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Half of Canada could be an immigrant or the child of an immigrant within the next 20 years


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A new Statistics Canada survey says almost half the country's population could be an immigrant or the child of an immigrant within the next 20 years.

It suggests the proportion of immigrants in Canada's population could reach 30 per cent in 2036 — compared to 20.7 per cent in 2011 — and a further 20 per cent of the population would be the child of an immigrant, up from the 17.5 per cent recorded in 2011.

The numbers released Wednesday are a far cry from the country's first census of the population in 1871 — four years after Confederation — when 16.1 per cent of the 3.7 million people in Canada were born abroad, with Britain, the United States and Germany as the most likely countries of origin.

The population projections show immigration will alter the country's cultural landscape under all scenarios Statistics Canada explored as part of an ongoing project to map out Canada's future as the nation turns 150 years old.



Canada's population in changing and fast, and with half of them settling in Toronto, Toronto's population will explode.

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All of Canada's non natives are children of immigrants. As for natives, they  are children of Mongolians, Russians, South Sea Islanders.

Everyone is from somewhere else. To define immigrant is an artificial snap shot of anyone's family tree to what? One generation? Two, three, four? Who decides how far back to look?

The most accurate thing is to say all Canadians are from apes and leave it at that. Unless you want me to explain how aliens (no not immigrants, people from outerspace) came to this planet spliced some of their genetic material with apes to create a labour class species which they then left behind  and populated the earth as an invasive species no different then rats and lampreys and evolved into the shmucks we are today.


Rue Darwin

Edited by Rue
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1 hour ago, Topaz said:

Did u mean French instead of German? After all Canada was built by the English and the French and First Nation then all other followed.

I didn't write the article.

Canada was built by lots of different groups and many groups came here and were building before the Brits you have not listed.

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3 hours ago, Rue said:

All of Canada's non natives are children of immigrants. As for natives, they  are children of Mongolians, Russians, South Sea Islanders.

Everyone is from somewhere else. To define immigrant is an artificial snap shot of anyone's family tree to what? One generation? Two, three, four? Who decides how far back to look?

What is a nation? What is a people? What is a culture? If we say that what Canadians are are people who grew up here to people who grew up here, born to people who grew up here we can say that we are all a people, with a shared set of values, beliefs and customs that have been passed down, morphing over time, to the body of the population living here now. Which makes us a people.

What immigration is doing on the massive scale that the liberals have launched is replacing the people who were and are known as Canadians, who had their own unique culture, with foreigners who have no connection with the values, cultures, customs and beliefs of those who were born here. Canada is effectively dying, fading into the past. What we will have instead is a collection of people from other nations around the world who retain their old values, beliefs and customs. They will have papers which identify them as "Canadian" but they will know nothing and care less about the values, beliefs, customs and history of those who used to live here.  It is as if you simply killed everyone here, and then imported millions of foreigners to replace them. Call the place Canada or call the place anything you want, but there will be no "people" here, no nation, just a collection of people from other nations, staying here as long as it is economically advantageous to do so, and going 'home' or moving on when it is not.

Of course, for Canadians, those who grew up here, there will be no home to leave for, for the liberals will have destroyed it in a grandiose gesture of inclusiveness to the world.

It is a pity the people who think other country's cultures are so precious, that the cultures of aborigines are so precious and valuable, never felt anything but contempt for Canada's, and worked so hard to destroy it.


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6 hours ago, hernanday said:



Canada's population in changing and fast, and with half of them settling in Toronto, Toronto's population will explode.

What more can be said. With all these third world immigrants and refugees being allowed to come to Canada it won't be too much longer before the white people are displaced, and will become the minority. Why on earth would a people pretty much want to commit racial suicide, and allow themselves to become a minority in their own country is beyond me. We can certainly thank multiculturalism for this where even white people are only concerned now about where their ancestors came from. It's like they do not want to join as a group and fight for their racial survival. It would appear as though they are looking forward to the day when they do become a minority. Those older white fools may not be too concerned about it but it is their children and grandchildren that will pay the price for their lack of concern. I pity the thought of my grandchildren having to grow up in a non-white country, a country that they should be still the majority in. We are already seeing non-white ethnic ghettoes rising up in Canada.

