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Our new Syrian refugee immigrants.

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32 minutes ago, eyeball said:

What the left needs to do is stand in the face of conservatives.and tell them through clenched teeth, to stand down, shut up and stop apologizing for and supporting further diddling of the weakest and most powerless people of the world.


Lol, a lot of times maybe if those people didn't diddle with us to start with maybe they wouldn't end up weak and powerless.

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19 hours ago, Rue said:

Firstly, the fact you ask me if I am a Canadian or Israeli citizen is par for the course-it reflects the fact that you can't differentiate a Canadian Jew from an Israeli Jew let alone any other Jew and that is why you ask. You ask because you demonstrate to all to you is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew, Attaboy proving your inability to define Jews as anything but one indistinguishable category proves how you discriminate against Jews, and I mean all Jews not just Israeli ones or Canadian ones. Lol you walked into that one.

Secondly, your comments about churches demonstrates you one again missed the issue, I stated churches do not take money from the government to sponsor refuges, their members do. Zip over your head. I never suggested churches ask you for money for refugees. You incorrectly inferred that because you did not read what I wrote. Next I already know you would never pay towards any refugee. Call me psychic.

Thirdly, your comment about me being a Jewish supremacist because you "speak up for the white race"  and I call that couched reference to white supremacism does not make me a Jewish supremacist. That is illogical. To be a Jewish supremacist I would in fact have to believe my Jewishness makes me superior to non Jews. Your words" speak up for the white race" is exactly what white supremacists claim to do. You even use their wording to couch their agenda.. I call you out and say you now couch your words to avoid admitting your agenda. You responded to me and told me you follow the teachings of Brother Nathaniel. As well as being  a white supremacist bigot and vile anti-Semite  he is  prone to wearing funny hats. You support a bigot's views, ergo you are a bigot.

In regards to my views, I have in fact many times pointed out that Judaism teaches Jews they are NOT superior to non Jews and that the myth we think we are better comes from non Jews misrepresenting deliberately or misunderstanding unintentionally that when we call ourselves chosen, that word only means we entered a promise to God to worship God collectively and not individually and in return God remembers us on a collective level not an individual one. I said this analogy describes a covenant or promise entered into with us-it doesn't make us better than anyone. In fact there are numerous passages in the Bible and Talmud that state a Jew must respect other religions equally and this is why we do NOT convert people. It is Christianity and Islam that teach their followers they must convert non believers because of the theory if they don't we go to hell. Conversion in Judaism must be initiated by the person who wishes to become a Jew.

Fourthly, you do indeed have a problem with people of colour-to state you don't is illogical given you have made it clear time and time again you feel you need to protect the "white race" from all kinds of non white people.

Fifthly, you again muddle your words and make no logical sense yet again. If refugees ended up on taxpayers payrolls as you claim that would be great. It would mean they are employees and capable of paying tax to the government. You don't even know how to slur refugees and call them state parasites properly.

Sixthly, for someone who claims to use logic I have pointed out in the above how you do not make sense. In regards to you using common sense and logic all I have read from you are unsubstantiated subjective opinions and allegations. Once again you call me Jew names couching the name calling with the words "Ziionist elitists".  Zionist elitists. Right. Spit it out. Why not say the world conspiracy of Jews that control the world? You afraid to say so? Lol. Zionists. Right.

One last thing, this concept you use "white race". Really, its time you break it to yourself gently that the colour of your skin, the size of your lips, your hair colour and texture, those are called secondary characteristics. They don't determine your genetic make up. In fact genetically you could have pale skin, small lips, yellow hair and have more in common with black men, real black men with swarthy skin and big lips than you do fellow pale people. Sorry to break it to you but science proved many years ago that what you call race is just a subjective description people like you ignorant of science still use.


I don't think that you understand anything that is said or asked of you.  You seem to just enjoy taking everything I or anyone says and take out of context, and try to make it appear worse than what it really is because you hate people like me. How is saying that one who is interested in white concerns and survival is being white and racist, and is a white supremacist. Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are obviously pro-black. Should we call them black supremacists than? You are pro-Zionism. Should we call you a Jewish supremacist?  Think about it will you? 

