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America under President Trump

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

LMAO. This is the first time that I've ever heard that reason for Americans travelling with a US flag. America has a bad rep for being foreign policy bullies and that's all.

As a former member of Canada's military I can assure you that members of our military share an extreme trust and respect for America's military, period. Your sentiments are childish and divisive.

I never said American soldiers were bad. However, you bring up a good point. No one is more pissed off than the military at Trump's insistence on alienating traditional American allies, while cozying up to dictators. The US Military hates Trump, and this stands out, considering that traditionally, most soldiers favor the Republican party. 


If you truly are a former member of the Canadian military, and you happen to support a man like Trump, you have shamed your country.

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4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


False...Trump enjoys support from the military consistent with support levels among the general population.


Google Trump support in the US military. He clearly isn't very popular.


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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Nope you’re confused again.  You were talking about empathy with someone else, not me. I’m just correcting your ridiculous lie about the SEALS. It’s not “restricted information” to name the forces as  SEALTeam Six nor is it new information. Saying the Special Forces were from Seal Team Six is like saying the aircraft carriers are from the navy or B2 Bombers are from the Air  Force. Then the ridiculous right wing lie went on and exaggerated to say he secretly leaked their names so that terrorists could target their families   Not to mention the whole notion that AlQaeda never would have attacked any US troops beyond retarded. 

You never met a strawman you didn't love and you jumped on that one. In fact you still seem to want to prioritize the diversion from the fact Uncle Joe shows a lot less empathy than people give him credit for.

I haven't gotten too deep in the woods arguing the helicopter crash conspiracy but yeah, if I wanted to there is one. I would stress the identity of seal team six was or should have been classified. That's not conspiracy. That's common sense and Joe Biden didn't show any when he leaked the information.


He said the Obama administration carelessly and illegally revealed the role of SEAL Team Six shortly after announcing the successful mission to kill bin Laden.

"Shortly after that successful raid on bin Laden, the president – through the vice president for political purposes – released the name of SEAL Team Six. That's classified information, and even (then) Defense Secretary Robert Gates was critical of that. So that was like putting a target on the backs of the sons of my clients," said Klayman, who revealed the helicopter may have been infiltrated by the Taliban before the crash because the Afghans on board were last-minute changes from the names on the original flight manifest.



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Many people on the left seem to focus way too much on personality and not actions. No doubt about it, Trump's personality does rub a lot of people the wrong way while others see his style as refreshing. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing with left wingers but I would guess that most Trump haters know little about his actions in the White House or his past accomplishments. Before entering politics , I don't recall ever hearing about him being called a racist , that only happened when he ran as a Republican and won. Anyone that only watches CNN ,MSNBC or the like will likely have a very unfavorable opinion of Trump. Let's not forget that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly left-leaning and they have little interest in fairness.

So many false assumptions by such low information voters.


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35 minutes ago, CampMassad said:

You may have missed the part where I stated that the US military traditionally backs Republicans, so if he is trailing Biden even in the Armed Forces, it says quite a bit about Trump. 


I didn't miss anything...U.S. military support varies depending on circumstances.

Clinton defeated two WW2 combat veterans.

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26 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I didn't miss anything...U.S. military support varies depending on circumstances.

Clinton defeated two WW2 combat veterans.

You have misunderstood the message I am trying to get across.  I'm not talking about Presidents/challengers who are Republican, that have served in the armed forces.  I am referring to the actual present day army. 

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1 hour ago, CampMassad said:

No one is more pissed off than the military at Trump's insistence on alienating traditional American allies, while cozying up to dictators. The US Military hates Trump, and this stands out, considering that traditionally, most soldiers favor the Republican party. 


Again, you're just spewing a CNN narrative as if there's some factual basis for it. The American members of the US military actually have no reason to dislike Trump, and the vast majority actually do support him.


If you truly are a former member of the Canadian military, and you happen to support a man like Trump, you have shamed your country.

I'll give you credit, you probably know more about feeling shame than most, but there's nothing to be ashamed of with Trump's record as POTUS. 

Shameful would be supporting a disgrace of a President like Obama, who literally turned his back on the police and made it cool to disrespect of the American flag.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Again, you're just spewing a CNN narrative as if there's some factual basis for it. The American members of the US military actually have no reason to dislike Trump, and the vast majority actually do support him.

