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Trump certainly wouldn't start gassing people but he would have no troubles nuking 6 million people while his Nazi followers cheer along.

I don't think anyone can say with confidence what Trump would or wouldn't do. I'm not even sure Trump knows himself. He strikes me as someone with a tenuous grasp on truth and reality - ie the truth is whatever he claims it is at the time. I think that's part of his appeal. People are so frustrated and worried about the future,they'll listen to almost anything.

During the cold war, Soviet citizens were told that their society was based on equality and justice; and that America was a corrupt land where evil capitalists exploited the workers and the world. Americans were fed the great American dream, told that anyone can be anything and that behind the iron curtain was the 'evil empire'. It was mostly propaganda on both sides held together with bits of truth. The difference is that the people behind the iron curtain knew they were being lied to and the system decayed from within. Reagan was awarded credit but at best, he accelerated the inevitable collapse by a few years. After 2 economic meltdowns (the dot com implosion around the turn of the century and the banking meltdown in 08) in which millions of 'ordinary people' were pushed into bankruptcy but the perpetrators came away richer than ever, Americans are finally questioning the system. And that's why they're looking to saviors like Sanders and Trump.

Nobody can know for certain where things will go but these are potentially dangerous times.

I'm one of the people who thought calling Bush Jr. Hiltler was an insult, so I don't use the term lightly, but indeed, Trump has the potential to be a Hitler in the making.

Yeah. Some of those now sneering at the Hitler comparison are maybe suffering from selective memory. There was a huge amount of comparison between Hitler and Saddam Hussein by right wing warmongers who looked for any excuse to invade Iraq.

Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while preserving privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.

- Noam Chomsky

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

- Upton Sinclair


I appear to be making you angry, so I'll stop here. Have a good day, cyber.

When people advocate ripping up human rights legislation, yeah...it makes me a bit mad.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson


I don't think anyone can say with confidence what Trump would or wouldn't do.

We could take him at his word when he advocates committing war crimes.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson


As for the rise of more demagogues in the world we really have no one to blame but ourselves. It's not like we've been sleep walking towards the future, it's more like we're running towards it.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)

Ahhh no, Trump's message sales pitch is one of a "Fortress America", insulated from what many feel are outside predators........Sander's message is exactly the same, but replaces illegal workers and terrorists with globalization and anti-corporate capitalism themes..........

Trump goes far beyond fortress America. Like Hitler he has also blamed America's problems on specific races and identifiable groups. He called Mexicans in the US, murderers and rapists and vowed to deport them. He also claimed he would place Muslim Americans in interment camps. On top of that he claims he would aggressively fight ISIS abroad while also finding and murdering their families; something which happens to be a war crime. He also claims he would sanction forms of torture far more extreme than waterboarding.

Bernie talks of protectionism, higher wages, wealth distribution and health care. He doesn't speak of violence, racism and torture at all. Thus comparing Sanders to Stalin is groundless.

That a racist segment of the population supports Trump is no different than Obama being supported by Louis Farrakhan.......yet nobody suggests Obama is anti-semitic. Likewise, if one were to go through Sanders supporters they would also find countless kooks.........that is but part in parcel with being on the fringes of society and in turn politics.

Everybody gets a vote, even the kooks. However, like Hitler, Trump is feeding and encouraging the racists by making racist promises. Bernie and Obama may have had racists vote for them, but they certainly didn't court that segment by specifically preaching it or attacking identifiable groups. Your argument here is beyond ridiculous. Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Trump goes far beyond fortress America. Like Hitler he has also blamed America's problems on specific races and identifiable groups. He called Mexicans in the US, murderers and rapists and vowed to deport them.

Actually, that is not what Trump said (what he said was much more nuanced). That is what his detractors said he said. There is a huge difference. Edited by TimG

Trump goes far beyond fortress America. Like Hitler he has also blamed America's problems on specific races and identifiable groups.

Like Sanders or Stalin with the elitists?

He called Mexicans in the US, murderers and rapists and vowed to deport them.

Odd that Trump beats Rubio and Cruz with Hispanic voters.......

He also claimed he would place Muslim Americans in interment camps.

When did he do that?

On top of that he claims he would aggressively fight ISIS abroad while also finding and murdering their families; something which happens to be a war crime. He also claims he would sanction forms of torture far more extreme than waterboarding.

Has Obama not killed terrorists families at weddings and funerals?

Bernie talks of protectionism, higher wages, wealth distribution and health care. He doesn't speak of violence, racism and torture at all. Thus comparing Sanders to Stalin is groundless.

Oh......like Trump.........I don't know that Stalin spoke of violence, racism and torture openly when he ran Pravda.

