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Global Non-Military Islamic Jihad and Canada


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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

What term do you think people would use to describe you if the content of your steaming piles were about Zionism - is this a religio-political ideology that also has nothing to do with race?

I'm sorry I don't know anything about "Zionism" - and neither does the OP have anything to do with Zionism. The OP is about Islam as a religio-political institution. Why do you insist on trying to make everything about race? Stop trying to play the race card where it doesn't apply, and stop trying to bring in institutions such as "Zionism" which has nothing to do with the topic. You're rather pathetic for doing so - enough with the race already.

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11 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

I'm sorry I don't know anything about "Zionism" - and neither does the OP have anything to do with Zionism.

I also know very little about Zionism but I have no doubt whatsoever what millions upon millions of Canadians would be calling me if I discussed it the way you discuss Islam. Pleading that Judaism wasn't a race would get me about as far as it gets you.


The OP is about Islam as a religio-political institution.

Discussed in a manner that is indistinguishable from racism.  OP's and topics branch in unexpected, if not predictable directions.  Deal with it. 



Why do you insist on trying to make everything about race?


I only said the way you treat Islam is racist.



Stop trying to play the race card where it doesn't apply, and stop trying to bring in institutions such as "Zionism" which has nothing to do with the topic.


Stop behaving like a racist where it doesn't apply, and I merely brought Zionism into the topic to illustrate how other racists can expected to be treated when they discuss it the way you discuss Islam.  Are you really pleading that you're completely ignorant of the parallel I've drawn?  While ignorance is a cornerstone of racism it by no means excuses it.    


You're rather pathetic for doing so - enough with the race already.

No, you explain why Anti-semites shouldn't be called racists when they discuss Judaism/Zionism the way you discuss Islamism. 

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

1. I also know very little about Zionism but I have no doubt whatsoever what millions upon millions of Canadians would be calling me if I discussed it the way you discuss Islam. Pleading that Judaism wasn't a race would get me about as far as it gets you.

2. Discussed in a manner that is indistinguishable from racism.  OP's and topics branch in unexpected, if not predictable directions.  Deal with it. 

3. I only said the way you treat Islam is racist.

4. Stop behaving like a racist where it doesn't apply, and I merely brought Zionism into the topic to illustrate how other racists can expected to be treated when they discuss it the way you discuss Islam.  Are you really pleading that you're completely ignorant of the parallel I've drawn?  While ignorance is a cornerstone of racism it by no means excuses it.    

5. No, you explain why Anti-semites shouldn't be called racists when they discuss Judaism/Zionism the way you discuss Islamism. 

1. You're attempting to conflate an ideology with a race. That might be why you are automatically assuming I am being "racist" but it is actually your own stupidity responsible for perceiving "it the way" you do. Islam is not a race. If I had described Islam as being mostly Arabs, and the nature of political Islam is owing to Arabs, that would be racist because I am singling out a race, hence race-ism. But as you can see (unless you invent it in your own mind) I have not done that, because I am not a racist.

2. It's indistinguishable from racism because you yourself conflate ideology with race. The confusion exists within you. This is typical for a modern-day liberal who are so far left, there is almost nothing left. Stop projecting your own confusion into others who actually know the distinction.

3. See #1 and #2.

4. See #1 and #2. The parallel you have drawn only exists in your own mind because you yourself are conflating ideology with race. If I criticized Christianity in the same way as I did Islam, does that make me a racist? According to your logic (and neo-liberals), yes it does, which I am more than happy to allow all readers to witness how ridiculous an assertion that is for themselves.

5. Anti-semites are racists, and there is more anti-semitism in the Qur'an than in the whole of Mein Kampf. Muhammad (like Hitler) repeatedly cursed the "Jews" and cut off almost 1000 Jewish heads. The last statement he uttered was cursing Jews. Muslims adopt this man's worldview, hence the blatant anti-semitism within Islam. As such, for you to call me a "racist" when Islam is categorically racist is rather bizarre, but not surprising considering given how warped your perception is.