I'll give you credit, you probably know more about feeling shame than most, but there's nothing to be ashamed of with Trump's record as POTUS. 

Shameful would be supporting a disgrace of a President like Obama, who literally turned his back on the police and made it cool to disrespect of the American flag.

You should probably get outside more, if you really believe that rubbish.

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13 minutes ago, CampMassad said:

You have misunderstood the message I am trying to get across.  I'm not talking about Presidents/challengers who are Republican, that have served in the armed forces.  I am referring to the actual present day army. 


I have already provided a recent poll reference for Trump and Biden "support" levels in the U.S. military, which includes far more than just the "army".

As a former member of the U.S. military, I can confidently say based on experience that political support varies by candidate and circumstances.

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2 minutes ago, CampMassad said:

OK, I see that you are delusional.  

So you disagree with this?


Shameful would be supporting a disgrace of a President like Obama, who literally turned his back on the police and made it cool to disrespect of the American flag.

You don't think that Obama fully supported anthem-kneeling, and you don't think that Obama played devil's advocate for people who murdered police?


 And when anyone, no matter how good their intentions may be, paints all police as biased or bigoted, we undermine those officers we depend on for our safety. And as for those who use rhetoric suggesting harm to police, even if they don’t act on it themselves -- well, they not only make the jobs of police officers even more dangerous, but they do a disservice to the very cause of justice that they claim to promote. (Applause.)

We also know that centuries of racial discrimination -- of slavery, and subjugation, and Jim Crow -- they didn’t simply vanish with the end of lawful segregation. They didn’t just stop when Dr. King made a speech, or the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act were signed. Race relations have improved dramatically in my lifetime. Those who deny it are dishonoring the struggles that helped us achieve that progress. (Applause.)

But we know -- but, America, we know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or of Middle Eastern descent, we have all seen this bigotry in our own lives at some point. We’ve heard it at times in our own homes. If we’re honest, perhaps we’ve heard prejudice in our own heads and felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racism’s burden, some feel to a far greater extent discrimination’s sting. Although most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this.

And so when African Americans from all walks of life, from different communities across the country, voice a growing despair over what they perceive to be unequal treatment; when study after study shows that whites and people of color experience the criminal justice system differently, so that if you’re black you’re more likely to be pulled over or searched or arrested, more likely to get longer sentences, more likely to get the death penalty for the same crime; when mothers and fathers raise their kids right and have “the talk” about how to respond if stopped by a police officer -- “yes, sir,” “no, sir” -- but still fear that something terrible may happen when their child walks out the door, still fear that kids being stupid and not quite doing things right might end in tragedy -- when all this takes place more than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid. (Applause.) We can’t simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness or reverse racism. To have your experience denied like that, dismissed by those in authority, dismissed perhaps even by your white friends and coworkers and fellow church members again and again and again -- it hurts. Surely we can see that, all of us.

There was literally no place for this attempt to rationalize the murder of these cops, at their funerals, period. 

The whole tone of his speech should have been "a heinous lowlife murdered 5 people who dedicated their lives to standing in harm's way to protect and serve Americans." Full stop.

If you are killed, do you want Barack Obama bringing up some past history from your race or religion that you despised, and using it as partial justification for your murder?

"Well, camper was a ________ and you know that some people still really resent the ________s for what their ancestors did. These kinds of murders are just going to happen from time. It's partly justified."


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16 minutes ago, CampMassad said:

You should probably get outside more, if you really believe that rubbish.

OK, so you completely edited your post after I responded to it, kudos for realizing how pitiful it was.

Sadly, this is just another shallow, empty accusation where you failed to have good reason to disagree with what I said.

FYI Barack Obama FULLY supported protests against the police, he FULLY supported anthem-kneeling, and even during the worst periods of violence during his Presidency he never spoke out against rioting, looting, arson, violence and racial division. He never commented on the criminal nature of BLM or how they were selectively editing video to drum up hatred and fear of police. He even fanned the flames of racism with comments like: "I can't help but notice that Trayvon looks like me.... etc"

Just in case you don't know how the English language works, let me explain to you the entire meaning of the above sentence. "If that was me when I was younger, and I was obeying the law and being respectful, I never could have survived a walk down that street because Zimmerman was a white-supremacist Mexican-American and he was looking for a black kid to kill, like a lot of other cops. Trayvon was black, and that's the only reason he was killed."