First. I asked you a simple question which I will ask you again. Are you a Canadian citizen or an Israeli citizen. Pretty straight forward question. Yes or no. Stop beating around the bush. Just curious. 

Second. Zip, over your head. Show me where I said that churches get money from the government. Verbatim please. 

Third. Again, how does showing interest and concern for white survival make me a racist or white supremacist? I don't know about you? 

Fourth. I already told you, if you cared to read what was said, that I do not have a problem with people of color. Where have I said that I have a problem with people of color? I think that I know where you got that bit of nonsense? Out of your head.  

Fifth. I don't know what the hell you are trying to say. I don't think that anything said where common sense and logic is concerned will make any common sense or logic to you anyway. You are an emotional Zionist with a problem of trying to comprehend as to what is being said. 

Sixth. When one is an emotional and is a liberal and is politically correct than common sense and logic is thrown out the window. And stunned foolishness makes more sense to them. 

I did not create the world. But whoever did gave the world three races of people. They are Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. We are not all from the same mother by the looks of things as much as you would like to believe. What and whose scientists? The scientist on the conservative non-politically correct right who uses common sense and logic or is it the left wing liberal scientist one on the left that does not use any common sense or logic at all but lies instead and will say anything for a price or a job from certain elite people who want the rest of us to hear and know that which is not true. Sort of like trying to spread fake news. Science is always being corrected. The ignorant ones are those who will not try to get the other side of the story. To me it looks like you are only getting and reading and listening to one side of the story. There are many alternative media websites out there. Try one for a change, and go there with an open mind, not a closed one. I did and that is why you will never win or convince me with what you believe is common sense and logic and true. Like Trump, I am not a puppet on a string for the phony and fake politicians and the liberal media to be able to pull on, and try and make me believe their politically correct bull. :D

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19 hours ago, Rue said:

Thanks for equating me to Trudeau. Lol. Thanks a lot. Lol.

On a serious note I have never advocated defining the criteria for refugees to be based on skin colour nor has Trudeau.

Next  I respect people's individual cultures yes, but I think they must remain subordinate to a greater Canadian one on certain issues.

Next your assumpotions I don't care about unemployed or homeless people because I disagree with your views is illogical Your views I have challenged have never discussed either issue.

In regards to your comments that its all about Israel is again illogical. The very fact you now respond to me is because you disagree with me over something that has nothing to do with Israel. If you can't differentiate discussions about Israel from discussions about refugees that's you failing to distinguish not me. Last time I looked this thread was not under REST OF THE WORLD nor does it have to do with Israel. But hey I get it, a Jew, an Israeli you already made it clear they are interchangeable in your mind. Right? I mean its "Zionist elitists" you now think run Canada. You use the word "Jewish elitists" lol.

Now the reference to yourself as a Canadian patriot, yah I get it. I'm a Jew. I can't possibly be loyal to my country right? Just like the Syrian refugees. Now  you call non whites "strangers".

Lol. Your couching your references is hilarious let's see now:

a Jew........is  a Zionist and not Canadian

a Jewish elitist...is a Zionist elitist

a white.......a  Canadian (unless of course they aren't white)

a non white, is  anyone who does not have a small nose, narrow lips, pale skin or even if they do but  are Jews or Muslims

a non white, or pale Jew or Muslim  is a stranger

discriminating against non whites or strangers is can exercise in Canadian patriotism and caring about Canadians (unless of course they are stranger non white, Jew, Muslim  Canadians)

looking at non whites, strangers, Jews and Muslims as disloyal, undesireable and stating that dislike is "asserting the white race".

Yah I got it.

By the way  you don't think we take in enough "Caucasian countries" Really?

Can you be more specific. There's over 50 different ethnic groups in the Caucasus region.

Oh let me help. The easiest way is to deternine if the people speak a Caucasian  (Caucasic) language(s) and so it includes:

(Jews, Arabs, OOOOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and look who else Taxme....