Toronto is a prime example of how that city is fast becoming a non-white city. Toronto in the sixties was pretty much all white. Today thanks to papa Trudeau that all changed when he decided in his non-infinite wisdom, reverse our past immigration policy of bringing in mainly people from Britain and Europe too mainly 80% - 85% non-whites today. Now, roughly 10 - 15% of white people are allowed into Canada. Caucasian Canadians are allowing their politically correct politicians to get away with this without saying a word. 

I guess that political correctness has got a good hold on their tongues and minds, and have been pretty much been brainwashed and convinced that more non-white immigration is great for Canada. On the contrary, if this is allowed to continue, the Canada we know today will be a country of the past. It will look like many third world countries all wrapped up in one. If you don't care about yourself think about your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to be growing up and be forced to live in a non-white country? I don't want to see that for my grandchildren. It's funny how the media and our phony politicians do not bother to say to you that in just a few more decades white people will be a minority in Canada, and that white people will then be at the mercy of non-whites. I can already see turf wars in the making in Canada. What more can be said. 

So, what say you? Is there any need to believe that what I have wrote above will not come to pass, and it is all just a big concern on my part for nothing?  Over.  :)


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6 hours ago, Rue said:

came to this planet spliced some of their genetic material with apes to create a labour class species which they then left behind  and populated the earth as an invasive species no different then rats and lampreys and evolved into the shmucks we are today

Damn, that makes way too much sense to me!

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On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, taxme said:

I guess that political correctness has got a good hold on their tongues and minds, and have been pretty much been brainwashed and convinced that more non-white immigration is great for Canada.

No. What political correctness has done is made people too afraid to speak up against immigration, even when it's inefficient, even when it brings the wrong people in, by any logical measure. No politician is going to dare say we should bring in less Arabs and Asians and more Europeans, no matter how much sense that makes in terms of economic success and their ability to adjust and integrate better.

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On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, taxme said:

With all these third world immigrants and refugees being allowed to come to Canada it won't be too much longer before the white people are displaced, and will become the minority. Why on earth would a people pretty much want to commit racial suicide, and allow themselves to become a minority in their own country is beyond me.

When white people first came to this country, they were a racial minority by the numbers, the real question is, why do white people keep forcing themselves into countries where they are the numerical minority (Canada, Africa, Australia, Europe, South America, etc)


On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, taxme said:

If you don't care about yourself think about your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to be growing up and be forced to live in a non-white country?

Yes, because Canada's foundation are not racial, if they where, whites would have to go back to central asia while leaving europe because whites were not first here.


On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, taxme said:

I don't want to see that for my grandchildren. It's funny how the media and our phony politicians do not bother to say to you that in just a few more decades white people will be a minority in Canada, and that white people will then be at the mercy of non-whites. I can already see turf wars in the making in Canada. What more can be said. 

But since most claims of racism are just made up bs, we have nothing to fear if whites are at the mercy of non-whites, since racism doesn't exist, right?


On 1/25/2017 at 10:40 PM, taxme said:

So, what say you? Is there any need to believe that what I have wrote above will not come to pass, and it is all just a big concern on my part for nothing?  Over.  

I think you are overthinking it.  Whites are already a global numerical minority.  If what you said was true, it would already have happened.

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5 hours ago, Argus said:

No. What political correctness has done is made people too afraid to speak up against immigration, even when it's inefficient, even when it brings the wrong people in, by any logical measure. No politician is going to dare say we should bring in less Arabs and Asians and more Europeans, no matter how much sense that makes in terms of economic success and their ability to adjust and integrate better.

If you think anyone from Europe would even want to come to live here, you have never been to Europe.  I have lived in Europe, the standard of living is so much higher than ours, in nations like Norway, people pay less taxes, they have better public transit, free education right through university to the ph.d level, generous government grants and benefits even by Canadian standards for people on welfare and who cannot find work, prison in Norway looks like club med, police don't even have to carry guns, and they can take a long weekend vacation to Italy, London, France, Spain, Czech, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Germany or former Yugoslavia and pay a fraction of the price in alot of these places, as it would cost you to go to Wasaga beach or something like that.  You just cannot compare living in a country where someone can take a weekend vacation to sunny italian or greek beaches on a flight faster than it takes many of us to commutte.  No one is leaving Europe where a place like Oslo area has more subway stops and train stops than TTC despite having 1/5th the population.