Everybody gets a vote, even the kooks. However, like Hitler, Trump is feeding and encouraging the racists by making racist promises. Bernie and Obama may have had racists vote for them, but they certainly didn't court that segment by specifically preaching it or attacking identifiable groups. Your argument here is beyond ridiculous.

When did Trump court the KKK/David Duke? Odd that he would court an anti-semitic group when his daughter and grandchildren are Jewish....... :rolleyes:


We could take him at his word when he advocates committing war crimes.

Or any present and past U.S. president. What's so special about Trump....he hasn't even won Queens animal control officer yet.

Why isn't President Obama being held accountable for actual "war crimes", not just talking about them.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Actually, that is not what Trump said (what he said was much more nuanced). That is what his detractors said he said. There is a huge difference.

Agreed...lost in translation. U.S. has already built walls on the Mexican border and deported millions of illegals.

Economics trumps Virtue. 


Posted (edited)

All politicians dress the same pig up with lipstick, the only difference with Trump is that he smears it on like Tammy Faye Baker.

Speaking of which, what did they find when they scraped the gunk off Tammy's face?

Jimmy Hoffa.

Edited by eyeball

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)

On second thought maybe Trump smears it on more like the Joker.

The Joker is also very popular in American media.....gobbled up in Canada too. Trump's shows pull decent ratings in Canada.

Edited by bush_cheney2004

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Or any present and past U.S. president. What's so special about Trump....he hasn't even won Queens animal control officer yet.

Why isn't President Obama being held accountable for actual "war crimes", not just talking about them.

Trump is running for president. There's an opportunity to avoid putting that kind of idiot into office.

You tell me why Obama hasn't been tried. It was a joke that he got the Peace Prize to begin with.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson


Agreed...lost in translation.

If you guys think that Trump has any sort of nuance in his arguments, I feel sorry for you.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson


The Joker is also very popular in American media.....gobbled up in Canada too. Trump's shows pull decent ratings in Canada.

I'm sure Trump's fans think he's a regular Superman, who is even more popular in American media......and created by a Canadian.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson


Trump is running for president. There's an opportunity to avoid putting that kind of idiot into office.

You tell me why Obama hasn't been tried. It was a joke that he got the Peace Prize to begin with.

Seriously ? You are giving Obama a pass, but are scared silly by Trump's big mouth ?

Canadians wanted to give up their own domestic vote to support Obama....twice !

Economics trumps Virtue. 



If you guys think that Trump has any sort of nuance in his arguments, I feel sorry for you.

The only nuance Trump needs is covered by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Can say whatever he wants.

You don't have to vote for him, even if you could.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Right, just like Sanders now, contrasted with Stalin a century ago during the October Revolution.......doesn't

Sanders call his rise in popularity a revolution too?

You think that because Sanders used the word 'revolution', he's a Stalinist? Does that mean that every advertising agency or company that describes is products or services as 'a revolution' or 'revolutionary' is also Stalinist? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: C'mon. Walk it back.

Couldn't the same be said with the Democrats and Sanders?

OK. So, I'll admit I haven't watched any debates and am getting most of my information second hand. But here are the things that Trump has been said to do:

- advocate banning Muslims from entering the United States

- advocate increase in torture

- advocate war crimes (attacking the families of people who are accused of terrorism)

- calling Mexican immigrants racists and criminals

- tell his supporters to assault protesters at his rallies

- various sexist comments to women

- he claimed the wives 9/11 hijackers flew back to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks (blatantly untrue; none of the hijackers had wives in the US)

His supporters include known white supremacists

Again, that is my point, comparing Sanders to Stalin is as stupid as comparing Trump to Hitler.........or Bloomberg to Pinochet etc............doing so only lowers the level of discourse.

I don't know anyone who has made any of those comparisons except you.

Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while preserving privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.

- Noam Chomsky

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

- Upton Sinclair


We could take him at his word when he advocates committing war crimes.

I think he's certainly capable of it - and much more. I just think he's erratic to the point of being unstable and I wouldn't predict what he's going to do.

As for the rise of more demagogues in the world we really have no one to blame but ourselves. It's not like we've been sleep walking towards the future, it's more like we're running towards it.

The world is going to go through some fundamental changes over the next generation - changes that will challenge our notions of wealth, economy employment and social community. What's happened to date is pretty tame compared with what's coming and based on our reactions to date, it won't be pretty.

To me Trump is evidence of the fragility of democracy. We're so hard on honest politicians (people like Joe Clark, Preston Manning, Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May) that after a while, few of them bother. Many of the ones who remain are thick skinned egomaniacs and ideologues.

Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while preserving privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.

- Noam Chomsky

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

- Upton Sinclair

To me Trump is evidence of the fragility of democracy. We're so hard on honest politicians (people like Joe Clark, Preston Manning, Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May) that after a while, few of them bother. Many of the ones who remain are thick skinned egomaniacs and ideologues.