Those who speak Kartvelian languages

Those who speak Northeast Caucasian languages

Those who speal Northwest Caucasian languages

Those who speak Turkic languages:

Peoples speaking Indo-European languages[edit]


Caucasians that speak languages that belong to the Semitic language family



Kalmyk people

The Kalmyk people — or Kalmyks — is the name given to the Oirats, western Mongols in Russia, whose ancestors migrated from Dzhungaria in 1607. Today they form a majority in the autonomous Republic of Kalmykia on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Kalmykia has Europe's only

Buddhist government.[6]


All the above info is from Wikpedia. I hope it helps you understand Taxme that's a lot of groups you want to take in.







Look up Zionism on the internet. You call yourself a Zionist, and therefore you will have to take the heat for calling yourself a Zionist. And you have shown many times that you are concerned about Israel. Why, I don't know. I don't think anybody here really cares all that much about Israel anyway from what I have seen so far. Many world leaders despise Israel. I wonder why? Quote all you want. It does not mean that it is factual or truth worthy to read or listen too. Wikipedia has it's good points and it's bad points. I have enough problems trying to take in what people like you have to say. You are pretty good at babbling on about nothing. Most times you make no common sense or logic at all. 

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17 hours ago, bcsapper said:

If everybody called it as they saw it there would still be massive disagreement.  Not everyone sees it correctly.

Common sense and logic will work every time. If you and many others see something happen in front of you than there is no way that there will be a disagreement on what they all just saw unless one or two just want to be crap disturbers. No one can deny anything when the truth and facts are revealed to them. Unless theyare a liberal where facts and truth and common sense will just never work for them. Just saying.   

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Before humans even descended from the trees.

As the brave little lefty monkeys progressed by moving to the ground to explore for new opportunities, the most conservative monkeys screeched in terror at the temerity of it all.

The right wing was born out of the sycophants that looked up to the most scared conservatives in charge and right wingers have been that way ever since. 

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

Common sense and logic will work every time. If you and many others see something happen in front of you than there is no way that there will be a disagreement on what they all just saw unless one or two just want to be crap disturbers. No one can deny anything when the truth and facts are revealed to them. Unless theyare a liberal where facts and truth and common sense will just never work for them. Just saying.   

Your second to last sentence belies everything else you say.  If it applies to liberals, (and it sure does) it applies to everyone.

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Just now, eyeball said:

It's way way more applicable to conservatives though, as evidenced by their much stronger propensity for fear which has a far more potent effect on reason and clear headed thinking.

Well, I wouldn't know about that.  As I stated in another thread a moment ago, I'm only concerned about those things that warrant concern.


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9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It's way way more applicable to conservatives though, as evidenced by their much stronger propensity for fear which has a far more potent effect on reason and clear headed thinking.

What are you talking about?  The right wing is more adept to risk taking, if anything the left wing has a far more propensity for fear based in the business world.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Common sense and logic will work every time. If you and many others see something happen in front of you than there is no way that there will be a disagreement on what they all just saw unless one or two just want to be crap disturbers.

Different people who see things happen right in front of them often give very different accounts of what happened - and they're all equally convinced they're right.   It's called the Rashomon Effect.  




No one can deny anything when the truth and facts are revealed to them.

Well, yes people can and they do, all the time.  



Unless theyare a liberal conservative where facts and truth and common sense will just never work for them. 

Fixed it for ya.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Before humans even descended from the trees.

As the brave little lefty monkeys progressed by moving to the ground to explore for new opportunities, the most conservative monkeys screeched in terror at the temerity of it all.

The right wing was born out of the sycophants that looked up to the most scared conservatives in charge and right wingers have been that way ever since. 

Unh? Ok, ya sure. :rolleyes:

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52 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Different people who see things happen right in front of them often give very different accounts of what happened - and they're all equally convinced they're right.   It's called the Rashomon Effect.  



Well, yes people can and they do, all the time.  


Fixed it for ya.

