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How to prevent terror attacks ?


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Lets make some mental gymnastics. How we could prevent a terror attack ? Terror attacks may be in various ways, for example a perception operation done by media can also be considered as a terror attack, so it wont harm anyone in an instant but will harm public peace in middle and long term. Anyway, in this topic I am talking about direct physical attacks against individuals or people in mass. This also may be in various ways, a knife attack, shooting, bomb attack, crashing people by vehicles, anything aims to harm someones physically. 

I also remind you that this topic have nothing with someone's race, belief, political mindset. You can use general terms but not special terms. For example you are free to say "ideology" but you cant say "Nazism". It will cause the topic to move away from its aim and therefore cause it to be derailed with irrelevant details. 

My opinion about the topic is to put security cameras everywhere, on all the streets, all the neighborhoods, on all the homes-towers, on all the vehicles. We can also put balloons with security cams, there are examples of it. Therefore we can follow all the criminals step by step and we can learn who they meet with, how they receieve weapons from, when they enter country. This is not a 100% solution but I am sure it will prevent 95% of the events. 

Whats your idea ?

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The only 2 ideas guaranteed to work (Muslim terrorism):

1.  Invent a cheaper fuel alternative to oil/gasoline so western govs can remove their militaries from the middle-east.


2. Ban all Sunni Muslims from entering western countries and boot out all of the ones here already.

I support #1 but will take some more time.  Security cameras won't stop crazy people from driving a truck into a crowd of people.

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3 hours ago, Altai said:

Lets make some mental gymnastics. How we could prevent a terror attack ? Terror attacks may be in various ways, for example a perception operation done by media can also be considered as a terror attack, so it wont harm anyone in an instant but will harm public peace in middle and long term. Anyway, in this topic I am talking about direct physical attacks against individuals or people in mass. This also may be in various ways, a knife attack, shooting, bomb attack, crashing people by vehicles, anything aims to harm someones physically. 

I also remind you that this topic have nothing with someone's race, belief, political mindset. You can use general terms but not special terms. For example you are free to say "ideology" but you cant say "Nazism". It will cause the topic to move away from its aim and therefore cause it to be derailed with irrelevant details. 

My opinion about the topic is to put security cameras everywhere, on all the streets, all the neighborhoods, on all the homes-towers, on all the vehicles. We can also put balloons with security cams, there are examples of it. Therefore we can follow all the criminals step by step and we can learn who they meet with, how they receieve weapons from, when they enter country. This is not a 100% solution but I am sure it will prevent 95% of the events. 

Whats your idea ?


Putting more cameras won't do any good - we already have cameras!  If a terrorist is determined to cause harm regardless of the consequences to himself, the act will happen.  

I think people will just have to be more aware of everything going on around them.  

People will just have to fight back, too  - like those two who beheaded a soldier in the streets of England as an example.  If people who were there had rushed them and lynched them right there and then, I think terrorists will think twice about staging an attack.  It kinda flies in the face of their bravado if news all over the world show them getting lynched.  Public humiliation isn't the kind of publicity they'll want.

If some people rushed that gunman in that night club in Florida.....or if someone had shot back at him, there wouldn't be that many casualties.  That's the kind of reality we'll have to get used to.....and we'll have to get into that mindset.


  Response should be automatic!  Like the kind of response that a daycare provider did on someone who tried to abduct two of her kids.


Daycare Owner Recounts Using MMA to Thwart Attempted Child Abduction



We'll have to watch out for each other, and be prepared to defend one another.  The stabbing in Finland had two men helping the women who were being targeted by the terrrorist.




Edited by betsy
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There has to.be some kind of surveillance of the mosques by not alienating the muslims ar large but collaborating with the imams in the mosques. This will give a sense of inclusivity to moderate muslims to combat terrorism collectively. I think it would be great if this is done across all mosques in western capitals.

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Despite I especially emphasized that not to use special names about races ideologies or anything, you did it and I will put you in my ignore list. 


 Special names is not important. Banning something will have no affect because terrorists will always have an excuse for their actions. If you ban X they will claim Y, if you ban Y too, they will claim Z.


Any other ideas please ? For example how we can stop a shooting ? Banning weapons will be effective but its not a solution. They can esily find even produce their own weapons in their garage.

Edited by Altai
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1 hour ago, Hydraboss said:

Large caliber weapons at close range.  It may not stop the first "wave" of attacks, but it'll sure as hell make the second wave think twice.

This wont have any affect. Terrorists, most of time takes the risk of being killed, they dont even care about it.  

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There is no 100% way to ensure there are no new terror attacks without completely sacrificing all personal freedoms in the mix.