Well, to be fair, most Americans don't even know who the hell Stephane Dion is (or care), let alone be so afraid of him or his espoused policies.

Trump has a large, ready made audience, and supporters, even in Canada based on CBC comments to the widespread coverage given to American elections.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



You think that because Sanders used the word 'revolution', he's a Stalinist?

No, that would be both stupid and baseless.........just as stupid and baseless as comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

- advocate banning Muslims from entering the United States

Like Carter did with Iran during the hostage crisis.........or Trudeau excluding young, single Muslim male refugees from Syria.

- advocate increase in torture

What did he advocate? I know he's supported waterboarding and rendition.......but then, so to did the Bush and Clinton administrations, likewise countless administrations, to various degrees, before them even.

- advocate war crimes (attacking the families of people who are accused of terrorism)

How is his position different than Obama's drone strikes, which have attacked funerals, weddings etc?

- calling Mexican immigrants racists and criminals

When did he do that? I know he's said some of the illegal immigrants are criminals and drug smugglers etc......but then, entering the United States illegally would make one a criminal.........none the less, it doesn't appear his remarks have hurt him among Hispanic voters........

- tell his supporters to assault protesters at his rallies

When did he do that?

- various sexist comments to women

When did rudeness equate to being Hitler? Bill Clinton or JFK's actions were far worse........do you consider him/them to be another Attila the Hun?

- he claimed the wives 9/11 hijackers flew back to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks (blatantly untrue; none of the hijackers had wives in the US)

Right, he clearly misspoke......instead, he should have referred to the Bush administration lifting airspace restrictions on 9/11 that allowed Saudi's to leave the country....confusing facts does not make one a "Hitler" though.

His supporters include known white supremacists

So? Obama was supported by known bigots.......doesn't make Obama a "Hitler"......

I don't know anyone who has made any of those comparisons except you.

Ahh this entire subject was started by you, I called such statements into question and suggested they lower discourse.


Ahh this entire subject was started by you, I called such statements into question and suggested they lower discourse.

Oh the irony....Trump is a lying "pig" , but silly comparisons to Hitler are accurate and appropriate, except when applied to other American war criminal(s). Like Elvis, logic left the building a long time ago.

Economics trumps Virtue. 


Posted (edited)

No, that would be both stupid and baseless.........just as stupid and baseless as comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

Ahh this entire subject was started by you, I called such statements into question and suggested they lower discourse.

Are you going to debate honestly or just make shit up? As I said specifically, the similarity between the rise of Trump and the rise of Hitler is in the way they used inflammatory rhetoric to scapegoat minority groups, the public reaction to that rhetoric and the way that commentators (and others like you) are downplaying it. That is not the same as Trump is like Hitler. And it's certainly not like comparing Sanders to Stalin. If you aren't able to appreciate the nuance, I can move on and have more intelligent discussions elsewhere.

Like Carter did with Iran during the hostage crisis.........or Trudeau excluding young, single Muslim male refugees from Syria.

Yes, it would be exactly the same - providing you can provide clips of those two inciting crowds with inflammatory rhetoric. I'm sure you can, right?

What did he advocate? I know he's supported waterboarding and rendition.......but then, so to did the Bush and Clinton administrations, likewise countless administrations, to various degrees, before them even.

What he said is he would go well beyond waterboarding.

Meanwhile, at the same event, Trump pledged to “bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”

He doesn't say what that is - I guess you'll just have to use your imagination. However, John McCain, who has actual experience on the receiving end of torture seems much wiser on the topic.

That Monday, the day before the New Hampshire primary, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — who was tortured as a prisoner during the Vietnam War — said that “waterboarding and other inhumane interrogation techniques” did not prevent further attacks on the country and “compromised our values, stained our national honor, and did little practical good.”

How is his position different than Obama's drone strikes, which have attacked funerals, weddings etc?

And do you have evidence that Obama asked the military to deliberately target the families? If not, your comment is nothing more than a feeble attempt as misdirection.

When did he do that?


When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

When did he do that?

Here. And here.

The real-estate tycoon said he'd like to punch a protester in the face and fondly recalled the "old days" when "guys like that" who disrupted a political rally would "be carried out on a stretcher."

Right, he clearly misspoke......instead, he should have referred to the Bush administration lifting airspace restrictions on 9/11 that allowed Saudi's to leave the country....confusing facts does not make one a "Hitler" though.

Of course, you have a citation on this? I only ask because based on your other comments, you seem remarkably poorly informed on what Trump has actually said.

Edited by ReeferMadness

Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while preserving privilege, a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.

- Noam Chomsky

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

- Upton Sinclair

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