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Bush-Chaney rumoured to be moving to Canada

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The title of course is just meant to alarm all Americans  and have them move to  Canada. Come. We embrace refugees. Justin will be waiting to hand out winter coats to you.

My prediction is Hilary wins because the electoral votes will get her over the top faster than Trump not withstanding the popular vote.. He just does not have enough electoral votes.

I am betting his popularity doesn't get him electoral votes.

I am betting lots of people don't show to vote for either side but Clinton gets in by a large enough margin Trump has to shut his orange face..

That said I wrote him off three times and he keeps coming back like a cockroach you can't stomp.

But I call it now. 

Bush-Chaney may have to move to Canada to escape that communist Hilary. Notice how much red she's been wearing?

Go on call it. Go out on a limb. Stop living safe.

As many of you know I am a speech writer. Here are the speeches I was asked to write for Trump's wife.

If he wins:

"My husband never touch girl in privates.  is won very nice good.  I clean Donald suit. Now Putin come visit.. Go away Marla Maple's daughter. I go hello yes. I have shoes like Imelda Marcos. I make museum"

If he loses her speech is as follows:

"Bad people. You very bad. Donald never touch private parts. Hilary lie good. Bad lady, She  prune and hippopota hippopota bus.

Donald you loser. I divorce. "

God Bless America.

God Bless Canada.

God bless Tonga.


Edited by Rue
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I don't think Trump wins either the popular vote or the electoral college.

1 hour ago, Rue said:

"My husband never touch girl in privates.  is won very nice good.  I clean Donald suit. Now Putin come visit.. Go away Marla Maple's daughter. I go hello yes. I have shoes like Imelda Marcos. I make museum"

If he loses her speech is as follows:

"Bad people. You very bad. Donald never touch private parts. Hilary lie good. Bad lady, She  prune and hippopota hippopota bus.

Donald you loser. I divorce. "


I am expecting Ivanka's comments tonight to be something like this:

"I respect the will of the people. Look for Ivanka Kushner fashion products, by Ivanka Kushner, at fine retailers everywhere!"


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Well; the grassroots have spoken loud and clear. The majority of women voted for Trump not Clinton. Blacks and Latinos and women did not vote en masse for Hilary.

The high early turn out as usual repeated he pattern that high early vote count is a sign of wanting to get rid not keep a leader.

Bottom line-Hilary did not get women to vote for her nor did she win over disgruntled Republicans. The angry Republicans did not vote and that allowed Trump to win among many other reasons.

I myself kept feeling this guy just doesn't seem to lose when everyone writes him off but I made the mistake of listening to the polls. My math had a close popular vote but I thought Hilary would take Ohio and Florida to win it. That's where I made my big mistake, Also not one poll was accurate. Not one.

Trump won in Florida with no ground machine against Clinton who had a huge one. He did not use the internet, and he did not run a heavy tv ad campaign at all.

In fact nothing he has done in politics other than populist jingo sound bites and chauvinistic (patriotic) reference.

The reason he won is very very simple. Americans first and foremost are a warrior people. They take their military identity seriously. 8 years of Obama apologizing for their power and saying hey were no longer a world power oozed its way down into the psyche of the average American who by nature are chauvinistic in the national pride military sense. The make America no.1 again sound bites appealed to that pride. You don't as an American politician tell Americans they are anything but  o.1. Add to that it was women who turned against Clinton-the votes now show they did not vote for her as she thought they would.

Clinton could not convince other women to trust her. Now look, Clinton's team through the sex slings out first painting trump as a rapist. It didn't fly. Too many women see her as a serial rapist apologist (her role defeding Clinton). As well Clinton underestimated another distinct American phenomena. A lot of women want to carry guns in the US as protection and felt Hilary was against that.

The immediatre gut reaction will be its a white back lash against a black President. I don't see the skin colour in it. I think any President with the foreign policy of Obama would have been taken down by a man of any colour preaching America no.1 crap.

Donald Trump clearly went to World Wrestling Federation, got one of their scripts and stuck with it. His routine is very similar to  Ravishing Rick Rude and Rick Flair.

See for yourself on You Tube. Hilary could not shake her true colours-cold, elitist, power crazy, phony. She did not come across. I think her handlers thought they could pitch her as another Margaret Thatcher. It didn't work. I can think of 3 successful women politicians, Golda Maer of Israel, Indira Ghandi of India and Merkel of Germany,

All 3 were as powerful as they get and yet women were/are not put off by them. I think women did not pick up a motherly identity somewhere inside Hilary and it scared them I really do. Women don't vote for other women just because they are women. They won't vote for another women they don't think understands certain life values. I defer to women on thst though its just I find it fascinating she couldn't get the majority of women to vote for her as Obama did blacks.