Now if you're done apologizing for racist regimes while calling the people who oppose them racist, why don't you go and parse through your own delusions and work them out. It might be better for you before displaying such confusion on a public forum.

If you want to understand what "racism" is, read:

Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[209]

Speer has stated that when he was discussing with Hitler events which might have occurred had Islam absorbed Europe: "Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country."[207] Hitler was also quoted in the early war years stating, "We shall continue to make disturbances in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as men and let us see in these peoples at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash."

Taken from:


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6 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

1. You're attempting to conflate an ideology with a race. That might be why you are automatically assuming I am being "racist"

No, your inability to cloak your racist views with an air of concerned respectability revealed you to be a racist sphincter from pretty much day one around here.  You guys seem completely oblivious to how obvious you are.


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7 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

The parallel you have drawn only exists in your own mind because you yourself are conflating ideology with race.   

Don't you mean religion with race?  You're the only one muddying up the issue by dragging ideology into it.  You also seem to be oblivious to the number of mindless references to the left you pepper your posts with.  You get an awful lot of that around here so you're not alone.


If I criticized Christianity in the same way as I did Islam, does that make me a racist? According to your logic (and neo-liberals), yes it does, which I am more than happy to allow all readers to witness how ridiculous an assertion that is for themselves. 

Anti-semitism is defined by Merriam Webster as being  hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.  Most definitions of the term anti-semitism do the same thing.

Does this mean Merriam Webster is a neo-liberal institution?  


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On 12/21/2017 at 5:19 AM, 9-18-1 said:

You say this defies reason, I say there is a reason. Now temporarily "detach" from the nonsense in your mind and perceive the following:

Islam simply means this: submission. To what? Sharia:
1. The Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable word of Allah - the one True God
2. The "pattern of conduct" of Muhammad is to be used as a framework to "give your life for Allah in jihad"
3. Muslims believe the two above to be 100% correct; thus Islam is 100% correct (can not be questioned)
4. The Qur'an is a concoction of Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts; it is not the word of God. This was discovered within the last 20 years of German scholarship; see Christoph Luxenberg.
5. Realize; Muhammad and Islam are/is insanity due to the Qur'an not being the perfect word of God, thus invented by Muhammad rather than from any "Angel Gabriel", thus Muhammad's Allah is likewise invented by him, who condoned such things as raping women in jihad as a means to instill fear; the same fear Muhammad used by referring to eternal hellfire to scare subject into strict adherence.
6. Look at Sweden.
7. Realize the "narrative" of the Qur'an is systematic; it is meant to "work at all times" in terms of attaining global conquest via jihad. Islamic "jihad" is a permanent fixture in creation (presently), ever since 1400 years ago. Muslims thus see all waking life as "jihad".
8. Realize "jihad" is not only military, but non-military as well: social, political, economic, financial, media-based etc. There is not a single subversive tactic it does not employ upon the West at all times, because war with the "West" is already the default assumption in Islam.
9. The "Left", due to their ignorance (as you point out) capitulate to it in ignorance. But this ignorance is based on war tactics being employed by Islam itself which is a false doctrine. This is how people like Justin Trudeau rise out of obscurity and all of a sudden he's opened immigration and based his entire conduct pro-Islam. Read above: Islam and Muhammad are/were insane. Thus, Justin Trudeau (had he the ability to realize the error of his own way) is likewise insane (though perhaps to a lesser degree) than those who control him. Now those who control him are using war tactics based on a false doctrine; were it not to be believed, much is solved.
10. Understand that both Christianity and Islam are idolatry-based religions; they utilize central figures (Jesus and Muhammad respectively) to sow attachment of the people to that empire. They are idolators and actually completely break the Ten Commandments (all of them) blatantly and outright, especially Islam which is insane.
11. In Islam, the concept of "cause and effect" is actually dismissed. Thus, they dismiss the relative scriptural concept of "As Above, So Below" which applies to both, because it is in the Torah / God of Abraham (Allah) narrative. This is why "idolatry" first finds "form" in the mind, then manifests on earth in the form of "following examples" of dead men. The only power over these minds are the ones perpetuating the false doctrine; they are sick men.
12. If Islam did not operate based on a false doctrine, they would not be a permanent aggressor responsible for all forms of jihad which is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths (probably much much more) and billions insane/deluded. If this is eliminated (along with nonsense Christianity treating the sun in the sky as having been a physical man) then human suffering would substantially decrease. Thus both Christianity and Islam must collapse/reform because they are both false doctrines.