Looks more to me like you screwed it up. But hey. 

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On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎13 at 1:21 PM, taxme said:

First: Are you a Canadian or an Israeli citizen?

You ask the question because you pose the Jewish stereotype that Jews are not loyal to the country they live in. It goes along with your other stereotype that Jews, a.k.a., Zionist elitists control the media, world, Canada ,etc.


4 hours ago, taxme said:

Look up Zionism on the internet. You call yourself a Zionist, and therefore you will have to take the heat for calling yourself a Zionist. And you have shown many times that you are concerned about Israel. Why, I don't know.

Yes. I support the concept of Zionism, However me personally I do not practice it myself because I am a Canadian first and foremost. I was born in Canada. It has given me all the rights, freedoms and privileges my ancestors could only dream of.

The topic was not about me it was about Syrian refugees. You couldn't resist turning it into a Jew thing and Israel thing. Lol.

Now why do I support Syrian refugees? Not because they are Syrian. Not because they are Muslims, but because they are people who had no control of the world that collapsed on them and need humanitarian assistance. I  hope many can go on to good lives and contribute positively. The ones that can't make it and struggle I hope they find their way too. Refugees are people who escape turmoil. I have no reason to add to their pain. Having come from people who fled to Canada to evade turmoil I will never forget that and turn on others seeking the same refuge my family and others did when they came here. I just would like it done without using refugees as photo-op props.

I hope all refugees like immigrants who come to Canada to put Canada first, and I think the vast majority of us do,  We know what Canada means to us.

As we speak more people will die in Syria and all over the world through no fault of their own. I know Canada can not save everyone. There are limits.

I just hope though whether our government is Conservative or Liberal or whatever, we remember those who need are help.

I believe all our leaders regardless of political party, specifically, Louis St. Laurent Diefenbaker, Pearson, Trudeau, Clark, Mulroney,Chretiens, Harper and now Trudeau who I can't stand tries and are trying  their best to balance their heavy responsibilities. I also believe Canada's refugee  policy today is as a direct response to a time when McKenzie King sent Jews back to Nazi Germany to die referring to all Jews as vermin and is also in response to a time when our immigration policies were quite bigoted towards many people. I believe we now are trying to rebalance that. Some say we gave gone too far some not far enough. I think we have to balance humanitarian concerns for those in need with state security issues and I think our governments are dealing with that and in many respects that balancing act  transcends partisan politics.

6 million of my people were massacred across Europe. Then with no where to go they had no choice but to flee to Israel. One gentile called Elenor Roosevelt stood up for my people at the end of the war and holocaust when the entire UN turned its back on us. Because of her single handedly taking on the UN and the US, Israel came about. Its a refugee country. A country created to rescue Jews from both Christian and Muslim states. It was created where it was because this is where we originated from and have always lived.

I believe Liberals whatever that means can be as bigoted if not more bigoted than Conservatives, what-ever that means. I also believe the words Liberal and Conservative, left and right are thrown about on this forum with accompanying stereotypes of what that means, I too have got caught up in that using the term trendy leftist. In regards to Syrian refugees, its not and has never been a right or left issue.It is an issue about how to balance state security concerns with capacity to bring in hose in need and to make sure we don't set them up to failure, crime, suicide, etc.

The stats that have been kept on refugees have shown so far that most end up paying more back into society than they take. Whether that will change I do not know and no one knows. Yes its true the government claims to have spend $348 million on Syrian refugees and it may end up as high as 2 billion according to some. There is a lot of controversy over the actual cost. The other thing that remains to be seen is how many of these refugees will end up with jobs and paying back into the system and generating through their spending jobs and infrastructure for others.

Those are issues you have not discussed because as you stated you are here to assert on behalf of the white race.

You also want more refugees from  "Caucasian" nations. Lol. Yes sir Mountain Jews, Georgians, Turks, Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, etc.

Man just think of the bbq's you can have with your neighbours. Wow I had no idea you cared about so many peoples.