Sure we could all wear location chips and have cameras with bugs attached to our bodies that let the police know what we are all up too.

It is not worth it. Cameras are everywhere in the U.K. and that did not stop people using cars as weapons.

There are too many guns out there to ban them now. Besides if the left gets any crazier in the U.S. and Canada it might be a good idea to be armed.

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9 hours ago, Altai said:

Lets make some mental gymnastics. How we could prevent a terror attack ? Terror attacks may be in various ways, for example a perception operation done by media can also be considered as a terror attack, so it wont harm anyone in an instant but will harm public peace in middle and long term. Anyway, in this topic I am talking about direct physical attacks against individuals or people in mass. This also may be in various ways, a knife attack, shooting, bomb attack, crashing people by vehicles, anything aims to harm someones physically. 

I also remind you that this topic have nothing with someone's race, belief, political mindset. You can use general terms but not special terms. For example you are free to say "ideology" but you cant say "Nazism". It will cause the topic to move away from its aim and therefore cause it to be derailed with irrelevant details. 

My opinion about the topic is to put security cameras everywhere, on all the streets, all the neighborhoods, on all the homes-towers, on all the vehicles. We can also put balloons with security cams, there are examples of it. Therefore we can follow all the criminals step by step and we can learn who they meet with, how they receieve weapons from, when they enter country. This is not a 100% solution but I am sure it will prevent 95% of the events. 

Whats your idea ?

Easy peasy. Just stop bringing in people from terrorist countries. How simple is that, uhmm?  You don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.  

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8 hours ago, Ash74 said:

There is no 100% way to ensure there are no new terror attacks without completely sacrificing all personal freedoms in the mix.

Sure we could all wear location chips and have cameras with bugs attached to our bodies that let the police know what we are all up too.

It is not worth it. Cameras are everywhere in the U.K. and that did not stop people using cars as weapons.

There are too many guns out there to ban them now. Besides if the left gets any crazier in the U.S. and Canada it might be a good idea to be armed.

Most of the terrorists were known by security forces and many of them had ties with intelligence. So if security forces were really wanted to prevent their actions, they could do that. Kick these persons out of the country, give them a boat and two paddles. 

Ofcourse security cameras wont stop someone driving his car over people but will cause to appear big part of their ties and backgrounds and therefore big part of the possible future attacks will be prevented. 

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

Easy peasy. Just stop bringing in people from terrorist countries. How simple is that, uhmm?  You don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.  

So are you planning to kick half of the people of a country out ? Recently members of some racist ideology crushed people with their cars.  There are these kind of racist terrorists in all countries and their numbers are quite high. What about it ? 

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Make it mandatory for all citizens to have gun-safety training - and to pass that training -  when they reach a certain age.  Instill utmost responsibility that goes with the privilege of carrying.

Arm the population!  Didn't they have some kind of militia for cities and towns in the old days?  They're comprised of folks who don't go to war, but are trained to defend their streets, towns and cities.  I think they have a special name for it.

People who abuse the privilege of having a weapon, loses that privilege.

That's the most practical solution - people has to be able to defend themselves when they're being attacked!  Knowing that your victim has the capacity to defend himself, or fight back and defend others,  is a very effective deterrent for would-be terrorist attacks.  

Edited by betsy
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Open borders lead to closed streets. The news of terrorism make you realise how much of our societies are based on trust. There is all kind of malice you could easily do and nobody could stop you from doing it, at least not quickly, but there is trust that nobody would do it.

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After security cams, another thing is we have to know each other. We have to help each other. So most of you dont even know who is your neighboor. Maybe you are just saying "hi" when you come across with them in car park or in the elevator. We have to know each other in much more detailed way. We have to ask each other whether or not we have a problem in our lives, whether or not we need help in an issue. Your neighboor is much more important than your first degree relatives because they are just a few steps away from you and will help you first when you have a problem. If you have a neighboor who indicates some suspicious behaviors, you have to report them. Neighborhood headmen also should closely examine the families living in the neighborhood. 

Now our list;

- Putting security cams everywhere.
- Having good relations with neighboors and watching them closely. 

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If you want to end terrorism against the west,  then stop bombing the middle east with exploding ordinance, and instead rain down packages with food, liquor, bacon, and porn. Never mind blowing themselves up for Allah... these people wont even leave their huts.



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10 hours ago, Altai said:

So are you planning to kick half of the people of a country out ? Recently members of some racist ideology crushed people with their cars.  There are these kind of racist terrorists in all countries and their numbers are quite high. What about it ? 

Countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary have had not had any bombings or having some some Islamist terrorist trying to mow down as many innocent people as they can on some European streets. The reason for this is? They are not bringing in the amount of Muslims if any at all into their countries like other European countries have done. Their leaders were very smart leaders, not a bunch of politically correct bleeding heart bunch of fools and idiots like we have seen happen in countries like Germany and France. Those three countries I mentioned above know how to avoid terrorism. Just don't bring them into your country. They have shown the rest of the world as to how avoid getting bombed. But will they take note? 

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19 hours ago, Ash74 said:

There is no 100% way to ensure there are no new terror attacks without completely sacrificing all personal freedoms in the mix.

Sure we could all wear location chips and have cameras with bugs attached to our bodies that let the police know what we are all up too.

It is not worth it. Cameras are everywhere in the U.K. and that did not stop people using cars as weapons.

There are too many guns out there to ban them now. Besides if the left gets any crazier in the U.S. and Canada it might be a good idea to be armed.

1. Our feminist PM has allowed criminal illegals to enter Canada illegally. Even called for them to do so. Now we have to ask ourselves as to how many terrorists there may be in all those illegals crossing our so-called secure and well protected borders? 

2. I will take freedom over security. Lose your freedom, you lose everything. 

3. Indeed. Just what has all those cameras done to save people's lives in Britain?  Absolutely nothing.  Maybe they were put up just to look for people who park illegally?

4. It is not an a matter of "if" anymore it is for real. The left has gone loonie, and we see that lunacy now happening in the USA and Canada. Sad to say but I am waiting for the first bomb to go off somewhere in Canada especially if the Islamists can't get their own way of how they want Canada and Canadians to kiss their azzes and learn to accept and assimilate into Islam.  


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I always thought that Terrorism is the result of a Frustrated/Angry person who also suffers from a mental illness.

I don't think we can stop people from getting Frustrated or Angry, so maybe focus on helping people with Mental Illnesses???


It does shock me how quickly some in this post fear terrorism more than losing their freedom...I think the government is preforming too much surveillance  already.

Edited by DFCaper
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1 hour ago, DFCaper said:

I always thought that Terrorism is the result of a Frustrated/Angry person who also suffers from a mental illness.

I don't think we can stop people from getting Frustrated or Angry, so maybe focus on helping people with Mental Illnesses???

Yes I think this is another nice point. So we should fight the causes that gets people mad. A regular society life is a key. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary have had not had any bombings or having some some Islamist terrorist trying to mow down as many innocent people as they can on some European streets. The reason for this is? They are not bringing in the amount of Muslims if any at all into their countries like other European countries have done. Their leaders were very smart leaders, not a bunch of politically correct bleeding heart bunch of fools and idiots like we have seen happen in countries like Germany and France. Those three countries I mentioned above know how to avoid terrorism. Just don't bring them into your country. They have shown the rest of the world as to how avoid getting bombed. But will they take note? 

Sorry, I will put you in ignore list. I warned you not to use special names but to focus on general terms. 

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14 hours ago, Altai said:

Most of the terrorists were known by security forces and many of them had ties with intelligence. So if security forces were really wanted to prevent their actions, they could do that. Kick these persons out of the country, give them a boat and two paddles. 

Ofcourse security cameras wont stop someone driving his car over people but will cause to appear big part of their ties and backgrounds and therefore big part of the possible future attacks will be prevented. 

Well you;re right, seems a lot of these people have been known by police prior.  So it seems we need far stricter/closer surveillance of these people by authorities.

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12 hours ago, betsy said:

Make it mandatory for all citizens to have gun-safety training - and to pass that training -  when they reach a certain age.  Instill utmost responsibility that goes with the privilege of carrying.

Arm the population!  Didn't they have some kind of militia for cities and towns in the old days?  They're comprised of folks who don't go to war, but are trained to defend their streets, towns and cities.  I think they have a special name for it.

People who abuse the privilege of having a weapon, loses that privilege.

That's the most practical solution - people has to be able to defend themselves when they're being attacked!  Knowing that your victim has the capacity to defend himself, or fight back and defend others,  is a very effective deterrent for would-be terrorist attacks.  

Police should have the monopoly on violence in civil society.  When masses of everyday citizens walk around armed you end up with high gun murder rates like in the USA.

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7 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Open borders lead to closed streets. The news of terrorism make you realise how much of our societies are based on trust. There is all kind of malice you could easily do and nobody could stop you from doing it, at least not quickly, but there is trust that nobody would do it.

There's also the fear of the repercussions if caught.  Might feel good to shoot someone you hate, but it would feel worse to spend decades in jail.

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