Thus the problem, still, is Islam. It is not the Left; the Left's problem is that they are stupid, and they deserve what comes. It has nothing to do with the Left being "worse" or the right becoming encumbered with the requirement of "thwarting" (as you put it) the Left's own stupidity: a different kind of insane thinking is imposing here. The insanity starts in Islam, not the Left. It is a false doctrine and the doctors of it (in its entirety) are liars and insane people who merely wish to own women as property, beat them, blame them for the woes of the world as Muhammad did, rape non-Muslim captives (Sweden), subjugate the "infidel" etc. It is already inherently divisive by this means, thus we have the Sunni-Shia split, which is a war within Islam itself based on disagreements between who are the "real Muslims" and who are the "hypocrites"; hemorrhaging human suffering ever since Islam began. They're both wrong. This wound in humanity has been the basis for all Middle-Eastern conflict (the Roman Catholics having started idolatry with Jesus circa Constantine), which attracted who? The military industrial complex. People made a fortune exploiting the followers of Islam/monotheism because they could be easily controlled and made to die in the name of nonsense books and idolatry figures. Masons especially love them for this reason.

Therefor I can openly predict basic scenarios; this world will never know peace until Islam either:
1. Is challenged as an institution by the "rest of the World" who recognize it as the greatest threat as time goes on.
2. It is toned down and/or made much more moderate/liberal (Mohammad Bin Salman - can he do the right thing?).
3. Islam consumes the earth (as long as needed) in an all-out global jihad; but controlled by the leaders who base their power upon false doctrines; not the Muslims themselves, they will always be slaves to higher "controllers" because their doctrine is false. That world would die into the hands of, what one refers to as "Satan"; systematic control over what you do and say, and what you don't do and don't say. Slaves; in the "lands of Egypt" which is the first energy chakra (red) of the body, to say the least. Thus Islam is actually Satanic, because the sum result will always be slavery owned and operated by a higher power controlling it from the top; because it is false. Muslims see all of this as "will of Allah" but it is not. That's why the "globalists" such as Soros are making a fortune with having caused the immigration crises. See how I drew everything back to current day? Because it is all true; Islam is insane and empowers sick people who care not for human suffering at all.
4. Both religious bodies challenge their own respective authorities. Muslims rise against their leaders and Christians rise against the Jesuits and Vatican and all the other nonsense lodges and families, and challenge them for answers (I'm not advocating violence). This would be the "happy ending" to all this; but the dogma/brainwash is extremely potent and , as I have laid out, makes people literally insane. However, this sort of commotion could only be stirred by a literal Second Coming, which will never happen. That lie has enriched the wallets of many.