Sorry, Canada has a severe political corruption problem which is top down.  Do you know what it is like to not wait more than 10 minutes for a bus even in a lonely suburb bus stop and still pay less in fare than Canada when there is 1 foot of snow on the ground?  I've come to the conclusion that the main cause of Canada's ills is political corruption and Canadian general greed.  Norwegians are smart enough to not buy every made in China good.  To move to Canada would be foolish for most upwardly mobile Europeans or even poor ones.  You are going to move to a nation where you don't speak the language, you have no connections, you going to struggle to find work, have to pay for things that are free in your country, leave your family, friends, and take on a bunch of expenses for what?

It makes no sense.

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3 minutes ago, hernanday said:

I have lived in Europe, the standard of living is so much higher than ours, in nations like Norway, people pay less taxes, they have better public transit, free education right through university to the ph.d level, generous government grants and benefits even by Canadian standards ...

Which begs the question:  why are you here?

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12 hours ago, dialamah said:

Which begs the question:  why are you here?

The standard of living is not higher in Europe, nor in Norway. Taxes are higher, not lower, and people generally live in much smaller apartments and houses with less 'stuff' than we take for granted.

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Just now, Argus said:

The standard of living is not higher in Europe, nor in Norway. Taxes are higher, not lower, and people generally live in much smaller apartments and houses with less 'stuff' than we take for granted.


Hernanday said he lived there, and you have not as far as I know.   Who should I believe?

The size of house/amount of stuff isn't a criterion of good living, is it?   

My previous company was owned by a Norwegian company, and sometimes employees would be seconded to our office.   None of them wanted to stay beyond their work term.   They also seemed a little confused by what we didn't have available to us.   

Of the top 19 countries with the highest standard of living, 12 are in Europe according to this list.  

This list gives 5 out of 10 European countries highest marks for standard of living.  

Another list has 11 contenders, six of which are European.  

Each list measures different metrics, so the standing of countries changes places, but it's clear that European countries score pretty well overall, often higher than Canada and the US.    


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1 minute ago, dialamah said:

Hernanday said he lived there, and you have not as far as I know.   Who should I believe?

The size of house/amount of stuff isn't a criterion of good living, is it?   

My previous company was owned by a Norwegian company, and sometimes employees would be seconded to our office.   None of them wanted to stay beyond their work term.   They also seemed a little confused by what we didn't have available to us.   

Of the top 19 countries with the highest standard of living, 12 are in Europe according to this list.  

This list gives 5 out of 10 European countries highest marks for standard of living.  

Another list has 11 contenders, six of which are European.  

Each list measures different metrics, so the standing of countries changes places, but it's clear that European countries score pretty well overall, often higher than Canada and the US.    


Maybe the question you asked him should be asked of you...

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8 hours ago, ?Impact said:

In my case it was family that brought me back, my first child was born in Europe and that was a big consideration in returning.

When my Wife became pregnant with our first child when we were in Europe we decided she would return to her parents in Richmond so she could give birth in Canada. 

I don't know if that saved a headache or two.  Certainly my girls never had a problem getting their British passports, but back then, there was probably some discrimination based on which parent was Canadian that might have made it an issue.

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On 2017-01-25 at 2:32 PM, hernanday said:

What "indigenous" folks?

I think he means original Canadians.

Of course, they wouldn't have called themselves that.

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18 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Hernanday said he lived there, and you have not as far as I know.   Who should I believe?



I have.  It's not a question that can really be answered.  Even speaking in the most general terms.

I personally have never rued my decision to live in Canada.

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13 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I have.  It's not a question that can really be answered.  Even speaking in the most general terms.

I personally have never rued my decision to live in Canada.


Of course not; Canada is clearly the best country in the world, even with all its warts.   :)   

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