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20 hours ago, taxme said:

The thing about brainless twits is that no one should not be surprised when they won't speak English, and who instead prefer to reply in some foreign language as quite amusing.  Ping. :D

Das wort idiot is in jeder Sprache auch fur einen  Stiftkopf klar.

Wie sprichst du nicht die Sprache von Hitler?

מאַם מוזן זייַן שטאָלץ.



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2 minutes ago, Rue said:

Das wort idiot is in jeder Sprache auch fur einen  Stiftkopf klar.

Wie sprichst du nicht die Sprache von Hitler?

מאַם מוזן זייַן שטאָלץ.



Your ignorance is overwhelming. I can only assume that you are either insulting me, cursing me or threatening me. So which one is it? I guess that I will never know because you can't or do not want to speak English anymore. But what else can I expect from people like you and your ilk. I am beginning to believe that Hitler may have been onto something. Something that your ilk did not want the rest of the world to learn or know about. Hey, you never know? 

Ick neshbe yahn ratlink una trai prcck dit shea una Hitler anda de jewphy minck er putzski. Ha-ha. :P


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

1. So, what is your problem?  

2. You said in one of your replies that you were Jewish. Well, are you or not?

3. So, when are you going to show me as to where I have said that I am a Nazi and Nazi supporter as you have said I was both of those?  

1.   As far as I can tell Ashkenazi Jews are of the 'Caucasian' 'race'.  You find it necessary to separate them, or put them into a different metaphorical rail car than white people.... for... some... reason...

2. I did not say that I was Jewish.  I'm not answering you.

3. You tell me if you support Nazis or not.  So far we have you sniffing around the forum for Jews like a bloodhound, trying to pin a yellow star on me (again metaphorically), separating Jews from whites, and claiming a bunch of seig-heiling racists chanting "blood and soil" are NOT racists.  So.  You tell me.

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21 hours ago, taxme said:

Typical replies from your ilk. You cannot win a debate or win an argument so you start with the foolish stupid foreign language talk and hope you get a couple of applauses from it.

Lol what's the matter bubbula you can't keep up. Here's one in English from the famous Jewish philosopher, Rue:

"Nothing more funny then a falsetto who thinks he's a baritone."

Ach tung baby.  Zieg Heil bubbula. My ilk? Lol. That was funny.  My ilk.  First you accuse  the  well known gentile Michael Harder of owning Jews and/or being one, now I own ilks.

My ilks. I like that, Sounds like a rock band. The ILKS. First there was Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys one of my favourites, now there are THE ILKS. Wait I hear a rap coming for the ILKS....

hey man did you hear that ping

its Taxme's brain goin ding ding ding

wherever he looks he sees a Jew

an then he starts crying oh boo hoo hoo

yah see he blames dah Jooz for all his issues

someone get dis boy some kleenex tissues

he needs a forum to get at Moses

and I suppose dodo some neo Nazi poses

ach tung baby you better watch out

cuz damn those Jews he'z  here to shout

unless of course he gotta pout

cuz he can't read Yiddish watz dat about?




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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1.   As far as I can tell Ashkenazi Jews are of the 'Caucasian' 'race'.  You find it necessary to separate them, or put them into a different metaphorical rail car than white people.... for... some... reason...

2. I did not say that I was Jewish.  I'm not answering you.

3. You tell me if you support Nazis or not.  So far we have you sniffing around the forum for Jews like a bloodhound, trying to pin a yellow star on me (again metaphorically), separating Jews from whites, and claiming a bunch of seig-heiling racists chanting "blood and soil" are NOT racists.  So.  You tell me.

1. So, let's have a DNA test done on them to see if they are really Caucasian or maybe have Middle Eastern blood in them.  That should solve the question once and for all. 