There is this reason then that Islam is categorically worse than any political party. There is no argument to be had about this when you understand the scale of the global "conflict" in terms of a "humanity being free" perspective. And here M-103 starts with the empowerment of the Left to silence those who (rightfully) criticize Islam by calling them an "Islamophobe", thus shutting down the conversation. This is social jihad, and a very nasty one. Hardly noticed by anyone, but if Legislation passes anything based on that motion, I assure you, Sharia is already here and working as intended. You can't really stop it after that when you have Muslim Brotherhood sickos using fear tactics on people who rightfully call their prophet an insane man and Islam completely wretched. It will be too late then, as it almost is in Canada, and most certainly is elsewhere in the West presently. Canada is actually in better shape, but only because the Left is in control. The chaos over Trump winning in the U.S. is because Clinton was "slated" to win. But she didn't. Thus Trump is actually a genius, not insane as the Left is trying to constantly character assassinate him. He sees the problem, and is acting accordingly. His move into Jerusalem was perfect, and his recent refusal to have the U.N. dictate what the U.S. should and should not do, Trump essentially said "enough is enough with this nonsense" just as I would have done. For those who don't oppose Islam; get ready to live in it and find out why being a Left sympathizer to all of this nonsense will cost you all of the liberty you have left to exercise even basic things like freedom of speech. That's the power of Islam. You don't know it unless you've lived in it. Try.

All based on a false doctrine which has been proven to be false by recent scholarship, to which I alluded to in earlier posts, had you cared to note. What are the implications? Thus:
1. The Qur'an is not divinely inspired
2. Muhammad was a liar
3. Islam thus creates perpetual chaos and human suffering, just as happened in the life of Muhammad, because Muslims actually imitate him, which is idolatry, which is forbidden in the commandments. So is bearing false witness: every single Muslim had to have performed the shahada, which is a witness testimony "I testify that there is no God, only Allah, and Muhammad is his final prophet". They thus bear false witness. They kill in the name of Allah via "jihad" which is another. They covet the possessions of others to further the cause of Allah etc. They actually manage to break all ten of them. How is this so? Because it's a false religion which is a destructive force in the world as a whole.

So who is to hold them to account, then? Not even I can say; though I hold to all the scenarios I provided above; if any divine intervention were to happen, be it that these monotheists wake up out of their dogma-induced fear-based stupor and actually develop their own minds and question their authorities.

That would actually help the Left out from waking up out of their stupidity. Islam could actually save the Left in this reverse scenario. Thus, the burden is on Islam, not the Right. It's the other way around.


I will never understand why people will allow themselves to be conned in to believing that there is some kind of god to worship? The Vatican is worth billions, but yet many of it's followers live in poverty and go hungry every day. What kind of religion is that? The Vatican has to be viewed as being in the religious business alright, and has earned the Vatican trillions of dollars from being in the religious business. What a job. Feed the people bull chit, and make trillions from it. 

How do these so-called preachers know that there is a god to believe in at all? Have these god pushers met this god? 

Would the world be better off without religion? I think so. Look at all the wars that have been started over religion, and has any of these religions that maybe won a war made the world a better place and a safer place to live in? 

The universe is vast. There has to be zillions and zillions and more zillions of miles for god to be travelling around in at any one time. Where can a god find the time of day to concern himself with the people that live on earth when there is an endless universe to begin with. Actually, there is no end. That thought alone freaks my brain out. How can this be? 

imagine if there were no religion? I wonder what the world would be like today? I am pretty sure that the world would be a lot more peaceful than what it is today. But I guess that we will never know because of the people who keep on supporting all the religions out there. As far as I am concerned, all religions can go to hell. Works for me. :) 

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9 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

1. You're attempting to conflate an ideology with a race. That might be why you are automatically assuming I am being "racist" but it is actually your own stupidity responsible for perceiving "it the way" you do. Islam is not a race. If I had described Islam as being mostly Arabs, and the nature of political Islam is owing to Arabs, that would be racist because I am singling out a race, hence race-ism. But as you can see (unless you invent it in your own mind) I have not done that, because I am not a racist.

2. It's indistinguishable from racism because you yourself conflate ideology with race. The confusion exists within you. This is typical for a modern-day liberal who are so far left, there is almost nothing left. Stop projecting your own confusion into others who actually know the distinction.

3. See #1 and #2.

4. See #1 and #2. The parallel you have drawn only exists in your own mind because you yourself are conflating ideology with race. If I criticized Christianity in the same way as I did Islam, does that make me a racist? According to your logic (and neo-liberals), yes it does, which I am more than happy to allow all readers to witness how ridiculous an assertion that is for themselves.