The notion that Trayvon's skin colour was the only or the main reason for his death was completely farcical conjecture and Barack Obama's comment was entirely divisive and shameful. Period. Given the amount of thought that Obama puts into being clear and concise, there's no reason to believe that he wasn't actually trying to fear monger when he said that.


Do you like stats camper? Did you know that BLM actually had a chance to patrol American streets for 3 weeks, thereby ensuring the safety of African-Americans in a 7-block area of Seattle, referred to as CHAZ? Yep. BLM police controlled 7 blocks of sovereign US soil for 3 weeks and they only killed one black child. 

Think for a second about the fact that there are about 30,000 times as many police officers working across America as there were Chazis, and in just 3 weeks they managed to kill a kid and then clear the crime scene of evidence.

In order for the "regular, racist American cops" to keep pace with the Chazis, they'd have to kill 30,000 black kids every 3 weeks. Lets pretend that there are only 10,000 times as many "normal, racist cops" as Chazis. They'd still have to kill 10,000 black kids every 3 weeks to keep pace with the Chazis. That would be 170,000 black kids that they'd have to kill. And don't forget that they'd also be destroying all the evidence on those scenes as well, just to be on par with the Chazis.


Quick Camper, what's the name of the 16 yr old black kid that was killed by the CHOP Gestapo? What was the name of his 14 year old friend who was critically injured? Can you find some video of Anderson Cooper saying those names? Or Don Lemon? Or anyone on CNN? Just find me one video where CNN showed their faces and named their names Camper. One video. Honestly, they were children, killed by police, and the evidence of what happened was removed from the crime scene. If cops in Tulsa or Podunk did that, you'd know their names little man. You'd still be seeing them every day.

Toodle off now. 

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

OK, so you completely edited your post after I responded to it, kudos for realizing how pitiful it was.

Sadly, this is just another shallow, empty accusation where you failed to have good reason to disagree with what I said.

FYI Barack Obama FULLY supported protests against the police, he FULLY supported anthem-kneeling, and even during the worst periods of violence during his Presidency he never spoke out against rioting, looting, arson, violence and racial division. He never commented on the criminal nature of BLM or how they were selectively editing video to drum up hatred and fear of police. He even fanned the flames of racism with comments like: "I can't help but notice that Trayvon looks like me.... etc"

Just in case you don't know how the English language works, let me explain to you the entire meaning of the above sentence. "If that was me when I was younger, and I was obeying the law and being respectful, I never could have survived a walk down that street because Zimmerman was a white-supremacist Mexican-American and he was looking for a black kid to kill, like a lot of other cops. Trayvon was black, and that's the only reason he was killed."

The notion that Trayvon's skin colour was the only or the main reason for his death was completely farcical conjecture and Barack Obama's comment was entirely divisive and shameful. Period. Given the amount of thought that Obama puts into being clear and concise, there's no reason to believe that he wasn't actually trying to fear monger when he said that.


Do you like stats camper? Did you know that BLM actually had a chance to patrol American streets for 3 weeks, thereby ensuring the safety of African-Americans in a 7-block area of Seattle, referred to as CHAZ? Yep. BLM police controlled 7 blocks of sovereign US soil for 3 weeks and they only killed one black child. 

Think for a second about the fact that there are about 30,000 times as many police officers working across America as there were Chazis, and in just 3 weeks they managed to kill a kid and then clear the crime scene of evidence.

In order for the "regular, racist American cops" to keep pace with the Chazis, they'd have to kill 30,000 black kids every 3 weeks. Lets pretend that there are only 10,000 times as many "normal, racist cops" as Chazis. They'd still have to kill 10,000 black kids every 3 weeks to keep pace with the Chazis. That would be 170,000 black kids that they'd have to kill. And don't forget that they'd also be destroying all the evidence on those scenes as well, just to be on par with the Chazis.