As for Bill Clinton, his weak, frail appearance and attempts to endorse her did not work.

So the question is will his daughter be appointed his Chief of Staff?

Trump is a genuine outsider independent. He owes no one and he  has no connections now to the Republicans.

He's a true independent wild card. Who he puts in his cabinet and offices is literally anyone's guess. In fact I would say establishment types on both sides may be tempted to have him die of natural causes so the Veep takes over who is very establishment.

We shall see. If he does not suddenly gain impulse control on his mouth and emotions watch for a sudden heart attack in office.


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Clinton could not convince other women to trust her. Now look, Clinton's team through the sex slings out first painting trump as a rapist. It didn't fly. Too many women see her as a serial rapist apologist (her role defeding Clinton).


This was probably my biggest reason for not liking her.  I disliked it very much when she was First Lady and I disliked it when she ran for Senate in 2000 with the well known intention that she plans on becoming the first woman president.  I abhorred the idea of a woman like that being the first woman president.  That is a pathetic role model for women, IMO.

I was also appalled by the way her supporters chose to deny this aspect of her instead of acknowledging it and supporting her nevertheless (as Gloria Allred did for example).  

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I really hope the Democratic Party learns a valuable lesson in all this.  They chose her ignoring all the signs that she's just a highly unlikeable candidate.  Why did nobody else run other than O'Malley and an obscure candidate like Bernie Sanders?  Even he managed to almost take it away from her.  

The Democratic Party really fumbled this one.

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37 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Bush/Chaney better get in line...Immigration Canada's website crashed today due to the incoming traffic from the US.

Maybe the flood of lefties to Canada will be the silver lining of Trump's presidency.

American lefties are still pretty right by Canadian standards. And a lot of people talk crap about moving to Canada election night and the morning after but in a few days everyone will be back to their normal lives. 

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3 hours ago, BC_chick said:


This was probably my biggest reason for not liking her.  I disliked it very much when she was First Lady and I disliked it when she ran for Senate in 2000 with the well known intention that she plans on becoming the first woman president.  I abhorred the idea of a woman like that being the first woman president.  That is a pathetic role model for women, IMO.

I was also appalled by the way her supporters chose to deny this aspect of her instead of acknowledging it and supporting her nevertheless (as Gloria Allred did for example).  

I defer to you on the woman's issue and I agree with you as well. I may disagree with a lot of your politics but not your positions on woman's identity issues. I defer to you genuinely. My daughters said the same thing as you  and they are Americans living in New York. Your generation of women are o.k. You are not so weak you knee jerk vote for women only because they are women. That is a strength. Good on you for being so damn frank and candid.  


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2 hours ago, Bonam said:

American lefties are still pretty right by Canadian standards. And a lot of people talk crap about moving to Canada election night and the morning after but in a few days everyone will be back to their normal lives. 

You got that right. Big mouths. They are all talk.  Jackasses. Sheltered elitist jackasses. Its democracy. You don't like the choice stay and use the  democratic rights your country affords you to speak up constructively.

Say what they want the US allows people to vote and speak out.  Its one of a few countries that offers that luxury these days. Use the damn gift I say.

The US has elected opinionated populists many a time. I remember George Wallace. He was an out and out racist, then he got shot and became a moderate Democrat. Things change people. People say a lot of stuff in the heat of the moment. I am not apologizing for Trump but I say respect the right of the people to elect who they want and work with it to make it better if you don't like it. Running away and quitting is b.s.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

Bush/Chaney better get in line...Immigration Canada's website crashed today due to the incoming traffic from the US.

Maybe the flood of lefties to Canada will be the silver lining of Trump's presidency.

Hold up. You are referring to effete rich elitist leftists. They aint leaving their cushy lives. Our taxes are way too high for them. The working man or woman who miught be rightist or leftist have no damn money. They are broke. They voted for Trump as a protest against elitism. You know that. Trump was not right or left-he was simply someone with no pronounced ideology who did but one thing -amplify back people's anger back at them about corruption.

Right, left is there a difference? Really? Obama did no more for the poor than Bush. The system whether you start off right or left in ideology soon neuters you. That's why people voted for Trump. It was an anarchist type complaint.

Lefty Hollywood types have it good and Trump will cut their taxes. 

Who are going to hurt? Hey the uneducated (not said in a mean or patronizing way I mean people who did not finish high school for many reasons), lower/middle class, (menial workers, service workers, working people) the  unsophisticated, simple (no in an insulting way I mean people in rural areas not interested in fancy duplicity and faek talk) folk. He's gonna burn them no different then Obama.