2. So, you are Jewish then. You know what my background is. I was not afraid to say so. Why are you? Just asking. 

3. No, you are the one making all the accusations that I am a Nazi and a Nazi supporter, remember?  Prove it. You say that I have shown my true colors and so I asked you what those true colors are so I may know also but once again you refuse to do so. "Sniffing" around for Jews"? What utter nonsense. Only you would say something as stupid as that. You are a sad case indeed. Jews do call anyone who is not Jewish gentiles.That is a fact and you know that. So, I am still waiting for all this proof you have on me. If you have no proof than it would probably be a good idea for you to stop trying to make a fool of yourself here. So, you tell me? 

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14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No, but it's beyond stupid as a claim and beyond stupid to think anybody would believe that "it's on the internet" says anything about anything.

"Dogs are cats".

There.  Now THAT is on the internet.

You are starting to become a waste of time. Just saying. And I want to see all the proof from all of those accusations you have made against me? The ball is now in your court. Use it. 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

1. So, let's have a DNA test done on them to see if they are really Caucasian or maybe have Middle Eastern blood in them.  That should solve the question once and for all. 

Semitics are Caucasoid, aren't they ?  Just say 'white pure blood'.  We all know what you mean.

1 minute ago, taxme said:


2. So, you are Jewish then. You know what my background is. I was not afraid to say so. Why are you? Just asking. 

I'm not afraid to say it.  I'm just amused by how your arguments with me change when you think I'm a Jew.  We all know what you mean.

2 minutes ago, taxme said:

3. No, you are the one making all the accusations that I am a Nazi and a Nazi supporter, remember?  Prove it. You say that I have shown my true colors and so I asked you what those true colors are so I may know also but once again you refuse to do so. "Sniffing" around for Jews"? What utter nonsense. Only you would say something as stupid as that. You are a sad case indeed.  

Insults.  And yet you can't move on without knowing if I'm a Jew, nor will you deny that you're a Nazi, or white nationalist or whatever you want to call yourself.  I'm giving you the opportunity to define yourself.

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. So, let's have a DNA test done on them to see if they are really Caucasian or maybe have Middle Eastern blood in them.  That should solve the question once and for all. 

2. So, you are Jewish then. You know what my background is. I was not afraid to say so. Why are you? Just asking. 

3. No, you are the one making all the accusations that I am a Nazi and a Nazi supporter, remember?  Prove it. You say that I have shown my true colors and so I asked you what those true colors are so I may know also but once again you refuse to do so. "Sniffing" around for Jews"? What utter nonsense. Only you would say something as stupid as that. You are a sad case indeed. Jews do call anyone who is not Jewish gentiles.That is a fact and you know that. So, I am still waiting for all this proof you have on me. If you have no proof than it would probably be a good idea for you to stop trying to make a fool of yourself here. So, you tell me? 

In regards to 1, hey Bubbulah its been done.

In regards to 2, stop trying to ask him about his penis. This is not that kind of forum.

In regard to 3,  you a neo Nazi?  Yes you do have nipples.

I just discovered something dimmer than a full moon eclipse.

Man this is fun.

Its almost as fun as wacka Jew.


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Just now, Rue said:

In regards to 2, stop trying to ask him about his penis. This is not that kind of forum.

I'm proudly circumcised, but that's between me, my wife, my locker room mates, that girl at camp that one time and my deity.  The bigger point here is that we should be able to discuss something without calling a poster's objectivity into question because of the religion they were born into.

Mazel Tov.

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11 minutes ago, taxme said:

3. No, you are the one making all the accusations that I am a Nazi and a Nazi supporter, remember?  Prove it.

Here I am. Your words on this forum are anti semitic. You engage in class neo Nazi anti semitic references.

You want to play? Here I am.

You words reveal and illustrate classic neo Nazi Jew baiting. 

You want to deny it? Go on. Come on this forum and deny you hate Jews. Deny you are an anti semite and deny that you are a neo Nazi supporter.

That's the thing about forums. People like you can use anonymous names, spew out hated, then try deny what you said and its implications.

You know what you are. You want to huff and puff about Jews then have the balls Adolph to at least stand up straight when you try imitate the Nazi salute.