Quick Camper, what's the name of the 16 yr old black kid that was killed by the CHOP Gestapo? What was the name of his 14 year old friend who was critically injured? Can you find some video of Anderson Cooper saying those names? Or Don Lemon? Or anyone on CNN? Just find me one video where CNN showed their faces and named their names Camper. One video. Honestly, they were children, killed by police, and the evidence of what happened was removed from the crime scene. If cops in Tulsa or Podunk did that, you'd know their names little man. You'd still be seeing them every day.

Toodle off now. 

I did not even bother to read that "word salad."  You need to get out more.


PS...what division of the Armed Forces did you serve in, what missions did you partake in?

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

Many people on the left seem to focus way too much on personality and not actions. No doubt about it, Trump's personality does rub a lot of people the wrong way while others see his style as refreshing. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing with left wingers but I would guess that most Trump haters know little about his actions in the White House or his past accomplishments. Before entering politics , I don't recall ever hearing about him being called a racist , that only happened when he ran as a Republican and won.

Well, I'm not on the Left. I had some interest in him prior to the election. Then I found out about his multiple bankruptcies. That somewhat dimmed my respect for him as  a great businessman. Then I read the story behind how his Atlantic City casinos went bust, about how he failed to do even rudimentary studies on ongoing costs vs expected revenue (income per square foot of casinos and per hotel room is a largely known quantity). I read how some guy working for a magazine did it, pointed out that there was no way his casino was going to earn enough to pay the bills, and how Trump threatened to sue the magazine if he wasn't fired - which he was. I read a banker who was in on the bankruptcy hearings say he'd never met a CEO who knew and understood his company's finances less than Trump.

None of that has anything to do with his juvenile behaviour or his twitter feed.

Since he's gotten into power I've seen him bully everyone around him, though only those with no power or influence. I've seen him fail to appoint people to hundreds of important jobs. I've seen him run through a series of cabinet appointments and aides, firing intelligent, capable people until he got down to the yes-men and grifters. I've seen him openly insult and pick fights with American allies while engaging in grovelling flattery with dictators. I've seen him flout all the traditions a state needs to retain widespread acceptance of its legitimacy and respect for government. I've seen him do everything he can to profit off the office, from directing foreign lobbyists to stay at his resorts and hotels to seeking financial investment from China for his resort.

I've seen him exhibit a nearly total lack of understanding about how government works, about how an economy works, about business, finance, law, even the basics of constitutional law. I've seen him ignore this pandemic because it was hitting Democratic states first, and then refuse to do anything to help even as it spread. And because he said it was no big deal to begin with he's refused to backtrack. Because Trump never admits he is wrong about anything. So his administration continues to downplay the disease, downplay the precautions needed and refuse to provide organizational or financial assistance to the states while continuing to tout the message that the virus is no big deal and no precautions are needed.

Trump would rather have people die than admit he was wrong. That's just how utterly sociopathic a narcissist he is.

And if you think all that fails to provide a reason to feel contempt towards him as president then you have some mighty strange standards and judgement.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You don't think that Obama fully supported anthem-kneeling, and you don't think that Obama played devil's advocate for people who murdered police?

Here's the thing, Bubba. I often expressed my displeasure and disapproval of Obama. I never thought he was a good president either. Yet you continually defend Trump by saying, in effect "Well, Obama sucked too". 

I happen to think he's much worse. But never mind. If you do think he's as bad as Obama why do you lavish adoration on him when you didn't like Obama?

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


That's not actually the story of a Republican who turned Democrat, it's a rehash of all CNN's fake news. More accurately, it's the story of a complete moron who doesn't know when they're being lied to. 

I don't expect you to know this but she's a conservative writer and the Spectator is a conservative newspaper.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Jim MacDougall was convicted on 18 counts of felony fraud and conspiracy charges. His wife went to prison for refusing to testify against the Clintons. The Clintons were their business partners. 

The Clintons "lost all their emails", I mean, "papers". Weird how that always happens. Hillary has also suffered two bouts of amnesia in her lifetime, both times when she was testifying in court.

And how many Trump associates have gone to jail? Not including the ones he pardoned? And are you going to sit there adn pretend they and he told the truth? Trump wouldn't tell the truth if you asked him what he had for breakfast.