I was just thinking. I wonder if a Mountain Jew would drink Mountain Dew. That might cause some confusion.

d'joo want a Mountain Dew Mountain Jew

no not Tat

yah I know you are not Tat djoo want a Mountain Jew

no not Tat

what a Chamalal.



Edited by Rue
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53 minutes ago, Topaz said:

Instead of judging people by religion, left or right, Canadian,or American, why not judge the PERSON on their character, morals etc because the other way just divides people and  remarks get other hand.

That would be nice. It seems pointless to even try meaningful communication when someone defines a group with a bunch of negatives, then plops you in that group.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yes but you're talking about what was done by the "typical right", as evidenced by the personal fortune of Hugo Chavez.

Chavez was as genuine "real left" as you can get.  He alone was responsible for beggaring the economy of Venezuela by fashioning it after a true Bolivarian socialist model.  AND, like so many other genuine socialists and communists, all of that misery and poverty crap is for the proletariat, not the leadership.   I expect one of your other heros is Dear Leader of the Worker's Party, Kim Jong-Un - who you will also find is not exactly living in poverty (as is the rest of the country).

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No, Kim Jong-Un is another leader who rules as conservatively as possible, if anyone has any evidence whatsoever that he's progressive in any way shape or form I'd like to see it.

Of course it goes without saying that the little fat boy has a bunch of sycophants on his right-wing to help ride herd on everyone else, which would be on the left, as evidenced by it's desire to make some progress out of the horror show they're trapped in.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, Kim Jong-Un is another leader who rules as conservatively as possible, if anyone has any evidence whatsoever that he's progressive in any way shape or form I'd like to see it.

Of course it goes without saying that the little fat boy has a bunch of sycophants on his right-wing to help ride herd on everyone else, which would be on the left, as evidenced by it's desire to make some progress out of the horror show they're trapped in.

You have a very different idea of what is "right" vs. what is "left".   If you get your wealth or privilege by luring the people into socialistic or communistic theories or policies, you are from the left in classical terms.  You may be abusing that trust (OK, you ARE) but you are still using the privileges available only through socialistic or communistic practices to get it.

If you are profiting from things people freely elect to do, be it politically or by policy (i.e. market economy) you are from the right - which ALSO can be abused.

Now, one thing that usually proves pretty accurate, the linguistic opposite of "left" is not only "right" but also "wrong" has proven over time to be the case.

At the root of it all, where the problem comes that you try to spin into "right" and "left" inappropriately is that abuse happens by dispensing privilege that benefits those who have access through "rule by special interest", not the underlying political philosophies.   Obey the fundamentals of good government (NOT dispensing privilege to any one exceptional group) and ANY political philosophy could work just fine.

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2 hours ago, cannuck said:

You have a very different idea of what is "right" vs. what is "left".

No, I'm holding to the original definitions as they were intended in post Revolutionary France.

The political philosophies that overlay these have distorted the intent behind the meaning beyond reason.  The meaning of the economic philosophies applied to them didn't even exist when they were coined.

It would be more appropriate and accurate to say that people in power and the sycophants that gather around them are usually just a bunch of assholes.  Made that way by power and privilege.


Obey the fundamentals of good government (NOT dispensing privilege to any one exceptional group) and ANY political philosophy could work just fine

Been there done that.  I'd rather outlaw in-camera lobbying.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, Kim Jong-Un is another leader who rules as conservatively as possible, if anyone has any evidence whatsoever that he's progressive in any way shape or form I'd like to see it.

Of course it goes without saying that the little fat boy has a bunch of sycophants on his right-wing to help ride herd on everyone else, which would be on the left, as evidenced by it's desire to make some progress out of the horror show they're trapped in.

Kimmy boy is a communist bully. But is the rest of the world saying or trying to do anything about the plight of his imprisoned people slaves? NO. The world didn't have a problem working to get rid of apartheid. The world could get together and get rid of the dear leader communist dictator. JT likes to pretend that he is for social justice and human rights. Then why doesn't he show it by attacking the fat boy bully? I guess that would then appear to be politically incorrect to do so.  

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