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Trump Derangement Syndrome

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According to Scott Adams, Donald Trump is a Master Persuader and is playing 3D chess while all the other politicians/players (except for Godzilla) are playing checkers.

I disagree with Adams on many points but I must agree with him that Trump has thrown a wrench in the American cool, liberal/MSM/Matt Damon/coastal self-view of America.


When  a sitting president (Obama) claims that a person (Trump) is unfit to be, and indeed will never be, president - and yet that person becomes president, we are beyond "syndromes".

Obama often used the word "folks" in his speeches. I suspect that this was his way, from his mother's parents - or through his wife, to connect to ordinary Americans.

Yet, Donald Trump seems to connect far better with ordinary Americans, folks, than Obama or the American MSM or Hollywood's Matt Damon ever can. 


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Because Trump, if nothing else, is a genius at marketing.  He deserves credit for that.

He is Don Draper sans everything else 'unmarketing'  that makes Don Draper cool character. 

He understands his target market, average americans.  He embodies American culture: Tacky, garish, nouveau rich, loud, unsophisticated and celebrity. He is the American definition of success.  I feel sorry for all the Americans that get "it" (there are many). I think they are embarrassed they have the orange gnome trying to sell the world a used car, as they know they will be viewed as a nation of dim wits.

To find Barry cool you need to have a to have an attention span greater than that of a kitten and grade 8 vocabulary-too complicated for many.

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2 hours ago, August1991 said:

According to Scott Adams, Donald Trump is a Master Persuader and is playing 3D chess while all the other politicians/players (except for Godzilla) are playing checkers.

I picture Donald Trump as more of a Forest Gump figure... he's a failure, but manages to have success due more to dumb luck than any skill.

He won the primaries, but the republican party had an extremely large group of Candidates; had the Republicans had only 2 or 3 candidates from the beginning, Trump would probably not have gotten the traction that he did.

And he won the election, but only 1) with Russia's and Comey's help, and 2) against a candidate that had been subject to almost constant attacks from the Republicans (something Trump had little do do with). And despite that, he still lost the popular vote, and won due to the way the Electoral college worked. 

Yet, Donald Trump seems to connect far better with ordinary Americans, folks, than Obama or the American MSM or Hollywood's Matt Damon ever can.

No, Donald Trump connects with Racists and idiots better than Obama could. That was enough to get him elected. He still 1) Lost the popular vote, and 2) started his presidency off with a much lower approval rating than Obama.

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At the risk of being off-topic (because I'm not sure a topic was established), I don't think Trump is particularly good at identifying with average "folks." He already has a disapproval rating of 57%. That doesn't sound very relatable. He's just very good at manipulating gullible people and stirring them up. But that's even starting to fall apart and will accelerate once prescription drug prices go even higher and people lose their health care.

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4 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

At the risk of being off-topic (because I'm not sure a topic was established), I don't think Trump is particularly good at identifying with average "folks." He already has a disapproval rating of 57%. That doesn't sound very relatable. He's just very good at manipulating gullible people and stirring them up. But that's even starting to fall apart and will accelerate once prescription drug prices go even higher and people lose their health care.

So if 43% of Americans still approve, isn't that pretty much  the % that voted for him-he had 46%?  Clinton had a bit better at 48% , and the two other Presidential candidates bled off 6%.  So a 57% disapproval rating actually means: very little  change in We Love You Donald.  Correct?

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14 hours ago, August1991 said:

Yet, Donald Trump seems to connect far better with ordinary Americans, folks, than Obama or the American MSM or Hollywood's Matt Damon ever can.

Trump does connect with many Americans, but he fails to connect with the majority and he offers nothing of substance. It is not by chance that he polls well among old uneducated straight white men.

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IN terms of the actual topic name as opposed to the OP, yes, I think Trump infuriates some people beyond all reason. Those people, of course, are progressives. Now, don't get me wrong, there are many, many... many good reasons not to like Trump. I think I've covered pretty much all of them in the last year. But the way his every little action drives them out into the street in raging crowds is out of all proportion to his actual actions. Like the masses of people around the US, and even the UK and Canada, who are in a rage over his temporary ban of some Muslim countries. Or all that mass of women in multiple countries protesting the previous week. WTH? It's not even your country, foreigners!