Don't mince about its a tad to late for that.

Oh but hey, you want to deny you are an anti semite? What next, you want to claim you are a victim of false accusations? Lol.

Man oh man the name changes but the act, the cowardly denials,  the shtick, even the syntax is identical.

You done? I told you. I don't care what name you use, you spit at a Jew on this forum, I will challenge you. I will call you out. I will expose you for the hateful oafish baboon your words reveal.

Anything else bubbula?

What you want to meet me in the streets? Which city? Charlotte? Damascus? Tehran? Lol. High noon is it. The Jew Boy and the Nazi Boy face to face at High Noon.

Get off the streets boys and girls!


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7 minutes ago, Rue said:

Lol what's the matter bubbula you can't keep up. Here's one in English from the famous Jewish philosopher, Rue:

"Nothing more funny then a falsetto who thinks he's a baritone."

Ach tung baby.  Zieg Heil bubbula. My ilk? Lol. That was funny.  My ilk.  First you accuse  the  well known gentile Michael Harder of owning Jews and/or being one, now I own ilks.

My ilks. I like that, Sounds like a rock band. The ILKS. First there was Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys one of my favourites, now there are THE ILKS. Wait I hear a rap coming for the ILKS....

hey man did you hear that ping

its Taxme's brain goin ding ding ding

wherever he looks he sees a Jew

an then he starts crying oh boo hoo hoo

yah see he blames dah Jooz for all his issues

someone get dis boy some kleenex tissues

he needs a forum to get at Moses

and do some meo Nazi poses

ach tung baby you better watch out

cuz damn those Jews I'm here to shout

unless of course I gotta pout

cuz I can't read Yiddish watz dat about?




Hey, now he wants to speak English so that he can try and get his silly ass replies across. Just look at all the nonsense you just wrote above and tell me that you are not quite all there? I preferred it better when you wrote your last few ridiculous replies in your yippy language. You sure like to treat gentiles as if they were nothing more than just goyim fools and slaves, uhmm? There are many out there onto your game plan. The only reason why you and your ilk get away with what you say and do is because you pretty much own the lying fake and phony media who will parrot whatever they tell them to parrot. Lucky for most of us that we now have the alternative media to keep us up on all informed on the nonsense and the lies that you like to spew as the truth. I think that I am going to be visiting Breibart news more often now and watching what Steve Bannon who now knows what goes on in Washington and what he has to say about who the real builders of the swamp were. Fun reading times ahead.  :D

Well, I won't take your word for it as to whether MH is Jewish or not. Let him tell me for himself if he is or not. It should be pretty simple for him to be able to say so, uhmm?  

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That's a cute nickname, but it's an unsubstantiated claim, and an irrelevant one.  Nobody should discount your views based on your background.  They can, if they like, *privately* draw a line between your subjectivity and your point-of-view but it's irrelevant to the discussion.  After all, we're all biased right ?

In any case, my offer to reveal the extent/non-extent of my Jewishness stands if taxme addresses the question on his potential biases.  I can still discuss nationalist groups with white nationalists, even ones who make dishonest claims as he has done.  But let's just get it out there where we come from.

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

That's a cute nickname, but it's an unsubstantiated claim, and an irrelevant one.  Nobody should discount your views based on your background.  They can, if they like, *privately* draw a line between your subjectivity and your point-of-view but it's irrelevant to the discussion.  After all, we're all biased right ?

In any case, my offer to reveal the extent/non-extent of my Jewishness stands if taxme addresses the question on his potential biases.  I can still discuss nationalist groups with white nationalists, even ones who make dishonest claims as he has done.  But let's just get it out there where we come from.

Something inside me says it is a great mistake to try erasing history by toppling statues.

Should Time Magazine be destroyed for naming Hitler Man of The Year in 1938?

What makes a magazine cover permissible but a statue an outrage? Is it the solidity and permanence of the material used?