I wouldn't shed any tears for Sean Penn or Chelsea Handler or Rosie O'Donell, etc.

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On 11/9/2016 at 2:07 PM, Rue said:

You are not so weak you knee jerk vote for women only because they are women. That is a strength. Good on you for being so damn frank and candid.  


I think many women were proud to vote for a woman and as much as I dislike her I would have loved to see a madame president.  However, I don't think there were many people who voted for her because she's a woman (ie they'd otherwise vote for Trump but they just wanted to see a woman in the Oval Office).  

Likewise, I think the whole narrative about her losing because of sexism is a bit over reaching.  There may be some, but I don't think in this day and age there are too many people who think a woman is incapable to do the same job as a man (with a few exceptions of course such as jobs requiring physically strenuous work where women do face some challenges).  

I think she lost for a myriad of reasons:  she was too much of an insider, her past (which many still dub as a 'vast right wing conspiracy' - gag), the wikileaks about her collusion with DNC, the polls giving her supporters a sense of complacency, her complete contradictions in policy, and many more.  

But her ovaries was way down on the list for the reasons of why she didn't get elected.  By the same token, her ovaries had very little to do with why people voted for her, whether or not they were proud to vote for a the first woman president.



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I saw the massive rallies for Trump repeat themselves across America. Meanwhile, Hillary had to bus-in an audience or get a filthy-mouthed rapper to appear just to get a few heads in the cameras.

But, y'all fell for the polls....well most of yez. It was plain to see...Trump 2016.

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39 minutes ago, Smallc said:

If you really think that sexism didn't play a big part, you're pretty naive. 

Racism and sexism may have influenced some voters but they aren't what swung the election. But the bigger way in which they affected the election was the left-wing narrative of the Trump supporter as racist and sexist, which caused major major backlash.

Again, the Republican nominee got the same amount of votes as the Republican nominee always gets. It's the Democrats that stayed home.

Why did the Democrats stay home? Because they had an uninspiring nominee, and a campaign that had no real message, just "the other guy is worse".

Why did Republican voters turn out for Trump despite how horrible he is? Because the left spent the last 2 years calling them racists and sexists and bigots and deplorables, and you're only gonna listen to insults for so long before you decide to spit back in their face.  Rural white people are tired of being the butt of everyone's derision and condescension and disdain and contempt and, frankly, hatred. So much hatred right now on social media for "uneducated white men". 

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48 minutes ago, Smallc said:

If you really think that sexism didn't play a big part, you're pretty naive. 

I wrote a whole paragraph about the reasons where I think she lost and said while I said that to some people gender may have played a role, I think that aspect is low on the list of reasons.  

This one statement calling me naive is really your best retort?

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We are living in a very precarious world today. People in US asked for change and they sure as hell got it. There were alot of factors playing the psyche of the average americans in choosing Trumps including immigration. It remains to be seen if the president elect who is now "the lord of the ring" can fulfill all those promises. And I am not just talking about building a wall and get the Mexican government to pay for it...

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5 minutes ago, BC_chick said:

This one statement calling me naive is really your best retort?

People don't like arguments that don't line up with their preconceived notions. Right now the narrative on the left is that the Trump victory is the fault of a bunch of racist sexist uneducated knuckle-dragging neanderthals. They don't want to look past that, they just want to talk to each other about how progressive they are and how bad everything is. 

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9 minutes ago, Bonam said:

People don't like arguments that don't line up with their preconceived notions. Right now the narrative on the left is that the Trump victory is the fault of a bunch of racist sexist uneducated knuckle-dragging neanderthals. They don't want to look past that, they just want to talk to each other about how progressive they are and how bad everything is. 


...as they burn-down the 7-11.

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6 hours ago, BC_chick said:

I wrote a whole paragraph about the reasons where I think she lost and said while I said that to some people gender may have played a role, I think that aspect is low on the list of reasons.  

This one statement calling me naive is really your best retort?

No - it played a huge roll.  How much you wrote about it doesn't much matter.  I heard it every day from people on the street and the internet.  Even for the people who didn't state it as their reason, it was often a reason.  Some people (many men) don't want to be led by a women.

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2 minutes ago, Smallc said:

No - it played a huge roll.  How much you wrote about it doesn't much matter.  I heard it every day from people on the street and the internet.  Even for the people who didn't state it as their reason, it was often a reason.  Some people (many men) don't want to be led by a women.


That's an awesome ability you have: mass mind-reading. I hope you use it for good.

2 minutes ago, Smallc said:


230,000 people swung the election.


Uh no...losing Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan swung the election.

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