Edited by Argus
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2 hours ago, Argus said:

IN terms of the actual topic name as opposed to the OP, yes, I think Trump infuriates some people beyond all reason. Those people, of course, are progressives. Now, don't get me wrong, there are many, many... many good reasons not to like Trump. I think I've covered pretty much all of them in the last year. But the way his every little action drives them out into the street in raging crowds is out of all proportion to his actual actions. Like the masses of people around the US, and even the UK and Canada, who are in a rage over his temporary ban of some Muslim countries. Or all that mass of women in multiple countries protesting the previous week. WTH? It's not even your country, foreigners!

I was a walker/Rubio fan, however trump making the left go into a tizzy is quite glorious.  

At least he's getting things done.  Not a fan of his trade stance though.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

IN terms of the actual topic name as opposed to the OP, yes, I think Trump infuriates some people beyond all reason. Those people, of course, are progressives. Now, don't get me wrong, there are many, many... many good reasons not to like Trump. I think I've covered pretty much all of them in the last year. But the way his every little action drives them out into the street in raging crowds is out of all proportion to his actual actions. Like the masses of people around the US, and even the UK and Canada, who are in a rage over his temporary ban of some Muslim countries. Or all that mass of women in multiple countries protesting the previous week. WTH? It's not even your country, foreigners!

Well, Trump has said some pretty offensive things both during the campaign and after.. racists and sexist comments, etc. And, many of his policies are quite... disturbing to many. (Appointing anti-abortionists to the Supreme court may end up stripping abortion rights away from millions of people for example.) Whether someone thinks its out of proportion to his actions is a personal opinion. Obviously the people participating in the demonstrations don't think its out of proportion.

Why do it? Lets see:

  • For personal reasons, it lets people who are worried about Trump's policies recognize that they are not alone. (Yes, its all well and good to read poll numbers that show Trump is unpopular, but going to a rally with thousands of like-minded people may be emotionally satisfying.)
  • It may put pressure on congress to not give in to Trump (the idea being if there are that many protesters, perhaps they may affect the next election if I decide to cave in to Trump
  • A peaceful protest may provide anti-Trump fodder (e.g. seeing Trump's over-reactions) early on, which may affect is chances for re-election (the idea is if his popularity gets too low it will never recover.)

As for why Canadian or UK people may protest: It does seem more pointless. But, the protesters could be thinking:By protesting now, they may prevent similar politicians from gaining a foothold here in Canada.

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17 hours ago, August1991 said:

 Yet, Donald Trump seems to connect far better with ordinary Americans, folks, than Obama or the American MSM or Hollywood's Matt Damon ever can.   

I suspect that ordinary Americans left ordinary Americans.  When we hear that those who supported Trump came from ravaged Middle America, people unable to find work, fallen into health problems and addictions it sounds to me that the economic losers that previously appealed to socialists have found a new hero.

It's a political 'flip' that most haven't caught onto.

The people who supported Clinton that I know are successful, hard working, Globally minded and optimistic.  That's American to me.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I suspect that ordinary Americans left ordinary Americans.  When we hear that those who supported Trump came from ravaged Middle America, people unable to find work, fallen into health problems and addictions it sounds to me that the economic losers that previously appealed to socialists have found a new hero.

It's a political 'flip' that most haven't caught onto.

I get the sense these are basically cut from the same cloth as the stupid white trash that George Wallace hived off the Democratic party.




A wild energy seemed to flow back and forth between Mr. Wallace and his audience as he called out their mutual enemies: bearded hippies, pornographers, sophisticated intellectuals who mocked God, traitorous anti-Vietnam War protesters, welfare bums, cowardly politicians and “pointy-head college professors who can’t even park a bicycle straight.”




Sounds about right.

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Further to TDS ... I can only guess at what others bristle at but ...