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Just now, Cum Laude said:

1. Something inside me says it is a great mistake to try erasing history by toppling statues.

2. Should Time Magazine be destroyed for naming Hitler Man of The Year in 1938?

3. What makes a magazine cover permissible but a statue an outrage? Is it the solidity and permanence of the material used?

1. Ok, but why reply to my post ?  Keeping statues of the people who lost strikes me as a Canadian thing more than an American one.  Anyway, it doesn't matter.  If people want the statues gone, they should go.

2. Past mistakes.  There are far worse ones than that done by corporations that are still going.

3. Um.  1938 vs 2017 I think.

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31 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'm proudly circumcised, but that's between me, my wife, my locker room mates, that girl at camp that one time and my deity.  The bigger point here is that we should be able to discuss something without calling a poster's objectivity into question because of the religion they were born into.

Mazel Tov.

I am going to be serious one second with you. I get frustrated because I think there are Muslims afraid to say they are Muslim when they support extremist Islamic beliefs and won't say so on this forum just like I think its a joke when Taxme tries to deny his political ideology on this forum or others say anti semitic things and then deny they are anti semitic.

I am also frustrated because I happen to know and have lived with Arabs and Palestinians who do not hate me for being Zionist or Jewish and have no problems with Israel existing and know damn well I don't want one damn Palestinian hurt any more than I do an Israeli. I know personally Ismaili and Amidyah Muslims and to call them extremists or anything but peaceful or moderate is a crock. I have a problem with all extremists. So you are right I shouldn't have to bring a poster's objectivity into question simply because they are Muslim-but when I see people who are Muslim and are afraid to admit they are and stand behind there Muslim extremist beliefs like Taxme now does with this posing he's not a neo Nazi, it annoys the snot out of me.

But you are right. I get so caught up in the responses to the anti semites, I forget there are Muslims out there who are afraid to speak out for fear of backlash from other Muslims or maybe me. Well all I can say is I don't hide my ethnicity when defending Israel's right to exist because I think it would be dishonest. You are right though my ethnicity should not be the issue but it is-its constantly made an issue on the Rest of the World section.

I don't like it any more when all Muslims are called terrorists then when I read crap about Jews and Zionists. I don't like it I speak out. I do think there are some people on this board who hide their true agendas and try make themselves sound other than what they are but they usually slip up sooner or later and out comes the hate.

That said I got your point.  I forget that point myself and am the first to admit it.

That said thank you for sharing the information but not sending pictures. Tell your wife your secret is safe in my hands. Wait that sounds real  wrong.


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12 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, but why reply to my post ?  Keeping statues of the people who lost strikes me as a Canadian thing more than an American one.  Anyway, it doesn't matter.  If people want the statues gone, they should go.

2. Past mistakes.  There are far worse ones than that done by corporations that are still going.

3. Um.  1938 vs 2017 I think.

I just needed a little warm-up. This is a serious issue, as you are aware. People need to understand real history.

Sometimes a Gemini’s Inner Gemini will get the best of him. Trump was standing between two locomotives but the place in-between is simply too narrow.

Still, Trump was seemingly trying to invoke purely aesthetic reasons for maintaining the controversial statuary. In fact, the Lee Memorial sculptor was a man named Henry Merwin Shrady, from New York. Shrady was also the sculptor for the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial!

What was Shrady doing sculpting both Lee and Grant? Didn’t he have a moral compass?

Or was he simply making a living, and being a mere mortal, recognize that the subjects he ultimately portrayed in bronze were also a reflection of his own human fllability and thus not off limits to portrayal? A celebration of humanity, warts and all, if you will. But also a celebration of the good aspects. And although most people are incapable of suspending judgement in order to contemplate context, the fact remains that Robert E. Lee was a very impressive individual on many levels.

