoroastrian belief of good deeds, good thoughts and good words must be now under occupation by the worst violators of human rights in the world.

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20 hours ago, Goddess said:

It's sad when women participate in their own oppression.

I related a story here once from a friend of mine in Canada who worked with a lot of hijab'ed ladies.  One didn't wear the hijab (she had to pray an extra 5 times a day to make up for her sin of "vanity") and my friend supported her when all the other hijab'ed ladies in the office harrassed her daily for not wearing it.  I was told here that my friend is a liar and Muslim women don't do this to each other because it's a "choice". 

But they do.  And they do it here in Canada, too.

I agree with everything you said here except that in Iran women have no choice but to wear this piece of garment or face punishment by those who set the rules. I don’t want to get into semantics of defining this as a cult vs. Islam that adheres such doctrines. I don’t want to offend anyone either. However, can only rationalise such behaviour by these women as being “brainwashed” to punish Iranian women who do not agree to such strict dress codes. Resentment of such doctrines is what an imported religion has achieved over the last 40 years.

I do not think the comparison to Canada is justified since in Canada and other  western countries women have a choice on what to wear. Sadly, In Iran under this barbaric regime that won’t be the case...

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11 minutes ago, kactus said:

But can only rationalise such behaviour by these women as being “brainwashed” to punish those who do not ahere to such strict dress codes. Resentment is what an imported religion upon Iranian has achieved over the last 40 years.

Or more likely paid female mercenaries who are paid to carry out the repressive measures by the evil regime against their own gender,  which can only survive longer by extreme repressive measures, terror and intimidations. Most of the (male) basijis or revolutionary guards are not brainwashed either but paid mercenaries too.

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