-I can't stand his horrible speaking style, which is cringeworthy to listen to and comes across as maladroit on every level

-His complete rejection of convention is alarming and shows a disgusting and unwarranted arrogance

-The actual language he uses, in an unfocused and meandering way is evidence of a feeble mind

That, along with the army of mouth breathers that defend him no matter what is hard to take.  Only 3 years and 50 1/2 weeks to go though.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

I get the sense these are basically cut from the same cloth as the stupid white trash that George Wallace hived off the Democratic party.

I have two flavours of Trump followers in my feed:

-Maybe this isn't a good idea but let's try something different


-Everything he does is great, and I know that because I know nothing about the world and politics

The 2nd group is particularly sad because they seem to think - they actually say - that they will soon be personally benefiting from his policies somehow.  The ones I know are about to lose healthcare coverage, and see huge taxes on everything they buy and they don't understand that.  

The only hope is that after Trump, they will not elect someone like him for another 200 years.

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7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Further to TDS ... I can only guess at what others bristle at but ...

-I can't stand his horrible speaking style, which is cringeworthy to listen to and comes across as maladroit on every level

His speaking style is such so that ordinary people can understand and relate to him.  That and he is showing he is a 180 of obama

7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

-His complete rejection of convention is alarming and shows a disgusting and unwarranted arrogance

And got him the whitehouse.  Americans want someone with a spine this time around

7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

-The actual language he uses, in an unfocused and meandering way is evidence of a feeble mind

See two blurbs above

7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

That, along with the army of mouth breathers that defend him no matter what is hard to take.  Only 3 years and 50 1/2 weeks to go though.

There's also an army of mouth breathers that trash him no matter what he does.  I don't agree with him on trade or meddling in the free market, but he is doing exactly what he says he's going to do.

like I say it's fun articulating his positions for the sole purpose that he has the left pulling their hair out and the fact it's poetic justice that it's a character like trump who is replacing obama.  Rubio and walker replacing obama wouldn't be the same poetic justice.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I have two flavours of Trump followers in my feed:


..and President Trump has many flavours of supporters...ones that really matter because they can actually vote in U.S. elections.

This is something you may never understand....no matter how many American "feeds" you consume.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

The only hope is that after Trump, they will not elect someone like him for another 200 years.

Hence the reason I was hoping he would win. Careful what I wish for I know but as I've said before the path to enlightenment is painful.  I'm not aware of any other path.  All of my really meaningful lessons have been hard.

I could see an Interregnum lasting a couple hundred years.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Hence the reason I was hoping he would win. Careful what I wish for I know but as I've said before the path to enlightenment is painful.  I'm not aware of any other path.  All of my really meaningful lessons have been hard.

I could see an Interregnum lasting a couple hundred years.


More wishful thinking and cross border "derangement".   Many here dismissed Trump early on, and even as he kept "winning".  

You can't fully understand the United States by watching so much American television.

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16 minutes ago, blueblood said:

His speaking style is such so that ordinary people can understand and relate to him.  That and he is showing he is a 180 of obama

like I say it's fun articulating his positions for the sole purpose that he has the left pulling their hair out and the fact it's poetic justice that it's a character like trump who is replacing obama.  Rubio and walker replacing obama wouldn't be the same poetic justice.

It's not 'ordinary'.  He was a New York blueblood with a silver spoon in his brain.  180 of Obama would make sense if he WANTED to sound like a terrible speaker.

Point #2, I'm actually glad people are laughing at liberals.  They need some relief after 8 years.  But it's a pretty big risk to put a clown in office just to laugh at your fellow countrymen.

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19 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

 This is something you may never understand....no matter how many American "feeds" you consume.

Of course there are many flavours of American !  This makes no sense.  I think you are so aching to fight with me that you put opinions on me that I don't have.   

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

Of course there are many flavours of American !  This makes no sense.  I think you are so aching to fight with me that you put opinions on me that I don't have.   


It's a web forum....nothing special about you or your opinion of American politics or culture.  Tally ho !

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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

It's a web forum....nothing special about you or your opinion of American politics or culture.  Tally ho !

Well, you seem to think so.  As I said, our conversation will get special when things start to change and your tone changes.  If we both live four years I'm sure I will see it come to pass.

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