Oh and that Gutzon Borglum guy, the irascible Mt. Rushmore sculptor who once contradicted/corrected Woodrow Wilson in public: and who was also chased out of Georgia by state troopers because he destroyed his original model for the Stonewall Jackson Memorial on Stone Mountain after basically telling the ever-changing-their-minds project committee to go f#%& themselves in the ###; and who brazenly accepted a two hundred thousand dollar down payment for the Mount Rushmore project even after geological experts predicted/warned him that the project would very likely fail; and who was allegedly aligned with the KKK–should we perhaps start to think about removing his work from the national eye?

But be that as it may, what about “artistic autonomy”, invoked with such reverence and passion by those who now urge censorship? For example, Robert Mapplethorpe’s “Piss Christ”, a photo image of a plastic crucifix half-submerged in a container of Mapplethorpe’s own urine.

Hey, how about somebody commission a sculpture and title it “Hypocrisy”? What a two-headed monster, multi-figure composition that would be!

At any rate, I don’t understand why people just don’t leave it alone and quit picking this particular scab. I mean really, when the top one percent posses nearly all–and they seem to WANT IT ALL–isn’t there more important issues to address that stirring up shit that has no real solution?

And speaking of wanting it all, what about a little tolerance or more likely ambivalence, for the monuments in question. I mean instead of making a mountain out of a molehill, just leave it alone and cultivate the paradox. After all, most everybody in this nation doesn’t give a shit about 19th century heroic/equestrian sculpture:

” Look there, the Robert E Lee Memorial !”

“Oh wow, what a great horse; it looks so realistic!”



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People do need to understand history and why those statues are there. Most were erected during and after Jim Crow in an effort to entrench white supremacy. Even Lee thought erecting statues was "picking that scab" and was against it.

Just because one should be free to create a Piss Christ, doesn't mean it should be displayed in a public park.

Edited by Wilber
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38 minutes ago, taxme said:

Hey, now he wants to speak English so that he can try and get his silly ass replies across. Just look at all the nonsense you just wrote above and tell me that you are not quite all there? I preferred it better when you wrote your last few ridiculous replies in your yippy language. You sure like to treat gentiles as if they were nothing more than just goyim fools and slaves, uhmm? There are many out there onto your game plan. The only reason why you and your ilk get away with what you say and do is because you pretty much own the lying fake and phony media who will parrot whatever they tell them to parrot. Lucky for most of us that we now have the alternative media to keep us up on all informed on the nonsense and the lies that you like to spew as the truth. I think that I am going to be visiting Breibart news more often now and watching what Steve Bannon who now knows what goes on in Washington and what he has to say about who the real builders of the swamp were. Fun reading times ahead.  :D

Well, I won't take your word for it as to whether MH is Jewish or not. Let him tell me for himself if he is or not. It should be pretty simple for him to be able to say so, uhmm?  

I'm not quite all there?  Zowee. It makes me sound like a being that can be in more than one dimension at the same time.

Yabbadabbadoo I'm one quasar of a Jew. 



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21 hours ago, Rue said:

I'm not quite all there?  Zowee. It makes me sound like a being that can be in more than one dimension at the same time.

Yabbadabbadoo I'm one quasar of a Jew. 



I thought that you were giving up on speaking English here? What happened? All one has to do is read all of your posts to be able to come to the honest conclusion that you appear to be not quite there at all. Your replies are pretty much always so ridiculous. Just saying. :D 

Yup, you sure are one hell of a something alright. But hey.  

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21 hours ago, Wilber said:

People do need to understand history and why those statues are there. Most were erected during and after Jim Crow in an effort to entrench white supremacy. Even Lee thought erecting statues was "picking that scab" and was against it.

Just because one should be free to create a Piss Christ, doesn't mean it should be displayed in a public park.

ESPN just recently removed a college football announcer from a game because is name was Robert Lee. Lee is an Asian. The reason they say they removed him was because they feared that is name may offend some people. This is how ridiculous things are becoming in America. And yet you and others here would probably feel that this was a good and smart thing to have done. The loonie leftists psycho liberals are really starting to show us all just how nuts they all really are. What more can one say. Bloody sad indeed. 

Source: The Conservative RightEdition website. 

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