5. Anti-semites are racists, and there is more anti-semitism in the Qur'an than in the whole of Mein Kampf. Muhammad (like Hitler) repeatedly cursed the "Jews" and cut off almost 1000 Jewish heads. The last statement he uttered was cursing Jews. Muslims adopt this man's worldview, hence the blatant anti-semitism within Islam. As such, for you to call me a "racist" when Islam is categorically racist is rather bizarre, but not surprising considering given how warped your perception is.

Now if you're done apologizing for racist regimes while calling the people who oppose them racist, why don't you go and parse through your own delusions and work them out. It might be better for you before displaying such confusion on a public forum.

If you want to understand what "racism" is, read:

Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[209]

Speer has stated that when he was discussing with Hitler events which might have occurred had Islam absorbed Europe: "Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country."[207] Hitler was also quoted in the early war years stating, "We shall continue to make disturbances in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as men and let us see in these peoples at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash."

Taken from:


Aw yes, those shut the hell up words(racist/racism)that are applied to people by people who have lost the argument. I have yet to see any real racism being promoted here at all. With some members here, one would get the impression that some members here must belong to some racist outfit and are here to try and sneak in and promote their racism. Of course many have tried to make this assumption, and try to make others believe that racism is being pushed here but they all have failed. They have not shown nor have proven that this is so.

If anyone here can actually point out as to where anyone has said anything in the way of trying to promote racism then please feel free to show me otherwise why don't you racist pushers shut the heck up, and just debate the topic without the accusations. Grow up and quit with the childish name calling. Would work for me. :)

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, your inability to cloak your racist views with an air of concerned respectability revealed you to be a racist sphincter from pretty much day one around here.  You guys seem completely oblivious to how obvious you are.


Islam is not a race.

2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Don't you mean religion with race?  You're the only one muddying up the issue by dragging ideology into it.  You also seem to be oblivious to the number of mindless references to the left you pepper your posts with.  You get an awful lot of that around here so you're not alone.

Anti-semitism is defined by Merriam Webster as being  hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.  Most definitions of the term anti-semitism do the same thing.

Does this mean Merriam Webster is a neo-liberal institution?  


Political Islam is an ideology.

49 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Undoubtedly.  Of course as Argus pointed out already you are bringing facts to a discussion that isn't based on facts.

You can't see facts if you bury your head in the sand and double-down on sweeping and dismissive rhetoric without observing the content and/or discussing why they are not "facts". It is clear you have done absolutely no research into the core tenants of political Islam, the Qur'an, Muhammad, Sharia etc. and would rather pretend these issues don't exist to tout your pluralistic superiority, when in fact, you and people like you are the most destructive people on this planet for not having the competence to "face the facts". Political Islam is a destructive ideology, and those who apologize for it are equally destructive. Hundreds of millions of people are dead because of it, but seeing as how your self-aggrandizement is more important to you in your mind, people like me will continue to shed light on the issue and actually attempt to stand against such oppressive regimes and protect equality.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

It is the way you treat it and not just according to me if Merriam Webster and hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people are anything to go by. 

Pretending to speak on behalf of hundreds upon hundreds of millions is some display of self-aggrandizement; how "liberal" of you.

You might want to see a specialist about that. Islam is not a race, and quoting Merriam Webster in regards to anti-Semitism and trying to tie it into a totalitarian socio-political ideology is likewise rather "liberal" of you. This kind of liberalism is becoming a mental illness.


Merriam-Webster Definition of racism

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism
3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

eyeball's neo-liberal Definition of racism

1 : a belief that criticism of any socio-political entity open to all races which an individual(s) "doesn't like" has a racially motivated undertone
2 a : a sweeping response to criticism contrary to the belief(s) of a neo-liberal resulting in their feelings being hurt
b : a political or social system founded on views opposing a bigoted neo-liberal view
3 prejudice or discrimination according to neo-liberal values
4 : generic term used to decry something he/she does not understand
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7 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

Pretending to speak on behalf of hundreds upon hundreds of millions is some display of self-aggrandizement; how "liberal" of you.

