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G Huxley

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  1. Far less plane flights and cruise ships. "2. Working from home really highlights how technology has improved commerce " The opposite imo. This has shown how the big tech monopolies have increased their monopolization at the cost of numerous small businesses which have been shuttered and/or closed as a result of COVID.
  2. Minister of Tourism Melanie Mark Admits NDP is Killing the Royal BC Museum: "Sadly, the facilities are at the end of their useful life." https://www.change.org/p/save-the-third-floor-of-the-royal-bc-museum/u/30135926
  3. The visionary creator of the Third Floor died just over a week before it was closed: https://www.change.org/p/save-the-third-floor-of-the-royal-bc-museum/u/30040740 4 days later, rather than acknowledging his death, the museum ironically chose to post this about the Old Town just a few days before they closed it: https://publish.twitter.com/?query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FRoyalBCMuseum%2Fstatus%2F1475149452235190278&widget=Tweet
  4. Who were witch burnings for, but god and his will? Human sacrifice was also often used to punish those who were sacrificed. It qualifies. If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck it most probably is a duck. Witch burnings are human sacrifice.
  5. The google definition of sacrifice: "an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure." Witch burnings would qualify.
  6. What is the death penalty applied for crimes that weren't committed but human sacrifice? Are you familiar with the ancient concept of a scapegoat?
  7. Yzermandius burning witches at the stake is clearly human sacrifice. "some religions are clearly better than others " How so?
  8. " "you not being able to tell the difference between apples and oranges doesn't mean there is no difference" - Yzermandius How is it apples and oranges? It is human sacrifice and human sacrifice. The only difference is the stated reason.
  9. They are an upgrade? Wow. One human sacrifice for another.
  10. There was a lot of human sacrifice in Christianity e.g. witch burnings.
  11. Ah OK found it now. You still actually didn't answer the question there. I asked you what you found that was a lower level of morality and you simply reiterated that it was lower without saying what it was that was actually lower. I think it would be worth it to you to read Jaspers' work.
  12. "I answered your other question " Do you mind quoting your answer? I must have missed it.
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