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12 minutes ago, Argus said:

 So his administration continues to downplay the disease, downplay the precautions needed and refuse to provide organizational or financial assistance to the states while continuing to tout the message that the virus is no big deal and no precautions are needed.


Not true at all....the Trump admin and GOP have proposed several follow-up to already record relief packages that were rejected by the Democrats because of election year politics.   And even if they passed such relief you would be the first to whine about more U.S. deficits !

The U.S. unemployment rate is lower than Canada's, which still trails the G7 average under Trudeau.

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Not true at all....the Trump admin and GOP have proposed several follow-up to already record relief packages that were rejected by the Democrats because of election year politics.   And even if they passed such relief you would be the first to whine about more U.S. deficits !

He continues to downplay the virus, and does nothing to persuade people to take precautions. The spectacle earlier in the year of individual states scrambling to outbid each other on the international market for desperately needed PPE gear while he sat back smirking benignly is not one which will ever be erased.

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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

He continues to downplay the virus, and does nothing to persuade people to take precautions. The spectacle earlier in the year of individual states scrambling to outbid each other on the international market for desperately needed PPE gear while he sat back smirking benignly is not one which will ever be erased.


The virus should be downplayed because some measures are completely overblown and far more destructive to the economy that impacts far more people and their livelihoods.   Trump reacted to the big BS scare over ventilators that went unused for the most part, while NY dems forced COVID positives into nursing homes.

Again...U.S. employment is better than in Canada because that's the choice we have made...far beyond Trump.

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2 hours ago, CampMassad said:

I did not even bother to read that "word salad."  

I know.

It's far beyond your capability to think for yourself, and CNN didn't tell you that, so there's no way that it could possibly be true from your POV. Still, you can't refute it, so you're left in a position where all you can do is throw down a sandbox insult and try to keep a stiff upper lip. 

The sad thing is that if someone said what I just said about Trump you'd instantly believe it regardless of what it said. The fact that something is negative/positive about someone you dislike/like is enough for you, facts be damned. 


PS...what division of the Armed Forces did you serve in, what missions did you partake in?

I served during the cold war, there were no 'missions'. 

I was already out 5 years before desert storm. 

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Well, I'm not on the Left. I had some interest in him prior to the election. Then I found out about his multiple bankruptcies. That somewhat dimmed my respect for him as  a great businessman. Then I read the story behind how his Atlantic City casinos went bust, about how he failed to do even rudimentary studies on ongoing costs vs expected revenue (income per square foot of casinos and per hotel room is a largely known quantity). I read how some guy working for a magazine did it, pointed out that there was no way his casino was going to earn enough to pay the bills, and how Trump threatened to sue the magazine if he wasn't fired - which he was. I read a banker who was in on the bankruptcy hearings say he'd never met a CEO who knew and understood his company's finances less than Trump.

None of that has anything to do with his juvenile behaviour or his twitter feed.

Since he's gotten into power I've seen him bully everyone around him, though only those with no power or influence. I've seen him fail to appoint people to hundreds of important jobs. I've seen him run through a series of cabinet appointments and aides, firing intelligent, capable people until he got down to the yes-men and grifters. I've seen him openly insult and pick fights with American allies while engaging in grovelling flattery with dictators. I've seen him flout all the traditions a state needs to retain widespread acceptance of its legitimacy and respect for government. I've seen him do everything he can to profit off the office, from directing foreign lobbyists to stay at his resorts and hotels to seeking financial investment from China for his resort.

I've seen him exhibit a nearly total lack of understanding about how government works, about how an economy works, about business, finance, law, even the basics of constitutional law. I've seen him ignore this pandemic because it was hitting Democratic states first, and then refuse to do anything to help even as it spread. And because he said it was no big deal to begin with he's refused to backtrack. Because Trump never admits he is wrong about anything. So his administration continues to downplay the disease, downplay the precautions needed and refuse to provide organizational or financial assistance to the states while continuing to tout the message that the virus is no big deal and no precautions are needed.

Trump would rather have people die than admit he was wrong. That's just how utterly sociopathic a narcissist he is.

And if you think all that fails to provide a reason to feel contempt towards him as president then you have some mighty strange standards and judgement.

You have to read Mary Trump's book, which came out in July. I was not surprised by it, but it certainly connects the dots as to why Trump is the way he is. 

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