You might want to see a specialist about that. Islam is not a race, and quoting Merriam Webster in regards to anti-Semitism and trying to tie it into a totalitarian socio-political ideology is likewise rather "liberal" of you. This kind of liberalism is becoming a mental illness.

When you really think about it Islam is probably the least of your worries. We've heard much around here lately about how dangerous the left is - an even bigger threat than Islam apparently and absolutely nothing is done to combat this far vaster more insidious threat.  We've spent nearly a trillion dollars fighting Islamic political ideology around the world and not one dime combating the greater threat of liberalism right here in your own community.  How do you explain that?

How do you console your children and loved ones in the face of your apparent paralysis and inaction towards this very real political ideology? What do they think as you peck away at your keyboard and connect your graphs and news clipping with string and thumbtacks to your imaginary map of the Islamic Caliphate?

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

That said you're still a worthless no account racist with nothing but bullshit to back you up. But hey that's almost a badge of respectability these days so you should try owning it more proudly.

No matter how much you try...

...Islam is not a race. But watching you double-down on your own stupidity has become entertaining for me. More please!

5 hours ago, eyeball said:

When you really think about it Islam is probably the least of your worries. We've heard much around here lately about how dangerous the left is - an even bigger threat than Islam apparently and absolutely nothing is done to combat this far vaster more insidious threat.  We've spent nearly a trillion dollars fighting Islamic political ideology around the world and not one dime combating the greater threat of liberalism right here in your own community.  How do you explain that?

How do you console your children and loved ones in the face of your apparent paralysis and inaction towards this very real political ideology? What do they think as you peck away at your keyboard and connect your graphs and news clipping with string and thumbtacks to your imaginary map of the Islamic Caliphate?

I could explain it all, but not to someone who thinks Islam is a race. When you get that bit straightened out, maybe then. Regarding the left, the problem starts with some very special people such as yourself who conflate socio-political ideologies with race. That might be a starting point as to how dangerously stupid the left is. The solution begins with finding a mirror. That's all you need to know for now, and probably all you can handle for now. Wouldn't want to overburden you, as you seem to need all the guidance you can get. Do you need a helmet?

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

We've heard much around here lately about how dangerous the left is - an even bigger threat than Islam apparently and absolutely nothing is done to combat this far vaster more insidious threat. 

'The left', though, includes centrist neoliberal politics and even conservatives sometimes.


7 hours ago, eyeball said:

But hey that's almost a badge of respectability these days so you should try owning it more proudly.

And this disease will be cured once you get these people into the light, and away from discussing their theories in alt-right coffee klatches with everybody trying to out-right each other.

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53 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

I concur...Islam is not a race...except to the "ALT-LEFT", which will draft any dog whistle label in their attempts to silence others.

I concur that reasonable people will resist 'dog whistles' and code words and take words at their meaning.  Criticizing Islam on its own is NOT racism.

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The Liberals are determined to make Canada Sharia compliant. 

You'll be able to say any mean thing you like against the various faiths and beliefs of the Infidel. But woe to the person that speaks out-of-line about Justin Trudeau's preferred desert cult.

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2 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Absolutely, you can prove with with bill ?, motion ?, speech from MP ?


What, you have nothing to back that up? Hardly surprising.


You're free to support your king. It is not my intention to acquire Justin's loyal followers from this forum.

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5 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

So what is a race? Provide examples.

Regardless of what a race is, Islam is a religion. 

Religions, typically, are not nice things.  Islam is no exception.

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2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Regardless of what a race is, Islam is a religion. 

Religions, typically, are not nice things.  Islam is no exception.


False comparison. When the Mormons start burning folks in cages and such, you can make such a claim.

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